



1.由于下大雪,旅客们只能在机场等到午夜雪停为止。Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had

to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.

2.火车开动20分钟后, 才发现他们登上的是一辆开往杭州的,而不是他们的家乡苏州的火车。Twenty

minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhou.

3.发音相似的英语词常常引起讲英语者之间的误会。Similar-sounding English words often result in

misunderstandings among English-speaking people.

4.驾驶员听到从汽车引擎里传出了异常的声音,于是他马上靠边停车检查,但是最终一切正常。. The

driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end.

5.当李先生意识到自己犯了一个再把英语作为第二语言的人群中常见的错误时,他感到很尴尬。Mr. Lee

felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of English as a second language.

6.玛丽想学日语,并希望能很快学会,但不久就发现日语太难了,短期内她无法学会。Mary felt like

learning Japanese and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time.

7.公众注意到自从那位地方官员离去之后,他的职位已经空了几个月了。The public noticed that since

that local official left, his position had been vacant for a couple of months.

8.看到女孩在站台上无助的四下张望,年轻的搬运工客气地为她是否需要帮助。Seeing the girl looking

around helplessly on the platform, the young porter asked politely if she needed any help.

9.你的同伴在门口一露面我就认出来了,他跟你描述的一模一样。I recognized your companion the

minute he appeared at the door. He looked just as you had described.


didn’t bother to find a hotel, for my good friend invited us to stay in her house and put a luxurious car at our disposal.

11.教授翻箱倒柜地找眼镜的时候,他的妻子却舒舒服服地坐在扶手椅上注视着整个场面。While the

professor was turning the suitcases inside out to find his glasses, his wife was sitting comfortably in an armchair watching the whole scene.

12.我没有理睬她,因为她期望像对女王那样对待她。I turned my back on her because she expected me

to treat her like a queen.

13.为了集中精力练跳远,他已经放弃了跑步。. He has given up running in order to focus on the long


14.在《我不能接受不努力》一书中迈克尔·乔丹回顾了他是如何对付他所面临的挑战的。In his book I Can’t

Accept Not Trying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced.

15.如果你当初尽了最大的努力,你早就实现了成为校队首发队员的目标。If you had tried as hard as you

could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.

16.即使你没有通过期末考试,也不要自责,因为下学期开学时你还可以再考一次。Even if you fail the final

examination, don’t get down on yourself, because you can take the examination again at the

beginning of next term.

17.如果你的最终目标是做一名英语教师,那首先要做的就是把英语学好。If you ultimate goal is to

become an English teacher, then the first thing you have to do is to learn English well.

18.并不是每个人都能闻名世界。但如果你尽了全力,你仍可以被认为是一个成功者。Not everyone is going

to be world-famous. But if you have done your best, you can still be considered a success.

19.这份报告详述了部分物种如何因为环境污染而灭绝的经过。This report dwells on how some species

were exterminated because of the polluted environment.

20.说实话,我觉得出于偏见的刻毒评论总比伪君子的假意称赞好。To tell the truth, I think a snide

comment made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.


refute manager on behalf of all employees, she argues that the restrictions on freedom of employees is cruel, and ultimately will damage the company reputation

22.到底是什么使得一些人,尤其是一些高官,不顾法律而滥用职权?What on earth has enabled some

people, particularly certain high officials, to abuse their powers despite the law?


成功。I don’t think success is merely related to intelligence. In fact, many good qualities, such as innocence, honesty, humor and loyalty, can help us succeed, too.


enough, the joke did not bring about hearty laughter, not even a hint of any. Could it be that the audience was pretending to be serious?

25.在那为士兵的葬礼上,将军授予士兵的妻子一枚勋章和一面美国国旗。At the soldier’s funeral, the

general presented his wife with a medal as well as an American flag.

26.这些老邮票比我其他所有的财产都更加值钱。至于这枚钻戒,它是无价之宝。These old stamps are even

more valuable than all the rest of my estate. As for the diamond ring, it is priceless.

27.尽管他的爱已经成了回忆,但每当我凝视他的照片,我都充分感受到他深深的爱。While his love is now

a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.

28.母亲经常告诉我好好利用宝贵的时间,远离那些我不信任的人。Mother often tells me to make good

use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I mistrust.

29.直到读了他的信,我才理解到成熟的友谊可以丰富我们的人生。I didn’t understand that mature

friendship could enrich our lives until I read his letter.

30.小张在从学校回家的路上被一辆出租汽车从自行车上撞了下来。Xiao Zhang was knocked off his

bicycle by a taxi on his way home from school.

31.凯瑟琳为丈夫在医学研究上的成就感到十分骄傲。Katharine is very proud of her husband’s

achievements in medical research.

32.当我问比利我还能为他做些什么时,他再次要我抱抱她。When I asked Billy if there was anything else

I could do for him, he again asked me to hold him.

33. 我完全理解他们为什么对我有这两项限制,但我实在是不喜欢它们。I fully understood why they had

these two restrictions placed on me, but I really didn’t like them.

34.对不起,我不能马上就回答你的请求。我必须跟他们的经理商量一下。I am sorry I can’t grant your

request right now. I have to talk it over with our manager.

35.自从几年前失去工作后,海伦一直期盼着再次被麦当劳公司雇用。Since a few years ago after losing

his job, Helen McDonald has been looking forward to once again be employed.


工作、互相帮助过。The two have nothing in common who become friends. This is not because they liked each other from the beginning, but because they have to work together and help each other too.


encountered in reading when a dictionary is a solution, there is a way to guess from the context the meaning of the word.

38.与其不辞辛苦地在书里翻找,你还不如上网去查。The trouble with rummaging in the book, you might

as well go online and check.

39.如果他实话实说,就不会有今天这种尴尬的场面了。. Had he told the truth, he wouldn’t have been in

such an embarrassing situation.

40.他的老板拒绝给他涨工资,并同时向公司提议解聘他。His boss refused to give him a raise, while

the proposal to the company fired him.

41.简而言之,你的努力一定会得到回报的。In a nutshell, your effort will pay off.



Key for Workbook (4)

Unit 5

Part I Text Exercises I.

A: simple—simplify glory—glorify

pure—purify clear—clarify beauty—beautify intense—intensify terror—terrify horror—horrify 1. glorify

2. clarify

3. clarify

4. beautify 5. purify

6. intensify

7. horrify

8. simplify B: second—secondary


honor—honorary Revolution—revolutionary legend—legendary

imagination—imaginary 1. secondary

2. legendary

3. honorary 4. imaginary

5. revolutionary

6. elementary II. 1. make room for the future

2. a well-ordered life

3. be fraught with changes 4. a bank merger

5. make the most of sth. 6. make a difference 7. register for a class

8. oral presentations

9. reticient by nature 10. speak in front of sb.

11.find one’s voice

12. (much) to sb.’s amazement 13. end up…

14. work towards materialistic things and personal glorification 15. be firmly entwined around people I care for

16. a rat race III. 1-5 L F E I O

6-10 A B M C H

11-15 N D J G K IV.

(fall + ad./prep.)

1-4 DEFA

5-8 BHCG

9. fell for

10. falls on

11. falls off 12.falls out 13.fell through 14. fall back on 15. fallen behind 16.fall in with (catch + ad./prep. ) 1-6 catch at;

catch on ; catch out ; catch up on;

catch up with; catch on 7-12 catch…out; catch up on; catch up with; caught up with; catch at;

catch on

1 V.

1-6 in;





like 7-12 when; most;




something VI.

Passage 1 BBADD

Passage 2 CDBDC VII.

1. much spirit 2. a ditch 3.would balk 4. make the distance 5. the strength Part II Exercises for PRETCO II.

1-5 BCDCD 6-10 ABACC 11-15 DBCBA 16-20 DDACA 21-25 singing; are asked;



terrible 26-30 being knocked/having been knocked;

to ask;

has been sleeping;

be revised;

unpredictable III. 1-5 ABCCD 6-10 written permission; submit a copy; the Personnel Office; the following Monday;

department manger. IV. 1-4 ADDA 5. 如果买方所订船只到达装运港后,卖方不能在买方所通知的装船时间内将货物装上船只或者将货物交到滑车之下,卖方应该负担买方的一切损失和费用,如空仓费,滞期费及由此而引起的及、或遭受的买方的一切损失。 V.

Dear Mr.Brown, My friend Li Ming wants to apply for a position with your firm. Please allow me to introduce my friend to you. Li Ming graduated from college three years ago and since then he was worked as a lawyer. He is good at English and knows some Japanese. He works hard and is careful in everything he does. He is honest, kind and easy to get along with. He was born on May 1, 1975 in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. He is married and lives at No. 148 Renmin Road, Jinan. He has shown great interest in your firm. If he is accepted, he will do his best. I am sure he is well

2 qualified for the position. If you find his application worth considering, please write him or call him at 86600537.

Yours truly, Unit 6

Part I Text Exercises I.






midsummer midway—中途






1. midfield 2. midyear 3. midway 4. midmorning 5. midwinter 6. midair II.

1. make an effort to do sth

2. emphasize common ground 3. have nothing to do with

4. be faced with 5. disagree on many things

6. get one’s foot in the door

7. (on the one hand)…on the other hand 8. as if

9. no better than

10. grab the client’s attention

11. no matter how

12. in some cases III.



(carry + ad./prep.)

1-4 DFHA

5-8 BCEG 9.carried …back 10.carried away 11. carrying out 12.carry…through 13.carried…along 14.be carried over 15.carry on 16.carried off (do + ad./prep. ) 1-6 do well;

do away with; do for;

do with; do without ; so up 7-12 do away with; do without;

does…up; did well; do for;

do with V.


attention hits

vulnerable move commitment button 7-12 emphasize dislike divides




3 VI.

Passage 1 DABCD

Passage 2 BAACB VII.

1. persuasive skills

2. make a decision

3. more energy 4. get it approved

5. completing the sale Part II Exercises for PRETCO II.


6-10 DABCA 11-15 BCCCD

16-20 ABBBC 21-25 detective; preparation;

had spoken;


have been talking 26-30 fewer;


being rebuilt; election;

correspondence III.

1-5 ADDCB 6-10 printed cotton piece goods; exporter’s catalogue; Some samples;

packing and weight;

business IV. 1-4 AACD 5. 质量,数量索赔:如交货质量不符,买方须于货物到达目的港30日内提出索赔;数量索赔须于货物到达目的港15日内提出。对由于保险公司,船公司和其他转运单位或邮政部门造成的损失卖方不承担责任。 V. So what is multimedia? Multimedia is not any one thing but a complex entity that incolves many things: hardware, software, and the interface where they meet. But we have forgotten the most important thing multimedia involved: you! Yes, indeed, with multimedia, you don’t have to be a passive recipient: you can control. You can interact. You can make it do what you want it to do. This means you can tailor a multimedia presentation to your own needs. You can cut through the chaff and dig directly into the important data in a report; you can pull together reports and video clips from around the world that interest you. That is the strength of multimedia and what distinguishes it from traditional media like books and television.

Unit 7

Part I Text Exercise I. gym—gymnasium exam--examination dorm—dormitory math—mathematics bike—bicycle

ad—advertisement auto—automobile fridge—refrigerator ID card—identity/identification card

phone —telephone Lab—laboratory


mike--microphone taxi—taxicab


TV —television 1. microphone

2. examination

3. telephone

4. dormitories 5. bicycle

6. advertisements

7. gymnasium

8. identification card II. 1. lie ill with influenza

2. less than a week after she became ill 3. make medicine one’s own career

4. the motivation force in his life 5.participate in every sport open to him

6.decide to go into blood research 7.determine how blood could be preserved and used for transfudion

8. if blood were refrigerated at a certain temperature immediately after being taken

9. could be kept for as long as two weeks 10. submitted a detailed plan for setting up a blood band

11.donate blood 12. any patient regardless of blood type

13.immediately ste to work 14. aid soldiers injured on the battlefield

15. died at the age of 45 Ⅲ 1-5 CEHKA

6-10 DIBJL

11-12 FG Ⅳ.

(hold + ad./prep.) 1-4 GCBH

5-8 FEAD

9. hold off 10. held to 11. hold down 12.hold back 13.hold with 14. hold on

15. hold out 16.hold up (think + ad./prep.)

5 1-5 think back;

think out ; think over; think up; think of/about 6-10 thinks…of/about; of/ about; thought back; think up; think out; thought…over V.

1-6 fellowship ; determine; immediately; submitted; voted; project 7-12 awarded; summarized; deteriorate; plasma; injections;crystals VI. Passage 1


Passage 2 CBDAB VII. 1.brother-in-law 2.confusing 3.their atomic weights 4. table of elements 5. Ferdinand Moissan Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO


1-5 BABDA 6-10 BACDD 11-15 CBDAB 16-20 DACAD 21-30 closed; lying; regularity; unbearable; participate; to have written; will summarize; architecture; wouldn’t have printed; will have been built III. 1-5 CDADB

6-10 the number;

products and services;

branch offices;

the interviewer;

a good impression IV. 1-4 CCDA

5. 除非经买方同意和接受,本合同其他一切有关事项均按第二部分交货条款之规定办理,该交货条款为本合同不可分割的部分。本合同的人和附加条款将自动地优先执行,如附加条款与本可同条款有抵触,则以附加条款为准。 V.

Hello everyone, I am Peter, Sales Manager of the company.

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to our company. As you are aware that our company is a leading one, I know you will feel proud to be a member of it. My greatest concern is always to keep the business doing its best. We can never rest on our laurels. We need to set new goals for ourselves all the time. As you are equipped with new knowledge, new thoughts and new insights, make full use of all this while its still fresh in your minds. Work hard, not only for our company but also for yourself. That is the only way

6 for you and our company to keep growing. Again, I would like to welcome you and, from today on, let’s strive for the best possible development. Unit 8

Part I Text Exercises I. 1. passage

2. reportage

3. leakage

4. bondage

5. usage

6. postage II.

1. scenic attractions

2. cultural entertainment

3. a variety of tastes 4. a unique atmosphere and history

5.have a monopoly on 6. a small country town crowned as “Venice of the Orient”

7. so to speak 8. undergo discomfort and difficulty 9. a free port

10. package tour III. 1—10 H G B F A J C D I E IV.

(work + ad./prep.) 1-5 CDABE 6. work …in 7. work off 8. work out 9.work out 10.work up (live + ad./prep. ) 1-5

live by

live off

live on

live on

live out 6-10 live through

live up to

live with live off

live out

11-14 live up

live with

lived through

live by V.

1-6: variety





selection 7-12: whether or




part VI.

Passage 1 DAADD Passage 2 ABCDB VII.

1. cold 2. fishing 3 .quietness, fog 4 .interrupts you/your attention 5. hungry Part II Exercises for PRETCO II.


6-10 AABAD

11-15 ACCCD 16-20 CCBDD

7 21-25 entertained scenery

enjoyment will be sent

would become 26-30 discomfort being led being given to be invited

or to have been invited III.

1-5 Section Head Superisory experience other benefits By email two weeks 6-10 QF HG AK CI PD IV. 1-4 BADA 5.

立约人陈建民根据本协议将其位于飞云路999号内标号为404的一套房间(以下称为涉约套房)租给立约人张婕。租期为两年,以后每两年转期一次,直至任何一方通知废约为止,废约通知需要在一个整月之前出发。租金定为每月港币900远,在每月的第一天交纳。租期在签约后一天,即本年度10月1日开始。 V. Mr. Wu, you may already know that the Directors of the company will soon hace finished the reorganization of the business and that this will result in a decrease in staff. I am very sorry to inform you that you position is one that will shortly become resundant,and that your services will not continue after the end of this month. We have no cause of complaint against you. On the contrary, we are quite satisfied with your services during these three years. The reduction of staff is entirely due to a business slow-down. You will of course be entitled to unemployment compensation. In your case you will be given one month’s salary for every year of service with the company. In addition, we shall be pleased to provide any prospective employer with a testimonial of your character and ability. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Test Yourself( for Units 5-8 ) Part II Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1. momentary

2. identified

3. classified

4. midway

5. postage Section B 1. comment on 2. anyway 3. emphasized 4. urgent

5. atmosphere 6. approve

7. loyal

8. originally

9. preparations 10. are …inclined to Section C 1. The story was written so well

2. Whether you agree or not 3. Having finished the course

4. No matter how hard he tries 5. Having worked hard all day

6. She got so little education 7. so that they have more time for study

8. Whether you come in winter or summer 9. such as age, sex, and educational background 10. No matter where we are needed Part III Reading Passage 1 CBBDA

Passage 2 BCDDC Part IV Cloze 1-5 matter never from out something

6-10 up self used instead care Part V Translation 1. The parents left the final decision with the child, hoping that he would make the most of this opportunity. 2. The medical pioneer had been dedicated to blood research for as long as 20 years and ended up setting up a blood band. 3. Time was running out, but the suspect still insisted that he had nothing to do with the bank robbery. 4. The professor participated in a succession of academic activities on behalf of his

9 country and delivered a speech on transtusion. 5. Although the project was time-consuming, the government still decided to rebuild the large business center to cater to the variety of needs and tastes of tourists. Test Yourself ( for PRETCO-Level A ) II. 16-20 CDBDA

21-25 BCCDC

26. happier

27. had fastened

28. permission


30. heavily

31. successfully

32. protected

33. least

34. waiting

35. internationally III. 36-40 DCABD

41-45 ADCCB

46. America the Beautiful Fund 47. New York

48. the beauty

49. restoration and perservation 50.donations

51-55 QB LF JM CS IE

56. Online calendars

57. an email (message)

58. the number

59. Every morning

60. check IV. 61-64 CDBC 65. 租赁需要一个合同。达成一个合同的第一步由以下四方决定:

a) 供货商:供货商希望能卖出货物,把租赁看成是稳妥、快捷达成目的的一种方法。

b) 租赁方:他想买某种设备,把租赁视为以最小的金融压力达到目的的手段。

c) 租赁方的银行:当租赁方的银行认为租赁是最佳方法时,会通知顾客,帮助他与租赁公司达成协议。

d) 租赁公司:租赁公司了解客户的需要并与其保持密切的联系。 V. To Whom It May Concern, Reference for Mr. James Blond James Blond joined the A. N. Y. Company in July 1998. Since then he has proved to be a most reliable and effective member of the sales team.

10 James is professional and efficient in his approach to work and very well-liked by his colleagues ans executive clients. He is presentable and able to work both indepently and as part of a team.

His contribution to all areas of company activity in which he has been involved has been much appreciated.

I believe that James will make a valuable addition to any organization that he may join. We deeply regret his decision to move on and I recommend him without hesitation.

I would gladly answer any request for further information. Sincerely, Penny Farthing Managing Director 11










1. 参赛方式:参赛选手登陆大赛官方网站http://contest.i21st.cn,注册、提交作品并接受投票及评判。

2. 作品要求:

(1) 必选作品:参赛选手根据比赛演讲主题自拟题目完成一篇500字左右的演讲稿,并模拟现场演讲进行录像/录音。选手必须将演讲稿和演讲视/音频文件上传到比赛官方网站。

(2) 可选作品:作为参考作品,参赛选手可自愿选择一段英文文学作品(如散文、诗歌、电影独白、影视配音等)进行朗诵并录像/录音(限时3分钟),并将朗诵视/音频文件上传到比赛官方网站。

3. 演讲主题:

Growing up with the Internet: Who are we -- the Net Generation?



4. 选拔方式:

(1) 互联网选拔赛投票期内,参赛选手所在学校以该校获得网络投票数及短信投票数总和最多的选手的总票数为依据进行排名。

(2) 截至互联网选拔赛投票期结束时,排名靠前的学校将各有2名选手进入电话口试,其中1名为本校获网络投票数及短信投票数总和最多的选手,1名为组委会评委团评选出的互联网选拔赛选手。各赛区的入围电话口试的学校数量将于投票期开始前在本赛区互联网选拔赛页面上公布。

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(4) 比赛合作单位推荐的各赛区最多6名优秀选手经大赛组委会确认可直接入围电话口试,但仍须上传演讲作品以供审查并获得网上演讲作品的分数。

(5) 电话口试阶段,大赛组委会将通过电话问答形式测试选手即席演讲水平并打分,同时大赛评委团将对入围电话口试的选手的网上演讲作品进行评分。

5. 评判标准:

(1) 网上演讲作品(必选作品)演讲内容占40%,语言质量占40%,综合印象占20%。

(2) 网上演讲作品与电话口试两个部分得分各占总分的50%。

6. 奖励事项:网上演讲作品(必选作品)和电话口试综合得分排名靠前的选手入围地区决赛(限每校1名选












1. 第15届比赛全国决赛获得前3名的学校(厦门大学嘉庚学院、复旦大学、南京大学)选送的选手;

2. 通过第16届比赛第


3. 第16届比赛特约学校或合作伙伴特别选送并经组委会考核后确认的优秀选手,至多3名;

4. 港、澳、台地区选送的选手,约8名;















1. 大赛各阶段涉及的部分即席演讲话题将来源于《21世纪英文报》,因此请参赛选手关注阅读《21世纪英


2. 参加大赛互联网选拔赛的选手应保证个人信息真实准确,演讲作品须原创,演讲稿和演讲录像/录音的作


3. 互联网选拔赛期间禁止选手利用不正当手段进行集中投票,一经发现核实,组委会将取消其参赛资格。

4. 互联网选拔赛阶段参赛选手就相关疑问请咨询“4006100100转二十一英语”。

5. 组委会将在官方网站上公布电话口试通知,请选手密切留意官方网站信息并按通知内容做好相关准备。


6. 全国半决赛/总决赛中,参赛选手必须由其所在学校的辅导老师带队参赛,并须取得学校批准(以公章为


7. 有关地区决赛、全国半决赛/总决赛的具体日程安排和参赛事宜将另行通知。

8. 比赛全程选手的演讲稿、参赛照片及演讲录音录像版权均归21世纪英文报系所有。

9. 有关本次大赛各项事宜的最终解释权和仲裁权归中国日报社21世纪英文报系所有。




Growing up with the Internet: Who are we -- the Net Generation?(成长于互联网时代:我们是怎样的一代人?)





Jeff tired to keep his composure and answer every question calmly when inquired by the police 2,油价不断上涨,世界各国都不同程度的收到了影响

With oil prices keeping on increasing,all the countries in the world have been affected one way or another. 3,他在会上提出了一系列可能避免污染的措施

At the meeting he proposed a series of measures that might ward off the environment problems. 4,迈克向他父亲保证他一定会全身心投入到即将到来的比赛上

Mike assured his father that he would put his whole heart into the coming competition. 5,一旦玛丽下定决心,就绝不会动摇

Mary will never waver once she makes up his mind. 6,他们的一些罪行骇人听闻,简直令人毛骨悚然

Some of their offences are so awful that they would chill the blood 7,材料包括但不限于洋葱,奶酪,西红柿和黑胡椒

The ingredients include but were not limited to onions,cheese,tomatoesand black pepper. 8,他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事很荒唐

He considered it ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine triffes field. 9,我们没人打破物理定律,不然就有人获诺贝尔奖了

We didn’t break the laws of physics,or else someone would be getting the Nobel Prize! 10,越来越多的医学证据表明了皮肤癌与在日光下暴漏皮肤的明确关联

Mounting medical evidence showed the clear,link between sun exposure and skin cancer. 11,天气骤然变坏,寻找伤员的工作要加紧进行

Efforts to reach the injured men should be intensified become of the sudden deteriorating in weather conditions. 12,有些人可能沉溺于网上冲浪,这会危害他们的身心健康

Some people may be addicted to net surfing,which impairs their physical and mental health. 13,地球和它表面的一切,不管是有生命的还是没有生命的,互相作用来影响我们的生活 The earth and everything on it ,living and nonliving,increact to exert inffuence on the life we have. 14,穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计

Needy and handicapped people depend on goveronment relief for their support. 15,到目前为止,还没有迹象表明人们对此品牌感到疲倦 So far there is no sign of fatigue with the brand. 16,在一个没有为高温炎热做好准备的国家,这是紧急事件

In a country that is not equipped for severe heat,this is an emergency 17,房间里闹哄哄的,他不得不竖起耳朵来听电话

I t was so noisy in the room that he had to pull his ears to hear the phone 18,这是一项令人兴奋的工作,但有几分危险 This is an exciting job but kind of dangerous 19,很难预测这些事情的结果是什么

It’s hard to predict how these things will turn out 20,谁也不知道怎么办,即使知道也将会是摸着石头过河

Nobody knows hoe to figure them out,Even if some baby seems to know,it’s still crossing a river by feeling for the stones. 21,不遵守学校规章制度的学生会被开除

Students can be expelled for refusing to conform to school rules 22,极度愤怒只会导致不愉快的结果

Extreme anger can only lead to unpleasant outcomes 23,现在,公司关心的事情就是有效的进行废物处理和提高利润

Currently,what the company cares about are effficient waste disposal and higher profits 24,在你决定想要做什么工作之前,你可以考虑一下找一份临时工作

You might consider finder temporary work before you decide what you want to do 25,如果对团队协作的重要性意识不足,我们就得承受失败的风险

If we do not have strong awareness of the significance of teamwork we will run the risk of failure






















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