


公司英文版请假条 第1篇

Employee leave sheet (one)

Dear department:

I was reading a correspondence, in ____ years ____ month ____ to ____ years ____ month ____ day, leave ____ days, please approve.

Employee leave sheet (two)

Honorable leader:

Because of production, I need to go home to rest and recuperate. To apply for leadership leave formalities according to the relevant provisions of maternity leave of 90 days, childbirth of primipara extended maternity leave 30 days. I have to comply with the provisions of the state apply for late marriage and late childbearing, maternity leave for four months, time is 20____ years ____ month ____ to 20____ years ____ month ____ day.

Please approve the leadership for xie.


Employee leave sheet (three)

Marriage leave

Honorable leader:

I got married in ____ years ____ month ____, belong to / does not belong to the late marriage, according to the relevant state provisions of marriage, I can enjoy a total of ____ days of marriage. I intend to ____ years ____ month ____ wedding day, need to make necessary arrangements, care and social matters, hereby apply to the leadership break marriage, since the year ____ ____ month to ____ ____ years ____ month ____ totaling ____ days, please approve.

Employee leave sheet (four)

Minister XX:

I am XXX, due to the reasons for not _____ ___ week ____ meeting, chairman and hope you understand.







7.病假请假条 英文




公司英文版请假条 第2篇

This is Zhang Lin.I am writing to ask for a sick leave.I met with a traffic accident on my way home from school yesterday afternoon.I was on my bike when suddenly a car ran into me.I fell off my bike and got hurt.I was sent to hospital by a young man.The doctor gave me a check up and asked me to stay in bed for three days.So I cant go to school the follwing days.



一张请假条折射的写作意义 第3篇


看了上面的请假条, 大体明白了学生的意思:回家一趟, 有事。至于什么时间、什么事就无从考证了。我们的学生从三年级开始写作文, 到现在也有9年了, 写张请假条还是漏洞百出。写出的考场作文家常便饭似的被当作例文示范的他, 写了上面的请假条。

我告诉学生, 你写的请假条不合文体的规范, 他竟然浑然不觉, 说, 都这样写的, 考试又不考, 有什么大问题?一副轻描淡写的样子, 你生气又觉得“庸人自扰”了。

我指出问题:请假的理由?“有事”, 太过模糊;请假的时间?从哪一天到哪一天;文体的格式?“请假人”和“日期”呢?语气也显得生硬。学生点头无语。

怨不了学生, 我们的作文课堂出了偏差, 被高考作文牵着鼻子走, 净传授一些“结构模式、立意指向和语言复制”的秘诀。大多学生在语文教师“悉心栽培”下, 写出的作文就像是一个模子刻出来的。现在的学生作文要么高蹈, “把玩虚拟人生”“挖掘生活哲理”;要么组合, 三则素材、一套结构和一点思想。作文课堂偏于心灵的抒发和操作的模式, 无视“实用”。这是我们对语文学科的“工具性与人文性统一”的一种误读, 捡了“人文性”, 丢了“工具性”, 看似远见, 实是短视。我们看看部分国家和地区关于写作的要求。

写实用文能够看到自己写作的价值与功用, 符合学生的心理特点和发展需要, 但是, 写实用文在高考的考场上不受待见, 学生和教师也就没有远见了, 先解燃眉之急, 反复操练“情感体验和道德渗透”类文章。叶圣陶先生说:“推广开来说, 人生一辈子总在面临考试, 单就作文而言, 刚才说的写封信打个报告之类其实也是考试, 不过通常叫做‘考验’不叫做‘考试’罢了。学生学作文就是要练成一种熟练技能, 一辈子能禁得起这种最广泛的意义的‘考试’即‘考验’。”写封信, 打个报告, 写个总结, 起草个发言稿, 写一份说明书, 写一篇研究论文, 诸如此类, 还需现在打下坚实的基础, 不然, 这一场“考试”即便侥幸应付过去, 下一场“考试”呢?恐怕就要败下阵来。

当下, 写作的意义被异化为各类考试的“应试”, 但最终还要回到心灵养护的“应需”和生活的“应用”。很难想象, 一个连便条、收据、借条、请假条、申请书和活动策划都写不好的学生, 能够在未来社会中游刃有余地施展自己的才能, 能够称得上心灵丰富、精神健康的公民。后缀一张学生修改后的请假条, 提醒我们别在“应试”或“应需”的一端越走越远。




我的姐姐5月6日结婚, 需要我参与一些习俗的事情, 特向您请假两天 (5月5日~5月6日) , 望请批准!


学写请假条 第4篇




孔kǒnɡ雀què老lǎo师shī :






公司员工请假条英文 第5篇

Because of production, I need to go home to rest and recuperate. To apply for leadership leave formalities according to the relevant provisions of maternity leave of 90 days, childbirth of primipara extended maternity leave 30 days. I have to comply with the provisions of the state apply for late marriage and late childbearing, maternity leave for four months, time is 20____ years ____ month ____ to 20____ years ____ month ____ day.

Please approve the leadership for xie.

公司英文请假条怎么写 第6篇

I beg to apply for one’s week’s leave of absence from the 1st to 7th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return home to see my grandfather, who is now serious ill. To support my application, I herewith submit the telegram received from my father last night.


英文版请假条 第7篇

Hi! I have already asked Ms. Fuck, but she said you have to sign it first. If you are inconvenient at the time, you can authorize others to sign it. I have also asked Ms. Bitch, and have already done my work, the hand-over is almost finished, so just want to know if you can sign it or not.


英文版请假条 第8篇

i institute professional 2 cla, for , the need to leave ( long ), time to leave, all during the safety responsibility, please approve!

sincerely yours

英文版请假条 第9篇

Dear miss gao,

I am sorry I can’t go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with myclassmates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasnt badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for leave for two days.

Yours respectfully,

学生事假请假条「英文版」 第10篇

Dear Prof. Wang,

I am very sorry to apprise you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a bad cold. I enclose doctor’s certificate and ask you for sick leave of three days.

Your student

工作英文请假条 第11篇

Dear Director,

I beg to apply for one’s week’s leave of absence from the 1st to 7th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return home to see my grandfather, who is now serious ill. To support my application, I herewith submit the telegram received from my father last night.


春节请假条英文 第12篇

How are you doing? I am xx-x. I wrote this because I want you to know that on the morning of June 8th, I have to go back to school to deal with some personal thins, so I want to ask for leave about half day, please approve, thank you so much.


英文病假请假条 第13篇

taking a leave of absence

dear teacher xx ( or other ):

i xx institute xx xx professional 2 claxx, for xx, the need to leave ( long ), time to leave, all during the safety responsibility, please approve!

sincerely yours


leave one:

year, month and day

because of events or disease no school or to work or participate in activities, to the related personnel leave a note, taking a leave of absence or call to call.

note format by the title, name, text, several components, specific writing methods are as follows:

title:“ excuse” three words written in the first line of the middle position.

address: second lines written in the top who to leave. write receipt addrea person with the general epistles. are generally to the boor the teacher for leave. the specific wording in the surname followed by position, such as“ director chen”,“ king section chief”,“ zhang”, use a colon after.

abstract: writing clear off this, leave the starting and ending time. in the third line two write. finally, often to“ please leave”,“ best regards”,“ grateful” wait for diction end.

inscribe: sign and date the same general epistles. in the lower right on leave name. the name below the mark of date of leave.

to write a good excuse. must pay attention to the following points : 1 reason for leave to specific clearly, not equivocation, ready to accept either course. if encounter unexpected things too late to leave, please leave a message to the receipt. if it is known in advance what should advance to the relevant staff leave, get approval. general leave people should not have level off. the data must be written clearly, to facilitate the staff planning. the leave on holiday / full should take the initiative, to do not have to recover.

please leave a

teacher wang:

today, because of my grandmother was seriously ill, with parents to visit, ask for leave one day.

sincerely yours


英文病假请假条 第14篇

Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on April 4th, this Wednesday.

This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth. I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. The situation could worsen, should infection occur.

Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.

Thanks. I will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time.

One possible version:
