


性格与命运日记带翻译 第1篇















性格与命运日记带翻译 第2篇






《飘》中的人物性格与人物命运 第3篇

As is known to all that everyone has his own destiny.Many factors will influence a person's destiny, such as education chance and personality.In the writer's opinion, personality is the determinative factor of a person's destiny.Many famous literatures reveal this truth.One example might be Jane Eyre of Charlotte Bronte.Another example could be Emma Bovary o Flaubert"Madame Bovary".Gone with the Wind is a typical o novels in describing personality and destiny of characters.The author, Margaret, was born in Atlanta.In her hometown, the Civi War was always the topic of daily talks at the time, and the heroes and stories impressed her deeply.This paper intends a two-fold investigation into the determinative relationship between personality and destiny of the main characters:First, the relationship between personality and business, and second, the relationship between personality and emotional life.

2 Personality and Business

As is referred to above, a person's personality can determine his destiny, and business is one aspect of his destiny.So a person's personality can determine his business.

Scarlett O'Hara, the chief character in Gone with the Wind is a representative of these people.She almost surpasses all the other contemporary south women in making a great success in business.Her success is determined by her personality.

Before the Civil War, Scarlett is a spoiled and willful 16-year-old southern belle, the daughter of a plantation owner.She does not need to worry about life.She is taught to be a gentle cultured lady by her mother and mammy just like other southern girls, and she looks forward to a romantic love with a Mr.White However, the war has changed all her dreamed life.After the war, the southern slave owners have lost their wealth.Everyone is facing a new choice of living, and so is Scarlett.Her old way o life has gone like the wind.She is faced with starvation, crisis o living, competition and survival of the strongest.Unlike other southern women who just sob at home, Scarlett struggles for living on stubbornly in the strange and harsh reality.She is brave strong-mined and optimistic, and these qualities support her to go through the different period in her life.During the Civil War Scarlett delivers a child for Melanie by herself, and saves Melanie and her son back to Tara.When they go back home, her mother has died, her father stunned, and her sisters ill.Worse still, all the fortune has gone, Negroes gone, acres desolate, barns ruined, and all members of Tara looking up to her.Facing these she does not give up.She sees things with new eyes."She was a woman now and youth was gone.She could not let an O'Hara live out their lives in their aunts'homes as poor relations, living on charity bread and sufferance.The O'Haras did not take charity.""When she arose at last and saw again the blank ruins of Twelve Oaks, her head was raised high and something that was youth and beauty and potential tenderness had gone out of her face forever.What was past was past.Those who were dead were dead.The lazy luxury of the old days was gone, never to return And, as Scarlett settled the heavy basket across her arm, she had settled her own mind and her own life.There was no going back and she going forward."Scarlett has inherited the unyielding spirit of her Irish ancestors.She cannot be broken by the crash of war or loss of fortune.She could rather fight than whine.Scarlett has possessed the essential requirements for success.

Besides, Scarlett is as shrewd, selfish and hardhearted as a businessman should be.For making more money, Scarlett employs convicts with little pays, hires Johnnie Gallegher because he is tough, hard and cool to the laborers."Everyone said it was wrong to take advantages of the miseries and misfortunes of others.But, as usual, opposition had the effect of making Scarlett more determined on her course."If any means can help make more money for Scarlett, she would not care about what kind of means it is.

Doing business, running out for money, employing convicts make other south censure her.She has a bad reputation among her neighbors.However, Scarlett does not care about it.She is so rebellious and realistic that she does not want to be unobstructed by impractical notions of honor, sacrifice, or high belief in human nature.She can always make a practical choice that is beneficial to living.

Scarlett is rebellious, ambitious and competitive.She has her own ideal, and wants to realize it.Doing business can give Scarlett sense of security and success, so she does it even if she has to go against her mother's instructions and morality of her class.So when most of the southern women stay at home and starve genteelly and with pride, like Melanie, Scarlett runs out, and struggles for her ideal.

Rhett Butler and Ashley Wilkes are quite different.Rhett is the richest man in the story, while Ashley cannot even support his wife and son.Rhett is a realist.He never believes morality, and does not want to be bound by any rules.He has the courage to speak out what he thinks and to do what he wants to do.He even says he has no interest to be so charming a little patriot to the Confederate Cause, and blockading is a business with him and he is making money out of it.He does not care how others think about him when he believes what he does is necessary.When he is thrown out of his home, he does not starve to death but put his poker playing to excellent advantage and supports himself royally by gambling.Later, when the war starts, he runs blockading, makes speculative enterprise.

In the new world Rhett is able to summon wind and call for rain.He is such a man that could always be cool and casual in any situation.He can save Scarlett through the fire and explosions when Atlanta falls.He can get away from the prison of the Yankees.He can make a well-conceived stratagem to save Ashley and other Klan.

Ashley is an idealist.He cannot move a step in the reality.He is loyal to the old days and the morals of the southern nobles.He does not want to lose his good reputation to do something that Rhett has done.Ashley is conservative, weak and irresolute.He lives in the old dreams and dares not face the reality.He cannot adapt to the new world.When the war ends, Ashley comes back to Tara, where Melanie and Scarlett and other people are suffering from starvation and poverty.When they have to pay the high taxes for Tara, Scarlett goes to him for help, but he does not have any ideas to help her.Ashley has been used to living in a carefree way.He has no sense of crisis and no ability to overcome crisis.So he has to accept Scarlett's charity.After they go back to Atlanta, he operates Scarlett's sawmill, but loses much money.He is not good at business.Ashley cannot live in this brutal world.He loses his world–the world he is raised in.So he is"like the fish out of water or cats with wings.He is raised to be certain person, to do certain things, to occupy certain niches.His hands were not made for work or his body for anything but broadcloth and fine linen.God intended him to sit in a great house, talking with pleasant people playing the piano and writing things which sounded beautiful and made no sense whatsoever."

Rhett represents the reality, and Ashley is a representative of ideality.Through the description of the characters and the arrangement of their destiny, it is clear that the author has given her sympathy to the southern nobles she loves.However, she has found the weakness of them.In the sudden change of the world, they keep the useless reputation, morality and family, fear to face and fight for the real life, so they are not worthy to have a better destiny.On the contrary, the author regards positively of Scarlet and Rhett, or people like them.They can break up from old customs, conquer difficulties and sufferings in the turbulent society, and adapt to the new way of life.They are the stronger of the jungle.From Scarlett and Rhett, we can see some American values like indomitable spirit, enterprising spirit and pioneering spirit.These qualities are the necessary ingredient of a person if he struggles for existence.So there is a determinative relationship between their success and their personality, and Ashley's failure is determined by his personality, too.

3 Personality and Emotional Life

Emotional life is another component of one's destiny.In Gone with the Wind, the author also portrays the emotional life of the characters, and shows different choices of emotional life of different characters.

Scarlett pursues two things in her life, "Ashley and to be rich enough to tell the world to go to hell."She sacrifices all her love to him.During the war.She thinks, "She'd cut up her heart for him to wear if he wanted it."When Ashley asks her to take care of his wife, "her heart sank with bitter disappointment."However, she agrees to his request.For keeping promise to Ashley, she restrains her miss to her parents, stays in the war-ridden Atlanta to take care of Melanie.After the war, she supports his family.Scarlett's infatuation to Ashley comes from her willful and childish character, as she always wants something she cannot get.She forms a habit when she is a little girl, that the more impossible for her to get something, the more eagerly she wants it.Because she cannot get Ashley, she keeps lusting him all the time.When Melanie is dying, she finds that Ashley is so weak and helpless.She realizes that Ashley is not the man she really loves, and that he is just an imagination of her.She never really understands him.She has thought that he is strong, unyielding, and implacable, just like herself, but he is absolutely not."I loved something I made up, something that's just as dead as Melly is.I made a pretty suit of clothes and fell in love with it.And when Ashley came riding along, so handsome, so different, I put that suit on him and made him wear it whether it fitted him or not.And I wouldn't see what he really was.I kept on loving the pretty clothes–and not him at all."Ashley is only a childish fancy, no more important than her spoiled desire for the aquamarine earbobs she had coaxed out of Gerald.If she has ever"had the satisfaction of refusing to marry him, he would have become cheap."Scarlett consumes all her feeling to Ashley, but at last finds out it is a waste of time.It is caused by her childishness and self-will.

During the time when Scarlett keeps her love to Ashley in her heart, she has ever married three men, Charles Hamilton Frank Kennedy and Rhett Butler.All these three marriages are not for love, but what is the reason of her marring?It is he character that works as a determinative factor.

She marries Charles because she wants to take revenge o Ashley, and to defend her self-respect."He has a lot of money and he hasn't any parents to bother me and he lives in Atlanta and if I married him right away, it would show Ashley that didn't care a rap–that I was only flirting with him.And i would just kill Honey, she'd never, never catch another beau and everybody'd laugh fit to die at her.And it would hurt Melanie because she loves Charles so much.and it would hurt Stu and Brent."This marriage reflects egoism, selfishness, and practicalism of Scarlett.

She marries Frank, her sister's fiancé, just for money.A that time she needs money for Tara's taxes.Between the choice of love and living she chooses living.She wants to get him and his store and mill.When the struggle between principles and practical things like money comes out, the practical side in Scarlett will always win.

The main reason that she marries Rhett is his money.She said, "well, money does help, you know, Rhett, and God knows Frank didn't leave any too much."In facts, Rhett is the only man who really knows Scarlett and still loves her, but he cannot make her know it because Scarlett is"so brutal to those who love her and take their love and hold it over their heads like a whip."Scarlett's attitude to others is always cold and selfish.She is hardly thoughtful for others.During the six years of her marriage with Rhett, she never tries to understand him, or show any concern for him, but takes his love for granted.For twelve years Rhett endures Scarlett, loving her, understanding her and is always ready to help her.He lends her money to do business, marries her to take care of her, to protect her, and to pet her, but she never values it."Did it ever occur to you that I loved you as much as a man can love a woman?Loved you for years before finally got you?I knew you didn't love me when I married you.knew about Ashley.But, fool that I was, I thought I would make you care.I wanted to marry you and protect you and give you a free rein in anything that would make you happy.No one knew better than I what you'd gone through and I wanted you to stop fighting and let me fight for you."However, these things canno make Scarlett love Rhett.At last, Rhett's love wears out, and he leaves with a word, "My dear, I don't give a damn."Scarlett"had never understood either of the men she had loved and so she had lost them both.Now, she had a fumbling knowledge that, had she ever understood Ashley, she would never have loved him;had she ever understood Rhett, she would never have lost him."Scarlett's tragedy of love results from her childishness, egoism and selfishness.

In the novel, another tragic love determined by the personality of the character himself is Ashley's love.Ashley Wilkes is so irresolute and weak that he cannot distinguish the woman he really loves.So for many years, he haunts between Scarlett and Melanie.On the one hand, he could not stand Scarlett's charm, and on the other hand, he doesn't want to be unfaithful to Melanie.Before the war, on the party at Twelve Oaks, Scarlett tells Ashley she loves him, but Ashley refuses.Although he thinks he loves Scarlett, he cannot marry her.He tells Scarlett"Love isn't enough to make a successful marriage when two people are as different as we are…And you would be hurt, and then you would come to hate me–how bitterly?You would hate the books I read and the music I loved–"

The love stories in Gone with the Wind mainly focus on Scarlett and Rhett and Melanie and Ashley.Their relationship is complicated.Scarlett is addicted to Ashley while Rhett loves Scarlett crazily.Ashley is attracted by Scarlett's charm while Melanie is loyal to her husband.Margaret describes love and emotional life of these chief characters from many aspects, such as Scarlett's three marriages, Rhett's leave from Scarlett, Ashley's hesitation and collapse.Facing the choice of love, these characters have made different decisions and from the decisions we can see clearly the determinative relationship between their personality and their emotional life.

4 Conclusion

"After being washed away by the literary critics for many years, Gone with the Wind makes people accept its depth of thought, which is covered by the name of a best seller, and at long last, it is admitted as a masterpiece in world literature."One of the important reasons why this novel can become a classic work is the vivid personality and soul-stirring destiny of the characters.The writer thinks that the great value of this novel is its revealing the determinative relationship between a person's personality and his destiny.Taking a broad view of literary history, many works have reflected that the characters'destiny is determined by their personality.Gone with the Wind is a typical novel that can show this truth, and personality of the chief characters in this novel has been a symbol of a person's personality.It has a great influence on the future literature for portraying literary characters.


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性格与命运 第4篇


