



Dinosaurs live outside the lake. Fish live inside the lake. Big fish and little fish are in the lake. Red fish! Yellow fish! Gray fish! Green plants! All are in the lake. Dinosaur bends down to eat the grass. Yellow fish jumps up to eat a bug. Red fish swims in the lake. Yellow fish swims in the lake. Red fish wants to eat. Yellow fish wants to swim away. Yellow fish hides. Red fish waits. Yellow fish waits. Red fish goes away. Yellow fish is safe.

2、Animal babies

Baby animals have mothers too. The mothers take care of the babies. The cow is eating with her calf. The mother cow is with her calf. The mother duck is swimming in the pond. Her ducklings are swimming behind her. The mother cat cleans her kitten. She licks her kitten‟s fur clean.The mother bird feeds her chicks. The chicks eat the worm. The mother fox stays with her kit. The kit is safe. What other things can mother animals do with their babies?

3、Picnic Time A picnic is fun! What can a family take? Apples are good. A family can take apples. A blanket is good. A family can take a blanket. You can take sandwiches. A family can make sandwiches. A big cake is hard to take. Cookies are easy to put in the basket Some families take juice. They can drink it at a picnic. A basket can be full. Picnic time can be fun!

4、As white as snow The sun was shining before. Now snow is falling! Snow is white. The land looks white. Does snow help animals hide? The polar bear is as white as snow. Can you find the polar bear? A fox can be as white as snow. Can you find the fox? The animals are white. The snow is white. The animals can hide in the snow.

5、Mouse Mouse likes cake. She likes to eat cake in bed. Mouse likes cookies. She likes to eat cookies in bed. She likes sandwiches. Mouse likes to eat sandwiches in bed. Mouse likes pizza. She likes to eat pizza in bed. She likes apples. Mouse likes to eat apples in bed. Mouse loves cheese. She loves to eat cheese in bed. And Mouse likes to dream in bed, too.

6、The very busy hen “Come and play,”said the dog. “No,” said the hen.

“I am very busy. I am planting the wheat.” “Come and play,”said the cat. “No,” said the hen.

“I am very busy.I am watering the wheat.” “Come and play,”said the horse. “No,” said the hen.

“I am very busy. I am mixing the bread.” “Come and play,”said the cow. “No,” said the hen.

“I am very busy.I am baking the bread.” “Come and play,”said the dog and the cat and the mouse and the horse and the cow. “No,” said the hen.“Come and eat!” And they did.

7、The big city “Let‟s go to the city,”said Mom.“Let‟s take pictures of the city,”I said.“I see a big bus,”

I said.“I can take a picture of the bus.”“I see a train,”said Mom.

“You can take a picture of the train.”“Look at the park,”I said.“I can take a picture of it.”“Look at the big building,”I said.“Let‟s go up to the top,”said Mom. “Look at the big city!”I said.

8、Mrs. Green likes roses very much and she has a small beautiful garden. There are many beautiful flowers in it. One day, the doorbell rings and she opens the door. She sees a little boy. The boy is about eight years old and has a lot of roses in his hands. “I am selling flowers.” he says, “Do you want any? They are very cheap. I pick them this morning.” “My boy” Mrs. Green answers, “I have a lot of roses in my garden. I needn‟t pay for them.” “Oh, now you don‟t have any flowers in your garden. They are all in my hands.” says the boy.

9、Rose is seven years old. She liked candy very much. But her mother didn‟t give her because she thought it was bad for her. One day, Rose asked her mother for five cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?” “I gave it to a poor old woman.” she answered. “You are a good girl.” said her mother proudly, “Here are five cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?” “She is the one who sells the candy.”

10、It is a sunny day. The sky is blue. There is a sport meeting in the forest. Look, a deer, a horse and a dog are running. Four monkeys are climbing the trees. Six birds are flying around. Over there a rabbit and two cats are jumping. There are some other animals there, too. Some elephants are standing on the elephant. The monkey has a red flag in his hand. A panda is sitting under a tall tree. They are all happy.

11、Today is Alice‟s birthday. She is going to be ten years old. A lot of friends of Alice‟s are going to come to the party. They are all girls. Her mother is getting ready for the party. And her sister is helping her. Her father is going shopping now. He is buying a lot of bananas, apples, oranges, and pears. Then he goes home. It is two o‟clock in the afternoon. Some girls are here. Their party is going to start after twenty minutes.

12、Do you like playing basketball? There are 40 students in our class. Everyone in the class likes it very much. And many of them are good at it. More than half of my class plays basketball every day. We have a boy team and a girl team. In P.E. Classes, the two teams have matches. They play well. But they are friendly, too. This Friday afternoon our girl team will play basketball with Class Three. I think we must win.

13、The three pigs “Let me in,”said the wolf. “No!” said one little pig.

“Then I will blow your house down,”said the wolf. And he did.The little pig ran down the road. “Let me in,”said the wolf.

“No, no!”said the two little pigs.“Then I will blow your house down,”said the wolf. And he did.The two little pigs ran down the road. The wolf said, “Let me in!”

“No, no, no!” said the three little pigs.“Then I will blow your house down,”said the wolf. But he did not!Then the wolf ran down the road!

14、Mr. Green likes eating fish very much. One day, he comes home from work in the evening; he wants to cook the fish. But he can‟t find it. His wife says, “Oh, your cat eats the fish.” and then his wife gives him some bread for supper. Mr. Green is angry. He takes the cat and his wife to a shop and weighs the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weighs one kilo. My cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, but where is my fish?”

15、Bob and Kim go fishing with a dog. They feel very hot. So they take off their coats on a big stone and go to the bank of the river to look for fish. After a while, they want to wear their coats. They tell the dog to go back for them. In fact, it is too hard for him. The dog sees a box under a tree. He puts the two coats into the box. So he can carry the coats at the same time. What a clever dog it is!

16、John is six years old. He likes pictures. But he is very bad at drawing. His mother buys some pencils and a drawing book for him, and he begins to draw. Now his mother gives him a small blackboard and some pieces of chalk. He likes drawing his father on the blackboard. He draws lines and erases them out for twenty minutes. When he looks at his picture, he is not happy. “Well,” he says to his mother, “I will put a tail on it to make it a mouse.”

17、Tom and Sam are twins. They are both in Class 2, Grade 3. Tom works hard at his lessons, but Sam is not good at his lesson. He likes nothing but playing. One day, their teacher told the students to write a composition “My Father”. In the evening, Tom wrote his homework in the bedroom and then read books. But Sam played all the time. Suddenly he remembered the composition and had to write, but he didn‟t know how to write it.

18、One day, when Mr. White came home from work, he found his wife was very angry about something. Mr. White always thought that he was more clever than his wife. So he finally said, “It is a waste of your strength to get excited about small things. Always keep calm. Like me. Now look at the fly that has just landed on my nose. Am I getting excited or angry? Am I waving my arms around? No, I am not. I am quite calm.” Just as he said this, Mr White started shouting, jumping and began to wave his arms. At last he told his wife, the thing on his nose was a bee.

19、Mr. Brown goes to night school on the weekend. He wants to learn English. It‟s Saturday evening, Mr. Brown is going to the bus stop. Now he is waiting for a bus. He is going to night school to learn English. The bus is coming. Mr. Brown gets on the bus. He stands next to an old man. The man in front of the old man is sitting. Just then a young girl stands up and says, “Please take my seat.” the old man takes the seat and says, “Thank you very much. It is very nice of you.”

20、One day little Jack came into a shop. He had five pence and he wanted to buy some oranges. He said to the shopkeeper, “Please give me oranges for five pence.” when the shopkeeper gave him the oranges, Jack counted them. Then he said, “Yesterday my mother bought oranges here for five pence, why did you give me so few?” “Don‟t ask me questions.” “Excuse me, sir.” Jack said, “But...” “It is all right, my boy.” said the shopkeeper, “Don‟t you know? The fewer oranges you get, the less fruit you will have to carry.”

21、John is six years old. He likes pictures. But he is very bad at drawing. His mother buys some pencils and a drawing book for him, and he begins to draw. Now his mother gives him a small blackboard and some pieces of chalk. He likes drawing his father on the blackboard. He draws lines and erases them out for twenty minutes. When he looks at his picture, he is not happy. “Well,” he says to his mother, “I will put a tail on it to make it a mouse.”

22、It is Sunday. Jack and Kathy are in a park. They are very hungry. They want to eat something. Jack wants some bread. And Kathy wants some cakes. Their mother buys some bread and cakes. They ask their mother to eat first. But their mother says she isn‟t hungry. They think bread and cakes are all nice. So Jack gives some bread to Kathy, and Kathy gives some cakes to Jack. They look after each other. They are very happy. and their mother smiles.

23、It is a fine day in summer. The grass and trees are green. The flowers are beautiful. Some birds are flying in the blue sky. The Browns go for a picnic. They bring some juice. Mr. Brown wears a yellow T-shirt. He is looking at his lovely daughter, Amy. Amy wears a pink dress. She is playing on the grass. Tim, Mr. Brown‟s son is nine years old. He is flying a kite. He wears a white T-shirt. Mrs. Brown is looking at him happily. They have a very happy day in summer.

24、Tim is seven years old. He is a good boy. But he can‟t get up early. He sleeps until eight or nine o‟clock in the morning. He is often late for school. Tim‟s mother doesn‟t want him to be late for school. So he buys him an alarm clock. She says to Tim, “You must get up when you hear the clock ring.” “Yes, Mum.” says Tim. After that Tim gets up at six o‟clock when he hears the clock ring. One day his mum forgot to wring up the clock. And next morning, Tim didn‟t get up at six thirty. It is time for breakfast. Mother went to see him. Tim was in bed and his eyes were opened. “Why didn‟t you get up?” Mother was angry. “I am waiting for the bell.” Tim said.

25、One day a dentist was starting his work. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was red and he could only say “Quick! Quick!” the dentist and the nurse thought he must be very ill. The nurse helped to make the poor man sit in the chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make the man sleep. Then, he looked into the man‟s mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. As soon as the man woke up, he said in a low voice, “Quick! Quick!” “It is all right now.” the dentist told him. “It is over.” “No, I came to tell you your house is on fire.”

26、It is Sunday. Bob and his father are both at home. Bob wants to watch a basketball game, but his father wants to watch a film on TV. So his father asks, “Do you finish your homework, Bob?” “We have no homework today.” says Bob. “Do you read your books?” “Yes, I read them at nine o‟clock.” “Now let me ask you a question, „What‟s one and one?‟” his father asks. Bob is unhappy and says, “I don‟t know.” his father is unhappy too, and says, “You are a fool! What are you and I?” “Two fools.” answers Bob.

27、There is an old man in America. He doesn‟t like children at all. But he likes dogs. He has white dogs and brown dogs. He has mother dogs and baby dogs, so the children all come to his house and play with the dogs. More and more dogs come to the old man‟s house. Soon there are too many dogs. And the old man can‟t feed them. Then he has an idea. “The children all like my dogs.” he thinks, and he gives each child a dog. Then he is happy, the children are very happy, every dog has a home, they are happy, too.

28、The snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. A snake has no legs or feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach. Snakes usually have green, yellow or black skins. It is difficult to find them. Some kinds of snakes live in water. They can swim as freely as fish. Snakes can sleep a whole winter without eating and drinking. They can not feel any pain. When the next spring comes, the snakes come out and begin their life.

29、“Joe!” said his father, “put on your cap and let us go for a walk.” Joe is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He put on his cap and coat. Joe and his father went out into the street. They saw a big black dog. The dog began to bark. Joe was afraid of the dog. He wanted to run away. His father said, “Don‟t be afraid, Joe! Don‟t you know the word „A barking dog doesn‟t bite‟?” “Oh, yes, I know, but does the dog know?” Joe said.

30、Giant pandas are black-and-white Chinese bears. They are large and cuddly-looking animals. They have a big head, a heavy body, rounded ears, and a short tail. The Chinese people call the panda “Da Xiong Mao”, which means “giant bear cat” in Chinese. The panda is a symbol of peace in China. This bear is quite different from other bears. It has unusual cat-like eyes, and its front paws have an “thumb”.

31、It was a sunny day of the summer holiday. The weather was hot. My uncle and I decided to go to the lake to swim by boat. It took us half an hour when we got there. Many people were swimming. Then we dived into the water. About an hour later, suddenly somebody called, “Help! Help!” we were surprised to see a boy struggling in the deep water. We swam towards him and pulled him to the shore. We sent him to the hospital.

32、It was a sunlight morning in spring. Our teacher took us for our first spring outing. We set off at seven o‟clock from school. In the warm spring, we were walking there together. Fifty minutes later, we got there. There, we were going to have a picnic. Some of us cooked rice, some cooked dishes, and some cooked soup. My desk mate and I fried eggs. At first, we put some oil in the pot. When the oil was hot enough, we put the egg into the pot.

33、“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age need ten hours‟ sleep every night. If people don‟t have enough sleep, they can‟t do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not have much money. The body needs walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games.

34、Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o‟clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma lives downstairs. One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He invited the girl to his house, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her.

35、Mr. White lives in a tall building. He lives on the sixteen floor. Every day, he takes a lift up and down. One Saturday afternoon, he went shopping with his little son and bought many things. They drove back and carried all the things up to the lift. Suddenly they saw a piece of paper on the wall. It said, “Dear sirs, there‟s something wrong with the lift. Please use the stairs now.” The son took a bag and ran upstairs quickly. But Mr. White walked and walked.

36、An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old. She couldn‟t run quickly, and she couldn‟t bite, because she was so old. One day, the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it, so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, “Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did.”

37、What do you know about the sea? Some people have seen it but others haven‟t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very tough when there is a strong wind. What other things do you know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land. If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty. Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea.

38、Swimming is a good sport. It‟s popular. People like swimming because the water makes people feel cool. But if they swim in a wrong place, it is very dangerous. These years, some people died when they were enjoying themselves in water and most of them were students. Summer holiday will be there again. I want to give you some advice. Don‟t get into the water when you are alone. You should be careful in the water. If you know these, swimming will be safe.

39、Have you ever looked through a family photo album? Photos may help you remember events. They may also help you catch the mood of the moment. Did you know that there are many ways to create and capture memories without using a camera? Some people like to share their thoughts by telling stories. People can relive their past when they share stories. Have your parents or grandparents ever told you a story about their childhood?

40、It all happened on a foggy Saturday morning. My life was turned upside down and inside out. You probably know the trouble I am talking about if your family has ever moved. Let me back up. You see, I am the Smith family‟s cat. Now cats don‟t like changes. This is Dim, the Smiths‟ dog. Dogs will go anywhere with anyone at anytime, but not me. I think there‟s no reason to change where you live. So we were going to move, old Dim was delighted.

41、Some of the campers feel upset and angry. Their picnic was cut short by the storm. Dave says that as long as they are safe, stormy weather can be interesting and fine to watch. They can investigate the weather station now! Dave takes his group to meet Jackie, the lifeguard. One of her job is to keep track of storms and other changes in the weather. Jackie records what the weather is like in charts and logs. This helps her do her job of keeping swimmers and other people on the beach safe.

42、An invention is something new that someone makes or thinks of. To invent things, inventors must first have ideas. They research each idea, and then try the ideas, step by step. Inventors learn from ideas that work, but they also learn from failed ideas. Failed ideas can help them come up with new ideas. Some inventions solve problems. Some make things work well. Some inventions happen by accident.

43、A Day in May It is a gray day in May. This rain won‟t stop Ray. “I will use this in the rain. It will keep me dry!” Ray has roses in his yard. “Roses are just right for Gail,”Ray thinks. He picks red roses for Gail. Gail is at home. She broke her leg. Ray takes the mail to Gail. They play a game. Gail is smart. She uses her brain. She wins the game. Ray brings Gail lunch on a tray. “Does this make you smile?”asks Ray. Ray waves good-bye to Gail. He takes the short way home. Ray had a fine day.

44、Home by the Sea We take a trip to see friends. Meg and Ted‟s home is by the sea. We do many things with Meg and Ted. We go to the beach. We pick up shells. Ted digs holes. We plant bean seeds. Ted and Meg teach us about plants. We ride bikes to the park. Ted pushes us on the swing. Ted makes meals. We eat meat and peas. Meg grows huge peaches. We eat them with cream. We read together on the rug. Ted tells us tales about neat places. Meg drinks a cup of tea. When we say good-bye, we are not happy. We will send notes to Meg and Ted. We had a fun time.

45、Our Reading Party The kids in my class like reading. We read and read. In fact, we got a prize for reading a lot. This week we are having a big party. Our teacher gave each kid a job. “Please clean up this room,”our teacher said. “We need to clean as a team. It will be easy that way.” Dee is sweeping. Danny is picking things up. Dena is cleaning the glass. Steven is dusting that shelf. We bring things for this party. Jean is bringing cups. Lee is bringing plates. Mike is bringing napkins. Peter is bringing forks. Then we had cake and sweet ice cream. Our party was a blast! We will read even more to win again.

46、Bill’s Happy Day June went to the river. Bill was sitting on the riverbank.He seemed sad. “Hello, Bill!” June said. “Put on a smile! It‟s such a nice weekend.

You cannot be sad on a day like this!” “This is my birthday,” Bill said. “I didn‟t even get a card.” A teardrop rolled off his cheek. “Have you checked?”June asked. “No,” Bill said.

“Then how can you tell that you got no mail?” June asked. Bill and June went to Bill‟s mailbox. Bill had no mail waiting for him. He turned to go back in his house. “Wait,” June yelled. “I see someone. That mailman is running late. He has something big in his mailbag!” His bag is stuffed with cards and gifts for Bill!

47、In the Woods Kenny and his family like to go to the woods. They camp in tents. They swim in the lake and hike in the hills. Kenny unlocks the car. He helps his mom pack. Dad drives them to a good spot. Then they unload tents, full backpacks, and precooked food. Kenny unties the ropes on the tent. He helps his mom and dad set up the tents. Then Dad unpacks the food and sets out a yummy dinner. Kenny likes fishing at the lake. If Dad gets a small fish, he unhooks it and puts it back in the lake. Those fish are too little to keep.

48、I Might Be There are many jobs that people have. When I think about my future, I try to picture what I might be. I have many choices! Maybe I will be an artist. I can paint fine pictures, using a mixture of colors. My pictures will make people smile. Maybe I will be a firefighter. I can take action to protect my city. Maybe I will work at stations all over the nation! Maybe I will be a builder. I can make skyscrapers and houses in many locations. I could even make a house for myself!

49、Jumping Jack Jack likes to hide and wait. Jack likes to jump up fast. Mom and Dad say that it is not nice. Jack will not make friends if he plays that way. One day Jack hid behind his door. When Kim came, Jack jumped out at her. Kim got mad and began yelling. Then Kim went back home. When it rained next, Jack brought his best game and asked Kim to play it with him. Kim would not play. Jack felt bad. Jack sat for a minute. “It is not the best plan to jump out,” Jack said.

“It may make people mad at me.” “I‟m sorry for jumping out,Kim.”Jack said.

50、Big ben









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【摘 要】在英语学习中,朗读是一种必须掌握的基本技能,是学好英语的基础,也是说好英语的前提。《英语课程标准》指出:英语课程的学习,是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程。

【关键词】 朗读



朗读(read loudly and clearly)就是运用重音、节奏、语调等语音手段,清晰响亮地把词汇、句子、文章等语言文字材料念出来,是读书的一种形式,是掌握一门语言的最基本,也是最主要的手段。中国人学习汉语要朗读,中国人学习英语更要朗读。朗读是我国传统教学中一种常用且行之有效的教学方法,因缺少使用英语的环境,除了多听外,很重要的学习手段就是多读,高声朗读,阅读,进而熟练至背诵。朗读有助于激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯,发展自主学习的能力。声情并茂地朗读,给人以美的享受,能陶冶人的情操,使原文的主题思想、感情色彩、艺术风格等在朗读中得到体现,在朗读中得到升华。使学生的听觉能力和思维能力在朗读中得到培养,在朗读中得到发展。

实践证明,朗读能力强的学生,英语学习的热情、效率和效果都要比朗读能力弱的学生略胜一筹。因此,在平时的教学中,英语教师更要充分重视朗读。如果在英语教学中忽视英语朗读,就会产生听力差、口语表达差、阅读能力差等负面影响。那么在教学中应该怎样培养学生的朗读能力 1






2、朗读有助于培养学生良好的英语语感和提高口语水平。 学生正值身体生长发育期间,大声的朗读有助于他们发音、听觉、呼吸等器官的生长发育,经常的、持之以恒的英语朗读有利于学生获得牢固的英语整体知识,更能培养其语感。朗读是说的前提,只有读得通畅,才会说得流利。学生如能坚持经常朗读文章,到需要说的时候就能脱口而出。朗读对口语表达有着显而易见的功效,它能培养学生讲一口标准的、流利的英语口语,不会朗读,肯定难以说出好的英语。

3、朗读可以增强学生的记忆力和提升学生的英语写作水平。由于在朗读的同时做到了眼见、口说、耳听这三个步骤,所记的东西当然要比看或 2

写所记的东西牢固得多。用朗读的方式记单词和句子会收到事半功倍的效果,例如句子:It’s time to play with my friends. I am busy studying now ,because I want to catch up with other students in our class.若这个句子读熟了,学生就会记住句型It’s time to do something.和短语be busy doing something.及catch up with.而且只有记得多,才能为以后的写作和翻译打下良好的基础。作为学生,多朗读英语范文,尤其是背诵,对写作是十分有益的。







每个学生都有学习表现的欲望,并且希望得到教师或家长的肯定。教师可以利用学生这一心理特点,让学生自由布置舞台,尽情展示自己的才华进一步激发学生的朗读热情。a、朗读比赛。教师可以预先列出部分课文或让学生寻找自己最喜欢的童话、寓言、诗歌或课文等读物作品。让学生在班级选定的时间内进行比赛,这样可以充分展现学生的能力,并得到师生肯定,朗读积极性会更高,学习兴趣会更浓。 b.朗读表演。学生自己改编话剧、寓言、故事,一边朗读,一边表演,从而广阔地激发学生的朗读兴趣,学生在愉悦、轻松、和谐的环境下学习,锻炼自己的英语技能。







朗读是阅读的不同形式,在英语学习中起着不可低估的作用。叶圣陶 4


总而言之, 英语朗读教学作为语言教学的重要组成部分,是连接阅读和口语训练的主要枢纽。流畅的朗读不但有助于培养阅读能力和基本技能,而且有助于提高口语表达能力。只要我们遵循它的规律,扎扎实实地进行朗读训练,就能全面提高学生的英语语言素质。 【参考文献】



















































1 朗读的定义与特性

朗读 (read loudly and clearly) 即“朗朗而读”, 就是运用重音、节奏、语调等语音手段把语言材料中的思想感情表达出来, 即清晰响亮地把词汇、句子、文章等语言文字材料念出来。

朗读具有以下特性:首先, 它是人类的一种基本能力, 是一种从书籍和报纸获得信息的技巧和方式。这种技巧包括理解、速读和区别文字, 它既有视觉上的因素, 又具有口语 (表达上) 的因素;其次, 朗读所表现的形式是明朗清晰的有声语言转换书面的文字语言。

可见, 朗读与语言学习的关联是十分重要的, 因此在英语学习尤其是英语教学中, 配合朗读可改进教学效果, 取得良好收益。

2 中专英语教学中忽视朗读而产生的负面影响及原因

过去, 由于各方面的原因, 中专学校一直都没有在英语教学中重视朗读的作用, 这导致了教与学当中的一些负面影响。

2.1 负面影响

(1) 忽视朗读造成学生口语表达能力差。

中专的学生, 有相当大一部分本身英语水平就较差, 如果继续缺乏系统的英语朗读教学及英语朗读训练, 维持以前“开口难、难开口”的局面, 不仅有悖于素质教育的精神, 而且势必让学生学习英语的兴趣与信心越来越不足, 导致最终缺乏动力和基础, 英语学习变成“哑巴英语”, 以致到真正需要口语表达的时候, 学生无法顺利表述。

(2) 忽视朗读使学生阅读能力较差。

中专的学生要想适应越来越开放性与国际化专业要求, 没有朗读或朗读不够多是绝对不行的, 因为这必定不能在短时间内逐步建立起良好的英语思维方式和思考能力, 更不用说是牢固和系统的思维方式, 这严重制约了学生阅读能力的发展。

(3) 忽视朗读影响了学生的听力训练与写作。

由于缺乏朗读的训练, 学生的语言基础功不扎实, 熟练度也不够, 常造成听力理解及写作困难。如在中专专业英语课程听力中, 常出现近音词、同音词、动词的过去式, 过去分词及语流中音的省略等。

2.2 在英语教学中忽视英语朗读的原因

在实际的英语教学中, 师生的英语教学活动最终还是靠考试来最终检验的, 在中专学校更是“走走过场”。因此, 英语学习在学生那里不过是“应付考试”, 这就使他们误以为朗读不重要, 轻易地放弃了。

而对于教师来说, 长期以来, 他们都认为英语不过是中专学生专业课程的调剂、辅助, 同时, 面对素质并不高的中专学生, 教师往往身心俱疲, 无心也无力抽不出时间来搞教研教改, 于是一直都沿用传统的教学方式, 在教学中忽视了朗读的教学。

3 朗读在英语教学中的作用

(1) 朗读可以打破学生的心理障碍, 增强学习自信, 克服羞涩。

长期进行大量的反复的朗读训练, 尤其是大声英语朗读英语文章, 对于打破学生学习英语的心理障碍, 有着事半功倍的功效。

(2) 朗读可以创造英语学习氛围, 提升学生学习兴趣。

“兴趣是最好的老师。”在中专英语教材中, 大部分入选的课文都具有丰富的情感因素与专业性, 这就使教师能够充分利用课文的情感因素, 结合学生的专业, 发挥朗读的优势, 引导学生入情入境, 加强感受, 激起他们学习英语兴趣。入情入境的朗读将文字符号转换成有声的语言, 用有声语言塑造形象, 对学生具有感染性, 一人的感情又会感染其他同学, 从而创造出朗读的良好氛围, 进而使越来越多的人加入朗读的行列, 提升学生学习兴趣。

(3) 增强学生“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”、“思”的能力。

英语教学本来就是提升学生“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”、“思”能力的过程, 这也正是中专院校学生所缺少的。而朗读的加强, 对学生的这几种英语基本能力的形成有着不可替代的作用, 也必然能够进一步增强学生在这方面的能力。首先, 朗读能很好地服务于“听”, 因为学生在熟悉了英语的发音习惯和特点后, 就能够在听力实际应用中做出恰当的反应, 从而提高听辩音能力;带有感情的朗读使学生学会了在口头表达时何处重读何处轻读, 何处停顿, 何时升调, 何时降调, 从而能够注意与人交流时的语气与语速、节奏等, 提高学生“说”的能力;朗读作为“读”的一种必然能够提高学生读英语的能力。

(4) 朗读可以增强理解与记忆。

朗读是记忆的基础。朗读有助于学生的多种感官协同工作, 增强学生的记忆能力, 提高学生的听力水平。从朗读与记忆的原理来说, 朗读的过程要经过:准确地识读单词——再通过视觉神经传到大脑神经中枢——大脑神经中枢指挥发音系统准确地发出语音。而在连贯的、系统的、成篇的、不间断地朗读中, 视觉准确捕捉单词的能力, 视觉神经准确、迅速的传导能力等, 均能得到扎扎实实的培养和提高, 这样记忆就在朗读中不知不觉地加深了。例如It’s time to get to school.I want to get to school early today.若这个句子读熟了, 学生就会记住句型It’s time to do something. (该是做某事的时候了) 和动词want to do something (想做某事) 的用法而不用机械的去记。

(5) 朗读是对教学情况的反馈。

通过学生的朗读, 教师可以检查学生对所学内容的理解情况。因为中专学生学习能力及学习态度的问题, 他们在朗读时往往会出现一系列问题:或者对课文理解不透, 或者重读、语调、停顿和语调处理不当, 更多的是单词读不准等, 凡此种种都反映出学生对课文的掌握情况和对语言的运用能力。就此, 教师可以及时指出学生的不足, 并给予适时的指导、纠正, 提醒学生注意并改正。反过来, 这也可以侧面反映出中专英语教学当中的问题, 使教师在学生的表达中也能发现自己教学的不足, 反思自己的教学方法, 及时地进行调整和改进, 查漏补遗, 不断改进教学以便达到教学相长的目的。

4 结语

总之, 朗读在语言学习的过程中是十分重要的, 英语作为一门语言其教学与学习都离不开朗读, 因此一定要重视朗读的作用。同时, 教师要深入实践, 勇于探索, 大胆创新, 才会发现许多行之有效的措施与途径, 来加强对学生英语朗读的训练。

摘要:朗读作为学习英语语言的重要手段之一, 其影响不容忽视。而应用性较强的中专学校, 英语教学中朗读起到的作用更为巨大。以往长期的中专英语教学基本都忽视了朗读的作用, 从而显现出了许多负面影响, 这也从侧面说明了朗读在英语教学中的重要作用。因此, 我们要重视朗读在中专英语教学中的地位与影响, 并加强对学生的培训与应用。



[1] Griffin Suzanne M.论朗读[J].国外外语教学, 1995, 57 (2) :31~34.

[2] 何广铿.英语教学法基础[M].暨南大学出版社, 2001.


从事了近5年的高职英语教学, 做了三年半的班主任工作, 这期间笔者发现, 与普通本科生相比, 高职生自学能力较低, 文化基础较差。课堂教学中的表现就是很多学生词汇量很少, 文章看不懂, 作文不会写, 能脱口而出的句子, 单词更少, 他们不能用英语进行简单的对话, 害怕与外教交流。到了大学更以非英语专业学生学英语用处不大或对英语没有兴趣为理由逃避英语学习。课上无聊, 看小说, 睡觉的学生不在少数。许多同事包括笔者自己时常抱怨, 非英语专业学生的英语课难上。

最近几年教育部又对高职教育提出了新的要求, 要求高职院校是为生产、建设、管理、服务第一线培养高等技术应用性人才。在教学中必须坚持以学生为本, 让学生多多参与, 亲自动手, 亲自操作。

这样一方面高职非英语专业学生英语课越上越没劲, 英语越学越差;另一方面社会又对高职教育越来越看重, 并寄予了非常高的期望。作为英语教师, 非常希望有方法可以激发学生的英语学习热情, 提高他们的英语水平。查阅了大量文献资料, 笔者认为在高职非英语专业的英语教学中, 教师可以利用朗读作为突破口, 来改变目前高职院校非英语专业学生英语学习的状态。朗读时语言表达能力的基础, 教师可以以此为契机, 再循序渐进, 达到高职非英语专业学生英语学习的目标。

2 什么是朗读

朗读是把文字转化为有声语言的一种创造性活动。朱智贤主编的心理学大词典中说到, 朗读是“在视觉器官感知文字材料的基础上, 由言语器官发出声来, 再由听觉器官把信息传到大脑进而达到理解的阅读方法。所以这是一种眼、口、手、脑协同动作的过程”。王宗炎, 2002年在朗读与英语学习一文中说到, 不要以为朗读只是机械的发音动作。在朗读时, 我们会在无意中进行思维, 把单词的搭配方式, 句子的结构模式, 上下文的联系方式, 发言的节奏、速度、重音、语调模式都掌握起来。因此, 我们学到的, 不只是个别的英语项目, 而是英语的整个体系。

3 英语朗读地位和现状

在中国传统教学中, 朗读占有一个异常重要的位置。60岁以上的人都知道, 读古书, 学古汉语, 全靠朗读。老派的塾师根本不讲什么词法、句法, 他们只让学生朗读古书。上海翻译家协会副会长博士生导师黄源深说:“学习英语的确要做适当练习。但我认为, 归根结底, 好的英语是‘读’出来的, 不是做练习‘做’出来的。‘读’出来的英语是地道的、自然的, 因为使用者依持的是‘语感’;‘做’出来的英语往往流于生硬, 因为使用者是依赖‘语法规则’硬‘做’的。”

中国英语朗读作为一种教学手段, 现状不容乐观, 很多学者都对此表示了担忧。过去, 在国内中小学, 背诵和朗诵课文是一种较为常见而且普遍被认为颇有成效的传统的语文和英语学习方法。目前在我国, 由于交际法的盛行、考试指挥棒的效应以及新的教学模式的出现, 彻底打破了语言习得的规律, 教师在英语教学过程中, 过多注重语法、听力、阅读和写作知识的传授和训练, 长期忽略英语朗读训练, 造成语言输入严重不足。我国外语教学背诵式输入几乎无立足之地。国内众多的大学英语教材都没有提倡背诵和朗诵, 教师们很少强调朗诵和背诵的语言输入, 学生也对其不屑一顾, 甚至对最经典的语言材料也会“免开尊口”。

4 朗读的作用

在古代人们对朗读的作用就嘉奖有佳, 如“读书百遍, 其义自现”, “读而未晓则思, 思而未晓则读”指的就是反复地朗读能提高理解能力。又如, “熟读唐诗三百首, 不会做诗也能吟”。在缺乏语言输入和外部反馈的外语教学环境中, 朗读可在输入与输出之间搭起一座桥梁, 是学习者提高语言意识、进行自我检验的一个有力工具。朗读是集中、大量、强化输入语言信息的有效手段, 它可以丰富目标语语料库, 为学生提供输出信息、表达、模仿的基础, 通过模仿和活用, 使朗读的材料内化为学习者的语言从而形成自然、流利的语言表达。朗读能帮助学生规范英语语音语调, 提高口语表达能力;朗读能促进听力的提高;朗读有利于积累语言知识, 提高记忆力;朗读有利于培养语感;朗读有利于提高阅读理解能力;朗读有利于提高书面表达能力。朗读有助于提高学生的语音能力, 加强语感, 有助于提高听说能力, 是克服“哑巴英语”的有效途径之一, 同时它有助于消除学生的焦虑感增强学生学习英语的自信心, 这对高职学生来说非常重要。

5 教师如何培养学生的英语朗读习惯

在学生朗读训练上, 要掌握正确的方法和原则, 一定要发挥学生学习主体的作用, 培养其自主朗读与背诵习惯, 在充分利用多媒体技术的同时, 教师再辅以必要的引导和帮助。

学生朗读和背诵的习惯应从大一开始培养, 固定每天或者是每个星期的朗读时间, 长期坚持, 才能取得良好的效果。三天打鱼, 两天晒网是行不通的。因此, 教师在学期开始就要有一个长远的计划, 排好时间表, 细致选择朗读材料, 利用课堂, 进行适当的辅导和演示, 循序渐进, 让学生慢慢形成习惯, 体会到朗读的乐趣, 收获其成果, 自然就会形成良性循环。

教师的良好示范非常重要。教师的朗读水平对学生的朗读热情会产生较大的影响。教师纯正优美的语音、语调及声情并茂的朗读会给学生以美的享受, 从而激发学生的朗读欲望。当然现在网络技术发达, 教师也可以利用多媒体给学生展示一些朗读技巧和示范的视频和音频。

同时老师应提供必要的朗读“show”机会, 如开展多种形式的朗读竞赛和评比。通过评选班级“勇敢朗读天使”、“英语朗读助教”和“英语朗读明星”等丰富多彩的朗读活动, 可极大地激发学生的朗读热情和兴趣。

6 结语

本文根据我国高职院校非英语专业英语学习的现状, 研究了高职院校教学特色和朗读相关的文献, 得出在高职院校非英语专业学生英语教学中, 加强朗读的训练是非常必要, 是改善学生学习态度, 提高学生英语成绩, 增强学生英语应用能力的行之有效的办法。

摘要:本文根据实际教学经验, 结合朗读理论和朗读在当前英语教学中的地位和现状, 指出高职非英语专业学生加强朗读训练的必要性, 同时还指出朗读训练的一些注意事项和方法。



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[2] 王宗炎.朗读与英语学习[J].外语与外语教学, 2002 (8) :51.

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