


北京景点介绍英文 第1篇


1.The Great wall

The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”.Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD.The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud historyand its present strength.2.The Palace Museum

The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing.The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world.Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years.24 emperors were enthroned there.3.Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man

Remains of the Peking Man(homo erectus)are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing.In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man.Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed.Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago, during Paleolithic times.Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.4.Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum and Terra-cotta Army

Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum is located in Lintong District, 35 kilometers east of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province.Construction ofthe mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700,000 workers.Over the years, a total of 50,000 important cultural relics have been unearthed.In 1980, two bronze painted horse-drawn chariots were unearthed.They are the largest and most complete bronze chariots and horses discovered so far.In 1974, farmers who were digging a well about 1.5 kilometers east of Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum discovered three vaults containing Qinshihuang’s Buried Legion.The largest of the three vaults contains 6,000 life-size terra-cotta warriors and horses.The collection of warriors is

often dubbed the“eighthwonder of the world”.5.The Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang

Dunhuang Grottoes comprise of the Mogao grottoes, West 1,000-Buddha Cave, and Yulin Cave.The Mogao Grottoes, representative of the three sites, are located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province.Construction of the grottoes began in 366 AD.The well-designed grottoes are a treasure house containing painting, sculptures, documents, and cultural relics.6.The Huangshan Mountain

Located in Huangshan City in southern Anhui Province, the scenic area of the Huangshan Mountain covers 154 square kilometers and is famous for its four wonders: strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rock formations, seas of clouds and hot springs.It also features a natural zoo and botanical garden.7.Huanglong

The Huanglong Scenic Area is located in Songpan County, Sichuan Province.Calcified ponds, beaches, waterfalls and embankments characterize Huanglong scenery.8.Chengde Summer Resorts and Surrounding Temples

Chengde Summer Resort, known as “The Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat”, is located in northern Chengde, Hebei Province.Qing Emperors used to spend their summer days handling state affairs at the resort.Construction of the resort lasted from 1703 to 1792.It is the largest and best-preserved imperial palace outside the capital.Many of the scenic spots around the resort’s lake area mimic famous landscaped gardens in southern China, and the buildings of the Outer Eight Temples feature architectural style of minority ethnic groups such as Mongolian, Tibetan and Uygur.9.Qufu, Confusius’Mansion, Temple and Cemetery

Qufu, in southwestern Shandong Province, was the capital of the state of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 BC)and the hometown of Confusius, a great thinker and educator.Confucius’Mansion was the residence of Confucius’ eldest male descendants for generation.The mansion holds more than 9,000 volumes of archives dating from 1534 to 1948 and many cultural relics, ancient costumes, and utensils.Confucius’ Temple is famous for its 2,000 stone steles and more than 100 portrait stones from the Han Dynasty.Confucius’Cemetery houses tombs for Confucius and his

descendants.10.Ancient Buildings on the Wudang Mountain

The Wudang Mountain, located in northwestern Hubei Province, is a sacred Taoist mountain that is best known as the birthplace of Wudang martial arts.The Gold Hall built on the mountain in 1416 represents advanced architectural styleand building techniques of that period.11.Potala Palace Potala

Palace in Lhasa is situated on Red Hill 3,700 meters above the sea level.The palace was built by Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in the 7 th century for Tang Princess Wencheng.Potala features the essence of ancient Tibetan architectural art and houses many artifacts of the Tubo Kingdom.12.The Lushan Mountain

The Lushan Mountain, located south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, is one of the most famous mountains in China.The mountain features beautiful peaks, seas of clouds, waterfalls and historical sites.Bailu Academy is one of Chinese first schools of higher learning.13.The Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha The Emei Mountain is one of China’s four famous Buddhist Mountains.It is located 7 kilometers southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province.There are 150 temples on the mountain.The mountain features more than 3,000 plant species and 2,000 varieties of animals.Leshan Giant Buddha is located on the east bank of the Minjiang River in Leshan city, Sichuan Province.The Buddha is carved out of a cliff and, being 70.7 meters tall, is the largest sitting Buddha in China.Carving of the Buddha

started in 713 and was completed in 803.The body of Buddha has a water drainage system to prevent erosion.14.Lijiang Ancient City

Lijiang ancient city, located in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, is an ancient town inhabited mainly by the Naxi minority people.The town was founded in 1127.The roads in the town are paved with colored pebbles produced in Lijiang, and there are many stone bridges and memorial archways built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Most of the residences are made of earth and wood.Palace murals depicting religious themes were painted during the Ming Dynasty.The traditional Dongba Culture of the Naxi ethnic group

has been preserved in Lijiang.15.Pingyao Ancient City

Pingyao of Shanxi Province was built 2,000 years ago during the Zhou Dynasty.The city wall was renovated in 1370.It is one of China’s earliest and largest county-level city walls.Ancient streets, government offices, markets, stores and residences have been preserved, providing invaluable resources for research on China’s ancient Ming Dynasty county seat.16.Suzhou Gardens

Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is a famous historic and cultural city that is more than 2,500 years old.Suzhou features more than 200 ancient gardens.The small private gardens are especially famous nationwide and reflect architectural styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.17.The Summer Palace of Beijing

The Summer Palace, featuring the best of China’s ancient gardens, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing.The palace was built in 1153 as a temporary imperial palace.It was rebuilt in 1888.The Summer Palace consists of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake.The Long Corridor, painted with exquisite paintings, was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1992 as the longest corridor in the world.The corridor links the area where Empress Dowager Cixi handled state affairs with the residential

and sightseeing areas.18.The Temple of Heaven of Beijing

The Temple of Heaven, built in 1420, is located in southern Beijing.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, emperors came to the temple to worship the God of Heavenand pray for a good harvest.

北京景点介绍英文 第2篇


故宫位于北京市中心,也称“紫禁城”。这里曾居住过24个皇帝,是明清两代(公元1368~19)的皇宫,现辟为“故宫博物院”。故宫的整个建筑金碧辉煌,庄严绚丽,被誉为世界五大宫之一(北京故宫、法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、美国白宫、俄罗斯克里姆林宫),并被联合国科教文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。 故宫的宫殿建筑是中国现存最大、最完整的古建筑群,总面积达72万多平方米,有殿宇宫室9999间半,被称为“殿宇之海”,气魄宏伟,极为壮观。无论是平面布局,立体效果,还是形式上的雄伟堂皇,都堪称无与伦比的杰作。 一条中轴贯通着整个故宫,这条中轴又在北京城的中轴线上。三大殿、后三宫、御花园都位于这条中轴线上。在中轴宫殿两旁,还对称分布着许多殿宇,也都宏伟华丽。这些宫殿可分为外朝和内廷两大部分。外朝以太和、中和、保和三大殿为中心,文华、武英殿为两翼。内廷以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫为中心,东西六宫为两翼,布局严谨有序。故宫的四个城角都有精巧玲珑的角楼,建造精巧美观。宫城周围环绕着高10米,长3400米的宫墙,墙外有52米宽的护城河。 现在,故宫的一些宫殿中设立了综合性的历史艺术馆、绘画馆、分类的陶瓷馆、青铜器馆、明清工艺美术馆、铭刻馆、玩具馆、文房四宝馆、玩物馆、珍宝馆、钟表馆和清代宫廷典章文物展览等,收藏有大量古代艺术珍品,据统计共达1052653件,占中国文物总数的六分之一,是中国收藏文物最丰富的博物馆,也是世界著名的古代文化艺术博物馆,其中很多文物是绝无仅有的无价国宝。







北京景点介绍英文 第3篇

经过周密细致的前期准备工作, 笔者带领研究小组于2012年10月25日到11月5日针对北京市大大小小的旅游景点做了细致的考察和走访。按照制定好的计划和标准, 将目标锁定在四个旅游景点, 对英语标牌的正误进行了全面的考察和取样, 最后提出了详细的修改建议和意见并对调查结果进行了统计分析。四个旅游景点分别是:中国华民族园、北海公园、紫竹院公园和锣鼓巷酒吧一条街。之所以选这四个景点作为采样对象原因如下:中华民族园是中华民族大家庭的缩影, 那里浓缩了56个民族的习俗风情与文化特色, 每年吸引着众多国外游客前来参观。北海公园是位于市中心的皇家公园, 一直以来都是北京几大标志性旅游景点之一, 备受外国游客关注。紫竹院公园临近昆玉河地理位置不可忽视, 其地处西三环要地周围有国家图书馆、中央民族大学等文化部门且风景秀丽多姿, 往来游客络绎不绝, 近年来因其免费开放而吸引了更多海内外游人。位于锣鼓巷的酒吧一条街吸引和聚集了大量的外国人, 那里酒吧林立是在京城里外籍人士经常光顾和集会的地方, 既是娱乐场所又不失为京城夜生活的一景。由此可见, 这几个被考察的目标对象中有著名的传统景点和皇家园林, 有近些年刚刚建成的有代表性的新景点, 有免费参观的公园, 也有酒吧集中、外籍人士经常聚集的娱乐一条街。这四个景点可谓各有代表互为补充这就避免了分析过程中的以偏概全。

考察采样工作主要分为三个步骤:第一步是实地取样工作, 每到一个地方小组成员在组长的带领下积极分散开来, 到各处寻找英语标牌, 然后用相机将标牌照下来带回驻地;第二步是勘误工作, 取样回来以后, 便开始对这些英文标识的拼写和语法进行细致的考察, 找出有错误或者翻译有遗漏的地方, 然后通过参阅各类英英、汉英辞典和相关资料提供正确的修改建议;第三步也是最后一步是统计汇总工作, 将找出的错误及修改建议统一进行分类并统计分析, 最后根据统计资料分析写出的总结报告。经过几天的努力, 小组成员一共找到了158张英语标牌。在这些标牌中发现有约43张有翻译错误, 在小组成员的努力下对这些错误提供了正确的译法。在这里由于论文篇幅限制, 只选取其中有代表性的错误作为实例。

2 统计纠错及错误分类


1) 未翻译:“闲人免进”的翻译“XIANRENMIANJIN”就是汉语拼音, 应译为“Staff Only”。

2) 拼写错误:酸奶拼为Yog art应为Yoghurt。汉堡Hambvrger hamburg

3) 用词错误:这一类错误最多, 可见翻译错误的主要原因在于用词不当。具体实例如下:将“烤肠”错译为Roast实际上应为Roast Sausage;将“工艺”错译为craft实际上应为handicraft;“酸辣粉”错译为Sour hot powder实际上应为Hot and Sour Rice Noodles;将“购票须知”错译为Attention for buy ticket实际上应为Ticket Instruction;将“脚踏船”错译为Pedal boat实际上应为Pedalo;将“入口”错译为Way in实际上应为Entrance;将“释迦牟尼”错译为Sakyamuni Buddha实际上应为Sakyamuni;将“罗汉”错译为arhats实际上应为Eighteen Buddist Arhats;将“注意安全”错译为Attention safety实际上应为Please Be Safe (参考:上海科技翻译) ;按照汉语原文铁影壁的介绍文字中, “质地”应该翻译成texture, 不是material, 因为铁影壁应该是颜色和外观手感上与铁相似, 而不是原材料上与铁相似。在介绍悦心殿的一个标牌上讲到悦心殿是清代皇上处理紧急国事的场所时出现这样一句话:In Yue Xin Hall, the emperor of Qing Dynasty took care of emergency state affairs.实际上应改为:In Yue Xin Hall, the emperor of Qing Dynasty dealt with emergency state affairs.另外, 描述长宽高的这样一句翻译也不和英文句法:It is 70cms high, has a perimeter of 493cms, and weights about3, 500kgs.实际上描述物体的长宽高应该改为:It is 70cms in height, 493cms in perimeter and weighs about 3, 500kgs.

4) 语序错误:"including a 39 hectares lake", 这是个汉语语序, 正确的翻译应该是:including a lake of a 39 hectares.在介绍琼岛时讲到琼岛是中国最早的皇家花园之一, 其英译如下:Qiong Island, one of the earliest imperial Chinese gardens.这里就出现了形容词语序的错误, 实际上应该改为:Qiong Island, one of the earliest Chinese imperial gardens.

5) 未加衔接语:

例如此句就未加衔接语:Its crown and garments bejeweled, it was carved from a single piece of flawless white jade.实际上应改为:Its crown and garments bejeweled and it was carved from a single piece of flawless white jade.

锣鼓巷酒吧一条街的标牌翻译错误也主要集中在用词错误上。在此, 特举出锣鼓巷酒吧街中一家制衣店广告牌的翻译错误:将“皮衣上油”错译为Fur-lined jacket top oil实际上是死译, 应改为:Oil the Furriery;将“服装加工”错译为:The clothing production实际上应改为:Garment Processing;将“扦边”错译为Fix a side实际上应改为:Garment alteration;将“干洗”错译为The dry cleaning实际上应改为Dry-clean;将“水洗”错译为Water cleaning实际上应为Washing就可以了;将“单烫”译为The list is very hot便极为荒唐了应该改为:Iron clothes only.


1) 缺少冠词、介词:缺了定冠词the, 应改为the 2nd"...festival";the most celebrated.;they live wood...houses”, 明显缺少了介词in, 应改为live in;此外, 在维吾尔族景点标牌中有这样两处错误:原句are most celebrated应该改为:are the most celebrated.原句Cencus of China in 2000应该改为the Cencus of China in2000.

2) 句法有误:

It is dangerous to litter over here!该句意思是在此处丢垃圾的人有危险, 而实际上要表达的是在此处丢垃圾会对底下的人造成危险, 所以翻译成no littering既简单又准确。"they call themseleves as the aboriginals...", "把自己称为..."正确表达为call themselves the aboriginals, 去掉as;第二个错误“there are4461 of them live in...”live应改为living;一见钟情:原译为fell in love with a girl应改为fell in love at first sight with a girl;山盟不以风霜改:原译为But our love never changes during the long time应改为But our love has never changed during the long time;在傣族景点的标牌中有一句话:傣族同胞和您在佤寨过金银花节, 到了佤寨以后, 您可以坐在屋、树荫里, 亲自在佤寨同胞晾晒的金银花里选上几朵, 泡茶品尝, 以茶会友, 纳凉去暑, 一定很惬意。原译句法出现严重错误, 正确的翻译应该是:The Wa people would like to spend their Honeysuckle Festival with you in Wa Zhai.When you arrive at Wa Zhai, you will have the opportunity to select some aired honeysuckle flowers and make tea with them.Sitting in the home of Wa Zhai people or in the shade of a tree, enjoying the tea and talking with them, you must fell cool and comfortable.在京族馆标牌中有这样一处英译句子:Jing with a population of 22, 500, live mainly in the Three Islands belongs to the Fangchenggang City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region.The island is also called“the three islands of Jing”.Jing people are engaging in fishery and breed aquatics.其中, Belongs to应该改为belonging to;The island is应该改为islands are;Breed aquatics应该改为aquatic breeding.

3) 用词错误:

原料:Raw Materials应改为Ingredients;用法:Indication for use应改为Directions;in the morning or in the night应改为in the morning or at night


The bridge reflects architectural styles of the Bai Dong Tibetan and Han, supported by wooden structures with decorations of granites and marbles and ethnic paintings.It became a new landscape in Beijing....其中:Supported by wooden structures应该改为constructed with wood属于词组用法错误。It became应该改为it is.

回族景点标牌中的汉语介绍里面, 有两句话没有翻译成英文, 属于漏翻。例如:“散居在全国各地, 是中国分布最广泛的少数民族。”就没有翻译。此外还应删掉多余部分, 例如:Numbering 8, 600, 000, the Hui mainly live in Ning Hui autonomous Region and the region and provinces Gansu, Shanxi, Qinghai...应该将and the region删掉。


1) 句法错误:在售票处有一则说明“身高超过一米的儿童需买票”, 其英译为:Children are taller than one meter should by ticket., 实际上正确的翻译应为:Children who are taller than one meter should by tickets.

2) 用词错误:例如:“每人8元”原译为8 yuan one person应该改为8 yuan per person;“观光船码头”原译为boat rental应该改为tour boat rental;“电瓶船码头”原译为:boat rental应改为:electrical boat rental;“卫生间”原译为toilets此处应用单数:toilet;“游乐场”原译为Recreation Area应改为Carnie (此错误共出现两次) ;紫竹垂钓:原译错误应改为:Angling或Whiffing;八宜轩:原译错误应改为:Amenity loft或Delightful loft;游船码头:原译错误应改为:Yacht for hiring (此错误共出现两次) 。

3 统计分析

我们按照统计学方法, 统计出错误标牌在所有标牌中所占的比率, 以及各个旅游景点标牌的错误率。经过统计, 四个旅游景点英文标牌的总体错误率达到了27%, 各旅游景点具体标牌错误率为:锣鼓巷错误率约为16%;中华民族园错误率为25%;北海公园错误率约为28%;紫竹院公园错误率约为39%。锣鼓巷作为外籍人士聚集的酒吧一条街, 错误率最低。酒吧中外籍人士几乎是每晚必到, 所以本文认为, 在这一地区的标牌受到业主重视, 错误率较低。错误率第二低的中华民族园为较晚建成的建筑群, 近几年英语在社会上日益普及, 懂英语的人越来越多, 因此标牌错误率也相对较低。相对于收费公园的北海公园, 作为免费公园的紫竹院公园内标牌出现的错误率最高接近40%, 这一错误率应当引起相关部门的重视。对外开放的免费公园也是北京对外宣传的窗口, 特别是像紫竹院公园这样处于三环重要地段, 周围文化设施众多, 英文标牌漏洞百出与其地理位置和周围的文化氛围不相协调。在对翻译错误的分析中我们将错误分为几类, 包括用词错误, 句法错误, 漏译和漏词以及语序颠倒等现象, 我们发现主要的错误集中在用词错误和句法错误中。可见社会公共设施英文翻译应注重用词的准确地道并且使用合乎英语句法的句子。

4 结束语

本文对北京市几个旅游景点取其有代表性的针对其标识语英译进行了取证分析与统计纠错, 这几个有代表性的景点中有收费的和免费的, 普通公园和古代的皇家公园, 也有外籍人士聚集的酒吧一条街。分析从宏观和微观两个方面体现出北京市旅游景点英文标牌翻译的准确度, 为有关部门及时有针对性的修改错误的英语标牌提供有力的证据支持和智力支持。由统计资料可见, 虽然经过了奥运会的准备和翻新, 北京市内主要旅游景点的英语标牌仍然存在很高的错误率, 即使像中华民族园这样相对较晚的景点也存在者不可忽视的错误率。及时、有效、有针对性的对英文标牌进行修改, 确实已经成为北京市各大旅游景点的当务之急, 否则如果任由这些错误继续保留在那里, 将不利于外国游客旅游欣赏, 不利于旅游景点的运营, 也影响这些单位的对外形象。英文错误率高会影响北京作为我国文化中心的形象, 思想越来越国际化的北京市, 不能再细枝末节上放松要求给人留下一个不够严谨的印象。因此我们看到, 在后奥运时代, 北京市的各个旅游景点国际化程度并不尽如人意, 英文翻译质量亟待提高。另外, 虽然交通线路周围英语标牌较少, 未列入我们考察的目标对象, 但建议增加交通线路附近中英文标牌的数量, 为外国游客出行认路提供方便。北京市作为我国面向世界开放的首都城市, 在主要干道的标牌设计上应当考虑到外籍人士的方便。目前, 在北京居住、工作和暂住的外籍人士众多, 已经成为了不可忽视的人群之一, 他们的生活满意度应该成为北京市民整体生活满意度的一部分。无论是旅游景点的英文标牌还是交通线路的标识, 它们都看似简单但却能够从侧面反映出一个城市对于外籍人士的关切度, 让他们在异国他乡感受到温暖和关爱。这一点也符合首都建设现代化人文城市所要体现的人文关怀。

摘要:自2012年以来研究小组选取北京市四个旅游景点针对其标识语的汉译英进行了取证分析。统计结果显示, 四个景点标牌英译的平均错误率达到了27%, 个别景点错误率更是达到了39%。这说明标牌汉译英错误率仍然很高, 尤其是对外免费开放的公园情况严重不容忽视。这说明虽然经历了奥运会的洗礼, 北京市的旅游景点国际化程度并不尽如人意, 英文翻译质量亟待提高。



[1]朗文十万词词典[Z].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2001.

[2]霍恩比.牛津高阶英汉汉英双解词典 (第四版增补本) [M].李北达, 编译.北京:商务印书馆, 2002.

名家话北京:三大景点读懂北京 第4篇





北京景点介绍英文 第5篇

It is the main entrance of the summer palace.In ancient times, only emperor and empress can go through the central gate because of rigid hierarchy.We can see the relief style carving depicts two dragons playing with a pearl.It symbolizes the emperor’s dignity.2: The Hall of Benevolence and Longevity(仁寿殿)The hall was a political area for emperor to handle state affairs.The name of this hall came from Lun yu’s saying” those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.”

Look at this monster, it’s name is Bronze Qilin(铜麒麟).Qilin is regarded as one of the 9 sons of the dragon, which embodies power and bravery.Qilin has the head of dragon, antlers of dear, hooves of an ox, tail of a lion and the body of a fish with scales all over it.This creature is believed to detect any disloyal subjects.Another famous spot is the Long Life Well(延年井), it is said once Express Cixi once got heatstroke when she was in the Summer Palace, she quickly recovered herself after drinking the water here and gave the name for the wishes of long life.3:Long Corridor(长廊)The long corridor is about 728 meters long with 273 sections.It is the longest, biggest and most famous one in China and even in the world.There are totally 14,000 paintings and pictures painted on the beams and crossbeams.What attracts me most is that each of these paintings is almost different from the other!So it is really art gallery!The colorful paintings on the beams include landscapes, scenic spots, human figures, stories, flowers, birds and so on.Most of These figures were copied from beautiful sceneries in Hangzhou.That is because during the inspection trips to the south of China, Emperor Qianlong was deeply attracted by the splendid sceneries there, in order to keep long memory , he order the painters to draw them on the ceiling of the long corridor for regular visit.To added, the Long Corridor was also a birthday gift that Emperor Qianlong gave to his mother.In 1990, the Long Corridor was listed in the Guinness World Records as the longest painted corridor in the world.In 1998, it was listed as a world Culture Heritage Site by UNESCO.4:The Hall of Jade Ripples(玉澜堂)In the late Qing Dynasty, it was Emperor Guangxu’s private living quarters。But after the failure of the Reform Movement in 1898, it has become a forbidden area, just like a prison, that Emperor Guangxu was under the house arrest for 10 years here till he died in the age of 38.5: The Hall of Happiness and Longevity(乐寿堂)It was Empress Cixi’s residence and she came to live here from April to October every year during the rest of her lifetime.This hall consists of 4 chambers, including breakfast and tea room, dressing room, bedroom and her office.Cixi was ratter crazy about luxurious life so that she requested fancy food, porcelain plate(瓷器盘), embroideries(刺绣),chandeliers(水晶灯)etc.6: The front Hill Area(前山景区)

The front Hill Area includes the Gate of Dispelling Clouds(排云门), The Hall of Dispelling Clouds(排云殿), The Tower of Buddhist Incense(佛香阁)and the Temple of the Sea of Wisdom(智慧海)。Express Cixi used to come and worship Gods in the Tower of Buddhist Incense on the 1st and 15th day of each lunar month when she was living in the Summer Palace.In the Temple of the Sea of Wisdom ,the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva is enshrined in the center.This temple is the highest point of Longevity Hill.7:Marble Boat(石舫)

It is located at the end of the Long Corridor, near the Stone Pavilion.Emperor Qianlong built this Marble Boat based on a story that happened in Tang Dynasty.Wei Zheng , the prime minister in Emperor Li Shimin’s period, once said that ”Water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize a boat”.Here , “Water” represented common people and “Boat” indicated the Tang Dynasty Court.Emperor Qianlong built this marble boat for the purpose of keeping the stability of Qing Dynasty forever.8:The back Hill Area(后山景区)

This part includes the Four Great Regions(四大部洲),Suzhou Shopping Street(苏州街)and The Garden of Harmonious Interest(谐趣园).Emperor Qianlong made several inspection tours to South China during his lifetime, and he was totally impressed by the beautiful sceneries, commercial prosperity of shopping streets and gardens there.So after he came back , he ordered to built these structures imitating what he had seen in the South China.9: the 17-Arch Bridge(十七孔桥)It is the largest bridge in the Summer Palace.Seen from a distance, it really looks like a rainbow hanging across the water on the lake.This bridge is built in 1750, and it was believed that the bridge was the imitation of Marco Polo Bridge, but more beautiful.Why 17 arches? Because no matter which side you see the bridge from the left or right, the 9 arches is in the middle.As I have explained before, the number nine was the lucky number and favorite number in the ancient times.10 the pavilion of Haralding Spring(知春亭)

北京六大景点英文导游词之颐和园 第6篇

the tour will take 4-6 hours.the route is as follows: out side the east gate-side the east gate ¨Cin front of the hall of benevolence and longevity-in front of garden of virtuous harmony-in front of the grand theater building-a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall o jade ripples-in front of the o jade ripples-in front of the yiyunguan(chamber of mortal being)-hall of happiness and longevity-in front of the yaoyue(chamber of mortal beings)-hall of happiness and longevity-in front of the yaoyue(inviting the moon)gate of the long corridor-strolling along the long corridor-visiting an exhibition of cultural relics-in front of the hall of dispelling clouds-inside the hall of dispelling clouds-atop the tower of buddhist incense-on a hilltop leading from the back door of the tower of buddhist incense-on a hilltop leading from the back door of the tower of buddhist incense-inside the garden of harmonious interest ¨Coutside the south gate to suzhou shopping street-atop the stone bridge inside the suzhou shopping street ¨Con the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street-on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat-in front of the ruins of the garden of complete spring ¨Calong the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the kunming lake-leaving out through the east gate.(out side the east gate)ladies and gentlemen: welcome to the summer palace.(after the self-introduction of the guide-interpreter)i hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you.during our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.the construction of the summer palace first started in 1750.at that time, the qing dynasty was in its heyday and china was a powerful asian country with vast territories.the monarch in power then was emperor qianlong.with supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday.after 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenue spent, the garden of clear ripples was completed and served as a testimony to china` s scientific and technological achievements.in 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the yuanming yuan(garden of perfection and brightness)by angol-french allied forces.in 1888, empress dowager cixi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony(summer palace).characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the summer palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world.this is the main entrance to the summer palace-the east gate on top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a chinese inscription which means ¡°garden of nurtured harmony¡± , whose calligrapher was emperor guangxu.the gate that you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queer mother.all others used the side doors.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
