




1. It goes without saying that ...不用说……

It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 不用说, 早睡早起是值得的。

2. There is no denying the fact that ...不可否认这个事实……=No one can deny ...谁也不可否认…… There is no denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind. 不可否认, 成功的关键在于健康的身心。

3. I am greatly convinced (that)...=I am greatly assured (that)...我深信……

I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure. 我深信预防胜于治疗。

4. Among various kinds of ...=Of all the ...在各种……之中, ……

Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 在各种运动中, 我尤其喜欢慢跑。

5. In my opinion ...=As far as I am concerned ,...在我看来, ……

In my opinion, playing computer games not only takes up much time but also is harmful to our health. 在我看来, 打电脑游戏既花费也有害健康。

6. According to my personal experience = Based on my personal experience根据我个人经验

According to my personal experience,smile has done me a lot of good. 根据我个人的经验, 微笑带给我很多好处

7. Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than ...在我认识的人当中, 也许没有一个人比……更值得我尊敬。

Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than Miss Zhang, my English teacher. 在我认识的人当中, 也许没有一个人比我的英语老师张老师更值得我尊敬。

8. In the course of my schooling, I will never forget ...在我的求学过程中, 我忘不了……

In the course of my schooling, I will never forget the great difficulty I encountered in learning English. 在我求学的过程中, 我忘不了学习英语的巨大困难。

9. With the increase/growth of the population, ...随着人口的增加, ……

With the advance of science and technology, ...随着科技的进步, ……

With the rapid development of our economy ,...随着我国经济的快速发展, ……

10. In the age of information and communication, ...plays an important role. 在这信息年代, ……扮演重要的角色。

In the age of information and communication, the computer plays an extremely important role. 在这信息年代, 计算机扮演着非常重要的角色。

11. Nothing in the world can delight me so much as ...世界上没有什么比……更令我高兴。

Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast food restaurants. 世界上没有什么比到快餐店吃汉堡包更令我高兴。

12. It is necessary/important/proper that S.(should)V. ……是必要的/重要的/适当的。

It is necessary that we master a foreign language. 我们掌握一门外语是必要的。

13. Whenever I ...每当我……, 我就……

Whenever I think about this, I smile. 每当我想起这些, 我都会笑。

14. It is said/ thought /reported/believed (that)...据说/人们认为/据报道/人们相信

It is believed that health is above wealth. 人们相信健康重于财富。

15. The main reason why/for ...is (that) ………的主要原因是……

The main reason why he failed was that he didn’t work hard. 他失败的主要原因是他不努力。

16. To ..., there are at least three things we can do. 要……, 我们至少要做三件事。


1. We have reasons to believe (that)...我们有理由相信……

We have reasons to believe (that) corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited. 我们有理由相信体罚应该严格禁止。

2. As a matter of fact, ...=in fact ...事实上, ……

As a matter of fact, it is health that counts. 事实上, 健康才是最重要的。

3. Besides (in addition), we should not neglect ...此外, 我们不应忽视……

In addition, we should not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society. 此外,我们不应忽视每个人都想要一个温馨祥和的社会。

4. On the contrary, ...=By contrast, ...相反的,……

On the contrary, a few students, it seems, are still fooling around. 相反的, 少数学生似乎还在虚度光阴。

5. On the other hand, ...另一方面, ……

The government should enforce laws strictly. On the other hand, the public should also develop the good habit of reducing pollution. 政府应严格执法, 另一方面, 大众也应该培养减少污染的好习惯。

6. However, it is a pity that ...然而, 很可惜的是……

However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour. 然而, 很可惜的是他总是临时抱佛脚。

7. In other words, ... = To put it differently 换言之,……

In other words, I will try my best to attain (gain; live up to) my goal. 换言之, 我会尽最大的努力达到我的目标。

8. It will be true as assumed by others, but I don’t believe it. I believe that ...别人可能认为这是事实, 但我不是。我认为……

It will be true as assumed by others, but I don’t believe it. I believe that if you have strong determination and perseverance, success will certainly come to you in the end. 别人可能认为这是事实, 但我不是。我认为如果你有很大的决心和毅力, 成功最终是属于你的。

9. What is more serious is (that)...更严重的是, ……

What is more serious is that we do not cherish wildlife. 更严重的是, 我们不珍惜野生动物。

10. In view of the practical need of society, ...鉴于社会实际的需要, ……

In view of practical need of society, there are more and more people interested in learning English. 鉴于社会实践的需要, 愈来愈多的人对学英语有兴趣。


1. If one can really put the three points into action (practice), ...如果能实践这三点, ……

If one can really put the three points into action (practice), he will surely be able to live a happy life. 如果能实践这三点, 他肯定能过上幸福的生活。

2. In this way, I believe (that)...如此, 我相信……

In this way, I believe that all the people may be able to enjoy the bus ride like me. 如此, 我相信大家或许能够像我一样, 享受乘坐公共汽车的乐趣。

3. Only with combined efforts, can we ...唯有通力合作, 我们才能……

Only with combined efforts, can we expect our hometown take on a new look in due course. 唯有通力合作, 我们才能期望我们的家乡不久会有新的面貌。

4. For these reasons, I ...基于这些理由, 我……

For these reasons, I think that receiving college education in China is wise. 基于这些理由, 我认为在中国接受大学教育是明智的。

5. In conclusion, ...=To sum up, ...总而言之, ……

In conclusion, a good citizen should observe traffic regulations. 总而言之, 好公民应该遵守交通规则。

6. We can, therefore, come to the conclusion (that)...因此, 我们可以得出如下个结论

We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that nothing is so precious as peace in the world. 因此, 我们能下个结论, 那就是世上和平最珍贵。

7. If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt (that)...如果我们能做到如上所述, 毫无疑问地……

If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can master English. 如果我们能做到如上所述, 毫无疑问地, 我们就能精通英语。

8. Therefore, we should realize (that)...所以, 我们应该意识到……

Therefore, we should realize that in learning English we can not do without a dictionary. 所以, 我们应该意识到学英文不能没有词典

9. We, therefore, can make it clear from the above discussion (that)...因此, 由上面的讨论我们可以明白……

We, therefore, can make it clear from the above discussion that perseverance can overcome any difficulty. 因此, 由上面的讨论我们可以明白, 坚持不懈可以克服任何困难。


1. Nothing is +-er than to do没有比……更重要的了

Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。

2. There is no doubt that ...毫无疑问……

There is no doubt that honesty still plays a very important role in public morality. 毫无疑问, 诚实在公共道德方面依然起着重要作用。

3. There is no one but ...没有人不……

There is no one but longs to go to college. 没有人不渴望上大学。

4. spare no effort to do 不遗余力地……

We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。

5. be closely related to ...与……息息相关

Taking exercise is closely related to health. 做运动与健康息息相关。

6. due to/owing to/thanks to ...因为……

Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream. 因为他的鼓励, 我终于实现我的梦想


高考英语必背作文十篇 (上)


之一 U-7 SB3 P 56speaking part


In the race to become rich quickly, some people forget that business is not only about making money and profits. Some companies do not care about the necessary safety measures or hygiene (卫生) to protect the people working for them.

In the newspapers we read reports about fake food products and medicines. There are also cases of food polluted with poisons or bacteria. People who make and sell such unsafe products only think about the money they can make. They do not care what happens to people who buy the products.

Fake milk powder has caused the deaths of many babies, while food poisoning is an increasing problem in both cities and the countryside. (113words)

之二 U-8 SB3 P 65


The most difficult thing about learning English is to remember new words. I study the words and memorize them, but a week later I have forgotten most of them. Reading sth in English, I always get stuck when I come across a new word. There must be a better way to learn new words.

I’ve been studying English for so long now, and I don’t enjoy it any more. I used to like it , but now I feel as if I’m not making any progress.I’m just not motivated any more. I wish there was sth I could do to make me interested in studying English again.

I wish I could improve my spoken English. Every time I take part in a group discussion or try to speak English to some one , I find it difficult to express myself. I don’t know what to say and I can’t think of the words I need.

We should consider it fun to learn English and spend as much time on it as we do on other subjects.

之三 U-5~6 SB1 《创新》P31求职信


June 7th 2009

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply the position of Programmer in your company as advertised in yesterday’s newspaper.

I graduated from Chongqing University last year. My major is computer science. I am very good as English, especially spoken and written English. In college, I often come up with new ideas and I am known for my active imagination, always eager to create new things. Anyone who worked with me will find me easy to get along with and able to work independently of as part of a team.

I am ready to work hard and achieve more success for the company. I would welcome an

opportunity to discuss this application at interview.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. (120字)

Yours faithfully, Li Ming

(原文删节:I am interested in your company because of its good reputation for quality products and excellent after-sales service.)

之四 U-13~14《创新》p66


Spending too much time on the internet in net bars will obviously do harm to people,

especially to the teenagers who are still at school.

Most students go to internet bars to play video games, which takes them much of their precious time. Some even stay in it day and night, leaving their lessons behind. No doubt these students will finally end up with their bright future destroyed. All these are harmful to them and if this is not curbed or use of the internet is not properly guided, some of them will commit crimes.

In my opinion, students should to internet bars under the guidance of their parents and teachers. Only in this way can internet bars truly benefit students. (121字)

(原文删节:Furthermore, some log onto pornographic websites accidentally, and are

eventually absorbed in the excitement of reading erotic stories of viewing dirty video clips.)

之五 小轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭,环境和经济可能的影响。

Nowadays, it is common to see more and more private cars up and down on the roads in China. People want to own cars because they are faster and convenient. Owing a car helps many families to travel to nearby towns and the tourist attractions during holidays. Besides, the car industry can promote the economy of our country.

However, the increasing number of cars on the roads has given rise to a series of problems. For example, the increase in the number of cars has resulted in traffic jams and more traffic accidents. In addition, cars are still very expensive to buy in China today. Worst of all, the wastre gas pollutes the air, which is harmful to health.

Therefore, in my opinions, the number of the cars allowed on the roads should be kept under control so as to reduce the pollution and traffic accidents they cause. If the balance is well kept, private cars will play a positive role in our lives and make our life easier and more comfortable. (172字)

Key words to recite:

Common, want, owing, promote,

Give rise to, result in, expensive, pollut

Control, positive role, make easier and …




Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐) for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的) help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报) your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades.

Yours truly, Zhang Ying

have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party.

Cordially, (sincerely) Li Hua

3. 申请信

假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点: 1.年龄:18.

2. 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好 3.兴趣和特长:打字快,喜欢阅读,听音乐 4.性格特点:积极向上 注意:1.词数100左右;


3.开头语和结束语己为你写好。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sir/ Madam,

I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it.

I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends.

I hope I may be granted(授予) an interview, when I can explain my qualifications(资格,条件) more fully. I am looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely/Yours, LiHua 2. 道歉信

假设你是李华,因弟弟生病住院,你不能参加你好友下星期四晚的生日晚会,请写一封道歉信解释原因,并祝福他生日快乐。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sarah, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为) the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave. I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I

4. 通知


1 / 4 为他们举办一个新年晚会。请你根据以下提示,用英语向他们发出口头通知。 时间:下周五6:00—8:00 地点:教学楼101室

内容:1.唱中国歌 2.比赛用筷子 3.学习包饺子


Good afternoon, everyone. May I have your attention, please? I’m the chairman of the Students’ Union. As the New Year is around the corner(即将到来), we are going to hold a New Year party for you, which is intended to enable you to have a better understanding of Chinese culture. During the party, not only can you sing a Chinese song, but you will also compete with each other to see how skilled you are at using chopsticks. What’s more, you’ll learn at the party how to make dumplings. Sounds great. doesn’t it? The party is scheduled(计划于) in Room 101of the Teaching Building from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. next Friday. Please make sure you won’t miss it. Thank you for your attention.

and set out at 8:00 am sharp. The bus will serve as our transportation. We will climb to the top of the hill and enjoy our picnic lunch there, so please take some food with you as lunch. At about 2:00 pm. We will go down the hill along another path and return to our school at about5.00pm. You may equip yourself with a camera to record the beautiful scenery and an umbrella or a raincoat is also necessary in case you are caught in a rain. Please spare some time to join us.

Your participation can surely add color to our trip and we are all looking forward to your involvement. Yours, Joe

6. 建议信

假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见.请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:


2.说明该报优点:1)兼顾国内外新闻 2)介绍名人成功故事

3.提出建议: 刊登指导英语学习的文章 注意:1.词数100左右,开头语己为你写好; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Editor-in-Chief,

Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror!

I’m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it so much that I hardly miss any copy.

There are many advantages of Global Mirror. Firstly, Global Mirror covers both national and international news. By simply turning the pages, I can know all important things that have happened both home and abroad. Besides, the success stories of world-famous people are also attractive to me, which help me learn a lot from them. In a word, thanks to Global Mirror, we are well-informed and keep up with the changing world.

As a young student, I wish that I can be a master 5. 邀请信

你们班同学打算周六去爬香山。请给外教Chris写一封英文信,邀请他参加此次活动。具体内容如下: 1. 时间:8am—5 pm; 2. 集合地点:校门口; 3. 交通工具:公交车;

4. 携带物品:雨具,午餐,相机。 注意:1. 词数不少于50;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Chris,

I’m writing to tell you that we intend to climb the Fragrant Hill this Saturday and I sincerely invite you to go with us on behalf of our class. We are supposed to gather at the school gate

2 / 4

of English language. Therefore, I suggest that Global Mirror provide articles about English learning for us. Finally, I hope that Global Mirror will become more and more popular. Thank you for your time!

Sincerely yours, Li Hua

Li Hua

8. 投诉信

你是李华,两周前你从网上一套书虫系列读物(Bookworm Series)昨天才到货,且包装破损,数量不足。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。要点如下: 1. 介绍购物情况 2. 反映存在问题 3. 提出解决方案 注意:

1. 词数100词左右

2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯 3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词 可能用到的生词:投诉complaint n. 【优秀满分范文】 To whom it may concern,

I am one of your customers(顾客). I ordered(订购)a set of(一套) Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn. To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing

I am sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe I have every right to ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money or deliver a new set of books to me. Besides, I’d like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my complaint.

Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely, Li Hua 7. 求助信

假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛 (speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:

1.询问Tom的生活和学习情况; 2.谈谈你的困难并请Tom帮忙; 3.告诉Tom你打算赛后去看他。 注意: 1.词数:120—150;

2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Tom,

How is it going these days? I keep wondering how you feel about your school life in Beijing. Have you got used to the life in China? Are you enjoying your life? I hope you are. Let me tell you a piece of good news: I’m going to take part in an English speech contest of middle school students in July in the coming summer vacation. So I’m busy preparing for it. But now I have some difficulty in collecting useful information and using proper English word to express my thoughts. Besides, I really want to improve my spoken English, especially the pronunciation and intonation(语调). Of course, as a native English speaker, you can give me some suggestions. In addition, I’m going to visit you after the contest. I’m sure we will have a wonderful time together in Beijing! I can hardly wait to see you! I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours,

9. 祝贺信


内容包括:1. 表达你的愉悦心情;2.向她表示祝贺; 3.请她介绍成功的经验。

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数;3. 可适当增加细节,以使行

3 / 4 文连贯。

参考词汇:英语演讲比赛 the English Speech Contest 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Wei Fang, I hear that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest of Middle School Students, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations. You don’t know how excited I was when I heard the good news. As your best friend, I am proud of you! Your pronunciation and fluent English left me with deep impression. It came as no surprise to me that you won the contest. Could you share with me how you improve your spoken English? Your experience will be of great help to me in learning. I will be grateful if you can write me back and give me your advice. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua

addition, I have previous experience. During my stay in middle school, I used to be a volunteer and looked after the old people in a nursing home on weekends.

In short, I believe my experience and fluent oral English will be a great help for me in doing the work. I’m available for interview at any time. It would be appreciated if I can get your offer. Sincerely, Li Hua

10. 求职信

假如你是李华,从报纸上看到中老年英语培训机构Mid.Senior ESCH面向高中毕业生招聘暑期兼职辅导员,负责学员课间服务事项。请根据下面的广告内容用英语写一份求职信。 ASSISITANTS WANTED Valuable chances are open for high school graduates who are good at English.Their work is to tend the senior students during the break. Requirements attached:




at English.2.Experienced priority.

Contact us by e-mail:Englishtec@163.com. 注意:1.短文词数100字左右;2.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称; 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Director: I’d like to apply for the post of assistant which was advertised in the newspaper. I found this position quite appealing to me. I’ve just graduated from high school. Luckily I am good at English and I can speak English fluently. In

4 / 4

第四篇:高考英语 必背疯狂英语成功之路13篇素材


成功之路第一篇:暑假打工 文体:记叙文 【题目要求】 暑假过后,你的外籍教师要同学们汇报自己假期所从事的社会活动和自己的感想。请写一书面材料交给外教:

你在2005年暑假到一家肯德基(KFC)快餐店做保洁员(cleaner)工作,你每天工作7个小时,为期3周,这项工作辛苦且枯燥,并使你感到非常的疲惫,这几乎使你半途放弃。 在新学期开始之前,你终于坚持完成了这项工作,并且认识到了劳动(labor)的意义,你认为这是一次成功的体验。 注意:

1.必须用第一人称 2.字数100个左右

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Summer Holiday Part-time Job [1] During the summer holiday of 2005, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV. So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner. Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks. [2] The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way. After all, I stuck to it with my determination. [3] Finally, I finished the job before the new school term began. [4] Now, I understand what labor means. I think it was really a successful experience.

成功之路第二篇:广告与现代生活 文体:议论文 【题目要求】



(2)广告不仅能促销,还能提供我们需要的各种最新消息。 (3)广告行业还创造了很多的就业机会 【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Advertisements in Our Life [1] We live in a world of advertisements. We see and hear them everywhere. No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Radio, television and computers have made it possible for advertisements to attract the attention of millions of people. Therefore, it has become an important part of our daily life. [2] On one hand, advertising greatly promotes sales,on the other hand, in their efforts to tell people about products and events, advertisements provide us with a large amount of the latest information. Meanwhile, to make an advertisement, a lot of people will have to work together. So with the development of advertising a lot of jobs are being created.




1 [3] In a word, advertising is an important business.

成功之路第三篇:口头通知——欢迎美国代表团 文体:口头通知 【题目要求】 假如你是班长,根据下面的内容和提示,写一篇100字左右的口头通知,以便向同学们宣布。 事由:欢迎美国学生来校参观

参观时间:10月22日上午9:00——12:00 参观人数:约50人。

活动安排:1. 8:30在校门口欢迎。

2. 9:00带客人到会议室开联欢会。


4. 11:00在操场进行篮球比赛。

5. 客人12:00离校。 注意事项:1. 对客人要友好大方。

2. 要用英语交谈 【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 American Student’s Visit Boys and girls, [1]May I have your attention, please? About fifty American students will come to visit our school on October the 22nd. We’ll meet them at the school gate at 8:30 am. At 9:00, we’ll take them to the conference room, where a get-together will be held. After that, we’ll show them around our botanical garden and the school-run factory. At 11:00, there will be a basketball match on the playground. They’ll leave our school at 12:00.

[2] We must talk with them in English. Please be friendly and courteous to them. Remember, we not only stand for our school, but also stand for China. [3] Thank you. Hope you have a good time.

成功之路第四篇:写好英语作文的秘密 文体:鼓励信 【题目要求】

请你仔细阅读所给的英文信,然后给Worried写一封回信。要求包括以下内容: 1.



记一些惯用词组和句型结构,将他们组织在一起并用其造句。 3.

多读英语,告诉他通过大量阅读才能正确使用语言。 4.

多背诵一些好的短文。 Dear Helpful, I’m a Senior Three student and I’m in trouble. I used to like English, but now I am having some problems in English, especially in English writing. Though I know English is a very important subject. I think now it has become a little difficult for me. My poor writing skills have caused me to get low marks on my English exams. This has made me dislike English and I am afraid to take any more exams. I really want to change my situation and enjoy learning English again. I wonder why so many students like English and can get good results in English exams. I do want to be one of the best students and go to a famous university after graduation. This is my dreaming, but my




2 English is not good enough. What should I do?

Worried 注意:

1. 不要逐字逐句翻译,词数100左右。 【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】

Secrets to Write a Beautiful Article Dear Worried, [1] I have received your letter and I’m glad to give you some suggestions. First of all, don’t be disappointed. Many students find it difficult to write well. In my opinion, if you want to improve your writing, you should do the following things. First, do some studying with the set phrases and sentence structures. Keep a list of them and then try to make some sentences with them. Second, read English as much as possible. There are many things that can’t be learnt immediately. You must see them in books many times. Then you’ll be able to use them correctly yourself. So, in order to write well, you must learn to read a lot. Finally, you’d better recite some good passages. The more passages you read, the better you will write. [2]I’m sure you can improve your written English as long as you study hard. Remember, practice makes perfect. Helpful

成功之路第五篇:工作求职 文体:求职信 【题目要求】

下面是某中外合资企业刊登在昨天的China Daily上的一则招聘广告:

Office secretary, with experience in bookkeeping, typewriting, public relations, operating PC (personal computer). Address, age, health condition Write to A518, Charlie Office 假设你是李华,现年20岁,身体健康,学习英语6年,学过广告中所列项目。通信地址是北京市745信箱(P.O. Box 745)。

请根据广告中提出的招聘职务,应聘条件和你自己的简要情况,写一封自荐信。字数:100词左右。(通信时间,地址可不列出) 【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Job Hunting Dear Sir or Madame: [1] I have read your advertisement in yesterday’s China Daily. I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company. I’m 20 years old and in good health. After graduation from a middle school, I have studied English for six years. I studied bookkeeping, typewriting and public relations. I am good at both operating a PC and English. I can read, write, listen to and speak English. I’m interested in the position of a secretary. [2] I want very much to be accepted by your company. I’ll work hard if I can be a member in your company. Li Hua





3 文体:议论文 【题目要求】


请你根据下表提供的信息,给某英文报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况。介绍讨论情况。 55%的学生认为







3.运动以后很兴奋,较长时间不能复习功课。 4.运动使大脑休息,使复习效果更好。

4.运动中可能会受伤。 注意:



Whether Students should Take Physical Exercise Dear editor,

[1] I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise. 55% of the students think they should take exercise every day, such as doing morning exercises, playing ping-pong and basketball, but it shouldn’t take up too much time. Proper exercise can build up one’s body and reduce diseases. What’s more, sports let their brains have a rest so that they can study effectively. [2] On the other hand, 45% believe taking exercise is a waste of time and it is tiring. After having sports, they are much too excited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons. It’s also possible get hurt in sports. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

成功之路第七篇:因特网的作用 文体:说明文 【题目要求】 在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据下表所给提示为某英文报纸写一篇题为On the Internet的征文稿。 因特网的主要用途 信息

看国内外新闻、获取其他信息 通讯

发e-mail、打电话 学习

上网上学校、阅读各种书籍、自学英语 娱乐




4 欣赏音乐、观看体育比赛、玩棋牌游戏 生活

购物、聊天等 注意:


2.标题已经给出,不计入总词数。 【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 On the Internet [1] The Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. On the Internet, we can read news both at home and abroad and learn about all kinds of other information as well. We can also send messages by e-mail, make phone calls, take classes, read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves, enjoy music, watch sports, play chess, cards and so on. Besides, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them on the Internet. [2] In a word, the Internet has made our life richer and more colorful.

成功之路第八篇:经典图表描述 文体:说明文 【题目要求】

有一批外宾将来红星电视机厂参观,请根据下表所提供的信息,用英语为该厂写一篇简单介绍。 年代


现在 人数


2000多 人员


80%为大学生 设施


15个装备有先进设备的大车间 产品


10多种不种型号的彩色电视机。 畅销全国及世界各个地方 注意:


【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 The Red Star Television Factory [1] The Red Star Television Factory, which produces TV sets of fine quality, was set up in the 1980’s. There were only more than 200 workers then, and most of them were junior middle school graduates. The working conditions were poor,there were only three workshops with some




5 simple equipment. The main products then were black and white TV sets.

[2] In the past 20 years, great changes have taken place in this factory. The number of workers and engineers has risen to over 2,000, and 80% of them are college graduates. Fifteen big workshops are well equipped with modern machines, and there are over ten different types of color TV sets, which are sold all over the country and to many parts of the world as well.

成功之路第九篇:农村儿童失学问题 文体:议论文 【题目要求】

请根据下表,给《中国日报》写一篇稿件,谈谈农村儿童失学的主要原因及你的看法。 原因

1.家庭贫穷,供不起儿童上学,他们不得不去赚钱养家。 2.部分家长认为女孩上学无用,不愿意让他们上学。 3.部分儿童对功课不感兴趣,不愿意上学 看法


2.全社会都应重视儿童教育,他们对国家的未来将起到重要的作用。 注意:

1.不要逐字逐句翻译。 2.语句要通顺连贯。 3.字数在100个左右。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Rural Education

[1] Now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school. I think one of the reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their schooling. As a result, they have to stay at home to earn money to support their families. Another reason is that many parents think it’s useless for the girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. The third reason is that some children are not interested in their lessons, and would not like to go to school. [2] In my opinion, all children including girls should have the chance to receive an education. People should pay more attention to the education of children because they will play a very important part in the future of our country.

成功之路第十篇:网络学校 文体:说明文 【题目要求】

请根据以下表格用英语向来访的外宾介绍你校新建的网络学校的情况。 组成部分




在课堂上获得更多的信息,学到更多知识。 电子阅览室





6 可收发电子邮件

可通过因特网查找最新信息 远程教学系统

只要家中有电脑,任何人都可以学习本校课程 校务管理系统

有助于改善学校管理 满足现代化学校的需要 注意:

1.介绍需包括表格中主要内容,可适当增减信息使内容连贯。 2.词数100左右。

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 New Century Net-school Ladies and gentlemen, [1] Welcome to our New Century Net-school! Our net-school is made up of four parts. The Multimedia Teaching System makes teaching and learning easier and much more interesting. Students can get more information and knowledge in class. The E-reading room, where we can send e-mails to all parts of the world and get the latest information from the Internet, is open to both teachers and students. The Long-distance Teaching System is for the students who are not studying in our school. They can study at home if they have a computer. The School Management System helps to improve our school management and meets the needs of a modern school.

[2] Thank you.

成功之路第十一篇:北京奥运 文体:书信 【题目要求】

假如你是李华,你的美国朋友David来信有关北京为迎接2008年奥运会而进行的城市美化工作的情况。请你根据下表的内容用英语写一封短信,并欢迎他届时来北京。 口号

“绿色奥运” 计划投资

122亿美元 美化 内容


大面积植树、种草、栽花 环保

使用清洁能源:处理和再利用污水 目标

花园城市:天再蓝些,水再清些 注意:


2.生词提示:slogan 口号 【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Beijing Olympic Games




7 Dear David,

[1] How nice to hear from you again. Now let me tell you something about the beautifying work in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games. Our slogan is “Green Olympics”. 12.2 billion dollars will be spent on this project. A lot more trees, flowers and grass will be planted in many places to make Beijing more beautiful. We will use clean energy and try our best to make waste water clean and reuse it. In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and a clearer sky. [2] I look forward to meeting you in Beijing in 2008. Yours, Li Hua

成功之路第十二篇:中学生是否有必要带手机去学校 文体:议论文 【题目要求】







追求时尚可以理解,但学习是首要任务。 注意:


【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Mobile Phones at School Dear editor, [1] I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school. [2] The majority of the students think that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile phone. And what’s more, it’s the latest fashion. [3] However, most teachers think middle school students are not old enough to control themselves. It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phone. And it’s easy to cause the students to vie with each other. If necessary, they can make phone calls by using public phones on the campus. [4] In my opinion, following the fashion is understandable. But as middle school students, we should put all our heart into our studies. Yours truly, Li Hua 【李阳老师特别奉献】 英语是我最喜欢的科目 文体:议论文




8 【题目要求】

英语是被广泛使用的国际化语言,如果你要与外国朋友做生意,你得学会英语;大型国际会议,英语是工作语言;世界上有很多英文版的书,要阅读他们需要讲英语,要想更好的了解外国人并为世界和平出力,你也要懂英语,正是因为英语如此重要,所以英语是我最喜欢的科目。 写作提示:

1.本文从不同角度阐述英语的重要性,用一般现在时。 2.注意句子的变化,不要全部使用一个句式。 【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 English Is My Favorite Subject [1] English is my favorite subject, because it’s such a widely used language. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world. [2] English has now become an international language because it is used by almost every country in the world. If you want to do business with foreigners, you have to learn English, because most of them speak and write in English. English is one of the working languages at international conferences. Today, many great reports, papers, and books are written in English, so if you want to read them, you must know English well. If you know English, you can also understand people from other countries better and contribute more effectively to world peace. [3] No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important. So we should pay more attention to learning English in order to make our country powerful, competitive, and international.



专心 9


成人高考辅导高起点英语必背词组3 run into偶然碰见;遇到(困难等);共计

run out (of)用完,耗尽

run over(跑)过去;撞倒;溢出

see … off为某人送行

see … through看破,看穿

see to负责,注意,照料

send for派人去请;召唤;索取

set about开始,着手

set aside留出,拔出;不理会,置于一边转自学易网

set back推迟,延缓,阻碍;使花费

set free释放

set off出发,启程,激起,引起

set out动身,启程;开始

set up创立,建立,为……做好准备;竖起,建造

settle down定居;安下心来

show off炫耀;卖弄

show up来到,露面

side by side肩并肩地,一起

slow down放慢速度;减速

so … as to如此……以至于

so far迄今为止;到这种程度

so far as … be concerned就……而言

so long as只要,如果;既然,由于

sooner or later迟早,早晚,或迟或早

stand for是……的缩写,代表,意味着;主张,支持

stand out引人注目;杰出,出色

stand up起立;(论点、证据等)站得住脚

stick to粘贴在……上;紧跟,紧随;坚持;忠于;信守

such as例如,诸如

sum up总结,概括

switch off/on(用开关)关掉/开启

take … for把……认为是,把……看成是

take advantage of利用,趁……之机转自学易网

take after(在外貌、性格方面)与(父、母)相像

take apart拆卸,拆开

take care当心,注意

take care of爱护,照料

take charge开始管理,接管

take effect生效,起作用

take for granted认为……理所当然;(因视作当然而)对……不予以重视

take in欺骗;领会,理解

take into account把……考虑进去

take off脱下(衣帽等);起飞

take on承担,从事;呈现(面貌)

take ones time不着急,不慌忙

take over接受,接管;借用;承袭

take part in参加,参与

take place发生,进行,举行

take the place of代替,取代

take turns依次,轮流

take up开始从事;占去,占据

tell … from辨别,分辨

the moment (that)一……(就)

thanks to由于,多亏

that is就是说,即转自学易网

think of想到,记得;想一想;考虑,关心

think of … as把……看作是,以为……是

think over仔细考虑

throw away扔掉,抛弃

to the point切中要害,切题

touch on谈及,提及

try on试穿

try/do ones best尽力,努力

try out试用,试验

turn down拒绝;关小,调低

turn in上床睡觉;交还,上交

turn … into使变成,使成为

turn off关(水源等);拐弯

turn on开,旋开(电灯等)

turn ones back on不理睬

turn out关掉(收音机等);生产,制造;驱逐;结果是

turn over仔细考虑

turn to变成;求助于,借助于

turn up出现,来到;开大,调大

under control处于控制之下

under the circumstances在这种情况下,(情况)既然如此

up to(数量上)多达;(时间上)直到;取决于

up to date现代化的,切合目前情况的

use up用完,耗尽

wait for等候,等待

wait on服侍(某人)

warm up(使)暖起来;(使)变热

wash up洗餐具;洗手洗脸

watch out for密切注意;戒备,提防

wear out穿破,用坏;(使)疲乏,(使)耗尽

What about … ?(征求意见时)怎么样?

What if … ?如果……将来会怎么?

whether … or是……还是……,不管……还是

wipe out彻底摧毁,消灭

with regard to关于,至于

with respect to关于,至于

with the exception of除……之外

Without question毫无疑问,毫无异议

work out算出;想出,制定出

would rather宁愿,宁可

would rather…than宁愿……(而不 let alone更别提;不打扰

let off排放;放(炮),开(枪)

let out放掉(水等),发出

lie in在于

line up排队,使排成一行

little by little一点一点地,逐渐地

live on靠……生活;以……为食

live through经历过;度过;经受住

live up to无愧于;做到;符合转自学易网

long before在……以前很久

long for渴望

look after目送;照料,照顾

look at看着;看待

look back回头看;回顾

look down on/upon蔑视,看不起

look for寻找,寻求;指望,期待

look forward to盼望,期待;预期,预料

look into观察;调查

look on旁观;观看

look out留神,注意

look over仔细检查,细看;察看,巡视

look through(从头至尾)浏览;详尽核查;温习

look up向上看;(在字典中)查出

lose heart灰心,泄气

lose sight of看不见;忽略

lots of大量的,许多的

make for走向,向……前进;导致,促成

make fun of嘲笑;开……玩笑

make ones way去,前进,前往

make out写出,开列;看出,辨认出

make sense讲得通,有意义,言之有理

make sure查明,务必要做到

make up组成,构成;编造,虚构;化妆

make up for补偿,弥补转自学易网

make up ones mind下定决心,打定主意

make use of使用,利用

many a[后接单数名词]许多的,多的,一个又一个的

mix up拌和;混淆

more or less或多或少,左右;有点儿


no doubt无疑地

no less than不少于,多达

no longer不再,已不

no more不再

no more than不多于,至多

no sooner … than一……就

not only … but also不但……而且

nothing but只有;只不过

now and then时而,不时

now that既然,由于

of course当然,自然

off duty下班

on a small/large scale小(大)规模地

on account of由于,因为

on average平均;通常;普通

on behalf of代表,为了

on board在船(或车、飞机等)上

on business因事,因公转自学易网

on duty值勤班,当班

on earth究竟,到底

on foot步行

on guard站岗,警戒

on ones own独立地,靠自己地

on purpose故意,有目的

on sale****;廉价****

on second thoughts经重新考虑,继而一想

on the contrary正相反

on the one hand一方面

on the other hand另一方面

on the spot在现场,当场

on the whole总的来说,大体上

on time准时

once again再一次

once in a while偶尔

once upon a time从前

once more再一次,又一次

one another相互

or else否则,要不然

or so大约,左右

other than不同于;除了

out of在……外;离开……;缺乏

out of breath喘不过气来

out of control失去控制转自学易网

out of date过时的,不用的

out of order出故障;混乱

out of place不在适当的位置;不相称的,格格不入

out of practice久不练习,荒疏

out of sight看不见,在视野之外

out of the question毫不可能

over and over一再地,再三地

owing to由于

pass away去世

pass on把……传给别人

pay attention to注意

pay back偿还(借款等);回报

pay for付款;偿还

pay off还清(债款);取得成功

pick out选出;挑出;辨认出,分辨出

pick up捡起;(车等)中途搭人;学会

play a part (in)(在……中)扮演角色;(在……中)起作用

point out指出,指明

prior to在前,居先,比……在先

pull in(车)进站;(船)到岸

pull out拔出,抽出;(车、船等)驶出

put aside储存;保留

put away把……收起,放好转自学易网

put down记下;放下;镇压

put forward提出(要求、事实等)

put into practice实行,实施

put off推迟;拖延

put on穿上;上演

put out熄灭;关(灯);公布,出版

put to use使用

put up举起;建造;张贴

put up with忍受,容忍(讨厌的人)

quite a few相当多,不少

rather than宁愿……(而不);不是……(而是)

refer to … as把……称作;把……当作

regardless of不顾,不惜

result from是(由)……造成

result in引起,导致;结果是

right away立即,马上

ring up打电话

each other互相(多用作宾语)


end up结束,告终

even if/though即使,虽然

even so虽然如此,即使是这样

ever since此后一直,从那时侯起一直

every now and then时而,偶尔

every other每隔一个

except for除了……外转自学易网

face to face面对面(的)地;对立地

face up to大胆面向

fall behind落在……后面,跟不上

fall in love爱上某人

fall out脱落;争吵,闹翻

far from远离,远非

feel like感到想要做

figure out计算出;估计

fill in/out填写

find out查明;找到;发现

first of all首先,开始时

for ever永远

for example例如

for good永久地

for instance例如

for the sake of为了……的利益

for the time being暂时,眼下

from time to time不时,有时

get across使通过;使被理解

get along过活;相处(with);进展

get down从……下来;着手进行;写下

get in进入,参加;收(获),收回;插入(放)

get into对……发生兴趣;卷入;进入

get off(从……)下来;逃脱惩罚

get on骑上(马、自行车等),登上(车、船、飞机等);有进展转自学易网

get on with与……友好相处;继续干

get over克服(困难等);从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来

get rid of处理掉;摆脱

get through完成;打通电话;通过(考试)

get together聚会

get to ones feet站起来

get up起床;起立

give in屈服;让步

give off发出或放出(光、热、气味等)

give out分发;发出(气味等)

give up放弃;投降

give way to让位于;给……让路

go after追逐,追求;设法得到

go ahead开始,进行;前进,领先

go down下去;(船等)下沉;下降

go in for从事于;酷爱追求

go into进入;调查;从事

go into effect实施,生效

go on继续下去,进行

go out熄灭;外出

go over检查;复习

go through遭受,经历;检查,审查

go up上升,(物价等)上涨

go wrong出错;发生故障,出毛病转自学易网

grow up成熟;成年;发展

had better应该,还是……好

had rather…than宁愿……(而不是)

hand down把……传下来

hand in交上;递上

hand out分发,散发

hand over交出,移交

hang on抓紧不放;坚持下去;(电话不挂)等一会儿

hang up把……挂起来;挂断(电话)

have an advantage over胜于,优于

have in mind记在心里;考虑到,想到

have nothing to do with和……毫无关系

have (something) to do with和……(有点)关系

have to必须,不得不

head for朝……方向走去

heart and soul全心全意地,完全地

help oneself自取所需(食物等)

hold back阻止;控制;抑制

hold on握住不放;坚持;(打电话用语)等一会儿

hold up举起;耽搁,延迟

hurry up(使)赶快;匆匆完成

if only只要;要是……就好了转自学易网

in a hurry急于,忙于

in a sense从某种意义上

in a way从某种程度上,从某一点上看

in a word简而言之,一句话

in addition to除……之外(还)

in advance预先,事先

in all总共,共计

in any case无论如何,不管怎样

in brief简单地说

in case假使,以防万一

in case of假如,如果发生;防备

in charge of负责,主管

in common共有的,共用的

in detail详细地

in effect实际上,事实上

in fact事实上,其实

in favour of支持,赞成

in front of在……前面

in general一般说来,大体上

in half成两半

in honour of为向……表示敬意;为纪念,为庆祝

in no case无论如何不,决不

in no time立即,马上

in no way决不

in order按顺序;整齐转自学易网

in order to为了(做某事)

in other words换句话说,也就是说

in part部分地

in particular特别,尤其

in person亲自

in proportion to与……成比例

in public公开地,当众

in regard to关于

in relation to有关,涉及

in return(for)作为(对……的)回报,交换

in short简言之,总之

in sight看得见的,在视线之内;在望

in spite of不管,不顾

in the course of在……期间,在……过程中

in the end最后,终于

in the face of在……前面;不管,即使

in the future在将来

in(the)light of鉴于,由于

in the way挡道,妨碍某人

in time及时;最后,终于

in touch联系,接触

in turn依次地,轮流的;转而,反过来

in vain徒劳,白费力

instead of替代,而不是just now刚才,才不久;现在,眼下

keep an eye on留意,照看

keep in mind记住

keep on继续进行,反复地做

keep ones word守信用

keep to坚持;固守(习惯等)

keep up with跟上,不落后

knock down撞倒;击倒

laugh at因……而发笑;嘲笑

lay aside把……搁置一旁;留存,储存

lay down放下;制定(计划等)

lay out布置,安排,设计;摆出,展开

lead to通向;导致,引起

learn by heart记住,背诵

learn from学习,向……学习

leave alone不打扰,不干预

leave behind丢弃;留下;忘记携带

leave out忽略,遗漏;省略

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