


一英美文化概况 第1篇

1.Grammar schools

It is a type of secondary schools in Britain.Grammar schools select children at the age 11, through an examination called “the 11-plus”.Those children with the highest marks go to grammar schools.These schools lay emphasis on advanced academic subjects rather than the more general curriculum of the comprehensive schools and expect many of their pupils to go on to universities.2.Affirmative Action Programs

Affirmative Action Programs were first advocated by some colleges in 1960.The purpose of the programs was to equalize educational opportunities for all groups and to make up for past inequality by giving special preference to members of minorities seeking jobs or admission to college.3.The strategy of preemption In an address delivered to the West Point graduates, President Bush, for the first time, put forward the strategy of preemption.By preemption, the US means that when it determines that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction or has the potential to possess such weapons, the US should use force to remove this threat to US security and should not wait till the danger becomes imminent or until the US is attacked.This has become to be known as Bush Doctrine.4.Boards of education

Boards of education refer to groups of people who make policies for schools at the state and/or district level.They also make decisions about the school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the overall measurement of student progress.5.Anglo-Saxons:

they were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century.They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.6.The commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of former British colonies.There are 50 members of the Commonwealth.Many of these are developing countries like India;others are developed nations like Australia and Canada.The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network.7.The functions of parliament

The functions of Parliament are: to pass laws;to vote for taxation;to scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.8.The House of Commons

The House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(Members of Parliament)make and debate policy.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.9.A federal system

A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each.10.Puritanism

Puritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England.They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born.Some were God’s chosen people while others were damned to hell.Nither church nor good works could save people.The sign of being God’s elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling.They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God’s will and establish a direct contact with God.These beliefs had great impact on American culture.11.The containment policy

The US put into effect the containment policy in the late 1940s.By containment, the US meant that it would use whatever means, including military force, to prevent the SU from breaking out of its sphere of influence.In order to contain communism, the US fought two wars in Asia: the Korean War and the Vietnam War.12.Comprehensive schools

Comprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today.Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education.Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking.13.The three traditions of Christmas in Britain

①Three typical British traditions on Christmas are: the Christmas Pantomime, the Queen’s speech over the TV and radio, and the Boxing Day.②The Christmas Pantomime: It is a comical musical play usually based on a popular traditional children’s story.There are two main characters in the play: “the principal boy”, played by a young woman, and “the Dame”, played by a man.③Another British Christmas tradition is to hear the queen give her Christmas message to her realm over the television and radio.A third tradition is Boxing Day, which falls on the day after Christmas.People used to give Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants on this day.And now they mostly do shopping, pay visits, enjoy eating or just relax.14.The declaration of Independence

①It was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4, 1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule.②The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.③It also explained the philosophy of government: the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments was to secure the rights mentioned above.④The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.15.The making The general direction of Britain’s foreign poliof Britain’s foreign policy

cy is mainly decided by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the main government department, plays a significant role in the making of Britain’s foreign policy.Many other government ministries such as Ministry of Defense also play a part in formulating and carrying out the government’s decisions.But an extremely influential player is the Treasury.The Treasury makes decisions on how much money other departments can have each year.16.The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.17.The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act

It was passed in 1944.It was soon popularly called the “GI Bill of Rights”.GI was a nickname for the American soldier.This nickname came from the abbreviation for “Government Issue”— the uniforms and other articles issued” to a soldier.The Act promised financial aid, including aid for higher education to members of the armed forces.18.Independent schools

Independent schools are commonly called public schools which are actually private schools that receive their funding through the private sector and tuition rates, with some government assistance.Independent schools are not part of the national education system, but the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits from Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools.These schools are restricted to the students whose parents are comparatively rich.19.The House of Lords

The House of Lords consists of the Lords Spiritual, who are the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England;and the Lords Temporal, which refers to those lords who either have inherited the seat from their forefathers or they have been appointed.The lords mainly represent themselves instead of the interests of the public.20.Cricket and “fair play”

Cricket was one of the first team sports in Britain to have organized rules and to be played according to the same rules nationally.The reason that fixed rules were applied to cricket so early on was a financial one: aristocrats loved betting on cricket matches and if people were going to risk money on a game, they wanted to ensure that the game would be played fairly.People from all walks of life play cricket, but in the 19th century, cricket became a sport associated with the upper class.It was a kind of “snob” game played by boys who attended public schools.As generations of public school boys grew up to become the civil servants and rulers of the UK and its colonies, cricket became associated with a set of moral values, in particular the idea of “fair play” which characterized British government.

一英美文化概况 第2篇

威尔士,加的夫,Cardiff为首府 北爱尔兰,贝尔法斯特Belfast为首府

伦敦,UK首都,皇家法庭royal courts of justice 及圣保罗大教堂st paul’s cathedral在这里。威斯敏斯特westminster,伦敦市的一个行政区,也叫西敏寺,这里有议会houses of parliament,包含大钟楼big ben,白厅whitehall即英国政府,白金汉宫buckingham palace即英国皇宫,还有st james’ hall 圣詹姆斯宫。

The great charter in 1215,1215年大宪章,亦称the great charter or Magna Charta,确保一些平民的政治权利与自由,保障教会不受国王的控制,改革了法律和司法,限制国王及王室官员的行为。

议会雏形,1265年,Simon de Montford 召集the Great Council在西敏寺开会,就是最早的议会,后来发展了House of Lords上议院,House of Commons下议院。


Richard 三世和Henry Tudor都铎(duduo)打了玫瑰战争,都铎胜利,终成五代都铎王朝。

亨利八世进行宗教改革,想切断英国教会与罗马教皇的关系,使英国教会独立起来。宗教改革的真正进行是在亨利八世的儿子爱德华时期,新教是Protestant,即基督教,改革叫做“The Reformation”。伊丽莎白一世时期,伊丽莎白为女王统治英国,她是基督教徒,大力推行新教,从此英国都是信奉新教。

文艺复兴运动 The English Renaissance 文艺复兴是中世纪到现代的过渡时期,从1350-1650,有300年,从意大利发起,达芬奇等人为代表。在这段时期,罗马教会经历新教改革,人文主义兴起,海外探索(大航海时代?)。英国内战 The Civil Wars 是国王和议会间的战争,Norttingham King Charles和议会开战,国王军是Cavaliers(骑士),议会军是Roundheads(圆颅党),因为他们短发。查尔斯战败,克伦威尔Cromwell称王。英国内战又称清教徒革命,因为国王的反对者多是清教徒Puritan。清教徒是基督教新教中的一派。这场战争颠覆了英国的封建制度,甚至动摇了欧洲的封建制度,被认为是世界现代史的开端。王朝复辟 The Restoration 克伦威尔死后,儿子Richard 继位,但是统治失败,议会选择让上代国王流放法国的儿子King Charles 二世回归。光荣革命 The Glorious Revolution 奥兰治王室(William of Orange橘子?英国的名字真搞笑),用一场不流血的政变夺了王室的权,William and Mary 共同接受了Bill of Right(1689)权利法案,英国“光荣革命”后巩固资产阶级与封建贵族联合专政、确立君主立宪政体的宪法性文件之一。君主立宪由此开始。辉格党和托利党(Whigs and Tories)

两党名称来自光荣革命,辉格党就是后来的Liberal party,托利党是Conservative party

宪章运动Chartist Movement 由于对改革法案《Reform Act》和新贫困法《New Poor Law》的不满,工人组织了伦敦工人联盟London Working Men’s Association,起草了人民宪章《People’s Charter》,想让议会通过但是失败,宪章运动是第一次全国性的工人运动。工会和工党 Trade Unions and Labor Party 工人意识到联合的重要性,于是工会出现,Grand National Consolidated Trade Union成立,是全国的大公会,后来Trade Union Congress 开始。殖民扩张Colonial Expansion 自1583年开始,英国在新大陆Newfoundland开始殖民统治,1900日不落帝国形成,“on which the sun never set” 君主政体

英国是君主立宪制 constitutional monarchy, 元首head of state is king or queen。Head of the commonwealth 是女王,现在是伊丽莎白二世。议会组成

House of lords 上议院 house of commons 下议院 下议院最有权力 政党:工党Labor Party 和Conservative Party保守党,政党的领导人是总理

Tony Blair是有史以来最年轻的工党领导人,总理。

枢密院 the Privy Council,是国家执行力机构,chief source of executive power in the state,可追溯到King’s Council 司法特点:no single legal system, no complete code,法律的来源包括:statutes法令,大量的common law,equity law衡平法,european community law。二战后英国经济的发展

50s-60s稳定发展阶段,70s经济萧条,80s经济恢复:撒切尔夫人Mrs.Thatcher当选总理,推行中期财政计划Medium-term Financial Strategy

国教established chruches:在英国church of england,在苏格兰church of scotland 非国教 unestablished churches:英国圣公会anglican chruches,自由教free churches,天主教roman catholic church

*************************************************************************** 美国概况


1492年,哥伦布发现新大陆,Christopher Columbus.独立战争the war of independence 1774年,第一届大陆国会continental congress在费城philadelphia召开,呼吁抵制英国货

1775年,lexington(列克星敦)和concord(康科德)打仗独立战争开始。同年,第二届大陆会议在费城召开,乔治•华盛顿为领导人 1776年,汤玛斯•杰佛逊起草独立宣言

1783年,巴黎条约签署treaty of paris,英国承认美国独立。1812年战争,the war of 1812 美国和英国间的最后一场战争,对美国影响很深,人们意识到强大的政府的重要性,加强了统一感和爱国感 美国内战the civil war 1861-1865,打了四年,北方胜利,北方为联邦军union army,南方为邦联军confederate army。

林肯有名的葛底斯堡演说gettysburg address“that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”


镀金时代gilded age,借自马克吐温的书名,指内战到20世纪初,工业发展

亨利福特henry ford大规模生产汽车,莱特兄弟wright brothers设计第一架飞机升天,都在这个时候

1920s的大萧条与新政the great depression and the new deal 1929年,大萧条开始,持续4年

罗斯福新政,Franklin D Roosevelt, the new deal 美国与二战

1941年,珍珠港被袭击,美国正式参战,核心国axis powers 北大西洋公约组织the founding of NATO 1949年,北大西洋条约签署,North Atlantic Treaty,任何对缔约国的攻击视为对所有缔约国的攻击。条约的生效标志着美国在苏联周围建立军事联盟的开端。苏联采取了类似的行动,建立了德国民主共和国set up the German Democratic Republic.至此,冷战全面开始。1950s民权运动the civil rights movement 罗莎•帕克Rosa Parks,一位黑人女性,阿拉巴马,她拒绝给白人让座,被捕。马丁路德金开始领导黑人抵制。1956年,最高法院宣布阿拉巴马州的segregation laws unconstitutional。

越南战争the vietnam war1950-1975(打了25年,有够长的)为了实施对共产主义的牵制政策,the policy of containment of communism,美国与越南战争,结果这是美国有史以来最长的战争。1973年美国和北越南north vietnam签署停火协议,cease-fire agreement。简单来说,越南当时像朝鲜般南北分裂,南方是社会主义的,北方是当时的统治阶级,南方想要解放全国,统一南北。美国横插一脚,支持北方,搞了25年,最终还是南方的社会主义胜利,统一了全国。西贡Saigon是原来的首都,后来改名为胡志明市Ho Chi Minh City。


水门事件(Watergate scandal,或译水门丑闻)是美国历史上最不光彩的政治丑闻之一,其对美国本国历史以及整个国际新闻界都有着长远的影响,在1972年的总统大选中,为了取得民主党内部竞选策略的情报,1972年6月17日,以美国共和党尼克松Nixon竞选班子的首席安全问题顾问詹姆斯•麦科德(James W.McCord, Jr.)为首的5人闯入位于华盛顿水门大厦的民主党全国委员会办公室,在安装窃听器并偷拍有关文件时,当场被捕。由于此事,尼克松于1974年8月8日宣布将于次日辞职,从而成为美国历史上首位辞职的总统。中美关系

1972年,Nixon总统访华,签署上海公报Shanghai Communique。1979年,中美建交。美国宪法起草于1789年,世界上最早的成文宪法。共有7个articles。Articla I,the Legislative Article立法

只有国会有权立法,two-chamber system,包括senate参议院,house of representatives众议院。参议院100人,每个州来两人,众议院基于每个州的人口比例设立席位。Article II,Executive Article执法 总统任期4年

Article III,Judicial Article 司法

Supreme Court是国家的最高法院,以下是联邦法院federal court,最高法院和联邦法院的法官是总统任命,法官是终身职位。唯有最高法院有权解释宪法。

三权分立checks and balances 立法,执法,司法三权分立,legislative,executive,judicial,国会可立法,总统可否决,国会可通过三分之二选票再次通过,总统不可否决,但最高法院可以判定它违反宪法而否决它。宪法修正案provisions for amendment 前十条宪法修正案称为bill of rights权利和自由法案

*************************************************************************** 加拿大概况

首都:渥太华Ottawa, 最大省:魁北克Quebec 第一大城市:多伦多,2:蒙特利尔,3:温哥华,4:渥太华 世界最大渔业出口国 国家元首:伊丽莎白二世

总督:履行女王职务governor general,实际政府领导人:总理prime minister 立法:议会立法parliament,议会由两部分组成senate(总督任命)和house of commons(根据人口),和美国类似,法律要两院通过,最后总督签字。

政党:自由党liberal party和保守党progressive conservative party

澳大利亚概况: 首都:堪培拉Canberra 第一大城:悉尼,2:墨尔本 世界最大羊毛出口国 国家元首:英女王,和加拿大一样有总督和总理,联邦制国家 政党:工党(最大党)australian labour party和自由党liberal party,和英国不同,澳大利亚有成文宪法

议会参照英国,上议院senate(the upper house)和下议院house of representatives(the lower house)


首都:惠灵顿Wellington 第一大城:奥克兰Auckland 世界最大羔羊肉,羊肉和奶制品出口国,称为the world’s biggest farm 国家元首:英女王 政体:议会制君主立宪制

英美概况教材及教学思路探讨 第3篇

1 教学目标及教学思路

1.1 教学目标

考虑到文化在语言学习中的重要性, 该课程的教学目标为:启发学生认识、解读英语国家文化, 深化语言学习与文化学习的内涵关联, 提升学习语言的实效和在真实世界中的应用能力。让学生在提高文化意识的基础上, 提高文化观察能力、思索能力、甄别和探索能力。

1.2 教学思路

《英美概况》素来以课时少、内容量大而使许多同学倍感压力。不同于其他专业必修课, 该课程重在让学生掌握常识, 能了解英语文化中的不同侧面, 而这些侧面将有助于学生在接下来的学期中更好地理解其他方向性专业课。因此在教材内容的筛选上要有针对性, 要选择对学生专业学习直接有用的、能让学生感兴趣的、让学生开阔视野的一些章节。对于其他一些如:经济、地理、社会等概念性知识仅作补充, 也就是重点难点要在课堂上细讲 (包含对应的习题) , 而其他部分则由学生课后自我学习。

1.3 教学设计

该课程重在扩展学生的常识内容, 因此所涉及内容较广, 另外由于课时紧张、内容较多的特点, 难点和重点的划分就尤为重要。基于目前所使用教材 (《英语国家社会与文化入门》朱永涛、王立礼主编) , 根据学生日后学习、考研及工作的需要, 重难点分析如下:

重点:英美各国的历史 (是如何形成的, 经历了哪几个阶段, 各阶段的标志性事件等) ;英美各国的政治宗教情况 (政体、政党、大选、外交等) ;英美两国的教育 (义务教育、高等教育、各类考试等) ;英国的媒体 (报纸分类、各大报纸、BBC) ;各国节假日以及美国20世纪60年代的社会运动。


难点:英美两国的历史形成过程, 尤其是英联合王国各组成部分的情况直接影响政治、宗教、教育的特点;英美两国政治标志性事件 (由于本教材区别于历史课程, 没有清晰的时间轨迹, 因此学生会感觉杂乱无条理, 难以记忆) ;英联邦国家与英国的关系;美国社会运动的发展过程以及所体现出来的人文精神。

而常识信息则包括英美各国的全称, 国旗、国歌及地理位置。历届国家领导人的姓名及党派, 国际关系、英联邦国家的大致信息和与日常交流常见的一些基本知识。

2 教材分析

2.1 教材优势

目前使用教材为朱永涛、王立礼主编的《英语国家社会与文化入门》。该教材是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材, 且荣获全国普通高校优秀教材一等奖。该教材具有较强的优势, 体现如下:

(1) 内容丰富, 视角广而全:历史、政治、经济、文化、教育、科学、娱乐、社会各个方面都有讲解。多角度全方位拓展学生的语言实用性。

(2) 课本中配有主要单词中文释义以及重要名词的中文注解, 方便学生快速阅读并节约时间。同时配有一定的图片, 直观形象。

(3) 在每单元开始都有重点提示, 多数重点都会以标题形式出现在课文中, 而且这些重点在练习中均有涉及。

(4) 练习题题型丰富:判断、选择、填空、名词解释、论述。且这些题型都围绕着本单元重点展开, 可以很好地复习并掌握难重点。

2.2 教材劣势

与此同时, 作为一门涵盖变量较多文化知识的教材。该教材又存在一些瑕疵。

(1) 不同于以时间轴顺序安排的历史教材, 英美概况教材重在广角了解, 因此缺乏时间连续性, 理科背景的学生学习吃力。而且由于涵盖面较广, 本教材上下两本书在一个学期结束。学生主观判断难度较大, 丧失学习积极性。因此在教学计划和目标制定时, 要适时地补充历史背景知识, 做到既激活历史信息储备又能加深当下理解。

(2) 教材中错误较多, 这些错误主要体现在练习题上。由于教材答案和教材内容不匹配这一问题, 教学中可让学生分析该如何修改或解释, 也可采取删除法或者改变题支换角度让学生练习。另本教材答案没有解析, 可要求学生来解析答案, 作为复习强化的手段。

(3) 信息陈旧, 无更新:像economy、foreign relations、literature、music、movie这些章节信息过时, 较为陈旧。相关练习题如:上册UNIT3考察英国保守党领导人是谁?下议院中有多少席位?下册中P62填空11:美国有多少次宪法修正案?没有当下时事政治或当前话题的讨论, 这也是一个不足。

(4) 缺少国家地图、国旗还有国徽及标志性内容:学生地理知识匮乏, 急切需要直观形象的地图以理解该国家的地理位置、地貌以及其政治地缘关系。单纯依赖文字使他们难以理解英国与美国及加拿大的关系。

针对教材中出现的问题, 教学中可通过摘选其他教材的内容作为补充, 如:

余志远, 主编:全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会。《英语国家概况》“English-Speaking Countries:A Survey”。出版社:外语教学与研究出版社。

周叔麟主编, 《新编英美概况教程 (第二版) 》。北京大学出版社。

3 教学方法

针对以上所提及的本课程教材特点:涵盖面广、信息量大、重难点不突出、时间轴向不明等困难, 采取的教学方法必须帮学生在有限的课堂时间内抓住重点, 对难点进行提前准备或课后强化。

3.1 任务型教学法

在每一单元开始之前, 教师应首先给学生说明该单元的重点难点, 并要求学生就难点重点整理预习笔记。可采用小组预习不同章节, 然后互通有无的形式提前发现难点。这样学生在授课之前对所学内容有大概理解, 上课时再用系统的课件、讲解来重申重难点, 加深学生理解, 课后给学生留练习作业进一步巩固记忆。

对于教材中所缺失的系统性知识, 以作业形式分配到小组中, 要求小组补充并讲解该部分内容。这样既锻炼学生的课后学习能力, 也提升学生积极性。最后由教师在课堂上予以补充完善。

3.2 交互型教学法

针对重点章节的重难点, 可采用提问、讨论等形式, 让学生主动参与新知识的学习中来;在课堂授课的环节中会加入适当的讨论时间, 让学生互相交流。在处理课后练习的过程中, 首先让学生来陈述自己的问题, 然后由学生予以解答。除此之外, 还可以通过课后第二课堂的开展, 让学生来复述或增添新知识。如可模拟英国议会实践其议会职能, 也可通过观看电影《铁娘子》来讨论总结英国首相的职责。

3.3 启发式教学法

由于文化内容涉及不同的地域文化, 那么在理解的基础下学习效果会更好。因此在授课的过程中, 教师应让学生比较中美、中英、英美等国家间的异同, 并启发他们思考:为什么会有这样的异同?这样的教学法是基于课本又脱离课本的, 需要学生自发主动地去思考, 结合他们以前积累的信息。这种方式可以让学生深刻地理解现实, 并用所学知识去解释, 真正做到学以致用。

4 总结

英美概况作为英语专业学习者必修的一门学科, 有着极其重要的作用。如何合理地分析并结合运用教材, 制订合理的教学目标和教学思路直接影响学生对语言的实际应用能力。借助文化学习语言, 用语言来解析文化, 这是相辅相成的一个学习过程。不断探讨研究最优模式助力学生更进一步, 是一个持久的过程。

摘要:英美概况作为英语专业的必修课程, 扮演极其重要的作用。这门课程是对英语专业学生已有知识的升华和拓展。目前教材内容覆盖面较广、质量良莠不齐, 因此教学目标及教学思路的设计直接决定整体的教学效果。基于目前所使用教材, 结合专业学生学习的需求, 分析所使用教材的优劣点, 并探讨解决英美概况教学中存在重点难点, 以及采用交互、任务及启发式教学法来提升整体的教与学过程。



[1]方保军.英语教学中的跨文化教育素质[M].上海:上海教育出版社, 2004 (13) .

[2]贾连庆.大学英语教学中跨文化意识培养[J].湖南广播电视大学学报, 2008 (3) .

[3]刘安洪.关于“英语国家概况”课教学的思考[J].重庆教育学院学报, 2004 (4) .

[4]夏桐枝.学好《英美概况》的两种有效方法[J].河北自学考试, 1997 (10) .

[5]于朝阳.文化对比在英美概况教学中的探索与实践[J].山东教育学院学报, 2006 (3) .

[6]余志远, 组编:全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会.英语国家概况[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2005.

[7]周叔麟.新编英美概况教程[M].2版.北京:北京大学出版社, 2010.

《英美国家概况》学习方法 第4篇





2.1 结合语言学习与文化学习


2.2 灵活使用教学方法


2.3 综合运用现代教育技术

在教学过程中我们充分认识到现代教育技术是教学的有力支持,是教育教学改革的动力,因此,本课程采用电脑、投影、电视、录像、 网络等多媒体手段进行教学,为学生创造了声像并茂、真实生动的图形资料和视频素材。如在讲解美国历史中的“911事件”的时候,我们就让学生观看事件的视频及相关的新闻报道,让学生对这一恐怖事件有了比较直观地认识。同时,为了体现教材内容的生动性和趣味性,我们还购置了有关英美文化的音像资料和补充教材,帮助学生学习英语国家国情,使学生对相关知识点的理解从文字发展到形象,从单纯抽象的思维上升到感性与理性的结合,从而较好地实现学习目的。




3.2 教师讲解


3.3 学生陈述









[1]李丹.基于建构主义理论的英美概况教学模式研究[J].江西青年职业学院学报, 2011(4): 88-90.

[2]刘安洪.关于“英语国家概况课”教学的思考[J].重庆教育学院学报, 2004, (4).

[3]罗少茜.英语课堂教学形成性评价研究[M].北京:外语教育与研究出版社, 2003:18-19.

英美概况论文 第5篇









尽管英美两个国家都是讲英语的,但是美国英语和英国英语是不相同的。英国人与美国人虽然说的都叫英语,但这两种英语的差异还是很大的,学英语的人都知道,英语中有英式发音和美式发音两种。英国人的英语,相对而言,发音比较清楚,连读的部分较少,一般听起来相对比较字正腔圆;而美国人说英语,则秉持这能省则省,能连就连的原则,因此,对于把英语作为第二语言的人来说,听英国人的发音相比较下会舒服得多,而如果要习惯美音,恐怕只有在美国生活过的人才真正做到了。另外,两国在字词上的用法也有很多的不同,比如:第二层Second floor(美)---First floor(英)地铁Subway---underground.学期Semester---term商店Store---shop 假期vacation---holidays电话忙音The line is busy.---The line is engaged












英美概况问答题 第6篇

一.What do you know about the Roosevelt’s New Deal?

1.The great depression of 1929-1933 happened in America, which made the American economy fall into an emergent situation.2.In the presidential election of 1932, Franklin D.Roosevelt, a Democrat, defeated the Republican candidate and became President.3.He was empowered by Congress to deal with the emergency and save the situation.He called his program “The New Deal”, which had two principal purposes.4.At home, many public projects were launched to create employment through a huge increase in government responsibility.Crops were destroyed and agricultural production was cut down to stabilize the falling farm prices.The big industries were also compelled to make reforms.5.At abroad.Roosevelt took efforts to consolidate the old markets and to conquer new ones under the cloak of the “Good Neighbor Policy”.6.Roosevelt also took some measures of “social security”, paying pensions to the old, unemployed and the injured.7.Roosevelt’s “New Deal” did not change the capitalist system but helped to improve it.8.The “New Deal” had a certain historical importance.It relaxed the economic crisis, made some concessions to the working people, stopped the national economy from collapsing and especially prevented the U.S from becoming a fascist state such as Germany, Italy and Japan.二.What do you know about the “Glorious Revolution”?

1.By this time, the Cavaliers and Roundheads had settled down to become England’s first political parties, the former the Tories and the latter the Whigs.2.The Whigs were still not satisfied and began to stir up popular felling against the King’s brother, James, who was a Catholic and was likely to be the next king.3.Most people did not want a Catholic king, but the Whig’s violent behavior reminded England too much of Cromwell.4.In the interest of common justice, Parliament passed in 1679 the well-known Habeas Corpus Act, according to which, any person arrested or detained should be brought before a court of judge within twenty-four hours.5.James Ⅱ, Charles’s brother, ascended the throne after Charles died in 1685.He openly ignored laws passed by Parliament and intended to maintain a standing army commanded by Catholics.6.After three years of struggle, the Whig and Tory leaders at last united against James Ⅱ.Being afraid of another revolution, they planned a coup d’etat.7.In June 1688 the leaders of Parliament invited William of Holland to come and take the throne.William landed with an army and he was so warmly welcomed that James ran away to France without any attempt at resistance.8.William and Mary were then crowned as joint rulers.This was known in history as “The Glorious Revolution”

9.In 1689, Parliament expressed the Bill of Rights;the constitutional Monarchy began in England.10.The English Revolution is an epoch-making event in the history of the world.It concluded the medieval period-the period of feudalism and marks the beginning of the modern period-the period of capitalism.It paved the way for the rapid growth of capitalism in England.三.What were the consequences of Norman Conquest?

1.It increased the process of feudalism which had begun during Anglo-Saxon times.2.William the Conqueror established a strong monarchy in England.3.After the conquest William retained most of the old English customs of government.4.The Norman Conquest also brought about changes in the church.The upper ranks of the clergy were Normanized and feudalized, following the pattern of lay society.5.Along with the Normans came the French language, this would be the language of the court and upper classes until the fourteenth century.四.What do you know about Chartist Movement?

1.The Chartist Movement, like the Anti-Corn Law League, was rooted in many earlier working-class and radical movements for the improvement of social conditions.2.In 1836, the London Working Men’s Association was organized “to seek by every legal means to place all classes in possession of equal political and social rights.”

3.In 1837 a petition, known as the People’s Charter, was drawn up, which included universal suffrage, adoption of equal electoral districts, abolition of the property qualification for members of Parliament, payment of M.P.s, secret ballot, and annual general election..4.The basic point of the People’s Charter is Universal Suffrage.5.The Chartist could be roughly divided into two groups-“moral force”, which believed in reform by peaceful means, and “physical force”, which advocated violence.6.The Chartist Movement reached its height in 1839-1848.7.From 1839 to 1848 three petitions were presented to Parliament, but all three were rejected.8.The Chartist Movement declined after 1848, though the National Charter Association lived until 1858.9.The Chartist Movement failed because of its divided leadership and lack of a strong basis for class unity.10.It was after the Chartist Movement that the English working-class entered a period of conducting independent political movement against the bourgeoisie.五.Why did the Industrial Revolution first take place in Britain?

1.The Industrial Revolution started during the last part of the 18th century.2.The accumulation of capital;the development of capitalist farming;the appearance of a labor reserve;and the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign.3.Britain’s population grew in this period and the people were skilled in many different crafts and trades.4.Britain had built a large empire which had a powerful navy and a huge merchant fleet.5.Britain was an island with many excellent ports, so foreign trade was easy.6.Britain had created a world-wide market for its goods and its colonies supplied raw materials.The British slave traders also got a lot of money in their “triangle” trade.7.The English Parliament from 1760 to 1844 passed three thousand eight hundred Enclosure Acts.8.All of these factors sped up primitive accumulation and provided an important prerequisite for the Industrial Revolution.六.How did the Industrial Revolution exert a great influence on both British society and the world?

1.The Industrial Revolution exerts a great influence on both British society and the world.2.The Industrial Revolution was not only a technological revolution but also a great social upheaval.3.The Industrial Revolution promoted the development of production.4.Britain began to produce large quality of low-priced goods in a more efficient manner.Many new cities came into being;population increased;the home market was enlarged.British goods almost achieved a monopoly position in the world market.The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the “factory of the world”.5.A factory system was established.Workers were employed and managers became capitalists.Two conflicting classes were born.七.In what ways did Henry Ⅱ consolidate the monarchy?

八.Why and how did the English Parliament come into being?
