


口语考试40个话题 第1篇

In my opinion,I think college students should not follow fashion trend.First of all,college students don’t have the competent to pay for it,because it will always take a lot of money to follow fashion trend.And if we follow fashion trend blindly,the burden of our parents will increase.What’s more,some students like to compare with others.If one of them follows fashion trend,the rest of them will do it,too,because of their vanity.As far as I am concerned,fashion trend depends on ourselves.If we think it is good,that’s all right.We don’t need to follow anything,don’t waste money to do anything that do not make sense.Nowadays many college students like to buy big brands.In my opinion,I think it is not a good phenomenon.First of all,big brands are always very expensive,and we will spend a lot of money to buy them.However we don’t have the competent to pay for them.So we ask our parents for money.It will increase the burden of our parents.It is not easy for our parents to earn mony.We shoud not waste money to buy big brands.What’s more,buying big brands will make a bad effect.You buy big brands,I will buy them,too,because of our vanity.I think we should not pursue big brands and big brands are not always high quality.We can buy something good with a lower price.That’s will be great.Big brands do not make sense.My favorite type of movie is comedy.When I am sad,it can make me burst into laughter,though when I am happy,it can make me feel better.Comedy can affect our mood and make us feel relax.Watching comedy usually makes a good atmosphere,so I think it is compatible for family to watch and have a nice time.My favorite comedy is kungfu.It is very interesting and it shows us that justice is always the winner.We should be a good person and do something helpful to other people,even to our society.Comedy is not on the surface.It can tell us how to be a good and helpful person.I like comedy.My favorite band is Mayday.Mayday is a popular band from Taiwan,with five good man,the lead singer Axin,the team leader and guitarist monster,the drummer Guanyou,the guitarist stone and bass player masha.They have millions of fans around the world and they creat many records.They are full of positive energy.And their songs encourage many people to do what they want to and persue their dreams,make them reality.They are example.When I was preparing for the university entrance exam,I was too tired to study.It was their songs that gave me energy to go on.Then I went to NAU.They also teach us to cherish the things we have and be contentment,so that we can live a happy life and less complaining.They are really a good band.I love them very much.When I consider a boy to be my boyfriend,he must be,first of all,a nice guy.He should be kind,dependable,honest and responsible.He should also be a good listener,especially listen to what I am talking about,even my complaining.Because I am not a careful girl.I think he should be considerate,so that he can give me compatible and good advice.He should be humorous.When I am not happy,he can tell me jokes to make me laugh.I think he should like sports.It’s good for his health and make hin a sunshine boy.He should have light and wram smile.If I love a boy at first sight,It is must because of his attractive smile.Well, among the movies I’ve watched this year, TINY TIMES may be the best, I perceive.It presents a solid opinion about the relationship that is confronted with love and finance.And it well points to the root of people’s suffering in this profit-first society, and illustrates a farewell image of Shanghai’s luxurious centre.With reference to the best actress, I think YANGMI may be the queen.She gave a totally emotional performance to the audience, making everyone at the scene experience what the real friendship is, and who you are to give your heart and soul

Well, from the positive side, I have to say that advertisements is , to some extent ,a good thing.Because it has enabled the potential consumers to know what the company is selling and they has more options when buying stuffs.And it is undeniable that advertisements have done a lot to boost the production, which stimulates the growth of the economy.But there is some immerits of advertisements still, it may mislead consumers sometimes, and even results in the decay of consumers’ rights.So I think product placements have both merits and immerits, in my oppinion.From the positive side, certainly the placements have done a good job of advertising a product, just through the way of a special scene, and meanwhile leaving a good impression among the audience.But from the opposite side, can you imagine the feeling that when you’re happily appreciating a film, then the bloody lousy placements appears, totally ruined your good mood and make you complain? Consequently this may let an audience hate the company and never buy these products.I think one can find true love through the Internet.Internet is a way to know each other.Through the Internet they talk about their hobbies and life.Then they can find they have many common interests and views.So they keep communication and share their sadness and happiness.Later they fall in love with each other and have many face-to-face dates.They get along well in reality.Finally they get married.It’s a truth around me.I think Internet is just a beginning.Really dates is necessary.Though we can find true love through the Internet,finding true love in reality is better.I still remember the day when I sang in public for the first time.I was ten years old and a little shy.That day was a fine day,we represented our school to join a singing contest.I was nervous,because I was one of the lead singers and it was my first time to sing in public.My teacher enrourged me and told me not to be nervous,relaxing.We stood on the stage.My heart bit faster and my face turned to red.Music played.I looked at the conductor and began to sing,sank into the music,did not see the audience.Finally we got a good result.

口语考试40个话题 第2篇



















普通话考试说话命题40个题目 第3篇


10.(卫生与健康)自然环境和我 11.我的业余生活 12.我喜欢的季节

13.学习普通话的体验 14.谈谈服饰

15.(我的假日生活)一个愉快的假日 16.我的成长之路

























期末口语考试话题 第4篇

1.The awareness of time

In the current competitive society, time is money.Time is treated as if it were something almost real.We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it;we also charge of it.It is a precious resource and many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime.1.Why do many people cherish time?

2.What is considered to be a waste of time?

3.How to make full use of time in our study?

2.Environmental protection

In most part of the world, people don’t have consciousness about protection of the environment.They are interested in developing the economy at the sacrifice of the natural world.Consequently, the world is badly damaged and man is faced with many natural disasters.It is high time that people take measures to protect the environment.1.Why are most countries not concerned about environmental awareness?

2.What are the main causes of pollution?

3.What measures can we take to protect our environment?

3.Pros and cons of mixed marriages

People often harbor reservations about a mixed marriage because racial and cultural differences may complicate the marriage life.However, still many people have harmonious and happy marriages across nations.1.Would you mind marrying a person from a different culture or nation? Why or why not?

2.How to deal with the cultural difference in the interracial marriage?

3.What factors do you think may lead to the failure in one’s marriage?

4.Spoiling children

In most of the families, there is the only child.Parents pour all their love, energy and money to their children and try their best to satisfy their children’s needs.As a result, too much love is converted into spoiling, and spoiling children has become a serious social problem.1.Why do parents spoil their children? Please analyze reasons.2.What are the negative influences of the spoiled children on the society?

3.How to stop spoiling children for parents’ part?

5.What’s in a name?

The name is a signal that distinguishes a person from another.However, names have not merely identified people but also described them.Names often suggest or convey parents’ expectatons and dreams to their children.1.What’s in your name?

2.Do you think a person’s name is important? Why or why not?

3.How many factors should parents consider when giving a name to a baby?

6.Relax or overwork

Life is more demanding today than it ever has been.There are greater pressures at work, and people often feel very tired.Relax and paly are the useful ways to outlet one’s negative emotions.How to achieve a balance between life and work is a lesson we must learn.1.What causes stress?

2.How to lighten stress?

3.How to achieve a balance between life and work?

7.Success in life

Everybody yearns for personal success in this society.But the cruel truth is that not everyone can be successful.The road to success is full of thorns, and only those who have a stong will and stick to their goal can ultimately arrive at their destination.1.What are the factors contributing to success in one’s life?

2.What is your attitude toward failure?

3.Have you ever given up on something that you wish you had stuck to? What was it?

8.What if I could live again!

Life is so valuable that almost everyone wants to live again.If one has made some mistakes and is regretful for something, he or she will desire to live twice to mend his or her errors;if one lives very happily, he or she still will yearn for living again.1.What was the most important event in your life?

2.What was your worst memory?

3.What was the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you?

9.Illness and remedies

People wish to be healthy to enjoy their work and life, but to be a human, it is determined to get sick sometimes.How to cure illness and maintain fit are people’s major concern in their life.1.What kind of diet do you often keep?

2.How to live a healthy life?

3.What physical problems do you have and how to cope with them?

10.Accepting and declining invitations

People live in a society, and communication among them is very essential.We often participate in many social activities and make acquaintances and friends.1.What is your definiton of “friends”?

2.If you don’t want to attend a party that your friend invites you to, what will you do?

3.What do you think of interpersonal relationship in people’s life?

11.Asking for and giving advice

Peolple often come across difficulties and harsh problems in their work and life.At that time, they often cannot make decisions by themslves and always resort to others for advice.As friends, people usually offer advice and suggestion to help their friends overcome their difficulties.1.If you come across problems, who is the first perosn you want to ask for advice?

2.If the advie your friend has provided doesn’t seem good to you, how to turn down his or her advice without hurting his or her feeling?

3.Do you think the advice from others sometimes may hinder a person’s decision?

12.Compare two ways of living

People often have different ways of living.For example, some concentrate on work, while others play crazily as if it is the last moment of life.The way of living reflects a person’s attitude towards life.1.Living in the city or living in the country, which one do you prefer?

2.Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of living in the city or the country?

大英口语考试话题2 第5篇

1.When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country, while others

prefer to keep their own customs.Compare these two choices.Which one do you prefer?

2.Is it better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city?

3.When asked how they plan to solve their own housing problem, some people say they prefer renting an apartment

while others say they prefer buying an apartment.What will you do? Why?

4.What are the changes of people’s life in E-time?

5.Advertising helps to sell products.Do advertisements have a positive or negative impact on our life?

6.Should the government spend more money in improving the public transportation?

7.What’s the relationship between food and health?

8.Is love the only element for people to achieve a happy marriage?

9.Some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year.Do you think these people deserve such

high salaries? Why?

10.Do you think the focus of education should be shifted from examination to quality improvement?

11.In modern society, many people have worked for a few years, but they still have not found the right position in the

society.What’s your view on profession and career? What’s your ideal job? What are the principles in guiding your job-hunting?

12.Some universities ask students to evaluate their teachers.Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples

to support your answer.13.Do you think television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of

famous people such as public figures and celebrities? Use details to explain your opinion.14.Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water.Choose one

resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved.15.Some people believe that the best way of learning about is by listening to the advise of family and friends.Other

people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience.Which do you think is preferable?


1.在过去的25年中, 中国创造了国内生产总值年均增长8%的世界奇迹.但与此同时,在社会,环境等方面也付出了


是我们所说的双赢.我们要对腐败官员进行有效的监督,防止他们滥用职权.随着中国进入WTO, 大量跨国公司来到中国.他们正在用丰厚的薪金吸引熟练的专业人员.许多决策者都认为,仅仅重视智力教育是不够的.提高学生的道德品质与创新能力已经成为人们所关心的问题.就业力包含多种能力: 专业技能,环境适应能力,团队工作能力和求职技巧等.大多数大学生在这些方面都很欠缺.7.作为承办国,2008年奥运会的会徽已经确定.现在北京正在加强公共交通的建设,修建轻轨铁路,地铁,快速路和郊




英语口语考试话题 第6篇

1、Where do you usually have lunch?

2、What’s the main food in China?

3、Do you often have something to drink when you have a big meal?

4、How many meals do you have every day?

5、Who cooks the meals in your family?

6、Do you often cook at home?

7、What do you like for breakfast?

8、What is your favorite food? Why?

9、What food do you like and what do you dislike?

英语口语考试话题 第7篇

1、How do you keep our environments clean?

2、How often do you go to the park?

3、Which do you prefer, living in the city or living in the country? Why?

4、Is there a supermarket near here?

5、Is there a park near your home?

6、Do you think your hometown is beautiful?

7、Do you live in the city or in the country?

8、Do you like the bag? Why?

9、Where is your hometown?

10、Who cleans your classroom every day?

11、Is there any river near your home?

12、Where did you buy your schoolbag?

英语口语考试话题 第8篇

1、What’s the weather like here in winter?

2、What sports do you usually do in summer?

3、Do you like spring?Why?

4、How many seasons are there in a year?

5、What’s the weather like here in spring?

6、Does it often snow here in winter?

7、What’s your favorite season?Why?

8、Is it a fine day?

9、Is it raining now?

10、Do you like rainy days?

英语口语考试话题 第9篇

1、Are you the only child in your family?

2、Do you prefer big families or small families?

3、Who is your best friend? What do you often do when you get together?

4、What do you usually do when you stay with your friends?

5、Could you tell me something about your family?

6、Do you love your family?

7、Do you have any friends?

8、Are you happy at home? Why?

9、How many people are there in your family?

10、Are you happy when you stay with your family members?Why?

英语口语考试话题 第10篇

1、Do you like mountains?

2、Do you often go to the zoo?

3、What animals do you like best?

英语口语考试话题 第11篇

 How do you like city life? Which aspect of city life do you find most enjoyable? 

 As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport? 

 Describe a person who influences you most in your life.

 Please describe one of the happiest things in your childhood.

 Do you like pets? Why do people have pets? 

 Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth? Why? 

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city? 

 Describe a person you respect or admire.And tell me why? 

 If you were given a billion dollars, what would you do with it?

 Green food is now becoming more and more popular.Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays? 

 Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside? 

 “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty.

 How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner.

 Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how? 

 Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would you like to buy one? Why? 

 Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(网友)? Why or why not? 

 If you got 5,000,000 Yuan by winning lottery ticket, what will you do? Share your opinion with your partner.

 Do you often judge people by appearances? How do you think about it? 

 Have you ever cheated on exams or thought of cheating on exams? What are the reasons? If not, what’s your opinion on cheating on exams? 

 Discuss the difference between college life and middle school life 

 What is your favorite holiday?(Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Qingming Festival, Christmas, etc.)

 Do you love traveling? What places have you ever been to? Please share your traveling experiences with your partner? 

 How do you feel about students who are often late for class? 

 How do you get along with your roommates? What’s your advice for those who don’t get along well with each other in the same dorm? 

 Do you think it’s always wrong to tell a lie? 

 Please comment on Cheating in exams 

 Have you ever been cheated by anybody? If yes, please tell us about it.If not, how did you avoid being cheated? 

 What would you do if you find somebody cheating in exams? 

 Have you ever traveled long distances? Please say something about our travels.If not, have you any plans to do so? 

 Can you think of any measures to make people obey traffic rules? Please name one or two.

 What are the positive and negative aspects of exams at college? 

 Do you think there can ever be absolute equality between men and women? 

 Can you say something about your grandparent? What do you think elderly people need most? 
