


计算机IT英文简历 第1篇

Mr. HU´s Resume

Name: Mr. p Gender: Male

Wedlock: Single Nation: Han

Residence: Guangdong-Shanwei Age: 26

Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 172cm

Target Locations: Guangdong-Dongguan、Guangdong

Target Positions: IT-Development/Application-Other

IT-Management/Technical Support-Other

Target Jobs: manager

Desired Salary:

When Can Start: after 2008-05-10 later



2005-09 ~ 2008-07 Neusoft institute of infomation computer application technology Junior College

2002-09 ~ 2005-07 new star school histroy High School

Special Skills

Professional Title:

Computer Level: senior

Computer Skills:

Strengths: National Occupational Qualification Leval 5

Language Skills

Chinese: Good Cantonese: Good

English Level: Majored in English CET-6 Spoken General

English: General

Career Objective

Career Direction: whatever we do ,we do it insistently. without the persistence,we could accomplish nothing! eventhough you had the plan ,you would cringe at the sight of difficulties.so,choose what you like ,and keeping trying and trying. computer science and management should be the best choice for me.


计算机IT英文简历 第2篇

(一)Marcus Reynolds

462, Mortimer ST,Lewiston, MA, 64328




Willing to work as a Computer Programmer in the well known IT industry.Education

B.Tech/B.E.(Computers)from XYZ University, Arizona in 2005

Summary of Skills and Experience

I am an engineering graduate and have knowledge of implementing software programming skills in designing & developing systems.Pivotal in C, C++, SQl, Java, HTML, MS Access and Photoshop with exposure in Windows 9x/ 2000 / NT.Computer Skills

Programming Languages: C, C++, SQL, Java, J2EE(Servlet, JDBC, JSP)Databases tools: Oracle, MS Access

Operating Systems: Windows 9x, XP, 2000, NT

Other Skills: Photoshop, CSS, HTML, Flash

Additional Details

Academic Projects

Banking System using C++

Duration: Jan 06 to May 06

Environment: C++

Description: Designed and developed banking system for bank involving basic transactions such as Debiting or Crediting accounts, listing account information of customers, balancing information, editing and deleting accounts etc.References:

Available on request.英文简历范文:IT人员个人简历

(二)Marco Cohen

659, Luther King Boulevard,Bangor, MA, 32687




Any Network or System Technician on acquired skills training and

experience.Willing to work from the ground floor with the right company.Skills:

Configuring Routers.Wan Connection

Routing(Static, Rip, Igrp), Access List.DDR

LAN & VLAN.Configuring Switches


Antivirus Solutions

Installations of Windows2003/XP/2000/ME/9X.Maintaining, Troubleshooting & Repair of Network and Desktop Peripherals Installation of Satellites

Repairs of Monitors, Smps & Printers

Knowledge of Fire Alarm Systems

Professional Experience:

XYZ Ltd,(Jun 2004-Present)

Computer Technician

Handling with Branded computers Like IBM, Compaq, and Acer.Repairs of Monitors, Smps and Printers.Installations, of Software and Hardware.Handling with Fire Alarms works.Installations of Satellites.ABC Computers(Dec2003-May2004)

Computer Technician

Worked with branded computers like Compaq and IBM.Other software like SAP client level, Lotus Notes Client level Ms-office etc.Installation of windows2000/NT and 98.Education/Training:

Professional Training

Cisco Certified Network Associate(CCNA)2002.Diploma in Computer Maintenance Engineer.(DCME)1999.B.A(2001 from XYZ University).References:

Furnished on request.英文简历范文:IT人员个人简历

(三)Anton Vega

733, Abraham Drive,Sanford, MA, 34672




To work in the well known company as a computer operator and there by monitor and control numerous computer systems, equipments, peripherals and networks efficiently.Education:

Bachelor of Computer Programming, XYZ Institute,1999

Professional Certifications:

Certificate in Tally, Sams Institute, 2000


Expertise in installation of various software and operating systems namely UNIX, Windows.Expertise in the usage of oracle database and MS office tools namely word, Power point, MS-Excel, Ms-Access

Knowledge and certification in Tally

Expert in using search engine tools and Internet.Experience:

XYZ Company, Sep 2005Dec 2004

Computer Operator/Office assistant

Receive visitors, place calls and answers telephone enquiries.Maintains records, files & other references materials and perform related clerical duties.Search files, documents and maintain library for information.Drafting of letters & Noting for approval of proposal.Report preparation

Some sort of Data Entry related work.All Company work in Word, Outlook Express, Excel, Photoshop, Scanning and Internet.References:

计算机IT英文简历 第3篇


20世纪60年代以来,随着心理学和语言学的发展,第二语言习得的研究内容发生了重要变化,研究者们将其研究重点从“教学方法”转到了“学习过程”,逐渐认识到学习者是语言学习的中心。作为在第二语言习得中学习者所使用的语言—中介语受到了研究者的广泛关注。国内的汉英中介语研究目前仍处于以文献研究为主,实证研究为辅的格局。戴炜栋等用CNKI中国期刊全文数据库检索了1979~2004年外语类核心期刊上以“中介语”为关键词的论文,检索结果显示,国内外语类核心期刊直到1994年才开始发表以中介语为关键词的论文,至2004年共有56篇,其中,实证研究论文21篇,占总量的38%,文献研究论文35篇,占62%[1]。笔者用同样方法检索了2005~2012年外语类期刊上以“中介语”为关键词的论文,检索结果显示,实证研究仍然不足,且研究对象不够明确。在所检索的2 485篇论文中,仅有陈楚雄等所著的12篇论文明确了研究对象[2],研究对象主要是英语专业及非英语专业大学生,对具有硕士以上学历、有专业知识、能够独立用英文撰写学术论文的科技工作者研究甚少。


1 中介语简介

中介语理论是二语习得中的一个重要理论。它产生于20世纪70年代初并于80年代初被介绍到我国,对我国的外语教学产生了巨大的推动作用,人们也逐步认识到中介语在外语教学中的积极作用。Selinker在其论文Language Transfer中首次使用了Interlanguage 一词,并于1972年发表了题为“Interlanguage”的研究论文[3]。Selinker认为:中介语是“第二语言学习者独立的语言系统,在结构上处于母语和目的语的中间状态。”



2 IT领域英文论文中中介语现象分析


学术论文中的母语负迁移主要体现在词汇和句法层面上。在词汇层面,学习者会受到新项的干扰。例如,英语有冠词(a,an,the)而汉语没有,冠词对于英语学习者来说即是新项。汉语中名词可表示一类事物,而在英语中,要通过正确使用冠词来表达“类”这一概念。学习者经常忽略汉英的这种差异而忽略对冠词的使用。词汇内涵的不对应也是产生中介语的原因之一。汉英词汇中有众多内涵不对应的现象,需在翻译时作区别处理,如:“对”不仅可以表示对象,翻译为“to”,还可以表示逻辑的动宾关系,需翻译为“of”;“同时” 不仅可以表示同一时间,翻译为“at the same time”,还可表示“也”,需翻译为“also”;“首先”并不是“刚开始的时候”,因此不应翻译为“at first”;“最后”既可表示“终于”,翻译为“at last”,也可表示最终的时间,需翻译为“finally”等;“…下” 不仅可以表示位置低,翻译为“under”或“below”,也可以和“温度”、“频率”等搭配使用,表示一个抽象的地点,需翻译为“at”;“属于”不但可以表示“所属”,翻译为“belong to”,也可以表示“其中之一”,翻译为“among”,还可以表示“被归类为”,翻译为“be classified into”。词性的干扰也会产生中介语。汉语的词性划分标准主要是词的语法功能,而不是词的形态变化或词的语法意义。英语有比较丰富发达的形态变化,有构词形态。译者往往忽略汉英的这一差异,在翻译过程中对词性不加区分,例如:with the flourish development of economy(应为with the vigorous development of economy)。习惯用法的干扰也是中介语的来源之一。汉语中经常会出现像“情况”、“现象”、“问题”、“使”、“有”、“种”等没有实际意义的词,学习者往往按照汉语习惯,在写作时把这些词都翻译出来,使得译文冗长,也不符合英语习惯。如:the phenomenon of the disagreement between the experimental result and the theoretical result(应删掉the phenomenon of)。句法层面上的母语负迁移主要体现在语态负迁移,时态负迁移,和句型结构负迁移3方面。在汉语中,主动语态和被动语态在形式上并无严格差异,句子可以无主语,在主语位置出现的名词也可能是动词的逻辑宾语,或者句子以“据…”开始。学习者受汉语影响,常将这类句子误译为无主语句子或主动语态。在时态方面,汉语的时态不具备具体形式,而英语中不同的时态有不同的形式,作者在写作时常受汉语的影响忽略时态。在句型结构方面,英语重形合,造句注重形式接应,要求结构完整,句子以形寓意,以法摄神,因而严密规范,采用的是焦点句法;汉语重意合,造句注重意念连贯,不求结构齐整,句子以意役形,以神统法,因而流泻铺排,采用的是散点句法[5]。在写作过程中,作者不从句子结构上作调整,而是按照汉语的习惯仅将各分句简单堆砌。


第二语言学习策略不当体现为:很多学习者期望通过对词汇和语法规则 “死记硬背”来提高语言熟练程度。这种错误的学习策略导致了诸多问题的出现:记住了语法规则但不会使用,认识单词但不知道其具体用法。如:As a result,users could access to digital resources and services at anytime.(应删掉to)。

在第二语言知识有限情况下,学习者不得不采取一些交际策略以使交际得以顺利进行。回避是一种比较常用的策略。在写作过程中,若表达受挫,作者会折中地选用一种能表达自己的大意的方式,从而回避了能够确切表达自己意思的方式。求助权威是另一种常用的交际策略。目前市面上所出现的汉英科技字典,无论是电子类的还是传统的,都较少介绍词的具体用法。作者在写作过程中过分依赖工具书,导致论文中词的误用现象时有出现。如:This method remains to be perfected.(应改为This method remains to be improved.)鉴于此,作者应学会如何正确判断及使用电子、网络资源。

目的语规则的泛化在学术论文中常出现,比如学习者根据动名词的定义,简单推断出所有动词均可通过加后缀“ing”变为名词,如:with the developing of the Internet(应改为with the development of the Internet);学习者根据比较级的相关语法规则,简单推断出“越来越”均可翻译为“more and more”,如:People have more and more recognized the importance of solar energy.(应改为People have increasingly recognized the importance of solar energy或There is an increasing recognition of the importance of solar energy)学习者根据定语从句的定义,简单推断出所有定语从句用关系代词引导即可,而忽略了介词的使用,如:The temperature that the machine operates normally is 28℃.(应改为The temperature at which the machine operates normally is 28℃.)

3 中介语现象对科技英语教学的启示



《大学英语教学大纲》规定:“专业英语课原则上由专业教师承担”,各校“要逐步建立起一支相对稳定的专业英语课教师队伍,成立由学校领导和专业英语教师组成的专业英语教学指导小组,统筹、协调、检查专业英语教学方面的工作” [9]。事实上目前我国的专业英语教学情况不容乐观,据韩萍、朱万忠等调查,由于ESP对教师有专业与语言的双重要求,许多高校的专业教师由于自身语言底子不足又缺乏语言教学经验,选择的教学模式主要是“翻译+阅读”,很少涉及语言综合技能的全面训练[10];同样,由语言教师担任EST课程教学,由于不懂相应的专业知识也难以胜任。各专家、学者都曾就此提出自己的见解和解决方案,刘润清建议给大学英语教师举办师资培训班[11];蔡基刚也提出鼓励年轻的具有硕士学位的外语教师攻读其他专业的博士学位[12]。笔者认为,有必要培养稳定的EST师资队伍,培养对象最好是有理工科基础的英语爱好者,他们有理工科学生的思维习惯,易于接受专业知识,同时,他们爱好英语,容易打下扎实的语言基础。此外,他们应该有机会进行专业英语翻译或编辑工作,以便能将专业知识和语言能力有效结合起来。

4 结束语

高效英文简历模板 第4篇


Balance Sheet基本方法

选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet。

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:

We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-Outgoing personality

-Able to communicate at different levels

-Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin


-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc

-Fluent in English and Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可以让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。

Work experience工作经验的陈述




2006/7-2006/8 General Clerk, IBM

2007/7-2007/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading

2008/6-2008/8 Salesgirl, Esprit.


Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunity: As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, serving and stocking.


Job objective 事业目标

通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热爱及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。


Job objective:

To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.

IT产业英文简历 第5篇

jenny carter

889 north street, marshalltown, ia 15014

tell:****** email:***********

objective: to obtain a positon that utilizes my potential as software engineer

computer skills

languages: c, c++, (x)html, css, javascript, visual basic, xml, asp.net

operating systems: windows, mac osx and unix

databases: ms-access, sql server XX

software: ms visual studio, windows nt 4.0, ms office, ms visual studio

hardware: installation of simm chips, hard disks, motherboards and printer configurations


oracle, ia, XX to present

systems developer

.responsible for transferring an extensive filepro database to ms access with the help of macros and vba

.assisted in-house staff by troubleshooting pc and unix related problems

.maintained and updated the ms access database for the marketing department

netex, johnston, ia, XX--XX support engineer

.assisted in creation and testing of new software and troubleshoot operating systems related problems

.debugging program bugs and modifying programs with advancements

.providing prompt technical support to in-house staff


bachelor of science degree in computer science, des moines, ia, may XX

major: computer programming and analysis

IT经理英文简历 第6篇

·Well-established contacts with media, import & export agents, and government units.

·Fluent in both written and spoken English. Translation articles with 200,000 words published during 1990 to 1992 on transmission magazines.

·Active, responsible, reliable and hardworking, Self-confident.

·Leadership and inter-personal communication skill.


Name: Stella Li   Gender:Female   Date of Birth:August 23th,1968

Martial Status:Married   Email Address:stellali@yjbys.com

Tel010)67183945-7869    Mobile Phone:13911216789


June, 1994 - March, 2000  XXXX Business Operation  Manager

·Conducting market studies on access development trends and competition, setting marketing communications strategy and plan, managing and coordinating technical promotion.

·Annually organizing more than 10 various levels exhibitions and seminars all over the country.

·Maintaining close relation with media in telecom for solutions promotion and technical advertising.

·Coordinating VIP customers participation of important events.

·Working together with the sales team on wireless, wireline and Internet access solutions promotion in China.

·As an interface between the headquarters and local team, in charge of making target market business plans, business opportunity analysis and sales report; controlling project status and making manufacture forecast; collecting customer information and making action plan.

·Controlling the agents sales of line-transmission equipment, developing potential agents and arranging training programs plan.

·Supporting contract implementation and customer coordination during 1997 and 1998, solving problems arising during contract implementation.

December, 1992 - June, 1994  XXX Import & Export Corporation  Sales Manager

·In charge of import and export machinery & electronics equipment, including marketing, customer relations setting up, sales and contract implementation.


August, 1988 - June, 1992  University of Post and Telecommunications

Computer & telecommunitcations  Bachelor of Computer Engineering

·With the highest total score by graduation in the studied major.

·Graduation Thesis officially published.

·Received University Special English Prize.

·Being the Division Chief of Student Union for two years.


Key Account Management, July 1997

IT人员—个人简历英文简历 第7篇


Mobile Phone:


Email: Major:


Date of Birth



Objective: ********** ************ ChengDuComputer Science and Technology Male May 22,1990 SiChuan ChengDu Tennis, Table Tennis, Basketball, Badminton, Reading, Music, Travel To obtain a PHP Programmer position(part time employees)


2012.9-present **UNIVERSITYCITYCandidate for Master in in June 2015.2008.9 – 2012.6**UNIVERSITYCITYBachelor inAwards and Scholarships

2009.9“National Motivational Scholarships”, “Outstanding Member”, “Good Gtudent”;2010.9“School A-level Scholarship”, “Excellent Member ”, “Good Student ”

2011.9“School A-level Scholarship”, “Excellent Student”

2012.6“Outstanding Graduates”

Professional Skills

 Proficiency in object-oriented Java, C + + language programming

 Good at relational database such as SQL Server, MYSQL

 Familiar with C, PHP, JSP

 Have a certain foundation in AJAX, Servlet, JDBC, HTML, XML, JavaScript

 Familiar with SVN version control tool. Familiar with SSH(Spring+Struts+Hibernate)Framework

The three years of University life, I have good professional learning, and I constantly strive to improve my own professional basis, I have accepted good professional skills training and ability, I have got solid theoretical foundation and practical experience, and I have strong practical and analytical skills;

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English, Past CET-6.Project Experiences

Title: The ACM Online Judge and Teaching System

 Environment: MyEclipse 9.0,MySQL, Tomcat 7.0,SVN. Description:

 The project is the subject of a teaching situation of our academy in the ACM contest Competition

Teaching System used for the the online ACM online Match, It is used for online learning and online exercises.The system WEB logical layer is divided into five logical modules: user module, test database module, online evaluation module, paper management, performance statistics module.I am responsible for the design and implementation of the system users and exam management module, complete the function registered user, delete user, password changes, the administrator user management;completion of the test database management functions questions deletion, questions, questions modify and questions expire automatically deleted, the system function design comprehensive and able to meet the needs of the online ACM competition requirements as well as online teaching, reform our hospital ACM game, online communication, improve work efficiency and improve teaching quality and other aspects have a positive and practical significance. My task is Needs analysis, database table design, interface design, set up the development environment,team members task allocation and supervision project progress, I think that the most profound in the process of developing a project in a team is the team spirit of cooperation, no matter what the situation is we are a team, if only just to do things according to their individual progress, not take into account the whole team it will seriously affect the progress of the project, or even to delay the progress of the projectPersonality

 I am a lively and cheerful boy, I am optimistic , positive, friendliness, broad interests. I am honest, hard-working, responsible, perseverance, and I am good at communication with others
