


unit3教学设计和教案 第1篇

一 重点短语

1 have a good taste 有品位

have a taste for喜欢(=be fond of )( 区别:have a preference for偏爱)

2 a piece of furniture/equipment/information/news/advice…n(u.)

3 by design/on purpose:intentionally/deliberately 故意地

4 prefer to do/doing 更喜欢做… eg,I prefer to live/living in a modern flat.

prefer n./doing to n./doing喜欢…而不喜欢…=prefer to do rather than do宁愿…而不愿…

eg,I prefer playing outdoors to watching TV.

=I prefer to play outdoors rather than watch TV.

I would prefer it if….我愿意,我希望…

eg,I would prefer it if you didn’t smoke in front of children.我希望你不要在孩子们面前抽烟。

联想:I would appreciate it if…..如果…,我将不胜感激

eg,I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down.

I hate/don’t like it when…我不喜欢…eg,I hate it when people ask me for money.

5 would rather do=prefer to do/doing would rather(that) sb did/had done…(虚拟)

eg,I would rather you told me right now.我希望你现在就告诉我。

I’d rather I hadn’t met him yesterday.我宁愿昨天没见过他。

6 can’t stand…无法忍受 eg,I can’t stand his rudeness.我无法忍受他的无礼。

eg, I can’t stand to see/seeing such a tragic sight.我不忍看到这副悲惨的景象。

stand the test of time/money 经受住时间,金钱的考验

7 go against 违背,反对 be against反对 / be for/be in favor of赞成

8 be equal to 与相等;胜任,应付 eg,I’m sure that she is quite equal to the task.

9(sth/sb)impress sb 给某人留下印象

eg,The movie impressed a lot of people. 这部电影给很多人留下印象。

She impressed me as a woman of great kindness.在我印象中,她是一位非常仁慈的女性。

be impressed with/by eg,I was deeply impressed by/with his speech.

leave/make a(deep)impression on sb eg,His speech left a deep impression on me.

10 act as 扮演,充当 act out表演出来

act on (sb’s)advice/suggestion/orders 依照某人的意见,命令办事

11 be the first/second….to do…eg,Who was the first to use e-mail?

12 despite the fact that….尽管,虽然(注意区别despite sth=in spite of sth)

13 inspire sb to do 激励某人做 feel/get inspired 受到激励;获得灵感

14 be filled(up)with=be full of 填充,充满

15 It’s convenient for sb to do…(对某人而言)做…方便

eg,When is it convenient for you to meet me?你什么时候方便见我?

(When are you convenient to meet me?×)

16 A is to B what C is to D A对于B 正如C 对于D eg,Water is to fish what air is to man.

17 inform sb of sth 告知某人某事 keep sb informed of sth

18 put up(a picture,tent) 张贴,搭建

19 succeed in doing=manage to do(反义:fail to do)成功地做到

20 pull/tear/knock down 拆毁(建筑物)

21 be decorated with 用…装饰

22 set aside 留出,拨出(钱,时间)(save or keep );把置于一边,不顾(ignore).

eg,You should set aside at least one hour to memorise words.每天抽出至少一小时记单词。

I’ve set aside some money for the journey.我为那趟旅行留了(存了)些钱。

You both should set aside personal feelings 你们双方应该抛开个人感情。

对比:put aside 搁置一旁,停下;(时间,钱)留存起来

eg,Put aside your work and have some fun.

She put aside some money for further studies.

put away 收拾起来;把钱留存起来 eg, Put your toys away.

He had put away lots of money.=set aside=put aside

23 in the neighbourhood在附近地区

二 重点句子

1 Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture.

2 When you look around at buidings,streets,squares and parks,you will find them designed,planned and built in different styles.

3 Both in the choice of materials and shapes of buildings, ancient architectue stands much closer to nature.

4 Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream,full of fantastic colours and shapes.

5 Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Guadi was a modern architect.

6 F.L.W,who built an art museum in New York,found himself inspired(激发灵感) by Japanese seashells.

7 Seen from the top,it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel.

8 A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.

9 I want you to keep me informed of how things are going with you.

10 These buildings are pulled down after having stood (=having been left) empty without use for many years.

11 Old factory buidings have many halls and workshops of different sizes.

三 语法:过去分词作宾补

例如,1 She heard her name called. 2 I’ve got the paper typed.

3 How do you like the dish cooked? 4 I had my leg broken.

Unit 4 A garden of poems

一 重点短语

1 call up唤起,回忆起;打电话 call on sb/sp拜访某人,某地

call on sb to do号召,要求某人做 call for需要 call off 取消

2 stand for代表 stand for/against支持,维护;反对

eg,Which principle do you stand for?你支持那个原则?

stand out突出,引人注目 stand by 袖手旁观;支持,拥护(某人)

eg,I’ll stand by you whatever happens. stand on one’s own feet/legs独立,自力更生

3 in the absence of sb/sth 某人不在的时候;因为缺乏…(=for lack of )

4 light up 点燃,照亮 eg, A flare lit up the night sky.火焰照亮了夜空。

Suddenly a smile lit up her face.她的脸上忽然绽放出笑容。

(sb’s face or eyes)light up(vi.) (脸上或眼中)流露出喜悦,兴奋

eg,His face lit up with joy. 他的脸上流露出欣喜之色。

5 lead to(=contribute to=give rise to =bring about)导致,促成

6 come into being形成,产生eg,Modern English came into being in the 16th century.

更多:come into+n.表进入某种状态

come into action开始行动 come into effect开始生效 come into office就职

come into /to power当权 come into force开始实施 come into use开始使用

come into fashion开始流行 come into blossom开花…

对比:come about 发生,产生eg,Tell me how the accident came about.

How did it come about that…?事情是怎样发生的?

eg,How did it come about that he dropped out of school?他为什么要辍学?

How come…?(美口语)为何会?eg,How come he dropped out of school?

How is it that…..?什么原因使得…?eg,How is it that he dropped out of school?

7 send for help去请某人帮忙

8 get through 通过,完成,度过,用完

9 in the shade 在阴凉处 pull down the window shade拉下窗帘,百叶窗(blind)

put sb/sth in the shade (idm习语)使相形失色,逊色

eg,I thought I was quite a good artist,but your painting puts mine in the shade.


10 by the light of a candle借助烛光

11 recommend sth to sb 把…推荐给某人 recommend sb for sth推荐某人(职位,工作)

recommend doing /that…should do建议做 It’s strongly recommended that…强烈建议

12 look up words in the dictionary查字典 refer to/consult a dictionary

二 重点句子

1 Poems by Du Fu,Li Bai and Wang Wei stand out among others in the halls of glory.

2 Despite its long history,there is a lot of good English poetry around.

3 Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic Poets.(倒装句:表语提前)

(联想:Gone are the days when teachers were looked down upon.)

4 Now matter how well(=However well) a poem is translated, sth of the spirit of the original work is lost.

5 Quietly,we embrace in a world lit up by words

6 In the absence of the teacher, Fang Lan will be in charge..

7 Reading poems takes a bit of work,but it is well worth the effort.

三 语法:过去分词作状语

例如:1 Once it was translated into Chinese,the book became very popular in China.

=Once translated into Chinese,…

2 If we were given more time,we would be able to do the work much better.

=If givern more time,…

3 Although he was left alone at home,Sam didn’t feel afraid at all.

=Although left alone at home,…

unit3教学设计和教案 第2篇

本单元的话题是四季。本课需要学习有关四季的四个名词winter, spring, summer, autumn和四季的不同特征以及put on, take off 两个动词短语。本课的特点是通过描述四季的不同特征,讨论在不同季节所穿戴不同的服装,本课可以与本单元及四年级曾经学过的12个月份和表示天气的单词整合在一起。



教学目标 1、知识与技能目标:


season, winter, spring, summer, autumn(2)学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:

Winter, spring, summer and autumn are seasons.Winter is cold.There is ice and snow.In winter, I put on my hat, scarf and winter coat.In spring, I take off my winter clothes.2、情感态度目标:(1)通过了解不同季节的特征,培养学生对大自然的热爱之情和审美观。


教学重难点 1、重点:

(1)掌握有关四季的四个名词:winter, spring, summer, autumn, season 关于服装的新单词:mittens/mitts, scarf和put on ,take off。







教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1 Warming up(5 minutes)Greeting and Revision 1、教师通过Free Talk的形式和学生进行交流,很快进入英语学习中。

T: Hello!How are you? How’s the weather today? How do you feel? 1、学生回答并且可以任意提问其他同学。


Step2 Presentation and Practice(20 minutes)1、课件导入新知(1)Show the pictures of autumn.T: How’s the weather today? How do you feel? What can you see in this season? What happens to the trees in this season? Look, what’s this?(A leaf.)Can you feel the wind?(blow)Can you blow the leaf off my hand? The wind blows the leaves off the trees.What do you like to do in this season? What season is it?(2)通过戴上和脱下手套来让学生体会put on 和take off的含义并会使用。



3、通过和老师一起做动作体会put on 和take off的含义并会使用这两个短语说句子。


2、After autumn, the weather gets colder and colder.Which season is coming? Winter is coming.This is winter.Let’s try to talk about winter.How’s the weather in winter? What do you wear in winter? What do you like to do in winter? You try to work in pairs and try to finish the chart.(One asks and one answers.)1、学生根据图片和老师的提示尝试谈论冬天这个季节。



3、Show the picture of spring and summer.Let’s try to guess what following seasons are.Listen to the passage and guess which picture it is.1、学生观察图片听录音,并且在听的过程中捕捉老师所提问题的信息。



4、This is spring and that is summer.Can you talk about spring and summer? This time you do a pair-work, and finish your chart.学生自己谈论这两个季节,并与同桌共同完成表格的书写。


Step3 Production(13 minutes)5、(1)T: Spring, summer, autumn and winter are seasons.How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year.What’s your favourite season? S: My favourite season is ______.T: Why? S: Because I ______.(2)Talk about your favourite season and the reason and practice in your groups then write it down with your friends.(3)Complete Let’s do it.1、学生独立运用新授语言知识,充分运用本课的词汇、短语进行综合性的语言操练,将前后两部分内容结合起来,加强对以前所学语句的复习运用,2、2 2、学生从学说到自己会说、并且能够会写出来。




Step4 Class Closing(2 minutes)Homework: Please finish your chart and your short passage after class.学生课下要完成自己的表格并且将所有的季节都写下来。


板书设计: Lesson 13:Seasons What’s your favourite seasons? autumn winter put on seasons take off summer spring 冀教版 六年级上册 Lesson 14:Snow!It’s Winter!教学分析 1、教材内容 本课是冀教版小学英语教材第七册第三单元《Snow!It’s Winter!》。这节课既是单元话题Winter in Canada的一个延续,也是学生了解加拿大天气、文化、风俗的一个开端。本课的教学内容是让学生通过对天气、衣着等单词及日常用语的学习,进而能够流利地描述出四季的天气特征,穿衣习惯及喜爱做的事情等等。

2、分析学生 六年级的学生语言水平已经发展到了一定程度,初步具有了一定的语言提炼、归纳和总结能力。教师利用学生已有的储备知识结合本单元所学内容,采取师生、生生互相合作,充分调动学生的情绪,鼓励学生在真实情境中会话,进一步培养他们学习英语的兴趣与运用英语的基本技能。

教学目标 1、知识与技能目标 ①学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇put on,take off,again。

②学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:I’m putting on my winter hat.Now I’m going to put on my coat.2、情感态度目标 通过学生对冬季的天气,穿衣习惯以及喜欢做的事情进行简单交流,培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然。

3、学习策略目标 学生能积极与同伴合作,共同完成学习任务;


教学重难点 1、教学重点:要求学生听懂、会说、认读和书写本课词汇again,put on,take off。能灵活运用词组put on,take off进行简单交流。


教学准备 单词卡片,冬季服装,教学光盘等。

教学过程 Step One: Class Opening and Revision 1.Greeting: Say hello.2.Free talk:What day is today? How’s the weather? What’s your favourite season?(设计意图:与学生亲切交谈现在的天气,喜欢的季节等等,自然引入本课内容,同时拉近与学生的距离。)Step Two: New concepts 1.学习句型:I’m going to...课件出示几张不同季节的图片,师生之间谈论自己喜欢的季节,练习表达不同天气的词汇,当谈到冬季时,着重练习词组cold and snowy。

根据上面的图片,老师用be going to介绍自己在这个季节喜欢做的事情。然后启发学生自由谈论在某个季节喜欢做的事情。练习I’m going to do…句式。

Game:每个小组抽取一个季节,在规定的时间内,充分运用I’m going to do…句式,制定一个小计划。

(设计意图:借助学生熟悉的四季,营造一个真实的语言环境,在自由谈论中反复呈现学生已学的知识,为下面的语言学习和小组练习做好铺垫。)2.学习put on,take off,again。

老师再次通过四季,谈论不同季节应该穿什么服装。老师给学生们展示各种季节的服装实物,让学生选择恰当且喜欢的服装进行搭配,运用I’m going to put on/take off...进行口头练习。

搭配恰当的同学可以到前面挑选衣服试穿,在试穿的过程中,练习现在进行时Now I’m putting on/taking off。。


(设计意图:通过教师创设情境,拉近了文本与学生之间的距离,使语言更加生活化,从而增进学生对本课知识的熟悉程度,激发学生之间学习与交流的兴趣。)I’m going to put on/take off...I’m putting on/taking off...I’m hot/cold again.板书again,I’m going to put on/take off my scarf.I’m putting on/taking off my coat.Game:季节转盘。用ppt制作四个季节的转盘,每个学生可以通过转动,随机确定季节。当转到某一个季节时,请学生们说说这个季节的天气特征和穿衣习惯,巩固前面所学知识。

(设计意图:通过创设情境,不仅提高了课堂效率,还能促进学生运用所学知识的积极性,培养学生的语言运用能力。)3.Let’s do it!做课本(41页)练习题 a.Write and act.b.Find the differences.Then write.4.Listen to the video.And answer the questions.听课文录音,回答问题。

a).What day is today? b).How’s the weather this morning? c).Are Jenny and Li Ming going out to play with Kim? d).What do Jenny and Li Ming put on? 5.综合运用:利用表格整理出冬季的其他特征。

It’s cold and snowy.I’m going out to play with my friends.I’m going to put on my scarf and coat.Now I’m putting on my winter hat and gloves.I want to make a snowman.Do you want to play with me? Season Weather(How do you feel?)Clothes(What are you going to put on?)Scenery(What can you see?)Activities(What do you like to do?)winter It’s cold and snowy.I’m going to put on my scarf..Now I’m putting on my scarf.I can see the ice and snow.I’m going to make a snowman.I’m going to play with my friends..每个小组一张表格,小组自由讨论。将已学过的内容进行有机的整合,讨论并展示。

(设计意图:本环节旨在将各环节归纳出的冬季特征以表格的形式,完整呈现给学生,通过小组操练,初步培养学生对于整段话的口头表达能力,为今后的英语作文打下基础。)Step Three: Class Closing Homework: Please write down something about winter.板书设计Blackboard Design Lesson 14 Snow!It’s Winter!again put on take off I’m going to put on /take off my scarf.I’m putting on/taking off my coat.冀教版 六年级上册 Lesson 15: Winter Fun 教学背景分析 教学内容分析 本课教学内容为冀教版小学英语教材六年级上册第三单元第三课。本册教材主要讲述李明来到加拿大后在学校及生活中的所见所闻,本单元主要内容为李明在加拿大参与的冬季活动。本课为对话式语篇,讲述了李明与Jenny一起堆雪人的过程。教材配有丰富的插图,能够帮助学生更好地理解文本内容。




知识与技能目标 1、学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写以下词汇:nose, mouth, body, head, ear, arm, leg, eye。能够 2、学生能够听懂、会读,运用语句We make a…for the …(身体部位),Can you put this snowball on that snowball?表述堆雪人的过程,并尝试运用first, next, then, finally使表述更具层次性、条理性。

情感目标 学生能够在课堂教学所创设的情境中感受堆雪人所带来的乐趣。将自己堆雪人的过程写下来并配上自己制作的雪人照片,设计成精美的poster放入成长记录袋,体验成长的快乐。

学习策略目标 学生能够在教师的指导下运用阅读策略加深对文本的理解,采用适当的朗读技巧培养语感,并积极参与合作,大胆表述。


运用语句We make a …for the …(身体部位)表述堆雪人的过程。




Step 1 Leading-in 1、A riddle about a snowman.教师口述一则关于雪人的谜语,在学生猜出谜底后揭示主题。并通过师生交流及PPT图片欣赏激活学生的经验背景。

T: Yes, snowman.Look, this is a snowman.And these are snowmen.(ppt.to show the pictures)In which season we can make snowmen? S: In winter.T: Did you see or make a snowman before? How do you feel? S: Yes!I feel very happy/… T: Great!(show the pictures of making snowmen)It is fun.So making snowmen is a great winter fun activity.(write the topic)(设计意图:以猜谜的形式,激发学生的思维并使学生积极地参与其中,谜底的揭晓开门见山地揭示主题,漂亮的雪人能快速将学生引入情境。)2、What do we need to make a snowman? 学生根据自己的生活经验,说一说堆雪人所需要的物品,PPT逐一呈现图片,对于新词汇大家一起看图片学习。

T: I think you must know what we need to make a snowman.S: We need snow, stones, carrots…(try to show the pictures what they say)T: We also need some sticks.What are they usually for? S1: I think stones are usually for the snowman’s eyes.S2: I think carrots are usually for the snowman’s nose.……(设计意图:通过让学生说一说他们制作雪人所需的物品,激活学生已有的背景知识,为更好地理解文本作准备,同时也在图片、语言等情境中学习词汇snowball, stick,运用I think表述自己的想法。)Step 2 Presentation and practice.1、Listen to the text and draw the snowman.学生听课文录音,在整体感知的基础上尝试画出雪人。

T: I think you have your own snowmen in your mind.Li Ming and Jenny are making a snowman now.Let’s listen and follow them to draw the snowman they are making.Let’s look at the screen,is it as the same as yours?(After listening, the teacher asks the students to show their pictures in the group, then discuss the difference.)(设计意图:学生结合自己的生活经验和文本内容听、画雪人,整体接触、理解文本,感知、输入所学语言。)2、Listen to the text again and watch the cartoon.再听课文的同时观看雪人成形动画,在验证前期理解的基础上填表格抓关键信息。

T: What do they need for the snowman?(The teacher shows the class the following form and then ask the class to fill in the form.Objects for the snowman Parts of the snowman a big snowball a small snowball a carrot two stones two potatoes two sticks 学生表述的同时教师点击呈现表格中左栏部分,随后组长将手中的表格分发给组内同学,右边一栏由学生自己在表格中填入。

The teacher asks the students to describe the steps of making a snowman.Ss: First make a big snowball for the snowman’s body.Make another snowball for the head.……(设计意图:伴随课文录音,PPT呈现生动的动画,将雪人的制作过程展现得一目了然,从视听的角度对学生进行语言再输入,强化理解感知。在教师的引导下自主提炼关键语言信息,并以此为语言支架尝试进行meaningful practice。活动环环相扣。)3、Read the text again and answer the questions in the student book.学生默读课文回答课后练习1中的问题。边读边划出与答案相关的语句。

T: Read the text again and answer the questions.I think it’s not hard for you to find the answers now.Please underline the sentences.Before sharing the answers in the class, the students discuss the answers in their groups.(设计意图:通过前期活动的整体输入、理解、重点操练,学生再次阅读文本,在文本中划线问题答案,训练了阅读策略。在小组交流答案过程中,学生思维碰撞的同时学习质量得到提升,语言感悟、表达能力随之加强。)4、Read Part One in pairs.学生分角色朗读课文。在朗读之前教师做朗读技巧指导。

T: Before reading, try to read this long sentence, please.“Can you put this snowball on that snowball?” “I have two stones for his eyes, a banana for his mouth and two potatoes for his ears.”(The students try to read it and the teacher guides.)(设计意图:对话形式的文本利用两人一组的形式分角色对话朗读,更利于语感和语言表达能力的培养。对于较难读的语句教师重点指导朗读技巧,如按意群,升降调练习等。)Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1、Arrange the sentences.完成课后练习题2。学生默读语句并在图片的帮助下,将袜子雪人的制作过程正确排序。

T: We can also make a snowman using paper and a sock.Look!It’s a sock snowman.How to make it? Please read the sentences and number.(Then volunteers show the correct order of the passage.)T: Well, who’d like to show us your idea? S: First, next, then, finally…(设计意图:学生在阅读的过程中为实现目标任务,融合所有能够利用的资源,包括图片,生活经验等,寻找句子之间的逻辑关系,锻炼记忆及逻辑思维能力。)2、Retell how to make a snowman.在前面学生填好的表格的基础上,教师通过PPT呈现补充部分,学生在表格的帮助下尝试将雪人的制作过程表述得更加有条理。

Steps of making a snowman Objects for the snowman Parts of the snowman First Next Then Finally a big snowball body a small snowball head a carrot nose two stones eye two potatoes ear two sticks arm(设计意图:利用上表信息,教师引导学生利用first , next, then, finally尝试口头表述堆雪人的过程,同时也是对所学文本的语言重组内化的过程,促进学生语言表达能力的提高。)3、Task Activity: Make snowmen and describe in groups 学生四人一组利用准备好的橡皮泥和纸片制作雪人,在制作过程中和完成后开展表述活动。

(设计意图:在合作中,培养学生倾听习惯、分享和合作意识,在小组学习中,发展学生用语言做事的能力。)5、Sing a song.播放歌曲VCD,学生一起跟唱。

T:Making a snowman is winter fun.What else winter fun you know ? S: Playing on the snow, throwing snowballs… T: And skating, skiing…(body language to show that)so much fun in winter!Now let’s enjoy a song.(设计意图:学生在音乐的氛围中再次感受winter所带来的乐趣。)6、Express their ideas.多媒体呈现下面写作内容,学生拿出老师下发的写作表达表格,完整描述制作雪人过程,教师巡视指导。

Making a snowman Winter is coming.It is fun to … Picture of the snowman ________________________________________ First____________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________ I put a …on the snowman.Wow!It’s so ______________________________.(设计意图:通过对文本的多次输入,学生已经理解、内化所学语言,能够运用所学目标语清楚表达自己的想法,此时设计书面表达活动,有利于学生思维的创造和升华。把小练笔制成精美的poster放入成长记录袋,是课堂教学的升华,学生在这堂课中获得的不仅是学习能力上的进步,更是一段美好的成长历程的记录,促进学生心智健康发展。)板书设计:

Lesson 15 Winter Fun Make a snowman First… Then… 冀教版 六年级上册 Lesson 16:A Skating Lesson 教材分析 本单元围绕话题“Winter in Canada”,学习相关季节的天气、衣着、活动及表达。本课义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语六年级上第三单元第16课,它是在学习了季节的表述之后,以A Skating Lesson为载体,学习词汇can、think,并能够简单描述滑冰活动。

学情分析 本课的教学对象是六年级学生,他们已经有了一定的知识积累和口语表达能力,已经具有能较熟练地运用简单的日常用语,学习积极性高,表现欲强。在此基础上,通过课堂教学中听说读写的练习,培养学生的语篇意识和自主探究能力。

教学目标 知识与技能目标 1.学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇can , think 2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:

Can you skate ? I think I can.I fell down.3.学生能够用所学语言来简单描述滑冰活动。

情感目标 通过各种游戏活动激发学生的学习兴趣,营造和谐、平等、宽松的课堂氛围。

教学重难点 重点:学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇can , think,并能熟练运用语句I can / I think I can.进行表达。


教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and lead-in 1.Greetings T: Hello, everyone.How’s the weather today? How do you feel? What’s your favourite season? Why? 2.Free talk T: My favourite season is winter.Because I like snow and ice.I can put on my new winter jacket and winter boots.I like to make snowmen with my friend.I like to skate on the ice.(教师叙述完自己喜欢的季节后,紧接着询问学生实际生活中的下列问题,学生会根据实际进行回答。)Do you like winter? What can you do in winter? Can you skate?..设计意图:通过师生谈论关于各自喜欢的季节及其季节中喜欢的活动这个话题,使该话题紧紧围绕本课的内容展开,进而使师生的自由会话会自然而然的衔接起来导入本课的主题。

Step 2 Learning the text 1.Pre-reading First, the teacher asks the two questions to let students guess the answers before teaching the text, and then let them read the text quickly and check the correct answers.Can Danny skate? Can Li Ming skate? 设计意图:教师通过预设问题,把注意力吸引到本课的主题内容上来,以此激发学生的兴趣和已有知识,为开始阅读课文奠定基础。

2.While reading 学生详细理解课文 The teacher asks some detailed questions according to the text.The students read the text again carefully and answer these questions.(在此处,教师利用课本上P45的Part2 “Let’s do it”的第一部分的问题布置给学生,并让他们读后进行回答。)What is Danny going to do? Is Danny early or late? Can Li Ming stand up on the ice? Does Li Ming learn fast? What happened to Danny? 通过学生回答的最后一个问题what happened to Danny的正确答案,教师可以利用课本上的相应图片或者出示PPT,让学生直观的理解该句子的含义,进而逐步学会运用该句子。


Practice 教师带领学生操练本课的重点语言知识内容 can、think T:From the text,we know Li Ming can skate very well.Cay you skate? S1:Yes, I can.S2:No, I can’t.首先教师肯定学生对Can you skate?这个问题的回答Yes, I can或者No, I can’t后,然后教师就可以顺其自然的教给学生回答“能做某事的”另一种表达方式,就是 I think I can.以此来引出本课的教学重难点。以此为例,让学生两人进行多轮次的机械操练。

Can you swim/play snowballs/make a snowman/ride/ski/skip? Yes, I can.(or I think I can.)Practice 加强写基本句子的训练。

教师带领学生一起操练课本上P45的第二部分“Ask and answer.Then write”。

Can you stand on one foot? Yes, I can.I can stand on one foot.Practice听课文录音。



3.Post-reading 教师可以让学生两人进行对话朗读或者对话表演。学生分角色朗读课文或者表演之前,教师做朗读技巧指导。

Step 3 Today’s Homework.Write a short story about sports you like.板书设计 Lesson 16 A Skating Lesson----Can you skate?----Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.----I think I can.I can ______.冀教版 六年级上册 Lesson 17:I Like All Seasons!一、教学分析 1、学情分析 学生升入六年级,接触本套书已经是第4个年头了,他们的英语基础知识体系已经开始逐渐形成,并且具备了简单的英语思维能力,能够根据教师的指令完成课堂上的每一个学习任务,只要引导适当,他们乐意参与教学,有能力成为课堂的主人。

2、教材分析 Unit 3的主题是Winter in Canada, 主要讲述了Li Ming到达Canada后,与好朋友们愉快地度过冬天,并以冬天为载体介绍了一年四季的气候、服装、运动等。而本课主要是将四个季节串到一起,以like to, love to这两个短语对不同季节的运动进行了介绍,同时对朗读中的连读、升降调进行了指导。

二、教学目标 1、知识与技能 学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写单词why;

能够熟练使用短语love to对自己的喜好进行描述;

能够认读、理解并运用下列句子:Why?Because I like the snow.2、情感与态度 通过创设情境,在合作学习中,保持学习英语的兴趣,让学生领略自然的魅力。

3、学习策略目标 通过课堂学习,培养学生参与课堂的主动性和热情;



三、教学重点和难点 1、教学重点:


能够熟练使用短语love to对自己的喜好进行描述;


认读、理解并运用下列句子:Why? Because I like the snow.四、教学准备 图片 五、教学过程 Step 1 Greetings and warming-up(5 minutes)T: Good morning, everyone!It’s cool today, I like it.I like autumn.Because I can wear my beautiful sweater and fly a kite.Which season do you like? Why?(课件)【设计意图】通过Free Talk的形式,将学生脑海中对于四季的理解进行简单输出,并为新授环节打下基础。

Step 2 Presentation and Practice(25 minutes)1.What's your favourite season? 1.Look and Say T: Every season is beautiful.Our friend Li Ming is in Canada, Mr.Wood wants him to talk about the seasons in China to others.Let’s look!【设计意图】直接导入文本人物Li Ming,并通过课件自然创设教室的情境,以Li Ming的口吻介绍中国的四季,将第一部分文本内容进行巧妙的讲解,从学生熟悉的生活情境进入新知的教与学。

T: Who can be Li Ming?(出示课件,引导学生借助课件上的图片对中国的冬天进行描述)S: It’s snowy and cold.We can make snowmen.We have the Spring Festival.Winter holiday is in winter, too.T:Good.Li Ming says “I like winter.Why? Because I like the snow.I like to make snowmen.And I like the Spring Festival.”(板书)【设计意图】看图说话的形式符合学生的认知特点,并且在情境中扮演Li Ming,介绍中国的冬天能够激发学生的学习热情,开课不久就进入重点讲解,先入为主。

T: Do you know the Spring Festival? This is the biggest holiday in China.We always put on new clothes to visit our family or friends.Children can get “the Pocket Money” from the adults.We make dumplings and eat them together.We can play happily in the Spring Festival.【设计意图】借助图片对the Spring Festival进行英文阐述,加深学生对这一词汇的吸收。

2.Listen and Answer T: Li Ming likes winter, but what’s his favourite season? Let’s listen.(学生听录音后回答问题)Yes,Li Ming’s favourite season is autumn.Why? You can find the answers in your books.(学生在课本中寻找答案)S1: Because I like to fly a kite.S2: Because I like to eat fruits.(教师出示图片验证学生的答案,并通过like to讲解love to;

同时对because进行语音渗透。)T: What’s my favourite fruit, can you guess?(学生猜测)My favourite fruit is bananas.Look!(出示课件)Who can ask me? S1: Do you like these bananas or those bananas?(教师进行连读、重读、升降调的引导)【设计意图】听音环节学生第一次接触文本,既对winter部分的学习进行了巩固,又对文本信息进行了提取,自然进入新知Why?Because…功能句的深度学习。同时,巧妙地将文本第三部分的朗读技巧的训练结合到本环节,实现了文本的整合。

3.Watch and judge(教师引导学生朗读五个判断题,再播放视频,一一进行讲解)T: Spring is warm.These are leaves.This is a leaf.I love to plant trees.(图片讲解升降调)Because I love to swim in the sea in summer.Because I love summer holidays.I love to make snowmen in winter.【设计意图】观看视频让文本知识活起来,在判断的过程中将中国的季节再次细节化深入 描述,并借助图片等形式完成新知的讲解和朗读技巧的训练,有助于学生注意力的保持。

4.Read and answer.T: Look at Danny, he wants to know “Li Ming, which season do you like? Why?” Now, please read the book in group of two, and try to answer.S1: I like all the seasons!Because I … 【设计意图】朗读的形式让学生在字里行间对文本知识进行第三次完整输入,巩固所学知识,同时紧扣文本课题。

2.Let’s Sing!1.Guess and Match T: Mr.Wood is here, he wants to know Jenny’s, Danny’s, Steven’s favourite season and the reason.Now work in group of four, try to find their faourite season, and tell me why.S1: Jenny’s favourite season is summer.Because she is wearing shorts.S2: Danny’s favourite season is winter.Because he is skating on the ice.S3: Steven’s favourite season is spring.Because he is standing behind the flowers.T: Good try.Let’s check.(播放课件)Who is Jenny? Please read your part.(教师引导学生扮演不同人物朗读各个部分,对temperature进行形象讲解。)【设计意图】沿着情境的思路,Li Ming 介绍了他喜欢的四季后,由Mr.Wood引导其他人来描述自己喜欢的季节,自然过渡到第二部分的歌词,学生在不知不觉中进入歌曲的学习。

2.Listen and Sing(教师播放歌曲,学生边听边跟唱)Step 3 Production(8 minutes)T: Every season is beautiful.My favourite season is winter.It’s cold and snowy.Because I like to wear my boots and sweater.Because I love to skate and ski in winter.What’s your favourite season? Why? Work in pairs and talk about it.(学生组内练习,结合图片生成文章,全班展示)【设计意图】通过教师示范,帮助学生形成文本逻辑,借助图片完成自己的文本,实现了新知与旧知的完美结合。

Homework(2 minutes)1.Sing the song to your parents.2.Talk about your favourite season and write it down, you can draw some pictures or take some pictures.【设计意图】将文本的生成落实到笔端,强化知识的同时完成了课堂的延伸。

Lesson 17 I Like All Seasons!--I love winter.--Why?--Because I love the snow.板书设计:

冀教版 六年级上册 Lesson 18:The Snowman 教学分析 1.学生分析 本课的教学对象是六年级学生,经过前三年的英语学习,他们有了一定的语言知识和语言技能的积累,通过对本节故事课的学习将进一步培养学生的提高阅读能力,发展学生的思维,分析和表达能力。激发学习兴趣。

2.教材分析 本单元的题目是Seasons,讲授有关季节的天气,衣着和活动。重点是让学生掌握如何描述自然,尤其是冬天的衣着和活动。


教学目标分析 1.知识与技能目标:









教学重难点分析 重点:学生能运用多种阅读策略理解故事内容,并能用正确的语音、语调朗读故事。


教学准备 与故事相关的小道具 教学过程设计 Step 1:Warm-up Greeting.Sing the song in lesson 15.【设计意图】歌曲能够激发学生的学习热情,将课堂带入学习英语的氛围,并为接下来冬天的讨论做好铺垫。

Brainstorming T: What season is the song about? Do you like winter? How is the weather in winter? What do you wear in winter? What do you like to do in winter? 【设计意图】激活学生关于冬天的知识储备,将学生带入与故事相符的冬天的情境中。帮助学生自然,顺畅的进入到故事课的学习当中。

Step 2:Pre-reading 教师出示故事中的第一幅图picture 1。

T: Who is in the picture? What does he wear? What is he doing? 【设计意图】语境是故事的最重要局部,便于同学理解语言的意义,理解语言运用的具体环境。故事中的图片对创造自然、真实、完整的语境有很大的帮助。通过对picture1的描述使学生了解故事背景,置身故事情境中。同时激起学生想要进一步了解故事的兴趣。

Step 3: While-reading 1.Picture 1(1)播放图一的录音,回答问题:

Who are talking? What does John’s mother tell him to do? What did John do?(2)模拟母子对话,学生结对设置同样情境编对话。


2.Picture 2(1)观看Picture2视频,判断正误。

(T)John took off his hat and put it on the snowman(T)The weather is cold and snowy.(F)The snowman can’t talk.(F)John took his hat off the snowman, because he was sad.【设计意图】故事课的进行中要为学生设计不同的活动,学生会好奇地、有目的地去学,懂了就有满足感,并有兴趣进一步提高理解故事的能力。当学生聆听故事时,不可能一下子理解所有内容,因而也得到了推断、猜测字义的训练。


T: Why does John give his hat to the snowman? S: Because it is cold and snowy.T: What happened after the snowman got the hat? S: The snowman talked to John? T: How does John feel? How do you feel if a snowman talks to you? What can a snowman do? What will happen next? 【设计意图】教师要设计不同难度的提问,满足不同层次学生对学习的需求,充分地调动他们学习英语的积极性,使各个层次的学生都想说、能说,都有所收获。

3.Picture 3-5(1)学生默读picture3-5,讨论图片及故事内容 Can a snowman skate? What did John do to help the snowman? Can they always skate? Why? Why is the snowman sad?...(2)学生观看故事视频,模仿跟读。





5.Picture 6(1)教师让学生猜测故事的结尾(2)播放视频,讨论图片内容 How does the snowman feel? How does John’s mother feel? What will she do? 【设计意图】对故事的结尾展开推测和想象,充分发挥了学生的思维能力和想象力。

Step 4 : Post-reading 1.学生完整地观看故事视频,学生有感情地跟读故事。



Step 5 : Class closing 1.教师引导学生探讨故事的寓意,向学生提问,Do you like this story? Why or why not? 从而对学生进行情感教育,我们要懂得去珍惜友谊,关爱朋友。

2.教师布置作业 (1)有感情的朗读故事或复述故事。




unit3教学设计和教案 第3篇


《课标》倡导任务型教学模式(Task-based Language Teaching),其教学理念是:强调语言应用,培养实践能力,发展学习策略。



教材内容:新目标英语七年级Unit 3 This is my sister, section B。教学目标依据《课标》而设定:

1. 知识与技能,通过学生听、说、读、写的综合训练,帮助他们达到使用项目语言进行交际的目的。

2. 过程与方法:通过指导学生完成一系列的任务活动,充分体现“用中学,学了用”(Learning by Using.Learning for Using)的语言教学原则。

3. 情感态度价值观:着重培养学生的合作精神和亲情观念。

4. (1) 本课的教学重点:用指示代词介绍自己的家庭成员。 (2) 本课的教学难点:对于thesethose的使用,在交际中容易出错;词汇量大,学生记忆困难。



1. 学习基础:


2. 学生特点:






Step 1.Preparing for using(利用远程教育资源,为新课学习奠定基础)。利用远程教育资源为我们提供的“唱一唱”资源,让学生跟着美妙、动听的音乐进入英语学习氛围,在轻松愉悦中开始英语学习。

在传统教学中,学习“家谱(Family Tree)”时,教师往往用常用语言进行表述,学生听起来既抽象又枯燥。于是,笔者改用远程教育资源提供的课件进行教学,学生对这种形象直观的家谱一看就明白,从而收到了传统教学无法达到的视觉效果。特别值得一提的是:远程教育资源还根据《英语课程标准》补充了六个常用单词,这有效地帮助了一线教师强化课标意识,树立了正确的教材观。


Step 2.Learning by Using(利用远程网络教育资源,帮助学生在“用中学习”)。在运用中学习语言、根据自身的兴趣来学习语言可以起到事半功倍的作用。利用远程教育资源,笔者设计的第二个任务活动是“超级女声”,笔者先示范以李宇春的口吻介绍自己的亲友团(This is…),然后按超女的粉丝把孩子们分成玉米、笔笔、盒饭、鸡腿、荔枝等五个组,让他们用事先准备好的家庭照片介绍各自的亲友团成员。在进行了充分的听说实践活动后,孩子们就能轻松地完成课本上的听力练习。(课堂气氛在孩子们的介绍中变得热烈起来。)

Step 3.Learning for Using(利用远程教育资源,帮助学生“学以致用”)。学习语言的目的是为了交际,语言学习的终极目标是进行真实的听说读写的综合运用,利用远程教育资源,笔者设计的第三个任务活动是“最佳报道”,通过对来学校访问的外国友人Mr Black一家的采访,对其家庭成员的组成情况进行报道。孩子们通过扮演小记者和外国友人,在较为真实的情景中运用本课所学的知识完成了任务。较为真实的交际帮助孩子们达成了《课标》对七年级学生所提出的要求:能在日常生活中进行交际。 (课堂气氛在孩子们的精彩采访中达到了高潮。)

Step 4.Learning for More(利用远程教育资源,深化课堂教学)。公平和谐的教育是让每个学生通过学习各有所获,远程教育资源网上丰富的资源让分层教学变成了现实。利用远程教育资源,笔者设计了趣味阅读、家谱制作、看图填空三个不同层次的任务,目的是让每个学生都能根据自己的学习能力、兴趣爱好选择适合自己的练习内容,(介绍三个层次的练习)。分层练习弥补了教材的单一性,让每个学生都得到了最大程度的发展。 (课堂气氛在孩子们的投入练习中达到了和谐。)

unit3教学设计和教案 第4篇


本教学设计的内容为PEP小学英语三年级下册第三单元C 部分的Story time,整体教学思路设计如下图:



本单元以动物为话题,重点是描述动物的体貌特征,通过设计的教学任务来训练Look at the… Its … It has…句型的使用。 这个单元的教学内容与三年级上册Unit 4 We love animals.认识小动物有紧密的联系,在以前的学习中学生已经掌握了部分动物的词汇。这个话题贴近学生生活,他们对描述小动物的体态特征比较熟悉且感兴趣,教学活动比较容易开展,可以在让学生掌握课本知识的基础上适当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识。本课是第三单元的故事课,通过听说使学生掌握并运用与动物有关的目标词汇及介绍动物的常用句型。

Part C部分是故事课教学,是在学习完AB 部分关于描述小动物体态特征的形容词thin, fat, tall, short…以及语句Look at the… Its … It has…的语言基础上而进行的文本阅读。本故事通过两个主要人物Zoom和Zip比赛认识动物,重现了已学的部分动物单词和形容词,并拓展了新的动物单词lion, fox, wolf, zebra, gorilla and horse.以及句型:How many animals do you know? I know all the animals.目的是想通过这样一个较为有意义的语篇,增加学生们语言的输入,使得学生逐步适应文本的阅读,培养学生在实际情景中运用语言的能力。






2. 已知起点




学生此前已经学过Look at the… Its … It has…的句型,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提。教学过程中,教师一定要根据学生的实际掌握情况进行引导。









(二) 过程与方法






(1) 能够在图片、实物或动作的帮助下,听说、认读动物类单词lion, tiger, fox, wolf, zebra, horse, gorilla, monkey.

(2) 学生能在图片、动作、老师的帮助下读懂故事的大意。

(3) 能够根据具体的情境与同伴之间运用语句:How many animals do you know? I know all the animals. A tiger and a lion.进行交流。

(4)能在日常生活中学会使用功能性语言:Yes! Right! Good! 肯定他人的回答。

2. 语言技能目标

(1) 听:能听懂故事大意。

(2) 说:能利用How many animals do you know? I know ...与同伴进行交流,介绍小动物。能使用功能性语言:Yes! Right! Good! 肯定他人的回答。

(3) 读:能读懂故事,并从故事中快速找到相关信息。

(4) 演:能为故事配音。

3. 情感态度目标:培养学生具有热爱动物和保护动物的意识。

4. 文化意识目标:使学生了解主要英语国家的象征性动物。



有关动物的词汇;How many animals do you know? I know all the animals.在具体情境中的应用;以及使用Yes! Right! Good! 肯定他人的回答。




Step 1. Warming up and leading in

1. Free talk


2. Lets chant(播放三年级上册第39页的歌谣)


Look at the cat, it is fat.

Look at the pig, it is big.

Look at the dog, its on the log.

Look at the duck, its in the truck.

Look at the bear, its on the pear.

设计意图:通过播放三年级上册以动物为主题的歌谣导入,为学生复习部分动物的名称以及本单元学习的形容词fat, big和语句Look at…,歌谣对三年级的学生来说,简单易懂,节奏感强,琅琅上口,迎合小学生的心理特点。同时能培养学生的学习兴趣,迅速抓住学生的注意力,有效地将已学知识进行复习。

3. Puzzle

为学生们讲述“懒羊羊”寻找食物的故事,从而引出单词apple, nine, ice, milk, arm, leg,并让学生们根据图片所代表单词的首字母,组成核心词:animal。

设计意图:通过设计的“懒羊羊寻找食物”的故事,使这些单词能具备故事间的相互联系。故事情境的创设,能够极大的激发学生们猜谜的兴趣和参与的热情,将其六个单词的首字母组成“新单词”animal。 核心词的引出,使师生之间拥有交际的话题:How many animals do you know?

Step 2. Revision and presentation

1. 目标词汇的引入

引导学生说出动物类名称。笔者预设了两种情况:一种是学生能够说出已学的动物类单词,如:cat, dog, duck, monkey等,不能说出本课的目标词汇,如:gorilla, lion, zebra等。学生可通过观看动画,进行有意义的语言输入,使学生逐步适应文本阅读,在语篇中学习新词汇。第二种情况是,B类学生能够说出已学的动物类单词,A类学生通过自主预习能够说出故事中部分动物名称,此时要抓住学生自己所构建的文本信息,对新单词先行输入。

设计意图: 引导学生说出所认知的动物名称,和学生共同建构本课的文本信息,改变了传统教学的直接呈现新知,发散了学生的思维,培养他们积极思考的能力。在必要时予以点拨,充分发挥学生的主体地位。

在学生们回答完自己所知道的所有小动物的名称之后,老师用自己的肢体语言为学生们表演其它动物来补充学生们的答案。根据师生的“合作”,数一数所知的所有小动物的种类,在具体情境中使用语句:I know all the animals.

设计意图:将小动物的名称呈现于黑板上,并带领学生一同数小动物的种类。在具体的情境中引出故事中的目标语句:I know all the animals!


为学生们创设了真实的情境:The animals live in a zoo.并用神奇的魔法,将其动物园的大门打开,出现了小动物panda, elephant和bear.并要求学生们用本单元所学语言知识Look at the… Its … It has…对动物们进行描述。


3. 故事主要人物的巧妙引入


设计意图:由动物bear引出Zoom,再由Zoom引出Story time,这样的设计很轻松的由“故事前”过渡到了“故事中”。而此时,词汇输入还未完成,还有待于学生自己在文本中发现。

4. 故事文本的呈现

接下来与故事文本进行链接,让学生们带着问题观看故事的动画,使学生们从视、听、想等多角度对故事的内容进行了解,充分调动学生的多种感官,启发学生学习的主动性。通过第三个问题的呈现:Do you know the names of these animals?使词汇的输入基本完成。


Question: How many animals can you see in the story? (Except Zoom and Zip)




Does Zoom know all the animals?

Do you know the names of these animals?




设计意图:培养学生们在日常生活中学会使用功能性语言:Yes! Right! Good!肯定他人的回答。

帮助学生熟悉小动物的名称,并在适当时运用句型:Its … It has …来帮助学生熟悉动物的体态特征,在形貌相似的动物之间还可以让学生模仿做动作,如:Act like a gorilla. /Act like a monkey…


Step3. Practice

1. 认读单词比赛


2. 跟读、模仿


3. 复述故事

设计意图:通过让学生对故事文本的三次听说、模仿,实现让学生对照板书进行语言的输出,复述故事的内容。在看文字进行语言的输出后, 对学生们的能力进行了强化性的训练,看图片复述故事,和看无声的动画进行配音。这为学生们提供了一个使用语言的真实环境,使学生在听说训练后,将所学知识直接运用于交际活动中。

Step 4. Production

Group Work

学生对故事文本内容进行了几次输入与输出之后,为了使学生们能够灵活运用所学的目标语言,与同伴进行交流,笔者设计了Group work的小组活动环节。活动中,主要以六人一小组为单位,运用老师给提供的动物玩具,和所提示的本单元和故事中的主要目标语言进行组内交流,活动时间大约为4—5分钟。活动中,采用轮流扮演B同学的角色,与组内的其他成员进行介绍并描述小动物。


Step 5. Extension

Good to know & Homework

设计意图:学生们已经了解并简单运用了所学的目标词汇和句型,接着通过我对教材的整合,将第一单元所要介绍的一个文化背景,kangaroo, eagle, beaver, panda等动物所属的国家放置Good to know部分,使其在动物教学单元更能拓宽学生们的眼界,培养学生们爱护并保护小动物的情感。最后,通过作业的布置,培养了学生们用英语表演小故事和用语言进行交流的能力。



1. 对教师教学工作的评价


2. 对学生学习效果的评价

根据所预设的教学目标,所检验到的学生学习效果是:通过练习,95%的学生能够在图片、实物或动作的帮助下,听说、认读故事中的动物类单词;80%的学生能够根据具体的情境与同伴之间运用语句How many animals do you know? I know all the animals. A tiger and a lion.进行交流。100%的学生能会使用功能性语言:Yes! Right! Good!肯定他人的回答。75%的学生能够根据图片或动画复述故事,给故事配音。



1. 口头表扬

课堂上教师不应吝啬言语和时间给学生以口头表扬。在口头表扬时要注意语言的丰富性:Cool! Great! Super! Wonderful! So brave……这些简单的语句无不鼓励着学生树立自信。

2. 体态语言


3. 奖励制度


4. 小组评价

unit3教学设计和教案 第5篇

2. the usage of adj. and adv.

3. a dialogue about how to take a taxi

Teaching goals: 1: remember the mastery words

2. learn the difference of slow and slowly; quick and quickly

3. understand the meaning of the text

Key points: the usage of slow and slowly; quick and quickly

Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.

Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcard, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: They can say anything they like to say.

3) Check the homework of last lesson. Explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you like to take taxi? Why or why not?

Have you ever stayed in a hotel? When? Where?

Maybe they have many different answers. Gather them and then say “Today, Li Ming and his friends get to Beijing. They want to go to a hotel by taxi. Danny has a dialogue with the driver. Let’s look at what does he say to the driver.”

Step 2 Listen to tape with the following questions:

Why is Danny scared?

Can Danny speak Chinese?

Can the driver speak English?

Step 3 After listening to the text, discuss the questions with the students. Go through the dialogue at the same time. Deal with the language points. You can use the blackboard or the slide projector. Pay attention to the different usage of slow and slowly, quick and quickly.

Step 4 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step 5 Practice

Have them read the text for a few minutes and then have them act out the dialogue in roles. Correct their pronunciation if any.

Step 6 Demonstrate quickly and slowly by performing an action quickly and slowly as you say the words. Point out the difference between “ I am quick/slow.” and “I am ___ing quickly/slowly.”

Ask for volunteers to perform actions quickly and slowly. Describe the volunteers’ actions to the class. Then ask the class to describe the actions.

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make a dialogue about taking a walk on a busy street in Beijing. Let them use slow and slowly, quick and quickly.

Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group. Imagine you are a tour guide. Your group members are on a trip to Beijing. Where do they want to go? Where do you take them?

Step 8 A test


1) They eat many _____ . (noodle)

2) Look! They are ________ over there. (help)

3) Be ________ , or we will be late.(quickly)

4) The train is _________ tonight. (come)

5) Thank you for _______ me. (help)

6) They found that lost sheep ________. (quickly)

7) The bike is going _________ . (fast)

8) That old man is walking ________ . (slow)

9) That car is _______ (slowly), but this bus is _______ . (fast)

10) _________ , I can’t go down. (help)

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the exercise of the workbook

the next reading in the student book

Lesson 18 Tian’anmen Square

Teaching content : 1. mastery words: laugh, fly, hard, quietly, worry, put

2. learn a dialogue about flying a kite

3. some word such as quiet and quietly, loud and loudly

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn some words of adj. and adv.

Key points: 1. there be…

2. the usage of adj. and adv.

3. some useful words and phrases

Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.

Teaching aids: audiotape, word cards, slide projector, a picture of Tian’anmen Square, a kite

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response in correct way.

2) Duty report.

3) Check the homework.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the students some questions :

Have you ever visited Tian’anmen Square? If yes, when? If no, why not?

Do you want to visit Tian’anmen Square? Why or why not?

You may give them some words to help them.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

What happens to Danny?

Can Jenny fly a kite?

Can Danny fly a kite?

Answer the questions together with the students and then discuss the text again. If they have any question, explain to them. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of loud and loudly, quiet and quietly.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it. Give them a few minutes to practice the text. Correct the pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the text in roles.

Step 4 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about walking in Tian’anmen Square. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary as possible from this unit (easy, hard, loudly, quietly, many, men, women, children, people). Encourage the students to be active and praise them for talking risks with English! The more they experiment, the more they learn.

Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work with a parter. Draw a map of Tian’anmen Square. Describe your maps to each other. What are the people doing? Try to use loudly, quietly, slowly and quickly.

Step 6 A test


1) 放风筝 _____________ 2) 玩得痛快 __________ 3) 天安门 __________

4) 看见某人放风筝 _________ 4) hurt one’s arm _________

5) Let’s do sth. ___________ 6) laugh at _________

2. 词形转换

1)We often see boys ________ football. (play)

2) Tom is a ____ boy, he often doesn’t talk with others. (quietly)

3) The street is so busy, but the people like to walk ______ (happy)

4) I can’t hear your words, will you speak ________ (loud)?

5) Let’s _______ the basket on the table. (puts)

Step 7 If there is enough time, do the exercises in activity book.

Step 8 Summary

Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They are flying kites. There are so many people on the Tian’anmen Square. Some people are loud and some are quiet. After class you should understand the meaning of the text and try to use loud, loudly, quiet, quietly correctly.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book in lesson 18

the next reading

Lesson 19 The Palace Museum

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: sky, film, camera, picture, smile, break, tail

2. a dialogue about taking pictures

3. some useful words

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3.master the usage of some words and phrases

Key points: 1. express taking a picture

2. ask permission to do sth.: May I …?

Difficult points: 1. express what you see

2. express taking a picture

Preparations: a picture of the Palace Museum, a camera

Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, a camera, flashcards and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Everyday report in English.

3) Check the homework and explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever been to the Palace Museum? If yes, when?

What do you know about the Palace Museum?

Do you want to live there? Why or why not?

Today Li Ming and his friends go to the Palace Museum. The weather is fine. The palace is red and yellow. It’s beautiful. They take some pictures there. Now let’s join them.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions:

What happens to Jenny?

What’s wrong with Danny’s nose?

What do they do for Danny’s nose?

What’s wrong with Danny’s tail?

After listening, discuss the questions with the students. Make sure they understand the whole text. Deal with any language point at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of the following words: sunny, help sb. (to) do sth., careful, fall, break

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and then ask some students to act out the dialogue in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to make up a dialogue about visiting the Palace Museum. Encourage the students to use much new vocabulary as they can.

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about taking pictures. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary from this unit as possible (camera, picture, easy, hard, help, hurt, loudly, quietly, many, everyone, men, women, children, people, quickly, slowly)

As the students work on this dialogue, take real pictures of each group with your camera. Later make a poster of these photos to put up in class. Do this as a class project! Help the students write English sentences under each photograph to describe the action.

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

In a small group, write a dialogue about taking pictures. Where are you taking pictures? What funny things happen?

Step 7 A test


1) Can you sing? Yes, it’s e_______ .(容易)

2) Working out the problem is h______ . (难)

3) He b_______ that glass , look! He is crying. (打坏)

4) Don’t w________ , the classmates all help you. (着急)

5) Bad luck! He f________ off his bike. (掉下来)

6) Now Tom is putting the f______ in his c________ . (装胶卷)

Step 8 exercise

If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book of lesson 19

read the next reading in lesson 20

Lesson 20 Let’s Write Home

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: letter, dear, dad, soon, bottom, address, stamp

2. a text about writing a letter

3. some useful expressions

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 24

Key points: learn how to write a postcard

Learn how to write an envelope

Difficult points: write a letter

Preparations: postcards, letters, envelopes

Teaching aids: audiotape, postcards, envelopes, letters

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Everyday report in English

3) Check the homework and explain something when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the following questions: Have you ever write a letter in Chinese?

Do you know how to write a letter in English?

Where do you put the address?

Where do you put the stamp?

Today we will learn how write a English letter.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of a letter. Then look through the text together with the students. Show the students some letters and envelopes and let them know how to write a letter. Learn the words: top, bottom, left and right. Show a letter to the students when explaining.

Step 4. Use objects in the classroom-such as the blackboard, a door or a window-to demonstrate top, left, right, bottom and corner. Ask for volunteers to show you the top, left, right and corner of objects in the classroom.

Step 5 practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about buying postcards. Why are they buying postcards? Who do they buy them for?What pictures do the postcards have?

Step 6 Play a game

Play “Opposites” with the new vocabulary and other vocabulary.

Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Make a postcard. Draw a picture on it. Include a place for writing a note, for the address and for the stamp. Write to a classmate. Do you know his or her address? Ask!

Step 8 If time permits, do some exercises in the activity book.

3. Homework

1) the remaining activities in the activity book

the next reading in the student book

Lesson 21Sending an E-mail

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: send, e-mail, show, welcome

2. a dialogue about sending an e-mail

3. an English song

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. some useful words and phrases

Key points: how to ask for help and how to send an e-mail

Difficult points: learn how to send an e-mail

Preparations : a postcard, a letter

Teaching aids: audiotape, slide projector, a postcard, a letter

Type: dialogue and song

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report

3) Check the homework and explain something if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the following questions: Do you have a computer?

Where can you buy one?

Do you use e-mail?

Who do you like to send e-mail to?

Today we will learn a short dialogue about sending an e-mail.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

When will Danny go home?

Who does Danny send an e-mail to?

Where does Danny send his e-mail?

Answer the questions and discuss the dialogue with the students. Deal with the language points at the same time. You can use a computer and show the students how to send an e-mail. If they have any question you can help them.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about writing and sending an e-mail. Encourage them to use as many different words as they can.

Step 6 Let’s sing a song

Play the tape for the students to listen.

Read through the songs together. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the song. Deal with any language point at the same time.

Step 7 Listen to the audiotape for a few times again and let them sing after it. Make sure they can sing the song themselves.

Step 8 Do some exercises in the activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the dialogue

2) learn to sing the song

3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book

the next reading

Lesson 22 The Great Wall

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: today, turn, traffic, light

2. a dialogue about visiting the Great Wall

3. some useful expressions

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the dialogue

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn to use some useful expressions

Key points: 1. follow the direction

2. some phrases: in an hour, arrive in, stop doing

Difficult points: some phrases

Teaching aids: a picture of the Great Wall, audiotape, slide projector

Type : dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: they can say whatever they like to say

3) Sing the song learnt last lesson

4) Check the homework

2. New lesson

Step 1 lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever climbed a mountain or walked a long way? Where?

What do you know about the Great Wall? How long is it? How old is it?

Encourage them to discuss the questions and give some words to help them if necessary.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

Why is Jenny unhappy with Danny?

Which bus do they take to the Great Wall?

How long does it take them to get to the Great Wall?

After listening, answer the questions together with the students. Learn the text and make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to find and look for; in an hour, stop doing sth.

Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text and then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 A test


1) Look! Who ______ in the pool?

A. swims B. swimming C. is swimming

2) The cup of coffee is _______ you.

A. for B. of C. with

3) The little girl _____ a new bike.

A. is B. has C. have

4) Does he ______ a computer?

A. have B. has C. there is

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group. Write a song or a poem about the Great Wall. Make a poster for it with the words and some pictures. Practice your song or poem and teach it to your classmates.

Step 7 Activity book

In Number 1, the students can review the direction words.

In Number 2, the students match the correct words and pictures.

Number 3 is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:

Listen. Fill in the blanks.

a. Danny: This is a computer. You can send your friend an e-mail.

b. Jenny: This is a piece of paper. You can send your friend a letter.

Step 8 Summary

Today we know Li Ming and his friends go to the Great Wall. They take a no.919 bus to go there. When they get there they talk about sth. about the Great Wall. After class read the text fluently and remember the useful words.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book

the next reading in student book

Lesson 23 Shopping in Beijing

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: gift, chopsticks

2. a dialogue about shopping in Beijing

3. some useful phrases

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn to ask about time

Key points:some sentences about shopping

ask about time

Do things slowly or quickly.

Difficult points: the usage of slowly and quickly

How to ask about time?

Teaching aids: some real things as gifts, some pictures, audiotape, slide projector


Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: They can talk about weather, friends, family, classmates and so on.

3) Check the homework. Explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 lead in

Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you like to shop quickly or slowly? Why?

Where do you like to go shopping? Why?

Today Li Ming and his friends go to shop at Wangfujing. They buy many things as gift. What do they buy? Let’s go look?

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

In the story, who shops quickly and who shops slowly? What do they buy/

Who will go to the hotel with the panda?

After listening, answer the questions and deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of go doing, with, gift and so on.

Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let the students follow it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to practice the dialogue and then have them act out it in roles.

Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Write a paragraph. You go on a trip to Beijing and buy some gifts for your friends. For whom do you buy gifts? What do you buy? Read your paragraph to your classmates.

Step 6 A test


1) They have a _____ meal. They eat their meal ______ . (quick, quickly)

2) The old man walks _____ . He is a ______ man. (slow, slowly)

3) The family are watching TV _____ . They are all very _____ .( quiet, quietly)

4) The students make a _______ noise. They are talking ______ .(loud, loudly)

5) It’s an ______ question . I can answer it _____ . (easy, easily)

6) Lucy is a _____ girl. She does everything _____ . (careful, carefully)

Step 7 If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book

unit3教学设计和教案 第6篇

I. 单元教学目标

技能目标Skill Goals

Talk about different types of humour; a taste of English humour

Learn how to express one’s emotions

Learn the -ing form as the Predicative, Attribute && Object Complement

Learn to write humorous stories

II. 目标语言

功 能 句 式 情感(Emotions)

I enjoy this very much because ...

I laugh at that kind of thing because ...

This is fun because ...

How wonderful/ surprising!

It surprises me that ...

I’m pleased we were both amused at ...

I felt happy because ...

It’s amusing that ...

词 汇

1. 四会词汇

slide, skin, cruel, content, astonish, particular, entertain, failure, entertaining, throughout, homeless, worn-out, overcome, difficulty, boil, fortunate, snowstorm, bottom, chew, mouthful, direct, star, outstanding, Switzerland, fortune, swing, pancake, mountainous, whisper, vast, sense

2. 认知词汇

verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, Charlie Chaplin, Edward Lear, bump, poverty, charming, tramp, lace, enjoyment, Oscar, costume, Sherlock Holmes

3. 词组

be content with, badly off, pick out, star in, knock into

语 法 构词法:名词与形容词之间的转化 动词的-ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语的用法(The -ing form as predicative, attribute and object complement)

重 点 句 子 Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? P17

Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life ... P17

He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. P17

But he was lived by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him.


Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. P18

That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. P18

He solved it by using nonverbal humour. P18

Their job is “panning for gold”. P18

Finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe. P18

Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组



1.1 WARMING UP中提出了三个问题:How many kinds of humour do you know?Do you know these kinds of humour? Do you have other kinds of humour in China?这三个问题直指本单元中心话题,为下一步的阅读理解作了准备。

1.2 PRE-READING在WARMING UP 的基础上提出了另外三个问题:What do you like to laugh at? What does humour mean? Is humour always kind?这三个问题进一步让学生了解幽默的含义,即把缺陷与完美、荒唐与合理、愚笨与机敏等两极对立的属性不动声色地结合起来,在对立统一中见其深刻的意义。

1.3 READING以美国著名喜剧大师Charlie Chaplin的表演为例,为学生展示了幽默的内涵。第一段以常见的踩香蕉皮滑倒为例,指出了幽默的内涵之一:“Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves”.从第二段开始介绍卓别林以其独特的表现方式成为著名的幽默大师,文中列举了两部他的喜剧片,一部是The Little Trump,另一部是The Gold Rush。前者以其穿着及行为而受到了人们的喜爱;后者通过吃皮鞋这一片段,让人领略了他的无与伦比的想象力与幽默感。卓别林将滑稽的相貌、夸张的穿戴和离奇的想象完美地结合起来,出于现实而又超脱现实。令人在捧腹大笑的同时,感到了他对待苦难的积极态度,和对下层小人物的同情。这篇文章揭示了幽默的内涵,给学生留下了思考的余地:Is humour always kind?

1.4 COMPREHENDING分为两部分。第一部分以填写表格的形式让学生练习写阅读笔记,同时提示他们人物传记的写法,让学生了解文章结构。第二部分练习课文中出现的生词。

1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE包括词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分强调用英语来解释词汇,并在实际情景中使用所学词汇。 语法部分主要通过大量的例句和习题来实现让学生自主学习的目的,总结-ing形式在句中作表语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法。

1.6 USING LANGUAGE部分, 从听、说、读、写四个方面来学习和巩固所学语言知识,全面体现语言运用能力。

2. 教材重组

2.1 将WARMING UP(P17), READING(P22)与SPEAKING(P23)整合在一起上一堂口语课。

2.2 将PRE-READING,READING (P17), COMPREHENDING (P18)及LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE中的练习一和练习二整合在一起上一堂阅读课。从字、词、句、和篇章几个方面掌握目标语言。

2.3 将LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE (P20)中的剩余练习及USING LANGUAGE (P56)中的所有练习整合成语法课来练习ing形式在句中作表语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法。

2.4 将LISTENING(P23), LISTENING(P55) 和LISTENING TASK(P58)整合在一起上一堂听力课。


2.6 将USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS(P56),READING TASK(P59),PROJECT(P61)和 SUMMING UP(P24)整合在一起上一堂复习课,总结这个单元所学全部内容。

3. 课时分配

1st period Speaking

2nd period Reading

3rd period Grammar

4th period Listening

5th period Writing

6th period Summary

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇

verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, pancakes, mountainous, whisper

b. 重点句型

I think how short life is and how long the universe has lasted. P22

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the students to talk about some types of English humour and Chinese humour.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

a. Help the students learn how to talk about some types of English and Chinese humour, and then find their differences.

b. Let the students listen, read, and then imitate the jokes, so that they can realize that humour is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Help the students know the differences between English and Chinese in humours.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Using pictures, discussion, reading and imitation.

Teaching aids 教学准备

A recorder and a projector.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step ⅠRevision

Have a dictation about the words and expressions that appeared in Unit 2.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

Start the new unit by showing the students a picture:

T: Look! What do you think of the picture?

Ss: It’s very funny! A wolf or a dog is jumping across the back of a sheep!

T: Yeah! It’s so funny that we cannot help laughing about their acting. It makes us feel nice. Today, we are going to learn something about humour. The title is A taste of English humour. Do you know something about English humour?

S1: I’m sorry.

S2: I know an English humour.

T: Really? Please read it to us.

S2: I’ll try. One day a patient went to see his doctor. He said to the doctor: “Doctor, I see double.” The doctor said: “Sit on the chair please.” And then the patient asked the doctor: “Which one?”

T: That’s really interesting! Thank you! In fact this is a kind of English humour, which we call verbal joke. Ok, here are some pictures. Look, who are they?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

S3: It’s Charlie Chaplin. And I know picture one is from a film called The Gold Rush.

T: Right. Who know the man in picture 3?

S4: I dare say that everyone know him. He’s Mr. Bean, one of the most famous and successful British actor.

T: You are right. He’s now recognized as the most popular British comedy expert. And how about the last one?

S5: It’s difficult to say. I guess he’s an American because the picture behind him looks like an American flag.

T: Right. He is Mark Twain, the famous American writer. Do you know something about him?

S6: He liked to make jokes with other people.

T: Have you once read some?

S6: Only a few.

T: Can you bring us some next time?

S6: Let me try.

T: OK, now, let’s look at the chart on Page 17. What does it tell us?

S7: From the table we can see that Charlie Chaplin is good at nonverbal humour; Mr. Bean is famous for his mime and farce; while Mark Twain was good at tell some funny stories. But I don’t know Edward Lear.

T: Right. Edward Lear is a famous British poet. His poems are funny. But they were all from daily life. Until now people also read them and enjoy them. Here is one of his short poems. Please look at the screen:

There was an old Man with a bread

There was an old man with a bread,

Who said, “It’s just as I feared!

Two owls and a hen,

Four larks and a wren,

Have all built their nests in my bread!”

T: In these two poems we can see that Edward Lear used a kind of magnification to make his poem funny. But because the sense of humour of English and Chinese is different, sometimes what they feel funny would not sound funny to us. But if you want to make fun of one of your friends, you can send them to him/her. They will be surprise to see these. Well, do you know these persons in the pictures? What are they good at? Nonverbal, mime and farce, funny stories or funny poems?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

S8: Picture 1 is Chen Peisi. I think he is famous for his mime and farce.

S9: Picture 2 is Zhao Benshan. He is famous for his Xiao pin. And he is also for his mime, I think.

S10: The two persons in picture 4 are Liu Quanhe and Liu Quanlin. They are good at Ya ju (哑剧).

T: Do you know the third person? No? He is the famous cross talk actor-Hou Baolin. When he was living, he was the most popular actor. Many of his works are the classic. OK, now can you finish the last column of the chart?

The Suggested answers:

English humour


Mime and farce

Verbal jokes

Funny stories

Funny poems Chinese humour

Pantomime (哑剧) 刘全和、刘全林

Funny plays 陈佩斯、赵本山

Cross talk 侯宝林、马季


Doggerel (打油诗)

Step Ⅲ Reading on P22

The purpose of this reading is to introduce the kind of humour we can laugh at -verbal jokes. They use a “play on words” to be funny. Let the students read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation.

T: Well, boys and girls, just now we learned something about English and Chinese jokes. Now let’s read some English jokes on Page 22. I’ll give three minutes for you to read them and then match the joke with the explanation. If you like, you may have a discussion. And then we’ll check the answer. OK, read them.

The students read and finish their task, and the teacher can show some other jokes on the screen. After they have finished the task, check the answer and ask them to enjoy the jokes on the screen.

T: Have you finished the reading? Are the jokes funny?

Ss: Yes, they are very funny. We’ve never found that English jokes so funny.

T: What’s the answer?

S11: The answer is 1 to B, 2 to C and 3 to A.

T: Good. Now, please look at the screen. Here are more jokes on it. Read them and enjoy them. If you have some troubles in understanding, discuss, or ask me.

Give the students some time to read the jokes.

Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory.

Doctor: When did this happen?

Patient: When did what happen?

Anisha: Thank you doctor. My fever is gone.

Doctor: Don’t thank me. Thank god.

Anisha: Then I’ll pay the fees to god.

A man with two red ears went to see his doctor.

Doctor: What happened to your ears?

Man: I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.

Doctor: Oh Dear! But ... what happened to your other ear?

Man: The scoundrel (恶棍) called back!

T: Funny?

Ss: We’re laughing to death!

T: Don’t do that, another joke is waiting for you. Please read the neat joke on Page 22. And then finish the question followed.

Give the students three minutes to do it.

T: Now decide which of these two kinds of jokes you like better. Give your reason.

S12: I find the first kind jokes are easier to understand.

S13: Those jokes on the screen are the funnies ones, I think.

S14: We must understand the background of the funny story at first, and then we can know what a humor Sherlock Holmes was. I think to understand this kind of jokes needs wisdom to understand. We must know that he was a detective, so he was always thinking of the things such as stealing.

T: What you said is reasonable. Now let’s listen to the tape, pay attention to the intonation, and try to bring out the humorous meaning.

If time permits, the teacher can ask some students to act out the jokes.

Step IV Speaking

T: Now, we’ve learned some jokes and listened to some too. How about speaking out what you feel funny in class? I’ll give you five minutes to prepare this task, and then ask some of you to tell us your story. There are some steps for you to finish the task. If you think they are useful, follow them.

Five minutes later.

S15: My story is one day Lian Hong was standing by the window, talking with other students. Ren Xinglian came up. She wanted to make a joke with Lian and gave her a surprise. So she rushed towards Lian and kicked her at the same. But to all of us surprise, Ren slipped on the floor! Everybody laughed to bend their backs, me too.

T: Me too! OK, this class is full of joy. We know that in our life, there are full of happiness, sorrows, boredoms, and joys. When we meet with sorrows or boredoms, don’t forget to read these jokes. Maybe they can bring you sunshine. Am I right?

Ss: Yes. Thank you.

Step V Homework

T: Today’s homework is to preview the Reading material and finish the Comprehending ahead. And I have a wish that at the beginning of each class, one of our classmates can give us a joke, to bring smile into the classroom. Do you agree?

Ss: That’s a good idea.

T: Let’s begin from Group one. One of you will tell a joke to us at the beginning of next class. Don’t forget it. Ok, class is over. See you next time.

Ss: See you.

