

论文题目:大学英语课堂有效学习的实证研究 ——基于学生对课堂环境感知的视角

摘要:大学英语课堂有效学习指的是学生在大学英语课堂中顺利实现预期目标,达到良好的学习效果的学习过程和学习结果。英语语言课堂学习环境对英语语言学习具有重要影响。其中,学生对英语课堂环境的感知是近年来引起大学英语课堂有效学习广泛关注的一个焦点。学生在英语课堂学习过程中与教师和同学之间对课堂环境的感受和体验直接影响着大学英语课堂学习的有效性。但目前大学生对英语课堂环境的感知普遍较弱,且国内外研究主要集中在关注单一因素的理论研究。因此,本研究将二者结合,主要从线下课堂角度出发,探索大学英语课堂有效学习与学生对英语课堂环境感知的关系,以实现大学英语课堂的有效学习,最终促进大学生英语综合学习能力的提升。在此背景下,本研究以建构主义学习理论为理论支撑,辅以Moos的人类环境理论,Lewin的场动力理论和Murray的需求-压力理论为理论指导。从内隐(英语课堂学习动机)和外显(英语课堂学习行为)两个角度入手,对大学英语课堂有效学习展开深入探究。本研究通过一学期的实验观察,旨在回答以下三个问题:(1)目前大学生对英语课堂环境感知的总体状况是什么?(2)不同性别、学科背景、年级的大学生对英语课堂环境的感知是否存在显著差异?(3)影响大学生对英语课堂环境感知与大学英语课堂有效学习之间的关系是什么?本研究的研究对象为146名来自沈阳师范大学2020级和2021级非英语专业的大学生。选择相同课型进行实验的目的是保证研究中的同一类型的学生处于相同的课堂环境,从而使得研究结果更为精确。本研究主要运用问卷法,课堂观察法,访谈法。实验持续16周,结束后利用SPSS 23.0数据分析软件对收集到的数据进行整理与分析。在对收集到的问卷数据、课堂观察及访谈结果做出分析的基础上,本研究得出以下结论:(1)目前大学生对英语课堂环境的感知的总体情况处于中等水平。其中大学生对“课堂管理”因子的感知最强,对“课堂参与”因子的感知最弱。(2)不同性别、学科背景、年级的大学生对英语课堂环境的感知的不同因子上存在显著的差异。(3)大学生对英语课堂环境的感知与大学英语课堂有效学习下的英语课堂学习动机和英语课堂学习行为的不同因子之间存在显著正相关。基于以上研究结果,本研究对大学英语课堂有效学习提出以下建议,从大学生对英语课堂环境感知总体情况出发,需要从学生的认知和情感两大层面综合提升学生课堂活动参与程度。从大学英语课堂学习动机出发,一方面,要努力让学生获得成功学习的机会;另一方面,教师要通过鼓励性评价激发学生的学习期望。从大学英语课堂学习行为出发,应通过给予学生可交流的平台,提供多种形式活动的设置使得学生的课堂学习过程行为得到加强;同时,通过积极纠正学生自身的学习行为,发挥学生学习的主观能动性,并利用学生与学生在英语课堂上和睦相处的方式以有意识地强化学生对自我学习行为的认知,从而实现大学生英语课堂的有效学习。






List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Significance and purpose of the study

1.3 Overview of the study

Chapter2 Literature Review

2.1 Effective learning

2.1.1 Definitions of effective learning

2.1.2 Conditions of effective learning

2.1.3 Types of effective learning

2.1.4 College English effective learning

2.2 Classroom environment

2.2.1 Definitions of classroom environment

2.2.2 Structures of classroom environment

2.2.3 College English classroom environment

2.3 The relationship between college student’s perception of the classroom environment and effective learning

2.3.1 The relationship between college student’s perception of offline classroom environment and effective learning

2.3.2 The relationship between college student’s perception of online classroom environment and effective learning

2.3.3 The relationship between college student’s perception of blended classroom environment and effective learning

2.4 Relevant theoretical foundations

2.4.1 Constructivism learning theory

2.4.2 Moos’s human environment theory

2.4.3 Lewin’s field theory and Murray’s need-press theory

Chapter3 Research Methodology

3.1 Research questions

3.2 Research design

3.2.1 Participants

3.2.2 Instruments

3.2.3 Procedures

3.2.4 Data collection

Chapter4 Results and Discussions

4.1 Results and discussions of the questionnaire

4.1.1 Reliability and validity of the questionnaire

4.1.2 Results and discussions of current general condition of college student’s perception of the English classroom environment

4.1.3 Results and discussions of variance analysis of college student’s perception of the English classroom environment

4.1.4 Results and discussions of correlation analysis of college student’s perception of the English classroom environment

4.1.5 Results and discussions of regression analysis of college student’s perception of English classroom environment

4.2 Results and discussions of the classroom observation

4.2.1 Results and discussions of the preparation for pre-classroom observation

4.2.2 Results and discussions of the implementation for while-classroom observation

4.2.3 Results and discussions of the summary of post-classroom observation

4.3 Results and discussions of the interview

Chapter5 Conclusion

5.1 Major findings of the study

5.1.1 Impact of the current general condition of college student’s perception of the English classroom environment

5.1.2 Impact of the variance analysis of college student’s perception of the English classroom environment

5.1.3 Impact of the correlation and regression analysis of college student’s perception of the English classroom environment

5.2 Pedagogical implications of the study

5.2.1 Integrating both cognitive and affective aspects to enhance the degree of student engagement in classroom participation

5.2.2 Implication of from the aspect of learning motivation in the college English classroom

5.2.3 Implication of from the aspect of learning behavior in the college English classroom

5.3 Limitations of the study

5.4 Suggestions for the further study


Appendix 1







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