


工程机械英文 第1篇



ERP(企业资源计划)指的是一个管理平台,是基于信息技术和系统控制提供决策和运作手段,是决策者和执行者的的企业。这是一个必须执行企业资源规划系统,同时面临着日趋激烈的竞争市场及发展要求更精细的产品,过程集成和资源,为企业快速决策,等等。厦门厦工机械有限公司,平稳实现系统通过软件最初的选择,服务供应商的选择,资源的重新整合,和其他的串口操作,从而提供了一个坚实的基础,公司的更好地管理和决策的部分建筑设备的企业,已明确的是先决条件使用,准备执行关键事件过程和注意事项之后。关键词:企业资源规划;建筑设备;应用要点 湿式安全型中央制动器


关键词:中央制动器;湿式安全型;隔爆,制动力矩;停车制动器 结构分析的叉车八杆联动


关键词:叉车八杆联动;车辆结构,铲负载型卡车;叉车负载型卡车 内置式四臂同步伸缩机构



结构的研究数据对如何影响流场分布和传热研究过程中的干燥滚筒进行了测试。它是建造一个三维仿真模拟的的干燥滚筒,从而使数值模拟采用流体动力学软件看到干燥鼓中的流场及热传导过程,同时证明了仿真结果通过了实验数据点。结果表明在干燥鼓中研究热气流有一定的参考价值,以指导其设计和改进,和增加鼓的热效率。关键词:干燥鼓;流场;数值模拟 液压挖掘机设备的试验型强度测试 静态和动态试验研究了挖掘机的附件,以便于可以看到液压挖掘机的强度。根据特征的应力分布在箱体外部的压力作用下我们已经奠定了14个试验点的位置应力诸如动臂斗杆等。我们已经收集了静态——应变时域信号测试点的斗齿挖掘阻力,以及动态应变时间域信号——从空载下降的影响,和那些从制动到全斗上下的最大速度。经过分析的时域特性,我们得到的应变数据的测试点,计算出安全因素的附件并决定是否或不符合有关规定的安全因素。关键词:液压挖掘机;测试;压力测试;安全因素 在液力传动叉车中鉴定和研究噪声源

液压传动噪声水平是评估燃机式叉车的一个重要因素。所以我们在这样一个叉车的方式分解和测试传输,我们拆卸传动可以再三个条件下采集振动和噪声的信号,进而分析噪声的频谱和频率进行比较。我们证明网状激活的变换器中的齿轮轴是主要的噪声源,这是一个在燃机式系列叉车上被发现的降低其表面辐射噪声传播的基础。关键词:液压传动;噪声源;拆卸试验;证明 在框架分级机上工作条件的分析和试验


关键词:平地机;后框架;工况分析;有限元 最终装载机驱动桥的故障分析


关键词:建筑设备;最终传动轴;失效分析;疲劳;疲劳强度 摊铺机框架上的有限元分析和试验

面对一个沥青摊铺机太重的火焰,往往变形在我们优化前围栏,围栏篷后方,后方支援,等一些地方。一个沥青摊铺机,采用有限元分析和应变测试。通过理论分析和试验证明,加上均匀应力分布和变形,火焰经过结构优化和质量降低能完全满足要求的实际工作条件。关键词:摊铺机;车架;有限元分析;应变测试 一个更好的系统匹配


拓扑优化设计的基本框架和多变的三角履带链轮装载机 建设一个3维模型对ZL 50型装载机采用高升力(三角型)更换框架轨道链轮使用有限元分析看实力在极端工作条件下的承载力和变形量。在此基础上,我们又进一步做拓扑优化和二次优化设计质量轻的框架。结果表明,优化后的火焰可以在极端的工作条件,减少其最大应力的42.03%,最大变形和结构质量的4.1%。20.15%。拓扑优化可以帮助获得最佳结构形式的承载单元,同时增加结构强度,可以有效地降低结构质量,缩短设计时间,降低生产成本。关键词:轨道链轮架;有限元;拓扑优化;二次设计 应用节能蓄电池叉车





目前的状况和发展趋势运用现代弯管工艺制造建筑机械的驾驶室 随着对建筑机械的驾驶室形状和功能要求的升级,有关制造过程有一个长远的发展,其中包括现代弯管在施工制造系统中是不可或缺的一个环节。本文系统介绍了应用现代弯管的背景,对于驾驶室,弯管的的基本原则,现代弯管的发展史,重点关键技术及其应用。在应用本型材制造驾驶室的重点发展问题上提出了可行的解决方案。关键词:建筑设备;驾驶室;弯管过程;钢材 装载机的结构缺陷及其改进的两个例子



本文讲述了在旋转活塞式湿喷机的耐磨性耦合板直接影响其喷浆工作的效率。在磨损电阻耦合板上,我们已经分析考虑什么和如何解决这些问题。我们的改进可明显提高混凝土喷射工程的经济效益并且延长旋转活塞式湿喷机的工作寿命。关键词:旋转活塞式湿喷机;耦合板;耐磨性;措施 在添加限制系统半自动化吊管机上的争论 这几年来,随着不断加强土方企业安全管理建设和安全生产工作,吊管机作为一个不可缺少的管道铺设设备,引起了人们的关注。侧重于一些半机械化机无扭矩限制安全保护,我们试图添加电磁阀、机械阀和溢流阀,利用液压部分在机器的升降系统,以插入扭矩限制器到半机械的信息,从而有效地解决安全问题。认证后,退休的吊管机能够满足安全运行要求具有良好的效果。关键词:半·机械吊管机;改装;限制系统

工程机械英文 第2篇

1985-Present LEYNER CORPORATION,Lake Charles,LA

Industrial Engineer

Provide floor support engineering in printed wire assembly(PWA)and subsystem assembly(SSA)areas.Purchase capital equipment.Interface with vendors.Justify expenditures.Design plant layout fixtures,and flow charts of material.Program automatic equipment.Write process sheets and rework procedures.Recommend changes to product to allow ease of manufacture.Implement design changes.Inititate methods and process improvements.Troubleshoot problems.Effect disposition or rejection of material.Provide assistance to all other departments.1984 PRUDENCE D.MCHARRISON LABORATORY,Ruston,LA

Engineering Assistant

Conducted variety of tests including Tensile.Compression,and creep tests on molded parts.Responsible for production of plastic test specimens,and mounting polishing,and microscopic analysis.Designed tools and fixtures for Instron machine.1982/83 DUCHESS COMPONENTS,Baton Rouge,LA

Molding Room Attendant,1983

Operated and maintained machine producing epoxy preforms.Maintained records on inventory,loss of material,and quality control.Machine shop attendant,1982

Operated lathes,milling and grinding machines;monitored welding and heat treatments.Read blueprints.EDUCATION

LOYOLA UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS,College of Engineering,New Orleans,LABachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology,1985

Minor concentration in computer science.PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS

Member,Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Leaner Management Club Certified Manufacturing Technologist and Solderer.NOTICE

工程材料课程英文教学实践 第3篇


随着国内外学术交流日益频繁以及社会对工程应用人才的国际化需求日益提高, 2012年, 我校工程材料课程教学组决定在原有工程材料英文教学班的基础上再增加一个英文教学班。该教学班使用原版英文教材, 教学、作业以及课程考试全部采用英文[1]。全英文课程教学不仅对学生是很好的锻炼和考验, 对教师的教学能力也有着更高的要求。根据一般英文课程教学的特点以及中文教学过程中存在的一些问题, 我们在新学期课程教学过程中进行了改革, 取得了良好的教学效果, 也初步总结了一些经验。

1 发挥英语教学的优势

教学的本质是知识的传授和能力的培养, 语言只是一种载体、一个便于人们交流的平台。具体采用何种语言, 主要取决于交流的对象以及交流的顺畅程度, 而与知识和能力本身无关。从这个层面上讲, 英文教学和中文教学应该没有本质的不同。然而恰恰是因为语言的原因, 使得中英文教学过程中呈现出不同的教授特点。

语言, 是障碍也是优势。中文是母语, 学生接受起来不存在语言障碍, 教师讲课时语速也相对较快。在教学过程中, 教师可以随时列举大量工程应用中的实例来辅助教学, 并以此活跃课堂气氛和提高学生注意力。对于大量专业词汇, 学生往往可以通过中文词汇“望文生义”的特点来做预判;而在英文教学过程中, 学生对专业词汇预判的能力大大降低, 大量不可“望文生义”的专业词汇限制了学生对新知识的快速理解。而另一方面, 英文教材中对专业词汇和现象的解释往往非常准确与透彻。而中文词汇的简练和多义性, 往往会让学生产生歧义。例如:金属材料中常提到的“组织”其实是“微观组织”的简称, 其含义不同于“细胞组织”, 学生刚开始学习时容易产生很多困惑;而英文词汇的表述是“Microstructure”, 理解起来更容易。此外, 相对于中文教学, 用英文教学讲授时语速相对较慢, 单位时间内传递的信息量不如中文多, 教师在备课时更需注重授课内容的精炼以及重点的突出。学生在听课时, 由于担心语言障碍, 也会更用心去听, 上课时学生的专注度明显比中文课堂要高。由于学生更用心地去学, 总的教学效果反而比中文课堂更好。

2 加强课程教学的逻辑性, 培养创新型人才

在教学内容上, 工程材料这门从实际工程应用中发展起来的以实验和工程应用背景为基础的课程, 表现出知识点众多、零散的特点, 且各章节学习深度深浅不一, 前后章节联系性不强[2]。对于习惯了大一大二基础课程教学着重培养严密逻辑思维教学模式的学生, 往往在这门专业课学习中表现出一定的不适应。针对该问题并结合本门课的教学特点, 在工程材料教学过程中, 我们尝试将数学物理中的逻辑推理方式带入工程材料的教学工作, 从系统的完备性角度来阐述课程各章节的逻辑关系, 并在每章节后提出开放性的问题。同时结合科技前沿动态, 一方面让学生加强对工程材料基础知识的理解, 另一方面告诉学生哪些是已有的完备结论, 哪些是以实验为主却缺少详细理论分析的结果, 哪些还是以猜测为主并缺乏实验验证的推测等。让学生在学习过程中加深对知识点的理解, 把握好基本知识点, 形成良好的思维习惯。如在讲晶体学时, 受学时所限, 原有课本中只涉及金属的3种主要晶体结构, 而我们在讲授过程中先用5分钟时间简单介绍晶体学的发展, 告诉学生晶体学中的结论都是在所学数学知识的基础上结合对称性分析严格推导出来的。根据对称性分析, 只有7种晶系可以通过周期性平移来充满整个三维空间, 并构成完备系统。在每一个晶系中又根据点阵的不同分出4种不同点阵, 共28种点阵。去掉其中重复者, 最终只有独立的14种不同的点阵, 而常见金属中涉及的只有其中的3种。通过这样的分析, 让学生理解这样的分析方式及所学内容的来源, 从而更易于接受。

授人以鱼不如授人以渔。学生在大学课堂中的学习, 不应该是简单的被动接受, 而应该形成一套科学的分析方法, 并要有自己对事物的看法, 这样才能在后续的工作中有进一步的发展。我们要培养的是能综合运用所学知识并将其发展的创新型人才, 而不是简单的手册型人才。因而教师的教授也要相应地从传统的以知识点传授为主的方式, 转变为以思路引导为主的教授方式。在英文教学课上, 我们做了一些该方面的尝试, 当我们将一个概念抛出时, 会让学生分析其中包含了几层意思以及能不能进一步简化概念的表述。例如:当我们讲到相图以及热处理工艺时, 会大声地问学生“why?”, 也就是为什么要这样做, 合理不合理。一些较为活泼的学生会首先做出响应与回答, 并引起其他学生的争论, 在争论中学生便能很快辩明原因。这样的教学方式很好地活跃了学生的思维和课堂气氛。当这样一种思维方式形成风气, 固化成习惯后, 学生学到的知识才是属于自己的知识。在后续教学过程中, 只要我们讲课的思路稍显逻辑不畅, 必有学生发问“why?”。这样反过来也要求教师更仔细地备课, 更加注重讲课的思路[2], 从而使教师与学生相互促进, 共同进步。

3 让学生主动去学去认知, 将精力放在平时而不是考前

学生在课上可以跟随教师的讲课内容进行主动思考, 而如何调动学生课下学习的主动性对教师却是很大的挑战[3]。对学生本身来讲, 预习应该是最好的一种课下主动学习方式, 然而根据我们的调研, 很少有学生能做到这一点。尽管我们经常强调预习的重要性, 但在高年级的专业课学习中却依然很少有学生进行主动的课程预习。如果不能让学生在平时课下主动积极地学习, 对于知识点众多的工程材料课在期末考试时就成了比拼短期记忆力的测试了。实践证明也确实是这样, 很多学生在考前的公开答疑时最多的抱怨是“东西太多, 记不住”, 而很少有人关心“为什么”, 从而导致不少学生在考完的几个月内就将所学知识中的大部分忘记了。为了改变这种情况, 特别是让学生更多地去理解而不是机械地记忆知识点, 我们在英文课的教学过程中进行了一些尝试。在课程作业的设置上, 改变了以往以填空、选择、计算等有确定性答案的题目为主的作业方式, 设计添加了大量需要综合思考判断的题目, 让学生只有在熟练掌握了基本知识点的基础上通过综合分析才能获得正确答案。另外, 我们还通过作业引导学生根据自己已学的知识和能力来推断后续课程中才会讲到的内容。如在讲完位错后, 在作业中给出原子之间的作用势, 让学生分析刃型位错会怎样移动, 以此让学生自己认识后续课程中才涉及的滑移系和滑移方向。再如, 讲完相图和TTT曲线后, 让学生根据简单的共析相图分析不同成分合金TTT曲线的相对位置关系, 从而让学生理解钢的淬透性与相图之间的关系。使很多知识点的学习在之前的作业中已进行了预习, 课上的学习和互动显得轻松容易了很多, 同时也解决了由于课时所限难以在课上对一些问题进行更多深入讨论的问题。

让学生将学习重点放在平时。结合国内外教学和学习的经验, 我们适当增加了阶段性小测验的次数和其在期末总成绩中所占的比例, 一方面导引学生将学习的主要精力放在平时而不是期末的突击上, 另一方面让学生及时检查自己知识的掌握程度以利于后续课程的开展。通过设置期末大论文, 让学生利用所学的知识, 针对某一种材料综合分析其性能及工程应用中涉及的各种问题。通过大作业的设置, 让学生在课程的最后将所学知识融会贯通, 加深对工程材料这门课程从内容到知识点设置的认识, 更好地理解这门课程设置的初衷和意义。

4 结束语

通过以上教学改革, 英文课堂教学取得了较好的效果, 得到了学生的一致认可。很多学生在课程结束时表示这门课改变了他们很多已有的思考习惯, 让他们认识到应该如何去学习专业课。我们相信这些认识对他们后续其他专业课的学习也会有一定的帮助。在课程结束近一年后, 一些学生依然和笔者保持着联系, 经常通过邮件对一些问题进行探讨, 从这一点上看, 基本达到了引发学生主动思考和学习的教学初衷。英文教学与中文教学各有特点, 一学期的英文教学仅仅是经验的初步积累, 随着教学阅历的累计, 相信我们一定会积累起足够的经验, 开展独具特色的英文教学工作, 并为我国科技人才以及国际化的工程人才培养做出更多的贡献。


[1]Callister, Jr.William D..Materials science and engineering:an Introduction[M].6th Ed.John Wiley&Sons, 2003.

[2]崔占全, 赵品, 景勤.材料科学基础的教学改革与实践[J].教学研究, 2007 (30) :53-57.

工程机械英文 第4篇


[中图分类号] H319 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-3437(2016)11-0083-03


随着世界石油工业的发展对人才的要求越来越高,石油高校必须适应世界石油工业发展的需要,努力培养创新型和国际化人才,以促进中国石油工业的发展,实现建设创新型国家的目的。[1] [2]培养创新型人才已成为高等教育必须承担的主要任务。钻井工程是集中钻井液优化、地层压力、钻井参数、轨迹测量及计算、井身结构等课程内容的综合性的工科课程,与油气井产能的提高和油田整体开发经济效益密切相关,近年来日益受到了行业的广泛关注与重视。[3]钻井工程课程涵盖钻井工程地质条件、钻井工具、钻井液、钻井参数优选、井眼轨道设计与控制、固井和完井等多方面内容。[4]中国石油大学(北京)正在加快建立“全面建设石油石化学科领域世界一流研究型大学”的发展目标,今年在石油工程学院组建硕士研究生班级,开展石油工程学院主干学科的全英文课程。



在教材更新方面,Mitchell和Miska[5](2011)编写的《Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering》一书便是一个成功的例子。1986年由Bourgoyne等出版的《Applied Drilling Engineering》一书得到了行业内的广泛认可,成为钻井工程的“红宝书”。但是,近20年钻井工业飞速发展(包括许多经验公式逐渐由理论公式替代,水平井、大位移井、海洋钻井发展,计算机辅助技术发展等),但老版的“红宝书”对新知识、新技术却缺乏介绍。而2011年出版的《Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering》一书,是对老版经典教材的继承与发展,其中增加了很多反映钻井工业发展的新内容。中国石油大学(北京)采用的“十五”国家级规划教材《钻井工程理论与技术》[6]出版于15年前,亟待相关专家教师的更新。















吸收引进青年教师,增强导师队伍的创新能力建设,强化“人才培养是教师第一学术责任”的指导理念,培养一批学术思维活跃、创新能力突出的青年教师进入高等钻井工程教学队伍。积极探索构建国际化人才培养体系,在国际化办学、国际化科研合作和国际化师资队伍建设方面,学校可以大力引进海外归国博士,努力推进英文教学。[8] [9]同时,邀请国外知名高校的钻井工程专家来校访问、授课,丰富和完善本科生与研究生的国际化培养环境,培养具有国际视野的钻井工程创新人才。







[ 参 考 文 献 ]

[1] 张来斌.服务国家重大战略积极培养国际化石油人才[J].中国高等教育,2009(Z3):40-42.

[2] 蒋庆哲.改革创新攻坚克难扎实推进石大国际化战略的实施[J].世界教育信息,2013(5):66-68.

[3] 李明忠,姚军,杜殿发.石油工程专业人才培养模式改革与实践[J].高等教育,2010(2):77-79.

[4] 冯福平,艾池,李士斌,殷代印.钻井工程课程设计教学方法的改进[J].石油教育,2012(2):91-92.

[5] Mitchell,R.,Miska,S..Fundamentals of Drilling Engineering[M].Society of Petroleum Engineers,Richardson,TX,2011.

[6] 陈庭根,管志川,刘希圣.钻井工程理论与技术[M].中国石油大学出版社,2000.

[7] 吴云芳,谈广鸣,梅亚东,周伟.全英文水利工程专业人才培养的研究与实践[J].大学教育,2015(2):92-97.

[8] 张来斌.深入实施国际化战略,加快高水平大学建设[J].世界教育信息,2013(5):49-55.

[9] 张来斌.面向中国石油工业,探索国际化人才培养体系[J].大学(学术版),2012(9):53-58.

机械工程师英文简历 第5篇


· 12 years of experience in piping and mechanical engineering

· Areas of expertise including piping engineering, pumps, pressure vessels, compressors and water treatment system design

· Proficient at computer applications such as Rebis Autopipe, AutoCAD, Crane, Winpump, MS Word, Excel and Access

· Dedicated team worker


Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC


PRIMAX Engineers Inc. BC Feb. 2000 to Dec. 2002

Mechanical Engineer

· Hydraulics calculation, pump specification and bid evaluation, including water pumps, slurry pumps, chemical pumps and pulp pumps

· Coordinating the design of pump and piping system modification

· Supervision for pressure vessel and pressure piping preventative maintenance for a large smelter

· Piping engineering including pipe sizing, control valve sizing and pressure drop calculation, pipeline lists, P&IDs

· Stress and flexibility analysis for a few thermal piping

MaCorworks Construction Ltd. BC 1998 – 1999

Millwork construction, site coordination

ShenYang Industrial Engineering Inc China 1992 – 1997

Project Engineer

· Organized and supervised engineers and designers of all disciplines for project design and site construction service

· Developed cost and schedule estimation for equipment and material purchasing and installation

· Prepared P&IDS, design calculations, technical specifications and equipment and pipe sizing calculations for project engineering

· Coordinated process control engineering

· Reviewed and approved mechanical and piping design drawings

· Provided training for mill maintenance

Bechtel China Inc. Shanghai China 1988 –1991

Mechanical Engineer

· Performed equipment calculation and selections

· Designed general layout, piping layout and equipment arrangement

· Designed various steel structures and equipment for the projects Performed bidding evaluation for equipment and material supply and installation

· Reviewed and approved vendor’s drawings for equipment supply

· Supervised mechanical installation, modification and commissioning


B. Sc in Engineering, South China Institute of Industry

British Columbia Institute of Technology: AutoCAD


· Grande Prairie Pulp & Paper, Weyerhaeuser, AB

· Red Dog Optimization, Cominco, AK, water treatment

· Cominco Smelter, BC.

· DuPont Shanghai Plant, DuPont, China. Chemical

机械工程师英文简历 第6篇


· 12 years of experience in piping and mechanical engineering

· Areas of expertise including piping engineering, pumps, pressure vessels, compressors and water treatment system design

· Proficient at computer applications such as Rebis Autopipe, AutoCAD, Crane, Winpump, MS Word, Excel and Access

· Dedicated team worker


Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC


PRIMAX Engineers Inc. BC Feb. to Dec.

Mechanical Engineer

· Hydraulics calculation, pump specification and bid evaluation, including water pumps, slurry pumps, chemical pumps and pulp pumps

· Coordinating the design of pump and piping system modification

· Supervision for pressure vessel and pressure piping preventative maintenance for a large smelter

· Piping engineering including pipe sizing, control valve sizing and pressure drop calculation, pipeline lists, P&IDs

· Stress and flexibility analysis for a few thermal piping

MaCorworks Construction Ltd. BC –

Millwork construction, site coordination

ShenYang Industrial Engineering Inc China 1992 –

Project Engineer

· Organized and supervised engineers and designers of all disciplines for project design and site construction service

· Developed cost and schedule estimation for equipment and material purchasing and installation

· Prepared P&IDS, design calculations, technical specifications and equipment and pipe sizing calculations for project engineering

· Coordinated process control engineering

· Reviewed and approved mechanical and piping design drawings

· Provided training for mill maintenance

Bechtel China Inc. Shanghai China 1988 –1991

Mechanical Engineer

· Performed equipment calculation and selections

· Designed general layout, piping layout and equipment arrangement

· Designed various steel structures and equipment for the projects Performed bidding evaluation for equipment and material supply and installation

· Reviewed and approved vendor’s drawings for equipment supply

· Supervised mechanical installation, modification and commissioning


B. Sc in Engineering, South China Institute of Industry

British Columbia Institute of Technology: AutoCAD


· Grande Prairie Pulp & Paper, Weyerhaeuser, AB

· Red Dog Optimization, Cominco, AK, water treatment

· Cominco Smelter, BC.

· DuPont Shanghai Plant, DuPont, China. Chemical

机械设计工程师英文简历 第7篇

University of Pennsylvania

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Philadelphia, PA

Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Engineering



Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics

Cumulative GPA:




Current Coursework: Mechanics of Solids, Probability, Vibration of Mechanical Systems

Senior Design Project: Design and build a pressure and heat sensitive wrist support pad for keyboards to improve comfort and decrease ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome.


Expedition, Buzzsaw, Pro/Engineer 3D Modeling, SolidWorks, AutoCad, MathCAD, MatLab, C++, Java, Microsoft Office


LF Driscoll

AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Projec, Atlantic City, NJ

Summer - Present

Student Intern

Process project documents and drawings to ensure accuracy and consistency among all trades.

Assist Senior Project Manager with billing and monthly budget reports tracking and monitoring expenditures.

Oversee and report to Senior Project Manager on the daily progress of steel erection.

L-3 Communications

Communications Systems-East, Camden, NJ


Summer Intern, Technical

Developed a mathematical model to simulate life spans of solder joints on circuit boards aboard military aircraft.

Designed and modeled the electronic packaging for secure wireless equipment.

Received a secret level security clearance.

Lockheed Martin

Maritime Systems and Sensors, Moorestown, NJ

Summer 2011

College Student Tech

Assisted a head engineer in the analysis of telecommunication equipment.

Used proprietary software to make drawing changes as directed.

Identified a listing of specified technical equipment for the Navy and compiled the data using modeling software.


University of Pennsylvania:

Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity - House Manager (2011), Habitat for Humanity, Society of Automotive Engineers - Student Chapter

Crosstown High School:

United States Senate Scholarship Nominee, Honors Physics Award, Varsity Track Athlete,Student Leadership and Service


New Jersey Association of Student Councils Leadership Training Conference

Junior Counselor (2009, , 2011, 2012) Administrative Assistant

Counselor to middle and high school students.

Mentored participants in development of student government and leadership skills.


工程机械英文 第8篇

1.Causes of problem by mechanically literal translation

As anintegrant part of the translation, beyond several common ways of translation that can be applied to it, more non-language factors should be taken into consideration. Mechanical translation indeed overlooks such kinds of factors and thus causes quite a lot of problems in the process of promoting goods and services.

(1) Differences in cultures and values

Different languages, cultures and values would cause a vast difference in people’s understanding and expression. Different cultural background will, to a large extent, have an effect on people’s understanding of certain phrases and sentences as well as simple concepts. People with different cultural background will produce different objective feelings towards the same information. In different culture groups, some phenomena, even similar to each other, are probably expressed in different ways, especially when feelings are conveyed, for feelings with different cultural background can be showed poles apart.

(2) The phenomenon of polysemy in language

People, especially language masters like Shakespeare can choose limited woods to expressing unlimited thought and feelings. However, it also brings about certain difficulties or obstacles for foreigners to understand the language correctly. Another problem is that in some European countries, their languages are alphabetic, which means some of the words in these countries are quite similar or even same in their appearances. In daily life, such problem can produce misunderstand between foreigners when communicating with each other if they do not notice the phenomenon of polysemy. However, it would totally another story while such kind of problem could occur in business activities. Under some circumstances, it will even lead to profit loss if the problem is not settled properly. Taking advertising translation as an example, if a translator is not very careful about this problem, the result would be beyond imagination. Translating a piece of advertising mechanically will easily ignore the phenomenon of polysemy and lead to miscomprehension, eventually causing a loss.

(3) Poor knowledge of the functions and features of the products advertised

Poor knowledge of the functions and features of the products advertised is also one of the three main causes that lead to false translation. This problem, though occasionally happens, may also have a disastrous result once it happens. Moreover, in recent years, cases of such problem appear to be increasing in number. Many companies and factories entrust advertising companies to design advertising for them. With the rapid development of global economy, lots of advertising companies have sprung up like mushrooms around the world. Most of them fare very well, while some of them are not qualified to do such work. The most common situation is that they are only in pursuit of quantity and proficiency at the expense of quality. Often they only emphasize the surface of a new product instead of its inner quality and real usage. They design the advertising and translate it mechanically into a foreign language. Such irresponsible way of working will actually exert a bad influence on products and services' sales.

2. Problems raised by translating advertising mechanically

In modern life, we can see a large number of successful advertising translations-such translations not only describe exterior features of the advertised products but also unveil the interior characteristics of them.

The following pieces of English advertising and their Chinese translations can both be called classical. The former teem with creativity and originality, which are quite unforgettable by readers. The latter areas authentic and smooth as they are without any trail of translation left.

The first is an advertising of IBM.

No business too small, no problem too big.

没有不做的小生意, 没有解决不了的大问题。

This advertising reflects business concept of IBM. In the eyes of IBM, every customer, no matter whether small or big, is his god. Therefore, IBM will handle each of his customers equally. “No problem too big” shows IBM’s attitude and determination towards the problems encountered. The Chinese translation does not use the literal translation as the above example. It adds two adjectives “不做的” and “解决不了的”, which makes the translation read more natural and fluent. Moreover, the Chinese translation as well as the English advertising seems to be symmetrical. If translated mechanically such as “没有小生意, 没有大问题”, readers will feel puzzled and do not know what it is intended to talk about.

The second is an advertising of a wine HENNESSY.

To me, the past is black and white, the future isalways color.

对我而言, 过去平淡无奇;而未来绚丽多姿。

This is another successful English advertising and Chinese translation.“Black and white” literally means “黑和白” in Chinese. But the translator, instead of choosing their denotative meanings, prefers their connotative meanings ”平淡无奇”, which much fit usual Chinese expression.

We can see from above two examples that a good adverting helps a product or service sell well in its own country while a good adverting translation helps a product or service sell well in a foreign country. The author here only wants to illustrate the latter one and analyze it with ample examples. Generally speaking, just as mentioned above, mechanical literal translation of advertising has three manifestations, namely ignoring the differences in cultures and values from one country to anther, neglecting the phenomenon of polysemy in English language, and poor knowledge of the functions and features of the products advertised.

3. Solutions to the problem of the mistranslation

How to solve the problem of mistranslation or improper translation as presented above is another important issue to discuss. According to the three common problems mentioned, there are mainly three ways to overcome these problems respectively.

(1) Understanding cultures, values and customs in various countries

Every country or nation has its own taboos.We must show high respect to other’s national customs formed during hundreds and even thousands of years. Translators have to be accustomed to adapting themselves from culture to culture. Knowledge of differing symbolisms of colors is the basic part of the translator's encyclopedia. There are kinds of taboos existing in various countries. For instance, British people prefer panda to elephant; Italian and Spanish like rose and dislike chrysanthemum; Japanese would like cherry blossom, tortoise and duck rather than lotus, fox and badger; Russian believe that yellow rosebush stands for breaking off friendly relation and bad luck; French and Belgian hold walnut, peacock and chrysanthemum are ominous; some countries in north Africa taboo dog pattern; countries that are in worship of Islam taboo trademark painted with dog and pig.

(2) Being Concerned about the phenomenon of polysemy in language

The basic meaning of a word is core of word-meaning called the central meaning.The derive meaning, no matter how many, are secondary in comparison. This does not necessarily mean that the secondary meanings are secondary in importance. There are cases where the central meaning has gradually diminished in currency with the changes that have taken place in culture and society, and one of the deprived meanings has become dominant. Therefore, translators must highlight the phenomenon of polysemy in the process of translating advertising so as to avoid misunderstand and taboos.

(3) Knowing about the products advertised and improving translator’s cultural quality

It is extremely vital to conduct an all round investigation of the product, including its appearance, features and target consumer group because it is the first step to design and translate a fine advertising. Besides, it requires the translator to possess considerable cultural quality and several translating skills. Considering differences among countries in cultures, languages and national psychology, translating advertising never means transforming word by word. Instead, it needs to re-arrange the structure of the original information. Translator should also pay special attention to combining the advertising with local culture due to the new trend of international advertising, which is shifting from “Global” to “Glocal”, so advertising translation must keep the spirit of national culture. Moreover, translator is also required to employ some rhetorical devices to color the advertising and make it more attractive for consumers.


Affected and restricted by various factors, mechanical literal translation is not always considered to be the best way in international advertising translation. The sole aim of international advertising is to increase the product’s sale, so a qualified translator should choose, according to different occasions, different ways of translation. The author hopes, through this study, international marketing advertising and translators attach more importance to this problem.


[1]Cateora, PR 1993, International Marketing, 8th edn, Richard D. Irwin Inc.

[2] Collins, J, M 1989, Image and Advertising, Harvard Business Review.

[3]Curry, JE 2000, International Marketing, 1st edn, 上海外语教 育出版社 .

[4]Hornby, A S 2000, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 6th edn, Oxford University Press.

[5] Kolter, P, ANG, SH, Leong, SM & Tan, CT 1999, Marketing Management, 2nd edn, Prentice Hall.
