


o开头的英语短语 第1篇

offer sth. to sb. 提供……给某人

0offer to do 提出要做……

Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会

on (the) television 从电视上

on arrival 一到那里

on average平均

on condition that 以……为条件

On doing……,…… 一……就……(后接从句)

on earth ①在地球上 ②究竟

on ones arrival 在某人抵达的路上

on ones feet 走路

0on ones own 自己靠自己

on ones way to sp. 在某人去……的路上

on purpose 故意的特意的'

on sale 正在出售

on the (west) coast of some country 在某国(西)海岸

on the contrary 相反

on the earth 在地球上

on the edge of 在……的边缘

on the left 在左边

on the other side 另一边

on the radio 从收音机里

on the right 在右边

on the sands 在沙滩上

on the two sides 两边

on the whole 整体上

on time 准时按时

o开头的英语短语 第2篇

organic    a.有机体的;器官的

organisation    n. 组织,安排,团体,有机休

organise    n. 组织,安排,筹办

organism    n.生物体;有机体

organist    n. 风琴弹奏者

organization    n.组织;团体,机构

organizational    adj. 组织的

organize    vt.组织,编组

organizer    n.组织者,创办人

orgy    n.狂欢,酒宴

oriel    n.『建筑』凸窗

orient    n.东方;亚洲,远东

oriental    a.东方的;东方国家的

orientate    vt.定...位;给...定位

orientation    n.向东;定位;方向

oriented    a. 有向的,定向的

“似是而非”的英语短语 第3篇


black art魔术 (不是“黑色艺术”)

blue jacket水手;水兵 (不是“蓝色夹克”)

brown study空想 (不是“棕色的研究”)

golden opinions极高的评价 (不是“金色观点”)

grey hairs老人 (不是“灰白的头发”)

grey sister修女 (不是“灰色的妹妹”)

green horn没有经验的人 (不是“绿色触角”)

red light危险信号 (不是“红色灯光”)

red meat牛肉;羊肉 (不是“红肉”)

silver tongue说话流利 (不是“银色的舌头”)

white feather懦夫 (不是“白色羽毛”)


bell the cat舍己为人 (不是“给猫挂铃”)

cry wolf虚张声势 (不是“对狼大叫”)

dog days三伏天 (不是“狗天”)

dog ear书的折角 (不是“狗耳朵”)

eat crow被迫认输 (不是“吃乌鸦”)

goose flesh起鸡皮疙瘩 (不是“鹅肉”)

horse sense常识 (不是“马的意识”)

white elephant沉重的负担 (不是“白象”)

rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨 (不是“下猫狗雨”)

源自莎翁的现代英语短语 第4篇

William Shakespeare gave the world many gifts in his writing, and some of them have stuck1) over the centuries. Many expressions in the English language trace their first appearance in the works of Shakespeare, but people tend to think of his writing as very "fancy" and don't associate everyday words with classic English.

Have a look. You just might be surprised to see that you quote Shakespeare every day without even knowing it!



In a pickle2)

The term, meaning to be in a difficult position, was coined3) by Shakespeare in The Tempest, 1610. The earliest pickles were spicy sauces made to accompany meat dishes. Later, in the 16th century, the name pickle was also given to a mixture of spiced, salted vinegar that was used as a preservative4). The "in trouble" meaning of "in a pickle" was an allusion5) to being as disoriented6) and mixed up7) as the stewed vegetables that made up pickles.

Short shrift8)

In the play Richard III, 1594, the expression was used in its original form, which described the small space of time between condemnation9) and execution. A shrift is a penance10) imposed by a priest in a confession in order to provide absolution11), often when the confessor was near to death. In the 17th century, criminals were sent to the scaffold12) immediately after sentencing and only had time for a "short shrift" before being hanged. Today the term is still in use, but meaning more to make short work of13)—to give little consideration to.

Salad days

This expression was first used by Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra in 1606, speaking of her salad days when she was green14) in judgment.

The phrase "salad days" lay dormant15) for two hundred years or more but became used widely in the 19th century. For example, this citation from the Oregon newspaper The Morning Oregonian, June 1862: "What fools men are in their salad days!" It is commonly used today to speak of someone who is young and inexperienced.

Green-eyed monster

Emotions have often been matched with colour. Green is a colour associated with sickness, possibly because people's skin takes on a slightly green tinge16) when they are seriously ill. The phrase was used by, and possibly coined by, Shakespeare to denote17) jealousy in The Merchant of Venice, 1596. Jealousy was the green-eyed monster 400 years ago when Iago warned of it in Othello. It is still quite common in modern times to hear this phrase used in common conversation to describe the force of jealousy.

The naked truth

This expression was first heard in Love's Labors Lost, when Don Adriano de Armado used the play on words to reveal that he was not wearing a shirt under his clothes.

Another theory of the origin of this expression comes from a fable in which Truth and Falsehood18) went bathing. Falsehood then dressed in Truth's clothes, and Truth, refusing to take another's clothes, went naked.







这个表达出自《安东尼与克娄巴特拉》(1606年)中的克娄巴特拉之口,她把自己判断力尚不成熟的时期称为salad days。

短语salad days在沉睡了两百年或更久之后,却在19世纪开始广为使用。例如美国俄勒冈州的一家报纸《俄勒冈早报》在1862年6月期上有一则引述:“男人在阅历尚浅的青少年时期可真是傻瓜!”现在该短语常用来形容某人年少无知、缺乏经验。






1.stick [stɪk] vi. 停留,留下;长久保留

2.pickle [ˈpɪkl] n. <美> [常作~s] 腌渍食品;腌菜,泡菜(尤指酸黄瓜)

3.coin [kɔɪn] vt. 创造,杜撰(新字等)

4.preservative [prɪˈzɜːvətɪv] n. 防腐剂;保护剂

5.allusion [əˈluːʒn] n. 暗指,影射

6.disoriented [dɪsˈɔːrientɪd] adj. 迷失方向的;不知所措的

7.mix up: 使弄不清,把……弄糊涂

8.shrift [ʃrɪft] n. (司铎给予赎罪者的)解罪

9.condemnation [ˌkɒndemˈneɪʃn] n. 定罪,宣告有罪

10.penance [ˈpenəns] n. (基督教) (表示悔罪或为得到赦罪的)苦修(包括祈祷、斋戒等);(天主教) (东正教) (为得到赦罪的)补赎(一种包括悔罪、告解、自新等的圣事)

11.absolution [ˌæbsəˈluːʃn] n. 【宗】(教会神职人员所宣告的)赦罪

12.scaffold [ˈskæfəʊld] n. 断头台;绞刑台

13.make short work of: <口> 迅速干掉;迅速解决

14.green [ɡriːn] adj. 不成熟的,幼稚的

15.dormant [ˈdɔːmənt] adj. 【生】休眠的;蛰伏的,冬眠的

16.tinge [tɪndʒ] n. (清淡的)色调,色彩;些许味道(或气息)

17.denote [dɪˈnəʊt] vt. 表示,是……的标志

18.falsehood [ˈfɔːlshʊd] n. 谎言;谬误(尤指信仰、学说等)

商务英语以O开头的常见词语 第5篇

occupation/position 职业/职位

odd pricing 奇/余数定价法

OEM (original equipment manufacturer) 原始设备制造商

oeverall quality 总体质量

opportunity cost 机会成本

opportunity identification 机会识别

opportunity/threat matrix 机会/威胁矩阵

order cycle time 订货周期

order processing 订单处理

object-and-task method of promotion budgeting 目标-任务促销预算法

objectives and strategy area audit 目标与战略领域的审计

objectives 具体目标

observation 观察法

occupancy costs 房屋占用成本

organzational structure 组织结构

outdoor enthusiasts 户外运动爱好者

out-of-home media 户外广告媒体

overall cost leadership 全面成本领先

overheads 日常开支

overseas direct investment 海外直接投资

ownership of new product 新产品所有权

off-invoice discounts 发票之外的折扣

offsets 抵消交易

Omega 欧米加

on-air testing 广播测试

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 欧佩克(石油输出国组织)

opening relationships 建立关系

operating supplies 生产供应品

operational excellence 运作管理水平

opinion leaders 意见领导者

organisational level 组织层次

organizaitonal requirement planning 组织需求计划

organization area audit 组织领域的审计

organization buying center 组织采购中心

organizational customer 组织顾客

organizational direct selling 组织直销

organizational markets 组织市场

to开头的英语短语 第6篇


He hopped to and fro between London and Paris for the business.


Your thoughts cannot be tossed to and fro like the waves of the sea.

e字母开头的英语短语 第7篇

7 ear n.耳朵;听力,听觉

8 earl n. 伯爵

9 earldom n. 伯爵的身分

10 early adv.早

11 earmark n. 耳上记号,特征,记号,标记

12 earn vt.赚得,挣得;获得

13 earner n.获得收入者

14 earnest a.认真的,诚恳的

英语并列结构中动词短语的省略 第8篇



省略是一个语法分析术语,指一个句子出于经济、强调或风格的原因省去结构的一部分,省去的部分在仔细考察语境后可以恢复。使用“省略”结构是英语日常会话和书面用语的一个重要特征,但支配这类结构使用的规则还缺乏深入的研究。对省略产生的条件,语言学界存在两种研究方法:一种是解释方法(interpretive approach),认为省略的部分在句法表层结构以空成分呈现,而又在深层结构通过复写给出释义;另一种是删除方法(deletion approach),这种方法认为省略的部分先作为一个完整语类产生,然后删除与先行语相同的部分。上述两种方法虽然研究着眼点不同,但都是从句法限制分析省略存在的合法性的。不论使用何种方法探寻其存在的允准条件,通过对英语中的各种省略现象的对比得出省略都具有两种基本属性:(一)省略是一个句法成分;(二)删除部分的先行语管辖着省略(Fiengo&May, 1990)。语言学者们是试图对动词短语省略的研究建立一个完善的“允准”理论体系,所谓“允准”在这里指动词短语省略的局部条件。然而,由于多种因素的限制,句法省略理论都不能完全适应英语中各种省略现象。





在由and, or或but连接的并列分句中如有相同的主语,可以省略,使语言结构更简练。[1]如:

1.She went to the supermarket and (she) bought some food.她去了超市, 买了点食物。

2.You can do the housework by yourself or (you) can ask your sister for help.你可以自己做家务或者叫你的妹妹来帮忙。

3.She cut her knee badly, but (she) didn’t cry.她弄伤了膝盖, 但是并没有哭。[2]


4.*He asked to be transferred, because he was unhappy and because saw no prospect of promotion.[3]

例4是由because引导的复合从句并列句, 其中第二个because后的主语虽与前一主语相同, 但不能省略;倘若把它省去, 那后一相同的主语he就可以省略。因此, 正确的句子形式应是“He asked to be transferred, because he was unhappy and saw no prospect of promotion.他请求调动工作, 因为他感到不愉快, 又看不到提升的希望。”。



5.Alice will go shopping today and May will (go shopping today) .

6.Lisa will dance in the party but Jane won’t (dance in the party) .

7.Steam may be changed into water and water (may be changed) into ice.[4]

8.The boy was given a big apple and the girl (was given) a little one.




9.Jack is watching TV and his mom (is) preparing the supper.杰克正看电视, 他的妈妈在准备晚餐。

10.Susan will have graduated from the university by the end of next year and Jessie (will have) given a birth to a baby then.明年年底时, 苏珊将已从大学毕业了, 而杰西那时已生孩子了。

例9和例10使用时,分别省略了助动词is和will have.常见的省去的实义动词如:

11.John played football and Bob (played) basketball.

12.Many girl students like romantic movies but boy students (like) action movies.

13.The son works in a company and the father (works) in a school.


并列结构中动词短语的省略都具有一个表层特征即句子结构内部某些成分不显现而被省略。有的是整个动词短语成分都被省略掉,如例14a,并列从句中love rice没有出现,很显然,此句的完整意义是I love rice, and my son loves rice too.同样,stay up late在例14b中被省略。有的则是仅仅省略一个动词,如空缺结构(gapping structure),如例15, went在并列小句中“缺位”。还有的是另外一种的伪空缺结构(pseudogapping strucuture)中的动词也被省略,像例16仅仅省略掉excuse,而没省略her mother。

14.a.I love rice, and my son does too.

b.Lori often stays up late, but his wife doesn’t.

15.The boy went to the park, and the girl to the zoo.

16.Ann did not excuse his father, but she will her mother.[6]


对于动词短语省略存在的条件,学者们普遍地认为可以用删除方法(deletion approach)来阐释,即省略部分是未删除部分的句法再现。这一方法主要着眼于句法省略,要求省略的动词短语完全等同于先行语,这样省略才可以发生。与删除方法相对应的另一则研究方法是语义限制,也叫语义同一条件(semantic identity condition),要求允准动词短语省略的条件与管辖省略的代词的语义条件相同。

17.Max went to the store, and Oscar did ( ) , too.

18.Max saw his mother, and Oscar did ( ) , too.

19.Max said he saw his mother, and Oscar did ( ) , too.

20.Tom saw him yesterday, and Mary did ( ) , too.

我们不难理解上述例17中省略的内容是“went to the store”,这一省略能够被句法省略—删除方法允许,删除了跟其先行语句法结构及意义完全相同的部分。而对于例18来说,省略的内容就会有两种解释:一种是“saw Max’s mother”,另一种是“saw Oscar’s mother”。句法省略能够完全允准第一种省略存在,而对第二种却是无效的,因为正像以上所阐述的,句法省略要求删除的部分无论在句法结构上还是意义上都完全等同于允许其存在的先行语。同样的情况也会发生在例19、例20两句,类似这样的句子就有可能存在两种甚至两种以上的解释,完全从句法省略解释其存在的合法性是说不通的。

鉴于以上的情况,要求从句法和语义两方面着手研究这类结构存在的允准条件。例如18句的两种释法分别可以用严格意义(strict reading)和松散意义(slopping reading)理解,分别为:“Max saw Max’s mother, and Oscar saw Max’s mother, too.”及“Max saw Max’s mother, and Oscar saw Oscar’s mother, too.”但是如用这种方法来检测例19句,就会有多种理解,给读者阅读带来障碍。


由于句法省略不能完全允准并列结构动词短语省略,语言学者继而提出省略的动词短语实质上是一种代形式(proform),继承了Hardt提出的代动词理论(proverb theory)。此观点通常被视为允准动词短语省略的语义限制,又称之为语义同一条件(semantic identity condition),它允许了动词短语省略的存在。

省略句中,允准动词短语省略的条件与管辖省略的代词的条件相同。允准代词省略的基本条件是代词语义上要与其先行词保持同一,这表明了省略的代词与其先行词所指代个体相同,省略的动词短语同样也与其先行语具有相同的属性。一个动词短语的意义通常储存在一定的语篇模式中。又进一步推论出一个动词短语是一个非限定词(indefinite),省略的动词短语是一个限定词(definite)。那么,一个动词短语首先在语篇模式中储存着一定的动态属性(dynamic property),省略的动词短语再从中抽取、选择这一属性。




[1]黄关福.英语中的省略[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1983:77.

[2]牛津高阶英汉双解词典[M].北京:商务印书馆, 2002:185.

[3]黄关福.英语中的省略[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1983:78.

[4]陈运玲.试析英语中的并列结构[J].河东学刊, 1998, (4) :55.

[5]章振邦.新编英语语法[M].上海:上海译文出版社, 1983:651.

“似是而非”的英语短语 第9篇


black art 魔术(不是“黑色艺术”)

blue jacket 水手;水兵(不是“蓝色夹克”)

brown study 空想(不是“棕色的研究”)

golden opinions 极高的评价(不是“金色觀点”)

grey hairs 老人(不是“灰白的头发”)

grey sister 修女(不是“灰色的妹妹”)

green horn 没有经验的人(不是“绿色触角”)

red light 危险信号(不是“红色灯光”)

red meat 牛肉;羊肉(不是“红肉”)

silver tongue 说话流利(不是“银色的舌头”)

white feather 懦夫(不是“白色羽毛”)


bell the cat 舍己为人(不是“给猫挂铃”)

cry wolf 虚张声势(不是“对狼大叫”)

dog days 三伏天(不是“狗天”)

dog ear 书的折角(不是“狗耳朵”)

eat crow 被迫认输(不是“吃乌鸦”)

goose flesh 起鸡皮疙瘩(不是“鹅肉”)

horse sense 常识(不是“马的意识”)

white elephant 沉重的负担(不是“白象”)

rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨(不是“下猫狗雨”)

以e开头的英语短语初中 第10篇

You can contact us by e-mail.


Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E.


Do you want to send an E-mail?

o开头的英语短语 第11篇

1)This paper(article/thesis)presents(shows/expresses)…


2)This paper(article)discusses(studies, concerns, deals with, tells of)… 本文讨论(研究)。。

3)This paper(article)introduces(reports, explains, analyses, emphasizes, summarizes)… 本文介绍(报告、解释、分析、强调、总结)。。

4)This paper(article)argues(demonstrates)…

本文论述(论证)。。5)This paper(article)explores(probes into)…


6)This paper(article)elaborates on(expounds)…

本文详述(阐明)。。7)This paper includes(covers, touches on)…


8)This paper aims to(aims at)… 本文旨在。。9)This paper focuses on… 本文集中研究。。

10)This paper tries(attempts)to(makes an attempt to)…


11)This paper makes a comparison of(makes a tentative study, makes a brief introduction to)… 本文对。。作了比较(作了尝试性研究,作了简介)12)This paper offers(gives)a discussion of(an overview of , an analysis of)…


13)This paper develops the theory of …


14)This paper considers(deems)in necessary(available)to …

本文认为。。是必要的(有用的)。15)This paper is about(related to)…


16)This paper is a criticism of the theory of…


17)This paper is presented as a counterargument of the paper by…


18)This paper, on the basis of…reveals(illustrates)…

本文在。。基础上揭示(例证)。。19)Based on … this paper first categorizes…and then tentatively sets out…

本文以。。为出发点,先对。。进行分类,然后提出。。20)Centering round… this paper is intended to explore(probe into)…


21)The purpose(objective)of this paper is to review


22)The author(writer)of this paper holds(considers, deems, contends)…


23)The author(writer)tries to give an account of …


24)In this paper, the author(writer)suggests(proposes)...作者在这篇文章里建议。。25)In this paper, we point out(emphasize, argue)…

在这篇文章里,我们指出(强调)。。26)It is pointed out(deemed)…


27)An analysis is given about… 本文集中分析。。28)In light of … theory, discussion is made about…

o开头的单词名词 第12篇


The blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water.


Mustering all her strength, Nancy pulled hard on both oars.


The boatmen accompany the stroke of their oars with the sound of their voices.


This boat pulls [ rows] six oars.

高考英语动词短语高频考点点击 第13篇

动词短语表达效果好, 使用频率高, 考查可能性大, 是短语中最为走俏的一类, 其热点考查内容如下:


考点说明:以同一动词为来源的各个动词短语是短语考查最多的一类, 命题时常将以特定动词为来源的几个重要短语设置为各个备选项, 意义容易混淆的常常被优先考虑。解题时既要弄清备选项各个短语的意义, 又要认真分析语境逻辑弄清空档的实际需要。

例1:The exam results will be on Friday afternoon. (2011年辽宁卷)

A. put down B. put off

C. put up D. put away

解析:C 由常识可知, 考试结果最终是要公布的, 因此该空应填put up。

例2:—You look upset. What's the matter?

—I had my proposal again. (2011年江苏卷)

A. turned over B. turned on

C. turned off D. turned down

解析:D 由look upset可以推出空档表示“被拒绝”, 因此应填turned down。

例3:Some insects the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. (2011年陕西卷)

A. take in B. take off

C. take on D. take out

解析:C 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“呈现”, 因此应填take on。

例4:You can't predict everything. Often things don't as you expect. (2011年江西卷)

A. run out B. break out

C. work out D. put out

解析:C 由can't predict和as you expect之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“取得结果”, 因此应填work out。

例5:My mother opened the drawer to the knives and spoons. (2010年全国卷Ⅱ)

A. put away B. put up

C. put on D. put together

解析:A 由opened the drawer和the knives and spoons之间的逻辑关系可以推出该空表示“将……暂时收起来”, 因此应填put away。

例6:Thousands of people to watch yesterday's match against Ireland. (2010年辽宁卷)

A. turned on B. turned in

C. turned around D. turned out

解析:D 数千人观看昨天对爱尔兰的比赛是结果证明的, 因此该空应填turned out。

例7:After that, he knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. (2010年浙江卷)

A. get away with B. get on with

C. get through D. get across

解析:C 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出该空表示“通过”, 因此应填get through。

备考提示:同学们应熟悉活跃动词所构成的短语, 并将其分类汇总, 以便反复接触, 不断巩固。请看高中阶段最为活跃的同源动词短语一览表 (由三个单词构成的短语归入四中的表格) :


不同的动词可以和同一介词或副词构成短语来表达不同的含义, 高考非常重视对这样的短语进行考查, 考查的重点是以热点介词和副词为来源的动词短语。

例1:Parents much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. (2010年江西卷)

A. attach B. pay

C. link D. apply

解析:A 由语境逻辑可以推出空档表示“将……附在”, 因此应用attach…to短语。

例2:—How did you like Nick's performance last night?

—To be honest, his singing didn't to me much. (2010年安徽卷)

A. appeal B. belong

C. refer D. occur

解析:A 由To be honest可以推出空档表示“取悦于”, 因此应用appeal to短语。

例3:Sam some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. (2010年山东卷)

A. brought up B. looked up

C. picked up D. set up

解析:C 由just by watching others working on it可以推出空档表示“无意中学会”, 因此应填picked up。

例4:The experiment has the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets. (2010年江苏卷)

A. found out B. pointed out

C. ruled out D. carried out

解析:C 由but it does not mean there is no life on other planets可以推出空档表示“排除”, 因此应填ruled out。

例5:— How about your journey to Mount Emei?

— Everything was wonderful except that our car twice on the way. (2009年四川卷)

A. slowed down B. broke down

C. got down D. put down

解析:B 由except that的转折性逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“坏了”, 因此应填broke down。

值得注意的是, 褒贬性质相同的同源介词、副词短语混淆度更高, 解题时不能轻易作答, 应认真回忆每个动词的恰切含义, 结合语境的实际需要作答。

例1:—Sorry, I have to now. It's time for class.

—OK, I'll call back later. (2009年天津卷)

A. hang up B. break up

C. give up D. hold up

解析:A 四个备选项均为以up为来源的动词短语, 且均含贬义色彩, 混淆度较高。由It's time for class. OK, I'll call back later.可以推出空档表示“挂断”, 因此应填hang up。

例2:—I' m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have .

—So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. (2009年江苏卷)

A. broken up B. finished up

C. divided up D. closed up

解析:A 四个备选项均为以up为来源的动词短语, 且均含贬义色彩, 有较高的混淆度。由They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.可以推出空档表示“分手”, 因此应填broken up。

备考提示:同学们应经常复习同源介词、副词动词短语, 熟记它们的意义和用法, 以提高解题正确率。请看下面的热点同源介词、副词动词短语一览表 (不包括与表一重复的动词短语) :

(注意:三个词的动词短语归入四中的表格, 词形相似的动词短语归入三中的表格。)


一些动词短语词形相像, 让人眼花缭乱, 难以区分, 高考试题经常对此设题考查考生的鉴别能力。解题时应仔细辨认, 不能急于求成。

例1:Thousands of foreigners were to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened. (2010年江苏卷)

A. attended B. attained

C. attracted D. attached

解析:C 四个备选项所给予的动词词形相似, 考生可能将其意义张冠李戴。根据语境逻辑空档表示“被吸引”, 因此应填attracted, 构成attract…to…短语。

例2:The good thing about children is that they very easily to new environments. (2009年浙江卷)

A. adapt B. appeal

C. attach D. apply

解析:A 备选项所提供的四个动词词形相似, 容易混淆。根据空档前后的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“适应”, 因此应用adapt。

备考提示:词形相像的动词短语不是很多, 但同学们也应加以重视。这样的动词短语常见的有:


长动词短语多由三个单词构成, 因词数多、构词巧而备受高考命题者的重视。

例1:I can the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean. (2011年新课标全国卷)

A. come up with B. put up with

C. turn to D. stick to

解析:B 由but的转折性逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“忍受”, 因此应填put up with。

例2:The school isn't the one I really wanted to go to, but I suppose I'll just have to it. (2011年浙江卷)

A. make the best of B. get away from

C. keep an eye on D. catch up with

解析:A 由but的转折性逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“利用”, 因此应填make the best of。

例3:No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone you wishing they were that high. (2010年安徽卷)

A. getting rid of B. getting along with

C. looking up to D. looking down upon

解析:C 由wishing they were that high可以推出空档表示“尊敬”, 因此应填looking up to。

例4:We've just moved into a bigger house and there's a lot to do. Let's it. (2010年福建卷)

A. keep up with B. do away with

C. get down to D. look forward to

解析:C 由前一句可以推出空档表示“着手干”, 因此应填get down to。

例5:Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just sweet dreams. (2010年江西卷)

A. keep up with B. put up with

C. end up with D. catch up with

解析:C 空档表示“以……为结束”, 因此应填end up with。

备考提示:长动词短语不是太多, 但个个都很重要, 都有可能成为高考考点, 因此同学们应特别加以重视。常见的长动词短语有:


1. It has already cleared up, so you had better your umbrella for the moment.

A. put off B. put away

C. put out D. put down

2. Stop talking, Mary. I'm sure that you are a story once again.

A. making out B. making up

C. making for D. making it

3. I still remember during that war our soldiers many hardships.

A. went by B. went over

C. went on D. went through

4. Don't feel discouraged any longer; you should your happy atmosphere.

A. keep out B. keep off

C. keep up D. keep away

5. Yesterday evening I phoned you quite a few times, but I didn't .

A. get through B. get over

C. get across D. get off

6. Being very busy, the young man and his girl friend their wedding quite a few times.

A. put out B. put down

C. put off D. put away

7.—Do you know how the terrible fire at that time?

—A smoking cigarette started it.

A. came out B. came up

C. came about D. came down

8. If you don't the price of the computers, I can't afford to buy one.

A. cut in B. cut down

C. cut off D. cut out

9. Why are you late for work today? Did your car on the half way once again?

A. break out B. break in

C. break through D. break down

10. I had thought that the girl couldn't help me at all, but she to be my good assistant.

A. turned up B. turned off

C. turned over D. turned out

11. This young man isn't good at expressing himself and can't what he says easily.

A. get across B. get over

C. get off D. get through

12. The news is still a secret, so nobody can it at present.

A. give; up B. give; out

C. give; off D. give; away

13. The young woman invited him to dance with her, but he her invitation.

A. turned off B. turned down

C. turned out D. turned over

14. When he listened to the radio, the familiar music his sweet childhood which was spent on a beautiful mountain village.

A. called on B. called off

C. called for D. called up

15.—I really don't know when you will settling this problem.

—In about half a week.

A. set out B. set off

C. set up D. set about

16. Just now, a terrible traffic accident happened, and a few policemen are it.

A. looking through B. looking up

C. looking round D. looking into

17. Tom, can I have a word with you now? I won't too much of your time.

A. take in B. take on

C. take up D. take over

18. As far as I know, girls half of the total number of the students in their class.

A. make out B. make up

C. make for D. make in

19. I have been told that after he retires, his son will his business.

A. take in B. take down

C. take over D. take up

20. All of a sudden, the bus was by a fallen tree on the street.

A. held back B. held on

C. held out D. held up

21. In the opinion of me, as long as you work really hard, your career is sure to .

A. take up B. take over

C. take off D. take in

22. This is a very difficult problem, so to work it out great care.

A. calls on B. calls for

C. calls off D. calls up

23. Since we began to live a low-carbon life, our hometown has a new look.

A. taken up B. taken in

C. taken off D. taken on

24. Seeing a coin lying on the ground, he it and laid it in his handbag.

A. picked; up B. brought; up

C. pulled; up D. hung; up

25. If you really don't know what these words mean, you can to a dictionary.

A. stick B. object

C. refer D. point

26. Your mother is seriously ill, so you must a doctor as soon as possible.

A. run for B. call for

C. send for D. ask for

27. I'm sure that this kind of work will much money on condition that you put your body and soul into it.

A. get in B. bring in

C. turn in D. hand in

28. At that time all his efforts were to his work, so he finally succeeded.

A. reduced B. devoted

C. referred D. applied

29. Don't you know that a good beginning a better result?

A. makes for B. goes for

C. leaves for D. runs for

30. I don't like this man because what he says doesn't with what he does.

A. go B. agree

C. do D. deal

31. When night came on, it was so dark outside that I couldn't out the way.

A. figure B. point

C. carry D. make

32. Having fallen on the ground and hurt his left knee, the player had to in the 500-meter race.

A. fall out B. drop out

C. leave out D. go out

33. It is well-known that all kinds of exercise can our bodies.

A. add up B. turn up

C. build up D. send up

34. A new street will soon be built here, so all the houses have to be .

A. pulled down B. taken down

C. put down D. turned down

35. This kind of work is really suitable for me, so I intend to it.

A. run for B. call for

C. go for D. apply for

36. Carrying out low-carbon economy is very beneficial in our country, so we should importance to it.

A. attract B. attain

C. attend D. attach

37. In my opinion, all the rules of our school to every student in each class.

A. apply B. appeal

C. adapt D. adjust

38. The Great Wall of China is really a good place of interest; I visiting it again.

A. look forward to B. look back to

C. date back to D. get down to

39. If you make a mistake again, we can't let you it.

A. get away with B. break away from

C. get away from D. do away with

40. This is really a good suggestion, but I don't know who it.

A. kept up with B. caught up with

C. came up with D. ended up with

41. I really hope that you can your promise in the future.

A. get down to B. look up to

C. look forward to D. live up to

42. It's getting very late, so let's our work at once.

A. get down to B. get along with

C. catch up with D. put up with

43. If it is possible, the old man will his own childhood.

A. look back to B. date back to

C. look forward to D. look up to

44. I hate this proud girl, because she often others.

A. gets down to B. looks down upon

C. puts up with D. gets away from

45. Mr. Smith is one of our best teachers and we him very much.

A. look up to B. look forward to

C. live up to D. date back to

46. He tried to harm others but harming himself.

A. ended up with B. put up with

C. came up with D. kept up with

47. This is a difficult social problem and I don't know how to it.

A. go with B. do with

C. deal with D. agree with

48. Write all the words and phrases on the blackboard and don't any word .

A. leave;out B. let;out

C. rule; out D. drop; out

49. As soldiers, we must our leaders' orders completely.

A. figure out B. bring out

C. rule out D. carry out

50. At the party, the actress's joke all the fans' laughter.

A. set aside B. set off

C. set up D. set out


1. B 由It has already cleared up可以推出空档表示“把……暂时收起来”, 因此应填put away。put off意为“推迟”;put out意为“扑灭”;put down意为“写下、记下, 镇压、平息”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

2. B 由Stop talking和you与a story之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“编造”, 因此应填making up。make out意为“辨认”;make for意为“有利于、有助于”;make it意为“做到、办成功”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

3. D 由宾语从句主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“经历”, 因此应填went through。go by意为“ (时间) 推移、流逝, 从旁经过”;go over意为“温习、复习”;go on意为“继续下去, (时间等) 过去, 发生、进行”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

4. C 由Don't feel discouraged和you should与your happy atmosphere之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“保持”, 因此应填keep up。keep out意为“把……挡在外面”;keep off意为“让开、不接近, 不让……接近”;keep away意为“站开, 使离开”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

5. A 由phoned you与but之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“接通电话”, 因此应填get through。get over意为“爬过 (墙等) , 克服 (困难) , 从 (病中) 康复”;get across意为“ (使) 通过, (使) 被理解, (把……) 讲清楚”;get off意为“下 (车、船、飞机、马等) ”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

6. C 由Being very busy可以推出空档表示“推迟”, 因此应填put off。

7. C 由A smoking cigarette started it.可以推出空档表示“发生”, 因此应填came about。come out意为“出来, 出版”;come up意为“ (问题等) 出现, 从土中长出, 上来, 走近”;come down意为“下来, 降下来”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

8. B 由I can't afford to buy one.可以推出空档表示“削减”, 因此应填cut down。cut in意为“插嘴, (突然) 插入, 超车抢道”;cut off意为“切掉, 切断、断绝、使隔绝”;cut out意为“切掉、割掉”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

9. D break down意为“车辆损坏”, 与语境逻辑吻合。break out意为“ (战争、火灾、争吵) 爆发”;break in意为“闯进”;break through意为“突破”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

10. D 由had thought (本以为) 与but之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“结果证明”, 因此应填turned out。turn up意为“出现, 露面”;turn off意为“关掉”;turn over意为“翻开”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

11. A 由isn't good at expressing himself可以推出空档表示“使被理解”, 因此应填get across。

12. D 由is still a secret可以推出空档表示“把……泄露出去”, 因此应用give…away短语。give up意为“放弃”;give out意为“放出、发出, 累倒、垮下来, 耗尽、用完, 发表”;give off意为“放出、发出”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

13. B 由but的转折性逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“拒绝”, 因此应填turned down。

14. D 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“使回忆起, 使想起”, 因此应填called up。call on意为“号召, 拜访”;call off意为“取消”;call for意为“叫某人同往某处, 要求”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

15. D 由when可以推出空档表示“开始, 着手”, 又因空档后面为动词-ing形式settling, 因此应填set about。set out虽有“着手”之意, 但后面只能接不定式作宾语, 因此A错误。set off意为“引爆, 出发”;set up意为“建立, 创立, 搭建, 张贴”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

16. D 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“调查”, 因此应填looking into。look through意为“透过……看, 看透、识破”;look up意为“查找”;look round意为“环顾”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

17. C 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“占据”, 因此应填take up。take in意为“吸收, 欺骗”;take on意为“呈现, 雇用”;take over意为“接管, 夺取”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

18. B 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“占据……份额”, 因此应填make up。

19. C 由after he retires可以推出空档表示“接管”, 因此应填take over。

20. D 由by a fallen tree on the street可以推出空档表示“阻挡, 使停顿”, 因此应填held up。hold back意为“阻止, 隐瞒, 抑制”;hold on意为“继续, 抓住……不放, 坚持, (打电话时) 不挂”;hold out意为“伸出, 坚持、不退让, 支持, 维持”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

21. C 由work really hard可以推出空档表示“腾飞”, 因此应填take off。

22. B 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“需要”, 因此应填calls for。

23. D 分析主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“呈现”, 因此应填taken on。

24. A 由lying on the ground可以推出空档表示“将 (……) 捡起”, 因此应用pick up短语。bring up意为“抚养, 抚育”;pull up意为“拔起 (树、草等) ”;hang up意为“把……挂起来, 挂断 (电话) ”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

25. C 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“参考”, 因此应用refer to短语。stick to意为“坚持”;object to意为“反对”;point to意为“指向”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

26. C 由seriously ill可以推出空档表示“派人去请”, 因此应填send for。run for意为“竞选”;call for意为“需要, 叫某人同往某处”;ask for意为“要求获得”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

27. B 分析主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“挣得”, 因此应填bring in。get in意为“收割”;turn in意为“上交”;hand in意为“上交”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

28. B 由all his efforts与his work之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“被用于”, 因此应填devoted。be reduced to意为“被沦为, 被减少到”;be referred to意为“被参考, 被提起, 被涉及”;be applied to意为“被用于”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

29. A 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“有利于”, 因此应填makes for。

30. B 分析主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“与……一致”, 因此应用agree with短语。go with意为“与……相配”;do with, deal with意为“对待, 处理”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

31. D 由so dark可以推出空档表示“辨认”, 因此应用make out短语。figure out意为“理解, 计算出”;point out意为“指出”;carry out意为“贯彻, 执行”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

32. B 由hurt his left knee可以推出空档表示“中途退出”, 因此应填drop out。fall out意为“掉落”;leave out意为“遗漏”;go out意为“熄灭”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

33. C 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“增强”, 因此应填build up。

34. A 由A new street will soon be built here可以推出空档表示“被拆除”, 因此应填pulled down。take down意为“拿下, 记下”;put down意为“镇压, 记下”;turn down意为“拒绝, 将音量调低”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

35. D 由really suitable可以推出空档表示“申请”, 因此应填apply for。

36. D attach importance to 意为“重视”, 与语境逻辑吻合。attract…to…意为“把……吸引到……”, 与语境逻辑不吻合;attain…to…与attend…to…均不存在。

37. A 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“适用于”, 因此应填apply to。appeal to意为“受……欢迎, 取悦于”;adapt to, adjust to意为“适应”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

38. A a good place of interest暗示空档表示“渴望”, 因此应填look forward to。look back to意为“回顾”;date back to意为“追溯到”;get down to意为“着手”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

39. A get away with意为“做坏事未被惩罚”, 符合语境逻辑。break away from意为“脱离 (政党) , 打破 (陈规) , 改掉 (习惯) , 奋力挣脱”;get away from意为“逃脱”;do away with意为“废除”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

40. C 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“提出”, 因此应填came up with。keep up with, catch up with意为“赶上”;end up with意为“以……告终”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

41. D live up to意为“遵照……, 不辜负……”, 符合语境逻辑。get down to意为“开始”;look up to意为“尊敬”;look forward to意为“向往”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

42. A 由It's getting very late可以推出该空表示“开始”, 因此应填get down to。get along with意为“与……相处, 在……取得进展”;catch up with意为“赶上”;put up with意为“忍受”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

43. A 分析主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“回顾”, 因此应填look back to。

44. B 由proud可以推出空档表示“瞧不起”, 因此应填looks down upon。

45. A one of our best teachers暗示空档表示“尊敬”, 因此应填look up to。

46. A 由but的转折性逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“以……告终”, 因此应填ended up with。

47. C 由a difficult social problem可以推出空档表示“对待”, 且与how形成搭配, 因此应填deal with。do with虽可表示“对待, 处理”, 但应与what形成搭配, 因此B错误。

48. A 由all可以推出空档表示“遗漏”, 因此应用leave out短语。let out意为“放出、发出, 泄露, 出租”;rule out意为“排除”;drop out意为“中途退出”, 均与语境逻辑不吻合。

49. D 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“执行”, 因此应填carry out。

50. B 分析主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出空档表示“引爆”, 因此应填set off。set aside意为“把……搁在一边, 不顾, 拨出”;set up意为“建立, 创立, 张贴, 搭起”;set out意为“出发, 开始”, 均不符合语境逻辑。

o开头的英语短语 第14篇



1. ——Its a good idea. But whos going to ____ the plan?

——I think Tom and Greg will.(2000北京春招)

A. set asideB. carry outC. take inD. get through

解析:B。carry out 执行,开展,实施;set aside把……置于一旁;take in接受,吸收;get through通过。

2. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it ____ very well.


A. worked outB. tried outC. went on D. carried on

解析:A。work out 此处为“成功,产生结果”,此外还有“算出,制定,锻炼”的意思;try out试验。

3. Can you make a sentence to ____ the meaning of the phrase?


A. show off B. turn offC. bring outD. take in

解析:C。bring out 使显出(特性),推出(新产品);show off炫耀;turn off关掉(水、电,气等);take in吸收,欺骗。

4. He accidentally ____ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks.(2004湖南)

A. let outB. took careC. make sureD. made out

解析:A。let out泄露。吐露出他与妻子吵架的情况。make out看出,理解。

5. ——____ for the glass!

——Its OK. Im wearing shoes.(2004湖南)

A. Look outB. Walk out C. Go outD. Set out

解析:A。look out小心。提醒对方小心玻璃。

6. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite ____ as planned.(2004浙江)

A. make out B. turn outC. go onD. come up

解析:B。turn out结果是,结果证明;make out看出;go on继续;come up提出。

7. Its ten years since the scientist ____ on his lifes work of discover-ing the valuable chemical.(2004江苏)

A. made forB. set outC. took offD. turned up


8. The forest guards often find campfires that have not been ____ completely.(2004全国III)

A. turned downB. put outC. put awayD. turned over

解析:B。put out熄灭;campfires是“篝火”的意思,所以用熄灭。turn down关小(音量等);put away放好,收起来;turn over打翻。

9. This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can ____ my father.(2005湖北)

A. find outB. pick outC. look outD. speak out

解析:B。pick out认出,挑选出;find out找出,查明;look out注意,当心;speak out大胆地说。

10. The dictionary is being printed and it will soon ____. (2005福建)

A. turn outB. come outC. start outD. go out

解析:B。come out出版,发行,出来;turn out证明是,结果;start out出发,动身;go out外出,(灯火)熄灭。

11. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ____? (2005山东)

A. given outB. put outC. held upD. used up

解析:A。give out用完,耗尽,分发;put out扑灭(火);hold up延误;use up用光;如果选择D,应用被动语态。

12. I was sleeping when the fire ____ and then it spread quickly.


A. broke outB. put outC. came outD. got out

解析:A。break out(火灾、地震、战争)爆发;put out熄灭;come out出来,出版;get out(滚)出去。

13. It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly ____ my friend.(2007四川)

A. turn outB. bring outC. call outD. pick out

解析:D。pick out认出,挑选出。句意为“电影院里是那么的黑,以至于我几乎认不出我的朋友来。”call out “要求来,下令罢工”。

14. The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was ____ on the radio yesterday. (2007福建)

A. turned outB. found outC. give outD. carried out

解析:C。give out发出(热、气味等),分发,耗尽;本题中意思是“发布消息”。turn out结果是;find out发现,查明;carry out实施,执行,开展。

15. We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didnt quite ____ as planned. (2007陕西)

A. find outB. give outC. hand outD. work out

解析:D。work out结果是,按某种方式发展;find out找出,查明;give out用完,耗尽;hand out分发。


1. …I knew Dad would be angry if he __41__ Id been watching movies…. (2004湖南 41)

A. realizedB. found outC. thoughtD. figured out

本题考查动词短语find out,发现真相。句意为“如果父亲发现我去看电影,他会生气。”

2. …Summertime __40__ out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses.(2004江苏40)

A. tookB. broughtC. carriedD. turned

本题考查动词短语bring out。bring out使……出现。夏天穿着整洁的、束腰的棉布衣服,帽子低低地盖住太阳镜。其它三个选项中的动词虽然都可以和“out”搭配,但都以人作主语。

3. …A guest __36__ out of our Polynesian Village resort at Walt

Disney was asked….(2004福建36)

A. workingB. checkingC. tryingD. staying

本题考查短语check out。办理离开……的手续。

4. …“Maybe I should __42__,” I thought as I moved on. I decided to keep going.(2004天津42)

A. slow downB. drop outC. go onD. speed up

本题考查短语drop out,意思是“退出,放弃”。

5. At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had __26__ and I shouted at her…. (2005全国Ⅲ26)

A. run intoB. run aboutC. run outD. run off

本题考查短语run out,意为:“(事物)用尽,终止,完了”。

6. …We can only show mercy to the unfortunate man who had to stop his car soon after __40__ from a country village to drive to London. (2005重庆 40)

A. passing byB. leaving outC. setting outD. getting up

本题考查短语set out,意为:“出发,动身”。pass by表示经过;leave out遗漏、漏掉; get up起床。

7. …So I tried hard with my writing and went to college. My first novel __45__ while I was at college. (2005安徽 45)

A. came onB. came inC. came outD. came back

本题考查短语come out,意为:“出版,出来,问世”。

8. …When Demeter __41__ what happened to Persephone, she became so angry that she…(2005广东 41)

A. let out B. worked outC. thought outD. found out

本题考查短语find out,意为:“查明(真相)”。let out泄露,放出;work out算出,结果是;think out想出。

9. …the birds eagerly flapped their wings and __55__. She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following. (2007全国I 55)

A. looked awayB. set outC. went by D. turned back

本题考查短语 set out,意为:“起飞,出发,动身”。

10. …Angela had to __46__ out whether the students would like to do that. (2007北京 46)

A. callB. findC. carryD. point

本题考查短语find out,意为:“查明,发现”。

11. …Fireworks were lit long before the moon __36__. The big noise brought people out into the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.(2007安徽 36)

A. let outB. gave outC. came outD. set out

本题考查短语come out,意为:“出来,升起”。

12. …About a month later, I received a letter…It __57__ out that the young fellow that I had helped was its general manager. …

(2007湖北 57)

A. pointed B. turnedC. workedD. found

本题考查短语turn out,意为:“结果是,结果证明”。point out指出;work out算出,制订出;find out查明真相。


1. ——Oh, my God! Its a sea of cars. How can you ____ your car?

——Thats easy. Mine is colored differently from any other one.

A. find outB. pick outC. take outD. get out

2. ——Whats the weather like today?

——A bit cloudy. But the weather report says it will ____ fine soon.

A. turn in B. turn outC. turn upD. turn to

3. We are determined to ____ diseases if they are harmful to our lives.

A. carry outB. make outC. wipe outD. put out

4. ——Whats the matter with you?

——After the long walk, my legs ____ and I couldnt go any further.

A. gave outB. gave offC. gave inD. gave up

5. If Tim carries on working like that, hell ____ sooner or later.

A. turn outB. keep out C. hold outD. wear out

6. Now that the plan has been ____ out, we must ____ it out.

A. worked; carryB. kept; giveC. taken; putD. brought; find

7. They really have a great time too, designing everything, drawing the blue prints, ____ the angles and so on.

A. looking outB. taking outC. finding out D. figuring out

8. Now his still busy with his new book, but Ive no idea when it will ____.

A. come aboutB. come over C. come outD. come up

9. The terrible fire ____ out at midnight, but luckily it was soon ____ out by the people nearby.

A. found; put B. put; brokeC. broke; put D. broke; work

10. You all say that you kept the secret, but now everyone knows it, who on earth ____ it out?

A. putB. turnC. take D. let
