


新概念英语第三册57课 第1篇

新概念英语第三册学习笔记:第17课 The Longest Suspension Brid


①agreeable situation = nice location。

②located = situated。

③in the midst = in the middle of, between which。

④by no means = in no way/in no case/in no sense/in no circumstances。

⑤considered = thought。

⑥remain immortal = never die。


①span = extent, arch。

②taken into account = taken into consideration, considered。

③support = hold。

④It has been estimated that…重点句型,在表格之类的表述中应用。

⑤派生词 capability 内在的潜力,能力,容量,生产力, faculty 主观的能力。

⑥elegant 优美别致、举止得体,而 graceful 侧重体型优美。

⑦fulfilling 分词作状语表结果。


1.sail into

2.in the midst of

3.by no means

4.be named after

5.a span of

6.take into account

7.a height of

8.be packed with

9.extend to

10.rise to

新概念英语第三册57课 第2篇

☻.Labourer n.劳动者(劳工)强调使用体力, 而不是技能, 在户外工作。Workman n.技工, 工匠--具有某种工艺技能的半熟练工人 worker n.工人(泛指)--具有更高水平的工人--white-collar worker 白领职员(指非体力劳动者)--blue-collar worker 蓝领工人(指体力劳动者)--a factory worker 工厂工人 / farm worker 雇农, 农业工人 farmhand(n.农业工人, 农场工人)= farm labourers = farm worker ☻.Corn n.谷物[英]谷物, 五谷, 小麦 [美、加、澳]玉米 [苏、爱]燕麦 ☻.Conscientious adj.认真的;Conscientious adj.尽责的, 凭良心的, 谨慎的 a conscientious teacher / worker 勤勤恳恳的老师/工作者 conscious adj.有意识的, 神志清醒的

He is hurt but still conscious.他受了伤, 不过神志还清醒。conscious adj.了解的, 察觉的

She was not conscious of his presence in the room.她不晓得他在这房间里。I was conscious of her presence.我知道她在场。

☻.Suspect vt.怀疑, 猜疑, 疑心;I suspected her motives.我怀疑她的动机。Suspect sb to be;--suspect him to be ill 猜想他病了--I suspect him to be a spy.suspect sb of doing/n--I suspect him of stealing the car.suspect sb.of giving false information 怀疑某人提供假情报 suspect sb.of a crime 怀疑某人犯罪

Suspect that…--I suspect that his girlfriend hide her true feelings.We suspect they‘ll be a little late.我们揣想他们会晚来一会儿。Suspicion n.猜疑, 怀疑;Suspicious adj.可疑的, 引起怀疑的 Cats are suspicious of human beings.Suspect表示一种肯定的语义, Doubt 表示一种否定的语义 Doubt vt.怀疑, 不信, 拿不准(用 that, 往往表示非常怀疑)I doubt the truth of it.我怀疑它的真实性。I doubt that he will come.我看他不见得会来。I doubt whether [if] he is at home.我看他不一定在家。

I do not doubt(but)that he can recite it.我相信他能把它背下来。Can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他会获胜吗? I doubt what he said.我不相信他说的话。

Doubtful adj.怀疑的;不信任的;--It is doubtful that he will come.Doubtable adj.可疑的, 令人怀疑的

☻.Desert v.(军队中)开小差--The soldier deserted his army.这个士兵开小差。Desert vt.vi.遗弃, 抛弃, 舍弃

(= abandon vt.放弃, 遗弃)违背法律、道义、责任、信仰--desert the army, desert school, desert his duty, desert his family Abandon vt.抛弃, 舍弃, 离弃(被迫放弃所喜爱的或所负责的东西)He had to abandon his favorite research because of the war.abandon one’s home 离弃家园

He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.(research n.研究, 调查)他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。

Forsake vt.(-sook,-saken)舍弃, 放弃, 背弃, 和…脱离关系 He forsook his family.He has forsaken his wife and children.他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。革除(旧风习等), 抛弃(坏习惯)You must forsake your bad habits.你必须革除你的坏习惯。Discard vt.放弃, 丢弃, 抛弃(= give up as useless)--Everyday we discard a large amount of rubbish.☻.Regiment n.(军队)团 Action n.战斗 Recluse n.隐士

give up 放弃, 抛弃, 认输

was willing:wanted, was prepared;labourers: workers claimed: said that, maintained that;an accepted fact: a general, undisputed truth conscientious: extremely careful;astonished: surprised revealed: made known, told Text:

Why did the two brothers keep the secret? ☻1.Haunt vt.闹鬼

It is said that the public house was haunted.Haunt vt.常去, 常到(某地)= visit somewhere every often He haunted this cinema.☻2.The farm was owned by two brothers, Joe and Bob Cox.Own = possess ☻3.They employed a few farmhands, but no one was willing to work there long.Be willing to do = be ready to do ☻4.Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story.Every time = whenever 引导时间状语从句 Every time I listen to his advice, I get into trouble.Whenever I listen to his advice, I get into trouble.☻5.Wake up to find that… 醒过来时, 结果发现…

He woke up to find that he was surrounded by a large crowd of people.He hurried to the post office only to find that it was shut.(表示遗憾的结果用only)

☻6.claimed to do…

He claimed to have seen the puma.Seamen claimed to have seen monsters.See sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事

stay up 不睡觉, 留在原地,原地不动(= not to go to bed)= sit up 坐起, 端坐, 熬夜;--The boy sat up to see the film.Wait up for 等候着不睡--Don’t wait up for me;I’ll be home very late.☻7.burn the midnight oil 开夜车

I have to burn the midnight oil to tonight to complete work.☻8.It became an accepted fact that… 变成了一个大家都接受的事实 That引导同位语从句, 补充说明fact。

--It becomes an accepted fact that the puma is still at large.= Everybody had already accepted the fact that the puma is still at large.☻9.be astonished to do sth(可代替do的词:see, learn, hear, find, know, discover)I am not surprised to see he is still as fat as before.☻10.For(= as)引导原因状语从句, 对主句补充说明。

☻11.none other than = no other than 不是别的, 正是...(强调人)The man who spoke to her was none other than her husband.和她说话的不是别人正是她丈夫。t was no other than my old friend.nothing else than 只不过, 仅仅(强调事物)His failure was due to nothing else than his own careless.他的失败不因为其它原因, 仅仅因为他的粗心。A third brother 又一位兄弟 Was supposed = was thought He was supposed to have died twenty years ago.Keep secret 保密(= keep sth to oneself)Reveal secret 揭露秘密(= make known)

The press reveal the scandal.(n.丑事, 丑闻)(the press 新闻界)He kept secret for a long time.= He kept it to himself for a long time.☻12.He had been obliged to join the army during the Second World War.Be obliged to do… = be force to do… 被迫做某事 Feel obliged to do… 有义务做某事 Concealment n.隐藏, 隐蔽, 隐蔽处

in hiding(躲藏着的)= remain in concealment(隐藏着, 躲着)He remained in hiding at home.His father told everybody that Eric had been killed in action.The only other people who knew the secret were Joe and Bob.The only other people who knew the secret 仅知道这个秘密的人 The only other people who finished the work 仅完成这项工作的人 ☻.I thought it very difficult to pass the examination.We all think it our duty to support our parents.动词 + 宾语(形式宾语it)+ 宾补(名词、形容词)+ to do… ☻.Quite unaware of… 形容词短语做状语 unaware adj.不知道的, 没有觉察的(of, that)be unaware of the danger 没有觉察到危险

He was unaware that I was present.他不知道我在场。

☻.aware adj.知道的, 明白的-I was not aware of the fire.我没有意识到火。

新概念英语第三册57课 第3篇



2. 国外外语对课堂提问的分类

Geoff Thompson在“Training Teachers to Ask Questions” (1997) 一文中将课堂提问分为形式、内容和目的三个方面。 (1) 就形式而言课堂提问分为Wh-和Yes/No两种类型; (2) 就内容而言又将Wh-和Yes/No型问题均等分为外在事实和个人事实及观点表述等几种。外在事实是指那些与学生并不相关的信息;相反, 个人事实是指与学生本身情况相关的信息, 表述个人观点属于学生的个人范畴; (3) 就目的而言可以分为展示性和交际性两种。展示性提问和交际性提问的区别在于教师是否对问题的答案已知或未知。


3. 依据不同的问题类型有效地进行提问


3.1 课内知识理解型问题


3.1.1 细节性问题


现以Unit 5“Returning to College”的教学为例。当老师教授6个自然段后可以向学生提出这样的问题:

Why does the author want to take philosophy again?


3.1.2 归纳性问题


以Unit 7“Agony from Ecstasy”为例。老师可以在导入课文的时候提出与毒品有关的问题:

Why do some people turn to drugs even they know it’s a oneway ticket?


3.1.3 评论性问题


例如,Unit 4“Not Now, Dr.Miracle”的课文后,老师可围绕课文的主题思想,设计并提出相关的问题,对该作者的见解惊醒评述:

What is your idea about the author’s opinion on cloning of humans?

3.2 课外背景知识型问题


例如,Unit 8“Return from the Cage”这篇文章之前,老师可以就课文中出现的“Bethlehem”“The west bank”进行提问,有的学生对这些知识很感兴趣,而且会尽量地用所知道的英语进行回答,随后老师用多媒体介绍这些地方,学生们听得很认真,注意力也非常集中。

4. 结语



[1]张怀建, 黄建滨.提问与阅读课教学[J].四川师范学院学报, 2001, (3) :66-69.

[2]张耀华.课堂提问方式在英语教学中的重要作用[J].陕西师范大学学报 (哲社版) , 2002, (6) :317-320.

[3]赵晓红.大学英语阅读课教师话语的调查与分析[J].外语界, 1998, (2) .

如何学好新概念英语第三册(上) 第4篇




“拴马桩” :进入第三册的学习之前,你已经至少掌握了2000左右基本英语常用词汇,而它们几乎可以解释所有你将遇见的生词。因此,将生词与熟词以各种方式捆绑记忆,是诀窍之一。

“缰绳”:没有哪一种记词法是最好的,推荐综合运用多种记忆法,将词汇以链式或发散式的形式联系,而非一盘散沙。心理学研究表明,经过归类的知识要比零散的知识记得牢固。因此,如何通过运用各种记词法,从多种渠道将英语词汇知识进行联想和联系,是诀窍之二。这样,既可以培养你达到“Learn English by English” 的至高境界,又可以使你以滚雪球般的速度急速扩展你的词汇量。




* 构词法记忆:英语是拼音文字,了解一些常用前缀、词根和后缀,学习单词就仿佛在玩拼字游戏,掌握了游戏规则,就可以大大提高记忆效率和猜词能力(但不能以此去造词)。


* 同根词联想:老师会在教学过程中介绍常见词根,你在记忆单词时也要有意识地进行同根词联想,如:“pel-”= drive, push;那么compel(强迫);dispel(驱散);expel(开除,驱逐);impel(推进,驱动);propel(推进);repel(击退,使反感)。

* 形近词联想:有个笑话说,学汉语的老外碰到这三个汉字:“己”,“已” 和“巳” 时,得借助尺子量一量才辨得清。同样,我们在学习英语词汇时也会遇到大量的形近词,如:content(使满足), contend(斗争), consent(赞成);又如,可以进行这样的联想:bear, dear, fear, gear, hear, near, pear, rear, tear, wear, year。

* 同族词联想:大量单词就如同一家子一样,有着紧密的血缘关系,如:real, realize, realization, realism, realist, realistic, realistically等。


* 近义词联想:在表达某个意义时,往往有多种表达法,用词的变化更能表现你对英语超凡的理解与运用,这也是新概念第三册学习所追求的目标,但同时要注意词义色彩和语体的差别,如:常用词,书面用语,俚语,俗语,委婉语等。fire, dismiss, discharge, ax, sack, drop, give sb. the sack, give sb. the boot。

* 同义词辨析:大量同义词中有很多属于易混淆词辨析这些词,必须留意它们的细微分别,对比它们的词义、用法、感情色彩和语体等。

* 反义词联想:特别是形容词和副词的反义词联想。

* 主题词联想:多数单词在意义上是有联系的,它们多属于同一个范畴或主题,如:进行这样的联想对口语和写作有极大的帮助。


* 习惯搭配;

* 常用习语;

* 经典例句。












1. 弄清自己的语法薄弱环节或语法盲区,做到有针对性的补漏。

2. 构建整体语法结构,不能再只见“树”而不见“林”。

新概念第三册第一课教案 第5篇

first lesson I.Teaching material analysis Today I am going to teach the first lesson of new concept English book three of the first lesson II Teaching participant There are x students who are middle school students,.They have learnt the new concept English book one and book two ,and they learnt quite well.They are positive and diligent.III Teaching aims Enable students to learn new words and expressions, and to know the structure of some stentences clearly.IV Key point The new words and expressions V Difficult point

the structure of some stentences

VI Teaching procedures Step1 Greeting and warm up

T:Hello,everybody,boys and girls,how are you today? S:fine,thanks,and you? T:I am fine too,thank you 1 T:welcome to the new concept English book three,developing skills ,I am MR Wang from the TT elite , It’s really great pleasure to be with you in this course ,I hope you will find your study to be great progress;大家好,下边就由我来为大家讲授新概念英语第三册,第三册的标题是 developing skills,就是说这一册的学习者应当具有一定的基础才谈得上发展和提高,那么基础的标准是什么呢,大致来说就是英语中等水平,无论你是否学习过这套教材的前一、二册,只要你认为你已经具备或大体具备英文的中等水平,都可以从这一册开始学习,what skill should you develop?briefly speaking,it’s language proficiency in listening speaking、reading and writing , 熟练的掌握这四项基本技能,是为了提高我们常说的语感,我们还是会从一篇一篇的小故事开始,就像这套教材的作者亚历山大强调的,一篇有趣的故事可以提供一个活的语言环境,这样我们学习到的就不是孤立的字词,而是语言在具体环境当中的交流和实际应用,和语言后面潜在的文化信息.Step2 Lead in and presentation T:And now let’s start from the beginning ,;Lesson1:A puma at large,This lesson is about an escaping puma, 这课讲的是一头正在逃遁的美洲狮,first,listen to me read the text carefully,and see if you can answer this question:where must the puma have come from? T:Pumas are large, ‘cat-like animals’ which are found in America.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw a large cat only five yards away from her.It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes.Several people complained of ‘cat-like noises’ at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape.The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught.It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.T:So where must the puma have come from?注意这里用的是must have come from ,must 它的基本词义是必须,但是它在这里表达的是一种 推断和猜测,我们再回到这个问题,where must the puma have come from?the text tells us that the puma must have escaped from the private collection,y也就是说这头美洲狮是一个私人豢养的,这个结论呢是在有呢很多线索之后得到的,整篇课文给我们讲述的是越来越充实的证据(accumulating evidence),讲述的是专家们由不太当真(not taken seriously)到不得不去调查(felt obliged to investigate),到最后完全肯定的一个过程(fully convinced),那么这些证据究竟有哪些?又是怎样影响了专家们的看法,请同学们在学习中理清课文的这些脉络。T:Now let’s look at some language points in the text T:A puma at large

T:Be at large(潜逃),Who can give me an example of this expression? S:有学生举手,多叫几名同学,然后老师也可以给一个: The escaped prisoners are still at large(逃犯还没有落网)T:这篇课文在几处都出现了表示看或看见的词语,When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London……

People who claimed to have seen the puma…… The puma was often observed at one place……

T:表示看见这个意思,see是最常用的词,而 observe要比see更加书面化,spot means to notice something very difficult to see ,or find something being looked for 表示看到了不太容易看到的东西,或者发现了正在寻找的东西。Who can give me an example? S:请学生回答;老师给出例子

I spotted someone coming out of the building

T:as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate……Accumulate means to gradually increase over a period of time 指的是逐渐增加或积累

T:feel obliged to 这是一个固定词组,经常用来做书面语,must,have to,have a duty to do 必须有义务、责任做……事前 S:请学生回答并给出例子eg:I felt obliged to invite him

T:The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw a large cat;Hunt 捕猎 搜寻

T:请同学翻译go on a deer /fox hunt 猎(鹿、狐);The hunt for the remains of the titanic(搜寻TITANIC残骸);Hunt for second-hand book(搜寻二手书);Job-hunting(找工作)T:Pick采摘;Pick cotton摘棉花;

S:请学生翻译We need to pick someone reliable 挑选我们要找一个可靠的人

T:Pick and choose 挑挑拣拣

T:A puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered;Cornered 陷入困境 被逼得走投无路

T:The search proved difficult;Prove=turn out to be 证明是 原来是VI S:请学生翻译They proved her innocence

他们证实了她是无辜的(证实VT);The rumour proved false 谣言证明是错误的; Puma fur was found clinging to bushes ;

T:Cling-clung-clung 过去式过去分词;Cling to 粘住

S:学生翻译His wet shirt clung to his body ;She clings to the belief that her Husband will come back 坚持固执的相信

T:Some people complained of ‘cat like noises’ at night ……表示报告或者是述说,表示一种不满的情绪

T:complain跟的介词不同意思也不同complain about the weather 抱怨天气不好;complain of a headache 述说自己头疼

T:It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside


T:Disturb 打搅 Sorry to disturb you 对不起打扰你了;Do not disturb

His strange behaviour disturbed me 他举止反常让我很担心

T:However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.T:大家都知道 在英文中基本的句型就是简单句 并列句以及复杂句,就是我们经常听到的simple sentences

compound sentences complex sentences,这篇课文主要是有复杂句构成的,now look at sentence please ,要理解一个复杂句,最重要的是要搞清句子的结构,然后通过连接词,分清主句和从句之间的关系,就是说要把握主句和从句的位置,而主句和从句的关系是由连接词来判断的,在这个句子当中,主句就是experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate,主句前边有一 个as引导的从句,他表示的是一种伴随主句同时发生的状态,它的后边又有一个for引导的从句来交代原因,而这个从句当中有一个given,它起的实际上是一个定语从句的作用,用来修饰 descriptions,如果用从句来表达就是which had been given by people,而这个从句当中由套着一个从句,是由who来引导的,用来修饰people,所以一个句子结构不论有多么复杂,只要我们能把握连接词,在句子当中的作用,和意思,就不难理解。

T:When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted;the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place;Paw prints were seen…… puma fur was found clinging to bushes;As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country

T:当英文中表示一个事实的客观性的时候往往用被动语态,这篇课文就是这样讲的是美洲狮 在各处出现并且被人目击的情形,我们来看看被动语态在课文当中的使用:had been spotted,was …… observed,were seen……,was found clinging,had been reported missing;另外was found clinging

had been reported missing 是在被动语态之后加上现在分词,起补充说明主语的作用


新概念英语第三册语法解析 第6篇

类比法(Analogy)是一种词义修辞格,把两种本质上不相同的事物就其某方面的共同点进行比较,通过比喻说明某种道理或描绘某种复杂情况。例如,Lesson 27的第一句, “It has been said that everyone lives by selling something.” 作者把人们生活工作的方式类比成销售货物的方式,每个人都是一定意义上的推售员,抽象的为谋生而付出的努力被比喻成具体的可供售卖的货物。通过这样的类比,读者找到了联系的线索,加深对句子的理解并引起共鸣。假如我们要借助类比描绘英语的作用,我们就可以说,“What English means to a student is what weapons mean to the soldiers who fight in the battlefield.” 或 “If we obtain English proficiency, we obtain the key which leads us to more knowledge and opportunities.”

夸张法(hyperbole)也是词义修辞,刻意地夸大或缩小把事物的特征,在数量,形状和程度上加以渲染, “言过其实”地使事物的本质特征更好地呈现出来,给人强烈的印象。Lesson 49, 作者谈到阿姨家的仆人数量时提及”an army of servants (仆人大军)” and “the shifting population(流动人口)”, 把Bessie导致布丁砸在桌上的小意外说成 “catastrophe (大灾难)”, 不难看出这些都是夸张的例子。如果我们的朋友多不胜数,我们也可以自豪地说,“I have an army of friends.”, 但是如果他们都是 “the shifting population who just come and go into my life without even a hello or goodbye (他们只是连招呼不打就来来去去的流动人口)”,那么这样的友情带来的只是一个 “catastrophe”, 因为没有得到真正的知己。

排比法(Parallelism),属于结构修辞,以语法结构对称来突出意义,增添气势。Lesson 51,阐述Bagrid预测计算机的功能, 文中出现了连续四个排比,充分证明了Bagrid非凡的眼光,“Bagrid foresaw a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand, when they would be capable of providing information about traffic jams…, when they would be used in hospital…, when they would relieve office workers and accountants of dull, repetitive clerical work..”排比是最常用的修辞之一,排比项通常以三项为起点,控制于五项之内。 结合一个写大学教育的主题,以下的排比句跃然纸上, “University is the place where we absorb the most comprehensive knowledge, where we encounter friends of lifetime, where we cultivate our characters and personalities, where we create the most impressive part of our life.

《新概念英语》第三册和托福作文 第7篇


按照北美学校的要求,学生论文一般要有三段正文,从三个不同的角度去支持命题。如果能够深刻领悟新概念支给我们的第一招,掌握英语的思维模式,我们完全可以把每段正文格式固定下来,就是主旨句(topicsentence) 加支持性细节(supportingdetails)。主旨句表达全段的中心思想。支持性细节是支持主旨句的例子,解释等,目的是帮助读者充分理解作者在主旨句中所表达的含义。这一格式非常符合西方人的思维习惯,不要忘了托福作文的阅卷老师可都是地道的美国人哦!

我们不妨再来欣赏一段ets给出的托福范文,事实上这段文章严格遵循了这个格式,和新三的课文实在有异曲同工之妙: ‘parentsarethe best teachers of their children. they teach their childrentoutter sounds when they are babies. they coach them hand in handforwalking. when their children begin formal education, parentstutorthem in their homework. apart from this, parents directtheirchildren’s moral; they instruct and show their children whatiscenter and what is wrong, which is not effectively taughtatschool.’

如何学好新概念英语第三册(下) 第8篇

阅读是4项技能中运用最频繁的技能,是大家获取信息和语言知识最常用的手段,提高阅读能力首先要学习运用各种阅读技能,如:略读(skimming)、查读(scanning)、细读(close reading)、归纳(summarizing)和猜词义(word-attack skills)等等。一次完整的阅读应分以下四步:

1. 快速通读全文以了解文章大意。

2. 细读全文旨在发现难点。

3. 逐段逐句深入理解语言的形式和内容。

4. 细读全文,从总体上把握作者的写作意图。



1.缩写:第三册每课后都设计有一个缩写练习,叫Summary Writing(摘要写作)。这样的练习可以达到如下目的:熟记原文内容,积累语言素材;模仿句型结构,提高造句能力;练习谋篇技巧,学会摘要写作。在教师的指导下,坚持学完每课后,都能完成一篇摘要。

2.改写:有的学员喜欢背诵新概念课文,这固然不错,但不是每人都能做到篇篇背诵如流,此外,背诵还只是输入,如果没有输出,背诵的知识都是死的,会很快遗忘。因此,模仿新概念的经典句子、段落甚至篇章结构,添加趣味性、个性化和情景式的内容,将会有效地提高你的写作能力。下面是一篇将第三册第九课“Flying cats”改写的范例:

Fascinating New Concept English

Lessons of New Concept English never fail to fascinate their learners. They can be useful and interesting towards the learners, but they require great efforts as well. They never become boring like TEOFL and GRE. As result, participants have learned how to improve their English independently and pleasantly. Most lessons remain characteristic of their own. One of the things that fascinate us most about these lessons is the popular belief that they can help learners grasp the authentic English language. Apparently, there is a good idea of truth in this idea. A learner's ability to survive examinations is based on the fact.

Recently, the New Oriental School made a study of 132 learners over a period of five months. All these learners had one experience in common: they had participated in the course of NCE, yet only eight of them fail in the exam of TOEFL. Of course, New Oriental School is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is no shortage of excellent learners. There are plenty of legends to investigate. One student, Sabrina, took 32 examinations; yet only suffer from one failure. "Our learners behave like well-trained linguists," a teacher said. It seems that the longer the learners stick to NCE, the less they are likely to fail in any exam. In the long run, they reach the advanced level of English and higher. At high levels, excellent learners have more time to practice. They use English like native speakers. This increases their chances of success and reduces the risk of employment when they hit the ground of the United States.



大部分听力训练应在课前进行,主要材料为《新概念英语》第三册的录音磁带。很多学员都曾抱怨过:我读得懂课文,但就是听不懂。“听”和“读”虽然都属于接受技能(receptive skills),但各有难易之处,而初学者又最头疼听力,原因有二:一是听的少,即在大脑中没有相应的听觉形象;二是发音不正确,大脑中已有的听觉形象与别人正确的发音不匹配,自然是听不懂。因此,训练听力的过程中,要特别注意精听与泛听地有机结合,精听重“质”,要精到能辨析每一个发音,能听写下每一个单词,但量一定要少,否则会太耗费时间,主要以纠正发音,熟悉正确语音、语调为目的;泛听重“量”,要反复多听课文录音,或其它有声材料如:English news on TV or radio, English movies, English songs, and etc. 不求细节,只需弄清大意,并注意练习各种听力技巧。



第二遍:分段听,也要记笔记,但重点放在形式上,每分钟停一次,听完后立即回忆所听到的语言形式,只求记住关键词语和重要句型,直至听完。如此循环往复N 遍。




* 精确(accuracy):将课文中学到的生词、短语和句型精确地运用到口语表达中。

* 流利(fluency):模仿磁带或教师,以恰当的语调和节奏,做到流畅地脱口而出。

* 变化(variance):能够通过变换生词、短语和句型等多种形式,表达地道且优美的英语。


* 大声朗读(Read aloud):最大声朗读课文,培养正确的语调、语速和语感。

* 快速重复(Repeat rapidly):最快速重复生词、短语、常用搭配和经典句型三遍。

* 准确复述(Recite accurately):背诵经典句型和段落,复述课文大意,积累语言素材。

* 变换模仿(Imitate alternatively):模仿经典句型和段落,变换内容,使之更情景化、更个性化。


1. If you are alone, remember to think aloud.

很多英语学习者抱怨没有真实的语言交际环境,与其抱怨,不如另辟新径。什么是“THINK ALOUD”,不管你叫它“英语独白”也好,“自言自语”也好,抑或“自扮双重角色”,总之,你可以“自己跟自己说下去”,用英语去思考,再立即把想的脱口而出,此时没有人笑话你的错误,没有精神压力,又不受时间、地点所限,的确是练口语的好办法。

2.If you are not alone, remember to lose your face.
