


人物英语作文:myself 第1篇

Myname is wu yuwei .I’m 13 years old. I’m a chinese girl .i study in inqi primaryschool.I’m in class 3,grade 6. I’min row 3. I have many friends in class.For eample, che lei is my best friend .She is 13 yearsold , too. She is a good girl. We often help each other.There are fourpeople in my family .They are my father, mother, sister and me .My parentsare formers . They work hard. my sister is a student . I love themand they love me ,too.

人物英语作文:myself 第2篇

Hi! I am a happy and cute boy. I am from China.I am fourteen years old, I am a pupil, I am in Class Three,Gread Four.I have many good friends.I like many pet,the peacock ,panda, rabbit and birdth

Hi! I am a happy and cute boy. I am from China.I am fourteen years old, I am a pupil, I am in Class Three,Gread Four.I have many good friends.I like many pet,the peacock ,panda, rabbit and bird,they are lovely.I am tall ,I have a around face, big eyes ,a small mouth and a small nose. I have black and short hair.I like eatting apple, banana , chicken and so on.I like music very much. I often say: book is my good friend,I like it a lot! Who am I?Yes,my name is Tom.

Do you like me?

《圣经》中的人物与英语文化 第3篇



威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)是欧洲文艺复兴时期英国最重要的作家、杰出的戏剧家和诗人。在其喜剧《威尼斯商人》(The merchant of Venice)中,女主人公鲍西娅假扮法官,利用智慧,在法庭上取得了主动权,并一步步揭露了夏洛克的真实面目。夏洛克为了讨好她,称其为“丹尼尔”(Daniel)。“丹尼尔”是《圣经外传·苏温娜的故事》里古犹太有名的年轻法官。莎士比亚借用《圣经》的“丹尼尔”把夏洛克那阿谀奉承的丑恶嘴脸表现得淋漓尽致。

在莎士比亚的悲剧《哈姆雷特》中,哈姆雷特挖苦国王大臣Polonius,称其为“Jephthah,judge of Israel”,旨在利用《圣经》中的以色列牧师Jephthah讽刺其卑鄙的行为。

《织工马南传》(Silas Marner)是英国十九世纪女作家乔治·艾略特(George Eliot)的代表作。其主人公Silas Marner是一个虔诚的基督徒,善良、勤劳却屡遭诬陷:他的好友诬陷他偷了教堂的钱,愚昧的教区人们以抽签的形式断定他有盗窃行为,其未婚妻信以为真抛弃了他,他靠自己织布所挣的金币被盗,唯一的乐趣荡然无存。Silas源于《新约·使徒行传》,圣经中的Silas是一个有名的信徒,他在外出传道时遭人长期囚禁。可见,两个Silas命运极为相似,作者以象征含义突出了作品的道德主题。

《白鲸》(The White Whale or Moby Dick)是19世纪美国浪漫主义小说家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)的代表作。其主人公船长Ahab在一次捕鲸过程中,被凶残聪明的白鲸莫比·迪克咬掉了一条腿,因此,他誓死追杀此白鲸,最终导致船毁人亡。Ahab源于《旧约·列王纪》,在《列王纪》中,亚哈是以色列王中最邪恶的一个。他效法耶罗波安拜但和伯特利两地的金牛犊来代替耶和华,使以色列人陷在拜偶像的罪中;他娶了西顿王的女儿、异教徒耶洗别为妻,并随她事奉、敬拜巴力,为她的偶像巴力建造庙宇和祭坛。亚哈心中的神是巴力,不是耶和华;亚哈将拿伯置于死地而霸占其葡萄园;他无视先知的预言和警告,最终在与犹太王约沙发作战时被箭射死。小说中的亚哈与《圣经》中的亚哈有着相似的性格、命运。《圣经》中的亚哈王性格傲慢,屡次与上帝作对。船长亚哈性格孤傲,一再与上帝为敌,他将白鲸视为恶的化身,执意追杀。在圣经文化中,白鲸是上帝引以为荣的造物,是上帝神力的象征,亚哈追杀白鲸就是追杀上帝,违抗上帝旨意,必将受到上帝谴责和惩罚。


威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)是20世纪的美国著名作家,其小说《夕阳》(That Evening Sun)中描写了黑人妇女南希(Nancy)遭受白人、警察当局的凌辱及其丈夫、雇主的无情、冷漠,使她处于孤立无援,终日生活在惶恐之中,慢慢地备受恐怖折磨的南茜身心疲惫,渐渐失去了躲避的意识,她不再防范,不再对任何人寄予希望,而是默默地接受那冥冥中早已注定的厄运。Nancy之名源于希伯来语,意为“上帝是仁慈的”,可是她的丈夫杰西斯(Jesus)自私、冷酷,在妻子遭到凌辱后,不但不安慰她,反而把满腔怒火发泄到她的头上,甚至屡屡威胁要杀她。Jesus与上帝之子耶稣的名字相同,但其品性则与耶稣截然相反,具有强烈的讽刺意味。耶稣是《圣经》中所预言的救世主,他善良、博爱、忍耐,以其血肉之躯为世人赎罪,并受尽磨难,后被钉十字架。

《愤怒的葡萄》(The Grapes of Wrath)是美国现代小说家约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck)的代表作。小说中的人物吉姆·凯绥(Jim Casy)原来是一名牧师,但严酷的现实使他意识到仅凭牧师的身份,讲学传道无法从根本上改变人们深陷于痛苦和煎熬的状况。当约德(Tom Joad)一家为重建家园举家迁居加利福尼亚时,凯绥为了开始自己的新生活随之而去,途中颠沛流离,目睹了警察的种种暴行,入狱服刑……才明白人们一起工作的意义所在。吉姆·凯绥的影响来自他的基督献身精神。斯坦贝克塑造的该人物形象与《圣经》中的耶稣极为相似,吉姆·凯绥(Jim Casy)和耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)的姓名缩写(J.C)相吻合,可谓良苦用心。吉姆·凯绥像耶稣一样,听从上帝的召唤,在受苦受难的大众中传播福音,播撒爱心。像耶稣基督带领十二位门徒为拯救人们脱离苦难而长途跋涉那样,凯绥与约德一家十二位成员一道西行去加利福尼亚追寻幸福的生活。凯绥的遇害象征着耶稣受难,体现了耶稣为拯救人类而甘愿献出生命的献身精神,而凯绥遇害前的一番话体现了耶稣的宽容。



例1:raise Cain(惹恼该隐)


Cain slew Abel(该隐杀害亚伯)


the mark of Cain(该隐的标记)


与Cain相关的习语还有:Cain-colored beard微黄色胡须,喻指叛逆不忠;the curse of Cain该隐遭到诅咒,喻指漂泊流浪,居无定所,无处安身;Cain and Abel该隐和亚伯,喻指兄弟相残,骨肉相残,同室操戈。

例2:as poor as Job(像约伯一样贫穷,一贫如洗)


the patience of Job(约伯的忍耐)


Job’s comforter(约伯的安慰者,名义上安慰人实际上让人更痛苦的人)


Job’s wife(约伯的妻子,愚顽邪恶的妇人)


与Job相关的习语还有:Job’s news(约伯的消息,坏消息,噩耗);Job’s post(约伯的信使,报凶信者,传噩耗的人);the latter end of Job(约伯的晚景);Job’s despair(约伯的绝望)等。

例3:Adam’s ribs亚当的肋骨

源于《旧约·创世纪》:耶和华用尘土造了第一个男人亚当(Adam)后,怕他孤独,就让他沉睡。在亚当沉睡的时候,耶和华从他身上取出一根肋骨,并用这根肋骨造了一个女人,取名为夏娃(Eve),意为众生之母。因此,Adam’s ribs喻指女人。

Adam’s apple亚当的苹果


Curse of Adam亚当的灾难


Adam’s needle亚当的针


与Adam相关的习语还有:not to know someone from Adam全然不知,根本不认识某人;the old Adam人类罪恶的本性,原罪,罪恶的根源;Since Adam was a boy/as old as Adam/很久以前;Adam’s ale亚当的啤酒,指的是天然的水;Adam’s profession亚当的职业,指农艺、园艺等。









MySelf英语作文 第4篇

I’d like to tell you something about myself. My name is Alice. I’m 13 years old. I’m a happy girl. I like dancing, swimming, reading and playing piano. Reading is my favourite hobby, especially, I like the story of stone best. I am a student at Jiefangjie primary school. In my school, I have many friends. All my friends are polite and helpful.

I have a happy family. My mother is a teacher. My father is a official. My little brother is lovely and naughty. I’ll help my parents do housework when they are busy.

Everyone has his own dream. I want to be a hostess. My idol is the famous hostess Dong Qing. I want to do things which can help the people in trouble when I grow up. I’ll work hard to make my dream come true.

Ok. This is me. A happy and sunny girl.

★ myself作文

★ Myself我自己英语作文

★ 英语作文格式

★ 4级英语作文范文

★ 英语作文植树

★ 英语新课标作文范文

★ 英语作文模板万能句型

★ 新年快乐英语作文

★ 初一作文英语作文

Myself英语作文 第5篇

Hello! Boys and girls.

My name is Zhaoyuemingcheng. I’m 14 years old and I live in Baicheng Jilin .I speak Chinese and a little English. I play basketball on weekends. My favorite subject is musicit’s fun! My favorite movie is “Rush Hour”. Do you know it? It’s an action movie.

(译文:你好!男孩和女孩。我的名字是Zhaoyuemingcheng 。我14岁并且我住在Baicheng吉林I讲中文和少许英语。我周末打篮球。我喜爱的主题是音乐它是乐趣!我喜爱的电影是“高峰时间” 。您知道它吗?这是动作片。)

Myself英语作文 第6篇

I used to be short, but I am taller now, my weight is heavy than before。 I used to be reserved and shy, but now I’m outgoing than before, I made many friends。 I used to be naughty, but now I’m eager to learn more。 I like exercising more than before, my body is stronger than before。

Suddenly found that we are growing up in change。

Myself英语作文 第7篇

I am a healthy girl, because I have a good eating habit. I was a vegetarian, I often eatsalad lettuce silk, carrot stew and fried cabbage. The fruit is very healthy food. I likeeat star fruit, cherry, peach, grape and kiwifruit. But my favorite fruit is blueberry.

I like sports. I like to play badminton play tennis, because they are very easy and interesting. My favorite sport is playing basketball. Oh, “the little dwarf reincarnation” I just love basketball this movement, this is baffled. Don’t look at me is a small but girl,last visit to his alma mater, I play basketball with a group of old classmates with a university, but I grabbed a few times high school seniors ball! For me is that even the “three ball” “gatekeeper” is what all don’t know beginners, but I am very proud! For my height, playing basketball is very difficult, but fortunately the pain in music, it is veryuseful and interesting. Why useful? I wonder if you have not heard of, plenty of exercise can promote bone growth, especially for jumping movement!

MySelf英语作文 第8篇

Hello!Do you konw me ? Let me tell you some ting about me .My name is Zhou xuelian .I am a Chinese girl .I am a student in No.4 Middle School .

At school I have there good friends .Their names are Lai Mengyao Yanmeng Lihui.

They are all good students .And they like English very much .I like English ,too .I read English every to leam English well.Sorry .I have a lot of work to do today .I must go to work now . I think I am a funny girl .Do you like me ?

MySelf英语作文 第9篇

Now I formally introduce myself, I am a very shy boy, my hobby is gentle and quiet, I like reading novels, listening to music, and writing, and these are my hobby. Don’t know why every time when I was in a bad mood, I always listen to the music, the sound of music, my heart will always be good, perhaps this is I have a friendly feeling born for music.

And I also like math, but my math is not very good.

MySelf英语作文 第10篇

i like dolls very much,there are some dolls on my bed,they are very lovely. sometimes, i like playing computer games,reading books .

i like to take a trip ,and i have visited a lot of city ,for example,hang-zhou ,lin-an,zhou-shan,yi-wu ……

i like watermelon and hamburger very very much.

my favourite colours are white and pink.

i have many friends ,and we always play and studying together.

优秀英语作文题目:myself 第11篇


My name is Jack.I am thirteen years old, and I am a middle school student.I have a lot of hobbies.I like reading books and I like playing ping-pong very much.So I have a ping-pong ball and two ping-pong bats.After class, I always play it with my friends.Also, I like eating healthy food.My favorite food is chicken, because I think it is delicious and it is good for my health.I have a happy family.There are three people in my family: my father, my mother and me.My father is a driver.My mother is a doctor.I love them, and they love me, too.If you want to make friends with me, please call me at 512-4583.

关于myself英语作文精选 第12篇

My name is Wunai Tianshi .I was born in Xionghe Jingzhou on November 13th 1991 .I want to be a journelist when I leave school !I have many friends in my school such as Fan Di Tong xin and so on ...I also have many friends in Xiaohe such as Suisuiyangguang Liu Beibei Xiao Xiao and so on .There was many idea in my head I want to find you Do you think so?please write a lettler for me!!!

关于myself英语作文精选 第13篇

Today, people are under great pressure, they are busy with work, to make more money, they have to do what the boss ask them do to, even they don’t want to. There is how pressure coming. We need to relax ourselves, we are young, don’t live like that we are over 50. We should get ourselves out of the pressure.
