





得分____________ 一. 单项选择 (20分,每小题1分) ()1. Mrs. White isn’t here. She ______ London.

A. has been to

B. has gone to

C. went to

D. has gone ()2. One-child policy has ______ controlling China’s population. A. did well in

B. been good at

C. worked good in

D. worked well in ()3. In our class, about ______ of the students are girls. A. three fifth

B. third fifth

C. third fifths

D. three fifths ()4. The weather in summer here is cooler than ______ in Beijing. A. this

B. that

C. it

D. the one ()5. Last year, the population of that city ______ 7,120,000. A. were

B. have been

C. has

D. was ()6. Jim has been to the Great Wall before, ______ he? A. has

B. does

C. hasn’t

D. doesn’t ()7. There are several chemical factories ______ waste water into the river. A. pouring

B. pour

C. pours

D. poured ()8. ------ What a nice motorbike! How long have you ______ it?

------ About half a year. A. had

B. receive

C. bought

D. taken ()9. ------ He is late for the meeting.

------ ______. A. So I am

B. So am I

C. So I do

D. So do I ()10. ------How many people did you see in the meeting room?

------ ______. A. Nothing

B. No one

C. None

D. A little ()11. He was ______ in finishing the work. A. successful

B. successfully

C. success

D. succeed ()12. ------ Which do you prefer, a glass of water or a cup of tea?

------ ______. Thanks. I’m not thirsty.

A. Both

B. Either

C. Neither

D. None ()13. ______Mum asked me to close the windows before going to bed, _____ I forget to do so. A. Though; /

B. Though; but

C. Till; /

D. Until; then ()14. He ______ to school by bike, but now he ______ to school on foot. A. used to going; gets used to go

B. used to go; gets used to going C. used to go; gets used to go

D. get used to going; used to go ()15. ------ Listen! ______.

------ Oh, let’s go to the classroom.

A.There goes the bell.

B. There is a bell.

C. There the bell go.

D. Goes there the bell. ()16. Miss Wang told us that the moon ______ around the earth. A. moves

B. moved

C. is moving

D. had moved ()17. The policeman prevented us ______ out. A. from go

B. go

C. to go

D. from going ()18. Mr. Simth didn’t tell us ______. A. where does he live

B. where he lives

C. where did he live

D. where he lived ()19. I didn’t know what happened ______her last night. A. to

B. on

C. about

D. with ()20. He was supposed ______ here yesterday.

A. come

B. to come

C. coming

D. comes III. 完型填空(20分,每小题2分)

The world is divided into two main parts, the poor and the ____41__ . The poor countries ___42___ “the developing countries”, which have special ___43___. Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything ___44___. Many people never get enough food ___45___, and the children starve(饿死). Help should be given by the rich countries, but rich countries have problems, ___46___. The air isn’t fresh and the rivers are ___47___ dirty to swim in or ___48___ water from. Also the roads are too ___49___ to drive along. And sometimes, large numbers of people ___10___ not have pleasant houses to live in. So something will have to be done about the problems.

41. A. rich

B. richer

C. good

D. poorer 42. A. is called

B. are called

C. calls

D. calling 43. A. friends

B. problems

C. places

D. conditions 44. A. on

B. in

C. among

D. at 45. A. to play with

B. to live in

C. to eat

D. to drink 46. A. already

B. also

C. either

D. too 47. A. very

B. too

C. really

D. so 48. A. to taking

B. take

C. taking

D. takes 49. A. crowd

B. crowds

C. crowded

D. crow 50. A. does

B. do

C. did

D. have IV. 阅读理解(30分,每小题2分) (A)

Population (million)

% of income spent on food

Persons per room

% of houses with water and electricity

Telephone per 100 people

% of children in high schools

Tokyo 28.7 18 0.9 100 44 97

Mexico City 19.4 41 1.9 94 6 62

New York 17.4 16 0.5 99 56 95

St. Paul 17.2 50 0.8 100 16 67

Osaka 16.8 18 0.6 98 42 97

Seoul 15.8 34 2.0 100 22 90

Moscow 13.2 33 1.3 100 39 100

Bombay 12.9 57 4.2 85 5 49

Calcutta 12.8 60 3.0 57 2 49

Buenos Aires 12.4 40 1.3 86 14 51

Los Angeles 11.5 12 0.5 94 35 90

London 11.0 24 0.6 100 50 58


51. Of the following cities, people live in

spend least of their income on food. A. Mexico City B. Los Angeles C. Calcutta D. Bombay 52. Which city has the largest population? A. New York. B. Moscow. C. Tokyo. D. London.

53. The number of the students studying in high schools in Tokyo out of 100 students is the same as that of

. A. Seoul B. St. Paul C. Calcutta D. Osaka 54. In which city do all the houses have water and electricity? A. London. B. Los Angeles. C. New York. D. Bombay.

55. It is the most difficult for people in

to make a phone call. A. St Paul B. Mexico City C. Bombay D. Calcutta (B) Stop. Listen! What do you hear? You may hear many different sounds. Some of those sounds may be noise. Noise is a loud or unwanted sound. Noise can be caused by many kinds of machines, such as motorcycles, jet planes, farm tractors(拖拉机), rock music is also noise. What happens to people who live near noisy machines or use them over a period of time? Doctors have found that these people have trouble in sleeping. But, most important, constant(不断的) loud noise can cause a loss of hearing. Scientists use a unit of measure called decibel(分贝) to measure the loudness of a sound. The sound of a quiet room, for example, measures 35 decibels. Talking measures between 40 and 65 decibels. Sounds from traffic and from some rock bands can measure over 120 decibels. Noise at this high level(层次) causes the great hearing loss. 56. According to the passage, noise is


A. any kind of sound

B. a loud or unwanted sound

C. all sounds that you can hear

D. terrible sound 57. A decibel is a


A. unit that measures sound

B. kind of noise

C. machine that makes loud noise

D. person who hates sound 58. According to the passage, loud noise can


A. help people to sleep better

B. stop machines

C. cause a loss of hearing

D. kill people 59. We can conclude(推断) from the passage that


A. noise is a serious problem

B. rock music isn’t noisy

C. noise is only from traffic

D. some people hate any sound 60. Study that diagram below.

would be the quietest. Room Noise Level A

40~65 decibels B

35 decibels C

120 decibels D

130 decibels

A. Room A B. Room B

C. Room C

D. Room D

(C) Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap(捕蝇草). The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If a fly(苍蝇) touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The fly cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the plant eats the fly. Why do plants do it? Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesn’t have all these important things, especially nitrogen(氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Let’s hope that some of the bigger plants don’t get the same idea! 61. The Venus flytrap is a kind of

. A. plant B. animal C. food D. meat 62. The Venus flytrap grows in

. A. most parts of the world B. some parts of Africa C. dry parts of the United States D. wet parts of England 63. From the passage, we learn that

. A. all plants can eat people B. all plants can eat animals C. some plants can eat people D. some plants can eat animals 64. The underlined word “presses” probably means

in Chinese. A. 挤压 B. 关上 C. 打开

D. 松开

65. Why do some plants eat animal meat? Because


A. plants are dangerous to animals

B. animals are dangerous to plants

C. plants want to get what they need from animal meat

D. Plants want to protect themselves against animals V.句型转换(10分,一空一词,一词1分)

71. The meeting began 15 minutes ago.(同义句转换) The meeting has ______ ______ for 15 minutes. 72. I have lived in Shanghai since I was born.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ have you live in Shanghai? 73. Air pollution is harmful to our health.(同义句转换)

Air pollution ______ ______ to our health. 74. “Have you seen the movie?” Lucy asked me.(改为间接引语)

Lucy asked me _____ I ______ seen the movie. 75. 你和他都是对的。(汉译英)

Not ______ you but also he ______ right. VI. 短文填空(20分,每小题1分)

None of us l____76_____pollution. But pollution is getting more and more s____77____. Thousands of tress are c____78____down. A great number of animals are killed f___79___ their meat and skin. As a result, a great deal of farmland has c___80___ into desert. When it b___81___, there is much sand in the air. Rivers are polluted. We must realize the i___82___ of protecting the environment. D___83___ throw rubbish here and t___84___. Plant trees to prevent the sand from moving a___85___. VII. 书面表达。(15分)

环境污染是当今世界上最令人头痛的问题,你见过哪些污染环境的现象?针对这些现象,我们该如何去做?请以“Saving the Earth”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。


仁爱版九年级上册Unit 1 Topic1同步练习


1.Many countrysides in China have developed r

in recent years. 2.One of the most powerful forms of nonverbal(非语言的)c

is body language. 3.The b

is ringing.It’s time to work. 4.Last Sunday,Jim wrote a c

about Beijing Olympics. 5.I can’t find a p

pen to write with.



(顺便问一下),where is our chairwoman?

—She has gone to an important meeting. 2.I often go to

(残疾儿童养育院)to take part in

volunteer acticities. 3.There are many children in West China still


艰苦的生活). 4.

(为了)practice oral English,Tom gets up early every day. 5.—How do you usually

(与„„保持联系)your parents?

—By telephone. 6.I have

(拟定)an outline of my compilation(编纂). 7.Thanks to your help,I have

(取得很大进步). 8.He is too young

(描述)the story

(详细地). 9.They don’t live

(遥远的). 10.Almost all parents hope that their children have the chance to

(受到良好的教育)and find good jobs.


1.China is still a

(develop)country. 2.I

(be)to Lintong to see Terracotta Warriors twice. 3.He

(succeed)in finishing the project with his colleagues. 4.She completed her further

(educate)in 2008 and found a good job. 5.Many people in China are considering

(buy)a new car this year.




Were Nanjing’s roads

in the past?




D.How;like (

)2.The government should give children in poor families lots of





D.supportings (


The help of my teacher,I got

good education.




D.With;an (

)4.I won’t go to see the film tonight,because I

my ticket.


B.have lost

C.will lose

D.didn’t have (

)5.—These students have been to the Ming Tombs.



A.will they go

B.did they go

C.do they go

D.have they gone (

)6.Don’t worry.

A.Here the car comes.

B.Here comes the car.

第 2 页

C.Here the car is.

D.The car here comes. (

)7.—Is this Mr. Chen’s car?

—I don’t think so.He

pay for this kind of car.

A.can’t gone

B.have been

C.is rich enough to

D.wants to (

)8.—How do you like Hangzhou,Miss Read?

—I’ve no idea.I


A.have gone

B.have been

C.haven’t gone

D.haven;t been (

)9.It’s a lovely dress,but it’s too dear.I can’t





D.cost (


rapidly in recent years,but our country is still a




C.has developed;developing

D.has developed;developed (

)11.—May I speak to John?


Japan.But he

in two days.

A.has been to;will come back

B.has gone to;will be back

C.has been in;would come back

D.has gone to;won’t come back (


the soldiers are very tired,

they keep on working.

—They are great.We must learn from them.




D.Though;but (

)13.—Will Chinese people have any problems talking with English in a fes years?

—I don’t think so.Now

the young

the old can speak some English.


B.not only;but also


D.both;or (

)14.I sat in the front of the classroom

hear clearly.

A.so that

B.in order that

C.in order to

D.when (

)15.—I’m Yao Ming’s fan.I dreamt

him last night.







根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。 Tom:Hello!Glad to meet you! Mary:Hello! 1

Tom:May I ask you some questions? Mary:Sure. Tom:Are you familiar with Beijing? Mary:No,I’m not. Tom:How many times have you been to Beijing? Mary: 2

Tom:When did you go to Beijing last time? Mary: 3

A.、During the Olympic Games in 2008.

B、For half a month. C、Gld to meet you,too.

D、I want to improve my English. E、Only once.

F、I like it. G、The environment is enjoyable and the people are friendly,too. Tom:How long have you been there? Mary: 4 Have you ever been there? Tom:Yes,of course. Mary:What do you think of Beijing? Tom: 5

Mary:Would you like to go to Beijing again? Tom:Sure. Mary:Here comes the taxi. Tom:Hi!Taxi!(To Mary)Let’s get into it

第 3 页


Most American families are smaller than those in other countries.Most American families have one or two

1 each.

Children in the U.S.A will

2 their parents’ home when they grow up.They usually live

3 their parents because they want to find good jobs.They often

4 to their parents or telephone them.And they often go to visit their parents on

5 .

Parents usually let their children choose their

6 jobs.Americans think it is

7 for young people to deoend on themselves.

Children are asked to do some work

8 their houses.Many families

9 children for doing some housework so that they can learn

10 to make meney for their own use.What about your family? (




D.grandparents (




D.hate (


B.far from

C.next to

D.close to (




D.write (




D.holiday (




D.best (




D.wrong (




D.beside (




D.call (







Life in the future will be different from life today.Between then and now many changes will take place,but what will the changes be?

The population is growing fast.There will be many people in the world and most of sports,watching TV,traveling and surfing the Interner.Traveling will be much chaaper and easier.And more and more people will go to other countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our food,too.More land will be used for(将被用来)building new towns and houses for all people.Then there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will be more expensive.Maybe no one will eat it every day.Instead,they will eat more fruit and vegetables.Maybe people will be healthier.

Work in the future will be different,too.Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots.Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do.That will be a new problem. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案


)1.In the future,people don’t have to


A.work long hours

B.work fast

C.walk on foot

D.eat meat (

)2.People may not eat as much as they do today.




D.rice (

)3.One big problem in the future is that


A.many people don’t have to work

B.many people will not be able to find jobs

C.people won’t have enough food to eat

D.all the work will be done by robots (

)4.In the future,


A.meat will not be more expensive

B.computers will be less important

C.people will be too busy to do sports

D.traveling will not be expensive (

)5.The main idea of this passage is about




C.life in the future



In 1896,the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens,Greece.Since then,many countries have successfully held the Olympics,such as England,France,Germany,Canada,the U.S.A.,Spain and Australlia.After more than a century,the games returned to its hometown.

When people hold the Olympic Games,they always make an emlem(会徽).The emblem of the Athens Olympic Games was a white circle of love branches in the sky.

In 2004,Athens developed a spirit of peace.An officer said,“While in Athens,the world should be at peace.We hope the peace is not just for a short time.We would like the message from the Athens Games to help countries come together and solve their problems.”

The Olympic Games has been held in China.And China has already made a seal(图章)as the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.The emblem has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means“Chinese seal——dancing Beijing”.The character in the emlem is “Jing”.It meas the capital of China and it is like a runner or a dancer.The running figure(人形)of the emblem shouws the spirit of the Olympics——faster,higher and stronger. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。


)1.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.An emblem.

B.The spirit of Olympic.

C.Modern Olympic Games.

D.Dancing Beijing (

)2.What do people always make when they hold the Olympic Games?


B.An emblem.

C.A flag

D.A map (

)3.What message does the Athens Olympic Games want to give?




D.Peace. (

)4.How many years have passed when Athens again held the Olympic Games?




D.112 (

)5.The spirit of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is


A.history and friendship

B.faster,higher and stronger

C.running and dancing

D.peace,friendship and development 参考答案






二、1.By the way

2.the disabled children’s home 3.having a hard life

4.In order to 5.keep in touch with

6.drawn up 7.made great progress

8.to describe;in detail 9.far away

10.receive/get a good education


2.have been








5.B 6.B




10.C 11.B
























5.C B.1.C










3.childhood_________ 4.shut___________


6.bell___________ 7.sort_________ 8.dig_________ 9.value_________ 10.flood___________


1.楼梯___________ 2.教育__________ 3.政策_________ 4.复述_________ 5.女主席__________ 6.进步__________ 7.军队________ 8.增加___________ 9.社会的_________ 10.考虑__________ 11.直接的________12.人口_________ 13.残忍的_________ 14.百分之……__________

15.提到__________ 16.工程师__________ 17.除非_________ 18.发展(名词)___________ 19.战争____________ 20.优秀的__________ 21.医学的____________ 22.毒品________ 23.秘书_________ 24.描写________ 25.关系__________



2.国内外____________________ 3.拟定,起草_______________

4.跟……保持联系____________________ 5.属于____________________

6.详细地__________________ 7..一些,几个_______________

8.事实上___________________ 9.采取措施做某事______________ 10.爆发_________________ 11.顺便说________________ 12.遥远的_____________13.幸亏_____________ 14.打电话,号召_____________


四,句子汉译英(每句5分) ⑴ 美国的人口是多少?

_________________________________________________________________ ⑵ 到目前为止,我们的政府已经采取许多措施来控制人口。

_________________________________________________________________ ⑶ 你在暑假期间参加过任何社会活动吗?

_________________________________________________________________ ⑷ 他们不得不去当童工来帮助供养他们的家庭。

_________________________________________________________________ ⑸ 你已经在纽约很长一段时间了。

_________________________________________________________________ Unit2词汇测试

一,英译汉(10%) 1.several____________ 2.stream_______________ 3.chest__________ 4.sandstorm__________ 5.law_____________ 6.escape____________ 7.divide_____________ 8.suppose__________ 9.shake_____________ 10,towel____________



2.废弃的,丢弃的______________ 3.聋的_______________ 4.行为,举止_____________ 5.水平线________________6.气体,煤气__________ 7.无礼的,粗鲁的_________ 8.距离______________ 9.打扰,扰乱______________ 10同意(名词)___________ 11.血液________________ 12.生产_________________ 13.虽然_____________ 14.沙漠______________ 15.点头_________________


1.天哪,啊呀_____________ 2.有害的________________ 3.一种,一类_______________ 4.听力丧失_______________ 5.结果________________ 6.砍倒__________________ 7.切断_______________ 8.酸雨_________________ 9.准时__________________ 10.把……分成……____________ 11.拿走______________ 12.到处,各处____________ 13.高血压______________ 14.一天天________________ 15.大量的,无数的____________



___________________________________________________________________ 2.所有的花,草和鱼都消失了。

___________________________________________________________________ 3.我不能忍受这里的环境。

___________________________________________________________________ 4.许多肥沃的土地变成了沙漠。

___________________________________________________________________ 5.你这么做真好(真善良)。

___________________________________________________________________ 6.购物时你经常用什么类型的袋子?

___________________________________________________________________ Unit4 词汇测试


1.goddess________ 2.admire________ 3.diameter________ 4.universe________ 5.experiment________ 6.global________ 7.separate________ 8.telescope________ 9.technology________ 10.gravity________


1.英雄________ 2.证明________ 3.掌握________ 4.宇航员_________ 5.怀疑_______ 6.极小的_______ 7.视野________ 8.仆人________ 9.屏幕_________ 10.墨水_______ 11.基本的(形容词)_______ 12.教练________ 13.风暴_______ 14.使……干______ 15.超出……之外_________16.钢________ 17.家务劳动___________18.冒险_______ 19.导演_______ 20.牙刷__________ 21.达到________22.期望_______23.取消______ 24.令人吃惊的__________ 25.介绍____________



2 .无疑的___________


4.以……为基础____________ 5.确切,肯定___________

6.总而言之____________ 7.单击__________

8.发出,射出___________ 9.上交____________




___________________________________________________________________________ 2.李老师叫我们不要花太多时间玩游戏

____________________________________________________________________________ 3.我希望你可以实现你的梦想

____________________________________________________________________________ 4.直到我亲眼看见外星人,我才会相信他们的存在

____________________________________________________________________________ 5.你们一定很骄傲吧

____________________________________________________________________________ 6.你相信有外星人的存在吗?




2014-------2015学年上学期九年级英语教学计划 上期学生学习情况分析



本期教材仍然分为四个单元,每个单元有三个话题。每个话题都以一件事为中心学习一个时态 语态或一个语法知识点。大致是section a,b为语法知识点的学习,section c为阅读知识的训练,section d为总结提升。

本期教材重点是------各单元的单词和短语的掌握及运用。 本期教材的难点是------阅读能力与写作能力的提升。 本期的教学目的与要求

1. 掌握各话题出现的生词、短语及语法现象。 2. 培养阅读、分析、理解能力 3. 提升日常口语的运用能力。 4. 提高听力理解能力。 5. 培养书面表达能力。


1. 备熟教材,掌握重难点2. 先备课后上课 3. 创设英语学习环境

4. 课堂以学生为主,少讲多练 5. 常巩固 练习 6. 尝试高效课堂 教学进度计划

本教材共四个单元十二个话题,一周一个话题,每学完三个话题复习巩固一周一共需要一十六周时间篇二:九年级英语上册教案 unit 1how do you study for a test? page 2, 1a, 1b, 1c 课 时: period 1 教学目的: talk about how to study. learn the use of “by doing something”

重点难点: useful expressions-how do you study „? i study by doing „ 教学步骤:

step 1. self-introduction help the students use the construction “i „by doing„”.explain “by”. step 2. discussion have the students say what they think of english. then tell each other how they study for an english test. see the phrases shown in the courseware, which is similar to 1a. remind them to use “by doing„” step 3. 1a. checking the ways you study ask students to finish the task. they can add something else. step 4. 1b.listening listen to the listening stuff of 1b, which is recorded in the courseware (convenient to be repeated). finish the task. then the teacher asks, ”how did mei/ pierre / antonio study?” have some students give the answers, i.e. repeat the sentences by using “by doing”

step 5. 1c. making dialogues work in pairs or groups. discuss first. then make a short dialogue. have the students share their work. step 6. writing. see the courseware. fill in the blanks. write down the answers on a piece of paper. ask students to read their work. 课 时: period 2 教学内容: page 3, 2a, 2b, 2c and the grammar focus. 教学目的: talk about how to learn english. consolidate the use of “by doing something”

重点难点: useful expressions-do you study „by doing„? yes /no... (reason). 教学步骤:

step 1. revision make a dialogue between the teacher and some students. ask whether they like english, then tell the reason. ask how they learn english. step 2. 2a. listening see the courseware. explain any difficult points. listen to the stuff, and check the answers. have students repeat some main sentences, ready to practice dialogues. step 3. 2b.listening finish the task. step 4. 2c.doing a pairwork give students some time to talk about the contents of 1a and 1b. see the courseware. some patterns will help, such as “do you.../ what about.../ have you ever.../ how do you„?” and the possible answers. share their dialogues.step 5. make a conversation. ask students to tell the others their own experience about studying english by working in pairs or groups. then make a conversation respectively. they can also use indirect speech, such as “... says she learns ... by ...”etc. step 6. summary point out the main contents learnt these two days. 课 时: period 3 教学内容: page 4, 3a, 3b, 教学目的: practice reading. learn useful expressions. practice writing. 重点难点: v + ing phrase used as a subject find / think + o + oc 教学步骤:

step 1. make a statement. firstly the teacher asks a student a question and the student answers. ask several. then have many more students make a statement one by one to introduce how he / she learns english. step 2. 3a. reading firstly, read to the tape aloud. pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. read again, underline the useful expressions. read once more. fill in the chart. check the answers. step 3. learn the useful expressions. 1. ask students to say the useful expressions they have underlined. 2. add if the students miss some. 3. learn some grammar: ask a student to tell us how many sentences, which include v-ing phrase as a subject, are in the text. point out the constructions. explain why they are used. teach the structure ”find / think + o + oc” and other grammar. step 4. 3b. pairwork give the students a little time to prepare a role play. ask some to share their work with the whole class. step 5. consolidation in chinese, teacher says some important phrases from the text. have the students tell us the english ones as quickly as possible. unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark. the first period teaching contents: section a 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c step iorganization of class 1.greeting 2.warming up step iipresentation show the class many words of appearance and personality. get them to put the words in the right place. 2.guess: who is the boy? show the class some information about harry potter:he is a boy. he is not tall. he has curly hair. he is easygoing. he is very smart. he can see strange things and so on. 3.show two photos of the teacher — five years ago/ now. ask the students some questions: what did i look like five years ago? what do i look like now? 4.introduce the new conversations in unit 2. i used to be fat.i am thin now. i used to have long hair. i have short hair now. i used to play basketball. i play ping-pong now. step lilteaching tasks 1.task one (pairwork): listening to the tape (1) show the students two pictures and say something about the people in the picture. (2) listen to the tape. then fill in the blanks in lb,2a,2b. 2.task two (groupwork): describing different persons (1) show the students a set of pictures, such as a movie star, a sportsman, a teacher. (2) get the students to discuss in groups and take notes, such as: jacky chan used to have big eyes, but now he has small eyes. (3) ask two or three groups to present their answers. (4) which group does best? 3.task three (team work): survey (1) ask the students to bring two photos of themselves to class. (2) get the students to talk about the changes of their classmates and write down the key words in the form. (3) let the team leader present their survey results. (4) who has changed most in your team? (5) which is the best team? step ivsummary step vassign homework the second period teaching contents: section a 3a,3b,4 step iorganization of class 1.greetings 2.singing an english song step iirevision 1.revise the conversations that the students learned in the first period. ask them to talk about some pictures. 2.check the homework. talk about what one person used to be like and she/ he is like now. step iilpresentation 1.show the class a picture of a big dog,then introduce the new conversations in 3a: i used to be afraid of big dogs./i’m still afraid of big dogs. 2.ask the students some questions like this:

what did you use to be afraid of?/are you still afraid of...? step ivteaching tasks 1.task one (pairwork):match the pictures with the phrases. (1) show the students six pictures about the phrases in 3a. (2) ask the students to talk about the pictures in pairs and match them. 2.task two:put checks in the first two columns.

(1) show the students the first two columns about “i”, then get them to put checks.(2) ask a group of students to read out their answers like this: i used to be afraid of... / i’m still afraid of... 3.task three(pairwork):put checks in the last two columns. (1) show the students the last two columns about “my partner”. (2) get the students to practice the dialogs in 3b. (3) put checks in the columns. (4) ask several pairs to present their answers. (5) choose the best pair. 4.task four(groupwork): a survey (1) show the students a form about the activities. (2) get the students to fill in the blanks about “i”. (3) get the students to ask their classmates and fill in the blanks about “my classmate”. (4) ask the students to ask questions like this: what did you use to eat?/ what do you eat now? (5) let two or three groups present their results. (6) which is the best group? 5.task five (teamwork): how has zhongshan(中山)changed? (1) show the class several pictures of zhongshan city — past and now. (2) get the students to talk about the pictures and write down the key words on the paper. (3) ask two or three team leaders to present their opinions. step vsummary step viassign homework the third period teaching contents: section b la, lb, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a step iorganization of class warming up step iichecking up the homework step iiipresentation 1.show the class four pictures in la. 2.ask students to describe what is happening in each picture: a girl is exercising in gym class. a girl is painting a picture. a boy is singing. a boy is looking at some insects. 3.ask students to check the things they liked to do when they were very young. step ivteaching tasks 1.task one (pairwork): i used to like to... (1) point out the lines under the picture in lb. (2) ask students to write down different things that they used to like to do. (3) get students to discuss the answers in pairs, then ask some students to read out their sentences. 2.task two: listening practice (2a, 2b) (1) ask students to listen to a dialog between a boy and a girl. (2) ask students to check the sentences on the list that they hear on the recording.(3) check the answers in 2a. (4) play the recording again. ask students to fill in the blanks with the words they hear. (5) correct the answers in 2b. 3.task three (pairwork): making up dialogs (1) teach students the conversation in 2c. (2) say some sentences using did you...? and the answers yes, i did./ no, i didnt. (3) ask students to make similar dialogs in pairs. (4) call on different pairs to read out their conversations to the class. 4.task four (groupwork): a debate (1) show students a survey that the teacher did before the class. (2) get them to discuss their hairstyles in the past and now like this: i used to have ... hair, but now i have ... hair. (3) a debate──should students choose their own hairstyle? why or why not? 5.task five: reading practice (1) get students to read the story in 3a. (3) check the answers. step vsummary step viassign homework 2.get students to talk to their parents and fill in the chart in 4a.

the fourth period teaching contents: section b 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b, self check. teaching procedures: step iorganization of class step iichecking up the homework 1.ask some students to read out the letter (how ive changed!). 2.get students to discuss their answers and choose the best one. step liiteaching tasks 1.task one (pairwork) ask students to finish 4a before the class-talk to their parents and fill in the chart in 4a. 2.task two (groupwork) (1) ask students to talk about the contents in 4a with their classmates. (2) choose two groups to present their answers. 3.task three (teamwork): how has yu mei changed! (1) get students to talk about the pictures in self check 2. (2) ask students to use the drills in unit 2 to describe the pictures. (5) choose the best one. 4.task four (teamwork): a survey── how has our life changed? (1) show students some information in unit 2. (2) ask students to talk about how their life has changed since primary school and fill in the blanks in the survey form. (3) ask the team leaders to present their survey results. (4) choose the best team.篇三:2014版九年级上册英语教案 九年级上册英语教案 重点短语

1.work with sb与某人一起学习 2.make word cards制作单词卡片 3.listen to tapes听录音磁带 4.ask sb for help向某人求助 5.watch videos看录像6.have conversations with sb同某人谈话 7.too...to..太...而不能... 8.give a report作报告 9.at first起初 10.word by word逐词逐句地

11.the secret to.... ...的秘诀 12.be afraid to do sth害怕做某事 13.fall in love with爱上...14.body language肢体语言 15.as well也 16.a piece of cake小菜一碟;很容易的事 17.look up查阅;查找18.so that以便;为了

19.repeat out loud大声跟读 20.take notes记笔记 21.sentence pattens句型 22.spoken english英语口语

23.make mistakes in在...方面犯错24.the ability to do sth做某事的能力 25.depend on视...而定;取决于;依靠 26.pay attention to注意;关注 27.connect...with... 把...和...连接或联系起来 28.get bored感到厌烦 29.try to do sth尽力做某事 30.be stressed out焦虑不安的 31.be afraid of害怕...32.each time每当;每次 重点句型

1.“越...越...”的表达法:you read, you’ll be. 2.so...that..引导结果状语从句:the teacher spoke i did not understand her most of the time. 3.so that引导目的状语从句:i want to learn new words and more grammar i can have a better understand of english movies. 4.谈论做事方式:(1)— learn english? —i learn with a group. (2)—learn englishyes, i do. it helps my pronunciation. 5.whether引导主语从句:but or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 语法知识点1)by+交通工具,“乘/坐...” by bus 2)by+地点,“在...的旁边;靠近...”by the lake 3)by+时间,“截止到...;不迟于...”by ten 3. 2.what about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?朗读练习发音呢?(p2) 1)what about...?= how about...?“...怎么样?”eg. reading aloud is different from reading loudly.朗读课文与大声地读课文是有区别的。 don’t talk so loud.不要那么高声的谈话。

3)practice,动词,“练习”,后加名词、代词、动名词。 练习:they practice _____(speak) english every day. 3.it’s too hard to understand spoken english. 听懂英语口语太难了。 1)it+be+adj+for/of sb+ to do sth. eg. it’s dangerous for children to play with fire. 2)too...to...“太...而不能...”.eg. he is too young to join the party. 注意:not...enough to.../ so...that... 练习:the girl is ____ tired ____ she could walk any more. a.too; to b.not; enough c.so; that 4.the more you read, the faster you’ll be.(p2)你读的越多,你阅读的速度就越快。 “the+比较级...,the+比较级...”,意为“越...越...” eg. the more you smile, the happier you will feel. 拓展:“比较级+and+比较级”意为“越来越...”

5.although i could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.(p3)尽管我并不能听懂各个角色说的所有台词,但他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮助我理解意思。 1)although“尽管;虽然”,引导让步状语从句,相当于though,不能与but同时出现在一个句子中。

eg. although it rained, the boys still played outside.=it rained, but the boys still played outside. 2)help sb (to)do sth;help sb with sth;help (to) do sth eg. she often helps me with my english. 6.i want to learn new words and more grammar so that i can have a better understanding of english movies.(p3)我想学习新单词和更多的语法,以便更好地理解英文电影。 so that引导目的状语从句,“以便;为了”,相当于in order that...结构。其从句中谓语动词常和can、may、should等情态动词及be able to连用。

eg. my father bought me a bicycle so that i can go to school quickly. 辨析:so that与so...that i am so tired that i can’t walk any further. 7.but whether or not you can do this well depend on your learning habits.但是你是否能学好取决于你的学习习惯。(p6) 1)whether or not“是否”,whether引导主语从句,不能与if替换。 2)depend on“视...而定;取决于;依靠”,后加名词、代词、动名词。不能用于进行时态和被动语态。

8.even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it.即使是你学得好的东西,如果你不使用,就会忘记。(p6) 1)even if“即使;纵然;尽管”,引导让步状语从句,有退一步的意味,相当于even though。 eg. i’ll help you, even if i must stay up the whole night. 2)forget/remember 辨析:remember/forget to do和remember/forget doing 3)unless“除非;如果不”,引导条件状语从句,相当于if...not。

17. 9.they also look for ways to review what they have learned.他们设法复习已经学过的知识。(p6) 练习

1.you can improve your english______practicing more. a.by b.with c.of d.in 2.linda’s father hates waiting in long lines. i think he’s not very ______. a.patient b.talented c.popular d.powerful 3.-tommy, you can never let others know what i have told you today. -don’t worry,. i will keep the _____. a.secret b.moneyc.addressd.grade 4.you don’t have to _____every new word in the dictionary while reading. a.look forb.look upc.look at d.look after 5._____you’re tasted it, you can’t imagine how delicious the dishes are.a. because b. although c. when d. unless 6.-mr li, i can’t understand everything in class. -don’t worry. i’ll ____the main points at the end. a.recordb.review c.require d.remember 7.he was____tired_____he could not go on walking. a.too;to b.such;that c.so;that d.not;enough 8. —laura enjoys _______ story books. —me, too. a. readb. reads c. to read d. reading 9. ba jin, one of the greatest writers in china, _______ as “people’s writer”. a. is regardedb. has regarded c. is regardingd. regards 10. —excuse me, mr. li, i don’t know the meaning of the whole sentence. —you’d better first _______ the new words. a. look forb. look up c. look at d. look through 根据汉语完成句子

1. 你知道学好英语最好的办法吗?

do you know __________________________ english? 2. 我不知道如何使用电脑。

i don’t know ______________________. 3. 他去年加入了英语俱乐部练习说英语。

he joined the english club _____________________. 4. 我们在英语课堂上经常会话。

we often ________________________ in class. 5. 他经常给我们讲笑话逗我们发笑。

he often tells us jokes ___________________. 6. 这首歌的旋律很酷。

________________ is very cool. 7. 我哥哥擅长用手机发送信息。

my brother is good at __________________________. 8. 他们可能在中国结束旅行。 they may _________ in china. 9. 这个小女孩害怕在课堂上说英语。

the little girl ______________ in class. unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious! 重点短语

1. the lantern festival 元宵节 2. the dragon boat festival 端午节 3. the water festival 泼水节4. be fun to watch 看着很有意思

5. eat five meals a day 一天吃五餐 6. put on five pounds 体重增加了五磅 7. in two weeks 两星期之后8. be similar to... 与.......相似

9. throw water at each other 互相泼水10. a time for doing sth. 做某事的时候 11. have good luck in the new year 12. in the shape of... 呈„„的形状 13. folk stories民间传说故事 14. the story of chang,e嫦娥的故事 15. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 16. lay out摆开;布置

17. end up最终成为;最后处于18. share sth. with sb. 与„„分享„„

19. as a result结果 20. one,. . the other... (两者中的)一个„„另一个„„ 21. take sb. out for dinner 带某人出去吃饭22. dress up 乔装打扮

23. haunted house 鬼屋 24. trick or treat (万圣节用语)不给糖果就捣蛋 25. light candles在新的一年里有好运气26. take sb. around„带某人到处走走 27. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 28. give out 分发

29. the importance of. 的重要性30. care about„.. 关心 31. warn sb. to do sth.警告某人做某事 32. remindo f使。。。回想起

33. promise to do sth.承诺做某事 34. treat sb. with. 用/以„„对待某人

35. the beginning of new life 新生命的开始36. the spirit of.. .的精神 „ 37.on october the 31st 在10月31日 38.how touching多么动人 重点句型

1. i think that they’ re fun to watch. 我认为它们看着很有意思。

2. what do you like about.. . ? what do you like best about the dragon boat festival? 关于端午节,你最喜欢什么? 3. what a great day! 多么美好的一天! 4 .1 wonder if... i wonder if it’ s similar to the water festival of the dai people in yunnan province. 我想知道它是否与云南傣族的泼水节相似。 5. how+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓!

how fantastic the dragon boat teams were! 龙舟队多棒啊!

6. what do/does+sb. + think of sth. ? what does wu yu think of this festival? 吴宇觉得这个节日怎么样?

8. it’s my favorite festival because... 它是我最喜欢的节日,因为„„ 语法知识点

1. 1)由what引导的感叹句



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