







Chapter One Task Description

1.1 About the translation project

1.1.1 Background of translation task

1.1.2 Problems to be solved

1.1.3 Objectives

1.1.4 Significance

1.2 Text selection

1.2.1 About the author

1.2.2 About the source text

1.3 Structure of the report

Chapter Two Translation Process Description

2.1 Pre-translation

2.1.1 Source Text Analysis

2.1.2 Preparing translation tools

2.1.3 Summarizing and classifying terminology

2.1.4 Searching parallel texts

2.1.5 Translation Schedule

2.2 While-translation

2.2.1 Difficulties Encountered

2.2.2 Determining translation strategies

2.3 Post-translation

2.3.1 Self-proofreading and modification

2.3.2 Feedback from supervisor and fellow students

Chapter Three Theoretical Basis

3.1 Overview of Adaptation Theory

3.1.1 The origin of adaptation theory

3.1.2 Three features of language

3.1.3 Four dimensions of language description and interpretation

3.2 Application of Adaptation Theory

3.2.1 Translation— a process of constant selection

3.2.2 Translation— an adaptation process

3.2.3 Application of adaptation theory in accounting text translation

Chapter Four Case Analysis

4.1 Adaptation of financial accounting translation at lexical level

4.1.1 Treatment of polysemy in English translation

4.1.2 Translation of proper nouns and terminologies

4.1.3 Translation of culture-loaded words

4.1.4 Translation of four-character structures

4.2 Adaptation of financial accounting translation at syntactical level

4.2.1 Translation of Chinese sentences without subjects into English ones with subjects

4.2.2 Translation of long sentences

4.2.3 Translation of tenses

4.2.4 Translation of metaphorical sentences

4.3 Adaptation of financial accounting translation at textual level

4.3.1 Cohesion of textual level

4.3.2 Coherence of textual level

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major findings

5.2 Limitations

5.3 Suggestions


Appendix Ⅰ Source Text and Target Text

Appendix Ⅱ Terminology



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