




三年的高中即将结束。请你以“I will remember my school life forever”为题,为英语校刊投稿。注意:文章应包括下面四幅图的内容;词数不少于60;文章的开头已为你写出。

After the College Entrance Examination , the three-year school life will come to an end. It’s hard to say goodbye to my school, teachers and friends ,because I have an unforgettable time here.

My school is beautiful,with trees,gardens,modern buildings and a large playground. The school flag at the gate greets me every day in the morning,making me feel great.

I also enjoy attending classes,listening attentively to the teachers or having discussions with my classmates. Everyone actively participates and every class is meaningful.

Teachers in our school are very helpful.They are not only experienced and knowledgeable,but we also patient and understanding. Whenever I have problems with my study or life, my teachers are always there ,ready to lend a hand.

We also have colorful sports activities at schoo1. In addition to PE classes,we have more choices 1ike playing basketball, soccer,table tennis,as well as swimming.

In a word, everything here will be in my heart forever.10年朝阳区一模情景作文

假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,近日你班同学参加了世界自然基金会WWF组办的“我为哥本哈根减斤碳”活动,大家开始在日常生活中减少能源、纸张等的消耗。请根据以下四幅图提供的信息,给某英文杂志写 一篇以“Low – carbon Living”为题的英文稿件,介绍你们参加此次活动第一天的具体做法。 注意:1.信的开头已为你写好。2.词数不少于60。

Low – carbon Living

Recently, my classmates and I participated in the activity of Low – Carbon Living organized by the WWF. On the first day, we chose to go to school by bike or on foot rather than by bus or car. Before we left the classroom, we made sure the lights and the computer were switched off. In order to make full use of paper, we began to write on both sides. Besides, while shopping, we no longer used plastic bags but

carried environmentally friendly ones.

I think what we did on that day was meaningful, which an help us to form a good habit. We should also call on the people around us to do something for low – carbon living. Only in this way will the earth he a good place to live on.10年宣武区一模情景作文

你们班四月二日组织了一次爬山活动,请根据下图内容写一篇日记,完整记述当天发生的事情。 注意:词数不少于60。

Today we went to climb Xinagshan Mountain.

Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there by bus. At nine o’clock we arrived at the foot of the mountain and started climbing. The mountain was very high and some of us got tired soon, but all of us were very excited. We cheered happily when we got to the top. The view was wonderful. We had our lunch there and enjoyed ourselves very much. Unfortunately when we began to walk down the mountain, we were caught in a storm. Faced with unexpected situation, our teacher remained calm, asking us to help each other down. So we shared our umbrellas and raincoats with each other and walked more cautiously. Finally we all reached the parking lot safely and got on the bus heading back home.

Despite the unexpected rain and wind, we still had a good time.


假设你是李华,光明中学的学生。寒假期间你参加了社区居委会组织的社区服务活动。请你按照图片顺序,以“Community Service”为题,向学校英文校刊投稿,介绍这次活动情况。注意:1.文章开头已为你写好 2.词数不少于60

3.参考词汇:sports facilities体育设施

Community Service

During the winter vacation, the students in our class joined in a meaningful activity in which all of us did our bit for the community.

Fist we went to visit an old lady who lived all alone. While we were in her home, one of us chatted with her and the rest helped do a thorough cleaning. We swept the floor and dusted the table. When the work was done, the house looked really neat and tidy then we went to the sports center, where different sports facilities needed polishing. We set out to work at once. In no time everything was dust-free. To make the environment clean, we also picked up the litter on the grass and along the paths. As the Spring Festival was around the corner, we put up New Year decorations on the billboard and a poster with the characters Happy Chinese New Year on it.

Having done all these, we saw a more pleasant community. Tired as we were, we felt happy as all of our work paid off.


假如你是红星中学高三一班的学生。3月5日是学雷锋日,你班组织了一次帮扶活动。请根据下面四幅图所提供的活动内容和过程写一篇英文短文,为你校校刊英语专栏投稿。短文词数不少于60。提示词:senior citizens home养老院

Our class planned to organize an activity on March 5th , the day in memory of Lei Feng. The day before, we had had a class meeting to disc uss what we would do. After a heated discussion, we had decided to got to a senior citizens home to do something for the elderly.

On March 5 th, we set our early in the mornig. As soon as we got to the senior citizens home, we first did a thorough cleaning. Some swept and mopped the floor. Some cleaned the windows and the others did some washing. An hour later, the rooms in the senior citizens home looked clean and tidy. And then we were divided into two groups. One group gave wonderful performances that the elderly enjoyed a lot, the other group taught those who were interested in English some daily English expressions. All the elderly had a good time with us. When lunch time came we had to say good-bye to them.

We’ve really learned a lot from what we did. We also realize that we can make ourselves useful to those who need help and care.



The chart shows the percentage of the different means of transportation people used in Beijing in

2009.38.9% of the people preferred to use public transportation, such as buses, or subways.At the same time, the people who drove made up 34% of the total, which shows the increasing tendency of private cars.The result also shows only 18.1% of the people traveled by bike, while 7.1% of the people took taxis, and 1.9% tried other means of transportation.

From the data showed above, more than one third of the citizens are in favor of public transportation.In my opinion, people should be encouraged to use buses or subways, as it can reduce pollution and relieve traffic jams.Besides, it is very economical and convenient.


最近,你校学生会对分类垃圾箱是否进教室一事进行了调查,调查结果见下表。请根据图表提供的信息用英语写一篇短文,介绍同学们的不同意见和看法,并表达你自己的观点。 注意:词数不少于60。 提示词:饼状图pie chart


Recently the student union conducted a survey on whether recycling dustbins should be set in classrooms.

As can be seen from the pie chart, different students hold different opinions on this program. Only a few students care little about it. Surprisingly, about one third of students are totally against the program. They don’t bother to change their old habits. However, over half the students are completely for the program, as it is not only beneficial to recycling of resources, but also it can help students develop their good habits of garbage classification. Besides, 12% of the students partly agree. They hold the opinion that educating people on how to classify the garbage goes first.

Personally, I’m in favor of this program. I believe it’s important to raise people’s awareness of garbage classification, from which we will get considerable benefits for the future.



现象 1.根据最近调查,约25%的大学生打零工



原因 4.想赚钱支付部分日益增长的学费


意义 (内容由考生自己拟定)

注意: 1.词数:不少于60。文章的开头已为你写好。


According to a recent survey. About 25 percent of colleges students have a part – time job. During

summer vacation, this figure will increase to 72 percent. College students are working as tutors, waiters or salesmen.

Why do they want part – time jobs? First, they want to earn money to help cover the increasingly higher college tuition. Second, they hope to be economically independent and buy whatever they want.

In my opinion, by doing part – time jobs, college students can gain some society experience and broaden their outlook. What’s more, part – time jobs can provide them with a valuable opportunity to know the outside world. So it’s of great significance for college students to do part – time jobs.


This morning, I was jogging along the road near my neighborhood when I came across a foreign couple with a city map. Confusion was clear on their face and immediately it dawned on me that they must have been lost.

Without hesitation, I walked up to them and offered to help. Thankfully, my English was fluent enough to make myself understood. They smiled in relief and said they wanted to visit the Heaven Temple but failed to locate it in the map.

Quickly, I pointed it out on the map and showed them the direction as well. Worried by the thought that they might again get lost on their way, I walked them to a nearby bus stop so that they could arrive there without trouble.

After a while, the bus No.20 pulled at the stop which would take them to the Heaven Temple. Upon leaving, the couple thanked me warmly again, expressing their appreciation for my kind help.

Seeing the No. 20 Bus disappearing into the distance, a sense of delight filled my heart. It made me so happy and proud to offer others in need a helping hand, and in this case, I was also able to show foreigners how friendly the city of Beijing was.

(208 words) 20分

As we can see in the picture, a half-new pencil is laughing at an aged pencil whose eyebrows are snow-white. The “young” pencil is thinking “you are nearing the end.” However, the old pencil, which is almost end up, is not being pitiful or regretful for the fact that he is nearing the end of his life. With all the years spent in arduous paper work, he is not leaving this world with nothing to be remembered.

I believe it is likewise when it comes to life. What young people have is a long future. But that is not to say we teenagers are qualified to tease at the old. Old people are to be respected, not because of that simple fact that they have lived for so long, but to show some esteem to the fact that they have devoted all the years of diligence and concentration to their occupation and thus, to our society. Old people are once young kids. We are all, sooner or later to become what we now tease at. Why can’t we show our love to them and make the world a better place to live in?

I hope all of us can have a content smile to ourselves when our lives are nearing the end and, young as we are, we can love the old to build a harmonious society from now on. (230) 15分


2014年高考英语满分作文北京卷第一节(15分)【作文题目】你给英国朋友Chris写一封信,内容包括:1.你们原计划7月份一同去云南旅游;2.由于脚部受伤,你无法按原计划前往;3.表达你的歉意并建议将旅行推迟到8月份。注意: 1.词数不少于50。2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。范文:Dear Chris,How is it going?I remember we planned to visit Yunnan in July. But now, because my left foot was injured, I cannot go with you as planned.I’m sorry about it. Can I suggest that we put it off until early August? I wish you could understand. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Joe 译文:克里斯,你好?你最近好吗?我记得我们曾计划在七月访问云南。但现在,因为我的左脚受伤了,我不能按计划和你一起去了。我对此感到很抱歉。我能建议我们把计划推迟到8月初吗?我希望你能理解。我期待着尽快收到你的来信。此致乔第一二节(20分)【作文题目】假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,记述你和同学们向学校提建议,解决自行车存放问题的过程。

注意:1. 词数不少于 60.2. 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。范文:There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school. I noticed the entrance was small and almost blocked. So my classmates and I had a discussion and wrote a report. Then we went to meet the school master in his office and gave the report to him. He accepted our suggestions. Soon afterwards, a second entrance was opened to the parking place. Now it is easy to park our bikes there.译文:我们学校自行车停放处有一个问题。我注意到入口很小,几乎被堵住了。所以,我和我的同学进行了讨论,写了一份报告。然后我们去校长办公室见校长,将报告交给了他。他接受了我们的建议。不久之后,第二个停车场的入口开启了。现在我们能很容易的把自行车停放在那里了。

第四篇:2012北京高考一模结束 专家支招志愿填报

因材施教 知任善育

2012北京高考“一模”结束 专家支招志愿填报











020—28933802 因材施教 知任善育




关注“一模” 重视模考,参照平时











020—28933802 因材施教 知任善育









每年考生在高考前都会遇到信心不足,情绪波动,状况不佳等心理问题,需要找到解决办法,及时进行调整。信心不足主要是考生自我压力大,感觉自己不行。解决这个问题需要考生制定切实的高考目标,不要同人比,应当认为自己能考出平时的水平就是成功。要有积极的自我暗示,可以在字条上写上“我行 我行 我行”,贴在桌子右上角,因为这是眼睛经常会瞟到的位置。走路时也要挺胸抬头,这样也能增强信心。





020—28933802 因材施教 知任善育


电话:020—36707006 020—28933802








2、两个区的情景作文考的是都是课外的生活经历和体验,也是拉开整体作文区分度的题型。预计14高考也会以学生校外丰富多彩的生活为考核背景,所以一定要做好相应的词汇支撑积累。比如西城情景“给好友送行”需要的词汇支撑有tears well up in one’s eyes(眼泪涌出), cherish friendship forever(友谊地久天长),sign one’s name(签名),take a group picture(合影),as a remembering of(留念);海淀情景“绿色出行”需要的词汇支撑有search for bike rental service on line(在网上寻找自行车租车服务),apply for rental card(申办租车卡),contribute one’s share to green Beijing (为绿色北京做贡献)

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