中英语作文--My dream job英语作文


中英语作文--My dream job英语作文(精选6篇)

中英语作文--My dream job英语作文 第1篇


dream job

my dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accounting firm as an accountant.i want to be an accountant because i love mathematics and business so much.also, being an accountant can help me to explore my knowledge of business and provide me a board range of network among the business world.i need to do a lot in order to achieve my goal.first, i have to get an undergraduate degree in accounting from college.then i might either to go graduate school for a more advanced degree in accounting or get prepare for the cpa exam.with the cpa lisence, i have a better opportunity to get a job in the accounting firm.finally, with my experience in the accounting firm, i can apply accounting position in the international accounting firm and to serve as an accountant there!


中英语作文--My dream job英语作文 第2篇


英语语法术语(中英对照)语法 grammar 句法 syntax 词法 morphology 句子 sentence 从句 clause 词组 phrase 词类 part of speech 单词 word 实词 notional word 虚词 structural word 单纯词 simple word 派生词 derivative 复合词 compound 词性 part of speech 名词 noun 专有名词 proper noun 普通名词 common noun 可数名词 countable noun 不可数名词 uncountable noun 抽象名词 abstract noun 具体名词 concret noun 物质名词 material noun 集体名词 collective noun 个体名词 individual noun 介词 preposition 连词 conjunction 动词 verb 主动词 main verb 及物动词 transitive verb 不及物动词 intransitive verb 系动词 link verb 助动词 auxiliary verb 情态动词 modal verb 规则动词 regular verb 不规则动词 irregular verb 短语动词 phrasal verb 限定动词 finite verb 非限定动词 infinite verb 使役动词 causative verb 感官动词 verb of senses 动态动词 event verb 静态动词 state verb 感叹词 exclamation 形容词 adjective 原级 positive 比较级 comparative 最高级 superalative 副词 adverb 方式副词 adverb of manner 程度副词 adverb of degree 时间副词 adverb of time 地点副词 adverb of place 修饰性副词 adjunct 连接性副词 conjunct 疑问副词 interogative adverb 关系副词 relative adverb 代词 pronoun 人称代词 personal pronoun 物主代词 possesive pronoun 反身代词 reflexive pronoun 相互代词 reciprocal pronoun 指示代词 demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词 interrogative pronoun 关系代词 relative pronoun 不定代词 indefinite pronoun 物主代词 possecive pronoun 名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun 形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun 冠词 article 定冠词 definite article 不定冠词 indefinite article 数词 numeral 基数词 cardinal numeral 序数词 ordinal numeral 分数词 fractional numeral 形式 form 单数形式 singular form 复数形式 plural form 限定动词 finite verb form 非限定动词 non-finite verb form 原形 base form

从句 clause 从属句 subordinate clause 并列句 coordinate clause 名词从句 nominal clause 定语从句 attributive clause 状语从句 adverbial clause 宾语从句 object clause 主语从句 subject clause 同位语从句 appositive clause 时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time 地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place 方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner 让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession 原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause 结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result 目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose 条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition 真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition 非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition 含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition 错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition 句子 sentence 简单句 simple sentence 并列句 compound sentence 复合句 complex sentence 并列复合句 compound complex sentence 陈述句 declarative sentence 疑问句 interrogative sentence 一般疑问句 general question 特殊疑问句 special question 选择疑问句 alternative question 附加疑问句 tag question 反义疑问句 disjunctive question 修辞疑问句 rhetorical question 感叹疑问句 exclamatory question 存在句 existential sentence 肯定句 positive sentence 基本句型 basic sentence pattern 否定句 negative sentence 祈使句 imperative sentence 省略句 elliptical sentence 感叹句 exclamatory sentence 句子成分 members of sentences 主语 subject 谓语 predicate 宾语 object 双宾语 dual object 直接宾语 direct object 间接宾语 indirect object 复合宾语 complex object 同源宾语 cognate object 补语 complement 主补 subject complement 宾补 object complement 表语 predicative 定语 attribute 同位语 appositive 状语 adverbial 句法关系 syntactic relationship 并列 coordinate 从属 subordination 修饰 modification 前置修饰 pre-modification 后置修饰 post-modification 限制 restriction 双重限制 double-restriction 非限制 non-restriction 数 number 单数形式 singular form 复数形式 plural form 规则形式 regular form 不规则形式 irregular form 格 case 普通格 common case 所有格 possessive case 主格 nominative case 宾格 objective case 性 gender 阳性 masculine 阴性 feminine 通性 common 中性 neuter 人称 person 第一人称 first person 第二人称 second person 第三人称 third person

英语教学中英语阅读策略初探 第3篇




1. 培养良好的阅读习惯。


2. 培养对内容的预测能力。

要求学生拿到一篇文章后,要预测主题、了解文章的内容。学生可以首先通过文章的标题来预测文章的内容,然后利用语法、逻辑及文化线索来预测文章可能出现的信息,从而培养一种主动、积极地理解和接收信息的能力。一般英语阅读的课内课外材料都是比较典型的某一文体,它们是很好的训练材料。具体可以通过文章细节,如标题、副标题、小标题,斜体词、黑体词,脚注、标点符号等,对文章进行预测略读。预测略读要了解作者的思路,以一般阅读速度为例,首先阅读文章开头的第一、第二段,力求抓住文章大意、背景情况、作者的语言风格、口吻或语气等,接下来阅读段落的主题句和结论句。抓住主题句就掌握了段落大意,然后略去细节不读,以加快略读速度,还有就是注意转折词和序列词。转折词如however,moreover,in addition等;序列词如firstly,secondly等。

3. 培养对生词猜义的能力。


4. 培养积累知识的能力。


中英英语新闻的批评语篇分析 第4篇

【关键词】批评话语分析 英语新闻报道 分类 转换 情态

新闻媒体作为传播新闻、报道实事、发表评论的重要载体,已成为人们了解世界局势、大事的重要方式。新闻媒体在人们了解世界的过程中扮演了双重角色:一是对业已发生的事情进行信息的交换,为人们了解事情的真相提供有效的证据;二是对事件背后的起因进行自己的调查和推测,可以说极大控制了人们对整个事件的认知。所以,新闻媒体从总体上界定了人们的认知水平。长期以来,人们对新闻传播过程中的文化背景差异、意识形态差异、认知概念差异都有很多研究,随着批评语篇分析的新发展,人们对新闻语篇的研究有了新视角。批评语篇分析作为一门新的语言学语言学手段,其研究的重点不仅是语言的结构与意义,还关注到他们在社会语篇中的实际应用,越来越多的人开始用批评语篇分析的方法来分析不同新闻语篇间的语言差异。本文以2015年元旦上海外滩踩踏事件的中英报道为例证,分别从China Daily和The Economist上选取关于此事件的新闻报道,从不同维度揭示不同意识形态背景下的新闻报道。


批评话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis)是1979年R.Fowler和B.Hodge等人在Language and control一书中提出的话语方法,旨在通过大众语篇分析,揭示意识形态与话语之间的辩证关系。批评话语分析关注的基本问题是:话语与意识形态的关系;话语与社会;话语、控制与权力。在过去的三十多年中,批评话语分析得到了迅猛发展,特别是借助于语言学的分析范畴,揭示大众话语(包括课堂话语、新闻话语、机构话语等)中隐含的权力、性别、意识形态、种族主义等社会因素。语篇的各个层次和各种结构都可能具有意识形态意义(Fairclough,1992),本文从分类、情态和转换三个方面来揭示语篇的意识形态意义。


本论文选取了China Daily和The Economist 1月1日对上海外滩的踩踏事件的报道进行分析,两篇报道均对事故现场、伤亡状况及事故原因进行了描述,字数分别为618和563。下文将从批评话语分析的角度对两文进行分析。


从两篇报道可以看出,对事故现场的描述,China Daily都是直接引用了在事故现场的当事人的直观感受,他们的所见所闻、切身感受能让读者感受到最真实的现场气氛;而The Economist则使用了很多评价性的词,如vainly,tightly,slowly but inexorably等,极力渲染现场凄惨、混乱的景象,描写出人们在事故现场想要施以援手却无法援助的绝望情境。

在人员情绪这一块,The Economist也沿用事故现场的混乱绝望(shock and grief)的气氛,极力渲染人们的痛苦和震惊,但在救援行动方面却只字不提,全然不顾事故发生后,无论是事故现场警察的竭力相救,还是事故发生后,上至中央下至地方政府在救援方面给予的高度重视和强大支撑。

对于事故原因,China Daily对于盛传的人们蜂拥去抢假币的猜想给出现已得到的证据:截止发稿时,酒吧仍旧处于失联状态,警方无法证实这一传闻;而The Economist在未经证实的情形下,痛斥现场人们疯抢假币,还对警方和城市的承载力大大质疑。

在伤亡人数上,China Daily报道得非常具体——36人死亡,47人受伤(7人出院,40人就近治疗),其中25名女性(年龄在16-36岁);而The Economist对此报道很含糊,说这场事故至少造成36人死亡,40多人受伤。

对于事故影响,China Daily和The Economist均指出这于中国而言,并非个例,后者指出不论是在自然灾害(地震)还是在人为事故(超市购物)中,中国之前有很多踩踏事故,并突出了这次踩踏事故是历年来最具伤害性的,因为这次事故发生在中国人民引以为豪的最繁华的国际大都市之一——上海。The Economist对中国城市化进程的加速发展提出了巨大质疑,言语中无不透露出上海这座繁华的大都市背后隐藏的羸弱和混乱。而China Daily也指出了此前的踩踏事故,并具体回顾了踩踏事故的时间地点及具体情形,内容客观。

通过对语言的分类,不难看出The Economist极力渲染现场混乱绝望的气氛,同时也未提及现场的救援情况,反而极大质疑中国城市化进程加快所带来的公共安全问题,弱化中国政府对此事件的即刻救援,且暗含了民众在事故现场孤立无援的状况。



(1)模糊语。China Daily使用的模糊语较少,仅有两处:1)Shanghai…is home to over 23 million people.2)Stampedes…were mainly due to safety loopholes.而The Economist中使用了大量的模糊语,大部分都是因为对事故具体情况的不确定1)A stampede…killed at least 36 and injured more than 40.2)Most of those who died were young.3)Many were unaware of…4)Much online speculation focused on…5)Too many people in too small a space.6)Last year about 300,000 people showed up.一般人们认为新闻报道的一大要求就是要客观准确、忠于事实。但同时,新闻作为一种舆论引导工具,不可避免地带有新闻报道者的主观看法,或者是听说的内容,这些往往能反映其立场,其不确定性往往给新闻报道人员推测揣摩的空间。

(2)直接引语。新闻报道中常使用直接引语,它的作用主要是:由于出自当事人、知情者或者是权威人士之口,所以对读者而言有很强的说服力。而正是由于这一点,报道者常常利用直接引语来表达自己的立场和观点,并把他们间接地强加于读者(辛斌,1996)。China Daily使用了五处直接引语,其中有两处是事故现场的当事人在谈自己的切身感受,还有两处是一名教授对此类突发事件给出的一些意见和建议,另外一处是李克强总理强调在救援时要不遗余力。从当事人到政府,从普通视角到专业视角,China Daily在竭力还原事故现场的景象的同时,塑造了一个人性化的政府形象,并有基于此的一些长远性公共安全考虑。与此大不相同的是The Economist未使用任何直接引语,不论是对事故现场还是对事故影响,都只是站在一个旁观、评论者的角度,如此对事故真实情况的评说却也缺乏客观的理据。

3.转换。转化通常有两种情形:名物化和被动化,在此主要讨论的是前者。对于新闻报道的语篇而言,名物化主要有如下效果:(1)削弱整个语篇的动作感;(2)情态和时态被删除,模糊时间概念和掩饰过程的参加者及因果关系等;(3)名物化结构使过程变成事物,从而产生客观化的效果。其实对于这两篇报道,在文章一开始谈论人员伤亡状况时,China Daily的用语是“The death toll of a fatal stampede rose to 36”,而The Economist则形容为“A stampede killed at least 36 and injured more than 40”。“death”和“killed”则分别描述了一静一动两种状态,前者是在弱化事故的巨大灾难性以平缓人们悲伤的情绪,而后者则将事故的严重后果更加凸显。不止此例,下面将对The Economist报道中的名物化使用情况进行梳理:

1) Much online speculation focused on the possibility…此处的“online speculation”隐藏了真正的思考主体,至于究竟是“who speculate”——到底是中国人民自己的猜测,还是外国媒体的自行揣测就不得而知了。

2) The stampede was triggered by the reported scattering of fake money.此处“scattering”及其修饰语“reported”将“scatter”的行为主体和“report”的行为主体都隐去了,给人的印象就是散布假币的行为是也已被媒体报道证实了的事实,其实不然。否则报道应交代何人于何地以何理由作此行为。

3) There had been worries about the possibility of such trouble.此处“worries”的行为主体同样被隐去了,其实后文紧接着就指出,出此考虑,市政府取消了主要的焰火表演,媒体也提前让人们尽量避免去,但隐去的主语恰恰给人们的印象是政府的失职。

4) Progression of the horror.此处“progression”看似将“连续性恐怖”的悲惨景象隐去了,但其后马上出现了一连串的描述事故现场的句子:“too many people in too small a space,pushed slowly but inexorably towards a staircase…”

5) Struggle to keep up with the relentless growth that is straining their infrastructure from streets to schools.此处的“growth”的主体同样被隐去了,究竟是什么的增长,文中没有过多介绍,反而强调的是这种增长“给从大街到学校的基础设施建设带来的巨大压力”。

但是,对于事故现场的描写,The Economist使用的是一连串的动词:“trying,vainly,to resuscitate”“lay scattered”“shouting in unison”“packed in so tightly”……将现场的混乱气氛描写到了极致。与此不同的是,China Daily对此事的报道名物化的现象并不明显。


通过以上分析不难发现,虽然新闻报道的原则是客观真实地还原事件的原本面貌,但是基于不同的意识形态、不同的立场,也使得这样一种表达意识形态的媒介有了不一样的见地。在对上海踩踏事件的报道中,China Daily基于本土的各种调查,报道的内容也会相对客观、正面、积极,以引导人们提高安全意识,众志成城对待这些突发情况;而The Economist作为英国的报社倾向于对中国的消极和负面的报道,对事故现场片面不全的报道使读者对政府生疑。然而,这并不意味着在语言使用中,发话人总是故意利用各种表达方式来歪曲事实,欺骗受话人,以达到某种目的。在通常情况下,发话人甚至不会意识到自己的话语中会有某种意识形态意义,读者对此往往也浑然不觉,而这也正是意识形态的效力所在,它以潜移默化的方式使人们在不知不觉中传播并强化它(辛斌,1996)。批评语篇分析为揭示话语或语篇中隐藏的意识形态意义及其与社会结构和权力控制的关系提供了一种新的思路和解读方式,这也促使人们在信息国际化交流日益加强的今天,我们一定要辩证看待国外的新闻报道。



[2]吴秀英.对《中国日报》和《纽约时报》关于5.12 四川地震后灾区调整计划生育政策报道的比较分析[A].福建省外国语文学会2008 年年会论文集[C].福建省外国语文学会,2008.

[3]辛斌.1996.语言,权利与意识形态:批评语言学[J].现代外语, (1):21-26.

[4]Fairclough,N.Discourse and Social Change[M].Polity Press,1992.

中英语作文--My dream job英语作文 第5篇



Winter vacation is coming, I have many new plans about traveling.I will also make many resolutions.Here are the results.I‟m going to Yunnan with my friends by plane because the weather there will be really warm.I will not only buy gifts but also take photos there.I will enjoy the sunshine near the lake and also visit the Stone Forest.After finishing my trip.I must keep on studying.The best way to improve my study is to review my subjects every day.Doing more exercises and reading books are also good ideas.I will keep moving forward.My dream is to become a secretary.As a secretary, each of the subjects must be great.I‟m going to study math really hard and read more books.I will also listen to the English tape every day.I‟ll exert all my energy on my study and try my best to do everything.I believe my dream will come true.初二8班


My Winter Vacation Plan three resolutions.The first resolution is about how to do better at school.I‟m going to do more exercises because these can help me get good grades.Besides, I‟m

going to spend one hour keeping diaries every day.It is good for my writing.I‟m going to listen to teachers carefully in class.If I can keep all these resolutions, I believe my school life will be better.The second resolution is about travel.In winter vacation, I‟m going to Shanghai.As we all know ,Shanghai is a very big city with a lot of places of interest.I can see the famous “Easter Pearl Tower” there.In addition, I want to enjoy the food of Shanghai very much, which must taste good.I believe my travel will be fantastic.The last resolution is about my dream job.My dream is to be a successful basketball player.I am going to spend time practicing basketball every day.I‟m going to take basketball lessons.Although it was tiring, I will keep on doing it.What‟s more, I‟m going to read a lot of books that have to do with basketball skill.I‟m going to watch more basketball games.These are not only good for me but also can make me happy.I believe that my dream will come true.初二9班 周维

Resolutions can help to make me a better person.So I am going to make I plan to go to Hangzhou with my family during the winter vacation.because Hangzhou is a beautiful place.The scenery there is great!And the West Lake is famous all around the world.I want to spend more time with my family and have some rest there.When I back home, I must study really hard to improve my study.I‟m going to practice my spoken English over and over again.Also, I‟m going to watch English films two times a week.I believe I can get good grades in the new term.I have a dream;I want to be a clothes designer when I grow up.I am interested in fashion.I‟m going to take some designing lessons.The lessons can grant me some opinions about fashion.Also, I‟m going to learn how to draw.I‟m not only going to make more foreign friends but also going to present at many international fashionable dress issue.So, I‟m going to study English harder.Nothing is impossible;I will strive for my dream.I believe that my dream will come true.初二9班 杨辰

My Winter Vacation Plan

Winter vacation is coming.Let me tell you about my study plan.I‟m going to spend more time improving my grades.I‟m going to read more books.Because it can not only improve my writing level, but also make me become a knowledgeable person.I‟m going to visit the West Lake in Hangzhou this winter vacation.Because it is very beautiful.Not only will I enjoy the beautiful views, but also I‟m going to drink Longjing tea and eat the delicious food there.What‟s more, everyone has his own dream, so do I.I want to be a lawyer in the future.If I am a lawyer, I will be able to uphold justice.I‟m doing to realize my dream by reading widely and learning knowledge about laws as much as possible from now on.I‟m going to study laws when I am at a university.Although it will be difficult to be a good lawyer, I won‟t give up my dream.I‟m determined to hold on my dream till one day it comes true.初二9班 刘左晗

My Winter Vacation Plan Winter vacation is coming.I‟m going to make three resolutions.First, I will go to Shanghai, because it‟s a good place to relax and the food there is so delicious that I want to try something special.The second resolution is about my own personal improvement.Next year, I‟m going to get good grades.I think it can make me a better person and make my family happy.To achieve my goal ,I‟m going to study harder at school and listen to my teacher carefully.I want to be an astronaut in the future.I hope to fly into the space to find the secrets of the universe.I have been interested in space since when I was a child, because I think people will have to move to other planet in the future, so I want to fly rockets to the space to find out a planet that people can live on it.To achieve my dream.not only should I study hard at school but also I should do more sports to make myself stronger.I hope my dream will come true!

初二7班 闫穆垚

My Winter Vacation Plan Well, winter vacation is a good time to relax and study.So I plan to have a vacation in Paris, an old city in France with Eiffel tower.I want to visit it because it‟s famous and I am going to take photos of it.I think I‟ll have a great time in France.And I am going to study during the vacation.I should not only read some books, but also keep on writing stories.As the saying goes“ Books are human‟s friends.” Reading plays an important part in our lives.In my opinion, reading books can help me be more creative.By the way , I want to tell you my dream in future.I want to be director.I will keep on writing diary because a good director must be knowledgeable.It is much use reading magazines and I‟ll know what „s going on around the world.That „s my dream.I think one day it will come true.初二7班 如意

Everyone has a lot of plans about what he wants to do next year.I will go to Paris next winter vacation because I think Paris is a beautiful city and I want to visit the Eiffel Tower.Travel plays an important part in my life because I have to do many things and I always feel tired.For my study, I will improve my English grade, so I will study English really hard and I will have less free time.And I want to be an engineer when I grow up.I think it‟s exciting and fun.In order to make my dream come true I will study math really hard.Studying math is an interesting thing that is my favorite.So I think my dream will come true as long as I keep doing it.初二10班


I will go to Hainan with my family in winter vacation, because it is sunny and hot.The sky and sea are blue.I think I will go to the beach near our hotel.I wonder what life is like in Hainan this vacation.As for study, I will spend time studying English.I love speaking English It can not only increase my knowledge but also open my mind.Besides, I will keep a diary in English every day.I really enjoy studying English.I want to be an artist when I grow up ,but as an artist, how can I do ? First, will be a good art student.It is important for an artist.Next, I will practice painting every day.It is not only interesting but also can improve my painting level.I know realizing my dream is difficult, but I will try my best.初二3班 韩宇斌

I have a lot of plans in my winter vacation.I‟m going to Nanjing this winter vacation with my family.It‟s sunny and cool.We are going to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum.I think it will be not only interesting, but also exciting.Then we are going to Qin Huai River, and enjoy the beautiful night View.I think we will have a good time.I‟m going to make resolutions about my study.First, I‟m going to be a good listener.Then, I‟m going to practice speaking English every day.Finally, I‟m going to read books every day.Doing these things can not only help me increase knowledge but also improve my study.I want to be an English teacher when I grow up because I love teaching English and I‟m good with children.In order to realize my dream.I‟m going to study English really hard.I‟m going to listen to English tapes every day.And I‟m going to keep a diary in English every day., which is Important and helpful for me.What‟s more, I‟m going to study education.It‟s good for me to teach students well.That‟s all about my plans in winter vacation.初二3班 邹雨晴

近几年高考上海卷中英语作文题目 第6篇












你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈你的想法。

















Hobbies:Music, dancing and reading。

Notes: Looking for pen friends who want to learn about other countries。

Name:Andy Jamieson



Hobbies: Sports, especially football;


Notes: Looking for pen friends fromallover the world。














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