


1. —Is there anything else to discuss?

—______, I guess.

A. Not at allB. No, that’s allC. Yes, I’m sure

D. Yes, of course

2. —Have you paid? What’s my share of the bill?

—______. It wasn’t very much.

A. Don’t worry about itB. It’s my share

C. None of your businessD. It’s up to you

3. — Will you go to London this vacation?

— ______ I have wanted to visit the city for a long time.

A. No problem!B. That’s for sure.C. Why me?D. bother?

4. — I traveled alone in England during the vacation.

— ______ Why didn’t you ask me to go with you?

A. Best wishes!B. Take care.C. You did?You are welcome.

5. — Do you want another piece of cake?

— ______.

A. I don’t think so B. No wayC. Not at all

I wouldn’t say no6. — You’re not angry then?

— ______. I’ve never laughed so much in my life.

A. I’m not sureB. I hope soC. I’d rather

D. Far from it

7. — I’m sorry I didn’t finish the task on time.

— ______! I know you did your best.

A. Of courseB. Look at the timeC. Don’t mention itThat’s all right

8. — Your suitcase seems heavy for you. Need help?

— ______. I can manage.

A. No, thanksB. Yes, I doC. It’s kind of youUp to you

9. — Thank you so much for your help!

— ______.

A. By no meansB. It’s kind of you to say so

Why D. D. notD. 1D.

C. Oh, it was nothingD. You can’t be serious

10. — Can you lend me $100?

— ______. I’m short of money myself.

A. Here you are

Forget it

11. — Flight CA185 is being announced. I must be off now.

— ______! Have a nice trip!

A. Hurry upB. So longC. How time fliesD. Walk slowly B. Help yourselfC. No problemD.

12. — Could you look through this composition to see if there are any mistakes, Mr. Zhang?

— ______.

A. It’s my pleasure

That’s OK

13. — When shall we meet, 6:00 or 6:30?

— ______. Either time will do for me.

A. Make it another timeB. Up to you B. Yes, pleaseC. With pleasureD.

C. I’m afraid notD. It couldn’t be better

14. — How do you find the film Aftershock?

— ______. It is worth seeing twice.

A. It couldn’t be betterB. A friend of mine gave me a ticket

C. It’s not my cup of teaD. I downloaded it from the Internet

15. — I doubt if she can meet the deadline.

— ______. She has never let us down.

A. No wonderB. Of courseC. That’s settled


16. — Can I go to the movie with you, Dad?

— ______ You have to do your homework.

A. Sure, go ahead.

Will you?

17. — How about going fishing tomorrow?

— ______. But I have promised my daughter that I will take her to the park.

A. I’d love to

It’s a pity

18. — Did you like your stay there?

— ______. It was too hot and there was too much traffic.

A. Not reallyB. Not a littleC. Not likelyD.

D. Don’t B. I’m afraid not.C. I hope so.D. B. Take your timeC. Don’t mention itD. Wonderful


19. — Would you like another piece of cake?

— Thank you, ______ I’m on a diet.

A. but why not? B. and I’ll take it.

and I suppose so.

20. — What about asking Mr. Turner for advice?

— Why not? ______.

A. Better late than neverB. Once bitten, twice shy C. but I’d rather not.D.

C. Great minds think alikeD. Two heads are better than one

21. — The hospital is on Culture Road. You can take Bus No.8 to get there.— ______. Thank you.

A. Heard it

Known it 22. — Mr. Brown has made up his mind to resign.

— ______, it’s no use trying to persuade him.

A. OtherwiseB. If so

23. — Did you forget about the exam?

— ______ I’ve been preparing for it since last month.

A. What then?

For sure.

24. — How could you be so careless as to forget to turn off the lights?— ______.

A. Never again

Never mind

25. —Look, here comes your dream girl. Invite her to dance.

—______ What if she refuses me?(2012重庆)

A. I don’t know.B. Why me?C. With pleasure.what?

26. —I’m too tired to go any further.

—______! I believe you can make it.

A. No wayB. No doubtC. NonsenseD. Come on D. So B. Nothing seriousC. Nothing muchD. B. I’m afraid so.C. How could I?D. C. But for thatD. If not B. Made itC. Got itD.

27. — How about going for a picnic this weekend?

— ______. We need to relax after working for a week.

A. Sounds great

Not surprisingly

28. — How do you find the concert last night?

— ______. But the stage design looked interesting.

B. Never mindC. With pleasureD.A. I couldn’t agree moreB. I don’t think much of it

C. Oh, wonderful indeedD. A friend gave me a ticket

29. — You dislike rock music, don’t you?

— ______. I just think it’s a bit noisy and that’s all.

A. It dependsI’m with you on that

30. — I will go for a job interview tomorrow.

— ______!

A. Cheer upB. Good luckC. Well doneD. Congratulations


1-5 BABCD6-10 DDACD11-15 BCBAD

16-20 BAACD21-25 CBCAA26-30 DABBB

1. B。句意:——还有什么要讨论的吗?——没有,我想就这些。Not at all“一点也不”不合语境。

2. A。根据语境可知,答话者已经付了钱,并让对方不要担心,因为账单并没有多少。Don’t worry about it不用担心;It’s my share这是我的那份;None of your business不关你的事;It’s up to you这取决于你。

3. B。根据语境可知我很久就想参观这座城市,因此这个假期一定会去。That’s for sure那是肯定的;No problem! 没问题,没关系;Why me?为什么是我?Why bother?不必麻烦。

4. C。根据句意可知,答话者不知对方在英国旅游这件事,因此用You did?表示惊讶。

5. D。句意:——你还想再吃一块蛋糕吗?——好哇。I wouldn’t say no 表示想要或接受某事物;I don’t think so我不这么认为(常用于表达观点);No way决不;Not at all一点也不。B、C项不符合英语口语习惯。

6. D。far from it当然不;一点也不;几乎相反。句意:——这么说你是不生气了?——当然不生气。我一生中还从没那样笑过。

7. D。根据I know you did your best可知A和B均不对, Don’t mention it不客气;That’s all right用来回答别人歉意时的常用语,意为“没关系”。

8. A。对于对方的善意的帮助,虽然表示拒绝,但也要表示谢意,故选A。

9. C。It was nothing 这没什么(可用于回应对方的感谢);By no means绝不;It’s very kind of you to say so你这样说真是太好了;You can’t be serious你不会是认真的吧?

10. D。根据语境信息I’m short of money myself.(我自己正缺钱呢)可推知拒绝了对方的请求,Forget it在此句中意为“休想”,与语境吻合。Forget it还可表示“没关系”(用于回答对方的道歉用语)。Here you are给你;Help yourself自己拿吧,请随意;No problem没问题。

11. B。根据语境可知,答语是向某人告别。So long意为“再见”。

12. C。根据语境,对对方的请求表示乐意帮忙,故选C。With pleasure乐意效劳;It’s my B. Not exactlyC. So I amD.pleasure不客气;That’s OK没关系;还可以。

13. B。由Either time will do for me.(我什么时间都行)可知“由你来定吧!”故此题选B。A和C与后面的句子相矛盾;It couldn’t be better再好不过了。

14. A。根据提供信息It is worth seeing twice可知这部电影很不错,故选A。B和D与问题不符;It’s not my cup of tea它不是我喜欢的类型,与后面的句子相矛盾。

15. D。根据句中提供信息She has never let us down.(她从未让我们失望过)可知让对方不要担心,故选D。

16. B。根据句中提供信息You have to do your homework可知拒绝了孩子的要求,故选B。

17. A。答语句意:我很愿意去,但我已经答应女儿将会带她去公园。因此A项正确。Take your time慢慢来,不要慌;Don’t mention it不客气;It’s a pity真遗憾。

18. A。根据语境信息可推知答话者并不喜欢在那儿, Not really实际上并不是。Not a little非常;Not likely不太可能。

19. C。根据提供信息I’m on a diet.(我在节食)可知拒绝了对方的好意,故选C。

20. D。Better late than never晚做总比不做好;Once bitten, twice shy一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳;Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同;Two heads are better than one两人智慧胜一人;三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。D项符合句意。

21. C。根据语境可知,对于对方说的话理解了,因此用Got it, 是I’ve got it的省略。A和D项均不符合英语表达习惯;Made it成功。

22. B。答语的含义为:如果布朗已经决定辞职,再去劝说也就没有什么用了。if so意为“如果是这样的话”。

23. C。根据答语内容可知,答话者并没有忘记考试。因此选C。How could I?补全为How could I forget about the exam? 意为:我怎么会呢?What then?下一步怎么办? I’m afraid so恐怕是这样;For sure确实如此。

24. A。上文说“你怎么能这么粗心,以至于忘记关灯了?” 下文应该表示歉意,用never again“再也不会出现这种情况了”。 Nothing serious没什么要紧的;Nothing much没有什么; Never mind没关系,不用担心。

25. A。根据What if she refuses me可知,答话者不完全同意对方的建议或想法。

26. D。根据语境中提供信息“我相信你能行的”,可知给对方加油,come on在句中意为“加油,加把劲”,以鼓励某人做某事, 尤指促其加速、努力或试一试。

27. A。根据提供信息“工作一周后我们该放松一下了”可知对所提的提议表示赞同,Sounds great听起来不错,对提议表示认同和赞许。Never mind没关系;With pleasure乐意效劳;Not surprisingly 不足为奇。

28. B。由but 转折可知,对昨晚的音乐会看法并不是很好,I don’t think much of it意为“我认为并不很好/并不怎么样”。A和C项和后面的句子相矛盾;D项不能回答所问问题。

29. B。由just一词可看出并不是不喜欢摇滚乐,故对方的说法并不准确。Not exactly意为“不准确,不完全是”,故选B。

30. B。Cheer up振作起来;Good luck祝你好运;Well done好棒,干得好;Congratulations


白 雪 公 主


Scene 1: It is a cold winter day. A baby, her name is snow white, she is very beautiful. Everybody loves her, the animals love her too. The queen loves her, but the queen dies.

Scene 2: A new queen comes. She is beautiful, but bad. Snow white is beautiful. En, no, I am beautiful. The magic mirror. Mirror, mirror, who is beautiful? Not you, snow white. No, no, no. kill snow white. Snow white is taken far away.

Scene 3: Help me, help me, please. Alright! Go, snow white. The animals take snow white to a little house. She goes inside. There’re seven little chairs. She is very hungry.

Scene 4: The seven dwarfs come home. Who sat here? Who ate this?

Who drank this? Who is sleeping here? Snow white is sleeping. Look, she is sleeping. She is beautiful. Shh, let her sleep.

Scene 5: Gugugu… It is morning. Hello, why are you here? What’s your name? she tells her story. What an evil queen! I’ll help you, me too, me too. Stay with us. Yes, yes!

Scene 6: She stays with the seven dwarfs. This is good. Oh, what a fun, what a fun, Let’s clean up. Bring the plates. Wash them, white them, put them away. Let’s go, snow white, be careful! The magic mirror, mirror, mirror, who is beautiful? Not, you. Snow white. What?! I’ll kill her. Snow white waits at home.

Scene 7: Apples, apples, buys some apples, buy some apples, they are delicious. She ate the poisonous apple. Hahahaha… now I am the most beautiful.

Scene 8: They come home again. What happened ? Wake up, wake up.

Mirror, mirror, now who is beautiful? You! hahahah… poor snow white, goodbye snow white .

Scene 9: Jia, the princess comes. Have dinner with us. Please help snow white. They take him to snow white. She is very beautiful. I want to marry her. But you can’t. she is dead.

Scene 10: He prays. The poisonous apple comes out. What happened? hello!everybody is happy. Marry me, snow white. Mirror, mirror, who is beautiful? Not you, snow white. No, no! peng! The mirror breaks. Goodbye, thank you. Thank you . They live happily ever after.


1. It is a (hot/cold /cool….. summer/winter/autumn) day. 这是一个…..的天气。

2. Her name is…..介绍他人的名字。Her name is lily. 她叫莉莉。 3. A (new queen) comes. 表示谁来了。我的朋友来了:my friend comes.

4. She is beautiful, but bad. 形容一个人长得很漂亮,但心灵很丑陋。

5. Help me, help me, please, please. 请求别人的帮助,求饶。 6. (She is) very hungry. 她非常地饥饿。小猫咪很饿了:The cat is very hungry.

7. (the seven dwarfs ) come home . ….回家了。爸爸妈妈回家了:daddy and mummy come home.

8. Who sat here? Who ate this? Who drank this? Who is sleeping here? 谁坐过这里?吃了这个? 睡在这里?

9. It is morning. 现在是早上了。现在是中午了:it is afternoon. 现在是晚上了:it is evening.

10.what an evil queen! 表示一个人很可恶。好可恶的大火狼:what an evil wolf!

11. Let’s clean up. Bring the plates. Wash them, white them, put

them away. 在家帮助妈妈打扫卫生时可以用哦!

12.Be careful ! 小心!当心!过马路时,做一些危险动作时妈妈可以跟小朋友说。

13. They are delicious ! 形容食物非常地美味。

14. What happened? 问别人发生什么事的时候可以用哦! 15. Wake up, wake up. 爸爸妈妈叫小朋友起床可以用哦! 16. Poor snow white, goodbye snow white. 可怜的公主,再见了! 一个可怜的人或宠物走时,我们可以对他说的话。

17. Not you. (Snow white.) 不是你,是白雪公主. 形容一件事情不是你做的,是另一个人做的可以用这个句型。

18. Have dinner with us. 叫别人跟我们一起吃饭时可以用哦! 19. He prays. 祷告时可以用哦!


现行中山的英语教材《Friends with English》要求小学




颜色单词“green”、“brown”分别是“绿色”、“棕色”的意思,而大写“Green”、“Brown”则是姓氏“格林”、“布朗”的意思。我还指导学生每见到一个单词,从词性、近义词、反义词、相关词组等方面找一找与其有联系的词或句。这样不但拓展了词义,更重要的是增加了学单词、背单词的兴趣。如,go “去”这个单词,是动词。反义词是come.相关的词组常用的有:go home, go to school, go to bed, go to sleep,go on,etc.词组增加了单词的内涵,增加了语言表达的生动性。如何才能把词、词组正确且恰到好处地运用到句子中呢?


许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。甚至有的学生将汉语句子逐一对照译成英语单词,拼凑成句子。如,句子:上个星期天,我爸爸坐船去了上海。译文成了:Last Sunday,I father sit ship go to Shanghai. 令人啼笑皆非。究其原因是学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”。而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。词——词组——句子,这三点由于时态和语态,而不能成为一线。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词——单数名词——复数名词——规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化

(2)不可数名词:water,furniture, advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep, deer, fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair, wood, paper, rain, sand .动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累,才能在实际运用中应用地恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。










1. —Is there anything else to discuss?

—______, I guess.

A. Not at allB. No, that’s allC. Yes, I’m sure

D. Yes, of course

2. —Have you paid? What’s my share of the bill?

—______. It wasn’t very much.

A. Don’t worry about itB. It’s my share

C. None of your businessD. It’s up to you

3. — Will you go to London this vacation?

— ______ I have wanted to visit the city for a long time.

A. No problem!B. That’s for sure.C. Why me?D. bother?

4. — I traveled alone in England during the vacation.

— ______ Why didn’t you ask me to go with you?

A. Best wishes!B. Take care.C. You did?You are welcome.

5. — Do you want another piece of cake?

— ______.

A. I don’t think so B. No wayC. Not at all

I wouldn’t say no6. — You’re not angry then?

— ______. I’ve never laughed so much in my life.

A. I’m not sureB. I hope soC. I’d rather

D. Far from it

7. — I’m sorry I didn’t finish the task on time.

— ______! I know you did your best.

A. Of courseB. Look at the timeC. Don’t mention itThat’s all right

8. — Your suitcase seems heavy for you. Need help?

— ______. I can manage.

A. No, thanksB. Yes, I doC. It’s kind of youUp to you

9. — Thank you so much for your help!

— ______.

A. By no meansB. It’s kind of you to say so

Why D. D. notD. 1D.

C. Oh, it was nothingD. You can’t be serious

10. — Can you lend me $100?

— ______. I’m short of money myself.

A. Here you are

Forget it

11. — Flight CA185 is being announced. I must be off now.

— ______! Have a nice trip!

A. Hurry upB. So longC. How time fliesD. Walk slowly B. Help yourselfC. No problemD.

12. — Could you look through this composition to see if there are any mistakes, Mr. Zhang?

— ______.

A. It’s my pleasure

That’s OK

13. — When shall we meet, 6:00 or 6:30?

— ______. Either time will do for me.

A. Make it another timeB. Up to you B. Yes, pleaseC. With pleasureD.

C. I’m afraid notD. It couldn’t be better

14. — How do you find the film Aftershock?

— ______. It is worth seeing twice.

A. It couldn’t be betterB. A friend of mine gave me a ticket

C. It’s not my cup of teaD. I downloaded it from the Internet

15. — I doubt if she can meet the deadline.

— ______. She has never let us down.

A. No wonderB. Of courseC. That’s settled


16. — Can I go to the movie with you, Dad?

— ______ You have to do your homework.

A. Sure, go ahead.

Will you?

17. — How about going fishing tomorrow?

— ______. But I have promised my daughter that I will take her to the park.

A. I’d love to

It’s a pity

18. — Did you like your stay there?

— ______. It was too hot and there was too much traffic.

A. Not reallyB. Not a littleC. Not likelyD.

D. Don’t B. I’m afraid not.C. I hope so.D. B. Take your timeC. Don’t mention itD. Wonderful


19. — Would you like another piece of cake?

— Thank you, ______ I’m on a diet.

A. but why not? B. and I’ll take it.

and I suppose so.

20. — What about asking Mr. Turner for advice?

— Why not? ______.

A. Better late than neverB. Once bitten, twice shy C. but I’d rather not.D.

C. Great minds think alikeD. Two heads are better than one

21. — The hospital is on Culture Road. You can take Bus No.8 to get there.— ______. Thank you.

A. Heard it

Known it 22. — Mr. Brown has made up his mind to resign.

— ______, it’s no use trying to persuade him.

A. OtherwiseB. If so

23. — Did you forget about the exam?

— ______ I’ve been preparing for it since last month.

A. What then?

For sure.

24. — How could you be so careless as to forget to turn off the lights?— ______.

A. Never again

Never mind

25. —Look, here comes your dream girl. Invite her to dance.

—______ What if she refuses me?(2012重庆)

A. I don’t know.B. Why me?C. With pleasure.what?

26. —I’m too tired to go any further.

—______! I believe you can make it.

A. No wayB. No doubtC. NonsenseD. Come on D. So B. Nothing seriousC. Nothing muchD. B. I’m afraid so.C. How could I?D. C. But for thatD. If not B. Made itC. Got itD.

27. — How about going for a picnic this weekend?

— ______. We need to relax after working for a week.

A. Sounds great

Not surprisingly

28. — How do you find the concert last night?

— ______. But the stage design looked interesting.

B. Never mindC. With pleasureD.A. I couldn’t agree moreB. I don’t think much of it

C. Oh, wonderful indeedD. A friend gave me a ticket

29. — You dislike rock music, don’t you?

— ______. I just think it’s a bit noisy and that’s all.

A. It dependsI’m with you on that

30. — I will go for a job interview tomorrow.

— ______!

A. Cheer upB. Good luckC. Well doneD. Congratulations


1-5 BABCD6-10 DDACD11-15 BCBAD

16-20 BAACD21-25 CBCAA26-30 DABBB

1. B。句意:——还有什么要讨论的吗?——没有,我想就这些。Not at all“一点也不”不合语境。

2. A。根据语境可知,答话者已经付了钱,并让对方不要担心,因为账单并没有多少。Don’t worry about it不用担心;It’s my share这是我的那份;None of your business不关你的事;It’s up to you这取决于你。

3. B。根据语境可知我很久就想参观这座城市,因此这个假期一定会去。That’s for sure那是肯定的;No problem! 没问题,没关系;Why me?为什么是我?Why bother?不必麻烦。

4. C。根据句意可知,答话者不知对方在英国旅游这件事,因此用You did?表示惊讶。

5. D。句意:——你还想再吃一块蛋糕吗?——好哇。I wouldn’t say no 表示想要或接受某事物;I don’t think so我不这么认为(常用于表达观点);No way决不;Not at all一点也不。B、C项不符合英语口语习惯。

6. D。far from it当然不;一点也不;几乎相反。句意:——这么说你是不生气了?——当然不生气。我一生中还从没那样笑过。

7. D。根据I know you did your best可知A和B均不对, Don’t mention it不客气;That’s all right用来回答别人歉意时的常用语,意为“没关系”。

8. A。对于对方的善意的帮助,虽然表示拒绝,但也要表示谢意,故选A。

9. C。It was nothing 这没什么(可用于回应对方的感谢);By no means绝不;It’s very kind of you to say so你这样说真是太好了;You can’t be serious你不会是认真的吧?

10. D。根据语境信息I’m short of money myself.(我自己正缺钱呢)可推知拒绝了对方的请求,Forget it在此句中意为“休想”,与语境吻合。Forget it还可表示“没关系”(用于回答对方的道歉用语)。Here you are给你;Help yourself自己拿吧,请随意;No problem没问题。

11. B。根据语境可知,答语是向某人告别。So long意为“再见”。

12. C。根据语境,对对方的请求表示乐意帮忙,故选C。With pleasure乐意效劳;It’s my B. Not exactlyC. So I amD.pleasure不客气;That’s OK没关系;还可以。

13. B。由Either time will do for me.(我什么时间都行)可知“由你来定吧!”故此题选B。A和C与后面的句子相矛盾;It couldn’t be better再好不过了。

14. A。根据提供信息It is worth seeing twice可知这部电影很不错,故选A。B和D与问题不符;It’s not my cup of tea它不是我喜欢的类型,与后面的句子相矛盾。

15. D。根据句中提供信息She has never let us down.(她从未让我们失望过)可知让对方不要担心,故选D。

16. B。根据句中提供信息You have to do your homework可知拒绝了孩子的要求,故选B。

17. A。答语句意:我很愿意去,但我已经答应女儿将会带她去公园。因此A项正确。Take your time慢慢来,不要慌;Don’t mention it不客气;It’s a pity真遗憾。

18. A。根据语境信息可推知答话者并不喜欢在那儿, Not really实际上并不是。Not a little非常;Not likely不太可能。

19. C。根据提供信息I’m on a diet.(我在节食)可知拒绝了对方的好意,故选C。

20. D。Better late than never晚做总比不做好;Once bitten, twice shy一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳;Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同;Two heads are better than one两人智慧胜一人;三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。D项符合句意。

21. C。根据语境可知,对于对方说的话理解了,因此用Got it, 是I’ve got it的省略。A和D项均不符合英语表达习惯;Made it成功。

22. B。答语的含义为:如果布朗已经决定辞职,再去劝说也就没有什么用了。if so意为“如果是这样的话”。

23. C。根据答语内容可知,答话者并没有忘记考试。因此选C。How could I?补全为How could I forget about the exam? 意为:我怎么会呢?What then?下一步怎么办? I’m afraid so恐怕是这样;For sure确实如此。

24. A。上文说“你怎么能这么粗心,以至于忘记关灯了?” 下文应该表示歉意,用never again“再也不会出现这种情况了”。 Nothing serious没什么要紧的;Nothing much没有什么; Never mind没关系,不用担心。

25. A。根据What if she refuses me可知,答话者不完全同意对方的建议或想法。

26. D。根据语境中提供信息“我相信你能行的”,可知给对方加油,come on在句中意为“加油,加把劲”,以鼓励某人做某事, 尤指促其加速、努力或试一试。

27. A。根据提供信息“工作一周后我们该放松一下了”可知对所提的提议表示赞同,Sounds great听起来不错,对提议表示认同和赞许。Never mind没关系;With pleasure乐意效劳;Not surprisingly 不足为奇。

28. B。由but 转折可知,对昨晚的音乐会看法并不是很好,I don’t think much of it意为“我认为并不很好/并不怎么样”。A和C项和后面的句子相矛盾;D项不能回答所问问题。

29. B。由just一词可看出并不是不喜欢摇滚乐,故对方的说法并不准确。Not exactly意为“不准确,不完全是”,故选B。

30. B。Cheer up振作起来;Good luck祝你好运;Well done好棒,干得好;Congratulations







◆ ◆新郎父母祝酒辞




















◆ ◆新郎父母祝酒辞













