


大学英语口语练习提纲 第1篇





2.用英语写一篇300字以上的文章,简要介绍你的学校,你所在的学院,及你所学专业的情况。并用英语向别人描述以上信息。可参考文章Introduction to Wenzhou University。





Opening & Closing a conversation

Beautiful day, isn’t it?

Er, Can you spare me a minute?

I am not quite sure what you meant.It was nice talking to you.Well, thanks for talking to us today.Likes & Dislikes

I like /love(music).I prefer(talk shows)to(soap operas).I enjoy(net chatting)

My favorite sport is(swimming).I am fond of(reading).I hate(being laughed at).I don’t care for(Kentucky fried chickens).That’s the last thing I need.(Speeches)bore me.Similarities & Differences

There is something in common in(the ways we celebrate…)

(our ways of celebrating…)are just the same as yours.(Christmas in …)is as joyful as(the Spring Festival in China).There are some differences between(the ways we observe the New Year).(Christmas activities)are quite different from(Spring Festival activities).Our ways of … are not the same as yours.Expressing one’s opinion

I think/ don’t think(appearance counts a great deal in a job interview).As to/for me,(I am used to working long hours).As far as I am concerned,(I’d like to read this book).Personally,(I would say yes to your proposal).Studies and Courses

Are you busy with your studies this term?

Do you have a busy schedule this semester?

How many courses do you have for this semester?

I have four required courses and two optional courses this term.What subject do you do best?

I am an average student.How are you getting along with your college life?

What courses will you take for the next term?

Who is teaching you English this term?

About a University

The university was founded in 1956.Most of the students and some faculty members live on campus.How many foreign students do you have?---the total enrollment of the foreign students is about 30.Is your university on the foreign students exchange program? Yes.We’d like to know your opinions about your teaching and research capacities.We welcome suggestions and criticisms.The campus is very beautiful and all the teachers are kind and helpful, and the students work hard.Thank you very much for your time.Each university has its own strong points.In fact, we can basically divide all the universities in China into 2 groups.Some of them are good on the whole.Others may not be famous, but they are really strong in some departments or research fields.At the library

How many books can I borrow altogether?

Could you recommend me an American novel?

We read newspapers and magazines in the reading room everyday.In the library, there are usually three sections: references, fiction(文学类书籍)and nonfiction.The open stacks system is applied in the library.Borrowing is limited to five books and we have to renew them in two months.About tests

I have been sitting here for more than 2 hours working on the different and difficult English words and found no interest in it.It’s all that I have to take part in the CET-4.Could you give me some tips on how to prepare for the exams?

But I have been having a lot of difficulty doing listening part of CET-4.Taking tests needs some special techniques.It is easier said than done.I can understand how you feel about it.I had CET-4 last semester and wanted to drop it after the first several weeks, but I decided to stick to it and I am glad I did.By the time it was over, I had really learned a lot.If you are really concerned about the social development, you may find that what we can learn in class is not enough for us in the future.So we need to learn something outside the class.If you don’t take the exam, how can you learn if you have already acquired the knowledge?

I never wait until the last minute before the exams.We must work hard in the course of our study.He is punishing himself for not allowing more time to intake basic materials;He is having emotional anxiety and physical fatigue which will block his performance.All course materials should be reviewed at least once a week after being studied, again at midway, and then again in the final review before the exams.Discussing English learning

I often speak English with my friends.To tell you the truth, I seldom speak English.I make mistakes whenever I open my mouth to speak English.No mistakes, no progress.I think the best way to improve our oral English is to speak as much as possible.About Teaching

The multimedia system helps foreign language learners to learn faster and better.I think in this way the benefit for the English learner does not stop at the improvement of their spoken English.I am looking forward to the popularization of the multimedia system.Can you use them freely?

I can cope with the written exam, but as for the oral English….We only have one oral classe every week;while after the class, the chance for me to speak to native speakers is so slim.About one’s future career

I’d like to be a/an biologist/physician/college professor/teacher/programmer/accountant.etc.I can travel to a lot of places of interest if I work as a sales manager.Education/science and technology/social stability /international trade is essential to the

development of our country,so I want to have a career in…

What matters most to me is a friendly atmosphere/comfortable working environment /handsome pay/good prospects of promotion/challenging tasks.Where there’s a will, there is a way.Talent and a bit of luck are all you need to realize your dreams.I never doubt that my dream will come true some day.I think it is wise to be realistic/not to aim at smething that is beyond you.What do you want to do after graduation?

Do you think I should get my mater’s degree?

The more education you have, the better chance you can get.I want to pursue my graduate study.You know great achievements have been made in my field but I don’t think what I’ve learned so far is enough for me for the future work.If you don’t make plans ahead of others, you will lag behind

Life and sports

Now I find that getting a good work-out a couple of times a week actually makes me feel more energetic.I like swimming, but I prefer to play table tennis.I have benign working out every day for a month now.I am fine with every sport as long as it can give me physical training.What about you.Entertainments

How do you spend your spare time?

What do you usually do on weekends?

I always find nothing to do in my spare time.I have many things to do to enjoy myself after school.I can sit still all day, listening to some popular or classical music.Listening to music can help you to relax after a whole day for a whole week’s study.I like going to surf the Internet on weekends.It’s not important what I chat.I can do that with many kinds of people, learning about the society from what they say and the way they say it.Shopping

I usually do my shopping in large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby, since they often have good buys/it saves time.Supermarkets are so convenient.You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket.I like books/music, so sometimes I go to a campus bookstore to hunt for my favorite CDs/recent bestsellers.I seldom go shopping.It takes too much time.Part-time jobs

The important thing, I think, is to get some working experience.The pay is the secondary.In a part-time job you can learn things that you can’t normally learn no campus/from books I need to support myself, so I am really concerned with how much I can earn.I would like to find a part-time job as an office worker/secretary/receptionist /tour guide/waitress/ tutor/computer operator.Ⅲ、英语口语比赛部分参考试题


1.1.Should China Develop Personal Automobiles?

Do you have a dream of having a car of your own? Illustrate your attitude towards the development of personal automobiles.Key words and expressions

Automobile industry轿车工业

Toxic gases有毒气体

2.2.Cloning and Modern Technologies

Cloning is a controversial issue.Attitudes towards it and other modern technologies vary from person to person.Illustrate your attitude towards cloning and modern technologies.Key words and expressions


Transplant patients需要移植的病人

Impose a ban on cloning humans 禁止克隆人

3.3.Chinese Migrant Workers

A huge migration of Chinese farmers into big cities is a phenomenon in the 1990s.Here is a piece of news concerning migrant workers in China.Read it carefully.Illustrate your attitude towards it.据《人民日报》报道,每年春节一过,全国的大小火车站就挤满了去沿海城市打工的农民。改革开放以来,已有几千万的农民涌入东部城市。他们为推动当地的经济建设作出了巨大的贡献。但同时也带来许多社会问题。如城市交通环境问题,就业问题,人口问题。其中犯罪问题尤为突出。

Key words and expressions

Rural migrants/workers民工

4.4.Opinions of Advertising

People now take advertising for granted, though they have different opinions of it.Here is a piece of news concerning advertising.Read it carefully and illustrate your attitude towards it.据《消费报》报道,广告已成了人们日常生活中不可缺少的东西。据一项民意调查,买电视机,冰箱,空调等耐用品有87%的人是根据广告去买的。买日用品和食品的有71%是根据广告的。尽管广告给人们的生活带来许多方便,但人们对广告过滥表示不满。不仅一个电视片被广告插得支离破碎,连报道新闻也不时插进广告。尤其是对虚假广告,人们更是深恶痛绝。

Key words and expressions

Commercial电视广告appeal to consumers吸引顾客false or deceptive advertisements 虚假广告compete for customers 争夺顾客

5.5.Should Yong Couples and Their Parents Live Separately?

Now young people tend to move out to establish their own households when they get married and leave their parents living alone.Generally, there are nuclear families and a family with a young couple living together with their parents.Discuss with your parents and express your preference by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of two types of the families.Key words and expressions

Establish one’s own household建立自己的家

Generation gap代沟

A nuclear family 三口之家

6.6.Going Abroad

In the last 20 years nearly one million Chinese people have gone abroad.Explain the causes

and illustrate your attitude towards it.Key words and expressions

The open-door policy开放政策

7.7.Job Hunting for College Graduates

Now college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a desirable job.The difficulty college graduates have in hunting for jobs can be somewhere on the internet.Explain the causes.Key words and expressions

Be assigned a job分配工作

Social connections社会关系

8.8.Environment in China

The environmental problem in China is getting serious.According to the statistics, there is an increase in Carbon Dioxide Levels in the atmosphere and a loss of forests and rural areas of China.Explain the causes and suggest the solutions to the problem.Key words and expressions


Ecological balance生态平衡

9.9.College Students Taking Part-time Jobs.Now more and more Chinese college students take part-time jobs.Explain the causes and illustrate your attitude.Key words and expressions


大学英语口语练习提纲 第2篇


1.Though he was rich, he still cannot___ the house.(A)


2.The long drought caused a(n)___ short age of water.(D)


3.She ___ the amber necklace with a string of pearls to see which she liked better.(C)


4.His ___ spirit urged him on to ever greater feats.(B)


5.She ___ her way into the best circles.(B)


6.He made a(n)___ turn to avoid hitting another car.(A)


7.We cut a(n)___ in a fence for passers-by to watch the construction going on in an excavation.(D)


8.Our society has many ___ of greeting, farewell and celebration.(B)


9.We are decided to ___ the house at a higher valuation because of improvements he had made.(C)


10.I feel that I owe you a great many apologies for my ___ departure yesterday.(C)


11.Dogs have a(n)___ sense of smell among the domestic animals.(B)


12.The man is green and not ___ to the task of assembling the machine.(B)


13.They send someone to ___ the value of the house before making the final decision.(A)


14.He felt embarrassed as he could not ___ his absence from school.(C)

A.confide in;B.agree to;C.account for;D.ask around

15.A hundred years ago, Shanghai was ___ a small unknown district.(D)

A.less than;B.rather than;C.nothing;D.nothing but

16.Twenty years have ___ since I lost contact with him.(C)


17.We rushed to the conference hall to ___ firsthand information.(A)


18.Apart from quite a few injuries, the accident ___ the death of 2 passengers.(B)

A.resulted from;B.resulted in;C.restored to;D.resigned from

19.We have a(n)___ for a file clerk, so we have advertised in a newspaper.(A)


20.He spends his ___ reading newspaper and magazines instead of going out.(B)


21.As the meeting is very important to our company, I shall be present ___.(A)

A.in person;B.in rows;C.in public;D.in harmony

22.Though delay was ___ heavy traffic, he was scolded for it.(A)

A.due to;B.due for;C.on credit;D.of concern

23.Since you have made the promise, you should ___ it.(C)


24.It is a matter of ___ that men should open doors for ladies.(A)


25.The members present at the meeting believed his proposal was ___ being considered.(D)

A.worthwhile;B.in the way;C.in vain;D.worthy of

26.When she began the job, she showed ___ and was promoted to manage after a year.(D)


27.We took a(n)___ supply of food with us when we went hiking in the mountains.(D)


28.If you look at the names on shop windows, you will see that America is a very culturally ___ country and Americans come from many different lands.(B)


29.A ___ of scandals over the past year has not helped public confidence in the government.(C)


30.The government plans to increase the ___ on cigarettes by 10 percent over the next year.(B)


31.The local authority has refused to ___ the scheme because it will bring about environmental disasters.(A)


32.There is no ___ between church and state in Britain today but there were many disagreement in the past.(B)


33.A good doctor should always ___ himself ___ your health.(C)

A.engage in;B.involve in;C.concern with;D.refer to

34.All living organisms, ___ their unique identity, have certain biological, chemical and physical characteristics in common.(D)

A.as a result of;B.considering;C.on purpose;D.regardless of

35.The towns have ___ in the areas where there were deserts.(A)

A.sprung up;B.sprung back;C.sprung from;D.sprung to

36.As we know, America is one of the most ___ countries in the world.(A)


37.The term “socialist market economy” applies to the economic reform in China, was ___ by Deng Xiao Ping.(B)


38.Parents have become very ___ the television viewing habits of the Children.(A)

A.concerned about;B.content with;C.immune to;D.abundant in

39.Energy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible only when food is ___ into energy.(C)


40.Recently, he has lost all his ___.(D)

A.wage and saving at cared;B.wages and saving at card;C.wages and savings at card;

D.wages and savings at cards

41.It is well known that the hatred of the black to the white is ___ by the racial prejudices.(C)


42.The original Darwinian ideas have expanded since his time, and there is still debate about the pace at which ___ evolve.(A)


43.Mary has a great ___ of interests: she likes sports, travel, photography, and making radio sets.(C)


44.There was more than ___ rain and snow last year, so some parts of the country have been flooded this spring.(D)


45.From then on, a sound system of watch-dog organization was ___ in all leading bodies.(B)

A.constructed;B.set up;C.given up;D.confirmed

46.His struggle in business ___ at making a fortune before he is forty.(A)


47.They ___ strong measures against dangerous drivers.(A)


48.The judge at first thought the man was a thief, but after he heard all about him he ___ his opinion and said that he was not guilty.(A)


49.Those foreigners enjoy making ___ friendly contact with the Chinese people.(A)


50.___ is one of the qualities of a good leader.(C)


51.We’d like to ___ a table for five for dinner this evening.(D)


52.She turned him ___;she won’t marry him.(D)


53.I’m ___ with my original idea.(B)


54.Caring for the sick is a nurse’s ___.(C)


55.I know I have seen that man before.I can’t ___ where.(D)


56.I didn’t hear ___ because there was too much noise where I was sitting.(B)

A.what did they say;B.what he said;C.what was he saying;D.what for him to say 57.Don’t you think ___ a special committee to study the problem?(D)

A.us better to form;B.it better we to form;C.we better form;D.it better for us to form 58.Let’s ___ the problem for the time being: we can return to it later.(D)


59.The clock ___ and we realized it was two o’clock.(B)


60.His wife’s death ___ him deeply.(A)


61.If you won’t ___ her solve the problem by herself, she will never learn.(C)


62.He’s a very naughty boy and is always in ___ for his mischief.(D)


63.Middle school students are heavily burdened___home assignments.(D)


64.___, he can speak two foreign languages.(A)

A.Child as he is;B.A child as he is;C.Child as is he;D.A child as is he

65.The peace talks were___ because of disagreement.(C)

A.put up;B.held on;C.put off;D.slowed down

66.___English, they have to study a second foreign language.(D)

A.Except;B.Except for;C.Beside;D.Besides

67.In the United States, eggs are sold___the dozen.(C)


68.But that she saw it with her own eyes, she___it.(B)

A.could not believe;B.could not have believed;C.did not believe;D.believe

69.The atlantic ocean is over 6,000km ___where christopher columbus crossed it.(B)


70.The difference between the baby twins is so small ___it is even hard for their mum to tell.(B)


71.Generally,the children stay in the nuclear family ___they grow up and marry.(C)


72.Many species of animals are under the threat of ___because of the rapid change of natural environment.(D)


73.The knowledge and power of the information age will be within reach not just of the few,___of every classroom, every library in the near future.(A)


74.Different people react in different manners to psychological pressures and tensions they___in their lives.(A)

A.are faced with;B.are faced;C.are faced in;D.are faced for

75.The security department suspected him___giving information to a foreign company.(A)


76.Mr.Green ___ his wife.(B)


77.The army put up a strong ___ to the enemy.(C)


78.The leader of the police station gave an order to arrest all ___ persons.(D)


79.His failure to pay the debts ___ the suspicion that he was not to be trusted.(D)


80.We must find a way to ___ these problem before it is too late.(B)


81.As soon as he came in, he ___ to tell us all his troubles.(A)


82.The Russian foreign minister yesterday ___ his visit to Washington.(C)


83.His apartment on the twenty-second floor ___ a little park.(D)


84.___ is known to all, too much stress can spoil a person.(D)


85.There are 102 elements found in nature, ___ are metals.(C)

A.of which;B.which;C.most of which;D.most which

86.She ___ them not to accept his explanation.(A)


87.I was halfway back to the cottage where my mother lived ___ Susan caught up with me.(C)


88.They ___ an accident on their way home.(A)

A.met with;B.started with;C.concerned with;D.went with

89.Progress has been made towards a political ___ between the two nations.(B)


90.What is the ___ time of the flight?(C)


91.Children and old people do not like having their daily ___ upset.(B)


92.On his trip ___ he visited relatives in Japan.(B)


93.Who is the authority ___ the subject?(D)


94.Several ___ were made from her wages every week.(D)


95.After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance ___ further losses.(C)


96.In those days, I ___ take a short walk before breakfast.(B)

A.was used to;B.was accustomed to;C.am used to;D.was familiar to

97.We managed to reach the top of the mountain ,and half an hour later we began to ___.(B)


98.Would you please ___ me to get ready?(C)

A.wait;B.await;C.wait for;D.await for

99.There are notices showing arrivals and ___ of trains near the book-office.(A)


100.What is the ___ to London and back?(A)

大学生怎样练习英语口语 第3篇

在知识和科技大爆炸, 经济、文化和生活日趋全球化的时代, 跨文化交际日益频繁, 英语口语在跨文化交际中占有重要的地位。然而, 当今大学生的英语口语水平普遍较差, 在口语、词汇、语音、语调等方面存在诸多问题。因此, 大学生投入大量时间, 训练提高英语口语水平已经势在必行。


1. 精挑细选练习材料。

练习材料是未来语言的蓝本, 其选择至关重要。材料可以是小说、诗歌、散文、传记、歌词等任何你喜欢的语言形式。通常新概念的文章备受大学生的青睐, 从第一册到第四册, 层次分明, 语言地道, 富有美感, 篇篇经典, 而且每篇文章都有录音版本, 有英式发音和美式发音两种版本, 满足了大学生的不同需求。英文小说床头灯系列也是练习口语的好材料。近百本的英文小说几乎涵盖了英国社会生活的各个方面, 多样化的表达方式, 优美地道的语言, 扣人心弦的故事情节都引人入胜。

2. 英语口语模仿训练。

英语口语模仿训练是提高英语口语水平的有效途径。模仿语音要由慢速到快速、由夸张到自然、由逐个单词读准再到逐个句子读顺。模仿时要一板一眼, 口形要正确, 放慢速度, 以便把音发到位, 待把音发准了以后, 再加快速度, 用正常语速反复多说几遍, 直到不用过多思考就能用正常语速把句子轻松地说出来。然后, 通过典型的对话素材训练升降调, 连读, 同化等语音技巧, 提高英语口语的熟练程度和流利程度, 说出有“英语味”的英语。

3. 英语口语复述训练。

听英语小故事、小短文, 然后复述出来, 可以显著地提高听说能力。刚开始练习时, 因语言表达能力、表达技巧等方面的不足, 往往复述接近于背诵, 但在基础逐渐扎实以后, 就能灵活运用了。在保证语言正确的前提下, 复述可越来越灵活, 如改变句子结构、变换表达方式、替换一些较难或较生僻的词汇、概括文章大意等。复述的内容也要精心选择。一般来说, 所选资料的内容要具体生动, 有明确的情节, 生词量不要太大, 如知识性、故事性较强的小短文。复述表面上看起来慢, 实际上对英语综合能力的培养很有帮助。如果时间较充足, 就可以在口头复述的基础上, 再用笔头复述一下, 这样可以提高对语言的掌握程度, 提高书面表达能力。

4. 英语口译训练。

口译英汉对照的小说或其他读物是一种非常有效的方法。我们先读汉语部分, 然后逐句直接口译成英文, 完成一小段后, 去对比相应的英文部分。这样, 马上就可以发现口译中存在的错误与不足, 以便及时改正。刚开始选择口译法进行英语口语训练时, 在选材上先尽量选择较简单的英语读物, 生词量控制在20%以内。推荐的读物有:《新东方英语》、《英语世界》、《英语文摘》、英语小说书虫系列、英文小说床头灯系列等。

5. 到英语角练习。

各大高校都有练习英语口语的英语角, 去英语角对话也是一个好方法。去英语角的主要目的不是学习新的语法和词汇, 而是充分展示自己, 建立起说英语的信心, 锻炼自己与不同的人说英语的胆量和能力。去英语角之前要做好充分准备, 找好自己想要练习的话题, 背诵大量的材料, 以便有话可说。对话的过程中要积极大胆地说, 不怕犯错, 不怕“丢脸”。

6. 了解禁忌语, 培养英语思维模式。

轻松愉快的交谈需要以话题所产生的兴趣作保障。为了保证会话的顺利进行, 必须了解交谈中的一些禁忌语。如与陌生女性交谈时切莫问其年龄、收入、家庭住址、电话号码等个人隐私。每一种语言都包含该民族丰富的文化内涵和特定的思维模式。对英语国家的文化背景知识了解得越清楚越透彻, 在同英美人士交流时, 就越能相互认同和了解。所以, 在学习口语时, 不仅要尽可能多地掌握语言知识, 补充大量的口语词汇和句型, 还要深刻挖掘语言背后的文化内涵和思维模式。这样, 用英语交流起来才会更顺畅。


本文从大学生英语水平的现状出发, 探讨了几种卓有成效的练习英语口语的方法。然而, 口语练习是一个循序渐进、日积月累的过程, 需要大学生持之以恒, 坚持不懈地练习才能由量变转化为质变, 自然流利地说出有“英语味”的地道英语。


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大学英语口语练习提纲 第4篇

大学英语提纲式四级作文简析 第5篇



作 者:高燕 作者单位:沈阳农业大学,辽宁,沈阳,110161刊 名:辽宁教育行政学院学报英文刊名:JOURNAL OF LIAONING EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTE年,卷(期):24(11)分类号:H31关键词:四级 提纲式作文 常见错误 解决方法

大学英语口语练习提纲 第6篇


B. 有人认为什么是坏事,反对什么,为什么?


⑴ Some people are in favor of the idea of doing They point out the fact that

⑵They also argue that However, other people stand on a different ground.They consider it harmful to do.⑶They firmly point out that

⑷An example can give the details of this

argument: 举一个例子吧。There is some truth in both arguments.But I think the advantages of …..overweigh the disadvantages.In addition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, Y also may Y 的有一个坏处。

3. 问题现象式


B. 产生的原因


D. 如何杜绝。(如果是问题的话)

E. 前景的预测。

① Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious

Social/economic/environmental problem.举一个例子。

②There are a couple of reasons booming this problem/phenomenon.下面参照辩论式议论文的写法。

③什么 has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life, which has been

articulated(表达)in the following aspects.参照辩论式议论文的写法。

④A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm.参照辩论式议论文的写法。

⑤Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will ……..Ⅱ具体概述:



Which opinion is great/more reasonable?(哪个观点是合理的)

回答:I am inclined(倾向于n.斜面)to accept the former(前者)/the latter(后者).(2).My opinion is that there is something in both of the view.(3).With regard to the opinion I think a correct attitude is that…

(4).In my opinion whether it is good or bad depends on how we look at it


(1)Several factors(因素)are responsible(承担责任)for the phenomenon.(3)Those who are in favor of the …believe that …(两观点对比使用)


(1)It benefits us in many ways.(对我们有很多好处)

(2)Doing something(sth)is beneficial to做…有益处

(3)While …has so many advantage, we should not ignore(忽视)the problem ,it brings us…

($)Just as a coin has two sides everything has its advantage and disadvantage.㈣表示措施办法打算(第三段)

*(1)We should take effective measures to prevent…

(2)Faced with such a situation.(3)Perhaps he best choice is the combination of the two(也许最好的办法是二者结合)

(4)There are several ways to cope with(处理)the problem.*(5)The government should make strict regulations to ban such practice/to stop the phenomenon form spreading.(6)We should take immediate action.(7)It is urgent for us to do something about this.㈤表示重要性

(1)It is indispensable(必不可少的)to our life.(2)It plays an important part in

(3)…is of vital importance…至关重要

(4)It is essential that…(should)do.㈥表结论

(1)Form the above analysis we can safety draw conclusion that

(2)Only in this way can we…
