


总结英语写作中的结尾句 第1篇

考研英语写作 常用结尾句

1) Only in this way/Only when……/Only through……will/can we……或:It is only if/when……that we will……

(e.g.It is only if all sides of society take their roles fully that we will achieve the society we want.)

2) As/So long as……we will be able to……/the problem is bound to……

(e.g.As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses,all the superstitions are bound to go out of our life.)

3) For any place that……/For anyone who……there is every/no reason/chance to……

(e.g.For any government that devotes itself to nourishing honesty among its officials,there is every reason to bid an eternal farewell to corruption.)

4) In short/brief/one word/sum,once we are on the way to……,the chance of achieving/making it will increase/grow greater/come to our advantage.A

(e.g.In short,once our country is on the way to clearing corrupt dealings out of the Party,the chance of making it will come to the people's advantage.)

5) The quotations/remarks from sb.(或The popular saying/maxim/proverb)……may be a better/sure cure/remedy for……(或……sound/practical/sensible/well-weighted advice on how to……)

(e.g.The old saying Laziness in youth spells regret in old age may be sensible advice on how to cherish the years of youth.)

6) And worst of all/best of all,it has/will/would effect(ed) the most unfavorable/favorable change in……

(e.g.And worst of all,the official corruption has effected the most unfavorable change in the people's attitude towards the government.

7) As another severe shock (genuine comfort) to the people/society/As the most destructive/pushing effect on……(our life),it has permeated among the people/through our social soil/throughout the whole country(或has melted/penetrated into/been rooted in (the) Chinese soil (in the people's minds)。A

(e.g.As the destructive effect on our nation,his heretical ideas have been rooted in many people's minds.)

8) As a(n) sensational/unexpected result of……,more and more people have come/got/begun to……A

(e.g.As an unexpected result/consequence of the patriotic education,more and more people have come to regain/restore their sense of justice.)

9) To one's greatest astonishment/delight,sth.has affected……to the point of……

(e.g.To our greatest astonishment,the corruption has affected the society to the point of threatening its political stability.)

10) The most obvious/direct result/consequence it produces/brings about is……

(e.g.The most obvious result the economic reforms have produced is the way the people live and think.)

11) With a constant/steady improvement in……(或With the gradual worsening of……) sth.will……

(e.g.develop to one's advantage)A

(e.g.With a steady improvement in its administration,the new-born thing will flourish on Chinese soil.)

12) In (the) course of time/In a long run (the long term),sth.is more likely/believed/bound/sure to……

(e.g.In a long run,the practice of birth control is believed to do a great benefit to the future of China.)

13) In spite of the fact that……(或Although……),sth.will (not)……in our /one's assiduous/conscious/consistent efforts.A

(e.g.In spite of the fact that their is no hope of attaining the final goal at one go,this reform will be spreading far and wide in our consistent efforts .)

14) In a word,there is every/little chance/probability/possibility that.……in time to come.A

(e.g.In one word,there is every chance that this wise move in economic construction will acquire a broader significance in time to come.)

15) Anything (anyone) that (who)……will have to……

(e.g.Those who have a strong bias against the Chinese nation (will) have to treat her with increased respect.)

总结英语写作中的结尾句 第2篇

2) It is high time that we put considerable/great/special emphasis on ...

3) We must look for all immediate method, because the present situation of ..., if permitted to continue, will sure lead to/result in...

4) Many solutions/methods are being offered here, all of them make some sense, but none is quite satisfactory. The problem should be examined in a new way.

5) There is no immediate solution to the problem of..., but... might be helpful/beneficial

6) No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of ..., but the general awareness of the necessity/importance of... might be the first step on the right way.

7) There is little doubt/denying that

8) It is, therefore, obvious/evident that the task of...require immediate attention

9) As far as ... be concerned, I believe/think that ...

10) In conclusion,...

11) In my opinion, I am in favor of ...

12) Personally, I prefer to...

13) In short,... should learn to...; Only in this way can the most difficult problems be solved properly

英语正确句和有效句写作浅议 第3篇



很多学生认为影响其英语写作水平的因素主要是语法规则和词汇运用, 事实上影响表达句意的因素很多, 如汉语思维、用词搭配不当, 句子逻辑关系混乱、句子之间的连贯性较差、标点符号混乱、语法错误等等, 究其根源主要是没有掌握正确句和有效句的写作方法及一些习惯性写作错误。


(一) 残缺句

在口语中, 交际双方可通过多种方式达到交际目的, 如手势语、上下文, 不完整句等。可书面语就不同了, 句子结构不完整很难表情达意。初学者首先要牢牢掌握正确句最基本的四个要素: (1) 结构完整, 即至少有一个主谓, 包括省略的主语; (2) 句首字母大写; (3) 句末加注表示句子结束的标点, 如句号, 问号, 感叹号; (4) 句意完整。如:How to operate this computer?剖析:本句中缺少主语和谓语, 不是一个完整的句子, 不能独立成句。

(二) 词的误用

“词的误用”一般情况下表现为词性误用, 但因写作需要, 还可根据写作目的, 读者及作者的写作风格等分类, 如一般写作目的用普通词;特殊职业, 场合或写作目的使用正式的专业词汇;当读者为特殊年龄, 地区或未受教育的群体时可使用非标准词汇。

(三) 不间断句子

不间断句子即流水句, 就是因汉语思维习惯的影响, 没有运用适当的连接词及标点符号或缺乏连接词或标点符号的长句。

例:There are many ways we get to know the outside world.

(四) 措词毛病

所谓措词毛病是指在特定的句子中如何适当地选用词语的问题, 即用词不当。如:The increasing use ofchemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollution.

剖析:显然, 学生把obstacles“障碍”, “障碍物”误作substance“物质”了。另外increasing use (不断增加的使用) ”应改为“abusive use (滥用) ”。


正确句不能有效地表情达意, 而有效句是正确句不足的有力补充。所谓有效句指一个句子能有效的输出以便成功的达到交际目的。英语句子的有效性是英语句子修辞问题最核心的部分, 是英语作文的之关键。句子的有效性需达到以下几个或所有的要求:一致性, 连贯性, 简明性, 强调性, 多样性。

(一) 一致性

句子的一致性指中心思想单一, 完整, 句中其他附属思想必须紧紧围绕中心思想。如:He visited this ancient city, and he also found out that the people had to pay heavy taxes.剖析:此句中包含两件事实, 但两件事实逻辑上没有联系。此句应分成两个独立分句。

(二) 连贯性

句子的连贯性指是句子通过一定的衔接手段来表明句子各成分之间的连贯性。通常指逻辑、语法和语义等方面要连贯, 全句句意清楚, 衔接符合逻辑。习作者只要避免以下错误, 就能达到连贯性的要求。 (1) 避免不一致。不一致指主谓、数、时态及代词等不一致。 (2) 避免悬垂修饰语。所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的分词短语, 介词短语, 动词不定式等与后面句子的逻辑主语不一致。 (3) 避免不平衡句。所谓平衡句是由三个或三个以上结构相同或相似、内容相关、证据一致的短语或句子排列在一起, 用来加强语势强调内容, 加重感情的修辞方式。 (4) 避免修饰语错位。英汉表达的顺序不同, 同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置, 句子的含义可能发生变化。中国学生习惯将汉语译成英语, 因而造成了不必要的误解。

(三) 句子的简明性

举世闻名的英国剧作家, 诗人莎士比亚有句名言:“言以简洁为贵”。所谓简洁, 就是语言凝练概括, 高度浓缩, 简明扼要。在写作中长期坚持遵从以下五条炼句原则, 就能增强句子的简洁性: (1) 用代词代替重复的名词。 (2) 用词代替有相同含义的词组;用词组代替相同含义的从句。 (3) 不要在同一句中重复词或短语。 (4) 在同一句中避免使用同义词。 (5) 在不同的句中不要重复相同的含义, 除了强调目的外。

(四) 句子的强调性

口语中强调的方式很多且简单易行, 如升调、加重语气、放慢语速、说短句或手势等。书面语中给句子不同成分以不同的重要性, 也能使句意凸显, 使读者一目了然。

1. 层重句。句首和句末通常最能吸引读者的注意力, 因此句中重要成分可放在这两个位置, 尤其是句子的末尾。如:Only Yang could have written such a nice essay, though there are twenty-five students in the class.剖析:主语“Yang”是最应突出的部分, 所以应放在句尾。

2. 层进句。就字面意思可理解为层层递进。在列数一系列事实或观点时, 以顶点顺序排列。如:Ant is asymbol of wisdom, industry and efficiency.

剖析:勤劳是蚂蚁生存的根本, 是最容易做到的, 而智慧是任何动物都很难达到的。因此智慧是最重要的, 勤劳是次要的。

3. 重复法.在日常写作中我们应避免重复, 只有在强调句中含有重要信息的单词或者短语时使用重复法, 获得强调重要思想的效果。如:Two days ago he gave reasons for supporting the plan, and now he is givingreasons for opposing it.He always has reasons.

剖析:重复关键词“reasons”, 体现出“he”的性格特点:善变, 立场不坚定。

强调句子的方法很多, 本文只阐述了写作中能经常用到且很容易掌握的几种方法, 以供参考。

(五) 句式多样性

写作中如果一味追求短句, 追求简洁, 有时会弄巧成拙, 适得其反。因为一篇文章如果都是千篇一律的简单句, 势必导致文体松散, 文章粗糙浅显, 毫无生气。下面用一个最简单的SVO句型介绍简单易行的句式多样化方法。如:The boy ate pizza.可将此例句分别转化为问句、被动句、感叹句、扩展此句或使用转换词语等。如扩展例句:The boy wolfed down the pizza and then ran outside to play.我们在写作中要注意长短句交替使用, 但这种交替使用并不是机械的, 而是根据不同的语境, 选择最能表达作者意图的句子。


写作能力是语言运用能力的一种表现, 而句子是文章的基础。英语是世界上最富有表达力的语言之一。它的句型变化灵活多样, 丰富多彩。同一思想内容可以用多种语言形式来表达。要想提高写作能力, 首先从正确句入手, 一篇文章只有在准确表达思想的基础上方可力求句子的有效性, 才能表现出文章丰富的内涵、优美的文字, 才使显得文章生动有力。


[1]丁往道, 吴冰, 等.英语写作手册 (修订本) [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1994.

[2]顾曰国.高级英语写作[M].北京:外语教学与究出版社, 2000.

[3]丁往道.英语写作基础教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 1998.

英语正确句和有效句写作浅议 第4篇


中图分类号:G712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2012)02-0100-02





在口语中,交际双方可通过多种方式达到交际目的,如手势语、上下文,不完整句等。可书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整很难表情达意。初学者首先要牢牢掌握正确句最基本的四个要素:①结构完整,即至少有一个主谓,包括省略的主语;②句首字母大写;③句末加注表示句子结束的标点,如句号,问号,感叹号;④句意完整。如:How to operate this computer?剖析:本句中缺少主语和谓语,不是一个完整的句子,不能独立成句。





例:There are many ways we get to know the outside world.


所谓措词毛病是指在特定的句子中如何适当地选用词语的问题,即用词不当。如:The increasing use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollution.

剖析:显然,学生把obstacles“障碍”,“障碍物”误作substance“物质”了。另外increasing use(不断增加的使用)”应改为“abusive use(滥用)”。




句子的一致性指中心思想单一,完整,句中其他附属思想必须紧紧围绕中心思想。如:He visited this ancient city,and he also found out that the people had to pay heavy taxes.剖析:此句中包含两件事实,但两件事实逻辑上没有联系。此句应分成两个独立分句。







1.层重句。句首和句末通常最能吸引读者的注意力,因此句中重要成分可放在这两个位置,尤其是句子的末尾。如:Only Yang could have written such a nice essay,though there are twenty-five students in the class.剖析:主语“Yang”是最应突出的部分,所以应放在句尾。

2.层进句。就字面意思可理解为层层递进。在列数一系列事实或观点时,以顶点顺序排列。如:Ant is a symbol of wisdom,industry and efficiency.


3.重复法.在日常写作中我们应避免重复,只有在强调句中含有重要信息的单词或者短语时使用重复法,获得强调重要思想的效果。如:Two days ago he gave reasons for supporting the plan,and now he is giving reasons for opposing it.He always has reasons.




写作中如果一味追求短句,追求简洁,有时会弄巧成拙,适得其反。因为一篇文章如果都是千篇一律的简单句,势必导致文体松散,文章粗糙浅显,毫无生气。下面用一个最简单的SVO句型介绍简单易行的句式多样化方法。如:The boy ate pizza.可将此例句分别转化为问句、被动句、感叹句、扩展此句或使用转换词语等。如扩展例句:The boy wolfed down the pizza and then ran outside to play.我们在写作中要注意长短句交替使用,但这种交替使用并不是机械的,而是根据不同的语境,选择最能表达作者意图的句子。








英语写作好句子之开头中间结尾句 第5篇

______________.social phenomenon.1.______________ is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s society.We can see it almost everywhere.As the graph depicts, ______________.2.From the cartoon, we can see that.It’s a forceful satire on the kind of ______________.3.From the first graph, we learn that ______________.According to the statistics shown in the second graph, we can see that 4.This table shown us that ______________.The figures indicate that there is an inspiring tendency of ______________.5.What you first think of when seeing this cartoon might be that ______________.As a matter of fact, this cartoon reveals a typical

6.According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________.7.There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: ______________.8.Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________.Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________.9.Nowadays, it is common to ______________.Many people like ______________ because ______________.Besides, ______________.10.______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ______________.While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________.They point that ______________.11.Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.12.For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________.But people are taking a fresh look at it now.13.It has stipulated by the government that ______________.To this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________.14.______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life.Whatever we do, ______________ can’t be avoided.15.______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.16.Recently, ______________ has become the focus of the society, and in this way..People swarm to ______________.17.______________ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.18.Man is now facing a big problem-______________, which is becoming more and more serious.First, ______________ second, ______________.19.Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of ______________.20.It is only during the last years that man has become generally aware that ______________.21.There is an old saying, ______________.It’s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases ever today.22.The English proverb says, ______________.This is quite true because ______________.23.______________ is now______________, and at the same time ______________.These two factors have caused ______________.Then what shall we do to solve ______________ in the face of such a situation.24.One of our ancient philosophers said, ______________.Chinese people have always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.25.One of the great early writers said that ______________.If this is true, the present situation should make us ponder over ______________.26.“Why do ______________?” Many people often ask questions like this.27.In recent years, there is a general tendency to ______________.According to a study, there is ______________.compared with ______________ last year.Why ______________?

28.According to a survey, there is a growing number of ______________.What brings this result? The main reason rests with.29.Some people prefer to ______________.In their opinion, ______________.In addition, ______________.Nevertheless, nowadays, ______________ has become more and more common.30.Today, there ______________, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ______________ second, ______________.What makes things worse is that ______________.31.Nowadays, ______________ has become a problem we have to face.Though it’s easier said than done, with the help of modern technology, we now have many means to solve it.32.Many people are inclined to ______________.In their opinion, ______________.They believe that ______________.33.From the graph/chart, we know the statistics of ______________ and ______________.It can be seen easily that ______________.34.According to the two graphs presented, it can be observed that ______________.In the left graph, ______________.At the same time, ______________ as the right graph shows.35.The graph shows the general trend in ______________.36.According to the figures/numbers/statistics/percentages in the table/chart/bar graph/line graph, it can be seen that ______________.Obviously, ______________, but why?

37.The figure indicates/shows/suggests/proves that ______________.There is a steady/rapid development/trend of ______________.38.These days we are often told that ______________.But is it true?

39.These days we often hear about ______________.But is this really the case?

40.One of the great writers once said that ______________.Now it still has a realistic significance.41.In our history, the idea that ______________ never has been so popular.On one hand, ______________, on the other hand, ______________.42.There are different opinions among people as to ______________.Some people suggest that ______________.43.Some people hold the opinion that ______________ is superior to ______________ in many ways: Others, however, disagree with it.44.Nowadays although more and more people ______________, still there are some who think ______________, they may think ______________.中间:

______________.1.The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that ______________.Consequently, ______________.2.No matter you like it or not, AAA has become more and more popular and there are many reason for it.3.It’s an urgent task for us to change this unfavorable situation: ______________.4.The picture can reminds you of some strange, yet familiar phenomena existing in our society.5.A great number of solutions are being offered.Some people suggest that ______________.Others argue that ______________.6.Confronted with AAA, we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation.7.However, ______________ may cause some problems.First, it is ______________.Second, ______________.Finally, ______________.So, it is clear that ______________ has its advantages and disadvantages.8.Although ______________ has a great advantage of ______________, it can’t compete with ______________ in

9.______________ may be preferable to ______________, but ______________ suffers from the disadvantages that ______________.10.The advantages of ______________ are much greater that those of ______________.For instance, ______________.11.______________ may be preferable to ______________, but it also suffers from the disadvantages that ______________.12.But I don’t think it is a very good way to solve ______________.For instance, ______________.Worst of all, ______________.13.There are many ways to ______________.First, ______________.Second, ______________.Third, ______________.14.On the contrary, there are some people in favor of ______________.They believe ______________.Moreover, they think ______________.15.There are several measures for us to adopt.First, we can ______________, there are a number of advantages of ______________.Another solution is to ______________.16.It is high time that something was done about it.For example, ______________.In addition, ______________.All these measures will certainly ______________.17.There are some other people, who ______________.Their reasons are different, sometimes for ______________, sometimes for ______________, and sometimes simply for ______________.18.______________ is necessary and important to our country’s development and construction.First, ______________.What’s more, ______________.Most important of all, ______________.19.However, if not managed properly, ______________ can create many problems.Sometimes ______________.Furthermore,______________.Therefore, ______________ has been gaining public concern.20.There are probably many reasons for ______________.First, ______________.Second, ______________.Finally, ______________.21.Well, why is there ______________? I think there might be two reasons.One is ______________, and the other is ______________.22.There are, I think, two main reasons for ______________.In the first place, ______________.In the second place, ______________.Therefore, ______________.23.Why ______________? For one thing, ______________.For another, ______________.Perhaps the main reason is ______________.24.It is no easy job to find the reasons for this tendency which involves several complicated factors.For some ______________.For others ______________.25.Why ______________? The first reason is that ______________.The second reason is ______________.The third is ______________.For all this, the main cause of ______________ is due to ______________.26.It is reasonable to maintain that ______________, but it would be foolish to persist that ______________.There are three reasons ______________.27.The explanation for this problem involves many factors.For one thins, ______________.For another, ______________.Still ______________.28.The causes for ______________ are varied.They include ______________.Perhaps the main cause is ______________.29.The eventual result it brings out is ______________.And perhaps the most obvious result of ______________ is ______________.30.However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______________ also has its own disadvantages, such as, ______________.besides, ______________.31.______________ will bring the society many benefits.For one thing, ______________.For another thing, ______________.32.Why ______________? Some ______________.And the most common case is that ______________.The notable example is to ______________.33.There are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical ones.For one thing, ______________, in addition, ______________.The main reason is that ______________.34.People had figured out many ways to solve this problem.Firstly ______________.Though this method has its good sides like it can ______________.One of its bad sides it brings about is that it can ______________.35.Some reasons can explain the trend.First, ______________.Second, ______________.Third, ______________.36.One of the reasons that is given for ______________ is that ______________.37.A further reason why I advocate an attitude of ______________ is that ______________.38.What is more, the essence of ______________ is that ______________, although we cannot, most of us ______________.39.Nonetheless, I reckon that ______________ is more advantageous.40.From a personal perspective, I also prefer to ______________ because ______________.41.To make a moral point, I feel that ______________ is important for ______________ is that ______________.42.The main reason why I feel that ______________ is important for ______________ is that ______________.43.______________ is superior in several ways, of which perhaps the most fundamental is that ______________.44.There are numerous reasons why ______________, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones.45.One very strong argument for ______________ is that______________.46.Moving on to wider themes, many people would argue that ______________ is important for ______________ because ______________.47.Of course, I am aware that both ways have potential pitfalls.48.The advantages of ______________ carry more weight that those of ______________.49.I can think of better illustration of this idea than the example of ______________.50.Perhaps the most important example of ______________ is ______________.51.I fully agree with the statement that ______________.The reasons are chiefly as follows.52.I fully agree with the statement that ______________ because ______________.53.As far as I am concerned, my favor goes to ______________.The followings are the reasons of my choices.Firstly ______________, secondly, ______________.54.Of these two ways of ______________, I inclined to this point of view which ______________.First of all, ______________, secondly, ______________.55.But there are still many people who don’t agree.They argue that ______________.56.However, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.The idea is easily supported by foots that ______________.57.For all the disadvantages, ______________ has its compensating advantages.Firstly ______________, secondly, ______________.结尾:

in the future.1.The most effective means to solve this problem is that ______________.In that case, ______________.2.Everything has its own two sides, no exception with AAA.For one thing, ______________.for another, ______________.3.My experience tells me that to ______________ needs a thorough and persevering process, and in this process you had better abide by the principles mentioned above.4.On the whole, it is high time that we recognized the significance of ______________.5.As a result, we should take some effective methods to ______________.6.Judging by the figures, we can draw a conclusion that ______________.7.In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______________.Only in this way can ______________

英语作文常用结尾句20句总结 第6篇

1. It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to...例句:It is hoped that we should pay more attention to the problems of unemployment.2. Only in this way/only when/only through..., will/can we...例句:It is only if all sides of society take their roles fully that we will achieve the society we want.3. As long as..., we will be able to.../the problems is bound to...例句:As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses, all the superstitions are bound to go out of our life.4. In the course of time/In a long run/In the long term, sth.is more likely/bound/sure to...例句:In a long run, the practice of birth control is believed to do a great benefit to the future of China.5. In a word, there is every/little chance/probability/possibility that...in time to come.例句:In a word, there is every chance that this wise move in economic construction will acquire a broader significance in time to come.6. Anything/anyone that/who...will have to...例句:Anyone who has a strong bias against China will have to threat her with increased respect.7. It is high time that...例句:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.8. We should do our best in eliminating...例句:We should do our best in eliminating air pollution.9. The problem is not...;the problem is...例句:The problem is not that we cannot do it;the problem is that we hate to do such nasty things.10.In order to..., we must...例句:In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we must learn to live in harmony with all wildlife species.11.All the above evidence/experience/ facts goes to show that...例句:All the above evidence goes to show that the birth of computer has benefited our life greatly.12.No surprising/






task of...demands/requires/deserves attention/consideration.immediate/serious/considerable 例句:It is, therefore, apparent that the task of fighting against corruption requires considerable consideration now.13.We can come to the conclusion that...例句:We can come to the conclusion that living on campus is the best way of learning independence, and of understanding other people and society at large.14.We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future...例句:We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future, no child is forced out of school because of poverty.15.My suggestion is that...;otherwise...例句:My suggestion is that effective measures should be taken to check population growth;otherwise, the potential consequences are unimaginable.16.As for me, I have always been taking care to...So, I...例句:As for me, I have always been taking care to choose a goal and a right path before doing anything important.Then I will work hard and perseveringly.So, I have made some achievements and I will do better.17.So I believe a...tomorrow...will be achieved through efforts of every person.例句:So I believe a safe tomorrow of less car accidents will be achieved through efforts of every person.18.Therefore, we should not only...but...as well.例句:Therefore, we should not only realize that competition and cooperation, like two sides of the coin, have to go hand in hand, but fix more attention on how to make full use of cooperation as well.19.In short,...are the major problems to be solved to...例句:In short, shortage of water, decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution are the major problems to be solved to increase grain production.20.Who is to say that...?
