






(二) “提示式”。即除了题目和要求外还有提示语或引语。如中考作文试题 : 春雨蒙蒙万物苏醒大地写满诗意夏雨初歇池蛙欢唱纸船处处飘荡秋雨点点敲打残荷声声落进心里冬雨无声苍白大地渴望张开眼睛。




要求:①文体自选②不少于600字写成诗歌不少于20行③文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 1.展示文题

生活中总有值得我们铭记的日子,正是‚这一天‛让我们的生命更加丰富。‚这一天‛,可能是从清晨到日暮都那么不同寻常,也可能是某一个时刻让‚这一天‛变得不同凡响。 请以‚记住这一天‛为题,写一篇600字左右的记叙文。 2.合作交流 3.教师点拨:


(2)审读题目: ‚记住这一天‛:‚ 记住‛:让人铭记,值得铭记。‚这一天‛显能是不平常的一天,对自己有重大意义,深刻印象的‚这一天‛,也许是自己的成长过程中难忘的?也许是家庭的变化的?也许是社会的发展的?无论是一天的活动,还是某一时刻的事都可入题。写出为什么值得记住,以至如何记住都属扣题。重要是从貌似普通和平凡的日子里,从一件寻常的事情中,看出‚不同凡响‛的意义来。


4.范文赏读:真实、生动、细腻、感人。读了文章后让人有一种流泪的冲动。只觉得有种情感在汩汩地往外冒!是的,是被作者的情感打动了。这种情感来自作者对母亲的深情,来自深刻的切入肌肤的体验,来自细腻的描绘。没有矫情,没有虚饰,有的只是真切的强烈的情感共鸣。特色:情真感实,内容丰富。 5.病文诊断: 【误区点击】本文虽然篇幅不大,却包含了丰富的内容,不过,该文最后被判为三类文,其主要原因在于,题目是‚记住这一天‛,但是考生写了许多‚这一天‛,给人游离题目之感,不能很好地表达中心思想。


1. 内容包括:

年龄 出生地/时间(be born in / on)居住地址 (live at)

就读学校(study at) 兴趣或爱好(like/enjoy doing/ be interest in doing/ be keen on

like … best/ His favourite is…)

擅长 (be good at / do well in) 理想…(want to be … grow up / His wish is to be….)

2.时态:例文:Gubing is a student. He Shenzhen No 6 Middle School. His English name is TonythHe very football and He loves listening to the songs by Westlife. He always says to himself “No pains, no gains”.

二、 叙事类: 如看图说话、写日记、记一次春游活动等

1.内容:2.时态: 例文:rain and umbrella. Then him. It was Peter, one of his classmates. He Tom to share his umbrella with him. 例文---日记

Sunday, November 2Fine

It was fine today. Charlie and I to visit Shenzhen Museum. It is about 5 kilometers away from my in the morning. At the museum many historical photos and other things. We parents and students lunch in KFC nearby. At 4:00 in the afternoon, we went back home.

We had a wonderful day today.







3、每天在Downtown Middle School 跟英国老师学习英语,很累,但是英语口语提






Dear dad and mum:


Now I am living with my host, the Smiths. The family has four members, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their twin sons. They drive me to visit many places of interest in London at weekends.I’m learning English in Downtown Middle School every day. I am very busy and my spoken English is being improved very fast. I feel happy because I’ve learned a lot about English culture.

I miss you very much.


Han Lei



1。冲凉时间短些2。不要水龙头一直开着。5-10分钟足够3。不要污染水。 结束句:如果我们这样做,我们就有淡水很长时间。

Water is important to us. If there is no water, all the living things will die. Now, the water is getting less and less. So we should do something to save water. First, we should take shorter showers. Five or ten minutes is enough. Second, don’t leave the tap running. Third, don’t pollute the rivers.



1. With __________________ (一切打包好了), the soldiers who withdrew from the front couldn’t wait to get home in no time. (pack) 2. Only by shouting __________________ (他才能) make himself heard by people on the other side of the river. (able) 3. What he mentions is __________________ (与„无关) what he is up to at the moment. (do) 4. Although she was not the group leader, she insisted that __________________ (自己来安排) the trip properly. (organize) 5. It is the first time that I __________________ (参观) the Summer Palace. (pay) 6. It is not easy for a Chinese to __________________ (像„一样流利地说英语) as a native speaker. (fluently) 7. I am advised __________________ (利用) my spare time to practise playing the guitar. (make) 8. __________________ (以„为基础) what happened to him many years ago, it reads like a real-life story. (base) 9. __________________ (因为) his carelessness that we are suffering a great loss. (because) 10. I have been dreaming of climbing that mountain, __________________ (山顶上耸立着) an old temple. (stand)

第 1页

共 3页


假如你校要举办一次主题为“How to communicate with friends”的英语演讲比赛,请你用英语写一篇演讲稿。要点如下:

1.尊重并信任朋友; 2.常与朋友聊天; 3.换位思考问题。 注意:



3.参考词汇:换位思考 put oneself in sb’s shoes

第 2页

共 3页

第 3页





1. In summer, you should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes _______ strong sunlight when you are outdoors.

2. I am twenty years senior _______ my students.

3. We can’t compete _______ other countries in trade if we don’t develop our national economy.

4. Our school advertises on the Internet _______ some outstanding graduates as new teachers.

5. No one could persuade me _______ accepting his conditions attached to the contract.

6. The fresh air in the open air cured him _______ his headache.

7. _______ hearing the proposal, an official from NASA claimed that the idea of space travel would be possible some day.

8. The audience were deeply impressed _______ the actors’ wonderful performance.

9. May all of you pass the driving test _______ the first attempt.

10. Western countries appealed to Russia _______ a political solution in Ukraine.



1. Walking and climbing stairs are beneficial (有益的) to our health.

Walking and climbing stairs are of _______ _______ our health.

2. He looked up the meaning of the new word in the Chinese-English dictionary.

He _______ the Chinese-English dictionary _______ the meaning of the new word.

3. The proposals they put forward at the meeting is very significant.

The proposals they put forward at the meeting is _______ _______ _______.

4. He is confident of passing the driving test after a period of practice.

He has _______ _______ passing the driving test after a period of practice.

5. The salesman was fired as he was accused of cheating customers.

The salesman was ______ with cheating customers, _______ he was fired.



1. We _______ the students _______ _______ _______ the shy children on April Fools’ Day.我们力劝同学们愚人节那天不要愚弄害羞的孩子。

2. The students are having a heated discussion about _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______, the happier you are.


3. It’s _______ _______ that we _______ _______ to solve the problem of the safety of the Internet.该是我们采取措施解决网络安全问题的时候了。

4. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ diabetes (糖尿病) at present.


5. _______ _______ _______ _______ her daughter made, she would support her.




1. The head teacher told us that most of his students _______ born in the 21th century.

A. had beenB. wereC. areD. have been

2.Your parents were really anxious for you. You _______ home without a word.

A. mustn’t have leftB. shouldn’t have leftC. couldn’t have leftD. needn’t have left

3. — Does Bendy take the subway?

— He should, but he _______ not. He likes walking home, as he regards it as a chance to take exercise.

A. mustB. canC. needD. may

4. There is somebody knocking at the door. _______ it be Jim?

A. NeedB. MustC. CanD. Shall

5. — I don’t think the police know who stole the car?

— Well, surprisingly they do. A suspect (嫌疑犯) has been arrested and _______ now.

A. has been questioned B. is being questionedC. is questioningD. has questioned

6. The flight MH370 _______ missing, which made all the Chinese worried.

A. was announcedB. is being announcedC. has announcedD. is announced



1. I asked him, “Have you found the real cause of the accident?”

I asked him _______ he _______ _______ the real cause of the accident.

2. “Always follow your heart when choosing your major (专业),” my teacher said to me.

My teacher _______ me always _______ _______ my heart when choosing _______ major.

3. The geography teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”

The geography teacher said _______ the earth _______ round the sun.

4. He said, “Mary, I passed the College Entrance Examination and was admitted to Zhejiang University.”

He _______ _______ that he _______ _______ the College Entrance Examination and _______ _______ admitted to Zhejiang University.

5. The boy said to me, “Never tell lies to my face.”

The boy _______ me _______ _______ tell lies to _______ face.参考答案:

一、1. from / against 2. to 3. against / with 4. for 5. into 6. of 7. Upon / On 8. by / with 9. at 10. for

二、1. benefit to 2. consulted; about 3. of great significance 4. confidence in 5. charged; so

三、1. urged; not to fool 2. whether the more money you have 3. high time; took measures

4. There is no cure for 5. No matter what decision

四、1-6 BBDCBA

五、1. if / whether; had found 2. told / asked; to follow; my 3. that; goes


SERVICE 组长:刘向东员:



潘睿轩 李彬



In October, a harvest season, the two logistics companies came into being. A:Thank you ,Thank you . harvest logistics companies hope you to care for. We have good staff, good network, and even forklifts are the most expensive, in short, you are right select us. B:Welcome to join in, run fast logistics company are based on faith, customer oriented objectives. We must provide satisfactory service for everyone. A B:Thank you, thank you! C:Hello, harvest logistics company,can I help you? F:I want to Post a book to my friends, can you send it in a month? C:No problem, our service has been first class. F:Yes, thank you . C:you are welcome. C:Mercedes-Benz, come here, these things delivered on time。 D:OK D:What is this ? I open to see, ah? the third eye seeing the world?I have to delivery these firstly. F:why deliver so late? D:Sorry !Bin Bao high-speed crash. F:How broken my book? D:Sorry , may the car have rats.

F:What? Mouse? D:Yes, the mouse F:I have a complaint D:Whatever you F: harvest logistics business? C:Yes, what can I help you ? F:I asked you to sent in one week ,but you late, the goods also bad, I ask you to compensation C:Sorry, our price is the lowest, our service is the best in the same logistics company. So we can not compensate you F:I do not cooperation with this company any longer. E:Hello, logistics companies to run fast, what can I help you? F:I want to Post a book to my friends, you can send it in a week? E:No problem F:OK !Good bye! E:Land Rover, come here, this thing have to deliver infour days . H:OK! H:Hello, I am run fast logistics company, your Package! F:So quickly? H:Yes, hope to continue cooperation F:OK A year later, a large harvest of bankruptcy, and harvest a logistics


Useful phrases:

流向大海flow to the sea

流进小溪与河流run into streams and rivers

从海上升向天空rise from the sea to the sky

以雨的方式从云中落下fall from the clouds as rain

倾泻pour into

关上turn off

浪费水waste water

Chapter One:


看起来不高兴look unhappy:

根据,依照: according to

打扫干净clean up:

首先,起初in the first place= in the beginning:

最后,终于: in the end

在中间: in the middle

有价值的: valuable=be of great value

上上下下: up and down

降落进一条小溪drop into a stream

带到一个水库carry …to a reservoir

放松了几天relax for a few days


去一个污水处理厂go to a sewage plant

用水泵抽进河里pump.. into the river

又回到海里go back into the sea again

等一会wait a minute

摇头shake one’s head

点头nod one’s head


1 不久以后soon after

2 想出版一份报纸want to publish a newspaper

3 开个会.hold a meeting

4 决定做某事decide to do sth.

5 投某人的票vote for sb

6 选某人当主编elect sb. to be /as the chief editor

7 负责,主持(三个) take charge of= be in charge of=be responsible for 8 应该做某事ought to do sth.

9 征求建议ask for suggestions

10 记笔记take notes

11报纸的不同版面different sections of a paper

12 讨论talk … over

13 列张清单make a list of …

14 对…免费be free to …

15 付款pay for …

16 考虑某事consider sth

17 稍长一点儿a bit longer

18 做个决定make a decision

= decide to do sth.

= make up one’s mind to do sth

19 同意做某事agree to do sth

20 结束会议conclude a meeting

21 安排做某事arrange to do sth

22 一周后in one week’s time = in a week


1保护无辜protect the innocent

2写一篇关于侦探的文章write an article on detectives3从事work as

4找出凶手find the guilty

5一个最近的案例a recent case

6喜欢收集东西enjoy collecting things

7给某人看某物show sth to sb

8锁在保险箱里lock it in the safe

9质问question sb

10做某事deny doing sth.

11到某人正在做某时notice sb. doing sth=see sb doing sth12一样/和…不同the same … as / be different from

13需要证据need proof



16最后 ,终于/

17在… 末端

18从某人处偷某物steal sth from sb

19破门而入break into

20最后,终于/in the end=finally=at last

21在… 末端at the end of

22承认做了某事admit doing sth

23买了…的保险buy insurance for…

24去坐牢go to jail=go to the prison

25坐牢be behind bars=be in jail, be in prison

26报案report the theft

Chapter4 Sum up the phrases

1.用……做 1.use sth. for doing sth.=use sth. to do sth.

2.输入信息 2.type in information

3.控制计算机 3control the computer

4.帮某人做某事 4.help sb. do sth.

5.隐形的助手 5.hidden helpers

6.几乎不 6.hardly ever

7.未意识到 7. be unaware of

8.似乎 8.seem to be

9.给错误答案 9.give wrong answers

10.依赖于 10. be dependent on = depend on

11.更重要的是 11. more importantly

12.此刻现在 12.at the moment

13.电子大脑 13.electronic brains

14.暂时,目前 14.for the time being

15.提出问题 15. raise questions

16.你自己的 16. of your own

17.能够做 17.be able to do sth.

18.无事可做 18.have nothing to do

19.将来 19. in the future

20.按某人的意20.in one’s opinion 见

Chapter5 News words & phrases

1.run a competition组织竞赛

2.rush down the stairs跑下楼


4.Troy/ Trojan特洛伊城/特洛伊人

5.the empty plain空的平原

6.capture/ take control of攻占

7.wooden horse木马

8.the main gates大门

9.pull … into拉进来

10.drag … into拖进来


12.make jokes about/at开……的玩笑

13.go to sleep去睡觉


15.except for除了

16.to be sure确保


18.drag … away拖走

19.by fighting通过战争

20.succeed in doing sth成功做了……


1.立刻 in no time

2.四处周游 travel widely

3.起居室 sitting room

4.每年一次 once a year

5.开始出售 begin selling

6.根据 according to

7.收到投诉 receive a complaint

8.安静地坐着 sit quietly

9.前往 leave for

10.开店 open a shop

11.谋生 make a living

12.产卵 lay eggs

13.乐于做某事 take pleasure in doing sth.

14.卖光 sell out of

15.对…满意 be satisfied with

16.事实上 in fact

17.听到某人做某事hear sb. do sth

18.相当幸运extremely fortunate

19.密切关注watch closely

20.现存的最漂亮的生物the most beautiful creature alive


1传统职业 traditional jobs

2有关…的未来 about the future of

3 这个工种 this type of work

4. 潜入水中 dive into the water

5. 从鸟嘴里取走鱼 remove the fish from the birds’ mouths

6. 坐在河边 sit on the side of the river

7. 头上有一只鸟 with a bird on the head

8. 足够强壮做… strong enough to do sth.

9. 掌控他的木筏 control his raft

10.大约一米长 about one metre long

11.擅长做某事 be good at doing sth

12.捕鱼 catch fish

13.快速钻入水里 push quickly through the water

14.鱼网和钓鱼竿 nets and a fishing rod

15.出发 set off

16.扔进大篮子里 throw into a big basket

17.其余的 the rest of

18.对…感兴趣 be interested in

19.中国传统技术 traditional Chinese skills

20.不再 no longer

21.能使某人做某事 enable sb to do sth
