


七年级上数学单元试卷 第1篇




















七年级上数学单元试卷 第2篇

班级 姓名 成绩


60×5= 12×3= 30×4= 3×310=

9×400= 43×2= 140×2= 460×0=

800×5= 81÷9= 36×2= 33×3=


464×4= 8×630= 502×5×4=

750×8= 305×7= 3×241×6=


470×5○2500 ○506×4 5×600○3000

310×3×3○310×6 7×410○2790 200×2×4○8×200


501×6 708×4 980×3 5×599

6×610 9×326 7×436 8×381


电视机 电冰箱 洗衣机

单价 812元 920元 506元

数量 4台 5台 8台



1、食堂每天吃掉大米 70千克,照这样计算,9个星期吃掉多少千克大米?




(1)小青有多少张邮票 ? (2)王方有多少张邮票?





七年级上数学单元试卷 第3篇

1. --- How do you usually come to school?

---___________ the school bus.

A. By B. With C. At D. On

2. ---Do you know ____________?

A. how old is Sam B. where he lives C. where is Tom D. how far does he live

3. The students in that village need to ________ a river to school.

A. across B. through C. cross D. crossing

4. We hope our dreams can ____________.

A. come out B. come true C. come up D. come through

5. ---________ does Cindy live from her offi ce?

--- Three kilometers.

A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How far

6. It takes him about 15 minutes _________ there.

A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walks

7. James has ________ breakfast at home and play _____ guitar every day.

A. /, the B. the, / C. the, the D. a, the

8. We want people who are good _________ children.

A. at B. for C. in D. with

9. ---_________ do people usually eat dinner?

--- In the evening.

A. What time B. When C. What D. How

10. --- Can I borrow your bike?


A. I don’t have one. B. No, you can’t. C. Of course. D. Not at all.

11. Can you tell me what he _________ just now?

A. talked B. told C. spoke D. said

12. ---Must I do the dishes after dinner?

--No, you ______________.

A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. have to

13. Please get up and ___________ your clothes.

A. dress B. put up C. wear D. get dressed

14. Either you or your brother __________ singing very much.

A. likes B. like C. don’t like D. dislike

15. ---How does Jack ___________ the museum?

---By bus.

A. get B. arrive C. arrive in D. reach

16. --- How far is your home from your uncle’s?


A. It’s 20 kilometers far. B. It’s 20 kilometers away.

C. It’s 20 minutes bus ride D. It takes 20 minutes.

17. He wants to fi nd a _______ in a music club.

A. jobs B. work C. works D. job

18. Lucy often ____________to the bus stop.

A. rides a bike B. rides bike C. by bike D. on her bike

19. Sally goes to the park after ________ her homework.

A. doing B. do C. does D. to do

20. ---_____________________?

--- It’s wonderful.

A. What do you think of the football game? B. Do you want to go on a trip?

C. Can you play chess D. What time do you go to bed

二、完形填空。 (10分)

21. A. and B. but C. or D. so

22. A. at B. in C. on D. to

23. A. with B. by C. of D. on

24. A. go B. get C. leave D. getting

25. A. in B. at C. about D. to

26. A. in B. at C. on D. of

27. A. his B. he C. he D. she

28.A. his B. he C. our D. their

29.A. look B. read C. watch D. look at

30. A. go to bed B. goes to bed C. sleeps D. get bed

三、阅读理解 (共20小题, 每小题2分, 共计40分)


I have a cousin. His name is Eric. He is 15. He likes music and he can play the guitar very well. But he doesn’t want to join the music club. He wants to join the art club. He wants to learn to paint. I don’t like music or art, I like sports. I can play tennis. I can also swim but I can’t swim well. I want to join the sports club. My friends are in that club. I want to play sports with them.

31. How old is the writer’s cousin?

A. Five B. Fifteen C. Fifty D. Fourteen

32. What does Eric like?

A. music B. art C. swim D. sports

33. What club does Eric want to join?

A. music club B. art club C. sports club D. chess club

34. What does the writer dislike?

A. sports B. tennis C. swim D. music

35.Why does the writer want to join the sports club?

A. He can play tennis. B. He can swim.

C. He doesn’t like music club. D. His friends are in that club, he wants to play with them.


Sue and Linda usually go to school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a food shop. The food shop is next to the supermarket. Jack and Michael usually go to school by bus. They go past a bank and a post offi ce. The bank is next to the post offi ce. Mary usually goes to work by bike. She rides a bike past a police offi ce, a library and a swimming pool.

( ) 36. How many people are there in this passage?

A. Five B. Three C. Four D. Two

( ) 37. Where is the bank?

A. It’s next to a swimming pool. B. It’s on the right.

C. It’s next to a post offi ce. D. It’s on the left.

( ) 38. How does Linda go to school?

A. By bike B. By bus. C. By car. D. On foot.

( ) 39. Where does Sue drive past?

A. A cinema. B. A post offi ce. C. A park. D. A bank.

( ) 40. What do they do?

A. They are singers. B. They are football players.

C. They are students. D. They are reporters.


Hi! My name is Tom. I am a school boy. My school is far from school. I must get up early in the morning. I usually go to school by bus. It takes me half an hour to get there. I have no time to have breakfast at home. I often have some bread for breakfast on the bus. I don’t want to be late for the morning exercise. I have lunch at school. Sometimes I play football with my classmates after school. I often get home at half past six.

( ) 41. Tom lives______.

A. next to his school B. in his school

C. far from his school D. with his friends

( ) 42. Where does Tom eat breakfast?

A. In the school` B. At home C. on the bus D. near the school

( ) 43. Tom gets home______.

A. at 5:30 in the afternoon B. at noon

C. with his classmates D. at 6:30P.M

( ) 44. How long does it take Tom to go to school?

A. one hour B. 5.5 hours C. Half an hour D. A morning

( ) 45.What does Tom sometimes do after school?

A. Does morning exercise. B. Plays football with his classmates.

C. Plays the guitar. D. Does his homework.


Alex’s day

Hello! I’m Alex. I often get up at 6:30 a.m. Half an hour later I have my breakfast. At 7:30 a.m. I take a bus to school. We have Math, Chinese and English classes from 8.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. I have lunch and talk with my classmates at school. We have three classes from 1:40 to 4:10 in the afternoon. After school, I often play with my classmates. We often play soccer, tennis and ping-pong. I go home at about 5:00p.m. I usually have dinner at 6:00p.m. Then I do my homework and watch TV. At about 10:30, I go to bed.

( ) 46. Alex goes to school at half past six in the morning.

47. What time does Alex eat breakfast?


48. How long does it take Alex to have breakfast?


49. Where does Alex eat lunch?


50. Alex usually _______ before he goes to bed.

四、词汇 (10分)

51.There is no ___________ ( 桥梁 ) above the rive.

52. _________ the rive to school is dangerous for the students. (横过、越过)

53.What do you_______________ the school trip? (认为…怎么样)

54.The bus ride ___________me about 20 minutes every day. (花费)

55. He _________________ at seven o’clock. (刷牙)

56. Lisa is good at ______________________ ( 讲故事 ) .

57.Peter likes ___________________ ( 拉小提琴 ) .

58.He either does homework or________________ ( 散步 ) after lunch.

59.I want to be ____________________ when I grow up. (音乐家)

60. The school needs help to teach children______________ ( 游泳 ) .

五、连词成句 (10分)

61. does, you, get, how, it, long, take, to, school, to


62. is, a, river, between, there, home, her, and, hospital, the


63. far, he, live, the, how, does, library, from


64. I, take, to, the, usually, subway, park, the


65. club, want, what, to, do, you, join


66. he, play, can, the, or, drums, basketball


67. do, usually, time, get, what, you, up


68. they, bus, take, the, do, work, to


69. knows, she, it, not, is, her, for, good


70. I, clean, sometimes, an, for, my, half, hour, room


六、写作 (10分)


擅长打篮球, 会弹钢琴, 想加入了游泳俱乐部学习游泳。

每天早上7:00起床, 穿好衣服, 吃过早饭后7:45去上学, 下午4点放学回家。

通常花15分钟骑自行车上学, 如果下雨会乘公交车。





1-5 DBCBD 6-10 CADBC 11-15 DBBAD 16-20 BDAAA


21-25ABBCB 26-30AADCA


31-35 BABDC 36-40 ACCAC 41-45 CCDCB

46. F 47. At 7:00 48. 30 minutes

49. At school 50. Does homework and watches TV


51.Bridge 52.Crossing 53.think of 54.takes 55.brushes teeth

56.Telling stories 57.playing the violin 58.takes a walk 59.a musician 60.to swim


61.How long does it take you to get to school?

62.There is a river between her home and the hospital.

63.How far does he live from the library?

64.I usually take the subway to the park..

65.What club do you want to join?

66.Can he play the drums or basketball?

67.What time do you usually get up?

68.Do they take the bus to work?

69.She knows it is not good for her.

70. I sometimes clean my room for half and hour.


新目标七年级(上)7单元练习 第4篇

A) 根据句意和首字母提示,用适当的单词填空。

1. It’s that t____ of year again.

2. My mother and father are my p____.

3. An apple is f____.

4. ——How ____ are these shorts?

——They are $30.

5. Her l____ name is Smith.

B) 按要求完成下列各题。

1. black(反义词)____ 2. 华兴特卖(译成英语)____

3. tomato(复数)____4. 28(译成英语)____

5. sale(动词)____


1. ——____ are those oranges?

——They are $4.

A. WhereB. WhatC. How D. How much

2. Here’s a cat, but I don’t know ____ name.

A. itB. itsC. it’sD. it is

3. Those are four ____.

A. pencil-boxB. pencil-boxsC. pencil-boxesD. pencils-boxes

4. ——What are these? ——____.

A. Yes, they’re computersB. They’re computer

C. They are computersD. Yes, these are computers

5. ——What’s on the dresser?

——It’s ____.

A. green sweaterB. green a sweater

C. a green sweaterD. green an sweater

6. Jim, ____ my teacher, Miss Li.

A. it isB. this isC. she is D. she

7. ____ blue pants are nine dollars.

A. ThisB. ThatC. TheD. He

8. ——____ your parents like hamburgers?

——No, ____.

A. Do; I don’tB. Does; he doesn’t

C. Are; they aren’tD. Do; they don’t

9. ——Is this table red? ——____.

A. Yes, it’sB. Yes, it’s whiteC. No, it’s redD. No, it’s blue

10. Here are the twins(双胞胎). ____ are Lucy and Lily.

A. Her nameB. Their namesC. Their nameD. They name

11. Amy, Jim and I ____ at school.

A. am allB. are all C. is allD. all are

12. She is ____ a red sweater today.

A. inB. onC. /D. at

13. My brother’s shoes ____ black.

A. amB. isC. areD. be

14. The price of the socks is very ____.

A. dearB. cheapC. bigD. high

15. The shorts ____ ¥20.

A. is on saleB. are on sale forC. is on sale forD. are on sale

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)


When I was a boy, I liked swimming very much. One year my two brothers and I spent the summer holidays with my uncle and aunt in their house by the sea. It was only twenty metres from the water. Every day we put on our swimming shorts before breakfast, ran down towards(朝……)the sea and jumped into the sea, then, until late in the afternoon. We were in the sea most of the time. When our aunt rang a bell, we went back to the house for food, but we ate it in our swimming shorts and were soon back in the sea again.

The water was warm. The sunshine was bright every day, and on most days there were no waves(波浪). In the middle of the days a wind always began to blow, but it was not strong. It made big waves in the sea. But we were all good swimmers, and didn’t stop swimming until we were tired and hungry.

1. The boy ____.

A. and his family lived by the sea

B. went to his uncle’s house every day

C. had two brothers

D. learned to swim a year ago

2. One year the boy ____.

A. learned to swim from his brother

B. went to spend the summer holidays in his aunt’s house

C. went out to look for food

D. ran down to the sea every morning

3. The boy’s uncle and aunt ____.

A. liked swimming very much

B. rang a bell when it was time for breakfast

C. worked until late at night

D. lived by the sea

4. In the middle of the days ____.

A. a wind began to blow

B. the water was warm

C. the sun came out from the cloud

D. the wind began to grow stronger

5. The boy and his brothers ____.

A. didn’t take a rest until their aunt rang the bell

B. swam three times a day

C. did not go swimming when the wind was strong

D. had winds three times during(在……期间)their stay at their

uncle’s house



1. The writer’s(作者的) father has straight hair.

2. The writer’s brother looks like his father.

3. The writer’s sister is very lovely. She has curly hair.

4. There are five people in the writer’s family.

5. The writer’s mother is beautiful. She is fat.

Ⅳ. 阅读填词(10分)

One afternoon, Mrs Smith and her daughter Nancy a____ in a big shop near t____ house. Mrs Smith l____ Nancy and wants to b____ a new sweater for her. Nancy d____ like the new sweater. She likes something to eat. So h____ mother buys two kilos(公斤) of apples for her, too. Nancy a _____ wants to buy some picture books and color pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. T____ men and women, old and young. They a_____ want to buy some t____. The people in the shop are very friendly.





Ⅴ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)

1. Ma Yan is medium ____(high).

2. They’re the ____(win) of this football match.

3. I think Mao Ning is a good ____(sing).

4. It’s Sunday today. I can go ____(skate).

5. Emma wears a pair of ____(glass).

Ⅵ. 补全对话(10分)


John: Hello, Jim. May I come in?

Jim: Oh, hello, John. Yes, Come in, please.

John: You don’t look well. What’s the matter?

Jim: __1__

John: Oh, dear! Why don’t you stay at home to have a rest?


John: Shall I call Kate to tell you are ill?


John: OK, I will do that. I’m going to the shop now. Can I get you some medicine?


John: Yes, of course. Is there anything else I can do?


A. Oh, yes, please. Her number is in the phone book.

B. No, I’ll be all right. Thanks for your help.

C. My head hurts and I feel really hot.

D. Could you buy me a bottle of aspirin, please?

E. It doesn’t hurt very much.

F. I can’t. I’ll play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon.

Ⅶ. 根据汉语完成句子。(10分)

1. 你认识汤姆吗?他长什么样?

Do you ____ Tom? What is he ____?

2. 她不经常戴眼镜。

She ____ often ____ glasses.

3. 你有兄弟姐妹吗?

____ you ____ any brothers or sisters?

4. 我认为他今天不会来。

I ____ ____ he will come today.

5. 他的个子不高,但有点儿重。

He isn’t tall but a ____ ____ heavy.

Ⅷ. 句型转换。(10分)

1. My weekend wasn’t very good.(就划线部分提问)

____ ____ your weekend?

2. My mother has a medium build.(改为一般疑问句)

____ your mother ____ a medium build?

3. She wants to be a reporter.(改为否定句)

She ____ ____ to be a reporter.

4. Gloria Green sings pop songs best.(改为同义句)

Gloria Green is ____ ____ pop singer.

5. He is tall.(用short改成选择问句)

____ he tall ____ short?



七年级上数学单元试卷 第5篇




A.酿酒 niǎng糟蹋 tà震撼 hài小憩 ....qì.B.栖息xī擎住 qíng盎然 àng内疚....jiù C.茁壮zhuï啜泣chuî辜负 gū翩然piān ....D.骚扰sāo伫立chù虬龙 qiú瀑布pù ...



C.隐秘纳粹猝死鞠躬尽瘁D.笨咄抨击鞭笞勤能补茁 3.下列各组中,依次组词不正确的一项是()






A.因为所以然而更B.虽然也但是却 C.即使就然而还D.既使就所以却 6.对下列句子的修辞方法判断正确的一项是()



A.拟人拟人拟人比喻B.比喻拟人拟人排比和比喻 C.比喻拟人拟人夸张D.比喻比喻拟人夸张和比喻





③老师为我们的成长(fù)_______出了艰辛的劳动。…… ④这些产品完全(fú)_______合质量标准。8.填空:


清清楚楚 仔仔细细 规规矩矩 踏踏实实

































①好:——②然:——③会:——④ 时:——⑤谓:—— 20.下列译句意思最为确切的一句是()









六年级数学上册第七单元测试卷 第6篇


14 8= 35 25= 27 1415 = 2749 =

67 3= 12611 = 58 58 = 34 916 =

5020%= 2540%= 20(14 -15 )= 125 =


1.数据1,2,3,5,4的平均数与中位数之和是( )

2.若数据10,12,9,1,4,8,10,12,x,的众数是12,则x=( )

3.对于数据组2、4、4、5、3、9、4、5、1、8,其众数、中位数与平均数分别是( ),( )、( )。

4在一次英语口试中,10名学生的得分如下,80、70、90、100、80、60、80、70、90、100。则这次英语口试中,学生得分的`众数是( )

5.若一个盒子里装有1个红球,5个白球,则摸到红球的可能性为( ),若增加1个白球,则摸到的白球的可能性为( )。若拿出1个红球。则摸到白球的可能性为( )。

6.把1~10这个数字分别写在10张卡片上。任取一张,上面的数字大于7的可能性是( )。

7.一个正方形骰子,掷出1朝上的可能性为( ),偶数朝上的可能性为( ),小于4的数朝上的可能性为( )。
