







首先入场的是正方 *** *** .他们的辩手是:……[转自第一公文网:gongwen.]

现在入场的是反方 *** ,他们的立场是 *** .他们的辩手是:……

今天晚上,我们举行的是:****辩论赛 ,欢迎各位辩手和同学们的到来,希望双方在今晚的比赛中都有出色的表现。


感谢各位评委的到来,今晚的辩题是“ .”我们有人说” .”也有人说:” .”谁是谁非呢.台下的同学想必早已经如饥似渴.再看台上的辩手,哈,也早已磨刀霍霍了.










(院(系)团/党委副书记) xx 老师

(院(系)团/党委副书记) xx 老师

(院(系)团/党委副书记) xx 老师

(院(系)团/党委副书记) xx 老师

(院(系)团/党委副书记) xx 老师


院(系)团/党委副书记 老师


本场比赛的辩题是有关于 的话题:



(对辩题作简要介绍) ……

首先,由正方一辩阐述正方观点,时间三分钟,请。 ……

谢谢正方一辩的精彩发言,下面请反方一辩阐述反方观点,时间也是三分钟,请。 ……

感谢反方一辩的发言,下面进入攻辩环节。首先请正方二辩选择反方二辩或三辩进行攻辩。问者只准问,答者只准答。每次提问不超过10秒,每次回答不超过20秒。总计时间1分30秒。请。 ……

谢谢,下面由反方二辩选择正方二辩或三辩进行攻辩。 ……

谢谢,接下来由正方三辩选择反方二辩或三辩进行攻辩。 ……

谢谢,接下来由反方三辩选择正方二辩或三辩进行攻辩。 ……

感谢双方辩手的精彩发言,下面请正方一辩进行攻辩小结,时间1分30秒。有请。 ……

谢谢,现在请反方一辩进行攻辩小结,时间也是1分30秒。有请。 ……

感谢反方一辩的精彩陈词,接下来辩论赛将进入最精彩的自由辩论,双方各有4分钟时间,正方四辩首先发言。 ……

谢谢,经过八名辩手精彩的自由辩论后,请观众朋友向正方和反方选手各提问2个问题,所 第 3 页 共 3 页 提问题由多数评委通过后辩手方可回答。每位观众只能提一个问题,提问前请提问者说明您的所在院系,提问时请简洁明了,原则上不超过15秒。选手回答时间不超过一分钟,其中双方四辩必须回答一个问题。一人回答完毕时间未尽,其他人可继续。现在请观众朋友向正方选手提问,请。 ……

感谢这位观众朋友的提问和正方选手的回答,下面请观众朋友向反方选手提问,请。 ……

感谢这位观众朋友的提问和反方选手的回答,下面请观众朋友向正方选手提问,请。 ……

谢谢,请观众朋友向反方选手提问,请。 ……

请反方四辩总结陈词,时间3分钟,请。 ……

感谢反方四辩的精彩陈词,下面请正方四辩总结陈词,时间也是3分钟,请。 ……


( 院(系)团/党委副书记 ) xx (老师 )为今晚这场辩论作点评,有请。xx

谢谢 xx 老师的精彩点评。

现在评判结果已经出来了,(本场比赛的最佳辩手是: 同学,让我们以最热烈的掌声对他表示祝贺。)

下面我郑重宣布,经过评判团认真的评判,最终以 的结果判定本场比赛的优胜队是: 正方/反方 代表队








1 .good morning,ladies and gentlemen. we are at our class debate

..i’m ..my partner is… we’re honoured to be the chairpersons of this debate.thank youyou’re your participating.

2. today,we’ll be witnessing a brilliant debate

the petition is divided into five rounds,before each round begings,i will briefly introduce the petition rules.so our debaters need to listen carefully.

1 now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters. on my right are 4 debaters representing the student-centre,they are ……………………………………..

we wele the four debaters.

2 likewise,we’d like to wele the opposite on my left. the 4 debaters represent the teather-centre.they are ……………………………….

wele the eight debaters.

1. now that we’ve met the 8debaters.let me introduce the four judges for today.they are ………………….

2. 这个地方适当的加一些话,关于主题的。whose argument is more persuasive,we’ll soon find out.

1. i now declare open the debate. we’ll begin with the first round-presenting of arguments. in this round, both teams can send any debater to establish its arguments.we’ll start with the student-centre,if you please.

2. thank you.proposition for your opening arguments.let’s listen to how the teather-center make their argument.if you please.

1. thank you. now that we’ve listened to the exciting opening arguments from both sides,we’ll move into the next round-free debate and rebuttal.

2. in this round,one of the 3 remaining debaters who did not speak ealier will present.the presenting debater can rebut their opponent’s views and also further develop their own.

1. we’ll start with the student -centre,if you please.

2. thank you, student –centre.let’s now hear the teather-centre’s arguments and rebuttal.

1. thank you.after that round of sparring,both teams have received some blows. we now move into the cross-examination round.

2. this round is divided in two. first,one of the student-centre’s members who has not presented will cross-examine two of the 2 remaining teather-centre’s members who have not spoken.and the teather-centre’s can only answer questions,and not ask any.

1. let’s hear from the student –centre. 第 5 页 共 5 页

2. let’s now invite the teather-centre to start the next round of cross-examination.

1. now we have the second round of cross-examinations.the student-centre will begin. the remaining debater who has not presented till now will cross-examine the two teather-centre’s speakers who were not cross-examined ealier.

2. the teather-centre will now start the next round of cross- examinations.if you please.

1. both teams’ exciting cross- examinations have treated us to the robust. we now move into the 4th round of free debate.at every petition, this is the most-watched and most exciting round.

2. there is no limit to the number of times debaters can speak,nor the order in which they speake.let’s invite the student-centre to start.

1. this round is quite exciting,but our debaters cannot relax.the conclusion round is also important.

2. in this round ,the speaker has to be one of those who did the cross-examination ealier. this time we’ll start with the teather –centre.

1. thank you. let us now hear the student –centre’s conclusion

2. both teams’conclusion bring today’s petition to a close. let’s leave the judges to do their work now.

1. our judges have made their decisions.before we announce that,i’d like to invite mrs wang.to critique the teams’ performance today. mrs wang,please.

2. now the judges will give their result. 第 6 页 共 6 页




Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s English debating competition. I’m the host ( ). First, it’s my great honour to introduce today’s judges: our dear teacher(), welcome! our dear teacher(), welcome! our dear teacher(), welcome! Welcome you all!!

The debating topic of non-English major group is

___Men or women , who face greater pressure in modern life? ________________

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(陈颖诗 ), the second debater(杨嘉豪), the third debater ( 叶颖欣), the forth debater( 柯 勃). They are from 化学与环境工程学院 They hold the view that__In the modern world, women face greater pressure than men in life.________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 高原 ), the second debater( 刘烨婷 ), the third debater (张甄 ), the forth debater(吴晓玲 ). They are from 旅游与地理学院. They hold the view that____In the modern world, men face greater pressure than women in life____________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.The first part, give opening statement. Each team has 3 minutes to give their opening

statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear one ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking. The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up.Thank you, A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,

concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement,. (正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want. (Alright, back to the track. Let’s

welcome___________to make some comments. Thanks for remarking.)

可能会在这增设评委点评非专业组的环节 OK!Time’s up. Let’s begin the second group. The debating topic of English major group is___AIDS is a social issue, or a medical issue?____

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(余颖欣 ), the second debater( 林悦), the third debater (丁小龙), the forth debater( 钟怡 ). They are from class_1_ grade__3_. They hold the view that_______AIDS is a social issue, not a medical issue________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater( 伍结玲), the second debater(周华丽), the third debater ( 刘焕彬 ), the forth debater( 卢泳贝 ). They are from class_2_ grade_1__. They hold the view that__AIDS is a medical issue, not a social issue________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you. Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.team has 3 minutes to give their opening statement. At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear a ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking. The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section. In this part, each team has 5 minutes to debate against the other side. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement. Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.

Now, let’s begin the debate.(1) First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes. Now, please begin. (正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement. You have 3 minutes as well. Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking. Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section. Each team has 5 minutes. Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up. Thank you, . A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,

concluding statement. Each team has 3 minutes. Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement, welcome. (正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.

And it’s time for you, my dear audiences! You can ask any question you want.

Alright, back to the track. Let’s welcome ____________ to make some comments Thanks for remarking.

It is high time to announce who is the winner. The winner ofnon-English major group is______________ .Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.

The winner of English major group is________________. Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage. Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.

That’s all for today. Thank you for your attending.最后,有请各位嘉宾和评委上台与选手合影留念。See you.


Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen ,

Our side firmly believe that “Not all graduating high school students need to serve their country for two years “. Here, we want all of you to pay much attention to these two words “NOT ALL” .Following are some aspects which can support our argument .

First of all , as for the whole country , it is not good for a country’s development .If all graduating high school students served their country for two years , we would guess what will happen . In general ,high-school graduates are less than 20 years old without professional knowledge .When they take their places in society , only the low paid or laborious job offers are available , so you can see how much contribution they can make to this society ? Serving your country for two years , then go to university for four years , which is total six years . In this six years , you can go to university first and then find a better job to make a contribution to your country . Everyone can know clearly that the later one can produce more valuable things to our country , so why don’t we choose to go to university first ? Besides , if we serve our country for two years , it will cause the gap in talents . Let me take an example , in 1966 , Chairman Mao encouraged those youths who were mostly high-school graduates to go to the countryside .This was also called “to serve their country” , then what happened ? Everyone knows , this is called ‘The Great Culture Revolution ‘ Was that good or was that a very wise

decision ? History is kinda practice and practice is the sole criterion fortestingtruth . So the history also tells us that it is unwise to serve their country first . Needless to say , it disorganizes the Educational system . Second , it also does harm to individuals . We believe whether you wanna serve your country or not depends on one’s own interest .There’s no need to let ‘ALL’ graduating high-school students to do it . Most High-school graduates are too young to distinguish the good from the bad . It is common that Generation Y likes hanging out with friends .It is said that the young are easy to become illegal drugs takers if misleading guidance is conducted . Also , after those students serve their country for two years , eventually they may not be able to calm down to concentrate their studies after they’ve stayed in society for two years . At last , what we wanna emphasize is that the present situation of our country even this world is that attending to universities is still the major trend . Also , our country encourages university graduates to contribute to the ‘large-scale development of the western region ‘ instead of high-school graduates . Existence is Rational . To sum up , it is not beneficial to let all graduating high-school students serve their for two years , so our side affirmatively believe that “Not all graduating high-school students need to serve their country for two years “.Thank you !




张:诶、杨航,经历了将近一个月的比赛 我们终于迎来了决赛这一天 ,你的心情是不是很激动呢 ?

杨:是啊,这段时间每一场比赛我都在看, 选手们从当初的初出茅庐,到如今的

体现了他们成长的过程。 张:我想,本次辩论赛将会成为他们大学生涯中 不可磨灭的记忆,下面,就让我们通过一段视频短片来回顾一下这段美好的经历。 杨:好的,话不多说, 让我们通过视频把记忆延伸到那段美好的回忆中。

—————————————视频—————————————————— 一:

张:看了这段视频,想必我们的嘉宾一定也是深有感触,有很多的话想要跟同学们说,下面有请我们经济管理学院----------发表致辞。大家掌声欢迎!! 杨:(上前递话筒)

——————————讲话———————————— 杨:感谢-------的讲话, 二:


杨:诶,宇嘉 在比赛之前我想先问你个问题,你认为有多种选择是好还是不好?



张 :下面 让我们听听同学们的见解。首先共同认识一下今天的双方队伍。

杨:坐在我右手边的正方辩手是由物流管理专业组成的代表队 , 他们的观点是选择越多越幸福

张:反方辩手是由文法专业组成的代表队 , 他们的观点是选择越多越痛苦




张:非常感谢一辩选手的精彩发言。 现在我们来看看反方是如何破题立论的。时间依然为两分三十秒。有请反方一辩(计时开始)

杨:反方一辩选手的发言同样精彩,经过第一环节,双方选手都清晰明了的展现了各方的观点。下面我们进入第二个环节,攻辩环节。本环节双方二辩,三辩依次选择对方二辩或三辩进行一对一攻辩,攻辩时间一分三十秒,每次回答时间不超过15秒。首先有请正方二辩选择你的答辩对象„(计时开始);(对不起,时间到)(感谢双方辩手的精彩辩论) 张:有请反方二辩选择你的答辩对象„(计时开始);(对不起,时间到)(好 ,感谢双方辩手的精彩辩论)

杨:有请正方三辩选择你的答辩对象„(计时开始); (对不起,时间到)(感谢双方辩手的精彩辩论)



张:反方的小结也是妙语连珠,不落下风。双方辩手的唇枪舌战,你来我往把比赛渐渐推向高潮,好,现在就让我们进入本场比赛最激烈也最令人期待的环节:自由辩论环节。本环节由正方先发言,双方交替发言,有问有答,不得进行人身攻击,时间各为5分钟,一方站立起开始计时,落座后结束计时;一方用时满时,另一方可以选择继续发言也可以向主席示意放弃。有请正方辩手(计时开始) (好 , X方用时已满, 请问Y方是否要继续发言) 杨:好,各位观众,刚才这段自由辩论可谓非常的精彩,而各方的四辩所将要作的总结性陈述,往往更是举足轻重。下面就让我们一起来听正反双方四辩进行总结陈词。时间均为3分钟。首先有请正方四辩。(计时开始)好,感谢X方四辩的精彩陈词,下面有请反方四辩,计时 好 感谢。




张:紧张激烈的辩论赛到这里终于接近尾声了,双方辩友各尽所能,据理力争。但今天的胜利者只有一位,现在我手上已经有了最后的成绩,最激动人心的时刻到了,下面我宣布,评委团经过公平公正的评比后, 本场比赛的最佳辩手是——专业几辩XX,——专业以微弱的优势赢得了本届辩论赛的冠军。 杨:历时一个月的比赛终于就要尘埃落定了,不管怎么样,付出都是有回报的,下面开始我们的颁-奖-仪-式。

张:本届辩论赛的优秀辩手: 杨:三等奖: 张:亚军:

杨:同学们 用你们最大的声音告诉我,谁是本届辩论赛的冠军队伍!!!。



杨:我想无论哪一方获胜,我们都该感谢今天双方辩手为我们带来的一场的精彩比赛, 张:当然也要再一次感谢今天到场的嘉宾和同学们,就让我们共同期待下一届辩论赛的到来。 杨:下面我宣布,经济管理学院第九届辩论赛到此结束。。。。。。。。。。。。。。



下面,请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委的到场。 各位评委,各位同学:

大家晚上好!欢迎大家前来参加商学院第七届“厚德杯”辩论赛,此次辩论赛由商学院主办,商学院院长助理团承办,我是主持人 ,今晚本场辩论赛的辩题是 。

下面,请允许我为大家隆重介绍莅临本场辩论赛的评委们,他们分别是: ,让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。接下来,让我们来认识下本场的辩论双方,我们的正方是来自 班的同学,他们分别是一辩 、二辩 、三辩 、四辩 ,他们的观点是 ,我们的反方是 班的同学们,他们分别是一辩 、二辩 、三辩 、四辩 , 他们的观点是 ,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来与参与。


首先,立论阶段。——请正方一辩陈词立论,时间为2分30秒,计时开始。 感谢正方的精彩陈词,下面有请反方一辩陈词立论,时间同样为2分30秒,计时开始。

感谢正反方一辩的精彩陈词,接下来是攻辩阶段: (1)请正方二辩选择反方二辩或三辩进行一对一攻辩,

时间为1分30秒,每个提问不超过15秒 ,计时开始。 (2) 请反方二辩选择正方二辩或三辩进行一对一攻辩 ,

时间为1分30秒,每个提问不超过15秒 ,计时开始。


时间为1分30秒,每个提问不超过15秒 ,计时开始。 (4) 请反方三辩选择正方二辩或三辩进行一对一攻辩,

时间为1分30秒,每个提问不超过15秒 ,计时开始。












好!非常感谢双方亲友团的给力表演,接下来是评委的点评阶段,下面,请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎 为我们各位辩手作点评。

非常感谢 的点评,下面有请 为大家进行点评,大家欢迎。


现在,最激动人心的时刻到了,下面,就由我为大家公布本场辩论赛的结果:正方 班的最后得分是 ,反方

班的最后得分是 。所以,晋级班级是 班,期待你们下次更为精彩的表现,同时,也感谢 班今晚的参与和精彩表演。最后,我宣布本场辩论赛到此结束,让我们把热烈的掌声送给今晚在座的每一位,让我们以热烈的掌声欢送评委离席,请各位同学有序离开赛场。


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