


关于爱情的谚语英文版 第1篇

时间:2014-08-07 19:17 来源:脑筋急转弯 作者:英语谚语 点击:401

47.The only present love demands is love 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。

48.The heart that once truly loves never forgets 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。

49.Love warms more than a thousand fires 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。

50.a man has choice to begin love, but not to end it 一个人开始去爱上谁的时候,他可以有所选择,但当他要结束爱情的时候,他可没有选择

51.all shall be well, and jack shall have jill 一切都会好起来,她会向你走过来。

52.came but for friendship, and took away love 你为友情而来,却把爱情带走。

53.don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

54.don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

55.faults are thick where love is thin嘲情义淡,样样不顺眼。

56.first love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity 初恋只是一分傻冒再加九分好奇。

57.i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。?

58.i wasn’t kissing her, i was whispering in her mouth 注意了,我不是在吻她,我只是在她的嘴边呢喃。

59.it is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all 宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。

60.love at first sight never happens before breakfast 一见钟情的爱从来不会发生在饥肠辘辘的早餐以前。

61.love can turn the cottage into a golden palace 爱情可化陋室为宫殿。

62.love makes the world go round 爱能使世界转动。

63.love me, love my dog爱屋及乌。

64.love’s mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body in his book 爱情的秘密在双方的心灵中生成,但形体是表白爱惜的书。

65.man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart, it is woman’s whole existence 爱情对男子不过是身外之物,对女人却是整个生命。

关于爱情的谚语英文版 第2篇

2. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.要享受前必先付出。

3. He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens.欲图逸,得先劳。 He who does not look ahead a I ways remains behind.不能高瞻远瞩i的人将被扼在后面。

4. He who has not tasted bitter knows not what sweet is,不吃苦中苦,哪识甜滋味。

5. He who hesitates is lost.举棋不定,错失良机。

6. He who laughs last laughs best.最后笑的人,笑得最得意。

7. He who makes no mi stakes makes nothing,不犯错误,一事无成。 内容来自

8. He who purposes to be an author, should first be a student.想当作家,先当学生。

9. He who sees through life and death will meet with most success,生死置之度外,再难也会成功。

关于爱情的谚语英文版 第3篇



在社会语言学的范畴中,gender一词是区别于sex一词的属于社会范畴的“性别”。因此在语言的范畴内,很多内容都与性别有了关系。谚语作为语言的一种提炼,在很多方面都沾染了“性别之分”这个标签。譬如在英文的谚语中,有一句“Women in state affairs are like monkeys in glass- houses.” – 女人处理国家大事如同猴子闯入玻璃房子摸不着头脑;另一句“A wise man cares not for what he can not have.” – 智者不做非分之想。这两句英文谚语中有明显的性别差异。在第一句谚语中明显贬义的情况下直接提到的是女性,第二句中用“man”来代表整个人类。在英文谚语中还有很多这样的例子 – A woman’s advice is never to seek.(女人的建议一文不值)。A man of straw is worth a woman of gold. (稻草男儿抵得上金玉女子)。这两句谚语中更加赤裸裸的表达了对女子的轻视,这样的谚语在英语课堂上也需要对学生做出相应的说明,都出自于相对古老的英语,在当时的社会,女性比男性处于更明显的弱势地位。语言是文化的载体,而谚语是语言的凝练。语言可以反映一个人的社会地位,阶层以及教育背景。通过千万人认可的谚语也就反映了时代的特征。性别差异(gender difference)和性别歧视(gender discrimination)一直是英语专业课堂上的一个敏感区。因为英语专业男女生比例相差非常悬殊,而女权,性别歧视又是在英美文化中重要的一笔。无论是基础阶段的听力,阅读课, 还是专业阶段的英美概况,英美文学课,学生都会很多次的接触到性别歧视这个话题。学生们都喜欢摘抄谚语,运用到自己的文章中,怎样辨别性的使用这些谚语是老师的一个重要任务。


首先从中国和英国的历史角度来看。这两个国家都经历了相当长的私有制,封建制的社会形态,而在这些形态中女性处于弱势和被轻视的状态。英国妇女在工业革命之前几乎是没有自己的独立人格的。中国有着和英国相似的历史根源,甚至封建的程度更甚,中国女性受压迫受欺凌的时间更长。男尊女卑的思想充斥在汉语和英语的文学作品中,在汉语中有“兄弟如手足,妻子如衣服”这样荒谬的观点,而且这样的谚语还被拿来广为流传。“A woman,a dog,and a walnut tree,the more you beat them,the better they will be.”(拳脚之下出好妻,棍棒之下出义犬)。在这句英文谚语中, 也将妻子和犬相提并论,可见女性地位之低下。尤其是社会地位,女性的社会地位完全依附于男性,很难独立。其次从男女特性来看。女性生性柔弱而男性被认为更加勇敢健壮。 比如在汉语谚语中就有“女人如水”这样的例子,在英语谚语中有“Woman is made of glass”(女人如水)。在性格上女性多愁善感,男性刚毅勇敢,这就造成了语言运用上的诸多偏见。比如英文谚语“woman is made to weep.”(女人生来就爱哭),就具有一定的偏见,不像其他正能量的谚语那样具有指导意义,相反的,具有反面的消极意义,容易产生误导的作用。另一个原因也源于上述两点,就是对女性的固执偏见。 这也是和历史分不开的。有一些谚语中带有迷信的色彩,将一些消极的东西强加于女性身上。更有很多谚语无端的将很多道德枷锁加在女性身上。中文里的“头发长,见识短”就有对应的英文“Women have long hair and short wit”。学生通常会对这样的中英文同理的巧合更感兴趣,而且这样的谚语在生活中被使用的频率也是很高的,无论是男性还是女性都很少意识到这其中的歧视,即使意识到也直接忽略掉。因为谚语相对于普通的语言,有一种“权威”感在里面,大多数人会不自觉的“被动”接受。课堂,作为一个特殊的语言环境,如果不加以提示,学生们会更容易自然的接受这些谚语。谚语提炼自语言,语言来源于生活,短短的精炼的谚语中包含了各种文化的精髓。但是在如此现代的社会,很多谚语已经不适合在正式场合拿出来使用,譬如这些包含着性别歧视的谚语。


谚语是语言的精髓提炼,在现在的眼光来看,有些谚语内容落后,迷信,不合时宜,但是很多学生仍津津乐道,难以用辩证的眼光来对待。从长远的角度来看,引导学生多读名著,引导学生了解西方国家的历史文化背景,都是好的方法。在阅读课堂上加大学生的压力,这种压力来自于课外名著的阅读。例如:强制要求学生读莎士比亚的原著,并写出一篇评论,这个评论需要带有自己的观点甚至可以批判。学生在细读的过程中会有很大收获。莎士比亚在经典作品《哈姆雷特》中有一句台词为“Frailty,thy name is women.”, 学生读到此句是漠然带过,还是产生思考?老师应该在这样的地方稍加提示。或者加上一些有趣的莎士比亚作品中的小故事来引导。除了参照书本来教学外,课外的各种背景知识也应该及时的补充。除了谚语中的性别歧视,在各种语言环境中我们都会遇到语言的歧视。例如,可以和学生们分析一些常见的词汇。例如英语词汇 “history”,学生最为熟悉不过的一个词汇,但是细细观察,发现它来源于两个词, “his”和“story”,也就是说,历史是“男人的故事”, 与女性毫无关联。“在基督教盛行的英美社会,女性的从属地位甚至被“法定化”(李茂莉,周宣丰,2007)。在李茂莉(2007)的文章中还提到美国的《独立宣言》,即便在这样伟大的作品里,其作者托马斯杰佛逊的措辞也是“…that all men are created equal…”.“这样的指代表明了男性是这个世界的主宰,忽略了女性角色的存在。”(李茂莉,周宣丰, 2007)。从这里可以得到一个启发,学生一致认为在旧的中国女性地位低下受歧视,而历史源远流长的英国和象征发达进步的美国同样有着对女性歧视的根源。文化背景的积淀对于学生辨别的能力是非常重要的。




[1]Gerard Van Herk.What Is Sociolinguistics.2012WileyBlackwell.



关于爱情的谚语摘抄 第4篇

精神恋爱是一种极不真实和复杂的感情,实际上是不健康的。如果在”纯洁“这个概念中也把”精神的“意思加进去,那么纯洁的爱情就是种自我矛盾。 斯特林堡

我会有这样的爱情……全世界在我眼中这时分为两半:一半是她,那里一切都是欢喜,希望,光明;另一半是没有她的一切,那里一切是苦闷和黑暗。 列夫托尔斯泰

女人拒绝异性的追求,是先天性的特权,即使拒绝了一个最热烈爱情,也不会被认为残酷,但是,如果命运女神乱了安排,让女人打破了羞怯的本性,不顾一切地向一个并无把握的异性献出她的热爱,而对方表示着冷淡和拒绝时,那结果就不堪设想了。男人拒绝女人的追求,等于损伤她的最高贵的自尊。 茨威格

爱情若被束缚,世人的旅程即刻中止。爱情若葬入坟墓,旅人就是倒在坟上的墓碑。就像船的特点是被驾驭着航行,爱情不允许被幽禁,只允许被推向前。爱情纽带的力量,足以粉碎一切羁绊。 泰戈尔

爱情待在高山之巅,在理智的谷地之上。爱情是生活的升华人生的绝顶,它难得出现。 杰克伦敦

其实假装的爱情比真实的爱情还要完美,这就是为什么很多女人都受骗了。 巴尔扎克

不害相思,幸福就没你的份。把爱情赶出了生活,你就赶出欢乐。一帆风顺的爱情,其实寡味。 莫里哀

爱情是一本永恒的书,有人只是信手拈来浏览过几个片断。有人却流连忘返,为它洒下热泪斑斑。 施企巴乔夫

房屋可以毁于火灾,财产可以沉入水底,父亲可以长途跋涉归来,王国可以崩溃,霍乱可将整座城市吞噬,但是一个少女的爱情还会继续飞翔,就像大自然循环往复,就像化学上发现的那种强酸,如果地球不能将它吸收,它就会将地球蚀穿。 巴尔扎克

关于成功的励志谚语英文 第5篇

2. The greatest talkers are always least doers.语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。

3. There is kindness to be found everywhere.人间处处有温情。

4. There is no general rule without some exception.任何法规均有例外。

5. There is no medicine against death.没有长生不老药。

6. There is no place like home.金窝银窝不如咱的狗窝。

7. There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。

8. The style is the man.字如其人。

9. The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.人言可畏。

关于中秋节的谚语英文 第6篇

2, the Mid Autumn Festival has passed through August - reunion, reunion and reunion.

3, August, fifteen new year, poor solar terms

4, the Mid Autumn Festival moon - fair and square

5, the moon in laurel, too high to be reached

6, wangjiangting of mid - First come, first served.

7, August, fifteen happy people month reunion

8 and August, fifteen catch rabbits, you have the festival, you are not the festival

9, the Mid Autumn Festival - - be neither hot nor cold weather

10, a few are left Langyue, 10000 Xiao wind autumn to have clear autumn half moon is round, with the window.

11, August, fifteen, eat moon cakes, festival food

12, the full moon, full moon every month half human, half.

13, Chinese people are especially happy when they are happy, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is especially bright.

14 and August fifteen watch lanterns late for half a year

15, August, fifteen, eating rice cake is still early

16, August, fifteen children catch up with the festival

17, people happy especially happy, the moon to the Mid Autumn Festival is particularly bright.

18, standing on the Bank of fishing for the moon -- no good work

19, mid autumn festival to enjoy the sweet scented osmanthus, perfect conjugal bliss

20, the days are full, and the fragrance is fragrant.

21, the moon catch the sun - always do not meet

关于爱情的谚语英文版 第7篇

In the past more than one century, Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights was researched in many ways and multi-angle by the scholars around the world.Generally speaking, they are three themes frequently discussed in Bronte’s Wuthering Heights:the love tragedy of the novel, the figure of protagonists and some other take the view of the hero-Heathcliff’s revenge to study this novel.What has been mentioned in this section is only a drop in the sea of the critical heritage of Wuthering Heights, this thesis researches the novel’s theme“love”from the tragic of Wuthering Heights.This thesis wants to prove that Wuthering Heights’s melody is love, not revenge and hate.

Wuthering Heights is obviously a romantic story.The love between Catherine and Heathcliff is so wild, stormy but moving that you hardly believe this kind of love will exist in the human world.If you call their love only a romantic one, that is far remote from the essence, their love is the most vehement and intense one.From their childhood, they were destined to love each other:they wandered together on the moors, they resisted the old servant, Joseph’s spiritual maltreatment together, and“they promised fare to grow up as node as savages.“They have peculiar innate characteristics:strong body, unrealistic will, stubborn liking to run on the wild moors in rains.Heathcliff’s rude behavior, silence, bad temper, outrage, intense emotion, and Catherin’s savage, insanity are described clearly and in detail in the novel.Their nature impels their love as firm as mountain, as fierce as lightening.In comparison with their love, any other love will grow pale, because there is a feeling greater than love, which binds Catherine and Heathcliff, and neither of them can escape from it;even death lost its finality before it.

2 Love, not Hatred is the Main Melody in Wuthering Heights

2.1 I and Ego

“I and ego”, —the nature of their love, is completely different from the enthusiasm of common lovers, no sexual desire, no Plato love in it.It is like tide and moon, iron and magnet, without tenderness, but attracts at any time, any place, which is the law of nature.What Catherine stated about their love was more vivid and remarkable in her words and letters.

And Heathcliff shouted when Catherine died:“I can’t live without my life!I can’t live without my soul!” (Emily Bronte, 1995) From above, we can know the relationship between them is“I and ego”.If one loses another, he’ll lose his own life.That is why Heathcliff said:“Two words would comprehend my future, death and hell—existence after losing her would be hell.” (Emily Bronte, 1995) People can lose all, but they can’t lose the characteristic which differs themselves from others.It’s“whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same;and Linton’s is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire.” (Emily Bronte, 1995)

But this relationship doesn’t mean the same to Heathcliff and Catherine from the arrangement of hero and heroine’s fates and the design of characters.We may find Catherine had more vanity.She longed for the worldly“strong points”represented by Linton.For example, she liked favorable living conditions, graceful behavior, social situation, etc.she longed for better material life, like most of people in that society, which hurt her own soul.“But did it never strike you that if Heathclif and I married, we should be beggars?” (Emily Bronte, 1995) Catherine once said.But Heathcliff had not this desire, he said:

Because misery, and degradation, and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will, did it.I have not broken you heart, —you have broken it—and in breaking it, you have broken mine. (Emily Bronte, 1995)

So when Catherine betrayed Heathcliff, she betrayed herself, her innate character and humanity.That’s a kind of degeneration.Thus the love of Heathcliff and Catherine, in its purest form, expresses itself absolutely in its own terms.These terms may seem, to conventional mind, violent, and even repellent.But having been generated by that particular love, they are the proper expressions of it.The passionately private relationship of Heathcliff and Catherine makes no reference to any social convention or situation, and, indeed, it is doomed only when Catherine begins to be attracted to the genteel ways and the social graces of Thrushcross Grange, and is led, through them, to abandon her true nature.Because of this, the conflict between her physical needs and spiritual fulfillment is the obstacle to the actualization of her real self.She couldn’t live well in the world without her lover.So did Heathcliff.Their strong consciousness to each other makes them burdensome.Facing the choice between a comfortable life and true love, Catharine’s decision actually expresses she is to be herself or not.

2.2 Love, the main Melody in Wuthering Heights

2.2.1 Love between Heathcliff and Catherine

Because of the power of their love and the eternity of it, Heathcliff’s later revenge became understandable.His motives for revenge were apparent and reasonable.He was ill-treated in his childhood, the only love he felt was old Earshaw’s and Catherine’s, especially after the old Earshaw’s death, Hindley oppressed him severely, while he bore it silently, because he had Catherine—his only love.However, Catherine’s marriage to Linton broke his heart, and her death made him totally desperate, his soul was brought away with Catherine, followed by his love.From then on, He became an“evil”.He revenged himself to anybody;all he wanted to do was to deprive his enemies of property and got fun from their pains.His action was against all human and healthy nature, he was a wolf man.

Anyway, we are moved by this person, and the love between him and Catherine gives us a kind of experience which we shave never felt before, and we surely feel and are shocked by its power, we also feel a new consideration of love and of the human nature.

2.2.2 Little Cathy and Hareton’s love

To some extent, Little Cathy and Hareton were the recreation of Catherine and Heathcliff;however, they were not the same with the preceding generation.Their love was not as stormy and vehement as the love of their seniors and their characteristics were not as wild as those of the first generation.

All of those can show Hareton had good and amiable nature, only his beautiful soul was covered by his rough appearance and ignorant action, yet these could never become elements which prevented the developing of his love with Little Cathy.

The love between Hareton and Little Cathy is inevitable.The precession of their love is so mild, beautiful and common that you feel relaxed after the pressure of the stormy love of the first generation.When Little Cathy first met Hareton, she was still a spoilt child;Hareton was a brute clown with rough, ignorant appearance.It’s understandable for Cathy to despise Hareton, and it’s natural for her to fall in love with that pale, delicate but gentle Linton Heathcliff.

As the story developed, Hareton was found to be eager to improve himself by reading, because he had been fond of his lovely cousin, though she married to Little Linton.After Linton Heathcliff died, an affectionate and loving relationship between them came out and developed gradually:Cathy, at first, rejected Hareton’s attention and was tired of his clumsy attempts to win her affection, which made Hareton frustrated.But these two persons were both kind and warmhearted essentially, so in that kind of hard and lonely conditions, they came to know each other, and love rooted in their hearts.The time when Cathy gave Hareton a kiss and presented him a beautiful book, ”all his surly harshness had deserted him, ”and all her perseverance and contempt had gone away, they became“sworn allies”and the“intimacy thus commenced and grew rapidly.”Their love were not fierce but deep and tender, both their minds tending to the same point-one loving and desiring to esteem, and the other loving and desiring to be esteemed—they contrive in the reach it, ” (Emily Bronte, 1995) So they dared to resist Heathcliff’s tyranny, and cleared a large space from Joseph’s black currant trees...They also loved with responsibilities:Cathy took upon herself the task of bringing out the finer elements in Hareton’s character, giving him the education that Heathcliff had denied him;while Hareton had taken the responsibility of preventing Cathy from others’bullying, especially from Heathcliff’s.Heathcliff’s death made their unity became real, they were going to marry and settle in Thrushcross Grange, and were believed to have a happy life.

The final image of them is beautiful and vivid, Cathy taught patiently, while Hareton learned slowly, following the lover’s mild words and kisses, and they were absolutely in harmony with the rising moon and the peaceful surroundings, forming a paradise of their own happiness.Their love is domestic but ideal, just what we common people are dreaming of.

3 Conclusion

Emily Bronte was said to be an unusual, legendary figure in her life, she had almost stayed in Haworth-her only home all the time.Her love for Haworth and the wild lonely moors was consummate.She had strength of character and presence of mind.Charlotte-her elder sister, had described her as“stronger than a man, simpler than a child, her nature stood alone”.Surely, her personality was special, with strong imagination and emotional intensity.Her genius and her almost animal passion for her beloved moors and nature linked, with all the works she had.She was like a mystery;many critics were confused to reconcile her to the discovery of her works.For many years, they had thought she must have been a tragic, unhappy and desperate person, with no hope, no longing for life, which is totally wrong.

Anyway, Emily’s final purpose was mainly to show her love, her belief in the undeviating the human nature.What she did essentially was to express the most beautiful feelings in this world;surely that is love in general.So love is the theme of her works, and love is the main melody of Wuthering Heights.

摘要:爱米丽的《呼啸山庄》被世界各国的学者从多方面, 多角度地进行研究。该文采取对比分析、举例说明的研究方法, 通过比较分析作品中各个人物和上下两代人的爱情, 结合爱米丽自身的时代背景, 分析说明《呼啸山庄》中爱情悲剧的原因, 从“我与自我”的角度引出这部作品的主题是“爱”。



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