




小学英语哪个补习班好?上海小学英语哪个补习班好? 唐安东教育从事家教行业,目前主要以小班和一对一的模式进行家教辅导,有针对性的帮助孩子梳理所学知识点,加深对重点、难点知识的理解,让学生能灵活运用所学知识点解题,巩固所学,提高孩子的学习效率!


小学英语哪个补习班好?上海小学英语哪个补习班好? 上海唐安东教育的小学辅导课程,主打精品班教学。辅导老师帮助孩子辅导薄弱学科,针对学员实际学习情况,个性化定制教学内容,有针对性的帮学员疏通难点、疑点,让孩子快速提高考试分数和成绩。 辅导模式与特点

(1)精准梳理知识点,与学校课程同步,消化上课不理解的重难点; (2)讲解课后作业,经典题型总结、梳理,变形题归类、分析;





(2)提高学习成绩:以学校教材为基础,同步、综合、加深各门课程。因材施教,结合每一位学生的特点进行辅导,查漏补缺。在学生掌握义务教育课本所学的课程知识基础上进一步深化、巩固、提高。 (3)复习旧知,预习新知。针对学习重点和难点进行复习和巩固。启迪思维、一题多解,充分发挥学生的想象力,达到同步辅导的极佳效果。帮助学生掌握正确、高效的解题方法。








Nowadays , with the rapid development of society and the influence of college requirements , attending training classes is becoming an important and convenient way for college students to acquire knowledge and skills . In fact , there are both advantages and disadvantages training classes bring to us .

Well , generally speaking , it is widely believed there are several positive aspects , the main reasons are listed as follows ,to begin with , attending training classes lets us acquire more skills . Furthermore, attending training classes can broaden our vision and have a comprehensive understanding of what has been learned . What’s more , attending training classes may help us make some friends in life and learning , and widen our interpersonal network . However , admittedly, attending training classes needs to spend a lot of time and money , it will affect our learning in the school . Besides , attending training classes may be deceived for college students.As far as I’m concerned , the advantages of attending training classes far outweigh the disadvantages , we should attend training classes by considering actual conditions of our own in order to learn more knowledge.


2009-08-05 18:41


1、选好地方,跟据自已的招生范围定位。小学为主,就找个小学周围,中学为主就靠近中学……当然,要选个学生和居民都多的地方,有利于宣传!有人会问,我看好一个地方但是那已经有很多补习班了 ?这就要好好想想了,是不是打算一辈子干下去?若是,相信你的实力,努力奋斗就行,等出了点成绩,自然有你的生源!若不是,趁早找个没人的地方吧!


3、宣传。如果在市区,就发宣传页吧,弄得慷慨激的,叫人来试听,并准备好一堂完美的试听课,保证课堂气氛活跃,让家长满意。若在农村,就没必要宣传单印那么多了,家长更看好价钱低的,那么怎么办,不能不赚钱吧,.那你在干嘛?此时,我们只有在宣传时,搞些优惠,比如,来此报名的学生另介绍一位学生,我给优惠50块钱,在学校门口摆张桌子,打一个条幅,家长接孩子时多和家长沟通就行了,在家村,没人会看你那华丽的宣传页,家长更注重看你的言行,换去你的奇装异服,去掉你的红毛绿毛,一定会有学生找你的.4 讲课,可能这一条才是根本.讲不好课,你就只有关门的份了,看好学生家长的需求,若是要学课外的知识,你就得把课外的讲好,当然,考试要自已出题,不然学多好,谁知道.要是家长不要求内容,只要在学校考好就行,你就只能把学生学校的知识让他学透,小学初中有什么啊?让他把单词课文全背写下来算了,慢慢来一定会有好成绩的.另外要注意,现在的小孩太有心眼了,你不要太狠了,要刚柔同施,孩子要太怕你,就算你讲的再好也没用,他回家一定会和家里说,我们老师讲的不好,我听不懂,那你就等家长来和你商量退费的事吧.5 .注意,虽然补课的钱还算好赚,但一定要多积攒点.等你的班开到100人左右,你就要考虑要弄个独门独院的教室了,还混在居民楼中,那你永远也不会在众多补习班中出人头地了.人多了,一定要弄成正规学校的样了,我相信补习班不办手续的好日子不会太久了,以后全国都严加管理的时候,办正规学校手续一定会有很高的门坎的,趁落后地区还有机会,快挖你的第一桶金吧!



1.邀请某人去做某事2.at the school gate

3.参加4.talk to sb about sth

5.由......制成6.at the beginning

7.在......接近尾声的时候8.drive sb to school

9.一个男女混合的学校10.have a great time


() 1.Mother asks me ______ computer games before finishing my homework.

A. not playB.to play

C. not to playD.to not play

() 2.Why not ______Tom______his English?

A. help;improveB.to help;improve

C.help;improvingD.to help;improving

() 3.I’m thirsty. Please bring me _______.

A.something to eatB.to eat something

C.to drink somethingD.something to drink

() 4.---Amy, we have few vegetables for dinner, could you go and buy_____?----Yes, sure.But I don’t have _____money.



()5.----I’m not hungry but thirsty.


A.I’m hungry, too.

B.What about some cakes?

C.I’m happy to hear that.

D.How about a glass of water?

() 6.We all love Miss Yang. She always makes her history class______.



()7.When I think _____the death of my little dog.I feel sad.



()8.My parents told me not to say _____bad word______others.



()9.------How was the evening party yesterday?

------We enjoyed ________very much.

A.usB.ourselves C.it’sD.itself ()10.------Must I get up early tomorrow?------No,__________.

A.you mustn’tB.I don’t think you have to. C.you can’tD.you need.


It took Mike a few months to save seven dollars.a model plane,so he went to the shop with the money.

,Mike saw a little boy crying on the street.” crying?” Mike asked.

“Three big boys my four dollars just now,”the boy said.”I was on,but now I can’t.”

Mike thought of(口袋).He thought of the model plane and the poor.

Mike wanted to walk away,he did not.At last he__9__four dollars to the boy and went home.

Do you know why? He was happy because the little boy was happy.

1 A.sellB.buy2 A.school3 A. Why4 A.went out5 A.my6 A.four7 A.girl8 A.and


D.bring D.airport D.Where D.took away D.theirs D.seven D.doctor D.so D.made D.surprised




B.HowB.turned on

B.theirB fiveB.boyB.asB.gaveB.sad

C.mixed up

9 A.saved10 A.happy


四、阅读理解(共10小题.每小题3分;满分30分) 阅读短文,然后根据内容选择最佳答案。


J.K.Rowling is the writer of the Harry.Potter series,one of the most popular books.

J.K.Rowling was born in Bristol in 1965 .She has one sister who is two years younger than her.Both girls loved listening to their father reading bedtime stories to them.

They loved stories about the magical(有魔力的)world.Rowling wrote her first story,called Rabbit at the age of six.

After she graduated(毕业)from the university,Rowing worked in

London.During that time,on a long train trip in the summer of 1990,the idea of a boy who has magic but doesn't know it came to her.In 1992,Rowling began to teach English.She lived with her daughter,Jessica,and spent much time finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers.It came out in l997 .To her surprise, the book was very successful.The film came out in 2001.Now the Harry Potter series is popular with people of all ages.

Why is the series so successful? Many other magical stories take place in faraway lands or in the past or future times.But Harry lives in modern England.He's also a very normal(正常的)boy.When other children read the story about Harry,they call imagine(想象)being like him.

J.K Rowling is very happy with her success.She says she will go on writing children’s books.

1.From the passage,We learn that J.K.Rowling__________.A.has two sistersB.1ives with her son

C.worked in Bristol after universityD.wrote a story when she was six

2.The first Harry Potter book cam out in __________.A.1990




3.The Harry Potter series is __________.A.written for young peopleB.only enjoyed by childrenC.about an old womanD.not very popular

4.In Rowling's story,Harry lives in __________A.the past

B.a faraway village D.the future

C.modern England

5.How is the Harry Potter series different from other magical stories?

A.There are magical things in it.B.It takes much time to finish reading.C.It has seven books

D.The stories take place in the modern world.


Mr. Clark goes to a dinner party in old clothes.He comes into the room,but the people in the room don’t look at him.They don’t ask him to sit at the table.

Mr. Clark goes home and puts on his fine clothes. He goes back to the party again.People in the room all stand up and smile at him.They give him very nice food to eat.

,and puts them in the food and says,”Eat,clothes!”

The other people ask,”What are you doing?”

He answers.”I’m asking my clothes to eat food.When I am wearing my old clothes, you don't look at me. You don’t ask rile to sit down. Now I am in these clothes,and you give me very nice food.So I know you give the food to my clothes,not to me!“

1.Mr. Clark goes to the party __________ at first.

A.with his friendsB.in old clothesC.with nice foodD.in fine clothes

2.When Mr. Clark comes to the party in fine clothes,people __________.A.don't ask him to sit at the tableB.don't look at himC.ask him to go homeD.are friendly to him 3.Mr. Clark asks __________ to eat the food.

A.his fine clothesB.his old clothes C.his parentsD.the people

4. “take off” means(意思是)__________in Chinese.A.买下




5.From the story,we know__________

A.Mr. Clark brings some nice food to the partyB.Mr. Clark does not like the people at the partyC.The people at the party all know Mr. ClarkD.Mr. Clark has no fine clothes


学校生活有欢乐,有挫折,有成就,也有朋友。请你以“My Good Friend ”




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