



name: yang yang membership:

current residence: chongqing wanzhou

nation: han

household registration: xian in shaanxi

height and weight: 175cm 65 kg

marital status: single age: 23

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: fresh graduates

candidates jobs: computer, human resources management, marketing and product marketing, and other related workwork experience: 0 title: title

job type: full-time can be filled: 2008-7

salary requirements: according to your ideals and work requirements


chengdu, chongqing, guangzhou

practice experience:

from january 2006 to february 2006 in xian of shaanxi trust-mart super-room cu xiaoyuan

august 2006 to september 2006 in xian of shaanxi 7 space decoration company clerk

january 2007 to february 2007 shanghai branch sales wanzhou changhong

august 2007 to september 2007 in suzhou, dongguan mingschin electronics factory intern

educational background

graduate institutions: the joint institute in xian

supreme education: bachelor graduation date: 2009-07-01by science: self-marketing professionals: information management

training experience: september 2005 to july 2009 xian institute of joint marketing english four chinese proficiency test, such as computer erji b 2 (vf)

language ability

english: general vf: good

chinese: excellent cantonese: goodthe ability to work and other expertise










Graduate Certificate of Master

Certificate No. 毕业证书编号 Date: 毕业证日期

This is to certify that 姓名, male/female, born on 出生日期, having specialized in 专业英文名称 in the 院系英文名称of Communication University of China from September 入学年份 to July 毕业年份 and having completed the two-year/three-year graduate program of study with qualified standing, is hereby awarded with Certificate of Graduation.


Su Zhiwu

Communication University of China


个 人 简 历







 2009/09--至今XXX大学机械电子工程(机械类)工学硕士

 2005/09-2009/07XXX大学机械设计制造及其自动化工学学士


 通过全国计算机二级等级考试(C语言);

 熟练运用Office办公软件,熟悉AutoCAD,Pro-e等制图软件,了解IPP专业图像分析软件,



 2005/11大学生辩论赛团体一等奖 2006/01校园征文比赛优秀奖 2006/04优秀团员,素质拓展奖学金 2006/10素质拓展奖学金, “三好学生” 2007/04二等奖学金,素质拓展奖学金 2007/10二等奖学金,素质拓展奖学金,“三好学生” 2008/04一等奖学金,素质拓展奖学金 2008/10一等奖学金,素质拓展奖学金,“三好学生”,“优秀学生干部” 2008/11一等奖学金,“三好学生标兵” 2008/12国家励志奖学金 2009/04一等奖学金,素质拓展奖学金,“优秀学生干部” 2010/12研究生二等优秀奖学金 2011/11研究生一等优秀奖学金


 2006/9--2007/9 班级组织宣传委员


 2007/9--2008/9 班级学习委员


 2008/9--2009/7 班级团支书


 2007/7--2007/8暑期社会实践队长


 2007/9--2009/3三农协会常务委员(副会长)



 2011/03--至今外聘教师


 2010/06--2010/09 暑期兼职



 2008/09--2009/04:分别至济南平安精工机械制造公司、济南二机床集团有限公司、中国重汽


 2006/09--2006/10:到XXX参加金工生产实习,包括车、铣、刨、磨、钻、焊接、装配等实践








 XXX (核心期刊中国有色金属学报英文版收录,SCI检索) XXX (国际学术会议收录,EI/ISTP检索) XXX(核心期刊稀有金属材料与工程) XXX(国际学术会议收录,EI/ISTP检索) XXX.(山东轻工业学院学报发表) 做事踏实认真,态度端正,学习能力、适应能力强; 进取心、责任心强,擅长沟通交流,注重合作,团队意识良好; 能够主动、高效地完成工作且勇于承担责任,敢于迎接挑战; 较强的领导和协调能力,文笔功底较好; 为人正直,诚实可信,极具亲和力。 【自我评价】





Personal Resume

Personal Information

Position: Electrical (Power) EngineerTel :

Name: GaryDate of Birth: July 3, 1974

Gender: MaleEducation Degree: Bachelor Location: Xipu town, Chengdu ProvinceE-mail:

Political Status: Communist Party member

Major: Electrical Engineering and Automation


17 years’ working experience with more than eight-year primary management experience, seven years’ Power system installation, system operation and maintenance and technological transformation work experience of Large-scale foreign-funded enterprises; Pay attention to the spirit of teamwork and responsible with strong adaptability; Familiar with Office Automation Software.Working experience:

1.2010/10---so far: Texas Instruments---Department of Plant Operations---- Electrical Engineers

Taking charge of the electrical equipment maintenance and management of 110KV * 50000KVA power supply system, UPS, generators, elevators and CCTV access control system etc. Being responsible for the power dispatch and electricity management of the Power Supply Bureau,power system maintenance, improvement and system expansion design continuously, with practical experience of engineering design and construction management on the supply and distribution electric power system. For example, assistance in the Road Two 110KV power construction management. I also developed maintenance OI for system and put into practice preventive maintenance.

2.2006/10---2010/10: Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Chengdu Cension Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) ---- Department of Plant Operations ---- Electrical Engineers

I participated in an installation and commissioning of power system engineering for nearly half a year ,operation and maintenance the power system for four years .I have extensive experience of operation and maintenance on 110KV * 50000KV supply and distribution system. I also have some experience in electrical engineering field construction management and electrical technical innovation.

With the constant improvement of power system, a successful engineering design and construction management of the power system needs practical experience. For example, I was responsible for 400KVA UPS relocation design and project management,

lighting projects of Phase II , etc.

3.2005/05---2006/09: China Southern Glass Holding Co.,Ltd.(CSG) ---the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Services ----- Electrical monitor

After four months training in the Shenzhen CSG with the new employees, I assisted to the work of 10KV * 8000KVA * 4 power system maintenance, equipment management、installation、commissioning and acceptance.

After putting into operation, I lead the team to concentrat on the preventive maintenance work, maintaining normal running of the supply-distribution power system and the German GRENZEBACH fully automated production lines of electrical equipment. At the same time, I help to improve and transform the technological of the system project.

4.1995/07---2005/04:Cotton Textile Factory of Bazhong in Sichuan ----Production Technology Division ----Supervisor of engineering / facility

I responsible for daily management of the workshop 、boiler group、the electrical group、machine repair group and the whole factory equipment.

I organized and implemented a technical renovation project of 20 units spinning machine and ancillary equipment successfully, I was also responsible for two DZL4-1.25-A2 boiler installation and commissioning works, designing and organizing the relocation project of 4* 630KVA/10KVA high pressure oil switch machines independently. So I have accumulated prolific experience in engineering design and construction management

Educational background:

1. 2007/10---2010/01 Sichuan University.Electrical engineering and automationupgrade from junior college student to uniersity student

2.1992/09---1995/07 Chengdu Textile College. Electrical Technology Technical or Mechanical Degree

Training experience:

1.2010/11Chengdu Electric Power Training Center. The training of power on / off contact qualification certificate

2.2010/03Chengdu Electric Power Training Center .The training of high voltage electrician receives net work permit

3.2006/11---2006/12 Sichuan Province labor and social security hall senior electrician skill training

4.2005/05---2005/10 China Southern Glass Holding Co.,Ltd power supply and distribution system and the German electrical automation production line electrical training Certificate: engineer certificateelectrician operation certificate power on / off contact qualification certificate high voltage electrician receives net work permit.

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