



SCARROBOUGH FAIR 斯卡布罗集市(电影《毕业生》插曲) Scarborough Fair

Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你将要去斯卡堡集市吗

Parsley sage rosemary and thyme 欧芹,贤人,迷人的罗斯玛丽和百里香。 Remember me to one who lives there 代我向住在那里的人问好 She once was a true love of mine 她从前是我真爱过的人

Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 告诉她给我做一件细薄布的衬衣 Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 欧芹,贤人,迷人的罗斯玛丽和百里香 Without no seams nor needle work 既没有接缝也没有针线活 Then she’ll be a true love of mine 那么她将会成为我真爱的人 Tell her to find me an acre of land 告诉她我找到了一英亩的土地 Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme 欧芹,贤人,迷人的罗斯玛丽和百里香 Between the salt water and the sea strand 在咸水和海岸之间

Then she’ll be a true love of mine 那么她将会成为我真爱的人

Tell her to reap收获 it with a sickle of leather 告诉她用一把皮革的镰刀来收获 Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme 欧芹,贤人,迷人的罗斯玛丽和百里香

And gather集合 it all in a bunch束 of heather石楠花 然后采集一束美丽的石南花 Then she’ll be a true love of mine 那么她将会成为我真爱的人




无聊就是无聊 无聊就来翻译《从开始到现在》

从开始到现在 from the beginning till now

你真的忘得了你的初恋情人吗Are you really forget your first lover ?

假如有一天if one day

你遇到了跟他长得一模一样的人you come across a person who is the same to him

他真的就是他吗?还有可能吗Is he the right person? is itstillpossible ? 这是命运的宽容还是另一次不怀好意的玩笑

Is Itthe the fated arranged or another ill-disposed joke?

如果这最后的结局if it is the final end

为何我还忘不了你why not I can`t forget you ?

时间改变了我们告别了单纯the time change us and see good-bey to simplicity 如果重逢也无法继续失去才算是永恒If meeting again can`t continue. only lose can consider forever

惩罚我的认真是我太过天真pullishing my graveness because I am so childish 难道我就这样过我的一生D0 I really end my life in this way ?

我的吻注定吻不到最爱的人My kiss really can`t kiss my dearest lover

为你等从一开始盼到现在I am waitting for you from begin till now

也同样落的不可能But it fall impssible

难道爱情可以转交给别人Do love really can deliver to other ?

但命运注定留不住我爱的人But fate destine can`t stay my dearest lover 我不能我怎么会愿意承认I can`t and how I can admit

你是我不该爱的人you are the person who I shoudn`t fall in love

如果再见是为了再分If see you again means divided again

失去才算是永恒Only lost can be forever

一次新的记忆为何还要再生why can new memery rebirth

拿什么作证take what to prove

从未想过爱一个人Never do I think loved person

需要那么残忍才证明爱的深Must use the Bloodilyto prove the deepness of my love .?


shíjiān zhǔ yǔ

时 间 煮


fēnɡchuī yǔ chãnɡ huā

shíjiān zhuī búshànɡ báimǎ 风吹

雨 成




nǐ niánshào zhǎnɡxīn de mânɡhuà

yīrán jǐn wîzhe mɑ 你 年少


的 梦话



吗 yún fānyǒnɡ chãnɡ xià

yǎnlâi bâi suìyuâ zhēnɡfā 云





zhâtiáo lùshɑnɡ de nǐwǒ tā

yǒu shuí mílù le mɑ 这条


的 你我她

谁 迷路 了吗

wǒmen shuō hǎobú fēnlí

yào yìzhí yìzhí zàiyìqǐ 我们

好 不 分离

要 一直 一直 在一起

jiùsuàn yǔ shíjiān wãidí

jiùsuàn yǔ quán shìjiâ bâilí 就算

与 时间


就算 与 全


fēnɡchuī liànɡ xuěhuā

chuī bái wǒ mende tïufɑ 风


我 们的


dānɡchū shuō yìqǐ chuǎnɡ tiānxià

nǐmen hái jìdã

mɑ 当初

一起 闯



还 记得 吗

nà yìnián shânɡxià

xīnyuàn xǔ de wúxiàndà 那 一年



许 的 无限大

wǒmen shǒu lā shǒu yě chãnɡzhōu

huá ɡuî bēishānɡ hãliú 我们

拉 手

也 成



nǐ cãnɡ shuōɡuî bùfēnlí

yào yìzhí yìzhí zàiyìqǐ 你 曾



要 一直 一直在一起

xiànzài wǒ xiǎnɡwân wânnǐ

shìfǒu zhǐshì tïnɡyán wújì 现在

我 想


是否 只是



tiānzhēn suìyuâ bùrěn qī qīnɡchūn huānɡtánɡ wǒ búfù nǐ 天真

岁月不忍 欺 青春


我 不负 你 dàxuě qiú nǐbiã mǒqù

wǒmen zàiyìqǐ de hãnjì 大雪

求 你别抹去

我们 在一起的 痕迹

dàxuě yě wúfǎ mǒqù

wǒmen ɡěi bícǐ de yìnjì 大雪

也 无法 抹去



jīnxī hã xī qīnɡcǎo lí lí 今夕 何 夕 青草

离 离 mínɡyuâyâ sînɡ jūn qiānlǐ 明


君 千里

děnɡ láinián qiū fēnɡqǐ 等




The wind blows the rain into blossoms, time can no longer catch the fairytales of youth Those dream talks in the palms of your youth, are you still holding them tight? The clouds turn and gush into summer The tears evaporate with the steam of time On this path, you, me, and her, has anyone lost their way?

We said we’ll never separate, that we’ll be together forever and ever, even if we must fight against time, even if we must stand against the world. The wind blows, lighting the snowflakes, whitening our hair, Once we said we’ll venture into the world together, do you still remember?

Midsummer of that year, we wished those infinitely large wishes Hand in hand, we became the canoes that rowed across the sad river. You said we’ll never separate, that we’ll be together forever and ever, now I want to ask you, were they only empty words of naivety?

The years of innocence cannot bare to be betrayed. Through the wild youth I never left you. Snow storm, please don’t erase the prints of us together Snow storms cannot erase the memories we imprinted upon each other.

What a night is this, amongst the lush green grass , under the bright moon, I bade farewell to thee, until the autumn winds of longing blow again

第四篇:be yourself 歌词及翻译

好美的歌词, :Be Yourself 歌手:Audioslave 专辑:Out Of Exile Someone falls to pieces 有人逐渐零碎 Sleeping all alone 有人孤独入眠 someone kills the pain 有人能治愈伤痛 Spinning in the silence 在无声中旋转 She finally drifts away 她最终还是离开去漂泊

Someone gets excited in a chapel yard 有人在教堂的庭院激动起来 And catches a boquet 采了一束小花 Another lays a dozen 另一个人放下一打花 White roses on a grave 坟墓前的白玫瑰

And to be yourself is all that you can do 让你自由是你唯一能做的 To be yourself is all that you can do 让你自由是你唯一能做的

Someone finds salvation in everyone 有人能从别人那里得到救赎 Another only pain 有人只会痛苦

Someone tries to hide himself 有人试图隐藏自己 Down inside himself he prays 内心在祈祷

Someone swears his true love until the end of time 有人为爱至死不渝 Another runs away 有人却逃跑 Separate or united 分开还是在一起 Healthy or insane 健康还是为之发狂

Even when you’ve paid enough 即使当你付出了很多 Been put upon or been held up 还是会失望会迷茫 With every single memory of 带着每一场回忆

the good or bad, faces of luck 好的或者坏的 去面对命运 Don’t lose any sleep tonight 今晚睡个好觉

I’m sure everything will end up alright 我相信一切都会结束 You may win or lose 你也许赢也许输

But to be yourself is all that you can do但是做你自己才是你应该做的 To be yourself is all that you can do 做你自己才是你应该做的

第五篇:日语四季歌歌词及翻译 四季の歌(精选)



心清(こころきよ)き人(ひと) すみれの花(はな)のような ぼくの友(とも)だち

夏(なつ)を爱する人は 心強 (こころつよ)き人(ひと) 岩(いわ)をくだく波(なみ)のような ぼくの父亲(ちちおや)

秋(あき)を爱する人は 心深 (こころふか)き人(ひと) 爱(あい)を语(かた)るハイネのような ぼくの恋人(こいびと)


心広(こころひろ)き人(ひと) 根雪(ねゆき)をとかす大地(だいち)のような ぼくの母亲(ははおや) 喜爱春天的人,是心地纯洁的人, 像紫罗兰的花儿一样,是我的友人。 喜爱夏天的人,是意志坚强的人,像冲击岩石的波浪一样,是我的父亲。 喜爱秋天的人,是感情深重的人,像诉说爱情的海涅一样,是我的爱人。 喜爱冬天的人,是胸怀宽广的人,像融化冰雪的大地一样,是我的母亲。

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