


应届毕业生写作英文简历 第1篇



Neat clear: resume must write neat clear, reflect your true, accurate image, so that you can be at the employing units to ask.


Simple and clear: your resume is usually short, generally no more than a page, in the relevant job target key to highlight, but for other irrelevant some situation, to a slightly, the brief is the best.


Accurate: no matter in words and terms and write in accurate.


Honest: honest describe themselves, and not to boast, also not too modest.


Your resume should answer the following questions: whether it is clear and be able to let the employer know as soon as possible your abilities? Whether written clear your ability? If you write clear requirements of the job based? Something can be deleted?


And the resume self assessment is very important also ah, here for example:


His temperament, open-minded, active work really careful, exist good affinity, good at communication, and be fond of common, the love of singing, writing, interest has been refurbished, seek new things. Graduated from September of 2008. To enter the society at present, a part-time to two years of full-time work, must work can and language communication ability. Work also compare pay obligation seriously. Work with the boss and received recognition. Nothing is still hoping to find a more suitable for my job to temper themselves, is himself in the continuous improvement

应届毕业生写作英文简历 第2篇

Name: Mr. Lin

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: May 1985

Account: Hangzhou

National: Han

Political landscape: members

Marital status: unmarried

Specialties: Law

Education: Undergraduate

Graduate institutions: the University of Electronic Science and Technology, Hangzhou

Graduation Time: June 2009

Language: English (PETS-4)

Computer level: Computer Grade II Certificate

Work Experience: Internship

Contact: Tel: xxxxxxxxxxx Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Job intentions

Work type: Full-time

Unit nature: Limited, the joint-stock companies, branch offices, foreign, state organs

Expectations of the industry: Trade, import and export, financial services (investment, insurance, securities, banking, funds), marketing, advertising, public relations, property management, commercial centers, services

Expect jobs: Financial / economic institutions to manage operational, financial manager / director / Commissioner, risk management

Working Location: Hangzhou

Expectations of a monthly salary: Negotiable


Learning content: Law, the main subjects are the backbone of jurisprudence, the Chinese legal history, constitutional law, administrative law and administrative procedure law, civil law, commercial law, intellectual property law, economic law, criminal law, civil law, international law, private international law, international economic Law

The main practice teaching links include: Student, legal advice, social surveys, the thematic debate, mock trial, debate mystery, internships, etc., generally not less than 20 weeks.

Training experience

Participated in training: 08 job training schools, 08 Judicial Examination sprint classes, participated in Hangzhou, a famous professor of civil law training courses Yang Lixin

Work experience

Hangzhou Xiasha /6--2005/8 done in the home for three months, three to four students at the same time professor of English.

2006/10--2006/12 after graduating from high school, as well as the summer of 2006 had opened a nightclub in the uncle worked for two months, the Department has done guest rooms, catering department, purchasing department, the work of the Ministry of Personnel Ministry of Health. Uncle had received his promotion program planning.

2007/7--2007/8: social practice - on the development of export-oriented enterprises in Zhejiang Province and Countermeasures Practice Court ---- | Social Survey (the title “On the export-oriented enterprises in Zhejiang Province and the development of the characteristics of measures” - the location in the Taizhou Huangyan)

Professional skills

Computer: Computer 2 can Proficiency office2000 office automation software, to the production of multimedia courseware; to skilled application of office automation facilities; have a certain capacity of network applications.


应届毕业生写作英文简历 第3篇

1 数据收集

该研究以英语专业毕业生所撰写的40篇英文简历和8篇相关求职信为语料展开。因而, 语料的时效性和真实性保证了研究成果的可信度。其中, 每篇简历长度约为200词, 全部用于分析的语料次数总计约9600词。因所选简历均出自中国高校毕业生, 所以这些语料能够真实的反应毕业生求职者在英文简历写作中的问题。一般而言, 一份完整的简历通常包含以下几个部分:个人信息, 素质条件, 教育背景, 工作经验, 职业目标, 奖励奖项和自我评价。从语言表达上来看, 每个部分的内容均有一定的固定语块出现。通过对这些固定语块的分析, 研究者最终能够为毕业生求职者提供实际可行且针对性较强的简历写作建议和方案。

2 结果及讨论

通过分析, 我们发现在简历文体、职业领域和简历结构的预制语块中存在许多系统性的规律, 本研究将就其中主要的规律进行探讨。

2.1 简历的文本特征

简历与其他文本有着较大的区别:由于其特定的求职功能和目的, 其带有某些特殊的文体特征。从预制语块角度考虑, 其文体中包含的预制语块表达有:聚合词, 习惯表达法, 限制性短语和句子构造型结构。

2.1.1 聚合词

根据Nattinger&De Carrico (2000) 的研究, 聚合词指的是由一个以上的词汇构成的固定词组表达。通常而言, 这些词组表达能够表达特殊的含义, 具有固定的用法。例如:“personal details” (个人信息) , “working experience” (工作经验) , “activities in school” (校内表现) , “job objective” (求职意向) “education background” (教育背景) , “hobbies and interests (兴趣爱好) “and“certifications and skills” (证书技能) 。

简历中的聚合词较为常见, 且必不可缺。例如, “job objective” (求职意向) 就是作为简历要旨出现的。另外, 对于毕业生而言, “certifications and skills” (证书技能) 也尤为重要, 因为这部分代表了毕业生在经过若干年大学努力学习之后自身专业水平和工作能力的重要证明。对于猎头而言, 他们也非常关注这些以聚合词表现出来的简历小标题, 他们可以凭这些醒目而专业的表达快速找寻到所要的信息。

2.1.2 习惯表达法

同样是根据Nattinger&De Carrico (2000) 的研究, 习惯表达法主要指的是说话人贮备起来以供使用的语言模块, 包括习语谚语, 交际套语, 格言警句以及其他类似的语言形式。简历也带有其特殊的习惯表达法。例如:

“I wish to apply for the position advertised in the enclosed clipping from the newspaper of November 12”;

“Having noticed the enclosed advertisement on the internet, I wish to apply for the position referred to”;

“In answer to your advertisement in today’s newspaper for a secretary, I wish to tender my services”;

作为简历作者与阅读者之间沟通的桥梁, 相关求职信中的习惯表达法在现代社会扮演了重要的角色, 成为二者之间联系的纽带。在相关求职信中, 求职者表现出其求职的愿望。而通过阅读该信, 招聘者也能够大致了解应聘者的信息和条件。

2.1.3 限制性短语

Nattinger&De Carrico (2000) 认为, 限制性短语指的是具有固定框架结构的词语。在这些结构中, 写作者可以视情况填入所需的实义词汇。尽管简历是一种特殊的文体, 但与其他文体的其中一个共性就是内容里包含有固定的框架结构, 如“from...to..., in...and on...等等。例如:

“from sep.2009 to Dec.2009, as the president of the students’union, led our students‘union leaders to have a communication with Wuhan Foreign Language Vocational College.”

“In the lecture hall, there are 300 people packed.”

“To work as a secretary in a joint venture”

“A post in party or government organs”

“To send document to our university affairs office”

在上述例句中, 某些固定框架结构如“from sep.2009 to Dec.2009”, “...of...”, “in...”, “there are...”, “to..., or...”是较为明显的限制性短语。毕业生在写作时若能较好的掌握这些短语, 将有助于其顺利的依据一定的表达程式规范的写出就业市场所需的简历。当然, 毕业生也没有必要刻意死记这些表达, 而是要知道如何恰当的使用它们。

2.1.4 句子构造型结构

Nattinger&De Carrico (2000) 对“句子构造型结构”的定义是为整句提供固定结构的短语, 写作者可根据内容需求填充相关字词或语句。正如上述定义所述, “句子构造型结构”是造句的结构, 就如同盖房子所用的砖块一样。因此, 其重要性不言而喻。例如:

“My education is as follows:A full, four-year English course in South–Central

University for Nationalities.From this school I graduated with honor in July 2010”;

“I will graduate from foreign language department in southcentral university for nationalities this coming July”;

“I would appreciate and be longing for an interview with you”;

“My major substances are business English, marketing, international business

contract and so on”;

“I am quite willing to start with a small salary”.

以上选自相关求职信中的例句非常典型。根据定义, 我们不难发现这些例句中的句子构造型结构, 如:“My education is as follows:....I graduated...”, “I will graduate from...in...”, “I would appreciate and be longing for...”, “my major substance is...”and“I am willing to....”。借助这些结构, 简历写作者可以达到事半功倍的效果。

2.2 简历的职业领域特征

Apart from the generic characteristics, prefabricated chunks also show significant and systemic variation in patterns and trends across different professional fields.48 of all resumes under examination can be categorized under 4 professional fields.All the categories and the number of each are listed below:

除了文本特点外, 预制语块由于求职者所涉职业领域的不同在形式上也呈现出显著和系统性的差异。本研究中所分析的48份简历涵盖了4了职业领域, 具体为:教育:18;国际贸易:13;市场营销:10;管理:7。

众所周知, 职业意向是简历的核心要素, 是简历展开的依据。因此, 不同的职业意向决定了预制语块的不同, 也就是说, 不同的职业领域内存在不同的聚合词, , 习惯表达法, 限制性短语和句子构造型结构。下面, 我们将就所涉及的4个职业领域进行分析:

Through analysis of resumes and covering letters, the reason for adapting different chunks to show resume writers’difference is to establish a social interaction between resume writers and resume receivers, concretely speaking, resume writers want to build a special relationship with employers in their professional field.

从简历文本中, 我们可以看出, 简历写作者应用不同语块的原因在于与应聘者之间建立一种社交互动关系, 具体来说, 简历写作者意在与雇主之间在所选择的职业领域内建立特殊的雇佣与被雇佣关系。以下是所涉及的4个职业领域简历文本中出现的求职者为建立这种关系所使用的典型词汇:

Education (教育) :patient, dedicated, dependable, passionate, caring, warm, kindness, resourceful, quickly develops rapport with students, creative...

International trade (国际贸易) :open, passionate, foresighted, and sharp-sighted, be good at communication...

Sales&marketing (市场营销) :results-driven, energetic, persuasive

Management (管理) :decisive, knowing leadership...


“Be familiar with terms of price in CISG, such as Free on Board, CIF Liner Terms and CIF Landed and so on.”

“be familiar with”, “such as“and“and so on”是常用的聚合词, 而“terms of price in CISG”, “Free on Board”, “CIF Liner Terms“and“CIF Landed”是国际贸易领域的常用聚合词.副词修饰语在简历写作中也是很重要的, 如

“From October 2009, I have served as a senior student tutoring”

“From 2010-8 to 2010-9 I worked as an assistant of quality inspector in Guangzhou Aqua cup Water Purification Technology Co., Ltd”

“From 2010-5 to 2010-6 Optical valley feihong telecommunication phone shop of Wuhan

As a salesman, after two days training, assisted nokia of the counter in charge to sell the phones, four phones were sold every day on average, which helped to raise the counter performance by10%and thus improved my ability of selling.”

在这些句子中, “from October 2009”, “From 2010-8 to2010-9”, “From 2010-5 to 2010-6”, “after two days training”, “everyday on average”and“by 10%”是限制性短语, 且在管理与市场营销领域往往更加具体和精确。

2.3 简历的结构特征

正如上述, 简历包括以下部分:技能素质, 教育与培训, 工作经验, 求职意向。某些简历也包括其他人的评价, 当然, 这些评价都是正面的。简历的每一个部分都有聚合词, 习惯表达法, 限制性短语和句子构造型结构这四种预制语块。比如, 在技能素质这部分, 聚合词被广为使用, 例如, “TEM4”, “CET6”and“BEC-H”。在工作经验部分, 限制性词语的使用频率较高, 例如, “in 2008, I worked as a sales girl in a supermarket”。在相关求职信中, “句子构造型结构”较为常见, 如“I have been for over five years in the employ of an exporting company”。

3 结论与建议

1) 预制语块在简历写作中客观存在, 且其重要性不可忽视, 简历作者可以通过预制语块试图与招聘者建立社交互动的联系

2) 在简历写作中, 写作者可以利用预制语块强化自身独特的优势和个性, 同时保证简历长度适中, 信息准确, 表达清楚。

3) 围绕求职意向, 针对所选择的职业领域, 选择合适的预制语块, 以增加求职的成功率。

4) 在简历制作时, 写作者应注意简历文本版式的选择和设计, 尽力使简历悦目, 以让应聘者产生良好的第一印象。


[1]Nattinger J, DeCarrico J.Lexical phrases and language teaching[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1992.

[2]李静.预制语块与大学英语写作的相关性研究[D].沈阳:沈阳师范大学, 2007.

[3]孟艳丽.评价理论及其在简历写作中的应用[D].长春:吉林大学, 2006.

[5]刘英杰.预制语块与大学英语写作[J].佳木斯教育学院学报, 2009 (4) .

[6]张亚楠.英文求职信的文体特征[J].安徽文学, 2009 (12) .

应届毕业生写作英文简历 第4篇

关键词:高校 应届毕业生 簡历



























应届毕业生英文简历 第5篇

Zheng Yan


To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.


.9-.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University,M.E.

1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.

Academic Main Courses

Advanced MathematicsProbability and Statistics Linear Algebra
Engineering MathematicsNumerical AlgorithmOperational Algorithm
Functional AnalysisLinear and Nonlinear Programming
Electronics and Computer
Circuit PrincipalData StructuresDigital Electronics
Artificial IntelligenceComputer Local Area Network

Computer Abilitees

Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

【您现在阅读的文章来自“中国人才指南网”,请记住我们的永久域名:www.cnrencai.com 】

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213

Scholarships and Awards

.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate .11 Metal Machining Practice Award 1997.4 Academic Progress Award

应届毕业生英文简历 第6篇

Female, 23,

Education: college

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: sales

Education experience

In June , graduated from pingxiang college marketing and planning

Self description

应届毕业生英文求职简历 第7篇

Room 212 Building 343

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

(010)62771234 Email:good@tsinghua.edu.com

Zheng Yan


To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.Education

1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.Academic Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics probability and Statistics Linear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear programming

Electronics and Computer

Circuit principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilitees

Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C , project 98, Office 97, Rational Requisitepro, process,pascal, pL/I and SQL software

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate

1998.11 Metal Machining practice Award

1997.4 Academic progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

应届毕业生英文简历模版 第8篇


Skills:Typing (65 wpm),Dictaphone.Multi-line Phones/Switchboard,Ten key (110 kspm) Digital DECmate computer,bookkeeping,credit checks,statistical typing. Extensive business experience including accounting firms,legal firms,financial firms,insurance companies,transportation companies,medical environments,government agencies and non-profit groups. Offer common sense,ability to take initiative,quality orientation and the ability to see a job thorough. Outstanding communications skills...Extremely hardworking and dedicated. EMPLOYMENT: MARSTON CONVENT,Laramie,WY,1988-Present Receptionist Answer phone,greet visitors and provide information,tours,and literature.Record and monitor thank-you notes for all received donations.Perform light typing,filling,and word processing. WYOMING PUBLIC TELEVISION,Laramie,WY,1987-88 Telemarketer Solicit donations.Monitored the ordering of informative pamphlets,placards,buttons,tee-shirts,etc. RINALDO RANCH,Laramie,WY,1983-88 Secretary Provided word processing,customer relations,some accounts payable processing.Implemented new system for check processing,increased prompt payment of client bills. WOMANPOWER INC.,Laramie,WY,1975-83 Secretary Acted as liaison between public and CEO. STATE HEALTH COALITION,Laramie,WY,1965-75 Statistical Typist Prepared health record documentation of infectious disease patients at State hospital.Managed training of new hires.

应届毕业生个人英文简历 第9篇

Email Address:

Mobile Phone:


Age: Sex: Male

Expected Salary: face to face negotiation is preferred.


Sep9. /Jul9, Central South university

College degree.


Mar. 2001/7 TO /3 Pegasus Footwear Co., Ltd

Post: Assistant to Vice General Manager


Arrange the production meeting for vice general manager.

Receive and reply vice general manager’s internal and external mails.

Communicate with Italian designer to follow up his design style with factory developers.

Follow up factory 5’s production process and report to vice general manager every day.

Receptionist of foreigners especially for dinner with drinking.

Translate all the Chinese and English version of company rules.

Handle all the issues of vice general manager when he is out of office for vacation or business trip. But calling vice general manager or reporting to president is a must before taking action.


Well assist vice general manager to handle his job.

Jul. 2003/7/now ACH & Co., HK Ltd

Post: Parts deparment manager


Control running of parts department

Sourcing new parts and purchase the general parts for oders.

Search new parts vendor and compare the price. Build a system of vendors’ information for emergency use.

Supervising assistant and staffs to send out the correct parts for production.

Attend the jewely show in China such as in Hong Kong、Guangzhou and Shenzhen for source new vendors.

Purchase parts in USA, Germany, and Italy.

Execute the instructions from US head office

Control the spare quantity of parts production. Show the operators how to handle the parts such as laser shooting, plating and polishing etc.

Management of parts inventory quantity.


Well control parts department running and get good feedback from US head office. Save lots of cost for company.

应届毕业生英文简历范例 第10篇


Wang Yun


238 Renmin Road, Haiding Station

Beijing City, 100015


E-mail: wyun@263.net


Bachelor of Science, Applied Chemisrty, July 2001

Beijing University of Chemical Technology.Important Courses:

Chemical Analysis, Organic Analysis, Organic Agent of Analysis, Higher Analysis, Electric Chemical Analysis, Science English, GC, HPLC, UV, IR, NMR, MS, TG, ESCA, SEM.Minor: Economic Law, Enterprise Management, Social Relation.ACTIVITES

Broadcast Station, Editor, 1997-1998

Journalist Club, Journalist, 1997-1998

Committee Brief Newspaper, Editor, 1997-1998

Drama Club, Sponsor and Consultant, 1998-1999

Class comrade in charge of propaganda, 1997-2000

Published proses, reports in Campus Newspaper.Edited and approved all copy, layouts and pictures.Honors: Excellent Student Leader.Distinguished Campus Journalist.Won the first prize in the composition.Distinguished Director.LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY

English:CET6, 1998.Fluent in reading, writing, speaking and hearing by learning English for ten years.Japanese: Basic ability in reading, writing, speaking and hearing.COMPUTER PROFICIENCY

Passed National Computer Rank 3.Microsoft Certificate.Be good at internet, frontpage, html,javascript,java,photoshop,.net,asp,photoexpress,flash,dreamwever,firework,pagermaker,3Dmax,windows, word, excel, powerpoint, outlook,foxmail, access, wps, C language, C++,VB,etc.EXPERICENCE

Gone on field trips to Institute of Jilin Chemical Industrical Corporation, Ethylene Factory of Jilin Chemical Industrical Corporation and Shenyang Cast Institute, 2001.Teached Maths, English, Chemistry, Chinese in my spare time as a tutor, 1997-2000.Worked on quality control as a analyst at Beijing Huabang Pharmaceutical CO.LTD, 2001.PERSONAL DATA

Family: Father, Mother

Born: On October 18, 1978

Sex: Male

应届毕业生英文简历模版 第11篇



central university of xxxx department of economics xxxxx(100000)


central university of xxxx

department of economics management, major: international enterprise management

bachelor of management

academic achievements

university scholarship (level iii) for academic excellence

merit of excellence for research paper on social research

title:“thoughts on creativity in enterprise management”

2、english skills:

excellent written and spoken english skills.


cet 6.

bec level 2 (achieved excellence in spoken english exam).

3、computer skills

proficient in office applications: microsoft powerpoint, microsoft access, microsoft outlook.

knowledge of and experience with photoshop, freehand.

proficient in c, basic, and foxbase programming languages.

passed microsoft atc (advanced) office xp exam.

certifications: microsoft office2000 expert, microsoft outlook2000 proficient user.

4、marketing experience:

1)xxxx guangzhou june

marketing representative

conducted marketing planning with other team members. analyzed current consumers and competitors. predicted future target consumers and developed marketing strategies. several major survey results and suggestions were adopted by the company.

2)pointzero survey, inc., april 2000

market surveyor

conducted survey in lower-class residential areas. collected data and analyzed current and future market. completed heavy workload ahead of deadline, and was highly praised by the employer.

3)xxxx university guangzhou 2000 - 2001

department of xxxx

manager of public relations, student organization

key organizer, advertiser and planner for university/department-sponsored student performance events and academic and sport activities. successfully conducted advertising and acted as key organizer for events including: “celebrating youth,” a performance event, the “bird” marketing competition, and “zoom in on our times,” a series of student debates.

4)heguyuan ltd. (franchise), beijing march 1997

sales representative

sold food to retail customers. conducted customer survey to obtain feedback and identify potential customer needs. achieved good sales record through effective marketing.

5、additional experience

1)xxxxxresearch center june 2002

reception delegate

reception delegate, interpreter and tour guide for the chairman of the xxxxxx

2)huaweide cultural exchange center, beijing february 2002 - present
