


英文复试的个人自我介绍 第1篇

Good afternoon, dear professor,It’s my great honor to be here today, I really appreciate that you can give me this chance.To be honest,It is the first time since I have taken part in such an interview.Now I will have a brief introduction of myself.My name is Yu liu zhu,24 years old,born in Anhui province.Frankly speaking,I Participated in college entrance examination for two times.My major is the materials chemistry.In my opinion,Such major mainly conclude inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and analytical chemistry.But I have more interests in organic chemistry.The carbon element is magical,I want to make a further study on it

Generally speaking, I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in.As the saying goes,” early bird catches the worm”,I am never lazy for doing anthying.I believe that “no pains,no gains”, So I never give up and always keep positive attitude.In my spare time, I often do exercises to build up my body.My favourite sports is basketball.on the other hand,I like to surf the internet and go to the library to make a deep understanding of my major or what I am confused of.During three years’ study, I have gained a lot.Not only how to learn,but also how to think.I have a deep love for this college now.I want to take a further study on the graduate level because I am interested in chemistry.more over,I am not content with what I have learnt.I am a boy full of passion and enthusiasm, I will do anything if I can do.If given the opportunity to study ,I will make the best of it.Above all,I have confidence ,and you? Thank you very much.

英文复试的个人自我介绍 第2篇

I am xx, from xx College Which is in xx province.I graduated from xx College and got my bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine in 20xx.After that,I became a doctor in the Affiliated Hospital of xx College and took charge of some research and teaching work in Ultrasound.

In the past six years,I have published 6 papers,3 of those were published in core journal.Due to my hard working and all these achievements,I was exceptionally promoted to be lectureship in 20xx.

Well,I may be an outstanding doctor in my hospital but I realized two years ago when I was visiting 301 hospital as a trainee,there is a significant gap between those professors and me.The academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that I decided to get further systematic training in famous university.

I took the entry exam twice.

The first time,I failed because my English was lower than the level.Well,I am the kind of person that once I have set up an aim I will fulfill it no matter what I may meet.

英文复试的个人自我介绍 第3篇

The American writer Ralph Waldo Ellison,who was born in Oklahoma City,Okla.,Mar.1,1914,achieved international fame with his first novel,Invisible Man(1952).He was influenced early by the myth of the frontier,viewing the United States as a land of"infinite possibilities."The close-knit black community in which he grew up supplied him with images of courage and endurance and an interest in music.

From 1933 to 1936,Ellison attended Tuskegee Institute,intent upon pursuing a career in music;his readings in modern literature,however,interested him in writing.In 1936,he moved to New York City,met the novelist Richard Wright,and became associated with the Federal Writers'Project,publishing short stories and articles in such magazines as New Challenge and New Masses.These early details of his life,set down in Shadow and Act(1964),a collection of political,social,and critical essays enhance an understanding of Invisible Man.

Invisible Man is a milestone in American literature,a book that has continued to engage readers since its appearance in1952.A first novel by an unknown writer,it remained on the bestseller list for sixteen weeks,won the National Book Award fo fiction,and established Ralph Ellison as one of the key writers o the century.The book is a passionate and witty tour de force o style,strongly influenced by T.S.Eliot's The Waste Land,Joyce and Dostoevsky.

2 The narrator's invisibility and the social reason for it

The narrator introduces himself as an"invisible man".He explains that his invisibility owes not to some biochemical accident or supernatural cause but rather to the unwillingness of other people to notice him,as he is black.It is as though other people are sleepwalkers moving through a dream in which he does not appear.The narrator says that his invisibility can serve both as an advantage and as a constant aggravation.Being an invisible man sometimes makes him doubt whether he really exists.He describes his anguished,aching need to make others recognize him,and says he has found that such attempts rarely succeed.[1]

In the view of common people,invisibility is usually taken to the extreme effect of truly being transparent,unseen by anyone and is often depicted in society as the hero,going behind the enemy's back to complete his mission.In Invisible Man,this view of invisibility is turned around so that a man is in plain sight of everyone but do to a lack of observation nobody recognizes what he accomplishes.

There are many forms of our narrator in the novel,or we can say that his identity changes frequently.The first"form"of him is an anxious college student who only wishes to please his superiors and do as they ask.Seemingly,the perfect student,an incident occurs with a College Board member and involves the passive use of our narrator's invisibility that infuriates the school's principal.What the narrator will eventually learn is that having power and invisibility can coincide with each other.This discussion with Bledsoe opens the narrator's eyes to the real world and it shows that being right does not mean you have power and without power,you are nobody and remain invisible.

As many things has happened to the narrator,a changing point in the his eyes occurs when his moral uprightness takes a turn and he sees that in order to succeed you may need to give up morals for support.After making an impassioned speech in front of a crowd,he is offered a job by communists to do the same for them but turns it down.After realizing that he has no money and in a great debt he asks himself"What kind of man was I becoming?I had taken so much for granted that I hadn't even thought of my debt when I refused the job."(Ellison 297).This quotation shows that the narrator realizes that he needs to loosen up on his beliefs to make up for the support of others.

At the end of the novel,the narrator decides that while invisibility may bring safety,actions undertaken in secrecy cannot ultimately have ant meaningful impact.One may undermine one's enemies from a position of invisibility,but one cannot make significant changes to the world.The struggle that the narrator goes through is classic in terms of beliefs,does one stay passive and unknown or aggressive and unknown.A similar situation is with two very visible people Martin Luther King and Malcolm X both who worked their way to become known,but chose two opposite routes similar to those presented to our reader.Either way invisibility brings satisfaction to an individual for staying with his morals,or to the group for fighting with the cause.In the epilogue,the narrator decides to emerge from his hibernation,resolved to face society and make a visible difference.

3 The loss of identity and the influence it gives to the narrator

Because of being a Negro,no matter how hard the narrator tries,he can never emerge from the mold of black society.This mold is crafted and held together by white society in the novel.As the narrator struggles to arrive at a conception of his own identity,he finds his efforts complicated by the fact hat he is a black man living in a racist American society.

At the beginning of the novel,the narrator is forced into a royal battle with other black youths in order to entertain a white audience.In this battle,he is blindfolded,and as they boxed one another,an electric current runs through the floor and shocks them.Symbolically,the blindfold represents the black youths'inability to see through the white men's masks of goodwill.The wires that are attached to him are the"strings"of the marionette that dances on cue with the shocks he receives.The doctors sit back and watch him spasm from the shocks saying,"They really do have rhythm."In both the instances involving electricity,the narrator has no control over his movements.The marionette metaphor is therefore exemplified in a physical sense.However,the Invisible Man observes others in the book that manifests this metaphor in a psychological sense.[2]

In the later chapter of the novel,the narrator joins"Brotherhood",and the theme of blindness is again demonstrated.At first he feels as if his membership to Brotherhood will allow him to finally be heard,but as the story progresses,he discovers that this is hardly the case.Not only does he realize that he himself is blindly following the ideology of the Brotherhood,but also that the entire committee above him is also blind.This being the case,it becomes evident that even though the Invisible Man tries to attain an identity in the Brotherhood,he is still blindly following its ideology.This reduces his leadership role in black society to nothing more than a white man's puppet,which embodies the marionette metaphor.[3]

Betrayal occurs in the final chapter.A riot breaks out in Harlem.The narrator realizes at this point that he has fallen victim to a tragic deception.In following the Brotherhood's ideology,and acting as a marionette controlled by white society,he has betrayed his heritage and played an active role in the Brotherhood's subtle plan to destroy the black community of New York.During the riot,the narrator encounters Ras the Destroyer,who tries to lynch him.And he knew that it was better to live out one's own absurdity than to die for that of others,whether for Ras's or Jack's."The narrator's realization finally made him cast off his shroud of invisibility and try to be visible.Invisible Man is full of symbols that reinforce the oppressive power of white society.The single ideology he lived by for the majority of the novel kept him from reaching out and attaining true identity.Every black person he encountered was influenced by the marionette metaphor and was forced to abide by it in order to gain any semblance of power they thought they had.In the end,the narrator slinks back into the underground,where he cannot be controlled,and his thoughts can be unbridled and free from the white man's mold of black society.Only by doing this he can find the identity of himself.

4 Seeking self and emerging from"hibernation"

In the novel,the narrator is always struggling in a White culture while he cannot emerge from the black society.The narration starts when the he goes to the college where he works hard and earns respect from Dr.Bledsoe,who is the president of the college.The narrator's hard work culminates in him being given the privilege of taking Mr.Norton.After much persuasion and against his better judgment,the narrator takes Mr.Norton to a run down Black neighborhood.When Dr.Bledsoe found out about the trip the narrator was dismissed from the college because he showed Mr.Norton something affected the fame of ideal Dr.Bledsoe.The narrator is shattered,by having the person he idealizes turn on him.Immediately,he travels to New York where he starts his new life.He joins the Brotherhood,a group which asks for equal rights and betterment of the black race.In this group,the narrator frequently fights for the black people and searches his identity in those activities,which frequently occurs in the novel and is one element of the theme.Everything changes when the narrator moves into New York,starting by entering into the Brotherhood.In the group,he works hard and decides to stay in isolation,searching for his own identity.This kind of isolation is an escape from the society which is unfair to the narrator and al black people.[4]

As many symbols are used in the novel,the theme is wel demonstrated and it makes reading the novel more interesting One of the symbols which are relevant to the narrator is a pape doll given to him by Brother Clifton who is a member of the Brotherhood.He is an energetic young black man,and he is sympathetic to the narrator's ideas.Brother Clifton is very successful in the brotherhood and devotes all his time to the activities of this group.But this young black man disappears mysteriously.The narrator found Clifton selling dolls on a street corner He was confused that why such an established,respected and energetic member in the Brotherhood group became a street vendor.Clifton's death referred to the stripping away of his identity and purpose.The narrator's condition is similar to Clifton's.He thought he was used by people all his lifetime and assumed many people's identities to try to find out who he was.[5]

At the end of the novel,the narrator continues to fight fo his community while the Brotherhood shifts its emphasis away from Harlem.He feels betrayed and attempts to destroy the Brotherhood.In the riot he falls down a hole where he goes into isolation.While in isolation he is able to contemplate his situation more clearly and ultimately comes to terms with his identity Unlike Clifton who feels completely alone and gets himself killed"shake of his old skin"and go back into society.(Ellison 580)He realizes that the people or institutions he reveres are as flawed as the system they are fighting.He grows to understand what the brotherhood and what Bledsoe could never understand that individuality does not exclude being part of a group.Ultimately,he learned to be an individual for himself instead of being a tool used by others or by the Brotherhood.

5 Conclusion

Like most of the contemporary literary works,Invisible Man expresses an important theme of American literature-seeking self The narrator in the novel is a typical black man who is discriminated by the white society and gets lost in the modern world.His invisibility is caused by the cruel society,which is unfair for the black people.He is neglected by everyone and nobody recognizes what he has accomplished.It is also like a kind of isolation which is similar to the"isolation"that the narrator chooses at the end of the novel.The invisibility of the narrator causes his loss o identity in the society,and these two are the reason for his loss o self-identity.He cannot define himself as a normal individual and get confused of his identity.At the end of the novel,the narrato begins to renew his knowledge about the fields of defining self seeking self and decides to emerge from his hibernation,resolved to face society and make a visible difference.This symbolizes his arousal from the mental chaos or confused condition.

Throughout the novel,the narrator was constantly searching for his true identity,and in the end he realizes that he has no true identity.He is invisible,or more appropriately,he is a mirror which reflects only what other people want to see.The story of how he comes to realize his invisibility deals with a theme of self-discovery,of how other people cannot tell you who you really are,though they will try if given the chance.The narrator's efforts to find out who he is represent the way in which we all must strive to define ourselves.Defining oneself is one major theme that is present throughout the novel,as well as one that is constantly reinforced by the events in the story.

This novel is very helpful for people who get lost in the modern culture to get rid of the confused condition,especially for the young generation who is easily confused by the reality of the society.To define ourselves correctly and to find the right position in the society are the main task during our lifetime.After realizing ourselves correctly,we should arrive at a conception of our identity that honors our complexity as an individual without sacrificing social responsibility.


[1] Ellison,Ralph.Invisible Man[M].New York:Vintage Books,1952.

[2] Chang,Yaoxin.A Survey of American Literature[M].Nankai U- niversity Press,2003.

[3] Chang,Yaoxin.Selected Readings of American Literature [M]. Nankai University Press,2003.

[4] O' Meally,Robert.Introduction.In Robert O' Meally (ed.)New Essays On Invisible Man[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1988.

[5] Tuttleton,James.The Primate' s Dream:Literature, Race and Ethnicityin America[J].Chicago: Ivan R.DeePublishers,1999.

[6] Busby,Mark.Ralph Ellison[M].Boston:Twayne Publishers,1991: 39.

[7] Li Gongzhao.A Survey of American Literature in 20th Century [M].Xi'an:Xi'an Jiaotong University,2000.

[8] Ellison,Ralph.Shadow and Act[M].New York:Vintage Interna- tional,1995.

[9] Petesch,Donald A.A Spy in the Eaemy' s Country: The Emer- gence of Modern Black Literature [M].Iowa City: University of Iowa Press,1989:27.

复试英文自我介绍 第4篇



完美的自我介绍建议1-3分钟,如果你的口语不好,不妨把它设计成一分钟,大概220个单词左右。而且尽量少重复I开头的句子,比如I like,I think,I believe等等,要多换句式和语态,比如倒装、强调句和从句。



第一个部分:basic information基本信息:包括了学校啊,名字啊、专业等等。







复试英文自我介绍 第5篇

morning everyone! thank you for giving me this interview opportunity. i am x**j**j**, from affiliated hospital of g**n** medical college which is 3a level hospital in jiangxi province.

i graduated from j****x* medical college and got my bachelor’s degree in medical imaging and nuclear medicine in . after that, i became a doctor in the affiliated hospital of g**n** medical college and took charge of some research and teaching work in ultrasound. in the past six years, i have published 6 papers, 3 of those were published in core journal. due to my hard working and all these achievements, i was exceptionally promoted to be lectureship in .

well, i may be an outstanding doctor in my hospital but i realized two years ago when i was visiting 301 hospital as a trainee, there is a significant gap between those professors and me. the academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that i decided to get further systematic training in famous university.

i took the entry exam twice. the first time, i failed because my english was lower than the level. well, i am the kind of person that once i have set up an aim i will fulfill it no matter what i may meet. the little frustration can’t beat me. to my pleasure, i am here today and i hope you could offer me this study chance.

复试英文自我介绍 第6篇

morning everyone!thank you for giving me this interview opportunity.i am x**j**j**, from affiliated hospital of g**n** medical college which is 3a level hospital in jiangxi province.i graduated from j****x* medical college and got my bachelor’s degree in medical imaging and nuclear medicine in 2000.after that, i became a doctor in the affiliated hospital of g**n** medical college and took charge of some research and teaching work in ultrasound.in the past six years, i have published 6 papers, 3 of those were published in core journal.due to my hard working and all these achievements, i was exceptionally promoted to be lectureship in 2004.well, i may be an outstanding doctor in my hospital but i realized two years ago when i was visiting 301 hospital as a trainee, there is a significant gap between those professors and me.the academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that i decided to get further systematic training in famous university.i took the entry exam twice.the first time, i failed because my english was lower than the level.well, i am the kind of person that once i have set up an aim i will fulfill it no matter what i may meet.the little frustration can’t beat me.to my pleasure, i am here today and i hope you could offer me this study chance.thank you!

复试英文自我介绍 第7篇

It is mygreat pleasure to be here. My name is xx, graduated from xxDepartment of xx University. During my four-year study in the university as an under-graduate student, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities.

I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals. Whats more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. All of these led me to the success of passing the first round of the entrance examination to the Masters degree.

Personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates. In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is football. Playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion.

All in all, University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. I believe that I am a very qualified applicant for admission into your Master of xxxx and can contribute to the enrichment or diversity of your university.

医学考博复试的英文自我介绍 第8篇

thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you.my name is lifeng.i major in ……and i will graduate from the……..medical university in july, XX.hope a chance to work and develop in your department.during the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, i have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about ……..with the help of my supervisor, i have successfully finished the subject “……… ” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, dna extraction and other molecular biology technique;abstraction, separation, …....i passed the cet band 6 test inXX, after that, i tried my best to learn medical english and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary.i am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing..i can manipulate computer proficiently and master microsoft office software, also be familiar with spss and photoshop, etc.during three-year study in research, i studied hard and strived for excellence in our field.i benefit from working together with excellent colleague.i developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty.my internship in college of …..could qualify me for this job, and i believe i can be fit for the position quickly.i am looking forward to working in your department.if i am admitted, i will be thankful and try my best to work for you.thank you very much.

复试英文自我介绍(在职) 第9篇

 Morning Everyone! Thank you for giving me this interview opportunity. I am X**J**j**, from Affiliated Hospital of G**N** Medical College Which is 3A level hospital in Jiangxi province.

I graduated from J****X* Medical College and got my bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine in . After that, I became a doctor in the Affiliated Hospital of G**N** Medical College and took charge of some research and teaching work in Ultrasound. In the past six years, I have published 6 papers, 3 of those were published in core journal. Due to my hard working and all these achievements, I was exceptionally promoted to be lectureship in 2004.

Well, I may be an outstanding doctor in my hospital but I realized two years ago when I was visiting 301 hospital as a trainee, there is a significant gap between those professors and me. The academic atmosphere there also excited me so much that I decided to get further systematic training in famous university.

I took the entry exam twice. The first time, I failed because my English was lower than the level. Well, I am the kind of person that once I have set up an aim I will fulfill it no matter what I may meet. The little frustration can’t beat me. To my pleasure, I am here today and I hope you could offer me this study chance.
