


高三学生英语阅读训练的实验 第1篇


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外语教学要贯彻国家教委《高中英语教学大纲》中所提出的“侧重培养阅读 能力,为进一步学习和运用英 语切实打好基础”和上海《英语学科课程标准》 规定的“按照外语学习规律高中阶段应进行充分的阅读训练”,“给学生们打 下良好的自学与运用的基础”的方针。阅读既能获取大量新的信息,开阔视野,增进了解所学 语言国家的文化科学、风俗习惯,提高兴趣,又能扩大词汇量,丰富语言知识,提高运用语言能力。为此我在 高三进行了阅读训练实验。

一、实验的设计 1.实验对象

高三两个班:对照班、实验班各41人。两个班的原始成绩实验班略低于对 照班。开学初第一次检测实验班平均分为81分,优良率47%;对照班为82分,优良率53%。2.实验时间


实验班和对照班每周都是6节课,实验班6节课中有一节上阅读训练;对照 班课内仅作阅读指导,不作专门 训练,只要求课外作定时定量的阅读训练。

实验班每周上一节阅读课,由教师进行计时阅读训练,阅读篇章生词率不超 过2%。阅读速度为每分钟70— 80个词,理解率达到70%。每节课内阅读3—6 篇文章,共约900至1,300个词左右,每篇文章配有5 —10道选择 题不等。一 学期课内训练指导18次,共阅读约2.5万词。课外阅读量约为3—4万词。阅 读材料由浅入深,词数 逐渐递增,选有《阅读理解一百篇》(译林出版社)、《中 级英语阅读理解训练》、《大学英语》(上海外语 教育出版社)。程度高的学生还 增选了《大学英语分级阅读理解精编》(上海交通大学出版社);而对照班则 不



从信息论的角度来看,阅读是一种理解和接受信息的言语活动。古德曼(K.S.Goodman)在1972年说过: “阅读是对三种相互有关而又互有区别的信息,即 形符的、句法的和语义的信息,进行信息处理的一种形式。”我们要有效地培 养学生的阅读能力,就必须分别用不同的阅读方法来加以训练,让学生在大量的 阅读中,积 累词汇、短语、习语,形成语感,掌握阅读技巧和阅读能力。



随着社会交际、传递和积累信息的需要,在口语基础上产生了记录语音的书 面语。语言从此形成了口语和 书面语两种交际形式,具有音、形、义相结合构 成的符号。阅读是一种书面语交际活动,是理解音、形、义相 结合的书面语符 号的过程。从生理学和心理学的角度来看,培养阅读能力与视觉刺激有直接联系。学生通过形 与音的对应联系达到义的辨认,同时发展词语的认知能力。在阅读 过程中要培养学生注重辨认一词多义、同义 词、反义词、词的搭配的能力及根 据上下文猜测词义的能力。而词语认知技能通常依赖于提示意义的上下文关 系。在阅读中还要教会学生以词语、句子和词篇作为整体来认知而不是以字母和孤立 的单词作为认知的中介单 位。


A.关键词语吸引学生的注意力去捕捉句子和语段的主要意思。例如: “In the South American rain forest abidethe greatest acrobats on earth.”根据上下文可猜测“acrobats”是“猴子”的意思。

B.表示句子与句子之间的连接词,它们有and,besides,both …and等。例


Besides the great Golden Gate Bridge, SanFrancisco hasmany other places of interest suc h as the ChinaTown ——thelargest in the USA.C.表明从句意思或思想转变的关系分句或句子的转折词语,它们有in spite of, on the contrary, howe ver和but等。例如:

①In spite of major funding cuts that followed,some scientists kept

on with their res earches.②Differences between Japanese and Western waysof doing business,however, often bewilder the foreign businessmen and make doing businessin Japan difficult

for foreigners.③Bennet could not keep the secret but the peopleof SanFrancisco did

not believe him at f irst.D.印刷设计,用斜体词、黑体词、省略号、划线、星号等以示强调重点。例


Just think of the cars that are traded in daily,justbecause they are

out of style.─────


①Her advice to young readers now appearregularly in the Philadelphia

Bulletin in a column called DEAR ANGEL.②It is because in fresh air more oxygen is takeninto our Systems

and more wastes are given

off.③“Abby” and “Ann Landers”are probably ______

a.real names to two women b.two experienced doctors c.two famous lawyers d.pen names of two women(Abby和Ann Landers是两位专栏女作者的笔名。)


Which of the following statements is

┌Not correct?


All of the following are true except…



1)He is an American who, leaving behind all hisold waysof thinking and doing, receives ne w ones from thenew ways of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the newpl ace in life he holds.由于这句句子比较长,教师应指导学生先遮盖leaving behindall his old ways of thinking and d oing这一插入语,帮助学生减少难点,使句子变得容


2)In what ways, good or bad, does the pastaffect the life of the

present? a.The way of our lives, good or bad, is affectedby thepresent.b.Good or bad——these affect our lives present orpastin many ways.c.Does the past affect the life of the presentin waysgood or bad? d.These are ways, good or bad, by which thepresent affects the past.原句中good or bad是插入语,只要弄明白句子成份,便不难找出正确答



所谓语义系统的提示,即从上下文及背景知识等语境因素中获得对意义的理 解。引导学生抓住篇段的中心 思想,找出主题句。英语中的主题句通常在语篇 之首,少数在语篇末尾或中间。主题句的意思比较概括,不涉 及具体的事实。它主要用于介绍语篇的主要观点,概括作者主要意图。为了更好地理解意义,还 需捕捉展开主 题思想的佐证,包括原因、实例等,并提醒学生掌握语篇结尾作 结论的陈述句。另外,还要注意语篇总的基调,寻找作者对该主题所持的观点



通过一学年的阅读训练,实验班的学生英语学习成绩和运用语言的能力有了 显著的提高。学生的概括与抽 象、分析与综合、推理与判断的思维能力发展迅 速。学生的阅读速度、阅读水平和阅读能力都得到较大的提高,同时还增加了 词汇量,扩大了知识面,巩固了学习兴趣。因此,实验班学生的英语阅读能力和 总体成绩明显 优于对照班。见下表: 考试 阅读检测 项目 第一次(开学)第二 次(期末)分数平均分 标准差平均分 标准差 班级 实验班 17.6410.02 26.61 4.27 对照班 18.38 8.72 21.95 6.82 Z检验Z=0.25<1.96 z=2.75>2.58 ①第一次检测为开学第一天.期末检测为区统

测.②阅读语篇满分为35天.③在第一次检测 备 时,对照班Z值小于1.96, 说明两个班阅读成绩 注 无显著性差异.④在期末区统考时,实验班Z值


著性差异。考试 第一次检测 第二次检测 第三次检测

(开学)(期末)(学年末)人 优平标 优平标 优平标 项目 良 均 准 良 均 准 良 均 准

数 率 分 差 率 分 差 率 分 差 分数 班级 实验班41人 47% 81.64 12.35 56% 121.63 8.44 97.56% 95.02 2.51 对照班41人53% 82.61 16.04 32% 113.83 10.18 75.61% 92.54 3.32 Z检验Z=0.22<1.96 Z=2.68>2.58 Z=2.73>2.58 ①第一次检测是在开学第一天;第二次检测是


市高三会考.②第一、二次检测满分为150分;备 第三次检测满分为100 分.③在第一次检测 注 时,对照班Z值小于1.96,说明两个班学习成






外语作为国际交往极重要的工具,有听、说、读、写四种形式。外语教学法 的历史告诉我们在如何正确处 理口语和书面语之间的关系问题上存在着两种截 然不同的方法。语法翻译法、自觉对比法以至直接法中的代表 人物之一韦斯特 都主张从阅读入手,阅读领先,在书面语基础上学口语。直接法、听说法、功能 法、结构功能 法、交际法等绝大多数的流派则主张从听说入手,听说领先,在 口语基础上学习书面语。如何正确处理四者的 关系,又如何安排它们教学的序,这也是外语教学中的一个原则性问题。听、说、读、写既是目的又是手段。在 培养听、说、读、写能力和使用听、说、读、写手段时,既要注意它们之间的相 互联贯性、统一性、也要看 到它们之间的独立性和区别性。听、说、读、写四


附图{图} 从语言是人类重要的交际工具角度来看,听、说、读、写四个方面是相互联 系的辩证统一体。它们之间既 有联系,又有区别。从语言的产生和发展来看,书面语是在口语基础上产生的。口语是第一性的,书面语是第 二性的。从听、说、读、写的联系性来说,四会要全面发展。从它们的区别性来看,不同阶段四 会能力的培养 应有所侧重。入门阶段(初

一、初二)应以培养听说能力为主,视、听、说领先,读写及时跟上,重视听说而 不唯听说,在口语基础上培养阅 读能力;基础阶段(初


二、高三)则应在继续全面培养听、说、写的能力外,侧重培养阅读能力。由于 高

二、高三学生已有了一 定的语言知识和听、说、读、写的能力,并且为了他 们将来的工作、学习上的需要,他们完全能够通过阅读来 吸取新信息。


一般说来,应从初二年级开始进行有计划和有意识的阅读训练并持之以恒,定能喜获丰收。在高中阶段进行专门的阅读训练主要是指泛读。其主要任务是使学生通过大 量的以理解内容为中心的阅读 训练,从而培养阅读兴趣、习惯和阅读技巧、能 力,巩固和扩大词汇量并形成语感,掌握阅读交际的能力。泛 读的教学过程与 精读的导读基本相似,包括热身→布置任务→阅读→检查。泛读的活动形式包括: 读后笔答(选择、判断、填充、问答等),读后口答或讨论,读后信息转换等。课外阅读是课堂阅读的延伸。课外阅读要 与课堂阅读紧密联系、结合训练。每 周阅读要做到定时、定量、定篇、定检查。在检查中,引导学生重视阅读 速度 和对段落中心句的理解,并且逐步提高学生判断推理的能力以及阅读的质量和数


所选阅读材料要思想健康,应以当代语言为主,体裁多样、内容新颖,集趣 味性、知识性、实用性于一体,不但要有故事、寓言、历史、人物传记,还要 有科普小品、动、植物知识、天文、宇航和地理知识、新闻报 导、社会读物及 图表、漫画、通知、广告等。题材要广泛,还应注意一定的知识面和所学语言国

家的文化习俗 等。


高中学生仅仅学习一套英语教材,英语输入量是远远不够的。整套中小学英 语课本总词数仅约5~6万,只 有课内与课外合计,增加相当于整套英语教材的 二、三倍的阅读量,才能较好地培养学生的阅读能力。





段。2)指导、检查并举,使学生保持高度的兴趣,是提高阅读能力的重要手段。3)对不同层次的学生采用不同的激励方法,注意贯彻因材施教原则。对程 度高的学生,课外阅读可多读 几篇以进一步加大输入量,带动其他学生。对程



阅读理解思想内容的基本单位是由词、意群组成的句子。正如心理学研究证 明,学生阅读读物时,他们的 视觉感知过程不是逐个字母、逐个音节和逐个单 词平衡移动的过程,而是按词组、意群作简短停留的跳跃式阅 读并理解整个句 子的意义过程。如果过分强调孤立的词的识别过程和词的用法,这会阻碍学生理 解读物的内容 和影响学生的阅读能力的培养。培养学生阅读语篇的主要方法有


1)略读(面式读法)略读即粗略地阅读全篇。学生读完一篇英语文章以 后,能确定作者在文中表露出 的态度和倾向性,并能对文章的主要观点作简要 的分析和评论。这是为掌握大意梗概或为探求是否需要进一步 阅读所用的方法。2)跳读(点式读法)这是一种为寻求特定细节,放弃大部分无关内容,只注意有关的某一点或某几点 的阅读方法,即利用句子中词组意群作为加工单 位训练阅读能力(2—4个词组成的词组跳距长,停留时间短),就能完整地理




〔1〕章兼中 《外语教育学》浙江教育出版社,1993年 〔2〕章兼中 《外语教学心理学》安徽教育出版社,1988年

〔3〕王sū@①等 《认知心理学》北京大学出版社,1992年 〔4〕张必隐 《阅读心理学》北京师范大学出版社,1992年

字库未存字注释: @①原字为更右加生

高三学生英语阅读训练的实验 第2篇

The Great Barn Adventure

One morning when I was 11, I explored the town’s abandoned round grain barn(谷仓). I found a chained sliding door that was wide enough for me to pass through.

Inside, there was a heavy smell of dead mice in the dark. After my eyes adjusted, I noticed a shaft (升降机井) that rose all the way to the top of the barn. On one side was a one-man elevator with a long rope and roller.

I stepped onto the platform and gave the rope a drag and the elevator began sliding up the shaft, but stopped halfway. After a brief panic attack, I noticed holes in the wall at regular intervals, forming a ladder. For reasons known only to an 11-year-old, I decided it would be better to go up than down. So, with shaking hands, I began climbing the wall.

After what seemed like forever, I reached the top of the shaft. I stood up, dusted myself off and found…absolutely nothing of interest. It was just an empty room with a ladder leading up to the roof. I climbed all the way up here for this? Then I noticed a fire extinguisher(灭火器),which I’d always wanted to shoot off. So this was the chance of a lifetime. I tried it, and, much to my surprise, the thing worked! It shot out a thick cloud of powder that instantly filled the room. I couldn’t breathe. I was going to choke to death, and they’d probably never even find my body.

Luckily, I remembered the ladder to the roof. I climbed up, popped the straw roof and saw a bright blue sky.

I suddenly realized the dust and powder pouring out of the top could draw attention. So when the dust had settled, I climbed down and slipped out of the chained door. I’m not sure if I was more excited about being alive or about not being caught, but I ran all the way back home.

56. When the author got inside the barn, he _______.

A. noticed a man on the elevator

B. opened the chained sliding door

C. saw many dead mice in the dark

D. found a shaft leading to the top

57. Which of the following is the right order of the author’s adventure?

a. The elevator stopped halfway.

b. He entered the round grain barn.

c. He climbed to the top of the shaft.

d. He found a fire extinguisher and shot it off.

A. b-a-c-d B. a-c-b-d C. c-a-d-b D. b-c-a-d

58. After getting out of the chained door, the author might feel _______.

A. inspired B. relieved C. surprised D. disappointed

59. From the passage, we can learn that the author was probably a boy full of _______.

A. passions B. dreams C. curiosity D. imagination



Wikipedia: The Online Know-It-All

If you want to find out a piece of information about anything, the best place to search for it is Wikipedia. The name “Wikipedia” is from the Hawaiian word wiki, meaning “quick”. This online encyclopedia (百科全书) is written by thousands of people around the world. Anyone with Internet access can write, add or make changes to Wikipedia articles if he or she finds it incorrect or not well written. In this way, people who know a lot about a certain subject can write about it even if they are not university professors. But contributions cannot damage Wikipedia because many experienced editors are watching pages and techies (技术专家) can write editing programs to keep track of or correct bad edits. Where there are disagreements on how to present facts, editors work together to arrive at an article that fairly represents current expert opinion on the subject.

Wikipedia is quite different from paper-based reference sources in important ways. Unlike printed encyclopedias, it is continually created and updated, with articles on historic events appearing within minutes, rather than months or years.

What’s more, Wikipedia includes articles written in about 285 languages. This fact makes it one of the few websites on the Internet that are truly international. It was started in by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales, as a free online English-language encyclopedia project. Since its creation, it has grown rapidly into one of the largest reference websites, attracting nearly 500 million unique visitors monthly. There are more than 77,000 active contributors working on more than 22,000,000 articles in different languages. As of today, there are 4,396,866 articles in English.

So, if you are looking for some information, why not try Wikipedia? It’s free, multilingual,and informative.

56. According to the passage, what is Wikipedia?

A. A free website encyclopedia.B. A computer game.

C. A free encyclopedia in book form.D. An online university.

57. From the passage we know that ______.

A. Wikipedia catches a wide audience

B. Wikipedia only charges users a small fee

C. incorrect editions might do great harm to Wikipedia

D. it will take long to update the information on Wikipedia

58. Where can we probably read the passage?

A. In a story book.B. In a research report.

C. In a science magazine.D. In a travel brochure.


“Thanks for coming,” Everett said, shaking hands with Mr. Hanson, the town councillor(议员).

“I’m curious about the ideas in your letter.” Mr. Hanson nodded toward the parking lot near where they stood. “Please tell me more.”

Everett took a deep breath. “Ever since the school closed two years ago, this area has become worse. But if we clean up the litter and repair the fence, it will be a great place for a skateboard park.” Mr. Hanson scanned the broken concrete, nodding. “The old school is being adapted to a community arts centre. This area could become a vital part of the neighbourhood again.”

“Here’s a picture of a skateboard park in another town. Look how busy it is.” Everett was relieved that the community representative seemed receptive to the idea. Mr. Hanson studied the photograph, and then asked, “If town council provides the money, how will you and your friends contribute?” Everett felt optimistic now. “We’ll help design and build the ramps(坡道). More experienced boarders could give lessons to raise money!” Everett’s voice was enthusiastic.

However, Mr. Hanson said, “We’ll still need parking spaces, and the neighbours will not like late-night noise. They might worry about the crime of deliberately damaging public property and….”

“The skateboard park would use only the back corner, which isn’t near any houses. Since young people already hang out here, why not give them something fun and physically active to do in their free time?” The lines over Mr. Hanson’s forehead unwrinkled(舒展), and Everett’s hopes rose again. “If everyone works together,” Everett thought, “maybe this idea will become reality.”

56. Where were Everett and Mr. Hanson talking?

A. In the city hall.B. Outside a park.

C. Near the parking lot. D. In the art centre.

57. Everett was trying to persuade Mr. Hanson to _____.

A. beautify the neighbourhood

B. cut the area of the parking lot

C. build an art centre for children

D. provide money for a skateboard park

58. How did Mr. Hanson finally feel about Everett’s suggestion?

A. Curious. B. Hopeful.C. Enthusiastic.D. Receptive.

高三学生英语阅读训练的实验 第3篇

阅读是掌握语言知识、获取信息、提高语言运用能力的基础, 是巩固已掌握的知识和获取新知识的主要途径, 更是收获愉悦、丰富阅历、提升自我的过程。阅读能力的高低是衡量一个人语言水平的综合性指标, 它反映了对语言的实际运用能力。对此, 新课标也做了相应的要求, 强调培养学生阅读理解能力的重要性, 如在高考英语试卷的分值分配中 (试卷满分150分) , 阅读理解和完形填空两题共计70分, 而这两题主要就是考查学生的英语阅读理解能力。

要实现新课标提出的目标, 教师在阅读教学中, 就要提高对阅读策略作用的认识, 在阅读教学中有意识地培养学生学会使用阅读策略, 从而提高阅读理解能力。因此本文拟对高二学生英语阅读策略进行调查分析, 试图发现存在的问题, 对提高学生阅读策略意识、指导学生进行有效英语阅读训练、培养高中学生英语阅读能力提出一些启示, 从而达到培养和提高高中生英语阅读理解能力的目的。


从20世纪90年代的英语教学大纲到21世纪基础英语课程改革以来的课程标准, 都对学生的英语阅读提出了要求。虽然教师们一直以来都很重视阅读教学, 对阅读教学做了很多的积极探索, 并取得了一定的成绩, 积累了宝贵的经验, 但在实际教学中, 高中英语阅读的教学效果有时并不理想, 其主要原因在于教师和学生两个方面。

(一) 教学观念和方法上存在的问题

通过观摩英语阅读课, 发现课堂上英语阅读教学存在以下问题:

1.在课堂上, 教师为了简化学生的阅读理解过程, 完成阅读任务, 有时会把自己的理解强加给学生或直接将阅读材料中的相关信息告知学生, 这是非常不利于学生理解能力和思维能力发展的。

2.重知识点, 轻语篇理解。一些教师仍然把讲解阅读材料中的语法和语言知识作为阅读教学的主要任务和目标, 过多地分析句子的语法结构, 却忽略了对文章语篇结构的理解。

3.重活动、轻思考。阅读课堂上, 只是让学生阅读一两分钟便开始提问或进行小组讨论, 没有给学生留出足够的独立阅读的时间。

4.教师所设计的阅读理解问题质量不高, 无法帮助学生由浅入深、由表及里地理解和把握文章的主旨。

5.教师备课照搬教师用书或现成的课件, 未顾及自己所教学生的实际情况, 在教学过程中唱主角, 没有给学生提供充分思考和参与语言实践的机会。

6.过分依赖多媒体, 展示图片、音乐、文字效果太多, 导致学生的注意力都集中在幻灯片演示上, 而忽略了阅读, 课堂教学效果欠佳。

7.一些教师没有着重培养学生的阅读技能和阅读策略, 使得学生在阅读时不知道该怎样去提炼有效信息, 做出正确的推理和判断。

(二) 针对高二年级四个班 (两个实验班, 两个普通班) , 共计300个学生, 进行了关于学习态度和阅读方法的问卷调查, 统计结果所反映的较为突出的问题如下:

1.学生对英语阅读的态度存在着较大的差异。其中44%的学生为了应付考试而阅读;22%的学生不喜欢阅读;7%的学生被迫进行阅读;10%的学生害怕阅读;真正因为兴趣而阅读的只有17%。这充分说明大部分高中学生还处于被动阅读状态, 而不是“我要读”“我想读”的学习状态。

2.在阅读过程中, 缺乏相应的文化背景知识, 给学生的阅读带来了一些困难。调查结果显示:73%的学生缺乏对英语国家的文化、风俗习惯及历史典故等方面知识的了解;63%的学生没有阅读过英语原著或者简写本等。

3.词汇量不足是影响英语阅读的直接因素。调查结果显示:79%的学生认为自己词汇量不足直接影响他们的阅读过程。有很多学过的单词在阅读材料中再现, 还是不认识。


调查结果显示:40.75%的学生在阅读时会边读边翻译;33.25%的学生会用手或一支笔进行指读;32.4%的学生习惯低声阅读;42.25%的学生会出现回视阅读;47.67%的学生阅读时喜欢查字典, 致使效率低下;53.2%的学生会从头到尾把材料逐句读完。

通过调查分析, 在英语阅读过程中, 学生缺乏必要的方法指导和交流, 导致阅读的随意性和盲目性较为突出。


为了了解学生使用阅读策略的情况, 发现学生实际阅读中的问题, 使阅读策略培养更有效和更有针对性, 本年级组对选取的研究对象进行了问卷调查。实验教师根据已调查到的学生阅读策略使用情况, 专门对学生进行了关于阅读策略的专题指导课, 并在课堂教学中渗透阅读策略, 从阅读策略观念和阅读策略运用方面, 对学生展开阅读策略培养。

在研究过程中, 本年级组汇聚集体的力量, 制作了“英语阅读学习策略”课件, 全年级统一使用, 由班级任课教师以讲座的形式向学生进行讲授, 内容主要包括以下几个方面:

1. 如何克服阅读过程中的不良习惯, 如出声读、查字典、默读、指读、回读和心读。

2. 怎样有效积累和记忆词汇, 如使用机械记忆、根据上下文猜测词义、依据构词法猜测生词等。

3. 关于几种常见的阅读题型的做题技巧讲解, 如理解文章主旨大意、概括段落大意、根据上下文推断词义、理解作者观点和态度、分析文章语篇结构、细节内容查找等。

4. 阅读方式的训练, 如略读和跳读。

5. 提高理解文章词句的能力。句子是构成文章的基本单位。要准确地理解篇章, 就要做到先准确理解句子。因此, 我们对英语的基本句型, 以及对这些基本句型的扩展和句子与句子间的照应关系都进行了分类讲解。

此外, 我们充分利用教学资源 (如《学生双语报》、教学同步练习册、试卷) 中的阅读材料进行阅读技巧训练, 并在课堂讲解中渗透阅读策略。在每一次的技巧训练中, 教师会先解释说明要训练的技巧, 再让学生阅读文章并做题, 这样学生对这些技巧的理解和使用就更加深刻。


在对实验班级进行阅读策略训练后, 本年级组安排了两次阅读测试, 一次是在第三周, 一次是在第十七周。通过对数据进行统计分析, 可以看出, 经过一个学期的阅读策略教学, 大部分学生的阅读成绩有明显的提高, 而且阅读速度和阅读理解率也得到了提高。在此次研究中, 本年级组基本实现了研究目的, 取得了一定的研究成果, 为下一步高三英语阅读培训提供了比较详实的数据。

最后, 作者结合自己在研究中的切实体会和实验心得, 对英语阅读教学提几点建议:

1. 在研究过程中, 作者发现, 有的教师自身对阅读策略也不是很了解, 认为它仅限于阅读方法和技巧, 不知道它还涉及交际策略和情感策略等;也不太关注学生课外阅读的指导, 更没有指导学生从网络、报纸等其他资源收集有关信息和资料。还有的教师认为英语阅读策略是练出来的, 是学生慢慢体会出来的, 无须多讲, 给时间去练就好了。教师的观念决定着教师对学生的指导行为, 教师的行为直接影响着学生的学习习惯和方法, 教师的眼界决定着学生学习知识的宽度, 因此, 教师应该从自身出发, 学习和了解阅读策略, 只有自己有了策略意识和系统的策略知识, 才能在具体的教学实践中指导和帮助到学生, 提高他们英语阅读策略的使用水平, 并最终提高他们的阅读成绩。

2. 在进行阅读策略培训时, 教师要认清的一个事实:不是每一个学生都能掌握所有的有效的阅读策略。这就要求教师在教学过程中, 要注意分析学生的学习风格和具体的学习状况, 分析他们在阅读理解能力方面的优势和劣势, 因材施教, 从而帮助学生找到并学会使用适合自己的有效策略。

3. 在阅读过程中, 我们发现“学优生”在策略使用的数量和质量上都高于“学困生”, 并且对认知策略和资源策略等的使用都存在明显的差异, 而这些策略与阅读成绩之间又有很紧密的关系。同时, 我们还发现, 女学生使用阅读策略的频率高于男同学。因此, 作为教师, 我们还要研究“学优生”经常使用的对阅读有益的阅读策略, 并在以后的教学中逐步渗透, 对学生, 特别是“学困生”进行有效的阅读策略培训。



黄宇.2006.英语阅读策略训练初探[J].甘肃联合大学报 (社会科学版) , (3) .

王虹.2002.高中起始阶段学生英语学习认知策略的研究[J].中小学英语教学与研究, (5) :26-29.

高三英语阅读理解训练初探 第4篇
















高三英语限时阅读训练(十二) 第5篇



Far from a Family Christmas

My Air Force room in Florida was 36 and quiet-I was alone. My five roommates were gone for the holidays; I had chosen to 37 behind in the camp. Being young and far from my home, I felt 38 . My room was comfortable enough, 39 I hadn’t realized until then what made it so-the 40 of others walking, joking or just lying on their beds.

I was not able to sleep. I was 41 of being on my own-in fact, preferred it at times-but tonight was 42 . Tossing and turning in the darkened room gave no 43 . The last sign of daylight had disappeared, 44 my inner depression. 45 , the glow of Christmas lights on the tall pines would only 46 me of my great misery.

Suddenly, I heard weak sound of men 47 to sing. Yes, the voices grew louder and came my way. I 48 still, enjoying the sound.

In the corridor 49 my room, voices came near enough for me to hear Christmas carols being 50 . Suddenly, there, four airmen, identities unknown, were slightly unsteadied by holiday 51 . The first held a Coke bottle with a lit candle 52 its top. The others formed a dancing line behind him.

53 I was in the room, with joyful faces in the flickering(摇曳的) light, they sang me several carols, wished me a 54 and left as fast as they had arrived.

I slept soundly soon after, burying my face in my pillow, 55 that someone had cared.

36. A. clear B. empty C. amusing D. interesting

37. A. remain B. leave C. help D. work

38. A. disappointed B. friendly C. lonely D. lost

39. A. also B. still C. however D. but

40. A. impatience B. presence C. interest D. delight

41. A. capable B. able C. skilled D. experienced

42. A. poor B. good C. different D. standard

43. A. funB. comfort C. effort D. progress

44. A. appealing to ` B. sticking to C. leading to D. adding to

45. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Besides D. Yet

46. A. remind B. recall C. remember D. think

47. A. managing B. attempting C. happening D. deciding

48. A. noticed B. slept C. lied D. lay

49. A. opposite B. beyond C. out D. within

50. A. announced B. accepted C. played D. offered

51. A. noise B. confidence C. cheer D. optimism

52. A. stuck in B. attached to C. tied to D. involved in

53. A. Watching B. Seeing C. Guessing D. Admitting

54. A. good luck B. happy New Year C. merry Christmas D. happy birthday

55. A. grateful B. satisfied C. pleased D. surprised


Ten is not just a number. For Hong Kong, it means change. That change began 10 years ago on July 1, , when Hong Kong was returned to the mainland. A year later, putonghua became a major subject in middle schools there. Street chatter now is trilingual: Cantonese, English and putonghua.

But language is just one of the many changes. Over the past 10 years, the flow of people has left its mark, especially on the young people.

The first sign is in the job market. Before , about 10,000 young professionals from the mainland found jobs in Hong kong. At the same time, around 240,000 Hong Kong residents had worked or were working on the mainland. More than 60 percent of them were aged 23 to 25, according to official statistics.

Geng Chun, 26, a native of northern China, managed to start his own IT business after completing his university degree in Hong Kong three years ago.

“I like Hong Kong,” Geng said. “Hong Kong needs us. We’re young, well-educated and energetic.”

Education is the next thing to change. After the return, more people from both the mainland and Hong Kong began crossing the border to get an education.

According to China’s Ministry of Education, in 2006, 914 Hong Kong students were admitted to mainland universities. In all, 7060 studied in the mainland that year. Before that time, Hong Kong students were rarely seen in mainland schools.

There was a growth on the other side as well. In the early 1990s, about 100 mainland students went to Hong Kong every year to study. Last year, 1300 studied in Hong Kong universities.

Besides social and cultural changes in Hong Kong, business exchanges between the mainland and Hong Kong have greatly increased.

According to a Xinhua report, by the end of 2006, the mainland’s total investment in Hong Kong had reached $40 billion since 1997, which makes up 57 percent of all investments to places outside the mainland.

“We have many clients from the mainland, and actually, they are becoming our biggest group of clients,” said Ho, a manager for a Hong Kong PR company. “The mainland has provided our company with more business opportunities, which are vital for our development.”

Ten Years Reshapes Hong Kong

(1)_______________ Putonghua is

a. a major (2)________________ in middle schools;

b. heard in street (3)____________________.


Market a. Hong Kong employs about 10,000 young (5)________________ from the mainland .

b. More Hong Kong residents go to work on the mainland.

(6)_______________ More students from the mainland study in Hong Kong. The number was (7)____________ in 2006. Also more Hong Kong students go to the mainland for study.

(8)_______________ exchange a. From 1997 to 2006, the mainland altogether (9)_______________ $4 billion in Hong Kong.

b. The mainland has provided more business (10) ________________ for Hong Kong companies.




36.B。根据后文I was alone, 所以答案是B。

37.A。根据句意:其他五位室友回家过节,我选择留下来。用remain behind表达准确。




41.A。be capable of是固定搭配。

42.A。根据本句的意思“我正漫不经心地看对面街道的大招牌时,听到有人向我大喊”。用staring at表达“盯着看”。


高三学生英语阅读训练的实验 第6篇

All together, this mass of waste flowing in the North Pacific Ocean is known as the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch. It weighs about 3 500 000 tons. The waste includes bags,bottles and containers—plastic products of all kinds.

The eastern part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch is about l 600 kilometers west of California. The western part is west of the Hawaiian Islands and east of Japan. The area has been described as a kind of oceanic desert,with light winds and slow moving water currents. The water moves so slow that garbage from all over the world collects there.

In recent years,there have been growing concerns about the floating garbage and its effect on sea creatures and human health. Scientists say thousands of animals get trapped in the floating waste,resulting in death or injury. Even more die from a lack of food or water after swallowing pieces of plastic. The trash can also make animals feel full,lessening their desire to eat or drink.

The floating garbage also can have harmful effects on people. There is an increased threat of infection of disease from polluted waste,and from eating fish that swallowed waste. Divers can also get trapped in the plastic.

Its existence first gained public attention in l997. That was when racing boat captain and oceanographer Charles Moore and his crew sailed into the garbage while returning from a racing event. Five years earlier,another oceanographer learned of the trash after a shipment of rubber duckies got lost at sea. Many of those toys are now part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch.

In August,,a team from the University of California,San Diego became the

latest group to travel to it. They were shocked by the amount of waste they saw. They gathered hundreds of sea creatures and water samples to measure the garbage patch’s effect on ocean environment.

51.How did the writer introduce the topic of the passage?

A. By giving an example. B. By listing the facts.

C. By telling a story. D. By giving a comparison.

52.What do we know about the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch?

A. It is made up of various kinds of plastic products.

B. It is a solid mass of floating waste materials.

C. It lies l60 000 kilometers east of California.

D. It is described as a kind of oceanic desert.

53.Why do people pay attention to the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch?

A. Because it may prevent the flow of ocean water.

B. Because the polluted plastic articles will move up the food chain.

C. Because it may be from an island in the pacific.

D. Because ships may be trapped in the floating waste.

54.Which column can you find the passage on a newspaper?

A. Sports and entertainment. B. Media and culture.

C. Environment and society. D. Science and technology.

55.The purpose of writing this passage is to____________.

A. warn people of the danger to travel in the pacific

B. analyze what caused the waste patch in the pacific

C. give advice on how to recycle waste in the ocean
