











如你的名字是李安,你就可以这样说:各位老师好!我叫李安,李是李世民的李,安是安邦定国的安,父母给我起这样的名字就是希望我能和李世民一样有安邦定国的气魄。当然接下来你还可以说:有一位着名导演的名字和我一样,我自己也非常喜欢他的电影。(注:当提到这些专业知识的时候,考生应做好心理准备,因为老师很可能在下一阶段就你提到的导演向你发问。如果此时你只知道《卧虎藏龙》、《色·戒》,知识面就显得有些狭窄,而且和你自己提到的非常喜欢李安的电影也是自相矛盾的。所以同学们在自我介绍时,如果要提到某个导演或是某个演员,最好对他们有一些相对深入的了解和一些个人的见解,因为面试时考官有百分之八十的可能继续发问。) 其次是解释自己的名字,如果你的名字有其他的含义此时也可以解释一下,以加深考官对你名字的印象。


第二篇:商务英语会议的 开场白 演讲 结束语

Opening speech

Your excellencies, distinguished guests

Ladies and gentlemen

It is a great pleasure that we warmly welcome the distinguished delegation to China. As we all know, China and German keep a good relationship in a long time for energy cooperate. German Energy Company makes an important contribution to our two countries cooperation. Some are represented here this morning. Many companies have already traded with China. Many more would like to do so. The new energy cooperation is one aspect of the growing relationship between our two countries. Today in my speech I hope our two countries will make a further progress.

As we all know, energy is an important basis as well as safeguard for economic and social development. China is one of the largest energy producers and consumers in the world. Over the years, in order to ease the pressure of economic growth on energy supply, the Chinese government has formulated a series of encouraging policies in energy investment, energy development and application, in pricing, and in the credit system.

China and the German have enjoyed 20 years of good relations in the energy area. Germany has world-class technology in the development of new energy and environmental protection. We expected Germany companies to invest in the development and application of energy sources, particularly the application of new energy resources in China. Through this New Energy Resource Cooperate Conference between REM and China Energy Resource Company, we hope we can get a good opportunity to communication with Germany and introduce the new energy resource technical to achieve the common profit from each other.

This conference will play a significant role in cooperation between the China and Germany. I wish the Conference a full success. I hope you can enjoy it. At last, thank you all very much.

New Energy Resource Cooperate Conference between REM and China Energy Resource


Ladies and gentlemen

It is a great pleasure that we warmly welcome the distinguished delegation to China. As we all know, China and German keep a good relationship in a long time for energy cooperate. German Energy Company makes an important contribution to our two countries cooperation. Some are represented here this morning. Many companies already trade with China. Many more would like to do so. The new energy cooperation is one aspect of the growing relationship between our two countries. China’s a focal point for trade and investment from Germany. Today in my speech I hope our two countries will make a further progress.

Now let us get down to business. Today my speech about this conference includes two parts. In the first part, I will demonstrate the development history of Chinese energy resource. So you learn the history of energy resource, you can deeply understand the significance of the energy resource cooperation. The second part, I will talk about the current situation about China energy resource. The last part, I will express my sincere expectation for the cooperation between China and German in the future. Now let us start at the first part

Firstly, energy is an important basis as well as safeguard for economic and social development. China is one of the largest energy producers and consumers in the world. Over the years, in order to ease the pressure of economic growth on energy supply, the Chinese government has formulated a series of encouraging policies in energy investment, energy development and application, in pricing, and in the credit system. After continuous efforts, towards the end of 1990s, there was a significant shift in China’s energy supply and demand. We said goodbye to overall energy shortages. In 2000, the national energy output reached 2.00 billion tones of standard coal units. of the main sources of energy, our coal output number two in the world, our crude oil is

number five and our electricity number two. The energy industry has become an important driving force in the Chinese economy. Whilst energy output continues to grow at a fast pace, China presses forward with economic restructuring. We are increasing our efforts in technical development. We are working header to save our resources and to increase integrated applications. As china continues to open to the outside world, the energy market is opening up faster.

Secondly, at present, the problem we are facing is structural, and very acute. Domestic oil supply is increasing falling behind demand. Imports are increasing every year. The proportion of natural gas in our primary energy consumption has fallen well below the world average. There is very little clean and highly efficient energy. It does not meet the requirements of energy efficiency and environmental protection. What’s more, the energy industry still works with outdated technology and equipment. There is much room for improvement in safe production practices. In the next ten years, or even more, Chinese economy will continue to grow at about 7%per annum. Comprehensive energy and power consumption are expected to grow at 3% and 6% respectively.

Thirdly, as our economy continues to grow, as standards of living continue to rise, as environmental protection improves, the demands for energy development are reaching a new level. The Chinese government faces a major issue. That is to achieve sustainable energy development and to balance energy production and consumption with environment and society. To meet the demand for sustainable social and economic development, The Chinese government will continue with its policy of developing energy and at the same time saving it, with the saving taking priority. We will take advantage of our rich resources, optimize our energy structure, and improve energy efficiency and environmental protection. In addition, during the tenth five year period, China will rely primarily on coal and will increase the use of high quality coal. We will reform large scale mines and develop high output and high efficiency mines. We will develop coal bed resources and increase our efforts in the research and development of clean coal technology. We will work on oil and gas simultaneously, speeding up our exploitation and use of natural gas, increasing its use in our energy consumption. We need to pay attention to wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, and other new and renewable energy sources. We are aiming to quadruple the annual exploitation of new and renewable energy sources by 2005 from3 million tones of standard coal to 13 million tones of standard coal. We will improve our ability t o save energy and promote integrated applications. we aim to reduce our unit consumption per ten thousand yuan GDP to 2.2 tones of standards coal in 2005.

Thirdly, China and the European Union have enjoyed 20 years of good relations in the energy area. Germany has world-class technology in the development of new energy and environmental protection. We welcome Germany companies to invest in the development and application of energy sources, particularly the application of new energy resources in China. There are a whole range of largest-scale projects such as the Three Gorges Power Station, Western Gas Going East and western Electricity Going East. They will create more opportunities for cooperation in the energy field between china and Germany. We would like to work with Germany, to strengthen cooperation on the basis of many years of joint efforts. Thank you for listening.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Closing speech

These three days conference has achieved tremendous successes. Six scientists and scholars delivered the speech at the conference. Many people share their views freely at the group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively atmosphere. I benefited greatly by attending this conference. I would like to thank you for attending and to congratulate you on the fact that we have completed all of the items on our agenda.

At this point of time, on be half of China Resource Company, let me extent sincere gratitude to the REM Company for your assistance and dedication. With the financial and technological support of your company, I believe our company will make a great progress. New Energy Resource Cooperation Conference between REM and China Energy Resource Company will be remembered as a shining page in the history of our friendship.

At last, the best wishes all guests good health. Now, I declare the ending of this conference. Thank you.




毕业论文的撰写是整个大学或研究生学习生涯中的一件头等大事 它不仅是对学生几年学习的一项总结

而且在很大程度上是对学习者各方面素质的一种综合考量 论文的质量如何直接关系到能否毕业以及随之而来的就业问题


答辩的过程首先是学生对论文做出简要的陈述(10分钟左右) 然后由答辩委员会针对论文提出相应问题 答辩学生经过10分钟左右的时间准备后 返回答辩室








5、从反面的角度去思考:如果不按照你说的那样去做 结果又会怎样?















发现了那些不同见解?对这些不同的意见 自己是怎样逐步认识的?又是如何处理的?



20、还有哪些问题自己还没有搞清楚 在论文中论述得不够透彻?



23、论文有何创新之处? 毕业论文开场白



你们好! 我叫徐峰 来自计算机08-4 我的论文题目是《在线考试系统》 论文是在徐燕妮老师的指点下完成的 在这里我向徐老师表示深深的谢意

向参加我的论文答辩各位老师表示衷心的感谢 并对我三年来的各位授课老师表示由衷的敬意

下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要内容向各位老师作一汇报 请各位老师批评指导




是基于以下几种目的:一是充分利用现有的计算机资源 提高组卷效率

减轻工作人员的劳动强度;二是摒弃传统的手工整理、以试卷(纸质)的形式存放到档案室 浪费大量纸张等原材料 不利于环境的保护


在线考试系统能对试题实行科学的管理 通过科学合理的组卷策略

减轻任课教师组织试卷的工作负担 避免人工组卷过程的主观性和片面性
















第五章系统的运行与维护 介绍了系统的运行环境和维护方法

(1) 系统应用程序维护 (2) 数据维护 (3) 代码维护(4) 硬件设备维护

(1) 纠错性维护 (2) 适应性维护 (3) 完善性维护 (4) 预防性维护

第六章结束语 是整个设计的总结




由于本人思维逻辑性不够严谨以及个人技术的不足 使系统运行时偶尔出现错误 而且帮助模块也未能完善

在这篇论文的写作以及系统开发的过程中 也使我认识到自己知识与经验的缺乏 虽然

我竭尽所能进行论文写作和系统开发 但论文还是存在许多不足之处 系统功能并不完备

有待改进.请各位评委老师多批评指正 让我在今后的学习中学到更多





上午好!我叫...... 是......级......班的学生 我的论文题目是...... 论文是在......导师的悉心指点下完成的 在这里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意 向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢 并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意 下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要内容向各位老师作一汇报 恳请各位老师批评指导


我想谈谈这个毕业论文设计的目的及意义 ......




第一部分是...... 这部分主要论述......

第二部分是...... 这部分分析......

第三部分是...... 最后



也是我越来越认识到自己知识与经验缺乏的过程 虽然


竭尽所能运用自己所学的知识进行论文写作 但论文还是存在许多不足之处 有待改进

请各位评委老师多批评指正 让我在今后的学习中学到更多


最重要的是大方得体当然态度的背后 是你要自信


首先 向老师

同学问好.自我介绍:哪个专业哪个班;再介绍自己的题目 选题的原因 收集资料的来源




1.如果天热论文多 向老师辛苦表示下慰问 会有感情分

2.提前打听下同组同学有相同题目否 撞车的话 如你次序在后


3.一般都有时间要求 答辩人多时候


注意不要过分详细介绍自己论文 察言观色是必要的

4.开场时候 容易紧张 可以眼观后墙 待稍微安定后

一定要有对视老师的时候 否则会被认为不自信与不礼貌




待后再与其讨论.一般老师都很反感答辩当场与学生的争论.且事后你会发现 决大多数情形 是他对



各位老师好!我叫XXX 来自XXX 我的论文题目是"行政系统中的非正式组织评估" 在这里



下面我将从论文的思想内容、结构框架、遣词造句三个方面向各位老师作一大概介绍 恳请各位老师批评指导

首先 在思想内容上


即行政系统中的非正式组织为切入点进行探索 通过对图书馆近百本著作进行调查


非正式组织作为官场中的"第二种友谊" 对公共部门人力资源管理会产生很大影响 因此

论题本身具有一定的理论和现实意义 作为矛盾的统一体

任何行政组织内都会产生一定的非正式组织结构 行政组织或多或少受到非正式组织的影响 纵观非正式组织正反两方面的作用 它可能成为正式组织发展的助力 也可能成为正式组织发展的阻力 因此

组织管理者应对其加以正确认识并积极引导 把握其概念、和特点和作用 正确运用其正向功能 克服其负向功能


其次 在结构框架上






最后 在遣词造句上


但个别语句语序凌乱、语句僵硬、口语化的问题依然不可避免 另外


对管理心理学、组织行为学、领导科学等方面的知识涉及较少 期盼今后加以完善

书到用时方恨少 事非经过不知难 在老师的指导下

我知道了毕业论文怎么写 通过此次毕业论文写作

我愈发感觉到自己知识的匮乏和视野的狭窄 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 小小拙作



?? ?? ?? ??






微软推出OFFICE软件,功用目的各有不同,WORD是文字排版工具,PowerPoint 是演示演说助手。WORD搬家的实质是拿PPT当WORD使用,有点关公战秦琼的意思。既然给听众(或者说是观众)看到的东西和WORD里的差不多,还不如直接给大家看WORD!何必费此功夫?





有一次在南方讲课,在讲授KISS原则时强调,PPT上文字要尽可能简短、要用关键词的组合而非陈述性的句子。这时,有学员表示,这样做有问题,因为他的PPT同时要给领导做讲话稿用,如果里面没有句子,领导就没有办法照着PPT做发言,这样怎么能成? 由此,也就引出了PPT应用的第二大常见错误:照“屏”宣科。














此后,大屏幕每次翻到下一页,都会有一阵奇怪而熟悉的声音传遍整个会场。一会儿是呼啸而过的风声、一会儿是汽车的疾驰、一会儿又是打字机的嗒嗒声、一会儿又掌声雷鸣„„ 虽然这是一次难忘的演讲,但记住的全然不是主题和内容,脑海中只剩下那些奇奇怪怪的声响。

















所以,千万不要另起炉灶,删掉默认版式中的文本框自己另画。一定要先在默认的版式列表中选择和内容匹配的版式,再输入相应的内容信息。定可以事半功倍,大大提高效率。 其实,想要去除那些默认的版式文本框,大可不必先选中,再删除,直接到“任务窗格”中的版式栏中,选全空的版式应用一下即可。

当然了,也不是绝对不可以添加文本框,一些特殊的需求情况下,文本框也自有其用途。毕竟PPT只是工具,工具是死的,但人是活的。凡事看目的、讲效率,自然会有好效果。 ybnsm 发表于 2010-1-13 22:07:4








走马灯:几张照片横向旋转,如同走马灯,最后停在需要突出展示的那一张上; 魔术盒:(不解释了,大家直接看演示更直观)














其五:如果暂进不想让屏幕上的内容被看到,就找个纸片,挡在投影仪镜头的前面; 其六:„„等等。




ybnsm 发表于 2010-1-13 22:08:19










注:表示同属性不同数据所占比例最好用饼图(如上图),下图为不恰当的应用。 一类情况是所选用的设计模版与主题偏离。










In this part each candidate’s task is to choose one topic from a set of three, and to talk about it for one minute. Candidates have one minute in which to prepare and should use this time to make brief notes. The other candidate listens to the talk and is invited to ask one or two questions at the end. Candidates may make notes while listening to

General procedure

A choice of three different topics One minute preparation while making notes A/B starts with the other listening---one minute Question asked

1. Customer relation: the importance of offering incentives to customers

Offering incentives to customers can help you to strengthen your customer base and enhance customer loyalty. If you offer incentives such as vouchers, complementary tickets, miles, gifts in the promotion or sales, you will attractive more customers and get them buy your products or services. At the same time the image of your company will be improved and your brands are more likely to be known by customers.

2. Product promotion: how to ensure that products are promoted effectively at international trade fairs

You should send a professional team of experts to arrange the promotion at the trade fair. They must be familiar with the products you want to promote at the fair. Meanwhile they must be good at dealing with clients especially foreign clients.

You should use advanced technology to display your products at the fair. Necessary equipments such as DVD, overhead projector, high-definition screen can help you demonstrate the quality, function and specification of your products.

You should design your show room and stand carefully to attract more customers. Your stand should be put up at an obvious place so that every customer can get an easy access to your products.

3. How to reduce labor turnover rates

In order to reduce labor turnover rates we must take the following effective measures: Set up a clear staff appraisal process to make sure that the performance of every staff can be evaluated openly and honestly and their promotion is based on their contribution to the company. Thus no one will complaint about unfair promotion which once forced some of your staff to leave their jobs.

If permits enhance the staff benefits including their base pay annual bonus and other benefits. An incentive system should also be necessary to encourage the staff to work with the company longer.

Improve the work environment of your company or factory. Try to foster a spirit of mutual help among your staff and let them understand that the company or factory is far more than just a workplace. It’s a family where all members are supported and valued.

4. Career development: the importance of being willing to acquire new skills throughout your career

With the unceasing development of science and technology the workplace is now undertaking profound changes. The way you do your work and the equipment you use in your work will definitely change or upgrade in the future, which means you have to learn new skills to deal with these changes. Remember: you are never too old to learn. New skills will make you keep up with the latest technology and help develop yourself throughout your work life.

5. International sales: how to research foreign markets effectively

You should notice the difference between foreign and domestic market and set your target according to specific situation of foreign market. For example: given the different state of living standard the purchasing power of your target market may be higher or lower than the domestic market. If you ignore the difference you are likely to make mistakes in products’ pricing in foreign market.

You should ensure that your research team is excellent at carrying out research in a foreign country. That means every member of the team should mater the native language and be familiar with the specific culture of the target market.

6. Production management: how to implement an effective just-in-time system What is a JIT production system? JIT is an approach to achieving excellence in a manufacturing company based on the continuing elimination of waste (waste being considered as those things that do not add value to the product). A repetitive production system in which both the movement of goods during production, and deliveries from suppliers, are carefully timed so that at each step of the process, the next (usually small) batch arrives for processing just as needed.

The logic behind JIT: Nothing will be produced until it is needed. 7. Travel: the importance of being able to speak foreign languages in international business

8. Marketing: how to assess whether there is a market for a new product

You should carry out a research on the customer demands to see if there is a read need in the market for your new product. The feedback or result will help you to decide whether to launch the new product on the market.

You should pay special attention to your competitors. Detect whether they are going to launch their new product onto the market. if the answer if yes that probably means there is a demand in the market for some new product. Then be quick and put on your rival product to coincide with them.

9. Human resources: how to use staff appraisal schemes

You should see to it that the staff appraisal schemes be a chance for management and employees to come together and exchange ideas, set joint targets and improve the way decisions are reached.

The scheme should have a clear appeal process and any negative feedback should be accompanied by evidence such as dates, times and outcomes. Most importantly ratings should reflect measurable element of the job requirements.

10. Advertising: the importance of television and cinema advertisement

In fact television and cinema advertising both function as a kind of media which tells or even guides people to buy products or services. With the development of the telecommunication television has become the most important carrier of advertisement and as a result of that TV advertising has the largest amount of audience all over the world. They have penetrated into people’s daily life and persuaded them to buy whenever they turn on them. On the other hand the popularity of the movie make every audience be under the influence of cinema advertising at the beginning and end of the movie.

11. Staff management: how to ensure effective lines of communication between the workforce and management

As the leader of the company you should open up a channel for the workforce and management to communicate directly. For example you can hold a monthly meeting within the company, which is attended by both the reps from workforce and management. They are allowed to talk with each other openly and freely to exchange views and opinions. They can also set common objectives. You should achieve this effectiveness by making use of up-to-date technologies. For example you can set up a forum on the intranet of your company so that every member can air and exchange their views on the forum. In this way a effective line of communication will be set up.

You should set up an incentive system to make your staff talk with their line managers.

12. Finance: how to ensure accurate cashflow forecasts

you should establish a monitor system in the first place to detect any possible cashflow gap which will occur during your production and operation. This system can calculate the balance between your income and expenditure on a daily base. And should there be any sign of cashflow problems the system will warn your staff to do something about it before hand.

In order to achieve the accuracy you must set up a report system which demands every manager report the current financial status of his or her departments. The information will be collected everyday for you to take consideration.

13. International sales: how to decide which sales incentives to offer a new foreign customer (本题做为思考题,请大家自行考虑一下。)

14. Recruitment: how to ensure that the best applicant for a job is selected (how to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected)

During the selection process we should pay attention to the candidates’ quality and attribute. Quality refers to the candidate’s ability to conduct his or her future work. During the interview candidates will have to be asked to demonstrate their ability to solve problems and deal with emergencies.

In addition the other important factor should also be considered. That is the attribute of the candidate. It has something to do with the candidate’s character and value. Those whose value is in the conflict of the company’s ethics will not be considered as best candidate even if they demonstrate remarkable ability in their work.

15. How to decide whether to float a company on the stock market

A: we should check the policy concerning listing a company onto the stock market. Different stock exchanges have different policies and requirements. We should check these policies or requirements to see that if our company meets the demand so as to be listed on the stock market. For example according to the policy of many SEs, the total capital of a company should meet a certain level before it can be listed. Besides, its after-tax profits should also reach a certain level. So check these policies to see if our company is qualified to be listed onto the stock market. Second, we should understand and are willing to take the responsibilities that a listing company has to bear such as disclosure director’s duty all kinds of expenses tax and so on.

16. Training: the importance of training staff to use new technology

A: it is a very important step to train your staff in how to use the new technology. First of all most of your staff won’t be familiar with this technology since it is new and unless you train them they will spend much more time in getting used to it. Therefore your training is worthy in getting your staff to understand the new technology. Secondly you still won’t enjoy the high efficiency brought up by the new technology if you can’t achieve the perfect combination of your staff and the new technology which is only possible through training. The last but not the least you can improve your staff’s ability to harness the new technology through your training program and make them more confident in their work, which will definitely enhance the efficiency of your company.

17. The importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitions

A: your aim of exhibiting your products at the trade fair is to show your customers the high quality of your products through fine demonstration and careful explanation, which will only be achieved by selecting right staff to attend the trade fair. The staff you select should at least have a good understanding of the products you display. They must know the quality function description production packing and other important fields of your products. Besides they must have strong ability of promoting and marketing. These elaborately-selected staff can answer any kind of question produced by the customers about your products and can secure contracts with them skillfully, which will make your display a complete success.

18. Production management: how to organize an effective stock control system

A: there are three important steps: first step up a monitoring system in the company to watch closely the level of inventory so that the inventory can be maintained at an appropriate level. Second set up a reporting system to inform the manager of any possible changes in the level of inventory. If the level is too low try to improve it and reduce its negative effect on the production. If the level is too high try to reduce it and pay attention to the lack of capital and difficulties it will exert on the management. Third make everyone in the company clear about the importance of stock control so that every part of this system is operating effectively and altogether achieve a high proficiency of the whole. 注释:stock control system 存货控制 (对各种物资库存量的管理。目的在于使各种物料的库存量保持在适当的水平,既不会因库存过低而使生产收到影响,也不会因库存过多而占压资金并增加管理上的困难。)

19. Meeting: the importance of regular meeting with suppliers

A: first improve your cooperation with your supplier. It is not just a simple deal you make with your supplier. That is to say you should do your business with your supplier on the basis of equality mutual respect and mutual benefit. Second try to let your suppliers know that you are willing to establish the long-term relationship with them so that they are more confident in the current business with your company. Third it is your PR department’s job to communicate with your suppliers on the regular basis and enhance the friendly relationships between you and your suppliers.

20. The importance of teamwork for the effective management of projects

A: to manage projects involves heavy workload and requires much of the company’s energy and human resource. However by using teamwork we can make this complicated work become simple and easy. First when we set up a project-oriented teamwork all members of the projects are united and work in a teamwork spirit. That means they work more systemically and coordinate more with each other. As leaders we won’t worry about the time we will have to waste on the coordinating procedures anymore. Second by using teamwork we can create a sound and effective communication with the project and monitor the communication between members as well as the communication between boss and subordinates. Third in a team everyone tries to help others in their work and a lot of problems can be solved quickly after they occur. The managers can thus save the energy and time for trouble-shooting.

21. The importance of providing employees with clear job descriptions

A: if you give your employees clear job descriptions they will have a better understanding of what their jobs are and what their bosses expect from them. Then they can work according to their aims without any misunderstanding of their jobs which will definitely improve the efficiency of your employees’ work. In addition for managers clear job description can enable them to know their subordinates’ work better and to monitor and control their work effectively.

22. The importance of understanding cultural differences when working in an international environment

A: (请根据课本第七课所划之内容进行回答)

23. How to ensure that company growth proceeds at the optimum rate A: first we should control the expansion of our company which if not appropriate can cause too much bubble and give a false impression of prosperity. Second plan our company’s future carefully. This includes considering in detail the budget of our company; opening more markets for the company’s products and gearing our company towards a right direction in which its development can be sustainable sound and rapid. Third make sure that we can get all the resources needed for our company’s development including the materials we need to produce our products the capital we need to make investments and the human resource we need to keep our staff highly-qualified.

24. How to manage a heavy workload effectively

A: first we should have a timetable illustrating all the details about the work of every staff within a day, a month or even a year. We can deal with more workload while shouldering more responsibility if we can arrange our work in advance. Second make sure that we can communicate with our colleagues effectively so that we can make use of their advice or ideas to help us solve the problems or unexpected things occurring in our work. Third as for ourselves we should keep ourselves physically sound to handle the stress a heavy workload might bring about.

25. The importance to a company of having a Health and Safety policy

A: as a kind of legal document Health and Safety policy can help a company to reduce the possible injuries or accidents that may happen in the process of production or office work as it explains in detail what the staff should and should not do in order to keep themselves safe in their work. If those accidents or injuries do happen the Policy made by the company can also be used as reference in case of civil liability. Besides the Health and Safety policy can serve as a record which will be very useful if an inspector questions the company’s precautions on health and safety.

26. How to ensure that staff at all levels receive appropriate feedback on individual performance

A: we should establish a complete set of evaluating system within the whole company to monitor individual performance of every employee and to report their performance to the board and the department they belong to. Their performance is judged on the basis of their position and responsibility and in accordance with their personal abilities. Of course any other factors that will affect their performance directly or indirectly will also be taken into consideration. Besides the feedback will be sent directly to our employees’ mailbox immediately after their performance is evaluated.

27. How to maintain customer interest in a company’s products A: usually customers are interested in the products which have high reputation or world-wide brand names. Therefore a company should try to keep the fame of their products and develop its products into a global brand in order to attract its customers. And of course customers are often concerned about the quality of the products they are intended to buy. In this regard a company should make their products reliable to use. In addition a company should upgrade their products in a direction that will lead to a multi-functional and user-friendly kind of products. Try to show your customers that your products have great potentials so that they will keep their interest in your products. 28. The importance of having a career plan in order to achieve high levels of success at work

A: a career plan is very important for employees. If you plan your career in advance you will have a better idea of what you should do and what you have to achieve at the different stages of your career, which will make you more realistic at work. The plan will guide you throughout your career and make you easier to climb the ladder within the framework of your company. Every time you start your work you will find there is a clear goal before you and every time you achieve your goal another goal has already been set for you to continue. You will never feel lost in the complicated environment and can gain advantage among the tense competition with your colleagues. Gradually you will find yourself moving steadily towards your success and finally reach the top of your career. All of these are not your dreams and they can be realized if you have your career plan.

29. The importance of product diversification to the success of a business

A: in today’s increasingly-competitive market product diversification is crucial to the success of a business. Today’s market is becoming more and more diversified which means a single range of products produced by a certain company cannot survive since the competition is extremely high. And even if you survive you will find your earnings via a single product won’t cover even a small fraction of your cost. Therefore a business should diversify its product range. A diversified product range will make you avoid the tense competition in the specific area and give you more opportunities to open up more potential markets which will reduce to a large extent the risks due to the high competition. (还可从吸引顾客的角度来说)

30. The importance in business of maintaining personal contact with clients

A: some of your clients are your important suppliers and others are your distributors. Therefore keeping contact with them means you keep a good communication with your suppliers or distributors whose information is crucial to your production and sales. Any information you gain from your client can be used to test the popularity of your products. Usually formal or official contact with your clients won’t give you much more opportunities to get the information you need. Personal contact however can be developed into a very useful contact since it can produce a sound environment in which you talk to your clients personally. And you can even get some information about your revival through personal contact which you can use to take the advantage in the competition. And of course you will know better what your clients think of your products and what they expect from you since most of your clients are reluctant to tell you because of the strict environment of formal contact.

31. How to balance company growth with production capacity

A: in order to balance company growth with production capacity we must keep our production capacity at an appropriate level so that it can promote the growth of our company. If we pay too much attention to the development of production capacity while neglecting the possible harms it can cause we will have to face the stagnation in the grow of our company or the growth bubble which will eventually burst. If we accelerate our production capacity without any consideration of the current market demand or current situation of the company’s sales we will definitely increase our inventory which will cause the break of the cash flow.

32. How to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforce

A: first set up an incentive mechanism within the company to ensure that every highly-motivated employee is awarded. Second try to produce a healthy and sound environment within the company to ensure that every employee know the importance and benefit of keeping high motivation in his or her job. Third help very employee to plan his or her future career within the company to make them sure that they are paid close attention to by the company and they will have a better future if they stay with the company.

33. The importance of training staff in how to use new technology when introducing it into the workplace

A: it is a very important step to train your staff in how to use the new technology. First of all most of your staff won’t be familiar with this technology since it is new and unless you train them they will spend much more time in getting used to it. Therefore your training is worthy in getting your staff to understand the new technology. Secondly you still won’t enjoy the high efficiency brought up by the new technology if you can’t achieve the perfect combination of your staff and the new technology which is only possible through training. The last but not the least you can improve your staff’s ability to harness the new technology through your training program and make them more confident in their work, which will definitely enhance the efficiency of your company.

34. How to maintain good relationships with suppliers

A: first improve your cooperation with your supplier. It is not just a simple deal you make with your supplier. That is to say you should do your business with your supplier on the basis of equality mutual respect and mutual benefit. Second try to let your suppliers know that you are willing to establish the long-term relationship with them so that they are more confident with the current business with your company. Third it is your PR department’s job to communicate with your suppliers on the regular basis and enhance the friendly relationships between you and your suppliers.

35. How to achieve a strong visual impact in advertising

A: first we should use an impressive and unique color design or slogan in our advertising. Each of them is expected to achieve strong visual impact which will make your advertisement a complete one-off. In addition, we can apply multi-media technology to our ad to achieve some special visual effects such as 3D animation.

36. The importance of being able to cope with the stress in a job

A: as today’s businessmen we shoulder more and more responsibilities and experience more intensive stress which if not appropriately deal with will lead to mental fatigue or other mental illnesses or even worse the total breakdown. Therefore the ability to cope with the stress in our jobs is one of the most important skills we should acquire in today’s business world. Furthermore, we will inevitably encounter some stress in our daily work. Without appropriately dealing with these stresses we cannot continue our work in a normal way and the stagnation will appear to offset any achievement we have made in the previous work.

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