


传媒专业生英文推荐信 第1篇

Dear Admissions Committee:

I am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend one of my capable students at the ABC University, Mr.Hung-Doe Doe, to your university‘s master degree program in computer science for entering class fall 19xx.Through my extensive observation of him in both academic and extracurricular fields, I have come to the conclusion that Mr.Doe possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr.Doe when he was under my instruction in the course of Electrical Engineering during the academic year of 19xx.While attending this requirement course, Mr.Doe has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework.His academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10% in the class.Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, Mr.Doe has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and textbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject.I am of the opinion that my class has provided Mr.Doe with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis, which is valuable to his academic pursuit in computer science.

An open-minded individual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas, Mr.Doe, often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies.I was pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field.His diligence and commitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me.I have, without any doubt, come to consider him to be a highly promising student.With the intelligence and persistence that Mr.Doe has displayed, he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment and continue to perform outstandingly in your graduate school.

In general, I consider Mr.Doe a highly promising applicant to the master degree program in his proposed field.I have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuits.I give him my highest recommendation.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.Should you wish to discuss anything pertaining to his application, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards


Sincerely yours,

传媒专业生英文推荐信 第2篇

dear leaders:


thank you for your busy schedule to review my letter, want to give me a chance.

my name is xxx, is xx pharmaceutical engineering graduates . university of 4 years, i learned the system, pharmaceutical preparations, pharmaceutical technology, drug analysis, etc., in its pharmaceutical preparations not only know how, production technology, quality analysis, but also to understand the application of engineering and technology capacity, at the same time, i have a strong english listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, there are four cet certificate, two computers through the provincial exams, can skilled use of common office software and networks.

i grew up in the hospital from a young age is my sass firms determination to apply for the chinese medicine profession, i believe that the pharmacy profession is the sunrise industry of the 21st century, with a bright future in particular.

while reading in the science, but i am a good liberal arts foundation, there are some good text. like the chinese medicine profession, professionals prefer to read popular science books and other reading materials.

in school, i also actively participated in various community organizations, such as love hua agency, radio stations, but also as a number of small office and joined the party, the practice so that i know how to live in harmony with people, but also i am a more pragmatic, more responsibility, i believe that this is an important experience in my life and a valuable asset.

i believe that fate, if it can be won your appreciation, give me a chance, i will be grateful, some serious, down-to-earth, hard work, sincerity and performance with the return of your love.

传媒专业生英文推荐信 第3篇


高校理工科专业肩负着为国家培养和储备高素质 “四化两型”技术人才的重任。生命科学迅速发展及其对人类生产生活产生的深远影响使得生物类专业在理工科中的地位更为突显。 为适应新形势与学科发展的需要,进行切实有效的课堂教学改革十分必要,也是贯彻落实 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》的重要举措[1]。生物类不同专业的专业特点与培养目标等存在一定程度的差异,但均表现出知识更新快、专业术语多、对英语能力要求较高的特点。为拓展学生视野、丰富专业知识、提高英文水平、促进中外文化交流,推进教育教学改革,湖南科技学院化学与生物工程学院围绕生物工程专业综合改革的设计[2,3,4,5,6,7]在学校国际交流处协调下,聘请一名外教开展了生物类专业( 生物技术、生物工程) 的全英文课堂教学尝试, 获得了较好教学效果。目前有部分院校进行了这方面的尝试[8,9,10,11],但在地方本科院校开展这种尝试的还十分少见,现把我们的实践总结于本文供同行参考、交流与讨论。


所聘外教为女性,26岁,印度籍,主修生物技术。综合考虑外教的学习背景以及全英文教学为初次尝试等因素,在与外教沟通后,确定其讲授一门专业选修课——— 《抗体工程》。课程共3个学分、48个课时,课程进度为3学时/周。课程围绕 “利用重组DNA技术对抗体基因进行加工改造、或利用化学修饰等方法改造抗体分子”这一核心内容展开。课堂教学过程全部使用英语进行,包括教师授课、师生的交流与讨论、讲义等。



共收集到调查问卷105份,统计发现学生对外教的全英文授课反映总体良好,表现为: 1对Noel教学全部持满意( 22%) 或较满意( 78%) 态度; 2认为生物学相关专业开展全英文课堂教学合理的占到85%; 3认为在外教课堂能学到新知识的占95%; 4认为在全英文教学能提高英语水平的占91%; 582% 同学认为全英文课堂教学与常规汉语教学各有优缺点,并不排斥全英文课堂教学这种形式。具体各题个选项占比如表2所示。


( 1) 积极方面: 1老师上课认真有耐心,有激情,注重视频演示; 2对英语听力的提高及词汇量的增加有促进作用; 3拓展了知识面,开阔了视野; 4感受了不同文化背景教师的教学风格; 5课间与课下的师生交流增加了大家对印度生命科学发展动态以及生物产业的发展趋势等方面的了解,增长了同学们的见闻。

( 2) 不足方面: 第一次接触全英文形式专业内课程教学, 对大家特别是英语基础差的同学挑战很大。

( 3) 建议: 1配备助教,增加师生间的协调配合; 2提前下发课程讲义; 3重难点需配英、汉对照; 4每次课内容不宜太多,以控制课程进度。


聘请外教讲授生物类专业课程,是教学改革的一次尝试, 在实践过程中肯定会遇到各种各样的问题,但根据学生的反馈,这种尝试还是利大于弊的。因此,在本科院校特别是地方性本科院校具有相关专业外教资源的条件下,开展专业课全英文课堂教学的实践具有较好的可行性和积极意义。我们根据自身实践进行了全英文课堂教学模式的构建。包括前期准备、课前环节、课间环节、课后环节等几个部分,如图1。

前期准备主要包括以下几个方面: 1课程选择: 在全英文教学尝试阶段,由于师生双方均有一个适应与磨合过程,因此开设一门专业选修课为佳; 2开课学期: 在学生有更多英语能力以及相关专业知识积累后为宜( 如第三学年) ; 3教学计划制定: 教学内容( 章节) 需灵活,可增删; 4学生助教: 学期初确定2 ~ 4名助教协助外教工作。


传媒专业毕业生英文信 第4篇

Dear Admissions Committee:

I am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend one of my capable students at the ABC University, Mr. XXX, to your university‘s master degree program in computer science for entering class fall XXXX. Through my extensive observation of him in both academic and extracurricular fields, I have come to the conclusion that Mr. XXX possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. XXX when he was under my instruction in the course of Electrical Engineering during the academic year of XXXX. While attending this requirement course, Mr. XXX has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework. His academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10 the class. Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, Mr. XXX has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and textbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject. I am of the opinion that my class has provided Mr. XXX with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis, which is valuable to his academic pursuit in computer science.

An open-minded individual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas, Mr. XXX, often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies. I was pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field. His diligence and commitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me. I have, without any doubt, come to consider him to be a highly promising student. With the intelligence and persistence that Mr. XXX has displayed, he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment and continue to perform outstandingly in your graduate school.

In general, I consider Mr. XXX a highly promising applicant to the master degree program in his proposed field. I have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuits. I give him my highest recommendation.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Should you wish to discuss anything pertaining to his application, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards

应届生英文自荐信 第5篇

Ms. yang:

I was referred to you by mr. zhang, a partner with your beijing office, who informed me that the shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your auditor program.

I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an auditor last year with the beijing office of cccc. i will be receiving my mba this may from tsinghua university. i am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. i understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. my background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive auditor upon completion of your development program.

I will be in the shanghai area the week of april 6. please call me at 3600 2 690 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. i look forward to meeting you then.


医学生英文自荐信 第6篇

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to start my cover letter, I was a series of Guiyang Medical College, in clinical medicine (in the direction of Integrative Medicine) final year students.

After six years of university study north, south to medical school, With strict professional attitude of humility, the spirit of benevolence doctors professional ethics, to be with a teachers guidance, I believe I can go to outstanding clinicians and acupuncturists direction .

Heard so much about your hospital is the professional medical standards, skilled treatment techniques, quality service attitude to social recognition. Your hospital keep the entrepreneurial spirit, comfortable and harmonious working environment, teachers and teaching methods, the pursuit of doctors who benevolence of the concept makes me very professional admiration. Want to be the embodiment of one of them, the platform for a common philosophy and firm to complete their chosen career.

My academic performance are in the upper reaches. Western medicine more than the range of learning English, can accommodate complicated, break the routine, but creative. I examination capability may not be superior, but music in scholarship, and constantly self-charging.

School nearly six set, the initial conditions into the clinicians basic quality. While in practice, combined with clinical, self-study Auricular acupuncture therapy to the number of patients during treatment, and achieved a certain effect, received more profound study of the bodys career in medicine doctor benevolence way.

Monsanto Hospital of Guangxi during his medical clinic with the teacher trainee, preliminary master of acupuncture techniques in the treatment of patients up to 200 people, familiar with common medical and acupuncture, to broaden the thinking; in western Guangxi University Affiliated Ruikang hospital internship, master of the clinical basic skills and diagnosis and treatment of common diseases, and understand the thinking of clinical syndrome differentiation and communication skills with patients; In addition, in Lucky and China, the Chinese game centers and other large companies planning cooperative projects, so I create a more systematic and comprehensive way of thinking and and social, interpersonal, communication a certain ability to the company; to Beijing to study the experience of well-known colleges and universities to enrich the reading, and learned to take it lightly in the face of setbacks capacity. I believe these make the work can be multi-faceted thinking, flexible, coordinated approach teamwork and interpersonal relations.

Today, the health care system, physician-patient relationship in the continuous improvement in the period there will be complex and diverse temporary, doctors face not only the treatment of diseases, as well as a range of issues, so responsible, thinking, jumping, insight, patience and strong adaptability, I, acupuncture, medical psychology, environmental, and planning editorial photography, yoga is my specialty. Practice of doctors who have been hoping to line benevolence concept in the medical profession as a physician-patient multi-seeking related to each other needs. Sincerely hope that under your leadership for this worthy cause aggressive.

Finally, please accept my most sincere gratitude, I wish success in your work!



Zijian: Wang xx

大学应届生英文自荐信 第7篇

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks.

传媒专业生英文推荐信 第8篇


英国传媒新闻专业开设很细,从纸媒类(Printing journalism),广播电视类新闻(Broadcast journalism)到网络新闻(Web journalism)均有涉及。卡迪夫大学的新闻学分的很细,在纸媒、电视媒体、网络媒体的基础上还增加了纪录片方向。选择卡迪夫大学的国际新闻课程,在入学后的第三个礼拜,就会进行专业方向的选择。

除了按照新闻性质划分专业,还有些学校根据新闻内容来划分。比如伦敦城市大学和斯特林大学开设了财经新闻(Financial Journalism),布莱顿大学开设了食品新闻(Food Journalism),南安普顿索伦特大学开设了体育新闻(Sports Journalism)和音乐新闻(Music Journalism),可以说是十分的专而精了,这样的专业十分适合非新闻专业背景的小伙伴。

传播类以传播学为主要研究内容。传播学同样是一门较新的学科,是社会学、心理学、新闻学等学科融合的产物。比较正统的传播学研究有莱斯特大学的大众传播(Mass Communication),利兹大学的国际传播(International Communication),谢菲尔德大学的国际政治传播(International Political Communication)。


从实用角度讲,传播学还可细分为公关和广告两大类。具体开设这些专业的学校有威斯敏斯特大学的公关专业(Public Relations),卡迪夫大学的国际传播和全球公关(International Communication and Global Public Relations)和纽卡斯尔大学(Media and Public Relations)。

开设广告专业的学校就更多了,莱斯特大学,萨塞克斯大学,金史密斯学院等学校都有这类课程。传播学其实和市场营销专业也很近,比如利物浦大学开设了市场营销和传播课程(Marketing and Communication),只不过大部分市场营销课程都是开设在商学院下面的。

媒体类则是以媒体本身为研究对象,研究媒体发展历史,媒体产业现状,媒介形态演变等。这一类的专业理论性较强,例如拉夫堡大学的全球媒体产业(Global media industries),利兹大学的媒体产业(Media Industries),埃克塞特大学的(European Media Studies)。一些学校将媒体和管理结合起来,开设了媒体管理专业,比如威斯敏斯特大学和卡迪夫大学的Media Management专业,不过需要注意的是,这两个学校的媒体管理专业都是以MBA的形式开设的,入读前最好有一定的工作经验。另外,伦敦国王学院开设了数字资产与媒体管理(Digital


assets and Media Management),南安普顿大学开设了(Global Media Management)。


此外,一些学校也开设了电影制作专业,这类专业更加实践,学生毕业后也更容易就业,比如布里斯托大学的 Film and Television Production,金斯顿大学的Filmmaking等。



Cardiff University卡迪夫大学


The University of Sheffield谢菲尔德大学

谢菲尔德是工程名校,但新闻专业也很好,这点从学校自办的电视台就可以看出来。学校的新闻专业大都是理论结合实践型的,录取标准较为严苛,尤其以雅思要求高著名。近两年开设的Global Journalism虽然被吐槽中国人太多,但课程设置还是不错的,七分理论,三分实践。

Goldsmiths, University of London伦敦大学金史密斯学院


University of Westminster威斯特敏斯特大学





拉夫堡和莱斯特是一直有争议的两所学校,两个学校的传媒近几年被国内中介推的很厉害。客观的讲,拉夫堡的优势在于体育和工程,商科还行,不过负责教授Media and Cultural Industries的Professor Graham Murdock默多克确实是很牛。

莱斯特的强项在于传播学,其Mass Communication这几年中国人非常多,不过教授可一点都不水,近两年录取标准也不低,非211基本要85+,真的对传播学有兴趣的同学可以申请,他家新媒体和公关也都不错。






The University of Edinburgh爱丁堡大学

爱大也有类似的专业,digital media design等更偏艺术设计,网站设计等。



University of Warwick华威大学

传媒相关的专业大都和产业结合的比较紧密,有些传媒专业比较侧重媒体经营以及媒体与商业之间的联系,偏商科。录取标准极高,甚至会高于 LSE

University of St Andrews圣安德鲁斯大学

传媒专业自荐信 第9篇








医学生英文自我介绍(小编推荐) 第10篇

Good morning, this is my honor to this opportunity for the interview, my name is RenZhongyao, I am 21 years old andwill be graduated from HuBei University in this July.my major is Electronic Information Engineering.Frankly speaking,I am a hard-working student, and like study intensively.When I was afreshman, I was concentrated on basic courses.during the nexttwo years, I spent more time on speciality.and in that time I realized that theability not only means my achievement on speciality , but also improve inlogic thinking , quickly learning ,discovering and resolving problem,moreover , I pay much attention to earn more social experience, Iwas once a sales in China Stacom in summer in 2005, meanwhile,I got a winning prize for Technology competition of LanDian Cup.I like challengi ng difficulties in my major as well as in my life, just so, I was deeply attractedby this vocation.if I could be given the chance to study here , I will make full use ofmy postgraduate period to improve myself.its history, its humanities and its academic atmosphere in Southwest JiaoTong University impress me very much, I will try my best to study here.Thank you for your listening.
