


1英语教案 第1篇


教学目标: 通过教学,了解完型填空的题型特点;帮助学生形成正确清晰的解题思路,掌握有效的技巧;增强备考的信心。

教学重点: 完型填空的各种技巧在实践中的熟练运用 教学难点: 培养在特定的语境中综合运用语言的能力

教学方法: 探究法;归纳法;演绎法;自主学习与合作学习的方法等 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Get students to do several parts of the cloze tests.Discuss the answers first in a group Part 1 技巧一: __________________________________ ***(08全国Ⅱ卷)Often written on a napkin(餐巾), it might be a thank-you for a _22_ moment, a reminder of something we were happily expecting, or a bit of

_23_ for the coming test or sporting event…




D.separate 23.A.congratulation B.improvement C.explanation


***(08重庆)Tired and sad, she told her story _38__ , not to anyone in particular.On her way to

the station, half of her _39__money_ was stolen.38.A.tearfully




***She noticed how nervous he was and suggested he should stand near the stage where he could watch and follow the play.It was a good

of getting rid of his nervousness, she said.She was right, it seemed to




D.plan 2.A.do





“I’m angry with

.I realize I’ve failed as a father.I’m going to walk home now and think seriously about…

50.A.you B.myself C.me D.yourself

技巧二: __________________________________ ***(06陕西卷)May Paxton graduated __26___ the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year

1909.Three years __27__ she went to see Mr.Richardson about _28 becoming a nurse.26.A.as



D.in 27.A.later B.before C.ago


***The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly 2

me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking.It wasn’t long

the whole room was filled with smoke.1.A.have



D.have had 2.A.seemed



D.showed 3.A.ago




***In his absence I looked to see _38__ was on his desk.38 A.this



D.what 技巧三: __________________________________ ***(04江苏卷)On

days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves… 39.A.sunny B.rainy C.cloudy D.snowy

***(04广东卷)I had seen an agency advertised in a local newspaper.I rushed out of the

in search of it.I was wildly excited, and as

as if I were going on the stage.36.A.bed



D.office 37.A.proud B.pleased C.nervous D.worried

技巧四: __________________________________ ***Every morning she would give him breakfast bed and bring him the papers to









***Immediately the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the__1__hospital.1.A.animal



D.nearest Step


【学生活动】学生讨论、回答 【师】(学生讨论后教师归纳)1.根据词义辨析来确定最佳选项



4.根据生活常识及文化背景知识来确定最佳选项 Step


*Get students to read the passage of a cloze test in one minute and a half with these questions in their mind: What is the passage about?(who;what;when;where;why;how)*Get students to focus on the first sentence and then the last.Try to see how the two sentences help them get the theme and clue of the story.Part 2 The young engineer sat down on a rock and rested his head in his hands.He would never get home, it was

.For weeks he had been lost in the northwest Canadian forest.Now there was a terrible

behind his eyes, and worst of all, he had gone

.Suddenly a man appeared out of the woods, an Indian who had been hunting in the area.Seeing the engineer’s

, he caught a fish in a nearby stream and fed the sick man the

of the fish and some flesh from its head.6

within a few hours the engineer’s pain was

.A day later he could

again, and the next day he had completely recovered.4 “He doesn’t have any money!” the driver

48.“Well, that’s no

to throw him off the bus,” she insisted.Then she reached inside her blouse, look out her

money, and handed it to the conductor.“Here’s his fare and mine.Just stop giving him a

time.” All heads turned to the woman.“It’s only money,” she shrugged.She rode the rest of the way home

a happy smile, with the money she’d lost earlier

53.On the road of life, the help of strangers can

our loads and lift our spirits.How much sweeter the

will be when we make it a little smoother for others!36.A.try




















41.A.unsatisfied B.weak







43.A.get off


C.get on


















































1英语教案 第2篇

第一节 慢速朗读句子,练习清晰标准的发音 第二节 快速自学音标拼读 第三节 交际中的基本语调 第四节 总结、复习Part 2 单词

第五节 英语词汇的分类 第六节 如何快速记忆单词 第七节 小学英语词汇归类 第八节 总结、复习Part 3 基础词组

第九、十、十一节 常用词组 Part 4 句子

第十二、十三节 英语基本句型 Part 4 日常交际

第十四、十五、十六节 小学日常交际用语 Part 5 作文

第十七、十八节 人:自我介绍,我周围的人

《一定能摸到红球吗(1)》教案 第3篇

知识与技能:通过丰富的实例认识生活中的必然事件, 不可能事件, 不确定事件。




情感、态度与价值观:在有趣的问题中体会确定事件和不确定事件, 提高学生学习数学的兴趣, 积累丰富的数学活动经验。

教学重难点:重点是通过学生参与实验, 让学生认识确定事件和不确定事件。难点是正确区分确定事件和不确定事件, 明确不确定设计的特点, 感受不确定性。


准备实物:圣诞袜子袋, 红色和黄色糖若干, 硬币、骰子若干。

【教学环节】 (课前播放雪人的动画及英文圣诞歌曲《铃儿响叮当》, 下发导学 (练) 案。)


生活中有哪些事情一定会发生, 哪些事情一定不会发生, 哪些事情可能会发生?

自由转动的转盘, 转盘停止后, 指针一定落在红色区域吗?

随意扔一枚硬币, 硬币落地后朝上的面会是什么?一定是“数字”吗?

今天我们学习第七章可能性第一节的内容“一定摸到红球吗”本节课我们将研究并解决这些问题。 (投影显示)

同学们, 快到圣诞节了, 在这里老师提前祝大家节日快乐。同时, 圣诞老人也来到这里并给大家带来了一些圣诞礼物, 想知道是什么礼物吗?谁来摸一摸、试一试?

设计意图: (1) 通过问题情景的引入, 使学生初步感受到“数学来源于生活”。激发学生的学习兴趣。 (2) 关注细节, 对教材作适当的修改。如教材中提到随意扔一枚硬币, 硬币落地后朝上的面一定是“国徽”吗?而现在的硬币已基本没有“国徽”面, 因此我改为硬币落地后朝上的面一定会是“数字”吗?又如将教材中的摸球活动改为摸糖, 力求上出自己的特色。


1.这里有三个圣诞礼品袋, 袋子里装有形状大小完全一样的红色糖和黄色糖。教师分别将糖展现给学生, 然后让学生猜猜是否一定能摸出红糖。


3.多人实验操作, 其余同学观察并记录。 (注意:第一, 每次摸糖前应该把球摇匀;第二, 摸糖时不能看袋子里糖的颜色;第三, 摸糖之后记录糖的颜色并放回。)


1.组织学生活动, 记录数据, 分析数据, 感知收集数据的过程, 为结论的得出作铺垫。

2.独立思考是交流的前提, 在每次的分组讨论前, 我都要先让学生独立思考。


必然事件:有些事情我们事先能肯定它一定会发生, 称为必然事件。

不可能事件:有些事情我们事先能肯定它一定不会发生, 称为不可能事件。



设计意图:引导学生分析总结, 板书概念, 学习概念。


1.观察转盘, 解决指针是否一定落在红色区域的问题。

设计意图:巩固概练, 解决章题学习中的问题。

2.接力比赛: (看谁说得多)

比赛要求: (人人都需接力说出生活中的事件)

(1) 组长决定接力顺序, 并画“正”字记录每人的题数。掷骰子决定一名同学记时, 必须在10秒内说出一个事件。

可以是确定事件 (并说明是必然事件还是不可事件) , 也可以是不确定事件。

(2) 有争议的事件, 由组内的同学按照少数服从多数的原则来裁判, 并作好记录。

(注意:要贴近生活, 符合生活实际。)

(3) 以说的最多的同学为胜。

设计意图: (1) 让学生体会数学来源于生活; (2) 交给学生收集, 分析, 处理数据的方法; (3) 掷骰子以及后面的抽签都有助于学生进一步感知不确定性。


(1) 中央电视台“购物街”栏目里面的“小心炸弹”猜价格游戏中, 用5个球代表5个数字, 再用一个白球代表炸弹。把六个球放进一个袋子。游戏的规则是:选手摸到3次炸弹则游戏失败, 将价格完全猜对则游戏胜利!主持人高博在选手每次摸球之前是否要将袋子里的球摇均匀?

(2) 扔一枚硬币, “国徽”面朝上是什么事件?假如你长大后当了国际足球裁判, 比赛前用掷硬币方法确定双方的比赛场地, 你准备怎么掷? (学生做扔硬币游戏, 探索游戏中应注意的问题)

设计意图:以学生熟悉的现实生活为背景, 结合学生的动手实践让学生体会概率实验中随机的重要性。

4.由圣诞老人带来的礼物为题, 让学生组内讨论后完成。

(1) 判断下列事件哪些是必然事件?哪些是不可能事件?哪些是不确定事件?

(1) 19:00任意选择电视的某一频道, 它正在播新闻联播。

(2) 经常玩游戏的同学, 思维要比不玩游戏的敏捷。

(3) 你购买一张彩票将获得500万大奖。

(4) 掷一枚均匀的骰子, 骰子停止转动后偶数点朝上。

(5) 当室外温度低于-20摄氏度时, 将一碗清水放在室外水会结冰。

(6) 盒子中有99个红球, 1个白球, 一定摸到红球。

(7) 董市镇每年都会下雨。

(8) 在我们班同学中, 至少有两个人的生日是同一个月。

(2) 选择题。

1.下列事件是必然事件的是 ()

(A) 酒瓶会爆炸

(B) 在一段时间内汽车出现故障

(C) 地球在自转

(D) 本届奥运会在中国举行

2.下列事件是不确定事件的是 ()

(A) 地球绕着太阳转

(B) 一个班上的两名学生生日相同

(C) 异号两数相乘, 积为负数

(D) 太阳从西边升起

3.下列事件是不可能事件的是 ()

(A) 抛掷一枚硬币, 正面朝上

(B) 掷一枚均匀的骰子, 骰子停止转动后朝上的点数是7

(C) 某次数学考试, 成绩的合格率为80%

(D) 两点之间线段最短

4.下列事件是确定事件的是 ()

(A) 掷一枚均匀的骰子, 骰子停止转动后3点朝上

(B) 石头能孵出小鸡

(C) 在地球上将一枚硬币向上抛高, 落下后有国微的这面朝上

(D) 明天会下雨

设计意图: (1) 紧密联系学生的生活经验, 力图引发学生的认知冲突。 (2) 通过事件类型的判断, 加深概念理解, 进一步巩固新知。 (3) 采用有趣的为学生喜爱的形式练习, 激发学生的学习热情。



1.判断一件事情需要尊重客观现实、借助前人经验、根据自身体验进行数学推理, 有时需进行大量的试验及统计才知道。

2.知识的形成过程可以是猜测, 实验, 收集分析, 整理归纳, 应用这几步。

设计意图:不仅注重对知识的小结, 更注重对知识的形成过程以及一般思想方法的归纳。



在一个不透明的口袋中, 装着10个大小和外形一模一样的小球, 其中有5个红球, 3个蓝球, 2个白球, 它们已经在口袋中被搅匀了, 请问, 下列哪些事件是必然事件, 哪些是不可能事件, 哪些是不确定事件。

(1) 从口袋中任意取出1个球, 它恰好是红球。

(2) 从口袋中一次任意取出3个球, 它们恰好全是黄球。

(3) 从口袋中一次任意取出9个球, 恰好红、蓝、白三种颜色全齐了。

(4) 从口袋中一次任意取出6个球, 它们恰好是1个红球, 2个蓝球和3个白球

2.盒中装有20个红球和1个黄球, 随机取出一球, 判断下列说法是否正确并说明理由。

(1) 取出的一定是红球, 因为红球有20个, 黄球才1个。

(2) 取出的一定是红球或黄球, 因为盒中只有这两种颜色球。



掷一枚均匀的骰子, 如果骰子的六面上分别是2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4六个数, 那么可能观察到的结果共有多少种?

设计意图:首尾呼应, 总结解题的关键:运用概念。分层训练, 让学生应用所学知识解决问题, 让不同的学生不同的发展。






高三英语语法复习1+1 第4篇


A 用在第一,三人称表请求或征询他人建议

例:You are sweating with that huge suitcase. ___ I give you a hand?

A. shallB. shouldC. willD. would


例:China has warned America that it ____ be responsible for its arms sale to Taiwan.

A. canB. mayC. willD. shall



B一定是must be+n./adj./doing(肯定)/can’t be+n./adj./doing(否定)

一定已经 must have done sth. (肯定)/couldn’t have done sth.(否定)


例:1) She must be a teacher, isn’t she?

2)They must have passed the exam, haven’t they?试比较:

They must have passed the exam yesterday, didn’t they?

C 偏要

例:“May I smoke here?” “If you ____, do it in the smoking section.”

A. canB. must C. will D. shall


A 应该

例:“I wonder if I can board the plane with this return ticket.” “There ____ be no problem. Your ticket is valid until the end of this month.”(2011, 南京二模,25题)

A. must B. shallC. should D. might

B 竟然

例:She just couldn’t believe that her husband, to whom she had been loyal for many years, ____ desert her after he became rich. (2009 陕西师大附中二模)

A. might B. shouldC. shall D. must

C 万一

例:The iPod is of good quality. If it ____ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense. (2011, 扬州三模,31题)

A. would B. should C. could D. might

D 聯想:虚拟语气中含should的句式

1)suggest(建议)/insist/order/command/require/request/demand that sb. (should) do sth.

4.情态动词+have done结构

1)must have done 2)may/might have done 3)can/could have done 4)should/ought to have done 5)needn’t have done 6)would like to have done 7)had better have done 8)would rather have done

例:“John is really expert at fighting cybercrime!” “Yes, but he ____ his potential if it had not been for his desire to meet the new challenge.” (2011, 南通一模25题)

A. never realized

B. would never realize

C. would never have realized

D. had never realized


if, unless引导的条件状语从句;although; though引导的让步状语从句;when, while引导的时间状语从句,如果这三类从句的主语和主句的主语一致,可将这三类从句中的主语和be动词省略。

例:Alcohol is classified as a downer, and although it is legal, it can damage the liver and and do great harm if ____ in large quantities.

A. consume B. to consume

C. consumedD. consuming


A 完全倒装

例:For a moment nothing happened, then ____ all shouting together. (2009福建)

A. voices had comeB. came voices

C. voices would comeD. did voices come

Ba.部分倒装(not until…)

例: Not until all the fish died in the river ____ how serious pollution was.

A. did the villagers realize

B. the villagers realized

C. the villagers did realize

D. didn’t the villagers realize

句型归纳:They didn’t have dinner until their father came home last night.

It was not until his father came home last night that they had dinner.

Not until their father came home last night did they have dinner.


例: “It’s raining cats and dogs.” “____.”

A. So it isB. So is it

C. Neither it isD. Neither is it


Child as he is, he knows a lot about the history of our country.


A 强调句的疑问句式

Can you tell me ____ makes LiuXiang so successful?

A. what is it thatB. why it is that

C. what it is thatD. what it is which

B 复杂句型中的强调句

It was just in the room ____ he was born ____ he died.

A. where; whichB. that; that

C. where; that D. which; that

8. with复合结构

1.He came in with a book in his hand.

2.In summer, people like to sleep with window open.

3.With work done, he left the office and went home.

4.With winter coming, many birds fly to the south.

5.With a lot of work to do, we have to stay up late tonight.


A have

have sb. do/doing sth.

have sth. done

have sth. to do/have sth. to be done

have trouble/difficulty/problem/pleasure/a difficult time in doing sth.

B remain

例:With the ____ ten dollars, I can only buy some bread.

A. remined B. remains

C. remainD. remaining

C 考查主從句主语是否一致

例:To be qualified for the job, ____.

A. practical skills in electronics are needed

B. it is reported that one has practical skills in electronics

C. one needs to acquire practical skills in electronics

D. practical skills in electronics are important

10.句型sb. be said(reported, believed, thought…) to be+n./adj./doing

sb. be said (reported, believed, thought…) to do

sb. be said(reported, believed, thought…) to have done sth.

sb. be said(reported, believed, thought…) to have been doing

11. 倍数表达

1. My room is three times the size of that one.

2. I have twice as many books as you do.

3. The building is twice higher than that one.

4. The length of the railway is three times what it was ten years ago.

12. before在……之前;还没来得及……就……

例:The doctors said it would be months ____ he was fit for work.

A. thatB. whenC. onceD. before





英语专业《英语阅读1》课程教案 第5篇

Contents: Something about the Course and Unit 1 Procedures: I.Something about Extensive Reading 1.The meaning of this course

Extending far╲extensive reading(reading a lot, reading in wide range)

Far reaching╱

2.The task of the course

1} To improve reading speed

Everything goes very fast in our society, so we need to improve our speed in our study.As English majors you need to read a lot of materials in English.If you don’t have a certain reading speed, you cannot complete this task.So to have a fast reading speed can save your time to get more information or knowledge from what you read in a short time.It is also an important symbol to reflect your language ability and reading ability and also it is important in your TEM 4 and TEM 8 in the future.If your speed is not fast enough, you may not finish your test on time.So it will lead to your failure in the test.So to catch up with the development of our times, and also to be successful in our study, we should improve our reading speed.2} To improve comprehension(understanding)

It is the key significant factor to measure your reading ability.Because our reading purpose is to understand what we read.If we merely emphasize the speed, that is, if you read fast without understanding, all the things you have read will disappear behind your mind.So to improve comprehension is the second task in our extensive reading course.3)To enlarge vocabulary

It is very important to improve your reading speed and the degree of comprehension.You know if you have not a certain quantity of vocabulary you will stop again and again to consult with your dictionary when you do some English reading.In this way, it will certainly affect your reading speed and comprehension.So to improve our reading speed and comprehension, we should enlarge our vocabulary.Active

How can we enlarge our vocabulary?

Remember: The more you read, the larger vocabulary passive

you may get.↖

(The more you read, the faster speed you


you may get.The more you read, the better understanding you may get.}

The three points above can also be called 3 basic elements of reading.So they

are the tasks of our reading course.II.Teaching Materials 1.A Freshman English Reader(Vol.1)2.English novels In class: The Mill on the Floss After class: Tom Brown’s Schooldays


The Sign of Indra 3.Supplementary readings a)Fast and time readings in class b)Other English novels and short stories in library c)English newspapers and magazines III.Result Evaluation

Everyday score: 40%(class activity, time reading, fast reading, reading report)

Final examination: 60% IV.Unit 1 University Student Life 1.Reading Skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning I 1)Read the first paragraph(self-reading by the students), answer the question: What does context mean? 2)Read the 2nd and 3ird paragraph, answer the question: What are the functions of context? 3)Read the last paragraph, answer the questions:(1)What are the limitations to context clues?(2)What is the author’s suggestion in such cases? 2.Section A 1)Word Pretest 2)Text: On Being a Student 3)Reading Comprehension 4)Practice: P5 Reading Skill: Context Clues to Word Meaning 5)Explanation and discussion of the text The text is divided into 3 parts: Part 1: para.1 To be a student is now your profession.Part 2: para.2—4 To be a student involves a change of attitude in many ways, or to be a student, it needs some changes.Part 3: para.5—the end Professionalism involves discipline.6)Vocabulary Building

(1)Word Match(2)Suffix 7)Cloze V.Homework 1.Section B 2.Tom Brown’s Schooldays

Week 4 Contents: Unit 2 Procedures: I.Warm Up 1.How did you spend your weekend? Did you have a good time? 2.How is your college life different from your high school days? Give some examples.II.Check the Homework: Unit 1 Section B III.Time Reading(Supplementary Material)IV.Unit 2 Culture Shock: Section A 1.What do know about Culture Shock? Have you experienced Culture Shock? 2.Word Pretest 3.Text: Making a Cultural Change 4.Reading Comprehension 5.Reading Skill exercise: Context Clues to Word Meaning 6.Explanation and Discussion of the Text

The text is divided into 4 parts:

Part 1: para.1 A change on going abroad between the past time and nowadays.Part 2: para.2—5 The culture shock happened on people who go abroad.Part 3: para.6—suggestion 5 Suggestions to make a culture change

Successfully.(or suggestions in fighting culture shock)Part 4: the last para.Conclusion—With the right attitude, living in a foreign country can be a priceless, enriching period in a person’s life.7.Topics for Discussion and Reflection(Activity): 1} What kind of people adjust best to foreign cultures? 2} Do you have any difficulty in adapting to a new environment of your university? 8.Vocabulary Building 1} Word Match

2} Suffixes 9.Cloze V.Homework 1.Section B 2.Tom Brown’s Schooldays

Week 6(第5周国庆休息)Contents: Unit 3 Procedures: I.Warm Up

1.Where are you from? Would you like to tell us something about your hometown? 2.Could you tell us something about your family? 3.What’s your hobby?

4.How do you plan your study and life in your first term of this university? II.Check Up Homework: Unit 2 Section B III.Additional Reading Skills

IB.1.Recognition of Words(A)

2.Recognition of Phrases(A)

IIB.1.Recognition of Words(B)

2.Recognition of Phrases(B)IV.Unit 3 Movie: Section A 1.Word Pretest 2.Text: How Do The Movies Do It? 3.Discussion on Reading Comprehension 4.Analysis and Explanation on the Text 3 parts: paragraph1—2 By whom is the special effects of a film created?

What is a special-effects man? paragraph 3—9 Four examples to show how the special effects of a film is produced.paragraph 10

Why so many movies are very expensive to make.5.Main Idea

The special effects of a film is created by a “special-effects” man.The work of a “special-effects” man requires training, skill and experience.It also adds a great deal to the expense of producing the film.That’s why so many movies are very expensive to make.6.Topics for Discussion and Reflection(Activity): 1)Do you think to become an actor or actress is a good job for young people? 2)Is watching movies and TV programs a good way to learn something indirectly? 7.Vocabulary Building V.Homework 1.Reading Skill exercise P27 2.Unit 3: Cloze/Section B 3.Tom Brown’s Schooldays

Week 7 Contents: Unit 4 Procedures: I.Warm Up

What’s your plan for National Day? II.Check Up Homework: Unit 3 Section B III.Fast Reading

Unit 1 Section C

Unit 2 Section C

Unit 3 Section C

(Choose two of them)IV.Unit 4 Food: Section A 1.Could you introduce some food of local flavor in your hometown? 2.Word Pretest 3.Text: A Food Tour of the United States 4.Discussion on Reading Comprehension 5.Analysis and Explanation of the Text Structure: 3 Parts Part 1: Para.1—2 It tells us that one of the most interesting features of American cooking is its variety.Para.2 gives us some e.g.s Part 2: Para.3—4

Being regional, these dishes are made from the materials that are locally available.Para.4 gives us some e.g.s Part 3: Para.5—the last para.The traveler who would like to sample the real flavor of American cooking must explore the country as a whole.Because in this way you can eat the fresh food from the row materials made by a local chef.6.Main Idea:

American food at its best is regional in character.So if you enjoy good food, it deserves you to pay a visit to each of these regions.7.Guess the Meaning of New Words in the Text according to the Context 8.Topics for Discussion and Reflection(Activity):

1)What similarities and differences are there between Western and Chinese dinner invitations?

2)To what extent are food, and table manners and social status linked in China?

3)What problems and misunderstandings might occur when Westerners and Chinese eat together? How might these difficulties and misunderstandings be reduced? 9.Vocabulary Building a)Word Match b)Prefix V.Homework 1.P40 Reading Skill: Context Clues to Word Meaning P43 Glossary, Cloze, Section B(Prepare the 3 topics at the end of the unit)2.Go on your reading on “Tom Brown’s Schooldays”, when you finish it, write a reading report.3.The Mill on the Floss 1-7

Week 8 Contents: The Mill on the Floss 1--7 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Presentation: How did you spend your National Day? II.Check Up Homework 1.Unit 4 Section B 1)Reading Comprehension 2)The 3 Topics 2.Collect reading reports III.Additional Learning about Words IIB.Word Analogy IIIB.Homophones IV.Introduction on The Mill on the Floss 1.About the Author

George Eliot(pseudonym of Mary An Evens)1819—1880, the daughter of a prosperous estate agent at Warbury Warwickshire.Education: 5-16, educated at boarding schools;18(after the death of her mother and the marriage of her elder sister)kept up a rigorous course of studying, reading Greek and Latin, as well as German and Italian.Interests: music and religion.Profession: assistant editor of Westminster Review;writer.Works: Adam Bede, 1859 {1st novel}

The Mill on the Floss, 1859-1860

Silas Marner, 1861

Romola, 1862-1863

Felix Holt, 1866

Middlemarch, 1872

Danil Deronda, 1876 etc.Writing Style: pithy, lucid and lively.Weak Points: She described the life of the laboring people and criticized the privileged classes in her works, but her expository tendencies are much weaker.She raised the problem of class contradiction more seldom and less forcibly.The significance of her works: It lies in the portrayal of the pettiness and stagnancy of English provincial life.Her honor: As a famous English woman writer, she has no rival in the study of aspiration and nobility in the mind of woman.The most important man on her literary life: George Henry Lewes.When she was in London at the age of more than 30 she met George Henry Lewes(through her close friend Herbert Spencer a philosopher).At that time, Lewes was a journalist and miscellaneous writer whose family had been broken by his wife’s infidelity.Lewes and Evans fell in love, but he could not free himself to marry her, because of the strictness of Victorian divorce laws.In July 1854 they left England to travel in Germany quietly announcing to their friends

their intension ton live as man and wife hanceforce.In spite of its having no legal status, they always regarded their association as a true marriage.Miss Evans called herself “Mrs.Lewes” and was a devoted stepmother to Lewes’ three sons.In 1855, she read Lewes a sketch of rural life she had written, he admired it greatly and encouraged her to continue writing fiction.She succeeded at last.In 1876, she had achieved a position of respect never approached by any other English woman writer.Even today among all the Victorian woman novelists, only the Bronte sisters seem her equals;in the study of aspiration and ability in the mind of woman she has no rival.At that time Lewes also won a name of his own as a philosophical and scientific writer and critic.Their increasing reputation put them well above mean gossip, so that during last years of their life together, they were often visited by the circle of friends included many of the most famous and respected of their contemporaries.2.About the Novel The Mill on the Floss It tells the love, estrangement and eventual reconciliation of the daughter and son of a country miller.Place: the bank of Floss Time: 19 century V.The Mill on the Floss 1—7 1.True or False(F)1)The story took place in France.(…the bank of Floss, the countryside of England)(T)2)Mr.Tulliver would like his son to be a business man or land-valuer.(T)3)Mr.Riley recommended Mr.Tulliver to send Tom to Mr.Stelling to get the best teaching.(F)4)Tom brought Maggie some nuts and sweets as present when he came home.(…a new fishing-line)(T)5)Tom was angry at Maggie when he was told that the rabbit had all dead.(F)6)Mr.Tulliver didn’t like Maggie because of her naughtiness.(He liked her very much)(F)7)Bessy’s sisters and Tulliver’s sister went well together.(They didn’t go well together)

(F)8)All of the persons at the dining-table, including Maggie’s father, talked against her after she had cut her own hair.{Her father stood up for her and protected her.} 2.Explanation and Discussion 1)(Chapter 1: Description of Dorlcote Mill and its picturesque surroundings.Chapter 2: From this chapter, we know the Tullivers had a son called Tom and a daughter called Maggie.Tulliver wanted to give his son a god education and let him become a business man or a land-valuer.)Why did Mr.Tulliver want to give his son a good education and let him become a business man or a


Because(1)he wanted his son to be equal to those people who had beaten him because they had had better schooling.(2)A business man or a land-valuer was rich and respected and not frightened of any lawyer who he called rascal.You know he had a great prejudice against Lawyer Wakem.2)What’s the different comment on Maggie between Mr.And Mrs.Tulliver?

Mr.Tulliver considered Maggie was a quick, clever girl and he was fond of her.But Mrs.Tulliver thought she was naughty and half a fool in some things.3){Chapter 3: Mr.Tullver asked advice of Mr.Riley about Tom’s going to school because he had great faith in him.During their conversation, Mr.Tulliver gave his comment on Tom.} What’s Mr.Tulliver’s comment on Tom?

Clever at thins out-of-doors and had got a lot of common sense.But slow with his tongue, he hated books and spelt badly, people never heard him say clever things like the little girl.4)Who did Mr.Riley recommend to Mr.Tulliver as Tom’s teacher?

Mr.Stelling.5)Why did Mr.Riley recommend Mr.Selling to Mr.Tulliver? Did he know Stelling very well?

No, he knew very little about Mr.Stelling.But he was a man of business and he knew his own interest.He recommended Mr.Stelling to Mr.Tulliver just because Stelling was a son-in-law of Timpson and Timpson was an important man in the place and could send Rilay a lot of business.So it is pleasant to be able to give advice when it is asked for.6)(Chapter 4-5: The author gives us a very vivid description about Tom and Maggie, especially about Maggie’s psychological movement before and after Tom came home to show she was very dear girl and full of emotion.).Analysis of Maggie’s psychological movement:

Expectant----------sad------------------happy----------fearful------------(P10 1st para.)(rabbits were dead)(P11-13)


miserable------------------------easy----------------------happy-----------------------(Tom was angry and told her(Tom went up stairs(P17 next morning, they

he didn’t love her and didn’t

to ask her come

were sitting by the

want her to go fishing with

down and forgave

river-side, fishing.him next day.)p15


They were very

happy.)7)What do you think of the author’s description of Tom and Maggie in Chapter5? Could you see the writing style of Eliot from the description?

A few words bring out the psychological state and innocent vivacity of the brother and sister remarkably true to life.It’s so successful.8)(Chapter 6: The Tullvers’ preparation for the aunts and uncles’ coming.)Why did they invite them to come?

Mrs.Tulliver was going to invite them to dinner in order to ask them

about Tom’s education.9)(Chapter 7: About the family gathering.A terrible determination was forming itself in Maggie’s mind).P23

(1)Do you know what is her terrible determination?

To cut her hair.(2)Why did Maggie determine to cut her hair? P25

Because she felt that her mother and aunts were all not satisfied with her hair.She wanted to be free from her troublesome hair, and she wanted people to think her a clever little girl and not to find fault with her hair.(3)What’s the attitude of all of the persons at the dinner table after she had cut her own hair?

Except her father, they all talked against her and laughed at her.(4)What do you think of Maggie’s action to cut her own hair? The action shows that she was a clever and daring girl.(What’s the result of the family gathering about Tom’s going to school, we’ll discuss it next time.)VI.Homework 1.The Mill on the Floss 8—13


Week9 Contents: The Mill on the Floss 8—13 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Time Reading(Supplementary Material)III.The Mill on the Floss 8—13 1.True or False

(F)1)The family gathering about Tom’s going to school was very happy and perfect.(F)2)Mrs.Moss married a clergyman.(She married a poor farmer.)(T)3)Tom felt life was difficult during his first three months under the care of Mr.Stelling.(T)4)Mr.Tulliver was satisfied with Mr.Stelling.(F)5)Tom despised Mr.Stelling as he had despised Mr.Jacobs.(F)6)Mr.Tulliver was rather angry that his son should have the same education as Wakem’s son.(T)7)Philip was Tom’s newschool-fellow.2.Explanation and Discussion Chapter 8 Mr.Tulliver shows his strength of mind 1)What’s the result of the family gathering about Tom’s going to school?

The gathering was broken up in discord because of Mrs.Glegg’s scorn to Mr.Tulliver and Mr.Tulliver’s anger.2)What do you think of Mrs.Glegg and Mr.Tulliver from this chapter? Mrs.Glegg was rich, but miserly(P30 in the middle).She looked down upon Mr.Tulliver(P29,upper part;P30, lowerpart)Tulliver had his strength of mind to decide his own affairs.Besides he didn’t like Mrs.Glegg, so he didn’t want to listen to her and even disgusted with what she said.Chapter 9 Mr.Tulliver shows his weaker side.3)What’s Mr.Tulliver’s weaker side? P31 last para.Ordinarily Mr.Tulliver found the world difficult and he acted slowly and timidly.Only when he was angry, he acted surprisingly quickly.4)Did Mr.Tulliver love his sister or was he a good brother? Yes.How do you know it?

From this chapter, we know he was kind enough to lend money to his sister.When he saw his sister cried and worried about paying back the money he comforted her gently even if he needed the money badly.5)(But)Why did he go to her house to ask for his three hundred pounds since he knew that she was so poor and very difficult to return his money?

Because he had decided to pay five hundred pounds to Mrs.Glegg without being asked.He didn’t want to be in debt to his wife’s sister.After all he couldn’t bear Mrs.Glegg’s scorn.(However he still didn’t get the

money because he couldn’t make himself hard enough to force Mr.And Mrs.Moss to sell everything they had to pay him.)Chapter 10 Tom at Mr.Stelling’s

6)How did Tom feel at Mr.Stelling’s house?

He felt life was difficult because he had to learn Latin and to pronounce English in a new way which he had difficulty in.Even to the jokes of Mr.Stelling with him also he had not been used to.So for the first time in his life he had a painful feeling that everything he did or said was wrong.(So he longed for someone to play with.)7)Who did Tom long for to play with? Maggie.8)What do you think of the last sentence of Chapter 10? Could you see the writing style of George Eliot from this sentence?

The sentence just brings out the psychological state and spiritual features of Tom remarkably true to life.It shows the situation quite upset him.He felt very annoyed.We may see this sentence typically reflects the author’s writing style: pithy, lucid and lively.Chapter 11 Maggie visits Tom

9)(From this chapter, we know Maggie came to visit Tom because Mrs.Stelling had invited her to come and stay with her brother.The brother and sister were very happy to get together again.When Tom said that he felt ill at Latin but his father insisted that he must learn it, Maggie said “ I’ll help you now, Tom.”)

What does Maggie’s saying show?

It shows her innocence and love to Tom.10)(Maggie was very happy with Tom here.She learned a lot more about Latin, also she became good friends of Mr.Stelling because of her cleverness.So she told Tom that she would like to go to school with Mr.Stelling and learn just the same things as he did;she felt sure that she would be able to do the work.But Tom insisted that she couldn’t do it.So they decided to ask Mr.Stelling about it.)What’s Mr.Stelling’s answer?(P41)Do you agree with Mr.Stelling’s opinion “girls are quick, but they do not go deep into things”?(Divide the class into 2 groups to prepare for the debate.Group 1: the students who are in favor of it.Group 2: those who are against it.Each group will prepare enough arguments to support their point of view.After discussion, each group will choose four representatives to take part in the debate.)

To Mr.Stelling’s opinion, Tom was very happy, but Maggie was so upset that she didn’t even reply.} Chapter 12 The Christmas holidays 11)(Then Christmas Day came.Christmas was usually very happy, especially for the children.But this Christmas Day was not quite so happy as it had always been before.Because Mr.Tulliver was angry at Christmas dinner.Do you know)Why was Mr.Tulliver angry at Christmas dinner?

He had an enemy, Pivart who had land far up the stream and was making

channels to lead the water from the steam to it.He thought Pivart’s water-channels would stop his mill-wheel.And it’s Wakem who was encouraging him.12)(Mrs.Moss and Mrs.Tulliver hoped that he wouldn’t go to law.But Mr.Tulliver still wanted to do it eagerly.)Why did Mr.Tulliver still want to do it since his sister and Mrs.Tulliver opposed this idea? What increased his eagerness to go to law? P44

It’s just Mrs.Tulliver’s words “Do what you like;but whatever you do, don’t go to law.” Mrs.Tulliver’s words always seemed to make her husband do just the opposite.13)(One evening near the end of holidays, Tom told his father that Lawyer Wakem was going to send his son to Mr.Stelling.)How did Mr.Tulliver feel when he was told that his son would have the same education as Wakem’s?

Secretly rather proud.Chapter 13 The new school-fellow 14)Who was Tom’s new school-fellow?

Philip Wakem.15)(As I told you the author was very good at describing the character’s psychological movement in this novel,)Could you tell us Tom’s psychological movement during the first meeting with Philip? Uncomfortable----better to have this companion than no one----{P45}

{P46} willing to communicate with Philip----Philip must be kept in check(P46-48 to see that P.was good at

(after all he was Wakem’s son,drawing and telling the story P47

unpleasant in some ways.)in the middle.)How did they get along with in their study and life together? We’ll talk about it next time.} IV.Homework 1.The Mill on the Floss 14—20 2.Frankenstein

Week 10 Contents: The Mill on the Floss 14—20 Procedures: I.Warm Up Daily Report II.Something on Tom Brown’s Schooldays

The whole story tells us the process of Tom Brown’s growing up and the Doctor’s reforming on the educational system of Rugby school and his success in his field.It leads us to think: 1.How to be an excellent teacher? 2.How to build up a new type of relation between teachers and students? 3.How to be a valuable person to your society? III.Additional Reading Skills IVB 3.Words Classification

VB 2.Synonyms IV.The Mill on the Floss 14—20 1.True or False(T)1)Philip was such a quick learner that Mr.Stelling was more interested in him than in Tom.(F)2)Tom asked Maggie to go upstairs to show her the rabbit when Maggie paid her second visit.(the sword)(F)3)Tom was reconciled with Philip because he felt lonely when he was wounded.(…because Philip dispelled his fear that his foot would be deformed.)(T)4)Tom sometimes felt friendship and sometimes dislike for Philip>(T)5)Philip was very fond of Maggie.(F)6)In Chapter 18, Maggie came to Mr.Stelling’s house to tell Tom that Pivart had been beaten in the affair.(…tell Tom that their father had been beaten in the affair against Pivart.)(F)7)The judgment in the law made Mr.Tulliver ill.(Gore’s letter made…)(T)8)Mrs.Tulliver kept all her precious “best things” in the store-room.2.Explanation and Discussion Chapter 14 Tom and Philip 1)(From this chapter, we may see something about the two boys: their health, study, character and interest, etc.)

Contrast between Tom and Philip:

Tom: strong and lively,but difficult in Latin,good at things out of doors

slowly in his studies, having a lot of common sense,not interested in music enjoying the drill-lesson,or not understand it.Philip: deformed

but proud,timid

advanced in his studies, interested in music and drawing, willing to help others.Chapter 15 Maggie’s second visit

2)(Maggie paid the 2nd visit to Tom.To show his bravery and give Maggie a big surprise, Tom played sword-ex.s before her, but unluckily, he hurt his own foot.)Chapter 16 The end of a quarrel 3)(From the 1st paragraph, we know there was a terrible fear in Tom’s mind after

he hurt his foot.)What’s Tom’s terrible fear in his mind after he hurt his foot?

If his foot would be deformed.4)Is it Maggie who guesses that this fear was in Tom’s mind? No.Mr.Stelling and the doctor? No.5)Who guessed it and asked the question which Tom had not dared to ask by himself? Philip Wakem.6)Did he ask the question in kind-heart or in ill will? Did he hope that Tom would be deformed?

He asked the question in kind heart.He wanted to see Tom’s mind at rest, or he wanted Tom to be easy.Don’t trouble himself so much.He hoped Tom would recover soon.Chapter 17 Philip and Maggie 7)How is it about feelings of Philip and Maggie to each other?

Philip thought Maggie was a nice girl and he wished he had a sister with dark eyes just like hers.Maggie thought Philip seemed a nice boy, clever and could play music and sing.She loved him and also wished he had been her brother.8)(Mr.Tulliver came a few days later to fetch Maggie.When Maggie and Tom told him something about Philip, he gave his own opinion about how Tom should get along with Philip.)What’s it?(What’s Mr.Tulliver’s idea or opinion about how Tom should get along with Philip?)

If he is good to you, pay back to him and be good to him.But don’t be too friendly with him;he’s got his father’s blood in him too.Never trust bad blood.Chapter 18 The end of childhood 9)(From this chapter, we know Mr.Tulliver had lost in the affair against Pivart in the law-court.Maggie brought the bad news to Tom and wanted him to go home.As you know Tom had never been anxious about the future;he had a strong sense of the respectability of his family.)How did he feel when he heard of this bad news? Surprised, unexpected, turned pale and trembled, grieved so much.10)Do you think the title of Chapter 18 “The end of childhood” is fit to its contents? Why?

Yes, because of the great disaster of the family, Tom and Maggie were involved in the business of grown-up life.They were very sad and worried about their family.That shows their innocent and lively childhood ended.Chapter 19 What had happened 11)(From this chapter, we know Mr.Tulliver had lost his affair against Pivart.But he didn’t want Wakem and Pivart tought he was crushed, so he tried to bear the shock well.P64 paragraph 3 As he passed the post office, he longed to have Maggie near him—he did not know why.)Do you know why? {Do you know why Mr.Tulliver longed to have Maggie near him as he passed the post office? }

When you are in agony, the person you most want to see will be the dearest one of yours.Maggie was his favorite girl, so he longed to have her near him to give him comfort when he felt miserable.12)(You know, of course Mr.Tulliver saw that the cost of the affair would take more money than he possessed.)Why did he tell his wife that there was nothing to grieve about, and that he would have no difficulty in meeting the cost? And what does this sentence show?

It shows that Mr.Tulliver had a strong character.He didn’t want Wakem and Pivart thought he was crushed.Even he didn’t want his wife thought he was an incompetent husband.(However at last Mr.Gore’s letter(or note)made him ill.It said: Furley had lately been in great need of money;he had been raising money on all his property and had sold his rights in the Tulliver’s property to—Wakem.That means all of his property, land and mill would belong to Wakem—his great enemy.So he couldn’t bear such a big strike and was seriously ill.)Chapter 20 Mrs.Tulliver’s treasures

13)(When Tom and Maggie reached home, their father was still lying with his eyes closed.A servant was there, but not their mother.)Where is their mother? What was she doing there?

In the store-room, she was sitting among all her carefully stored treasures.Grieved so much at ideas that all these treasures would be sold up—and go into strange people’s houses.And she grumbled out why Mr.Tulliver married her and brought her to this trouble.14)How is it about Maggie when she had listened to her mother’s speech?

She became more and more angry, so she could not help crying.She criticized her mother boldly for caring only for things, not their father when her dear father was lying there upstairs in a sort of living death.She would not let anyone find fault with her father.She hoped Tom to do so.15)What does Maggie’s action show?

It shows that Maggie was full of feelings.She had deep love for her father.She thought her father was the first, the property of the family was the second.(After a time Tom and Maggie went into their father’s room.The two children forgot everything else in the sense that they had one father and one sorrow.)V.Homework 1.The Mill on the Floss 21—25

2.Frankenstein Week 11 Contents: The Mill on the Floss 21—25 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Time Reading(Supplementary Material)III.The Mill on the Floss 21—25 1.True or False(T)1)All the relations came to the family council except Mr.Deane and Mr.Moss.(F)2)Mrs.Tulliver wished the hotel or strange people would buy the silver teapot and the table-cloth with her name on them.(She wished her relatives would buy them.Because she thought if they were put in front of strangers with her name on them, it would be a disgrace to the family.)(F)3)Mrs.Pullet was sorry for her sister and her children, so she decided to give some money to Tom and Maggie.(P74 the last paragraph but 3)(T)4)Tom didn’t think it would be right for his aunt Moss to pay the money because it would be against his father’s wishes.(T)5)Wakem told Mrs.Tulliver he would be willing to keep her husband as manager of the business.(F)6)Tom went to his uncle Deane’s bank to ask advice about getting some employment, but Mr.Deane didn’t give any advice to Tom about it.(He said Tom must set about learning accounts.)(F)7)The amends which Mr.Tulliver promised to make to Bessy is to share her housework.(P86…is to stop in the old place and serve under Wakem.)

(T)8)Mr.Tulliver told Tom to write his promise to make his wife’s amends and his determination to have his revenge on Wakem.(F)9)Maggie was now on the edge of womanhood, her mind is full of new hopes, new dreams and new joys.(Usually, at the age of Maggie, the mind of a girl is full of new hopes, new dreams and new joys, but the season of great change about her family was to her the hardest time of all her life.)(T)10)Tom fully shared his father’s feelings about paying off the debts.2.Explanation and Discussion Chapter 21 The family council 1)(The family had a council to discuss the situation.Mrs.Tulliver wished her relatives would buy the silver teapot and the table-cloths with her name on them.Because she hated that her teapot would be sold to the hotel, put in front of travelers with her name on it and her table-cloth would go into strange people’s houses and perhaps be cut with knives.It would be a disgrace to the family.But Mrs.Glegg said to Mrs.Tulliver “The disgrace is to have married a man who has brought you to ruin.”)What was the reaction of Maggie and Tom when they heard of these words?

Maggie was very angry.She jumped up from her seat and ready to stop

her aunt from speaking against her father.But Tom remained more calm than Maggie.He said to Mrs.Glegg: “if you think…(P72-73)”

These words show Tom’s great courage and good sense though he was only sixteen.And they made Mrs.Glegg feel very much embarrassed.2)Did Mrs.Glegg and Mrs.Pullet promiseto leave any money to Tom and Maggie?

No, instead of doing that, Mrs.Glegg even insulted them(P74 paragraph 6 in the middle).So Maggie was filled with wild anger and told them to keep away.3)What do you think of Mrs.Tulliver’s relatives from The family council? Hypocritical and miserly.4)(Then came Mrs.Moss)What’s Mrs.Moss’s attitude to Tom and Maggie?

Kind, sorry for them.Though she was very poor she decided to be sold up to pay the money(£ 300).5)What’s Tom’s opinion about the money?

He didn’t think it would be right for his aunt Moss to pay the money.It would be against his father’s wishes.Because his father told him before he was in debt that he decided to give Sister Moss that money.Chapter 22 Tom seeks employment 6)(The days passed, Mr.Tulliver was slowly getting better.But his fate and fortune were changing rapidly.Both the mill and the land were sold to Wakem.So Tom had to go to work to support the family.Tom decided to ask Mr.Deane for advice about getting some employment.)Why did Tom decided to ask for Mr.Deane’s advice?

Because Mr.Deane had a great business and he had risen in the world rapidly—and that was Tom wanted to do.7)How did Mr.Deane explain his success in business?

He made himself fit for his work or business.(P80 paragraph 4 Just as he said “If you want to slip into…)

8)How do you understand this sentence “ If you want to slip into a round hole, you must make a ball of yourself”?

If you want to get a good job, you should have a certain knowledge and ability to fit it.If you want to succeed in your work, you should study the knowledge and train your ability about the work and try your best to work hard.9)Did Mr.Deane think Tom’s father choose the right education for him?

No, he thought Tom’s father didn’t choose the right education for him.Latin is not any use to him for his employment.10)What’s his advice for Tom’s employment?

(1)To take a place in the store-house by the river-side where the ships are unloaded and learn the smell of things.(2)He must set bout learning accounts.Chapter 23 Something is written in the Bible 11)What was written in the Bible according to this chapter?

A promise was written in the Bible.{P86 the last paragraph but one;P87 paragraph 3} 12)What does this promise show?(1)He had deep hatred for Wakem.Although he failed, he hoped his son would make revenge on Wakem.(2)His kind heart to his wife.In order to make her amends, he would stop in the old place and serve under Wakem so that his wife might be near her own sisters.Chapter 24 Womanhood 13)How is it about Maggie’s spiritual state when she was on the edge of womanhood?

At the age of hers, one is ordinarily full of new hopes, new dreams, new joys;but she felt it was the hardest time of all her life.The restless condition of her mother and her father’s silent despair as well as the sadness of the home made her very painful and miserable.14)What did Mr.Tulliver and his wife think of Maggie when she was on the edge of womanhood?

Mrs.Tulliver felt the change in her daughter and wondered that Maggie `should be growing up so well’.She was getting fond of her tall, dark girl.While Mr.Tulliver felt grievous when he saw Maggie’s graces of mind and body.He thought it’s a pity she’s not made of commoner stuff.She would be thrown away.And he was afraid: there would be nobody to marry her who was fit to her.Chapter 25 In the Red Deeps 15)What do you know about the Red Deeps?

It is a spot which lay behind the hill south of Dorlcote Mill.And one of Maggie’s favorite walks was to that place.It was overgrown with trees.There she often sat in a grassy hollow under the shadow of a branching tree.16)(One day when Maggie was in the Deeps, Philip went there to meet her.They were happy to get together again.)What’s the main content of their talking?

The main content is if they could still be friends.Maggie wished they could have been friends.But she’s quite sure that she didn’t want to do anything which might make her father’s life harder for him.So she had to sacrifice the friendship between Philip and her.Philip understood her but he didn’t think it is right to sacrifice everything to other people’s unreasonable feelings.IV.Homework 1.The Mill on the Floss 26—30 2.Frankenstein

Week 12 Contents: The Mill on the Floss 26—30 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Something on Frankenstein

This book shows the author’s philosophic view that human beings have double characters—kind and evil.When a human being is born, he is very pure and kind.But if he is always looked down upon, discriminated and persecuted for a long time by other people, he will become evil and do various kinds of bad things, even kill others cruelly.So we should care, love and help each other, try to prevent such tragedies happening again.Also we should be responsible for what we have done.III.Additional Learning about Skills IVB 1.General Meaning Of A Sentence(A)2.General Meaning Of A Sentence(B)IV.The Mill on the Floss 26--30 1.True or False:(F)1)A year has passed.In the passed year, Tom had failed.(…had been very successful)(T)2)One afternoon in early April, Maggie kissed Philip in her favorite spot.(T)3)Maggie hated Tom’s insult to Philip for his deformity.(F)4)One day in May, Tom came home a little earlier than usual to tell his family that he didn’t want to work for Mr.Dean.(…to tell his family that he had money to pay all the debts.)

(T)5)Mr.Tulliver beat Wakem on his way home after the party.To him it’s a day of vengeance.(F)6)Mr.Tulliver had forgiven Wakem when he was dying.P105(T)7)Maggie moved into St Ogg to the home of Mrs.Jakin after her father’s death mainly because she couldn’t bear Tom’s anger and disapproval.(F)8)Maggie tried to find the way home in the darkness on the flood for she was very frightened.(…for she decided to go to help her mother and Tom.)

(F)9)With breathless joy Maggie found both mother and Tom were at home when she neared the front of the home.(Only Tom was at home.Her mother had gone to aunt Pullet’s the day before that day.)(F)10)At the end of the story, Tom and Maggie faced great danger.Tom said “ It’s coming, Maggie!” “ It ” here refers to “the huge Mass”.(“death” or “the last moment”)2.Explanation and Discussion Chapter 26 A year later 1)(You know in the past year, Tom had been very successful.Because his strong will, his pride, his desire to repair the disaster of the past—all gave him a strength to overcome all difficulties.In an afternoon in early April, Maggie and Philip met again in the Red Deeps.You know Philip expressed bravely his love to Maggie, and Maggie kissed him tenderly.)What does it show about their relationship?

The relationship between Maggie and Philip had developed from their childhood friendship to sweet mature love.2)(Then you know Tom did something cruel to them.)Why did the author consider Tom was cruel?

He disrupted the innocent love of the young couple and cruelly insulted

Philip for his deformity.3)What’s Maggie’s reaction?

Maggie was very angry.She hated Tom’s insults to Philip for his deformity.So she severely reprimanded him for what he had dine.Chapter 27 A hard-won triumph 4)(One day in May, Tom came home a little earlier than usual.There was the suggestion of a smile at the corner of his mouth.Because he brought a good news to the family, he had had the money to pay all the debts.Uncle Dean had arranged a meeting of all those to whom Mr.Tulliver owe money the next day at the hotel, and he had ordered a dinner for them at two o’clock.Mr.Tulliver was so excited when he heard of this good news.)Could you find some supporting details which can show Mr.Tulliver’s excitement in this chapter? P100 last paragraph but 1

P101 paragraph 4 and 5

Chapter 28 A day of vengeance 5)(Mr.Tulliver attended the meeting and party happily next day.After the party he mounted his horse to go home.On his way home, he was eager to meet Wakem.)Do you know why? Why was Mr.Tulliver eager to meet Wakem on his way home from the party?

He wanted to show him his triumph and take vengeance on him for what he had done to him.6)How did he take his vengeance on Wakem? He swore at Wakem: “You’re too big a rascal to get hanged!” He made him fall down from the horse and beat him fiercely with his riding whip.7)(After Mr.Tulliver had taken his vengeance on Wakem he died.)What’s the cause of his death? He died of excitement.8)(Mr.Tulliver didn’t forgive Wakem even on the edge of death.)What does it show?

It shows that he had a very strong character and a profound prejudice against Wakem.He was very obstinate.Chapter 29 Flood

The 1st subtitle: Despair 9)(After the father’s death, Maggie moved into the house of Mrs.Jakin because she could not bear her brother’s bitter silence, anger and disapproval.)How is it about Philip and Maggie?

Maggie had received one short, heartbroken letter from Philip and then had never been heard of him since.10)Why did the author use “Despair” as the subtitle of this part? What does it show?

Because of her dear father’s death and because of her brother’s bitter silence, anger and disapproval, it was not possible for her to remain at home.Philip whom she truly loved also left her.All these things drove her to

despair.There seemed for her no hope and no forgiveness in the future.She was nearly crushed.Besides the flood came, maybe it also gave a hint about the fate of her.Chapter 29 The 2nd subtitle: Alone on the flood Chapter 30 The waters of comfort The 1st subtitle: Darkness 11)What did she think of when she was alone on the flood?

In the first moments she thought of nothing.She seemed suddenly to have passed away from the life she had been dreading.But then she thought of the old home, Tom and her mother.Her whole soul was filled with the thought that they might be in danger and no one could help them.So she decided to find the way to her old home and save her mother and brother.Chapter 30 The 2nd subtitle: Half-light(The 1st paragraph gives us a very good description about Maggie’s psychological movement P111)

12)(P112 paragraph 2)What do you think of this paragraph?

It gives us a hint about Maggie’s fate.Chapter 30 The 3ird subtitle: `Here’s Maggie`(Maggie tried her best to have overcome all the difficulties and at last she reached her old home and got Tom in the boat.)Chapter 30 The last subtitle: `Magsie!`

13)(When they were on the wide water, Tom was face to face with Maggie.)How is it about their spiritual state, feelings and thought at that time?

Tom’s thought was busy although he could ask no question.From Maggie’s weary, beaten face, he could guess her hard experience which showed her love to him.Tom was deeply moved and called her “Magsie” with strong feeling.Maggie’s answer was only a long, deep sob of that mysterious, wonderful happiness which is so much like pain.That shows the reconciliation of the brother and sister in this presence of a great disaster.The love swept away all the effort of cruel misunderstanding.14)What do you think of the last paragraph of the book?

The author developed her imagination in this paragraph.The brother and sister actually died.But from the state of their death(Tom took Maggie in his arms), the author imagined they had gone down locked together, never to be parted, living through again in one perfect moment the days when they had held each other little hands in love, and wandered the flowery fields together.This imagination is very important to stress the main idea and express the theme of the novel.15)What’s the theme of the novel? The endless love of brother and sister.V.Homework 1.Reading Report

2.The Sign of Indra

Week 13 Contents: Unit 5 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Reading Skills 1.P51.Context Clue to Word Meaning II 2.Additional Reading Skill: IIIB.1.Context Clues 2.Definition Clues III.Unit 5 Business: Section A 1.Word Pretest 2.Text: Levi Strauss & Company 3.Reading Comprehension 4.Analysis and Explanation on the Text(What does each paragraph tell us?)5.Make a Summary

In 1847, 17-year-old Levi Strauss came to America.At first he sold clothing and household goods door to door.Then he was in business on pants.At last he had his company.The company has operated in an enlightened manner.Levi’s jeans are very popular.But Levi’s still kept on adjusting its products, advertising and marketing approaches to meet the changing market forces.Today Levi’s is making efforts to target different age and racial groups.By creating new products with a well-known trademark, new designs and fabrics, and by improving its advertising and image, Levi Strauss is able to respond to its traditional customers and develop new markets.6.Topics for Discussion and Reflection(Activity): 1)Why do many people want to go into business for themselves rather than work for an already existing organization? What is the attraction? 2)To be a manager of a company, what are some of the qualities do you think he should have? 3)Do you want to be a leader in a small company or to be an employee in a well-established large company? 7.Vocabulary Building 1} Word Match 2} Suffix 8.Cloze IV.Homework 1.Section B 2.The Sign of Indra

Week 14 Content: Unit 6 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Check Up Homework

Unit 5 Section B III.Time Reading(Supplementary Material)IV.Unit 6 Sports: Section A 1.Word Pretest

2.Text: Football Fans and Football Violence 3.Reading Comprehension 4.Analysis and Explanation on the Text 5.Summaries on the Two Parts Football fans

Brazil is the greatest football nation in the world.100 million Brazilians are football fans.There’re football matches on every street and beach.Television is busy on football matches.Brazil is not the richest country in the world, but the government spends huge sums of money on football.Football is more than a game in Brazil.When a football team wins, its funs dance and sing in the streets, even the production in factories increases.People are loyal to their football team because it brings joy and excitement to their life.Football violence

Football fans in Brazil don’t fight.However, in many other countries, it’s different.The violence occurs both on the field and off it.The difference between winning and losing a game can be great.So sometimes a fight starts among the players on both sides.Sometimes it starts among the football supporters watching the game and the away team supporters may attack the home fans.However this kind of violence is not new.It has a long history and it may trace to Roman times.6.Topics for Discussion and Reflection {Activity}: 1)Do you have any experience with football violence? Have you ever heard about it? Tell your classmates what you know about football violence and make comments on it.2)In order to win international championships, many countries spend a lot of money on sports.Is it worth it? Give your reasons for your opinion? 7.Vocabulary Building 1)Word Match 2)Suffix 8.Cloze V.Homework 1.Section B 2.The Sign of Indra 3.English Newspapers and Magazines

Week 15 Content: Unit 7 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Check Up Homework

Unit 6 Section B III.Additional Reading Skills

VB.1.General/Specific Words and Phrases

VIB.1.General(Topic)and Specific(Detail)Sentences IV.Unit 7 Shyness: Section A 1.Word Pretest

2.Text: Overcome Shyness 3.Reading Comprehension 4.Analysis and Explanation on the Text 4 Parts Part 1: para.1

What kinds of people describe themselves as shy?

What’s the character of shy people and what do they usually think?

Part 2: para.2—3 In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.Para.2 tells us that people who have a positive sense of self-worth or high self-esteem usually act with confidence.Para.3 tells us that shy people are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.Part 3: para.4—the 8th step With the 8 specific helpful steps, you can build your self-confidence and overcome shyness.Part 4: the last para.The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to realize our full potential.Let’s not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich life.5.Some New Words in the Text 6.Reading Skill Ex.P79-80 7.Topics for Discussion and Reflection(Activity): 1)What’s your opinion about shyness? 2)Are you shy people? 3)What disadvantages may shyness cause? Shyness is a week point of our character, it may stop our step to success.4)How would you help a good friend deal with his or her shyness? 8.Vocabulary Building 1)Word Match 2)Suffix V.Homework

1.Ex.s in the textbook: Cloze;Section B

2.The sign of Indra Week 16 Content: Unit 8 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Check Up Homework

Unit 6 Cloze;Section B III.Time Reading(Supplementary Material)IV.Unit 8 Native Peoples: Section A 1.Word Pretest 2.Text: Native American Influences on Modern American Culture 3.Reading Comprehension 4.Analysis and Explanation on the Text Some questions leading Ss.to understand the text: 1)In para.1, the author proposed his argument.Do you know what is his argument?(para.1: the last 2 lines)2)In which para.s the author gives us reasons to support his argument?(para.2—5)3)The last para.is the conclusion.Do you know what is the author’s conclusion?(The 2nd sentence of the last para.)5.Main Idea of the Text:

The Indians have made many valuable contribution to American culture, particularly in the area of language, art, government and food.Modern Americans are truly indebted to the North American Indians for their contributions to their culture.Hopefully, the cultural exchange will one day prove to be equally positive for them.6.Topics for Discussion and Reflection(Activity): 1)How much do you know about the American Indians? Why are they called native Americans? 2)When two cultures encounter, cultural exchanges are inevitable.In its long history, China has encountered many foreign cultures.What are the cultural influences China has received from foreign cultures? Can you give some examples? 7.Vocabulary Building 1)Word Match 2)Suffix V.Homework 1.Ex.s in the textbook: Cloze;Section B.2.The Sign of Inra

Week 17 Content: Unit 9 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Check Up Homework

Unit 8 Cloze;Section B III.Reading Skill: P101 Understanding Sentences 1.Complex Sentence Structure Ex.P104 R.S.2.Unfamiliar use of language Ex.Add.R.S.XB 3 Idioms IV.Unit 9 Bible Stories: Section A 1.Information related to the text Bible: The Bible, a collection of sacred books of Judaism and Christianity, is composed of two main parts: the Old Testament(旧约)and the New Testament(新约).The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and later it was translated into Greek and Latin.The Old Testament is traditionally divided into three parts: the Law(律法书和摩西五经),the Prophets(先知书)and the Writing(圣录), Christianity regards the Old Testament as an accurate record of God’s dealings with His people in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ, containing much New Testament teaching at its early stat of development.The New Testament, the part of the Bible concerned with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his earliest followers, comprises the four GOSPELS(四福音书: 马太福音、马可福音、路加福音、约翰福音), the ACTS of the APOSTLES(行徒使传), the EPISTLES(使徒书信)and the Book of REVELATION(启示录), the GOSPELS are named after Saint Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.The Bible has exerted an incalculable influence on the thought, attitudes, beliefs, art, science, and policies of Western society.Ever since its coming into being, there have been many versions and translations of the Bible.It has now been translated into more than 1’400 languages, and millions of copies are sold every year throughout the world.The Bible is not only a sacred book, it is also important literature and a source of literary inspiration.Many great poets, writers and painters created masterpieces based on the Bible and its stories, among which are Milton’s long poems “Paradise Lost” and “Paradise Regained”, and Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper”.2.Word Pretest 3.Text: The Story of Creation 4.Reading Comprehension 5.Analysis and explanation on the text Explain the para.s of the text one by one 6.Topics for discussion and reflection(Activity)1)How much do you know about the Bible? Besides the stories in this unit, have you read any other story from the Bible? Share your knowledge of the Bible with your classmates.(The Garden of Eden;Noah’s Ark;The last Supper;The Death of Jesus.Tell the story: The Garden of Eden)2)Do we Chinese people have a folk story about the creation of the world? Have you heard or read about other creation stories? Share what you know with your classmates.7.Vocabulary Building 1)Word Match 2)Suffix V.Homework 1.Ex.s in the textbook: Cloze;Section B 2.The sign of Indra

Week 18 Content: Unit 10 Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Check Up Homework

Unit 9: Cloze;Section B III.Time Reading(Supplementary Material)IV.Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays(Section A)1.Word Pretest 2.Text: Christmas 3.Reading Comprehension 4.Analysis and Explanation on the Text 3 Parts Part 1: para.1—3 Significance, time and character of Christmas Part 2: Para.4—7 How the people of the world celebrate Christmas.Part 3: last para.Christmas has not always been remembered with happiness and good cheer.But today “joy to the world” marks the spirit of Christmas nearly everywhere in the world.5.A Summary of the Text

Christmas is a Christian festival celebrated in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ.The name derives from the Old English Chrites Mœsse, or Christ’s Mass, and the present spelling probably came into use about the 16th century.Nearly all Christian churches observe the birth of Christ on December 25.This date was not set in the West until about the middle of the 4th century and in the East until about a century later.Almost from the first, most Christians have regarded Christmas as both a holy day and a holiday.For Christ’s birth brought a new spirit of joy into the world.Christmas customs vary in different lands, such as in Germany, Europe, Asia and America, etc.The custom of Christmas tree was firstly begun by Martin Luther in Germany.The beloved image of Santa Claus as a fat, jolly, bearded old man derives from St.Nicholas, a fourth century Christian bishop of Asia Minor, who was noted for his good works.5.P117 Glossary 6.Topics for Discussion and Reflection(Activity): 1)Some holidays and festivals celebrated in the Western countries or China are listed in the glossary.Do you know on which day is each of them celebrated? What do people do on that particular day? 2)In what way is Christmas similar to(different from)the Chinese Spring Festival? 7.Vocabulary Building 1)Word Match 2)Suffix V.Homework 1.Ex.s in the Textbook: Cloze;Section B 2.English newspapers and Magazines

Week 19 Content: Reading Skills and Speed Readings Procedures: I.Warm Up

Daily Report II.Check Up Homework

Unit 10: Cloze;Section B III.Additional Learning about Skills and Words 1.Skills: VIIB 1.Main Idea(A)IXB 1.Supporting Details XB 1.Fact/Opinion 2.Determining Point of View 2.Words:

VIIB 2.Exact Words 3.Word Analogy

IXB 2.Word Meaning IV.Speed Readings(Supplementary Materials)V.Something about Examination VI.Homework

英语阅读课教案1 第6篇

一、教学课型: 阅读课






1、知识目标(1)、重点词汇:in other words ,among other things ,by and by ,have a vague or loose connection to/with ,kill the fatted calf, develop a high level of competence in communication skills……

(2)、重点句子:It comes from a story in the Bible, where a son returned to his family after …, …among other things, and unless you recognize when an idiom is being used,you can easily misunderstand……






六、教学过程: Step1: Lead in Ask the students to read the following sentence and guess what the idiom means: I took my mother‟s car without asking for permission.She is angry at me.I ‟m in hot water now!(in trouble)【设计说明】以有据可依的语境导入,活跃了课堂气氛又恰当的引入了本节课的主题“Biblical idioms in English ” Step2: Fast reading Read the article quickly and answer the following questions:

1、What is an idiom?

2、Which language was the Bible first written in?

3、Which idiom is often used to describe children? 【设计说明】简要的问题使学生对文章内容有大概的了解,为下一步的careful reading 奠定基础。
