


英语语法a级强化练习 第1篇




1.告诉对方你获得信息的渠道:从《城市商报》(Urban Commerce)上看到对方公司的绍:
















注意书信格式。Words for reference:

人力资源部:Human Resources Department


Three: 电子邮件

写信人:Li Qiang


收信单位:Reservation Office

电子邮件网址: group sales @ aston.com




Four :招聘广告









Words for reference:

家用电器electrical home appliances;总部headquarters;

条件qualifications;大专文凭college diploma;

销售学 marketing.Five: 备忘录(内部通知)

说明:某公司人事部经理李华的身份写一则备忘录给公司总裁 William Towel.汇报应届大学毕业生前来求职的人数逐年减少的情况,并提出你的解决问题的建议:




Date: Mar.20th, 2003

To: Willion Towel, the president

From: Li Hua , personnel Manager Assistant.Subject: Decreasing College Graduates Applications.Six: 海报通知

(内容)(English Party)

随着新年的到来,我们欢送2006年,并迎来2007年希望学院英语沙龙和外语系学生会热诚欢迎每一位校友参加我们的迎新年英语晚会.外语系全体同学将为您献上精彩的英语节目,并为您准备了水果和茶点.同学们欢迎你们参加.让我们一起共同迎来2007年阳光明媚的第一天.时间: 2006年12月10日

地点: 艺术培训中心三楼300室

主办者: 希望学院英语沙龙和外语系学生会.words for reference:

沙龙: sarloon学生会: Student Union茶点: snacks

英语语法a级强化练习 第2篇

Transport is one of the aids to trade.By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce,transport adds to their value.The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer,the better for trade.When there were no railways,no good roads,no canals,and only small sailing ships,trade was on a small scale.

The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand,for instance.Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business,drawing supplies from,and selling goods to,all parts of the globe.Big factories could not exist without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes.Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the suburbs and goods delivered to their homes.Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance.

Transport also prevents waste.Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns.Transport has given us a much greater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally.Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year.Transport has raised the standard of living.

By moving fuel,raw materials,and even power,as,for example,through electric cables,transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before.Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another.The cheaper and quicker transport becomes,the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carried.Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.

Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information.Means of communication,like telephones,cables and radio,send information about prices,supplies,and changing conditions in different parts of the world.In this way,advanced communication systems also help to develop trade.


1.Paragraph 2 _________

2.Paragraph 3 _________

3.Paragraph 4 _________

4.Paragraph 5 _________

A.Higher living standard

B.Importance of transport in trade

C.Various means of transport

D.Birth of transport-related industries and trade

E.Role of information in trade

F.Public transportation

5.The development of modern means of transport _________.

6.Only when goods can be carried to all parts of the world quickly ___________.

7.Transport has made it possible for people to eat whatever food they want _________.

8.In the trade of modern society the transmission of information plays as important a role as ________.

A.to send goods to various parts of the world

B.at any time during the year

C.has greatly promoted trade

D.is it possible to produce on a large scale

E.the transport of goods

F.it is possible to produce on a large scale

答案:B A D E C D B E










英语语法a级强化练习 第3篇

英语A级考试的全称是全国高等学校英语应用能力考试 (Practical English Test for College) , 也可简称为PRETCO, 它所面向的是修完教育部2000年颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》中所规定的全部内容的高等职业教育、普通高等专科教育和成人高等专科教育各专业的学生。该考试的目的是检验高职高专学校的英语课程的教学水平, 考核高职高专学生是否达到国家教育部颁布的《基本要求》所规定的教学目标, 以及在英语应用能力方面的实际水平。

《基本要求》对A级在词汇和结构方面所规定的能力要求是:能正确认识并恰当地运用词汇表所规定的3400个英语单词及相应的词组, 能熟练运用语法结构表所列的语法知识点。[1]

2. 语法结构题的应试技巧

语法结构题是A级考试的第二部分, 本部分的分值占总分的15%, 测试时间为15分钟, 共分2部分:Section A和Section B。Section A部分的题型为选择题, 每题0.5分, 10题共五分, 考查考生对语法、单词和词组的辨析、搭配和运用能力;Section B部分的题型为填空题, 每题1分, 10题共10分, 考查考生对题目中所给出的词的掌握, 根据句子的含义、语法结构和够此方法填写单词的正确形式。[2]下面谈谈Section A的应试技巧。

语法题的测试范围主要有:动词的时态和语态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、虚拟语气、定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级、情态动词、被动语态、倒装句、强调句、独立主格结构和省略句等。词汇题的测试范围主要有:词义辨别、词性搭配、习惯用法、短语比较, 以及动词、名词、形容词和副词四大类诗词之间的转化, 等等。语法结构虽然考查面很广, 但实际上历年的考点还是有很多重复的, 虽然考题有变化, 但是考查的总是那些语法点。下面我就这些考试中反复出现的考点进行总结。

2.1 固定搭配题

此类题目在历年考试中每次必有一题, 每次都不相同, 通过研究历年的试题只能确定该试题的类型, 对于应试的技巧作用不大。如2003年12月16题考查的是in和a hurry的搭配, 2004年6月22题考查的是worry和about的搭配, 这类题目完全取决于日积月累的英语知识, 这就需要考生在平时留意动词和介词的搭配。

2.2 动词的时态

动词时态很复杂, 但是在这里最常考查的只有一种时态:完成时, 并且考查的方法和方式也比较简单。

考法1:由By包括by the end of引导的时间状语, 该句的时态是完成时, 什么完成时取决于By包括by the end of后面的时间, 该时间如果是现在, 该句的时态就是现在完成时;如果是过去, 该句的时态就是过去完成时;如果是将来, 该句的时态就是将来完成时。2004年6月第20题:By the time you get to shanghai tomorrow, I%%for Chonggqing.选择C) shall have left。该语法也出现在Section B中。

考法2:Since, 首先要确定Since的用法, 因为since可以表示自从, 引导时间状语或者时间状语从句;也可以表示因为或者既然, 引导原因状语从句。因此确定Since表示自从时, Since引导的时间状语从句用过去式, 主句用现在完成时或现在完成进行时, 现在完成进行时比现在完成时的差异是:它强调动作的延续性。例如2006年6月第20题:Ever since I ar-rived here, I%%in the dormitory because it is cheaper.选D) have been living。2008年6月第32题:My mother has enjoyed better health since we came to live in this beautiful seaside city.注意:这里有的同学会搞不清主句和从句的时态, 知道该用完成时, 但不知道哪里用。

考法3:时间状语是in the past...years或者for+时间段, 该句子要用现在完成时。例如2009年6月第31题:She described the ancient city in detail because she had lived there for years.2008年12月第33题:In the past five years, traffic problems have becomemore and more serious.

2.3 语态

被动语态类题目很容易做错, 因为很多考生花费大部分的时间来关注该题目的时态了, 有时忽视了语态或语气的选择, 所以做错了。其实只要在做完题目后, 把题目再看一遍, 确保题意有逻辑即可。例如2007年12月第30题:A telephone user may pay a fixed monthly charge and is allowed/be allowed to make an unlimited number of local calls in the month.2008年12月第31题:The hospital, which is equipped with modern facilities, is one of the best in the employer needs.

2.4 非谓语动词

A级最常考的非谓语动词包括不定式、现在分词和过去分词, 考法可以按照非谓语动词充当的成分分为4类。

2.4.1 非谓语动词作定语

非谓语动词作定语位置可前置或后置, 在A级考试中后置的较多, 幸运的是A级不考查非谓语动词的位置, 只考查该用哪一种非谓语动词, 这要取决于该动词与所限定名词之间的关系是主动和进行的关系, 那就用该动词的现在分词;如果该动词与所限定名词之间的关系是被动或完成的关系, 那就用该动词的过去分词。如2008年12月第29题:Finally the woman found her lost child with the help of the police.第27题:It was in his childhood that he read most of the books written by Mark Twain.

2.4.2 非谓语动词作表语

非谓语动词作表语, 其应试技巧与作定语的相似, 取决于该动词与主语的关系, 主动就用现在分词, 被动就是过去分词。2008年6月第30题:The lecture was so boring that many of the students in the classroom fell asleep.

2.4.3 非谓语动词作状语

非谓语动词主要作时间状语、原因状语和伴随动作。技巧是:取决于该动词与主句主语之间的关系, 主动和进行关系是现在分词, 被动或完成关系是过去分词。2007年12月第20题:%%up at the clock on the wall, the secretary found it wasalready midnight.选A) Looking。如果现在分词的动作先于主句主动词, 那么就要使用现在分词的完成式。如2006年12月第18题:%%to find the proper job, he decided to give up job hunting in this city.选D) Having failed。

2.4.4 非谓语动词作宾语补足语或主语补足语

技巧是:宾语补足语取决于动词与宾语之间的关系, 主语补足语取决于动词与主语之间的关系。其实宾语补足语和主语补足语只有一线之差, 把有宾语补足语的句子变为被动语态, 宾语补足语就变为了主语补足语。如2008年12月第22题:The scientists wanted to keep people about the breakthrough in their experiment.选B) informed。2008年6月第24题:Scientists should be kept%%of the latest development in their research areas.选C) informed。

3. 结语

A级考试的语法结构题所涉及的考点还包括其他方面, 但由于篇幅所限, 我今后将进一步探究其他方面的应试技巧, 为应考学生和教学同仁提供参考。

摘要:本文针对英语A级考试中第二部分语法结构题, 通过概括和总结该题型的命题规律, 结合历年真题, 提出了针对该类题目的应试技巧。




[2]教育部实用英语编写组.实用英语综合教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2003.

高考英语模块6—语法A 第4篇

A. the; theB. a; an

C. /; anD. /; the


解析:考查冠词。用于泛指时,不可数名词前不加冠词,所以care前不用冠词。emergency指“(具体的)紧急情况”时,是可数名词,所以前面用不定冠词an。 (模块1 Unit2中emergency)

2. It is said there is more than one copy of Harry Potter Ⅶ in our school library so I have decided to borrow after school.

A. itB. thatC. anyD. one


解析:考查代词。more than one copy表示不止一本。在我们学校图书馆不止有一本Harry Potter Ⅶ,我决定放学之后去借一本,因此只能用one 代替a copy。

3. —Sorry, Jack. I you clearly. Its too noisy here.

—I that my car broke down; youd better come and pick me up.

A. havent heard; am saying

B. dont hear; said

C. dont hear; will say

D. didnt hear; was saying


解析:考查时态。前句表示“没听清楚”应指过去;后句解释当时说的内容应用过去进行时,故选D项。(模块2 语法:时态)

4. To to an employer, the applicant decided to apply in person, rather than wait to be offered an appointment.

A. adaptB. adjust

C. attachD. appeal


解析:考查动词。appeal to对……有吸引力,使感兴趣;adapt to 适应; attach to粘贴;adjust to调节;调整以适应。为了使自己更有吸引力,一位申请人决定亲自申请工作,而不是坐等约定见面。(模块4 Unit1 Project中appeal)

5. —Tomorrow is my birthday.

—Is that so?

—Thank you.

A. I dont believe you!

B. Im so glad to hear that!

C. What presents do you need?

D. Many happy returns of the day.


解析:考查交际用语。Many happy returns (of the day)! 是(生日或节日时的)“祝辞”,意为“祝你长寿”、“祝你生日快乐”。这用语多为成人间的祝贺!

英语b级语法重点总结语法 第5篇


1.基数次表示数量(one, two, three„),序数次表示次序(first, second, third„)。

2.数词hundred, thousand, million不用复数;其“复数+of”可表示数百、数千、数百万,如:three thousand 三千/ thousands of trees(数千棵树)


He is six years old.(其中year须用其复数)

He is a six-year-old boy.(其中year不用复数)“他6岁了。”横线连接时不需要在其后加“s”。


1)They have learned about ______ in recent years. (《大学英语》(B)Test 2, 37)

A. several hundreds English words B. hundreds of English words

C. hundred of English words D. several hundred English word 解析:B。hundreds of 之类的短语之前也可加many,several之类的词修饰。A项的错误在于hundreds后缺少of。

2)Nancy is ______ girl. (《大学英语》(B)Test 2, 29)

A. a eighteen-year-old B. an eighteen-years-old

C. a eighteen-years-old D. an eighteen-year-old

英语b级语法填空题答题技巧 第6篇

-ion suggestion,action,reaction, solution, permission

-ation invitation, imagination, operation, application, explanation

-ment argument, equipment, employment, agreement, arrangement,


-enceance evidence , confidence, existence, difference,

importance, appearance

-y honesty, difficulty, poverty, reality, variety,

-er reader ruler manager, follower,

-or operator actor

-ee employee trainee

-th growth truth depth

-ness happiness, illness, sickness, goodness, coldness, fitness,

-ility possibility responsibility

-al arrival, withdrawal, disposal, denial

-age shortage, usage, courage, leakage, marriage

-ief belief, relief


1. We have been informed that the (equip) ______ will be arriving here in ten days.

2. I sincerely thank you for your (invite)______ to the Industrial Exhibition

3. I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve) ______ on the design at all.

4. The right side of the brain controls our (imagine) __________, our understanding of

space and color.

5. There is a rapid increase in population in that country that has caused a food (short)

___________ .

6. I was told that Disney World is one of Florida’s major (tour) _________ attractions.

7. There has been a large (grow) ________ of light industries during these years.

8. There were only a few (survive) ______ from the air-crash.

9. The committee expects to come to a (decide) _____ within this week.

10. The boss has promised a wage increase for all the (employ) _______.


1. equipment 2. invitation 3. improvement 4. imagination 5. shortage 6. tourist7. growth 8. survivors 9. decision 10. employees





-ful beautiful wonderful careful,thoughtful,useful,

-able acceptable reasonable,reliable,valuable,

-less useless careless

-ing willing annoying,entertaining

-ive active creative attractive,effective,

-ed pleased delighted

-al traditional personal additional

A级英语作文 第7篇



1)感谢李教练为了学校篮球队的夏季集训(summer training)放弃了整个暑假的休息时间;

2)大家都因教练对这项运动的热情(enthusiasm)受到感染(be greatly impressed


3)在这次的巡回比赛(tournament)中球队获得了优异的成绩应归功于(owe sth


4)代表(on behalf of)球队表示衷心的感谢。

Dear Mr.Li,I’m writing this letter of thanks on behalf of the whole basketball team.We’re very sincerely grateful to you for all your time spent during the summer

vacation in coaching our school basketball team.Your enthusiasm on sports and

your team spirit have greatly impressed us.The big progress and our recent

victory at the Tournament owe much to your kind help.Without you we couldn’t

go that far.Thank you again from the bottom of our heart.Sincerely yours,He Yi



Dear Sir or Madam,Please allow me to recommend Chen Ying for a position of secretary in our

company.Ms.Chen has ever worked in my department as a part-time secretary

for a period of time.I have found her to be a hardworking, diligent, and

responsible employee.Now she wishes to apply for the position of secretary and

long to work in our company team.I recomment her without hesitation, as I know you will find her a very

capable staff.Sincerely yours,Li Lin

Manager of Sales Department







May 16, 2010

Dear Sir/Madam,I have learned a piece of news from "Beijing Daily' that you want a teacher

of the Chinese language.I’m writing for the position in your college.I graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Beijing Language

and Culture University three years ago.I have experience of teaching Chinese,ever teaching the Chinese language and culture to the students from America

and Korea.I’m also good at English abilities and I have passed Cet-6.Encolsed is my resume both in Chinese and English.If you want any of my

further information, please contact me at ***.My address is No.56,Liuhua Road, Guangzhou City.Yours sincerely,Chen Hai







Name: Liu KeBirth date: Aug.5th, 1983Sex: MaleNationality: Hui

Health: Excellent

Address: Graduating Class, Hotel Management Specialty, College of

management, Shanxi University, Shanxi030010


To obtain a position as an assistant of Marketing Manager

Courses Included

Marketing Management, Public Relationships, etc.Working Experience

Worked at Marketing Department, Lixin Hotel, 2002


A mastery of computer basic skills

Cet, Band 4

Good at business communication




收件人:Miss Jenny Arnot





2.Jenny Arnot 的公司在她的地区长期为你公司推销产品。






Words for reference:



June 20, 2010

Dear Miss Jenny Arnot,Our company has recently researched a new type of computer.It has a lot of

advantages, and we believe it will have a good sales among customers.Since your

company has always been selling our products in your area, we hope you can

promote our new computer in your area.Encolsed is the specification of the product.If you are interested, please

come to see our samples and have further discussion.Please tell me when you

will come, I’ll send someone to pick you up at the airport.Thanks again and look forward to your early reply.Sincerely yours,Zhang Ming


June 22, 2008

Dear Sir or Madam:

Sorry to inform you that since the prices of raw materials have been

increased recently, we have no choice but to adjuct the prices of our

products a little higher.To express our sincerity , theprices for your

old orders will be kept unchanged/be kept as the original.We sincerely

hope we can develop smooth business relationship in future.Enclosed is our new price list.We are very sorry for the trouble

brought to you.Sincerely yours,Ding Zhiwen

“A+B”英语语法教学探究 第8篇

20世纪80年代中期以来, 为改变中国学生交际能力差的状况, 我国进行了英语教学改革。交际法由此成为我国主流教学方法, 并取得了很大成绩。但是英语语法在交际法倡导的“流利甚于正确”, 鼓励学习者张口, “教语言而不是教语言知识”等教学原则, 使学习者产生误解, 不能较好地掌握语法。当我们将中国学生交际能力差归因于过于注重教语言知识时, 又开始了另一种片面的、无助于提高教学质量的教学实践。事实上, 国内外语言学家早就指出语法知识也是交流能力的重要组成部分之一。语言是一种编码系统, 语法反映出这种编码的基本规律。语言学家公认语法教学还是要的, 问题是在于要编写易于掌握的语法书。

因此, 应该反思不足, 积极探索新的语法教学途径, 从而充分发挥语法在促进学生英语能力提高过程中的作用。当前国外一些教育学家提出, 交际法应和语法教学相结合, 由此产生了交际法向“交际—语法”教学法的过渡。这一趋势与本文探究的出发点也是一致的。


中学语法新内容的讲授, 关系到学生能否顺利解决学习中的问题, 持续地获得知识和培养能力。新内容处理成效是学生学习兴趣、动机、能力等增强或减弱的关键因素, 本文将介绍一种解决上述问题的方法——“A+B”。“A+B”法简单说是以旧释新, 即组合已知的两个句子结构, 生成一个未知的句子, 从而引出并完成新内容的讲授, 这种方法为讲授新内容构筑了平台, 顺利降低了难度, 使新内容更易学习。

在学习英语的过程中, 句子This is a book.He bought a book yesterday. (a+b) 的过程, 句A:This is a book.句B:He bought a book yesterday.句 (A+B) :This is a book which he bought yesterday.从A、B到 (A+B) 就是我们可以用作桥梁的过程。实现循序渐进、由浅入深的教学, 我们不通过讲定语从句的性质和用法也能使学生理解从句及从句的一些特征, 例如独立的B句变成了主句的一个句子成分等。


设计1 Comparative Degree

Step 1

(The teacher says, “This pencil is long.Tha pencil is long.”)

T:Which one is longer?

S:That one.

T:Yes.That pencil is longer than this one.

Step 2

After the dialogues, write down the sentences on the blackboard.

A.This pencil is long.

B.That pencil is long.

(A+B) .That pencil is longer than this≠one.

(A+B) 的组合过程中, 我们看到由于同一类人或物的某一方面的纽带关系, 使A+B成立, 即[A+adj. (er) +than+B].

Step 3

A.His bag is old.

B.Her bag is new.

(A+B) 1.His bag is older than hers.

(A+B) 2.Her bag is newer than his.

A.Our classroom is small.

B.Their classroom is big.

(A+B) 1.Our classroom is smaller than theirs.

(A+B) 2.Their classroom is bigger than ours.

简单的 (A+B) 能使学生初步掌握比较级的一些特征, 为以后深入学习打下基础, 也解决了学习过程中的新内容。

设计2 Atributive Clause

Step 1

Group A

(1) Do you know the man who came to see your sister yesterday?

(2) He has told me a story which is told in his village.

(3) She is the only girl that he likes very much.

(4) This is the place where he works.

这一组句子可以分解成学生熟悉的A、B两句, 即

Group B

(1) A.Do you know the man?

B.The man came to see your sister yesterday.

(2) A.He has told me the story.

B.The story is told in his village.

(3) A.She is the only girl.

B.He likes the girl very much.

(4) A.This is the place.

B.He works in the place.

Group B的四组句子中the man、the story、the girl、the place与Group A四组句子同一位置上的who、which、that、where替代关系表明, 先行词和关系代 (副) 词之间的“同一”关系, 利用这种同一关系我们可以用“加法”讲授定语从句。

Step 2

Group C

(1) A.This is the school.

B.I ever studied at the school.

(A+B) .This is the school where I ever studied.

(2) A.The lady is from England.

B.The lady teaches in this middle school.

(A+B) .The lady who teaches in this middle school is from England.

(A+B) 的组合过程, 清晰地说明了定语从句的形式以及定语从句与其所限定的词 (先行词) 之间的内在关系。我们看到正是先行词 (被修饰名词) 和关系代 (副) 词之间的同一关系, 才使 (A+B) 这一过程有了联系的桥梁, 其实这也是定语从句存在的基础。

Group D

(1) A.I got the news.

B.He reported the news.

(A+B) .I got the news that he reported.句A和句B的the news是A+B的基础。因此, 也可用A+B来判定下列句子。

(2) It is the fact that he cheated us.

A.It is the fact.

B.He cheated us.

句 (2) 分解成A、B, 但我们看到句B中没有the fact, 因而, 句 (2) 不是定语从句。

Step 3

(1) A.He gave me the pen.

B.He bought the pen in that shop.

(A+B) .He gave me the pen that he bought in that shop.

(2) A.The man laughed at us.

B.The man wore a black hat.

(A+B) .The man who wore a black hat laughed at us.

以 (A+B) 的形式讲定语从句, 学生容易掌握句子作句子成分的语言现象, 也能帮助学生理清复杂语言形式, 正确理解句子。


分析教学设计, 就可以总结出“A+B”的教学模式:

(1) 分析引导。从学生已知入手, 对新内容进行分析 (如设计2 Group B) , 使学生理解新的语言结构及其功能。

(2) 实例演示。实例演示与分析引导相结合, 选择学生熟知的词或句子, 设计演示例句, 通过演示, 使学生用已知理解并掌握未知 (新内容) 。

(3) 练习、扩展、引导。通过此环节, 巩固新内容, 并培养学生举一反三的学习能力。


在语法教学中, 我们可以运用此法讲下列内容:比较级、宾语从句、宾语补足语、定语从句、状语从句、分词、with的复合结构等许多语法内容。

例:A.The baby saw his mother.

B.The baby became happy.

(A+B) .Seeing his mother, the baby became happy.

