


新目标英语九年级期末 第1篇

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.

Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)

Structures: Must, might, could and can’t for making inferences

Target language: Whose volleyball is this?

It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball.

It could be Ted’s.

Vocabulary: picnic, chase, escape, belong to, toy car, plate, mystery, appointment, worried, wake, neighbor, garbage

Learning strategies: Sequencing, Deducing



●To learn must, might, could and can’t for making inferences

●To listen and speak making inferences


Warming up by learning about modal verbs

Modal verbs are used to express ideas such as possibility, intention, obligation and necessity.


eg: I would have told you, if you had wanted me to.

eg: Yes, I can do that.


certainty 1. That must be Jerry. They said he was tall with bright red hair.

2. That must have been the right restaurant. There are no other restaurants on this street.

3. NO FUTURE FORM 1. That must not be Jerry. He is supposed to have red hair.

2. That must not have been the right restaurant. I guess there is another one around here somewhere.

3. NO FUTURE FORM have to

1a Looking and writing

Hello, class. On page 34 is a picture with many things in it. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.

1b Listening and matching

You are going to listen and match on page 34 each person with a thing and a reason. Pay attention to the use of MUST in the sentences.


Girl 1: Whose volley ball is this?

Boy 1: It must be Carla’s. She loves volley ball.

Girl 2: Oh, that toy car must belong to Jane’s little brother. He was the only little kid at the picnic. And the magazine must belong to Dengwen. He loves cats.

Boy 1: Oh, and look, someone left a book.

Girl 2: Oh, yeah… This book must be Mary’s. Hemingway is her favorite author.

Girl 1: OK… and how about this CD?

Girl 2: Hmmmm… The CD must belong to Grace. She always listens to classical music.

1c Doing pairwork

In pairs practice the conversation in the picture on page 34

Then make conversations using information in the chart in 1b.

Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball.

Whose books are these? They must be Mary’s. The man is her favorite author.

Whose CD is this? It must be Grace’s. She likes listening to classical music.

Next is the conversation making inferences.

Girl 1: Whose toy car is this?

Boy 1: It must be Deng Wen’s. He loves toy car.

Girl 2: Oh, that CD must belong to Grace’s little brother. He was the only little kid at the picnic. And the book must belong to Grace. He loves cats.

Boy 1: Oh, and look, someone left a magazine.

Girl 2: Oh, yeah… This magazine must be Carla’s. She likes reading magazine in English.

Girl 1: OK… and how about this volleyball?

Girl 2: Hmmmm… The volleyball must belong to Mary. She always plays volleyball after school.

2a Listening and writing

Bob and Anna found a backpack outside their school gate. Listen to their conversation and write down the things found in the backpack. Pay attention to the uses of modeal verbs making inferences.


Bob: Oh, look! Whose backpack do you think this is?

Anna: I don’t know. Look, here’s a school T-shirt.

Bob: Well then, the person must go to our school. Oh! Here is a hair band, so the person can’t be a boy.

Anna: It could be Kumi’s hair band. She has long hair.

Bob: Or the hair band might belong to Linda. She was at the picnic, wasn’t she?

Anna: Yes, she was. But then the backpack could belong to Rita. She’s always forgetting things.

Bob: Then it must be Linda’s backpack. She has long hair and she’s on the tennis team.

Bob: You’re right!

2b Listening and filling

Next you are to listen to the tape once again. Fill in the blanks with modal verbs you hear used to making inferences.

2c Filling and telling

On page 35 is a chart in which you will see 8 sentences. A word is missing from each sentence. Fill in a word from this unit.

The notebook must be Ming’s. It was on her desk.

The homework can’t be Carol’s. She wasn’t at school today.

The soccer ball might be John’s or Tony’s. They both play soccer, don’t they?

The French book must be Li Ying’s. She’s the only one who’s studying French.

I can’t find my backpack. It might be still at school.

The photo must be Lu’s. Those are his parents.

The red bicycle can’t be Hu’s. She has a blue bicycle.

This ticket might be my aunt’s or uncle’s. They’re both going to the concert.

3a Reading, numbering and circling

On page 36 you see a box. In it is a thank-you message from Linda to Anna. Read it, number the 5 parts and circle the words you don’t know.

Subject: Thanks! From: Linda

_④_ If you have any idea where it might be, please call me.

_②_ I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall.

_⑤_ I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment ( I hope you new glasses look nice!).

_③_ I really need it because I have a math test on algebra tomorrow. It’s crucial that I study for it because it counts 30% to the final exam.

_①_ I’m really anxious, because I can’t find my backpack.



3b Doing pairwork

In pairs talk about the words you don’t understand. You can use “can’t”, “must”,” could” or “might”.

A: What do you think “anxious” mean?

B: Well, it can’t mean “happy”.

A: It might mean “worried”.

B: Oh, yes. She’s worried because of her test.

A: What do you think “concert” mean?

B: Well, it can’t mean “music”.

A: It might mean “a performance of music by players or singers”.

B: Oh, yes. She was in the symphony hall.

4 Doing pairwork

In pairs talk about the things from the backpack on page 37. You are going to make guesses about the owner of the backpack.

A: Here’re some earrings. The owner can’t be a boy.

B: Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.

A: Here’s a school T-shirt. The owner must be a student.

B: Well, it could be a classmate of ours. The school T-shirt is the same as ours.

A: Here’s a hair band. The owner can’t be a boy.

B: Well, it could be a boy. The hair band might be a present for his mother.

Closing down by looking and saying

Look at the picture below and say what is happening in the classroom.

新目标英语九年级期末 第2篇

Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)

Structures: Supposed to + infinitive

Target language: How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night?

Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.

Vocabulary: kiss, bow, table manners, chopstick, fork, spoon, napkin, greet, rude, wipe, point, stick, shake hands, be supposed to, drop by, pick up, You should…

Learning strategies: Comparing, Listening for key words

Section A


●To learn to use the structure Supposed to + infinitive

●To listen and talk about what people are supposed to do


Warming up by learning about the structure Supposed to + infinitive

Turn to page 95 first. Look at the sentences. Do you see how the structure Supposed to + infinitive is used?

What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?

You’re supposed to kiss.

You’re not supposed to shake hands.

When were you supposed to arrive? I was supposed to arrive at 7:00.

You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.

1a Looking, listening and matching

Hello, class. What are we supposed to do next? Yes, you are right. We are going to look, listen and match. Now turn to page 94. Look at the picture and listen to the recording for what people do when they meet for the first time.


Boy1: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, Celia?

Girl1: Well, do you mean when friends meet for the first time?

Boy1: Yeah.

Girl1: Well, in Brazil, friends kiss.

Boy1: What about in Mexico, Rodriguez?

Boy2: In Mexico we shake hands.

Boy3: We bow.

Girl2: And in Korea we also bow.

Boy1: Well, I guess in most Western countries we shake hands.

1b Listening and checking

You are supposed to listen for a second time to check your answers in 1a.

Countries Customs

1. c Brazil a. bow

b. shake hands

c. kiss

2. b the United States

3. a Japan

4. b Mexico

5. a Korea

Now you can turn to page 135 to read the tapescript. While


circle the connectives and underline the expressions.

1c Doing pairwork

What do people do when they meet for the first time? Now in

pairs tell

each other what you know about meeting for the first time. You are sopposed to use the Supposed to + infinitive structure, OK?

A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

B: They’re supposed to bow.

A: What are people in the United States supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

B: They’re supposed to shake hands.

A: What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

B: They’re supposed to shake hands.

A: What are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

B: They’re supposed to shake hands.

A: What are people in Brazil supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

B: They’re supposed to kiss.

A: What are people in your city supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

B: They’re supposed to wave their hands.

2a Listening and checking

Maria, an exchange student from India, went to her American

Friend Dan’s place and had dinner there. Now listen to the tape

for the mistakes Maria made there.


Boy: Hi, Maria. How was Paul’s party?

Girl: Oh, Dan, it was a disaster.

Boy: It was?

Girl: Uh-huh.

Boy: What happened?

Girl: Well, I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 but I arrived at 8:00.

Boy: Oh, so you were late.

Girl: Yeah, but in my country it’s different. When you’re invited for 7:00, you’re supposed to come later!

Boy: I see.

Girl: Then when I met Paul’s mom, I kissed her.

Boy: And you were supposed to shake hands instead.

Girl: That’s right. AND I wore a fancy dress.

Boy: What’s wrong with that?

Girl: Well, it was a barbecue, Dan. Everyone else was wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

Boy: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear.

Now you may check√the mistakes by Maria on page 95.

Maria’s mistakes

√Arrive late; ate the wrong food; √greeted Paul’s mother the wrong way; √wore the wrong clothes

2b Listening and filling

To fill in the blanks on page 95 you are supposed to listen to the

tape one more time.


MariA: I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 but I arrived at 8:00.

MariA: In my country it’s different. When you’re invited for 7:00, you’re supposed to come later.

Dan: Boy: And you were supposed to shake hands instead.

MariA: That’s right. And I wore a fancy dress.

Dan: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear.

Next you are supposed to make a conversation based on 2b. You are supposed to say anything you like.

Li Hong: I was supposed to get up at 7:00 but I got up at 8:00.

Li Hong: In my home it’s different. When you’re asked to get

up at 7:00, you’re supposed to get up later.

Wang Bin: And you were supposed to do the morning exercise


Li Hong: That’s right. And I took my school backpack.

Wang Bin: I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to take.

2c Doing pairwork

You are supposed to role play the conversation between Maria

and Dan. And you are supposed to use the information from

activities 2a and 2b.

A: How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night?

B: Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.

A: Why was that? Why didn’t you arrive earlier?

B: But in my country it’s different.

A: What is the difference?

B: When you’re invited for 7:00, you’re supposed to come later!

A: So you didn’t arrive at 7:00..

B: When I met Paul’s mom, I kissed her.

A: But you were supposed to shake hands instead. We don’t kiss each

other when we are only friends.

B: But I didn’t know that then.

A: What did you wear?

B: I wore a fancy dress.

A: What’s wrong with that?

B: It was a barbecue, you know. Everyone else was wearing a T-shirt

and jeans.

A: Oh, you made another mistake. I think you should have asked when you were supposed to arrive and what you were supposed to wear.

3a Reading and filling

On page 96 are two exchange students, one from Colombia, the other from Switzerland, talking about their own home culture. Now read their speech, blacken the connectives and underline the expressions.

Teresa Lopez

From Cali, Colombia Marc LeBlanc

From Lausanne, Swizerland

Where I’m from, we’re pretty relaxed about time. If you tell a friend you’re going to their house for dinner, it’s okay if you arrive a bit late. Spending time with family and friends is very important to us. We often just drop by our friends’ homes. We don’t usually have to make plans to meet our friends. Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can!

In Switzerland, it’s very important to be on time. We’re the land of watches, after all!If someone invites you to meet them at 4:00, you have to be there at 4:00. If you are even fifteen minutes late, your friend may get angry. Also, we never visit a friend’s house without calling first. We usually make plans to see friends. We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together.

And now you are supposed to fill in the chart.

Attitude about… Colombia Switzerland

Being on time Pretty relaxed about time very important to be on time

Visiting a friend’s house Often just drop by friends’ house never visit a friend’s house without calling first

Making plans with friends

Don’t usually have to make plans to meet friends usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together

3b Doing pairwork

Next you are supposed to role play a conversation between Teresa and Marc, telling about the different attitudes of life in their home countries.

A: What kinds of rules do they have in Colombia?

B: Well, they have pretty relaxed rules.

A: Like what?

B: Well, it’s ok if you’re not on time.

A: Could you give me an example?

B: Sure. If they tell a friend they’re going to his or her house for dinner, it’s okay if they arrive a bit late.

A: Do they often visit friends’ house?

B: Yes, they do. It is very important to them. They often just drop by their friends’ homes.

A: Do they have to make plans to do that?

B: They don’t usually have to make plans to meet their friends. Often they just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we they!

B: What kinds of rules do they have in Switzerland?

A: It’s very important for them to be on time.

B: Because they’re the land of watches?

A: Maybe. If someone invites you to meet them at 4:00, you have to be there at 4:00.

B: If you are even fifteen minutes late, may your friend get angry?

A: Yes, they do.

B: Do they often visit a friend’s house?

A: Sometimes. But they never go without calling first. They usually make plans to see friends. They usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together.

4 Doing pairwork

An exchange student from England is coming to your school for

classes. You are supposed to fill in the chart below on page 96

with things he is supposed to do inside and outside the


Items You are supposed to …

Greeting teachers Say, “Good morning” in the morning

Doing homework At home or in school after class

Phoning someone Say, “Ni Hao, I’m …”

Visiting someone’s place Call first, and knock at the door

Making plans with friends Discuss the plan, call to make changes

Being on time Always on time or little earlier

Giving gifts Festival gifts being necessary

… …

Now you are supposed to role play a conversation based on the

chart you just filled in.

A conversation between you and an exchange student from Britain

A: How do you do?

B: How do you do? Are you a new exchange student?

A: Yes, I am from Britain. Could tell me the things I am supposed to do inside and outside the classroom?

B: Sure. To greet the teachers you say, “Good morning” in the morning, “Good afternoon” in the afternoon.

A: And “Good evening” in the evening. That’s the same as we do in Britain.

B: For homework you may do it at home or in school, but always after class.

A: Can I do it at class?

B: No, you can’t, because you have lots to do then.

A: What do I have to do at class?

B: You will have to sit straight, to listen attentively, to take notes, to answer questions, to do pairwork, to do groupwork, to do the test papers,

and to read Learning English!

A: Learning English? Am I have to learn English here?

B: Yes, you have to learn English, too. If you don’t, you will fail the English exams.

A: But I am a native speaker of English!

B: But you are poor at English grammar! There are lots of grammar items in the English exam.

A: But I can listen, speak, read and write in English. Is that not enough?

B: I don’t know. But you have to take the 4th, the 6th and the 8th level English exams.

A: All right. I agree to take all those exams in English, and on grammar.

B: And to phone someone you say say, “Ni Hao, I’m …”

A: “Ni Hao, I’m …”

B: Right. You are learning fast. You are smart.

A: What about visiting someone’s place?

B: Call first, and knock at the door.

A: What should I do to make plans with friends?

B: Discuss the plan with them. Call to make changes before it is too late.

A: Do I have to be on time?

B: It depends. You have to be on time for school. And you don’t have to be on time for meals by yourselves.

A: That’s also the same as we do back at Britain.

A: And giving gifts? I hear that you give many gifts on many occasions.

B: Yes, we do. But you can’t give gifts to the teachers in order

to pass the exams, and the English grammar exams!

Closing down by competing

To end this English class you are supposed to take a

competition. You are supposed to say as many sentences with

新目标英语九年级期末 第3篇

Go for it九年级教材的编排富有现代化、生活化特点, 时代感很强。每个单元融汇话题、交际功能、语言结构, 除了A、B部分基本的语言内容及运用外, 都设置了具有跨文化内容的语篇及学习策略。很明显, 有了七八年级的基础后, 九年级的教材更突出了对学生综合运用语言能力的期待。这个期待也是每一位九年级英语老师在设计自己课文教学中的教学目标, 在整个学年的教学中, 培养学生综合性地运用英语始终贯穿其中。

但一样的课程, 教材的设计在不同的教学文化、教师文化背景中, 对“综合性”有不同的解读。纵观自己及一些同行们的九年级英语课文教学设计, 有些问题值得我们好好思考。

思考一, 关于任务。

新目标英语采用的是任务型语言教学模式。但很多老师对新教材及任务型语言教学吃得不透, 在设计课文教学目标时, 自己把握不准教学任务, 导致教学过程中的教学任务也不明确。许多课文教学设计有很多活动、很多花样, 但无目的、无效果, 生产了许多“无主次”、“无中心”的教学。因此, 读透教材, 研究教学, 了解学生需要什么样的学习任务, 教师又该怎么样设计自己的课文教学, 真的需要我们不断地研究探索。

思考二, 关于教学文化及教师文化。

新的课程改革需要教师有新的理念才能创造出新的教学。一直以来, 我们大多数教师都习惯一个人备课按照自己的思维模式进行教学设计, 然而在新时代的课程改革后, 经验再丰富的教师也感觉到一个人力量的有限。教师文化、教学文化也跟着时代的改变而改变 (教师文化指教师对工作环境的态度反映) 。

前苏联合作教育学倡导者明确提出:“没有教师, 没有他对革新的热情, 没有他每时每日的创造, 没有他的智慧和良心, 没有他的文化素养和良好心灵, 任何改革都是不可能的。”教师文化影响教师对课程改革方案的理解和执行。新课程理念下的教师不仅有丰富的教学经验, 更具有课程改革主人意识, 敢于开创教育策略和活动教学方式, 用自身的教学技能及智慧促进课程改革, 成为学校文化的重要部分。“有文化”的教师方可促进“有文化”的教学。现代的教学文化要求教师从个人主义文化转向合作文化, 并将经历经验重构与生存方式的转换。集体备课、共享资源、共创教学, 才能将教师个人的才智发挥到最大。没有教师之间真诚的合作, 就没有丰富内涵的教学文化, 我们的课文教学设计将会缺乏活力。

合作, 会让我们教师在教学中体现出自身的生存价值和技艺价值。我们的课文教学设计也会因为合作而更完美更有效。

思考三, 关于多元文化。

新教材的时代感, 文化的多元性, 注定其中有着明确的文化背景, 这些浓厚的文化背景知识都蕴涵在课文中, 尤其是九年级的课文。因此, 在设计课文教学时, 若是忽略了或把握不住这些文化, 甚至在设计课文教学目标时, 只重知识目标、技能目标, 忽视文化知识的了解与教学, 那样的教学会是残缺的教学, 课文也因此失去文化传承的功用。任何独立文化传承的语言教学设计都是失败的。布鲁纳在《布鲁纳教育论著选》第373页中提到:“教育理论不仅是属于技术的, 也是属于文化的、意识形态的, 以及政治的。如果它要产生什么影响, 它一定包含着一切。”

在九年级课文中的文化包括有:传统文化、本土文化、外来文化、大众文化、精英文化等, 同时也还有学生文化、课程文化、主流文化等。众多文化以多元的形式存在于我们的教材中, 教师若对于教学设计中文化的定位不明朗, 就会造成在课文教学设计中或过于激进或过于自由或过于保守, 偏执于任何一种文化形式都不利于课文教学的设计。例如, 在教材中的外来节日 (圣诞节、情人节……) 与中国传统节日 (春节、清明节、中秋节……) , 在教学中, 我们不仅要让学生感受到不同的节日文化, 还可以让学生通过各种方式了解到节日的背景知识, 能自然地接受外来的文化, 也会珍惜本民族的文化。课文教学设计中的主流文化应能与学生文化相融相通, 这些都需要我们在教学前对课文教学进行精心的设计。如果, 我们的课文教学设计中, 没有发现这些文化之间存在的矛盾, 在教学中没有解决或缓和, 使学生在学习中还是容易将课文中所体现的文化与自己的文化各自独立, 那我们的课文教学设计也是失败的, 因为我们没法走入学生的心灵。关于多元文化教学设计, 只有在全球化、民族化的大背景中, 学生才会有宽阔的学习文化意识。

思考四, 素质教育与应试教育。

九年级是学生成长道路上的一个转折点, 这个转折点与考试有关, 素质教育与应试教育注定成为九年级教育教学无法避免的一个问题。学生身心的健康成长需要素质教育, 学生的前途 (上好的高一级中学) 需要高的分数。 (虽然, 国家已开始叫停分等级的高级中学办学方式, 但在社会人心里, 在家长心里, 甚至在学生心里, 也仍有着自己的等级, 学生也会为自己心中的那个等级努力。) 因此, 素质与应试教育的结合, 要体现在我们平时的教学设计中。我认为, 它们实际就是形成性评价与终结性评价的结合。

在课文教学设计中, 以过程性评价促进学生的学, 完善老师的教, 学生学习的兴趣、进取的意识、坚持的毅力基本来源于形成性评价。形成性评价关注学生成长的每一个细节;终结性评价不会因为学生老师不喜欢而不存在。就我国目前的社会环境、教育机制, 任何脱离了考试的教育教学都是不现实的。单元检测、期末考试, 是检测学生的学、教师的教在某一个阶段是否有效的方式。因此, 帮助学生树立良好的考试心理很重要。

只有老师认识到这些, 在英语课文教学设计中才不会过多注重形式, 忽略实际;学生也不会没有目的地学, 更不会因感觉前途渺茫而失去学习的兴趣和信心。无论是素质教育还是应试教育都是“双刃剑”, 关键还是在于教师这个“师傅”如何引导学生用好手中的“剑”。首先, “师傅”的观念、认识要正确, 眼光要远, “剑手” (学生) 才能是“使剑高手”。

思考五, 教学设计难易度的把握。

对于九年级这个转折点, 不但学生感觉压力大, 老师本身也会因有各种因素掺杂其中, 压力也不小。导致在课文教学设计中出现不同的认识, 也有了不同的教学设计, 特别体现在难易度的把握上。有的老师, 主张以知识的广度来达到一定的教学难度, 有的以高深难度来体现。有这种认识的老师一般都认为学生九年级了, 有基础有能力进行难度或宽度较大的学习;也有的老师认为, 只有在课文教学设计中设计出高难度的教学, 学生才是毕业班的学生, 老师也才是毕业班的老师, 走向了为难度而设计教学的怪圈。因此经常出现这样的课堂教学:老师按自己的课文教学设计的难度上课, 学生在下面听得呆若木鸡。结果, 老师上课上得很累, 学生听课听得更累, 英语对于学生就有可能永远是门“外语”, 不是一般人都能学会的高深莫测的语言。

与之相反的是, 有的老师过于低估自己的学生或对自己的学生没有信心, 凡是稍有点深度或难度的, 统统不在课文教学设计之中。在实际教学中, 害怕学生不懂, 老师会不辞劳苦地一句一句地读、一句一句地翻译解说。勤快点的学生会老老实实地跟读或做笔记, 而其他学生就会人坐得笔直的, 但心常飘离课堂之外。更有甚者, 连平时的测试都会事先让学生翻书做, 背好答案再测试, 把好好的检测转化成了背书教学。从此, 学生再也没法离开老师独立学习英语, 因为平时除了跟老师读、做笔记外, 几乎没有独立学习, 离开了老师, 所有的英语学习都有难度。

太难或太容易的英语课文教学设计都忽略了学生这个学习主体。设计的课文教学难或是易应由学生已有的基础和已有的知识经验来决定, 高估或是小瞧学生都是对他们的不尊重。学生只有征服知识才能获得知识, 才能成为知识的最高主人。学生是在不断地接受教育, 但他越来越不成为对象, 而是越来越成为学习的主体, 他们只有把别人的教育转化成为自己的教育, 才能成长。教师在设计课文教学中, 有时适当地降低难度是为了消除学生恐惧的心理, 保持学习的热情和信心;有时, 适当地增加难度更能激起学生学习的斗志。因此, 在教学中, 教师完全可以旗帜鲜明地告诉学生, 只有那种肯思考, 肯动脑筋, 并勇于探索新方法、新思路的学生, 才是真正的学生。学生克服困难的心理是一点一点地形成的, 但在形成的过程中需要老师的帮助。

九年级对于学生很关键, 但老师要有比学生更好的心理素质才能帮助学生健康发展。九年级的英语课文教学是否成功, 关系到复习环节是否能顺利开展, 因此, 在设计的过程中, 教师也需要一个对自己教学设计的形成性评价来促进并完善我们的设计, 设计前、设计中、实践后的思考非常重要。有思考才会有发现, 有发现才会有挑战, 这样我们的课文教学设计才是理念与实践的最佳结合。


[1]顾明远, 孟繁华主编.国际教育新理念.海口:海南出版社, 2001 (10)

[2]英语课程标准 (实验稿) .北京师范大学出版社, 2001 (7)

[3]周锦秀.初中英语新课程校本教研问题与指导.陕西师范大学出版社, 2005 (6)

[4]胡定荣.课程改革的文化研究.北京教育科学出版社, 2005 (2)

新目标九年级期末测试题 第4篇

1. Some people are good at ____(借), but they never give back.

2. His father has been ____(死) fortwo years.

3. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful ____(城市) in our country.

4. Look, the ____(女) teachers are singing over there.

5. These math ____(题) are very difficult.

6. How much of your time is ____(花费) on sports?

7. I ____(希望) you to be happy.

8. March 12 is Tree ____(种植) Day.

9. Everybody here is busy ____(买) Christmas presents.

10. Shes much ____(胖) than last year.

11. The mountains will be covered with trees in a few ____(年) time.

12. The population of Canada is ____(多) than that of Australia.

13. I think I can do ____(好) in English this year than last year.

14. You can know a lot of ____(信息) from the computer screen.

15. Help ____(自己) to some fruit, children.


1. When will she f____ doing her homework?

2. N____ of the twins is a student.

3. Mr. Green went upstairs t____ the narrow steps.

4. The music of the film is really e____. I like it very much.

5. The first r____ in a relay race are very important.

6. In autumn the ground is often covered with fallen l____ after a strong wind.

7. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food and take more e____.

8. T____ it was raining hard, they still went on working.

9. Do you r____ want to buy it?

10. Clothes must be washed when they are d____.


1. This hotel is very small. I want a big one.

A. inn B. room C. restaurant D. hall

2. As soon as he entered the room, he knew what happened.

A. went B. went into C. came D. got

3. Last week we were beaten in the match.

A. won the match B. lost the game

C. beat the other team D. watched the game

4. This kind of mooncake is so much filled with nuts and sugar in it.

A. as manyB. all kinds of C. full of D. plenty of

5. Ive more or less finished my homework.

A. about B. more than C. nearly D. less than

6. “Hurry up,or well be late,”said Joe. But Lucy still waited there.

A. Come up B. Come onC. Come over D. Come in

7. She told us most of the story,but kept back a bit about herself.

A. took back B. stopped talking

C. didnt tellD. passed by

8. They are sitting at the table to eat early.

A. beside the table B. to take a meal

C. to have breakfast D. near the table

9. I can go to Beijing on any day except weekdays next month.

A. FridayB. every day

C. Saturday or Sunday D. Monday to Friday

10. In the lesson about the Chinese cities, our teacher mentioned Beijing at last.

A. got to B. talked aboutC. spoke D. left

Ⅱ. 单项选择:(20分)

1. The teacher with his students ____ working in the fields.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

2. My family ____ all well, thank you.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

3. The Browns ____ a nice car.

A. haveB. wants C. has D. buys

4. This pair of trousers ____.

A. is my B. is mine C. are my D. are mine

5. The number of the teachers in this school ____ one hundred.

A. is B. are C. has D. more than

6. Forty kilos ____ too heavy for me.

A. is B. are C. takes D. carry

7. Everything around us ____ OK.

A. are B. have been C. is D. has been

8. The boys teacher and friend ____ a young doctor.

A. is B. are C. want to be D. being

9. Math ____ difficult to learn.

A. is B. areC. does D. do

10. A lot of milk ____ bad.

A. has been to B. have beenC. has gone D. has gone to

11. In Australia, Christmas Day is in ____.

A. spring B. summerC. autumnD. winter

12. The worlds population is growing fast every minute, especially in some ____ countries.

A. westB. east

C. more developedD. less developed

13. Reading English aloud ____ very important for students.

A. wereB. beingC. isD. are

14. ____ is bad for our health.

A. Doing eye exercises B. Going to bed early

C. Eating too much D. Taking a walk after supper

15. When you meet an Englishwoman, youd better not ask her“____”.

A. Its warm today, isnt it?B. How are you?

C. Whats the weather like today?D. How old are you?

16. Now China is developing the West. Of all the following cities, which is NOT in the west?____.

A. NanjingB. LanzhouC. XianD. Lasa(拉萨)

17. The Englishman, Stephenson(史蒂芬孙), invented ____.

A. the shipB. the carC. the planeD. the train

18. If you see a sign with “Business Hours:9:00-17:00” near the door of a shop, you can buy nothing from the shop at ____.

A. 2:00 p.m.B. 10:00 a.m.C. 7:00 a.m.D. 4:00 p.m.

19. ____ can be used for making all kinds of cartoons(动画片).

A. TelephonesB. RadiosC. TelevisionsD. Computers

20. The traffic ____ stop when the lights are red.

A. mustntB. mayC. cantD. must

Ⅲ. 句型转换:(10分)


1. They can hardly decide what they will do next.

____ ____ for them to decide what ____ ____ next.

2. They dont often hear the twins sing the song in the school.

____ of the twins ____ often heard ____ sing the song in the school.

3. The heavy traffic stopped them from going to school in time.

____ ____ the heavy traffic, they ____ ____ for school.

4. She felt surprised when she looked at one of her old friends in front of her.

She looked at an old friend ____ ____ ____ ____.

5. They talked on and on until eleven at night.

They ____ ____ ____ ____ until eleven at night.


6. I dont think he is at school, ____ ____?(改为反意疑问句)

7. They have already finished the work. (改为否定句)

They ____ ____ the work ____.

8. The building near the Tea House is the Peoples Hospital.


____ ____ is the Peoples Hospital?

9. He gets up at 6 every morning. (改为一般疑问句)

____ he ____ ____ at 6 every morning?

10. They couldnt make the kite fly. (改为被动语态)

The kite couldnt ____ ____ ____ ____.

Ⅳ. 根据汉语完成句子,一空一词。(10分)

1. 我甚至在下雨天都不喜欢整天呆在家里。

____ on ____ days, I ____ ____ at home all day.

2. 你应该出去玩,而不是老在屋里待着。

You should be out playing ____ ____ staying in the room.

3. 今天下午五点前你务必把所有展品放好。

Before five oclock this afternoon, you must ____ ____ that everything ____ ____ is in its right place.

4. 每个人工作越努力,我们的国家就越强大。

____ ____ everyone works, ____ ____ our country will be.

5. 这座山没有你想象的那么危险。

The mountain is ____ ____ than you think.

6. 必须采取措施防止此类事故再次发生。

Something must be done ____ ____ this kind of accident ____ ____ again.

7. 从今以后,你必须更加小心。

You must be ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

8. 我们坚信中国明天会更美好。

Were ____ that China will be even ____ tomorrow.

9. 奥运会每四年举行一次。

The Olympic Games are ____ ____ four years.

10. 在这个城市里已经没有旧的楼房了。

____ ____ the old building can ____ ____ in this city.

Ⅴ. 补全对话:(10分)

A 撞了一个人,接着发生了什么事呢?

A:(Bumps into an old man)Sorry. Did I hurt you?

B:Oh, Im OK. Dont __1__ about it, young man. You seem to be in a great __2__.

A:Yes. Im __3__ here. Im looking for the Peoples Hospital. Could you tell me the way, please?

B:Go down this street until you reach the crossing, then __4__ right and you will find it in __5__ of you.

A:How __6__ is it from here?

B:Its about 2 kilometres.

A:You can go there by bus. Oh, sorry, its very __7__ and there is no bus to go there now. Youd better __8__ a taxi.

A:I see. You are very __9__ indeed. Sorry to have given you so much __10__.

B:No problem.

Ⅵ. 完形填空:(20分)


The world outdoors is full of secrets. They are so interesting that quite a lot of people are busy __1__ them. All __2__ us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.

Do you know that one of the great presidents of U.S.A. spent hours and hours studying birds?A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects that he began to __3__ them. He now has over one thousand different kinds carefully kept in glass boxes.

Come then __4__ me, and I will help you find some of natures secrets. Lets go quickly __5__ the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit __6__ the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for their long winter __7__. We shall watch bees dancing in air to let the other bees know where they can find food. I will show you __8__ interesting things, but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes __9__ when you go __10__. Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully.

1. A. looking for B. keepingC. studying D. learning

2. A. about B. around C. amongD. besides

3. A. killB. catchC. collectD. keep

4. A. along B. into C. at D. with

5. A. through B. over C. into D. on

6. A. saysB. tellsC. asks D. speaks

7. A. restB. trip C. holidayD. sleep

8. A. other manyB. many other C. some othersD. much other

新目标九年级英语教案 第5篇

unit 1 how do you study for a test?


1、语言目标 1)询问别人的学习方法


2、知识目标1)how do you study for a test? i study by ving.2)the way to do sththe way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法

3、能力目标 1)通过讨论找到适合自己的学习方法,找出自己在英语学习中的困难 2)学会给出关于学习方法的建议





make mistakes be afraid to do sth laugh at enjoy doing sth the way to do sth have trouble doing sthend up spoken english practice doing sth too much look up make vocabulary liststry one`s best to do sth 基本要求: 会读、会写、会用。

3、重点语法 1)how 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答 2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法 基本要求:理解其含义,学以致用。

三、导学案 section a ● 例析导学

1、they also have fun。fun n.乐趣,玩笑 【拓展】 1)have fun 意为―过的快活‖相当于enjoy oneself have a good time例如:you are sure to have fun at the party。

2)have fun doing sth 意为―开开心心做谋事‖

例如: the children are having fun playing this game.类似的结构还有have trouble /problems experience doing sth

2、„and then end up speaking in chinese.end up 结束,后接动词的v-ing形式 end up with 以„„结束,以„„而告终 例如: the game ended up with a song.【拓展】 end 作名词

1.端,尖,末端,终点 例如: the end of the year 2.边缘;极点,极限例如:the end of the road 3.结局,结果。例如:the end of the story

3、„„joining the english club at school was the best way to improve her english.the best way to do sth 做谋事的最好方法

【拓展】 1)way 方式 , 方法 有两种用法the way to do sth the way of doing sth 例如: this is the best way to solve the problem.或 this is the best way of solving the problem.2)way 道路 the way to sw eg.on one‘s way to 其中to 是介词后面跟表示地点的名词做宾语 例如: he got lost and couldn‘t find his way home.4、do you ever practice conversations with your friends ? 1)ever adv.曾经

【拓展】一般用于疑问句,否定句中,表示频率。类似的词还有always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly,ever,never,用在行为动词之前,助动词之后。2)practice n。& v.练习,实习,实践, practice doing sth.练习干某事

例如:he practices running every morning.5、i‘ve learned a lot that way.a lot 很多,非常

【拓展】1)在句中做主语例如:a lot has been done about it.2)在句中做宾语 例如: you have done a lot for him.3)在句中做状语 ,且可修饰比较级

例如: he feels a lot better today.4)a lot of 或 lots of 可修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数

例如:there are lots of differences between them.6、she added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.add v.增加 ,补充说 , 继续说

【拓展】 1)add sth to sth.添加 ,增加

例如: if you add five to nine ,you will get fourteen.2)add up to 总计 例如: these numbers add up to 177.● 专项练习选择填空

1.the boys are going to have fun ____the picture.a.drawb.to drawc drew d drawing 2.i am sorry i took your umbrella _____.a.because mistake b.with mistake c.by mistake d.by mistakes 3.can‘t you see tom and jim _____football? a.playingb.playc.to play d.played 4.my english teacher was very angry ______tom.a.atb.about c.withd.on 5.his mother is strict _____.a.with himb.with he c.in himd.in he 6.when we practice english speaking ,we shouldn‘t end up ____in chinese.a.speak b.speaking c.to speaking d.with speak 7.let‘s go swimming if it ____hot tomorrow.a.will be b.would be c.is d.is going to be 8.taiwan is ____the est of china and _____the west of fujian province.a.in;tob.to;toc.on;tod.in;to ●句析导学

1.how do you study for a test? i study by listening to tapes.你怎样学习,准备应考?通过听录音。


例如: how do you usually go to school ? i go to school by bus。he makes a living by working on the farm。

2.what about listening to tapes? 听录音怎么样?

what about „?相当于how about„?后面可跟名词、代词或动词ving形式。常用来提出建议,征求意见或询问情况。相类似句子有why not +v„?let?s +v.shall we +v ? you‘d better +v.what abou /how about going boating with us ? 3.it‘s too hard to understand the voices.语音难以理解。

too +adj /adv +to do 表示‖太„„而不能„„‖,句中it是形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式。可与so„that 和enough„to do sth 改写.例如: it‘s too heavy for me to caryy the box.it isn‘t light enough for me to carry the box.it‘s so heavy that i can‘t carry the box.4、„he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.watching movies 动名词做宾语,frustrating 形容词做宾语补足语 find +宾语+形容词 发现„„例如: he finds english interesting.不定式做宾语时,用find it adj.for sb.to do sth he found it difficult to pass the exam.● 专项练习

1.let the students make conversations about their own way of learning english, and how long he or she used it ,how he or she learns from it.2.let the students ask and answer in pairs according to the learning way of 3a.talk about their ways of learning english.● 教学设计

本节课以英语学习为话题,重点是介绍英语学习的方法,section a 就是紧紧围绕该话题,以听说方式展开学习运用的。教学目标



2、熟练运用how 引起的特殊疑问句及by的用法。能力目标


2、能运用how和 by来介绍学习方法进行对话练习。教学重难点


2、how对方式方法来提问及by的用法 课型:听说课 教学过程 预习词汇

布置学生预习section a的词汇,能够根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,使学生养成自主学习的习惯。课前朗读 朗读本课的新单词、短语等,先领读后齐读的方式,领读保证了发音的正确性,齐读进一步加强了训练,课前朗读可使学生快速进入学习状态,养成良好的学习习惯。





1)让学生根据section a中的1a第一人称来练习how do you study for a test ? i study by„这个句式,让学生根据自己的实际情况来进行模仿性练习。

2)让学生进一步作对话练习,展开小组合作,并讨论一下,这个学习方法的好处和优点,对how 引起的特殊疑问句,the way和improve等词的用法进行综合操练。

二、听力训练 1.多层听 听(1):通过听力,了解对话中人物不同的学习方法,此项活动可以更好的练习掌握本单元的词汇短语。听(2):通过听力,判断一下所听到的句子是那些。




三、对话处理 1.读前听 听(1):让学生根据听力内容进行对话练习,练习how以引起的特殊疑问句。听(2):听后,选择答案,也就是完成2b。听力结束后,先让学生小组内交流答案,再以小组的形式向其他同学公布答案。然后让学生根据听力内容进行对话练习。

以上对同一听力内容进行了辆次练习,该设计主要是在灵活运用教材的基础上,使篇二:人教版新目标九年级英语最全教案 九年级全一册英语学案及教学设计

unit 1 how do you study for a test?


1、语言目标 1)询问别人的学习方法


2、知识目标1)how do you study for a test? i study by ving.2)the way to do sththe way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法

3、能力目标 1)通过讨论找到适合自己的学习方法,找出自己在英语学习中的困难 2)学会给出关于学习方法的建议





make mistakes be afraid to do sth laugh at enjoy doing sth the way to do sth have trouble doing sthend up spoken english practice doing sth too much look up make vocabulary liststry one`s best to do sth 基本要求: 会读、会写、会用。

3、重点语法 1)how 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答 2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth have trouble doing sth 的用法 基本要求:理解其含义,学以致用。

三、导学案 section a ● 例析导学

1、they also have fun。fun n.乐趣,玩笑 【拓展】 1)have fun 意为―过的快活‖相当于enjoy oneself have a good time例如:you are sure to have fun at the party。

2)have fun doing sth 意为―开开心心做谋事‖

例如: the children are having fun playing this game.类似的结构还有have trouble /problems experience doing sth

2、„and then end up speaking in chinese.end up 结束,后接动词的v-ing形式 end up with 以„„结束,以„„而告终 例如: the game ended up with a song.【拓展】 end 作名词

1.端,尖,末端,终点 例如: the end of the year 2.边缘;极点,极限例如:the end of the road 3.结局,结果。例如:the end of the story

3、„„joining the english club at school was the best way to improve her english.the best way to do sth 做谋事的最好方法

【拓展】 1)way 方式 , 方法 有两种用法the way to do sth the way of doing sth 例如: this is the best way to solve the problem.或 this is the best way of solving the problem.2)way 道路 the way to sw eg.on one‘s way to 其中to 是介词后面跟表示地点的名词做宾语 例如: he got lost and couldn‘t find his way home.4、do you ever practice conversations with your friends ? 1)ever adv.曾经

【拓展】一般用于疑问句,否定句中,表示频率。类似的词还有always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly,ever,never,用在行为动词之前,助动词之后。2)practice n。& v.练习,实习,实践, practice doing sth.练习干某事

例如:he practices running every morning.5、i‘ve learned a lot that way.a lot 很多,非常

【拓展】1)在句中做主语例如:a lot has been done about it.2)在句中做宾语 例如: you have done a lot for him.3)在句中做状语 ,且可修饰比较级

例如: he feels a lot better today.4)a lot of 或 lots of 可修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数

例如:there are lots of differences between them.6、she added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.add v.增加 ,补充说 , 继续说

【拓展】 1)add sth to sth.添加 ,增加

例如: if you add five to nine ,you will get fourteen.2)add up to 总计 例如: these numbers add up to 177.● 专项练习选择填空

1.the boys are going to have fun ____the picture.a.drawb.to drawc drew d drawing 2.i am sorry i took your umbrella _____.a.because mistake b.with mistake c.by mistake d.by mistakes 3.can‘t you see tom and jim _____football? a.playingb.playc.to play d.played 4.my english teacher was very angry ______tom.a.atb.about c.withd.on 5.his mother is strict _____.a.with himb.with he c.in himd.in he 6.when we practice english speaking ,we shouldn‘t end up ____in chinese.a.speak b.speaking c.to speaking d.with speak 7.let‘s go swimming if it ____hot tomorrow.a.will be b.would be c.is d.is going to be 8.taiwan is ____the est of china and _____the west of fujian province.a.in;tob.to;toc.on;tod.in;to ●句析导学

1.how do you study for a test? i study by listening to tapes.你怎样学习,准备应考?通过听录音。


例如: how do you usually go to school ? i go to school by bus。he makes a living by working on the farm。

2.what about listening to tapes? 听录音怎么样?

what about „?相当于how about„?后面可跟名词、代词或动词ving形式。常用来提出建议,征求意见或询问情况。相类似句子有why not +v„?let?s +v.shall we +v ? you‘d better +v.what abou /how about going boating with us ? 3.it‘s too hard to understand the voices.语音难以理解。

too +adj /adv +to do 表示‖太„„而不能„„‖,句中it是形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式。可与so„that 和enough„to do sth 改写.例如: it‘s too heavy for me to caryy the box.it isn‘t light enough for me to carry the box.it‘s so heavy that i can‘t carry the box.4、„he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.watching movies 动名词做宾语,frustrating 形容词做宾语补足语 find +宾语+形容词 发现„„例如: he finds english interesting.不定式做宾语时,用find it adj.for sb.to do sth he found it difficult to pass the exam.● 专项练习

1.let the students make conversations about their own way of learning english, and how long he or she used it ,how he or she learns from it.2.let the students ask and answer in pairs according to the learning way of 3a.talk about their ways of learning english.● 教学设计

本节课以英语学习为话题,重点是介绍英语学习的方法,section a 就是紧紧围绕该话题,以听说方式展开学习运用的。教学目标



2、熟练运用how 引起的特殊疑问句及by的用法。能力目标


2、能运用how和 by来介绍学习方法进行对话练习。教学重难点


2、how对方式方法来提问及by的用法 课型:听说课 教学过程 预习词汇

布置学生预习section a的词汇,能够根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,使学生养成自主学习的习惯。课前朗读






1)让学生根据section a中的1a第一人称来练习how do you study for a test ? i study by„这个句式,让学生根据自己的实际情况来进行模仿性练习。

2)让学生进一步作对话练习,展开小组合作,并讨论一下,这个学习方法的好处和优点,对how 引起的特殊疑问句,the way和improve等词的用法进行综合操练。

二、听力训练 1.多层听 听(1):通过听力,了解对话中人物不同的学习方法,此项活动可以更好的练习掌握本单元的词汇短语。听(2):通过听力,判断一下所听到的句子是那些。




三、对话处理 1.读前听 听(1):让学生根据听力内容进行对话练习,练习how以引起的特殊疑问句。听(2):听后,选择答案,也就是完成2b。听力结束后,先让学生小组内交流答案,再以小组的形式向其他同学公布答案。然后让学生根据听力内容进行对话练习。

以上对同一听力内容进行了辆次练习,该设计主要是在灵活运用教材的基础上,使篇三:人教版新目标英语 初三 英语教学案例---不妨空手进课堂 背景

《英语课程标准》提出学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以学生为主体的思想。课程实施应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、提高技能、磨砺意志、活跃思维、展现个性、发展心智和拓展视野的过程。教师应在教学过程中有意识的加以适当的引导,激发学生对于掌握一门外语的迫切需要性,引发他们学习的积极性和主动性,充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体作用。一堂成功的课,应该让学生自始至终掌握主动权,教师只是充当“组织者” “促进者、”“合作者、”“咨询者、”“参与者、”“引导者、”“顾问”等多种角色,最大限度地给学生提供参与的机会,学生的主体性得到了体现,自然就产生了求知和探究的欲望,也就把学习当作一件乐事。问题的发现与解决


师生问候完毕,学生在静静地等候我的下文,面对三十多双期待的眼睛,我一边暗暗庆幸备课时认真地钻研了教材,心中有一些底,一边脑子急速转动,想着对策。英语新课程标准不是强调要把课堂还给学生吗?我何不“偷”一回“懒”,让学生给我上一堂课。于是,我向学生坦白了我的尴尬处境,并与学生商量:“老师什么也没带,这节课你们来教我吧。”学生一阵惊愕,一片哗然,继而跃跃欲试。一堂师生角色互换、别具一格的英语课拉开了帷幕: teacher(故作疑惑):what we will learn today? the students answered together and loudly,unit1 < my new teachers> part a let’s talk.一学生上黑板写题目,一笔一画,极为认真,颇有老师的架势。teacher:who can help me review the words in part a let’s learn ? 学生们跃跃欲试,脸上抑制不住兴奋,他们也许为能帮助老师而自豪,也许为自己学有用武之地而快乐。我请了一位平时学习成绩中等的同学,只见他迅速地拿着自己的学生卡片来到讲台前,模仿着我平时的样子。先让同学们齐读一遍,然后将卡片的顺序打乱让其他同学猜下一张是什么?台下的同学积极举手,踊跃发言。很多同学还自然而然地将单词和句子结合在一起使用如my chinese teacher is strong and kind.we all like her.师(迫不及待):who’s your english teacher? what’s she like? who can tell me? ss: miss bao is our english teacher.she’s young and tall.she’s funny and kind.(异口同声)teacher: what about your other teachers? talk about your math/science/? teachers with your friends.学生积极讨论,有的准备用对话的形式;有的准备用介绍的形式;有的准备用表演的形式,花样还挺多。接下来的汇报让我一阵阵惊喜,也让我一次次震惊,我发现了许多原本该发现而没有发现的东西?? 他竟然是位朗读高手。开学半个多月,他从未发过言,上课小动作还不断,我曾搞过突然袭击,可他总是一言不发。今天,他破天荒地举了手,我有些狐疑地叫他试试,没想到他不仅讲得正确、流利,而且还不时地模仿老师平时地动作、神态,课堂气氛异常活跃。在激动之余,我不由一阵汗颜。教师不该带着有色眼镜看人,应拥有一双善于发现的眼睛。课堂,应给每位学生施展才能的机会——他们是表演的天才。let’s talk.课文下面准备地几幅图片都非常生动有趣。学生在短短的几分钟内排演成了课本剧,我不得不佩服学生的理解能力和表演天赋,他们把课文中地对话进行了扩展和延伸,将新知和旧知有机地结合在一起,表演得惟妙惟肖,他们不仅依托课本运用了课本中的语言结构,还自然地融入了自己的理解、自己的语言。学生在轻轻松松的表演中,不知不觉就达到了教学目标。反思



参考目录: 1.《英语课程标准》(实验稿)2.《新课程新教材教学案例与评价示例》 unit 7 what does he look like? sectiona(the first period)龙泉外国语实验学校胡玲 课堂实录:

在悠扬的轻音乐中,我开始了上课。这是一堂人物外貌的描述课,所以我用一个游戏“pally says„”game开始引课。

stepi.guidance: play “pally says„”game目的在于活跃气氛,调动学生的积极性,减少学生的紧张情绪。加之五官属于人的长相的范畴,所以与此课人物外貌相关连,这样引入就能自然过渡到本节课的内容。人物前活动用于扫除学生的语言障碍,因此在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过活动让学生感知、操练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。rulers: if pally says touch your eyes/ears/ nose/mouth/shoulder/legs/arm.you should do it.if it doesn’t say that, you can’t do it.if you are wrong, you have to sit down.the person who does it correctly is the winner.after that we begin to study our lesson.t: do you like miss hu? ss: yes.t: why? ss: because you are beautiful.t: thank you.do you like her?(图片展示)ss: yes.t: ok, i know you think she is a beautiful girl, too.and you like any beautiful person.today we learn unit 7 what does he look like?(图片展示同时板书。)step ii.teach the new words and new sentences pattern.the teacher uses the pictures to lead and teach the new words and the new sentence pattern.and then ask the ss to describe the classmates.先利用图片展示进行新单词句型的引入,让学生熟悉。接着要求其他同学描述三位外貌典型的同学,再小组练习。这样更形象,更贴近生活,学生更容易接受,加强了学生间的合作与交流。再按发形,身高,体重的类别练习以免混淆,同时加深记忆。在教学的过程中,我要求学生描述教室里听课的老师,学生们十分激动,想着能用英语描述自己的老师了,他们特别高兴。此时的气氛很活跃。stepiii.pair work at first the teacher gives the ss an example.then ask ss practice like this.a:what does he look like? b: he has short hair.he is tall.he is medium height.这样完整地描述人的外表是为后面能安排、完成任务做铺垫,同时能检测学生的掌握情况,以便老师随时调控。

stepiv.play a guessing game.at first the teacher gives the ss an example.then ask ss to describe anyone in the classroom.let the others guess.这个游戏的安排目的是让学生通过他人的描述,去发现别人的外部特征。培养学生听、说以及辨别能力,同时可活跃课堂气氛。

stepv.free talk: talk about any person who you like.这是一个任务教学,让学生描述自己的家人、朋友及喜爱的明星,增添他人对自己的了解。学生拿出事先准备好的自己最喜爱的电影、足球明星,在小组里轮流进行描述。然后在组与组之间进行资源共享,让学生在讲台上用投影仪进行展示。(通过这一活动,使学生在掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能,能与小组成员合作共同完成学习任务,发展语言的综合运用能力,并创造性地使用英语表达自己的思想)。stepvi.describle and draw ask ss to describle “what do you look like when you are 20 years old and draw a picture of it.设计这个任务目的在于让学生能学有所用,想象设计一下自己20岁风华正茂时的样子,并画出来,让此堂课别开生面,乐趣横生。同时这培养学生的多种能力,让其能动手动口。stepvii.1a—1b 在学生掌握好的前面的知识的基础上再处理学习书上的知识,就化难为简,学生才能得心应手,同时让学生整体回顾本节课的重点内容。stepvii.motto 此格言的安排是为了培养学生尊重他人的品德,不以貌取人。stepix.homework.1.copy the sentences in grammar focus.2.describe your friend,your parent, your teacher or any other person,and then write it down in your exercise book通过以上几步的语言输入练习,让学生在进一步创造性活用所学语言,提高学生的写作能力。


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新目标英语九年级教案 第6篇

1. Knowledge Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary

bathing suit, water, travel, guidebook, beach towel, street map

(2)Target Language

Have you watered the plants yet?

Yes, I have already watered them.

2. Ability Objects

(1)Train students’ listening ability.

(2)Train students’ communicative competence.
