


高考作文要点 第1篇



高考作文要点 第2篇





















高考作文要点 第3篇


高考英语对状语从句的考查主要体现在对引导状语从句连词的选择、从句中的省略、主从句时态的呼应及状语从句的倒装用法这四点上。因此, 弄清这四点是解答与状语从句相关题的关键。以下是笔者根据多年的教学实践, 并结合《高中英语语法考点大全》 (刘荣新2011) 和《金考卷特快专递全国各省市高考试题汇编·英语》 (杜志建2010~2015) 中的真题, 对高考英语状语从句的考查要点进行的分析。


由从属连词引导的从句在句中作状语被称作状语从句, 它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。高考英语中对引导状语从句从属连词考查的频率较高, 而且重点放在了比较容易混淆的连词上, 以下针对近几年全国各省、市英语高考真题中单项填空题对状语从句从属连词的考查要点进行小结。

(一) 时间状语从句

1. when, as和while的用法

这三个词都可以引导时间状语从句, when表示时间点, 意思是“在……时刻”;as引导一个持续性动作, 强调主从句的动作同时进行, 表示主从句谓语动词动作同时或交替进行, 意思是“一边……一边”;while与延续性动词连用, 意思是“当……的时候”。如:

(1) It was the middle of the nightwhenmy father woke me up and told me to watch the football game. (2014 江西卷, 35)

(2) He smiled politelyasMary apologized for her drunken friends. (2012 山东卷, 27)

(3) JustasI got to the school gate, I realized I had left my book in the café. (2015 安徽卷, 24)

(4) Mary made coffeewhileher guests were finishing their meal. (2010 全国卷Ⅰ, 25)

但是, while还可以连接并列句, while表示对比或转折, 意思是“而;然而”如:

(5) There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discoverywhileanother man, also intelligent, fails. (2013 课标卷I, 32)

2. before的用法

(1) 表示“在……之前”, 如:

We need to get to the root of the problembeforewe can solve it. (2015 天津卷, 12)

(2) “It will be + 一段时间+before...”表示“还要多久才……”, 如:

If you miss this chance, it may be yearsbeforeyou get another one. (2015 重庆卷, 4)

(3) 表示“还未……就……;不到……就……;还没来得及……就……”, 如:

The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left before I could ask for their names. (2015 陕西卷, 24)

3. till, until和not...until的用法

(1) 肯定句:谓语动词用延续性动词, 表示主句到此时才结束, 意思是“某动作持续到某一时间点”。如:

I’m not in a hurry, so don’t worry and I will wait until you are ready.

(2) 否定句:谓语动词用非延续性动词, 表示“某动作到某时间点才开始”。如:

Not untilhe went through real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important. (2013 福建卷, 34)

4. since引导的时间状语从句

(1) I have heard a lot of good things about yousinceI came back from abroad. (2013 陕西卷, 18)

(2) 在句型“It is + 一段时间+ since从句”中, 句子的意思要取决于从句的动词是非延续性还是延续性动词。当since从句的谓语动词是非延续性动词时, 意思是“自从……以来有多久了”;当since从句的谓语动词是延续性动词时, 意思是“自从从句的动作结束到现在有多长的时间”或“多久不做……了”。如:

①As is reported, it is 100 yearssinceQinghua University was founded. (2011 四川卷, 6)

②My friend Tony moved to Shanghai last year and it is a yearsincehe worked in our school.

5. 在表示“一……就……”的as soon as, the moment, immediately, hardly...when, no sooner...than等词引导的时间状语从句中, 从句中用一般现在时代替将来时态。

We’ll offer you a larger oneas soon asit becomes available. (2010 安徽卷, 33)

6.在each / every / any /next time及the first/second/last time引导的时间状语从句中, 从句中用一般现在时代替将来时态。如:

Every timeyou eat a sweet, drink green tea.”This is what my mother used to tell me. (2014 浙江卷, 8)

(二) 条件状语从句

引导条件状语从句的连词有if, unless, as long as等, 在条件状语从句中常用一般现在时态代替将来时态。如:

1.Ifyou come to China, you will experience a culture of amazing depth and variety. (2015 安徽卷, 22)

2. You won’t find paper cutting difficultas long asyou keep practicing it. (2015 北京卷, 28)

3. You will never gain successunlessyou are fully devoted to your work. (2014 湖南卷, 26)

4.Oncethe damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover. (2015 北京卷, 28)

5. I’ll be out for some time.In caseanything important happens, call me up immediately. (2014 四川卷, 8)

(三) 原因状语从句

连词有because, as, since, now that, in that。because语气最强, as引导原因状语从句, 一般放在句首, 语气要比because弱, 而since比as较正式, now that相当于since, in that相当于because。如:

1. I am so grateful to all those volunteersbecausethey helped my terrible day end happily. (2015安徽卷, 26)

2. Mark needs to learn Chinesesincehis company is opening a branch in Beijing. (2013 山东卷, 26)

(四) 地点状语从句

1.Wherehe once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going. (2014 安徽, 34)

2. Half an hour later, Lucy still couldn’t get a taxiwherethe bus had dropped her. (2014 重庆, 14)

(五) 目的状语从句

从句谓语常用could或can, may, might等情态动词。如:

The team are working hard to analyze the problemso that /in order thatthey can find the best solution. (2015 湖北卷, 25)

(六) 结果状语从句

连词由so...that或such...that引导, 当so或such置于句首时, 主句要用倒装语序。如:

1. There aresomuchthatwe often share them with our neighbors. (2014 新课标I改错题)

2.Sohard does Jack workthathe has made great progress recently.

(七) 让步状语从句

1. although /though和even though /even if引导的让步状语从句, although与though可互换, 可与yet (或still) 连用, 但不可与but连用。如:

(1) Althoughthe job takes a significant amount of time, most students agree that the experience is worth it. (2015 湖南卷, 33)

(2) Thoughscientists have learned a lot about the universe, there is much we still don’t know. (2015 安徽卷, 23)

(3) Eventhough the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year. (2014 北京卷, 29)

2.疑问词+ ever与no matter + 疑问词和whether...or...引导的让步状语从句, 如:

WheneverI have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start. (2013 山东卷, 28)

3. as引导让步状语从句时用倒装语序。如:

Busyasthey are, they come to help us from time to time.

4. while通常位于句首, 相当于although, 意思是“虽然”。

Whilethe students came from different countries, they got quite well in the summer camp. (2015福建卷, 31)

(八) 方式状语从句

方式状语从句常用as, just as, as if, as though等引导, 如:

1.Just asa single world can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph. (2015 浙江卷, 9)

2. It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to meas ifI had done it? (2014 重庆卷, 14)

(九) 比较状语从句

比较状语从句常由下列词语引导:as ...as, not so /as ... as, more /less...than, the more + adj. /adv., the more + adj. /adv. 如:

1. It’s said that the power plant is nowtwice as large aswhat it was. (2013 安徽卷, 33)

2.The morefriends we have, the morewe can learn from each other. (2014 大纲卷改错题)

【解题对策】解答状语从句中连词的选择题的关键是分清状语从句的句意及逻辑关系, 弄清每个从属连词的语意和语用特征, 分析句子结构, 判断状语从句的类别, 根据语境和语意就可以选择正确的连词。


当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致, 或者状语从句主语是it且从句谓语动词中含有be时, 常常把从句的主语和谓语部分的be一起省略掉。

(一) 时间状语从句中的省略

如:1.While waitingfor the opportunity to get promoted, Henry did his best to perform his duty. (2014 安徽卷, 32)

2. Children, when accompaniedby their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. (2014 湖南卷, 21)

(二) 条件状语从句中的省略

如:1. It is so cold that you can’t go outsideunless fully coveredin thick clothes. (2015 江苏卷, 26)

2.If acceptedfor the job, you’ll be informed soon. (2015 北京卷, 31)

(三) 方式状语从句中的省略

如:In class, students often get involved in class activities and play gamesas told.

(四) 让步状语从句中的省略

如:Although small, the company has about1, 000 buyers in over 30 countries. (2013 天津卷, 5)

【解题对策】不仅要认真分析句子结构, 了解句子和连词的意思, 准确把握句子间的逻辑关系, 同时还要弄清楚状语从句的省略的要求和用法, 这才是解题的关键。不过, 对于此类问题, 运用翻译的方法也有助于解决。


(一) 在when, as soon as, the moment, if, unless等引导的时间和条件状语从句中, 遵循“主将从现”的原则, 常常要用一般现在时表示将来的意义

1. That’s why I help brighten people’s days.Ifyoudon’t, who’s to say that another person will? (2015 湖南卷, 35)

2.Asyou go through this book, youwill findthat each of the millions of people who lived through World War II had a different experience. (2015 湖南卷, 22)

(二) since引导的时间状语从句:从句用一般过去时, 主句用完成时态或现在完成进行时态

如:1. His first novelhas receivedgood reviews since it came out last month. (2011 陕西卷, 12)

2. I have to see the doctor becauseI have been coughinga lot lately. (2010 陕西卷, 21)

(三) no sooner...than..., hardly /scarcely…when引导的时间状语从句:从句中用一般过去时, 主句用过去完成时态。

如:1.Ihardlyfinished my workwhenLi Lei asked me to help him with his work.

2. No soonerhad Mo Yanstepped on the stagethanthe audience broke into thunderous applause. (2014 陕西卷, 17)

(四) 在by the time引导的时间状语从句中:这个词组常用来指到某一时间为止, 主句常用完成时态。从句若用一般现在时, 主句则用将来完成时态;从句若用一般过去时, 主句则用过去完成时态。

如:By the timeJack returned home from England, his sonhad graduatedfrom college. (2011 辽宁卷, 34)

【解题对策】解答含有状语从句的时态题时, 要了解到一些引导状语从句从的属连词是要求主从句时态的相呼应的, 要牢记几组常用的固定时态的状语从句的句子, 就可以正确使用时态。


(一) not...until, no sooner...than..., hardly /scarcely...when引导的时间状语从句:如果把这些词放在句首时, 主句部分则要用部分倒装语序

如:Not until he went through real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important. (2013 福建卷, 34)

(二) if引导的非真实条件状语从句:如果省去if, 就可以把从句中的were, had, should放在句首, 就要用部分倒装

如:1.Had I knownthe schedule, it might have saved me much trouble. (2015 江苏卷, 28)

2.Were thereno modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world. (2014 福建卷, 32)

(三) 在as引导的让步状语从句中要用倒装结构, 表语或状语提前, 当表语是可数名词单数形式时要省去a /an

如:Child asBetty is, she is interested in reading.

(四) 在so...that或such...that引导的结果状语从句中, 当so或such置于句首时, 主句则要用部分倒装语序

如:So interesting is the film Night at the Museum that it is worth seeing again.

(五) no matter how, however等引导的状语从句:把需要强调的形容词或副词提至句首, 但主谓并不倒装

如:No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can predict when the unexpected will happen. (2014 浙江卷, 9)

(六) only修饰的状语从句提至句首时, 则要用部分倒装

如:Only when Lily walked into the office did she realize that she had left the contract at home. (2015 天津卷, 3)

【解题对策】解题时, 要认真分析句子结构, 弄清句意, 熟知状语从句的倒装用法, 利用有关状语从句的倒装知识解答此类试题, 灵活运用这几类含有倒装句的状语从句。

因此, 要解答好高考英语对状语从句考查的题型, 就必须要掌握比较全面的状语从句相关知识, 了解引导状语从句的每个从属连词的意思, 明白了省略和倒装在状语从句中的用法, 注意到部分从属连词引导的状语从句要求主从句时态的呼应, 灵活地运用状语从句这一语法知识。总之, 连词是前提, 时态是保障, 省略和倒装是升华。



高考介词要点扫描 第4篇

1. (2011年安徽卷) Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek _______ food safety problems.





2. (2011年北京卷)With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be taken _______ color.





3. (2011年福建卷) _______ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.

A.Far from

B.Apart from

C.instead of

D.Regardless of

4. (2011年江苏卷)We’d better discuss everything _______ before we work out the plan.

A.in detail

B.in general

C.on purpose

D.on time

5. (2011年江西卷) She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction _______ had taken more than there years.

A.for which

B.with which

C.of which

D.to which

6. (2011年全国Ⅰ卷)I can _______ the house being untidy,but I hate it if it’s not clean.

A.come up with

B.put up with

C.turn to

D.stick to

7. (2011年山东卷)I’m sorry I didn’t phone you, but I’ve been very busy _______ the past couple of weeks.





8. (2011年四川卷)Nick, it’s good for you to read some books _______ China before you start your trip there.





9. (2011年浙江卷)I always wanted to do the job which I’d been trained _______ .





10. (2011年重庆卷) Shirley, a real book lover, often brings home many books to read _______ the library.






1. D。本题考查介词。此处构成短语seek after,意思是“寻求”。

2. D。本题考查介词。此处in color表示“用彩色,彩色的”。

3. B。本题考查短语介词。此处apart from的意思是“除了”。

4. A。本题考查介词短语。此处in detail的意思是“详细地”。

5. C。此处the construction of which是指“博物馆的建造”。

6. B。此处短语put up with的意思是“忍受”。

7. D。本题考查介词。Over表示“在……期间”。

8. D。本题考查介词。此处介词on的意思是“关于”。

9. B。此处介词for表示“目的”。

10. D。此处介词from表示“从……”。



(一) 介词的分类

1. 简单介词(如at, by, for, from, in, with, to, on)

2. 复合介词(如into, onto, within, outside)

3. 双重介词(如at about, from behind, from among, until after)

4. 短语介词(如in front of, in spite of, over等);有的介词可兼作连词(如after, until等)

(二) 介词的作用


1. 定语 如:The boys in blue school uniforms are the students of our school. 穿蓝色校服的男孩是我们学校的学生,

2. 状语 如:Can you write in English? (方式状语) 你能用英语写吗?

3. 表语 如: Japan is to the east of our country. 日本位于中国以东。

4. 宾语补足语 如:Make yourself at home. 别客气。

(三) 表示时间的介词

1. at

①表示时间的一点,时刻等;如:at sunrise, at daybreak, at dawn, at noon, at dusk, at midnight


如:at night, at midsummer, at Christmas, at New Year, at the Spring Festival

2. in


②在一段时间之后。如:Father will be back in a week. 父亲将在一星期后回来。

3. on


如:We began to work on Friday. 我们星期五开始工作的。


如:on the eve of victory(胜利前夕)

③准时,按时。如:on time

4. by

①不迟于,在(某时)前;如:He must have finished it by now. 到现在他一定已经完成了。

②在……间,在……时候。如:We work by day and sleep by night. 我们白天工作晚上睡觉。

5. up to now=until now,from morning till night,for the time being暂时

at times有时,day by day一天天地,in no time立刻

6. during是介词,不能引导从句。

(四) in,to和on表示方位

1. in表示“在……之内”。如:Fujian lies in the south of China. 福建位于中国的东南部。

2. to表示在某范围之外的地方。如:Fujian lies to the south of Zhejiang Province. 福建位于浙江东南。

3. on表示“毗邻”“接壤”。如:Monglia lies on the north of China. 蒙古位于中国北部。


in the mud在泥中,beyond hope绝望,in freezing在严寒天气中,in danger在危险中,in trouble在困境中,in public在公共场合中,under construction在建设中,on business出差,in the same boat处境一样,on sale在出售

(五) 表示方式、手段、工具等的介词(by,on,in,with)

1. by:The blind men thought they could learn what the elephant looked like by touching it.make a living by teaching/ by hand(手工地,靠手工地),by letter,by post,by electricity,learn sth by heart,struck by the beauty(因美丽而着迷),He was paid by the hour/ the day/ month/…(他按时/日/月/……被付给工钱。)by plane/ train/ ship/ air/ water/ sea/…,by means of(用……手段,方式),by way of(经由,取道于……),learn English by/ over/ through/ on the radio

2. on:live on food,kneel on one’s knees,lie/ sleep on one’s back / side / face(仰/侧/俯卧睡)

3. in:in English,in ink,in silence,in one voice(异口同声地),in a hurry(匆忙地),in surprise(惊讶地)

4. with: write with a pen,work with one’s hands,smell with one’s nose,beat the horse with a whip(鞭子)

(六) 介词与某些词类的搭配


1. 名词与介词的固定搭配


如:the key to the test,business visit to America,the introduction to the book

②常与in连用的名词:interest,satisfaction,expert 如:an expert in swimming


如:have mercy on sb

④其它常用“名、介”搭配:prize for,respect for,victory over,struggle with


a friend of mine 我的一个朋友(of 表示“属于”)

a ticket for tonight 一张今晚的票(for 表示“给……用”)

a story about Lei Feng 雷锋的故事(about表示“关于”)

a key to the door 这扇门的钥匙(to表示“对于”)

a lecture on American history 一场关于美国历史的演讲(on表示“论述”)

2. 形容词与介词的固定搭配

①常与at连用的形容词:afraid, angry, good, bad, clever, terrified, surprised

②常与of连用的形容词:afraid, sure, full, tired, fond, proud, worthy, certain

③常与with连用的形容词:angry, strict, careful, busy, popular

④常与in连用的形容词:weak, strict, rich, interested, successful

⑤常与to连用的形容词:next, good, polite, kind, cruel, rude, known, married, close, near, similar, due

⑥常与for连用的形容词:sorry, good, famous, fit, unfit, eager, anxious, hungry

⑦常与from连用的形容词:far, different, free, safe, absent, tired

⑧常与about连用的形容词:sorry, worried, anxious, careful, sure, certain


He was angry at losing it. (表“生气”的原因)

Don’t be angry with him. (表“生气”的对象)

He is good at maths.(表“擅长于”)

He is good to me.(表“对某人友好”)

It is good for him.(表“对他有益”)

(七) 相近介词(短语)辨析

1. on“关于”,学术性强:a lecture on computer

about“关于”,知识性或随便谈论:a discussion

about the plan

2. go/come/walk/run后只能用into, put/sit down/throw/jump/fall后可用in/into

3. over 在……正上方

under 在……正下方

above 在……上面(不一定垂直上方)

below 在……下面

4. in an hour 一小时后,用于将来时

after an hour 一小时后,用于过去时

5. beside 在……旁边

besides 除……之外(还有)

6. a hole in the wall

a picture on the wall

7. a piece of news in the newspaper

the words in the envelop

8. the tallest boy of(in) the class/school/…


the tallest(boy) of the ten boys


9. with the help / the permission of…

在…… 帮助/允诺下

under the leadership / the care of…


10. be familiar with sb/sth


be familiar to sb


11. be absent from meeting/class


be sbsent in sp 不在某处

12. be strict with sb 对某人严格要求

be strict in sth 严格对待某事

13. Shanghai lies in the east of China.


Korea lies on the east of China.


Japan lies to the east of China.


14. at least 至少

in the least 丝毫,一点

15. in the air 空中,在流传

on the air播出

16. shout to 呼喊,向……喊

shout at 对……吼,责骂

17. in the way 挡路,障碍,妨碍

in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上

by the way 顺便问一下

on one’s way(to) 在……路上

18. at the corner 在拐角处(外角)

in the corner 在拐角里,在角落里(内角)

19. on fire 着火,失火

on the fire 在火上

at the fire 在炉边

20. in the end=at last=finally

at the end of 在……结束时,在……末端

at the end最后

21. sometime 某时

some time 某段时间,某一时期

sometimes 有时

22. at a time=each time 每次

at one time=once 曾经

23. for a moment=for a while/minute 一会儿

for the moment 暂时

in a moment 立刻

at the moment 当时

the moment/minute/second/instance…

=as soon as 一……就

24. be tired of…讨厌……

be tired with…因……而疲倦

25. be popular with sb 受某人的欢迎

be popular for 因……而流行

26. be pleased with+名词/what从句 对……满意

be pleased at+抽象名词 听/看到……而高兴

27. be known to sb 为某人所知

be known as 作为……而出名,被叫作……

be known for 因……而出名

28. be busy with sth 忙于某事

be busy(in) doing sth 忙着做某事




1. Don’t expose the film _______ light.

2. There’s no profit _______ running a cinema in this city.

3.The chemicals in the smoke from factories or cars do great harm _______ animals and plants.

4. There is a great potential energy _______ the broad masses of people.

5. After class, we should take part _______ some social activities such as planting trees.

6. _______ a general rule, he goes out early every morning looking for work.

7. Before doing the experiments, we must keep what the teacher said _______ mind.

8. Go and sea what happened, Maybe they are in need _______ your help .

9. The were trapped _______ traffic this morning, so they were late.

10. China has long been a leader in the field of genetic research with the aim _______ improving agriculture.

11. His not coming added _______ our trouble in designing the structure.

12. _______ a student, you should learn to aid others with their difficulties.

13. The achievement of being chosen _______ the final gave Kira the confidence to go through with it.

14. This kind of game, popular _______ many young people, is played all over the country.

15. The geography teacher told us the earth moves _______ the sun.

16. I first met Lisa three years ago. She was working _______ the radio shop at that time.

17. He hated having to share the hotel bathroom  a stranger.

18. His uncle is famous as an artist, especially in oil paintings.

19. Nowadays, more and more teenagers have an appetite _______ computer games.

20. Being short of money, I applied _______ a teaching post at the school.



高考作文要点 第5篇



第二, 必须考虑绿叶与根的双元关系、辩证关系。根滋养抚育绿叶,绿叶才得以葱绿昌茂,绿叶心怀感恩之情,纵使飘零一生,也眷恋不忘根对自己的呵护。根作用于绿叶,绿叶反作用于根,这是相互的。有很多考生应该会提炼出“感恩”的观点,比如“游子对故土的感激眷恋”、“华侨对国家的回报感恩”“孩子对母亲的依恋爱戴”等等都可以,但是像一般的帮助别人,比如朋友之间的互相关心,情人之间的互相体贴,陌路人一个友情的微笑,身处尴尬时一份温馨的怜悯等等就与材料中的“感恩”之味有点距离,因为它们都脱离了“绿叶与根”的关系。

第三,要写好这篇文章,对考生的的思维能力要求较强。近几年浙江省命题导向显而易见的,那就是:激活学生库存的知识和经验、培养学生的.创新精神和关注现实的认识观,引导学生心灵的真善美和思维的开阔和多样。如果考生能超越 “感恩”,能从材料中品出根与绿叶的延续性关系——“给予与吸收,及再给予”,将个体心理上升为一种群体情感倾向,比如“乡愁的文化心理”等,则能写出一定的思想深度,容易得高分。

浙江高考语文作文趋势及关键要点 第6篇


(高分作文应具备的要素:卷面整洁美观;审题准确,观点鲜明;好的标题、漂亮的开头和结尾;中间需要些新颖丰富的素材;每段文字的段首最好能吸引阅卷老师的目光;严密的思维逻辑,清晰的思想表达;富有文采,有个人创新等) 书写和文体

书写工整!书写的字体不能让阅卷老师去猜。近三年高考,都写议论文(高雅的写作旨趣,与现实结合) 审题




第二步,界定核心概念,尤其是一些关系型题目中,更要注意这类概念的实质内涵进行深入思考和剖析,然后调动积累,联系现实生活; 第三步,确定内涵关系。

