


中英文项目合同对照 第1篇

合 同


日期:2010-08-09合同号码: B-201000215Date: August 9, 2010Contract No.: B-201000215

买 方:北电能源(青岛)有限公司



(The Sellers)Digikey

兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品,具体附详细清单:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers;whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter,Detailed list of specific laws。

(7)支付条款: 电汇

Terms of Payment: Telegraphic transfer

(9)装运期限: 2week

Time of Shipment: two week

(11)目 的 港:青岛

Port of Destination: Qingdao



Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers


能交货者,卖方可免除责任,在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。Force Majeure :

The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit.The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after.the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident.Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.(14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。

Arbitration :

All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation.in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission.the Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties.and the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.买方:北电能源(青岛)有限公司卖方: Digikey



Authorized SignatureAuthorized Signature

中英文项目合同对照 第2篇

担保协议Guarantee Agreement 担保合同,(适用于银行担保项下)(Applicable to Bank Guarantee)




This Guarantee Agreement(hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”)is made and entered into as of


as the Client(hereinafter referred to as the “Client”)and

Branch, China XXXX Bank as the Guarantor(hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantor”).□本协议构成委托人与保证人签订的编号为


The Agreement constitutes an integral part of the Credit Extension Agreement [20 ] No.(hereinafter referred to as the “Credit Extension Agreement”)between the Client and the Guarantor(if this paragraph applies, please click “√” in □).鉴于: Whereas 1.委托人或被担保人








1.The Client or the Guaranteed

(hereinafter referred to as the “Guaranteed”)signed No.Contract on


Bid Document totaling


(hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”)with


(M/D/Y), or the Client or the Guaranteed participated in the tender for

Project with Bid Document No.(hereinafter referred to as the “Bid”);





2.The Client applies to the Guarantor to open No.Letter of Guarantee/Stand-by LC(hereinafter referred to as the “Letter of Guarantee”)with an amount of


under the above Contract or Bid for the Client or the Guaranteed with

as the Beneficiary(hereinafter referred to as the “Beneficiary”).保证人同意应委托人申请按如下条件为委托人或被担保人向受益人开具上述保函:

The Guarantor agrees to issue the above letter of guarantee in favor of the beneficiary for the Client or the Guaranteed upon request of the Client on the following terms and conditions: 第1条


Article 1 Before the Guarantor issues the letter of guarantee, the Client shall upon request of the Guarantor: 1.1 向保证人提供下列保障(以下项目根据实际情况打“√”选择):

1.1 Provide the Guarantor with the following security(please click “√” according to facts):

□1.1.1 在保证人处开立保证金账户(保证金账号为以保证金存入时甲方系统自动生成的帐号为准),存入金额为


□1.1.1 Open a guarantee fund account(A/C is generated automatically by Party A’s system when the guarantee fund is deposited)with the Guarantor, and deposit a guarantee fund of


as a pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the Agreement, and indemnify the Beneficiary at the time of claim;and/or □1.1.2经保证人认可的企业法人、其他组织或自然人向保证人签发以保证人为受益人的不可撤销反担保书;和/或

□1.1.2 Have any corporation, or other organization or natural person recognized by the Guarantor issue the Guarantor with an irrevocable letter of counter guarantee in favor of the Guarantor;and/or □1.1.3以保证人接受的抵押物或质物抵(质)押给保证人,以作为偿付担保。双方另订抵(质)押合同。(做删除标记)


If the Contract is a particular contract under the Credit Extension Agreement, this Article will be inapplicable, and the obligations under the Contract will be automatically included into the scope of undertaking by the undertaker signing a maximum mortgage/pledge contract with the guarantor or issuing the guarantor with a maximum irrevocable letter of undertaking.1.2应保证人要求向保证人提供下列文件的正本或经委托人法定代表人签字并加盖公章证实为真实和完整的副本;

1.2 Upon request of the guarantor, provide the Guarantor with the original copies of the following documents or the duplicate copies signed by the legal representative of the Client and stamped with the official seal for proof of authenticity and integrity;1.2.1委托人及/或被担保人的营业执照;

1.2.1 The business license of the Client and/or the Guaranteed;1.2.2委托及/或被担保人的公司章程;

1.2.2 The articles of association of the Client and/or the Guaranteed;1.2.3委托人全体现任董事名单及签字样本;

1.2.3 The name list and the specimen signature of all the current directors of the Client;1.2.4同意委托人签署并执行本协议的委托人的董事会决议;

1.2.4 The resolution of the board of directors of the Client approving the Client to sign and execute the Agreement;1.2.5委托人或被担保人与受益人签署的合同;或受益人的招标文件,投标人的投标文件;(做删除标记)


1.2.6 The Client’s financial statements and auditor’s report for the last year, and financial data for the month before the application;1.2.7抵押物或质物的权属证件(若有抵押物或质物时);(做删除标记)1.2.8保证人要求的其他资料。

1.2.8 Other materials as requested by the Guarantor.上述手续或材料以保证人实际要求的为准,并且为保证人应享有的权利而非义务,有关手续或材料是否完全齐备对本协议效力不构成影响。

The provision of the above formalities or materials shall be based upon the actual request of the Guarantor, which is a right entitled to but not a duty assumed by the Guarantor, and their completeness and fullness will not affect the legal force of the Agreement.华译网翻译公司提供专业担保合同翻译服务。Shanghai Chinese consecutive interpretation service 华译网翻译公司提供专业同声传译服务。



Article 2 The Client hereby makes a declaration, commitment and warrant to the Guarantor as follows: 2.1委托人为依照中华人民共和国法律正式成立及有效存在的商事主体,有充分的民事行为能力签订和履行本协议;

2.1 The Client is a commercial subject legally incorporated and validly in existence under the laws of the P.R.of China, and has full civil capacity to sign and perform the Agreement;2.2委托人有合法的资格签署及履行本协议,签订和履行本合同已获得董事会或任何其他有权机构的充分授权;

2.2 The Client is eligible to sign and perform the Agreement, and has obtained the full authorization of the Board of Directors or any other competent authorities to sign and perform the Contract;2.3 委托人或被担保人有合法资格与受益人签署合同,有足够的能力履行与受益人签署的合同;委托人保证委托人或被担保人履行与受益人签署的合同,并有义务及时向保证人通报履约情况及出现的问题;

2.3 The Client or the Guaranteed is eligible to sign the Contract with the Beneficiary, and has full capacity to perform the Contract signed with the Beneficiary;and the Client undertakes that the Client or the Guaranteed shall perform the Contract signed with the Beneficiary, and has duty to inform the Guarantor about the performance of contract and any issue arisen in due course;2.4 委托人接受和认可保证人向受益人开立的保函的内容;

2.4 The Client accepts and acknowledges the contents of the letter of guarantee issued by the Guarantor to the Beneficiary;2.5 委托人保证不使保证人因为开具保函而蒙受任何损害和损失;

2.5 The Client undertakes to protect the Guarantor from any damage or loss as a result of issuing the letter of guarantee;2.6 委托人无条件地同意保证人按有关法律规定及/或在无其他约定的情况下按办理保函项下的一切事宜,并承担由此产生的责任;

2.6 The Client unconditionally agrees the Guarantor shall handle any matters under the letter of guarantee according to the relevant provisions of the laws except otherwise stipulated, and assume any liability arisen therefrom;2.7委托人保证当受益人向保证人索赔时,委托人无条件承担第一位付款责任;

2.7 The Client undertakes that where the Beneficiary claims against the Guarantor, the Client shall unconditionally assume the primary liability for payment;2.8委托人保证保函项下的项目符合国家有关法律法规的规定,由于项目本身而产生的一切经济和法律责任由委托人承担,与保证人无任何关联;

2.8 The Client undertakes that the project under the letter of guarantee conforms to the provisions

of the laws and regulations of the state, and any economic and legal liability arisen from the project itself shall be only borne by the Client, but have no relationship with the Guarantor;2.9委托人同意按本协议规定,按期足额支付上述保函项下的依照保证人要求应付的各项费用;

2.9 The Client agrees to duly pay in full any expenses payable under the above letter of guarantee upon request of the Guarantor according to the provisions of the Agreement;2.10 委托人同意保证人仅有义务审核保函项下受益人提交的索赔文件、单据或证明(以下统称“索赔文件”)的表面真实性,而不对索赔文件所述事实的真实性负任何责任;

2.10 The Client agrees that the Guarantor only has duty to examine the apparent authenticity of the claim documents, vouchers or certificates(hereinafter uniformly referred to as the “claim documents”)submitted by the Beneficiary under the letter of guarantee, but assume no liability for the authenticity of the facts stated in the claim documents;2.11委托人同意当因汇率波动或可能发生波动或保函修改等原因导致保证金账户资金不足时,将按保证人的要求不时存入足额资金,该资金自存入保证金账户之日起视为特定化并移交保证人占有,作为委托人履行本协议项下各项义务的质押担保;

2.11 The Client agrees to deposit adequate fund from time to time upon request of the Guarantor where the guarantee fund account falls short due to any movement or would-be movement of exchange rates or any amendment to the letter of guarantee, and such fund shall be deemed as designated and handed over to the occupancy of the Guarantor as of the date when it is deposited into the guarantee fund account as the pledge guarantee for the Client to perform each obligation under the Agreement;2.12 委托人同意在办理保函业务时,如邮电、电讯传递过程中发生的任何延误、遗失、残缺或其他差错,保证人无须承担责任;

2.12 The Client agrees that the Guarantor shall assume no liability for any delay, loss, defect or other error incurred in the process of posts and telecommunications transmission at the time of handling the guarantee business;2.13 委托人保证按季向保证人报送贷后检查所需财务数据及与保函业务相关的资料。

业余无线电常用中英文对照术语 第3篇

业余无线电爱好者——radio amateur

业余无线电——amateur radio


电台——radio station或transceiver





摩尔斯电码——Morse code (CW)



手持电台——handheld transceiver (HT)

车载电台——vehicular transceiver (VT)


超高频——ultrahigh frequency (UHF)

甚高频——very high frequency (VHF)




远程通联——distance communication



高频——high frequency (HF)

慢扫描电视——slow scan television






自然灾害——natural disaster

应急通讯——emergency communication

无线电理论——radio theory

无线电法规——radio regulations



中国无线电运动协会——Chinese Radio Sports Association (CRSA)

无线电管理局——Radio Management Bureau (RAB)


业余无线电俱乐部——amateur radio club (ARC)

车友会——motorists'club (MC)

呼号——call sign






兆赫——megahertz (MHz)

频段——band或frequency band

波段——band或wave band





波段规划——band plan




高峰期——high cycle

低峰期——low cycle




奥运部分体育项目中英对照 第4篇

acrobatic gymnastics技巧运动

athletics/track & field田径

beach volleyball沙滩排球

boat race赛艇

bobsleigh, bobsled雪橇


canoe slalom激流划船






downhill race速降滑雪赛,滑降

dragon-boat racing赛龙船




figure skating花样滑冰

football / soccer足球


gliding; sailplaning滑翔运动


Greece-Roman wrestling古典式摔跤

gymnastic apparatus体操器械




hold, lock揪扭

horizontal bar单杠

hurdles; hurdle race跨栏比赛

huttlecock kicking踢毽子

ice skating滑冰


item Archery箭术



mat exercises垫上运动

modern pentathlon现代五项运动

mountain bike山地车

parallel bars双杠


relative work造型跳伞

relay race; relay接力


roller skating滑旱冰




side horse, pommelled horse鞍马

ski jump跳高滑雪

ski jumping competition跳高滑雪比赛







table tennis乒乓球













walking; walking race竞走

wall bars肋木

water polo水球



winter sports冬季运动



Mens 10m Platform男子10米跳台

Womens Taekwondo Over 67kg女子67公斤级以上跆拳道

Womens Athletics 20km Walk女子20公里竞走

Mens Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard男子3米跳板

Womens Diving 3m Springboard女子3米跳板

雇佣合同(中英文对照兼职) 第5篇


第一条 用人单位基本情况:Base on the needs of first party, hire second party.In accordance with negotiation of two parties, hereby draw up this compact with the terms and conditions as follows

甲方first party(用人单位employer)名称:______ 法定代表人legal representative:______ 甲方地址address:______ 联系电话:______

第二条 劳动者基本情况Second part:

乙方second party(受聘人员employee)姓名name:______ 性别gender:______ 年龄age:______

国 籍nationality:____________ 护照号码passport NO:____________ 住址address:____________ 宅电home telephone:____________ 手机号码mobile phone number :____________ 紧急联络人emergency contact person:____________

与劳动者关系relationship with emergency contact person:______ 联系电话emergency contact phone number:______

第三条 本协议自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。This compact apply during the period commencing on the date of ______ and ending on the date of.第四条 根据甲方工作需要及任职要求,乙方同意以兼职形式为甲方提供如下服务:

Base on the needs and requirement of first party, second party provide part-time service as follows:

1,与甲方指定客户进行约见和面谈,依甲方要求、协助甲方处理相关事宜;meet appointed costumers, according to the requirement from first party, provide correlative assistance.2,根据甲方要求协助甲方处理紧急事件;Base on the needs of first party, provide assistance on emergency.3,第五条 甲方每月 日(公历,遇节假日顺延)支付乙方上月服务报酬,乙方服务报酬(税前),乙方的报酬为税前,大写:

By the th day of each month(the Gregorian calendar, postpone in the case of holidays)Party B’s salary is in the probationary period.第六条 甲方制定的劳动纪律和规章制度应当符合法律、法规的规定,并向乙方公示,乙方应当在 确认后遵照执行。Labor disciplines and regulations which made by first party should fulfill the legal and regulatory requirement, and public notice second party who should act on this compact after confirming.第七条 甲方有权根据规章制度对乙方进行奖惩,当乙方严重违反甲方的规章制度时,甲方有权解

除本协议并不给予乙方任何经济补偿。First party has the right to reward or punish second party according to regulations, if second party committed a serious breach of regulations, first party has the right to make dissolution of compact without economic compensation to second party.第八条 由于双方的劳动聘用关系,乙方将有机会了解并使用甲方的有关商业秘密(包括但不限于经营策略、软件系统、薪酬系统、营销渠道、员工或客户资料、供应商、价格系统、知识产权等所有资料及文件),乙方有在协议期内及协议解除后保守甲方商业秘密不对外泄露的义务,也不能用于为自己谋取利益的经营活动中。乙方不得将涉及甲方商业秘密的实物、文字材料、电子文档等以窃取、摘抄、复制、传真、拍照、电子邮件等方式占有、传播、出售、使用或允许他人使用甲方的商业秘密。本条款所规定行为,乙方如有违反,应向甲方支付违约金。Because of the employer-employee relationship, second party would know and use the trade secret from first party(include but not limited to marketing tactics、software system、salary system、marketing channel、material of employee and client、supplier、price system、intellectual property rights and all sort of materials and documents),second party is in duty bound to not disclose the trade secret of first party, nor take advantage of company’s trust to seek profit for one’s own.Second party must not occupy、spread、sale、use、or let other people use the article、written materials、electronic document by stealing、extracting、copying、faxing、photographing、emailing and other methods.All the actions under this clause, if second party committed the breach, should pay penal sum of.第九条 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以解除本协议,但是应当提前十日以书面形式通知乙方:

First party could carry out rescission of compact in any of the following circumstances, however, should notice second party by written form 10 days early.⑴ 患病或者非因工负伤,医疗期满后,不能从事原工作也不能从事由甲方另行安排的工作的;In the case of fall ill or wound in line of duty, when the medical treatment expires, if not be able to participate former work or other appointed work from first party;

⑵ 不能胜任工作,经过培训或调岗,仍不能胜任工作的;

Incompetent, after training or transfer-position, still incompetent;

⑶ 本协议订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使协议无法履行,经甲乙双方协商不能就变更协议内容达成一致的;Due to objective reasons, unable to fulfill compact,moreover, can not reach to an agreement with variation on contract.⑷ 法律、行政法规规定可以解除协议的。

Rescission of compact is in accord with law and administrative regulation.第十条 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以单方面随时解除协议,并对乙方不作任何经济补偿;乙方因下列行为给公司造成损害的,甲方有权要求乙方赔偿损失:First party could carry out rescission of compact in the following circumstances at any time, without

making any compensation;first party has the right to let the second party compensate for loss in any of the following circumstances.⑴ 在应聘过程中提供的个人证件、体检、简历等个人资料有欺诈行为的;If there were fraud acts on personal papers、medical certificates、resume;⑵ 按公司奖惩的有关规定,严重失职,工作不负责任,玩忽职守、消极懈怠给公司利益造成损害的;In accordance with correlative provision of reward/punish, gross neglect of duty,irresponsible, listless during work, result loss to profit of company.⑶ 乙方盗窃公司、员工或客户财物的;报销费用时有虚报或假报金额等行为的;Second party steal property from company or employees;deception during the process of applying for reimbursement.⑷ 泄露公司商业秘密;利用职务以权谋私、损公肥私的;Breach of confidence;take advantage of duty to seek person profit.⑸ 欺诈客户、公司,谋取私利的,私下从事同业工作的;Sting client、company to seek personal profit, participate same type of work in secret

⑹ 结党营私、破坏员工关系,生活作风不端正的;Form cliques, wreck relationships Between employees, bad lifestyle(immoral love).⑺ 违法行为或不良社会行为而给甲方形象造成巨大伤害的;unlawful act or bad behavior which diminish the reputation of Talent.⑻ 有赌博、吸毒等不良行为的;gamble、drug taking or other bad behavior

⑼ 被依法追究刑事责任或违法被处罚的;Being undertaken for criminal responsibility or punished for breaking the law.⑽ 严重违反公司的劳动纪律、规章制度的;法律规定或双方约定的其它情形。

Committing a serious breach of discipline、regulation or other agreement between two parties.第十一条 乙方解除协议,应当提前三十日以书面形式通知甲方。Second party make early rescission of compact,should provide 30 days prior notice to first party.第十二条 甲乙双方约定无论何种情形解除协议,乙方都对工作交接负有责任,须按甲方规定的程序进行工作交接。乙方不按甲方的规定交接工作的,甲方有权扣发乙方服务费;乙方不按规定交接工作致使甲方遭受损失时,甲方将依法向乙方索赔。No matter what type the rescission of compact is, second party does have the obligation of carrying out the handover of his work, and fulfill it according to the appointed process from first party.If the second party failed to do so, the first party has the right to deduct wages of second party;first party would ask second party for compensation if the non-fulfillment of second party led to economic losses of first party.第十三条 特别约定:special compact

⑴ 由于乙方为兼职人员,故甲方不需为乙方缴纳社会保险。Second party is part-time Job, no need to pay social insurance for.⑵ 乙方因病或非因工负伤医疗费用自行解决,医疗期内甲方不支付报酬。Second party get sick or get wounded not in the line of duty, second party should pay himself.⑷ 双方解除、终止本协议,甲方无需支付乙方任何经济补偿。If compact was determined by two parties, first party does not have to pay second party compensation.⑶ 其他:甲方如需乙方提供服务,需提前1天书面通知乙方.Other: first party needs to contact second party 1 day early when needs the latter.第十四条 协议约定内容与国家有关法律、法规、政策不一致的,依照国家规定执行。因本协议引的任何争议,均提请甲方所在地法院处理。Any section in this compact which does not accord with the law, legislation, policy of the government, carry out by the provision of the government.Any disputation cause by this compact, first party would entrust local court to settle.第十五条 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。This compact has made in duplicate, one for each party.甲方first party(盖章stamp): 乙方second party(签字sign here):

海运代理合同-中英文对照 第6篇

海 运 代 理 合 同

Shipping Agency Contract


Party A:


Party B:



For the purpose of dealing with Sea freight shipments, clarifying agency relations of both parties and standardizing operational procedures, through friendly consultations it has been agreed by the parties as follows:

1.甲乙双方责任、义务 Responsibilities and Obligations

1.1乙方持有有效法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证、商务部一级货运代理资格或交通部批准登记的 NVOCC 资格,营业范围允许在其营业地经营国际货物运输代理业务。若乙方作为提单等相关单证上的承运人,应当具有无船承运业务经营资质;乙方作为承运人代理人身份的,对承运人的行为承担连带保证责任。

Party B shall have legitimate corporate business license, TAX payer ID, organization code certification, A freight forwarding qualification approval by Department of Commerce or NVOCC qualification approval by ministry of communications, which allow it conduct forwarder business in certain area.Party B shall have NVOCC once it could issue B/L and relevant documents as carrier with its own title on.As agent role, Party B shall assume joint and several guarantee liability for carrier and carrier’s act.1.2甲方在货物出运前填制内容完整、真实的订舱单,通知乙方有关的货物出运信息,乙方负责为甲方办理出口的订舱、拖车、报关、报检、签单等相关出口业务,具体内容以甲方下达的订舱单为准。

Party A shall notify Party B complete and authentic booking information before shipment of goods via Shipping Order;Party B is responsible for chartering, booking, customs declaration, inspection, signing and other related export business per requirements on Shipping Order confirmed by both parties.Page 1 of 6


Party A is responsible for providing Party B authentic and consistent documents needed to conduct and perform duties and works(including packing lists, invoices, contracts, verification forms, customs proxy, Entrust Letter of Inspection, etc.).1.4乙方应及时向甲方提供船期预报以及截止接单日期,作为甲乙双方办理海运订舱事宜的参考。

Party B shall notify and keep Party A updated of the information of shipment schedule timeously for Party A’s advanced plan and arrangement.1.5订舱内容要求更改或取消时,甲方必须最迟于货物装入集装箱的当天以书面形式通知乙方,并与乙方的相关操作人员书面确认。

Party A shall notify Party B not late then loading day in written form once shipping requirements need to be modified or cancelled.1.6乙方在收到船公司或其代理《配舱回单》后,应及时将定舱配载的船名、航次、关单号等信息告知甲方,甲方可在收到乙方《订舱确认书》后一日内书面提出异议。

Party B shall acknowledge Party A of 《Booking Confirmation》about vessel, voyage, booking Ref etc after getting shipping space from Shipping Company.Party A may put forward a demurrer to Party B in writing within 24 hours upon receipt of Party B’s《Booking Confirmation》or SO.1.7乙方保证对甲方提供的信息包括但不限于客户资料和相关费用严格保密。

Party B shall keep all information including but not limit customer data and related costs provided by Party A strictly confidential.1.8乙方保证甲方的货物不会向没有持有正本提单的任何人或任何公司放行,除非有甲方的书面同意。如果乙方违反本义务,乙方愿意承担无正本提单放货的全部责任。若客户主动偿还甲方全部或者部份货款,亦不能免除乙方的违约责任。甲方主动向客户追索货款,并不代表甲方放弃向乙方索赔和追究违约责任的权利。

Party B warrant that Party A’s goods will not be released to the any party without original Bill of Lading, or otherwise approved by Party A in writing.Party B shall assume full responsibility for breach thereof.The Importer refund Party A entirely or partially on its own initiative could not relieve Party B’s liability.Party A has recourse against Importer for losses incurred, which shall not

be operated as a waiver hereof.2.代理费用 Accounting


Party A shall mark down details of charge on Shipping Order base on Party B’s written

quotation, and Party B shall confirm back via fax with signature on.After confirmation, Party A shall ship the goods off and Party B must ensure shipping space.2.2甲方向乙方支付相关港口及海运费,币种为人民币或者美元,乙方银行信息如下。

The currency of payment from Party A to Party B shall be in RMB or USD unless specified.Payment shall be made via telegraphic transfer to following account.开户银行:

Beneficiary Bank Name:


Address of Bank:




Account Name:


RMB Account No.:


USD Account No.:


Party A shall pay Party B the accountable charge by way of parties upon Shipping Order and Invoice.A)付款买单,即甲方付清全部款项,乙方交付甲方的所有单据,包括但不限于提单和核销单。

Payment against documents.B)备用金结账:甲方先付___________备用金至乙方账户,乙方根据实际进出口货物的应付费用进


Deposit deduction.C)航次结账:甲方以航次结账的方式与乙方结算所有费用,即在实际开航____ 天内将该航次应付的所有费用汇付至乙方账户予以结清,并附上所付费用的发票号,以便双方对帐。

Check out per voyage.D)月度结算: 每月____日前结清上一月全部运杂费。

O/A30 days.3.保险条款Insurance


Party A may self-insure their consignment, and can also commission Party B to handle insurance issues, insurance premiums shall be borne by Party A, the costs of which are not included in the those the two sides agreed;In case Party A is not insured, Party B shall not be responsible for the damage from non-B causes.4.索赔条款Claim Terms


Party B must use Diligent Efforts to conduct and perform certain works herein for the delivery of Party A’s goods.Party B shall be liable for all cost and damage caused to Party A due to failure of Party B, including but not limited the lost because of late delivery.4.2运输途中乙方将甲方货物运错,或由于箱体残损、箱封缺失的情况下造成的实际损失,由乙方协助办理索赔,力求确保甲方利益。由于不可抗力、货物本身的自然属性或瑕疵、货物的合理损耗及托运人或收货人自身过失造成的货损乙方免责。

In case Party B transits the wrong goods, or causes the actual loss of Party A by damaged cabinet, or the absence of box sealing, Party B shall assist with claims, and strive to ensure interests of Party A.Party B shall be exempted for damage due to force majeure, natural properties of the goods themselves or defective goods, reasonable loss or loss from fault of the shipper or the consignee.4.3由于不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时,遇有不可抗力事故的一方,应立即将事故情况以书面形式通知对方,以避免损失或扩大。

The Party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly inform the other Party in writing and shall

furnish immediately.The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use all reasonable endeavors to terminate the Force Majeure.In the event of Force Majeure, the Parties shall immediately consult with each other in order to find an equitable solution and shall use all reasonable endeavors to minimize the consequences of such Force Majeure.5.争议解决条款Dispute Settlement

5.1本合同项下产生的任何争议,双方应友好协商。协商不成,应提交中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁,仲裁地为深圳,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力.Any dispute arising under this Contract shall be solved by friendly negotiation.In case negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission(CMAC).Shanghai Commission, for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration.The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.5.2本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行、争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。

This Contract applies the law of the People Republic of China.6.其他 Miscellaneous


The templates of Bill of Lading and Letter of Authorization with authorized signatures are set forth in supplemental Appendixes.The Bill of Ladings issued to Party A by Party B shall match the templates.6.2为履行本协议经双方确认的往来传真、电传、信函、电子邮件等内容均构成合同的一部分。The back-up records of facsimiles, letters, telexes and E-mails confirmed by both parties

during execution activity constitute parts of this contract.6.3 在任何情况下,乙方都不得留臵甲方的货物和相关文件单据。

In no event should Party B exercise lien upon Party A’s goods and relevant documents.6.4 没有甲方书面同意,乙方不得将本合同项下的任何权利和义务转让给第三人。

Party B may cannot delegate and/or assign all or part of the performance of its rights and

obligations hereunder to its Affiliated Companies or to any third party to which it has outsourced the performance of its activities unless approved by Party A with written words.6.5乙方的法定代表人及在本合同上签名的乙方授权代表对乙方在本合同所有应履行义务承担连带保证责任。

Party B’s Legal representative and the person signing this letter is duly authorized by our

company, both are fully aware of this contract and willing to assume joint and several guarantee liability under this contract.6.6本合同一式二份,双方各执一份。合同未尽事宜,双方另行商议,作为对合同的补充。合同自签订之日起生效,有效期为一年,合同期限届满后如续约,则需另签。如一方提前解除合同,需提前一个月通知对方并一次性结清费用及退单。当本合同中文文本与英文文本发生歧义时,应以中文文本为准。

The contract is in duplicate, with each party holds one.Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.The contract becomes effective since the date of signing and remains in force for one year.In case of renewal, another contract shall be needed.If either party terminates the contract in advance, it shall inform the other party in advance for one month and settle all the costs at one time.The Chinese version of this contract will prevail if there is any conflict between the Chinese version and English version of this contract.甲方乙方

(Party A)(Party B)


Legal RepresentativeLegal Representative(Guarantor)


Authorized representative(Guarantor)(公章)(公章)



Date 2012-11-12Date 2012-11-12

【附提单(带签章)样本】【Attach B/L Template with Signature and Stamp】
