


七年级英语复习资料 第1篇

Play tennis/table tennis打网球/乒乓球 Play the piano/guitar弹钢琴/吉他

【结论:乐器前+the,球类前不+the】 Worry about担心

Would like to do sth想要做某事 get on well with sb与某人相处融洽

be ready to do sth=get ready to do sth 准备做某事

ride a bike/horse骑自行车/马 that’s all而已

on the board在布告板上

class/PE/cleaning monitor 班长/体育委员/劳动委员 just like就像,正如 fly a kite放风筝

run fast跑得快 play the piano well弹钢琴弹得好 the best score的成绩/分数

promise to do sth承诺/保证做某事 Food and Drink Club饮食俱乐部 What/How about+Ving?…怎么样?

Choose ….as…选择…作为… Speak Chinese讲汉语 Be good at =do well in 擅长…

七年级英语复习资料 第2篇

I’d like to dance to dicso.Can you do it, too? 我想跳迪斯科。你也会跳吗? Yes, I can.I can also perform ballet.是的,我会。我还会跳芭蕾舞。

Great!I’m sure we’ll have a good time at the party.太棒了!我相信我们在聚会上玩得很愉快。


Oh!Polly,you can speak English!Can you sing an English song? 哦!波利,你会说英语!你会唱英文歌吗?

Of course I can.Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to you… 当然会。祝你生日快乐,祝你生日快乐…… You are so smart!你太棒了!

What else can you do? 你还会做什么呢?

I can count.One,two,three,four… 我会数数。一,二,三,四……

I’d like to take these flowers to the party.Can you count them for me? 我想把这些花带到聚会上去。你能帮我数一下吗? Er,no,I can’t count so mang flowers.呃,不能!我数不了这么多花。Aha!哈哈!

How was KangKang’s birthday party? 康康的生日聚会怎么样? It was very nice.非常好。

Did you sing a song at the party? 你在聚会上唱歌了吗? Yes,I did.是的,我唱了。

Did you sing a Chinese song or an English song? 你唱了一首中文歌还是英文歌曲?

An English song.一首英文歌曲。

Did you play the piano? 你弹钢琴了吗?

No,I didn’t.But Maria did.不,我没有。但是玛丽亚弹了.What did Sally do? 莎莉做了什么?

She danced.她跳舞了。

What about Tom? 汤姆呢?

He performed some magic tricks.He likes tricks very much.他表演了一些魔术。他非常喜欢魔术。Did kangkang enjoy himself? 康康玩得高兴吗?

Of course.He was very happy.当然。他非常高兴。Ouch!哎呦!

What’s the matter? 怎么啦?

I missed the chair and fell down.我没坐到椅子上,摔倒了。

Poor Michael!Did you hurt yourself? 可怜的迈克尔!你伤到你自己了吗? No,I didn’t hurt myself.I’m OK.我没有伤到自己。我没事。

Oh,look at your hands!Go and wash them at once.哦,看你的手!马上去洗洗。

OK。Where is the washroom,KangKang? 好的,康康。洗手间在哪里? This way,please.请这边走。

A:What’s the weather like in Spring?

春天的天气怎么样? B:It’s warm,.It’s a good season for flying kites.天气暖和,是放风筝的好季节。

A:What’s the weather like in Summer? 夏天的天气怎么样?

B:It’s hot.We can go swimming.天气很热,我们可以去游泳。

A:How is the weather in fall? 秋天的天气怎么样?

B:It’s cool.It’s a good time to climb hills.天气很凉爽,是爬山的好季节。

A:How is the weather like in winter? 冬天的天气怎么样?

B:It’s cold.We can make snowmen in winter.天气很凉。在冬天我们可以堆雪人。

Hello,Michael!This is Mom.How are things going? 迈克尔,你好!我是妈妈。最近怎么样? Hi,Mom!Things are going very well.你好,妈妈!这里一切都非常好。How is everyone there? 大家都好吗?

Everyone is fine here.What is the weather like in Beijing? 大家都很好。北京的天气怎么样? It is rainy today, but it was sunny and warm yesday.今天下雨了,但是昨天阳光灿烂和暖和舒适。

Remember to put on your raincoat when you go outside.你出门时记住穿雨衣。Yes, Mom.好的,妈妈。

Goodbye, Michael!再见,迈克尔。Goodbye,Mom.再见,妈妈。

The summer holidays are coming soon.暑假就要到了。

I want to go to Canada.我想去加拿大。What are your pians? 你们有什么计划? I plan to go to Australia.我计划去澳大利亚。The weather there is cool.那儿的天气很凉爽。

I wish to travel around the country and take some pictures.我希望周游全国并拍些照片。I want to go back to Cuba.我想回古巴。

My grandparents miss me very much.我的祖父母非常想念我。

I hope to get together with them.我希望和他们欢聚一堂。My birthday is next month.我的生日在下个月。

I want to celebrate it with my family and old friends.我想游览一些中国的名胜古迹。

I,d like visit some places of interest in China.我想游览一些中国的名胜古迹。

Great!Each of you has a good plan for the holidays.好极了!你们每人都有一个美好的假期计划。I hope you all have a wonderful time.我希望你们都玩的愉快。You,too.你也一样。

Weilun,can you tell me something about your hometown,Yunnan? 伟伦,你能告诉我一些关于你的家乡-云南的情况吗? Sure.What would you like to know? 当然可以。你想知道些什么? What’s the best time to go there? 去哪里的最佳时间是什么时候? I think you can go anytime.我认为你随时去都可以。

You know, Kunming is the Spring City.你知道,昆明是春城

The weather there is always fine all year round.那里的天气一年到头都很好

What places should I visit in Yunnan? 在云南我该游览什么地方?

You should visit Dali and Li Jiang.你应该游览大理和丽江

.And you shouldn’t miss Xishuangbama.也别错过西双版纳。It’s wonderful.它太漂亮了。

It sounds very interesting!听起来真有趣。

And what should I take with me? 那我该带些什么呢?

You’d better take a camera, a pair of sunglasses, a map and so on.你最好带上照相机,太阳镜,地图等。The Spring Festival(January/February)Chinese people eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.春节(一月|2月)


Christmas(December 25th)

People in many countries celebrate Christmas.They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes.And give each other presents.圣诞节(12月25日)

许多国家的人庆祝圣诞节。他们通常吃火鸡和圣诞蛋糕并互相赠送礼物。The Lantern Festival [lunar January 15th] It means the end of the Spring Festival,On this day,people eat sweet dumplings for good luck ,watch lantern shows and guess riddles on lanterns.元宵节(农历正月十五日)


Thanksgiving[the fourth Thursday in November] Families in America get together for a big dinner.Many people eat turkey and pumpkin pie.感恩节【十一月第四个星期四】

七年级上册英语期末复习总结 第3篇

一、按照新课标的要求, 读和说是初一学生应该重点掌握的技能, 为此在期末复习阶段, 我为学生增加了口语考试, 课下听读课文磁带, 反复练习。

二、学生们的听力差, 通过以上读和说的训练, 在一定程度上也提高了听力的能力。但为了使学生能够得到更大程度的提高, 我准备把讲新课时所用的听力材料再次播放, 进行听读巩固。

三、学生们写作水平还有待提高。老师要首先讲解写作技巧, 帮助学生形成好的写作策略, 为以后学生写出更好的作文奠定基础。学生在写作时遇到较多的问题, 例如, 单词拼写不正确, 句子结构不恰当, 作文思路不清晰。增加作文课, 老师出一篇作文, 要求学生当堂完成, 然后小组内评价打分, 找出好的作文展示, 使学生明白什么样的作文算是一篇好的作文, 这对学生起到了一定的示范作用。

四、学生在前期的学习中, 由于时间紧, 所以词汇和短语掌握得不够熟练, 而语言的学习、词汇量的多少直接关系到阅读的速度和准确率, 关系到学生是否能够灵活地运用这种语言, 所以单词的复习至关重要。我决定采取以下步骤进行:

1.学生听读词汇磁带, 反复背诵;

2.老师起到监督作用, 每天听写;

3.为了将背诵的单词运用得更好, 还需要做一些词汇练习题:首字母填空、选词填空、汉语和英语提示、连词成句等。采用的这几种练习形式都是中考题型, 希望学生从现在起能不断地熟悉中考模式, 提高学生的综合运用能力。

4.在平常的阅读训练中帮助学生积累一些课本中暂时没有学到的词汇和短语, 加大课外词汇量的补充。

五、学生对于完形填空题和阅读理解题完成得不好, 针对这种情况, 在复习阶段应有目的地增加完型填空题和阅读题的训练, 不能只是做题和对正答案, 搞题海战术。老师应给予方法上的指导, 培养学生正确的思维方法和做题习惯, 培养学生善于解决问题的能力, 这对学生以后的发展更重要。

六、复习阶段, 老师的引导作用很大, 要善于整合整本书的知识点, 不能拘泥于某个单元, 帮助学生对所学习的内容进行梳理、归纳, 总结出规律, 使其系统化, 便于记忆, 促进运用。帮助学生清楚地认识到自己知识上的不足, 进而努力弥补。

复习的过程中要重点突出, 不拖泥带水, 学生能讲的老师绝不代劳, 提高学生的课堂参与性。要“对症下药”, 重点突破学生学习中的薄弱环节, 查漏补缺, 增强其自信心, 从而更加认真复习。

七年级英语复习资料 第4篇

( )1. —How does Mr. Brown look like?

—He a medium build, and he has brown hair.

A. has B. is C. looks D. likes

( )2. —I hear you have a new English teacher. Who is it?

—The young man a pair of sunglasses is.

A. wears B. with C. has D. gets

( )3. —Why didnt Jim come to your party?

—I dont think he know my address. I just there last week.

A. decided B. put C. agreed D. moved

( )4. —Would you like something to ?

—Yes. Id like some apple juice.

A. eat B. drink C. read D. play

( )5. —Would you like a cup of tea?

— .

A. Not at allB. Yes, please C. Yes, I would D. I dont like it

( )6. —Why do you look so unhappy, Mike?

—Im hungry, mom. I would like a large bowl of dumplings with eggs and tomatoes.

A. to have B. have C. having D. had

( )7. —What did you do last weekend?

—I went to visit my friend Lin Tao the morning of last Sunday.

A. on B. in C. for D. at

( )8. —Did you watch the kids on the playground this afternoon?

—No, I was in my office all the afternoon.

A. to play B. plays C. play D. played

( )9. —Whats Jim doing over there?

—He is his lost keys.

A. looking forB. finding C. looking at D. looking after

( )10. —Did you enjoy your trip?

—Yes, it was !

A. awful B. terrible C. boring D. great

( )11. —Is the boy ?

—Yes, he cant find his way home.

A. happy B. late C. cool D. lost

( )12. —Your words made me feel again. Thank you.

—Im happy I can give some help.

A. tired B. nice C. sorry D. sad

( )13. They are too tired. They decide now.

A. to go longer B. to stop to work

C. not to have a rest D. to stop working

( )14. Oh dear!The shop is . There are so many people here.

A. empty B. sunny C. crowded D. big

( )15. —I dont like mutton beef.

—I dont like mutton, I like beef a lot.

A. and; but B. and; and C. or; but D. or; and


There was a little poor boy in a small village. He lived 1 his mother. His mother had to

work all day. In the morning she 2 cakes. In the evening she was back home with some

3 .

One day she was ill in bed, 4 she gave the box to her son and said, “There are one

hundred cakes in the box. Go to the park with these cakes and sell them all. Now 5 , come back early 6 you sell them.”

There were a lot of people. The boy got to the 7 , opened the box and cried, “Cakes! Cakes! The most delicious cakes in the world.” A woman had a cake. “Oh, its really 8 !” Then many people near came to 9 them. Some wanted three and others wanted five. After a little time, there were not any cakes in the box, but one hundred 10 in it. How happy the boy was!

( )1. A. with B. like C. at D. from

( )2. A. had B. ate C. made D. got

( )3. A. cakes B. food C. children D. money

( )4. A. because B. so C. but D. after

( )5. A. look B. see C. listen D. hear

( )6. A. and B. so C. after D. before

( )7. A. park B. street C. village D. cakes

( )8. A. bad B. terrible C. awful D. delicious

( )9. A. eat B. buy C. sell D. take

( )10. A. coins B. cakes C. boxes D. people



[The Ant Bully

Actors: Julia Roberts (voice), Nicolas Cage (voice)

Language: English

Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes

Price: Weekdays——$ 30 $ 15 (children under 7)

Weekends——$ 40 $ 20 (children under 7)]

I really enjoyed this movie. Its a fun movie for the whole family. I had really good laughs and enjoyed being there. —James

I would recommend (推荐) this movie to everyone. Whether you go with family or friends, I honestly think this movie has something you will really enjoy! —Sam

Ive seen several movies of this kind, but this one is the best. It is so well made—some of the scenes are so beautiful. —John

I went to see this movie with my 9-year-old daughter this Tuesday, really without knowing too much about it. My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. We just couldnt help laughing. I would recommend this movie to the whole family. —Mary

( )1. From the passage, we can tell that is spoken in the movie.

A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. French

( )2. The poster shows that the movie lasts .

A. 25 minutes B. 60 minutes C. 85 minutes D. 125 minutes

( )3. John likes the movie because of .

A. the funny actors B. the wonderful music

C. the sweet voices D. the beautiful scenes

( )4. Mary and her daughter spent watching the movie.

A. $ 30 B. $ 40 C. $ 45 D. $ 60

( )5. According to the passage, the movie most probably tells a story.

A. funny B. sad C. terrible D. true


Here is a form of the average temperature (平均气温) of four American cities.

( )6. The average temperature of Chicago in winter is .

A. 24℃ B. 13℃ C. -3℃ D. 9℃

( )7. What is the weather of San Francisco like in autumn?

A. It is cold. B. It is cool. C. It is hot. D. It is warm.

( )8. Which citys temperature is usually about 11℃ in spring?

A. Winfield. B. Chicago. C. Miami. D. San Francisco.

( )9. Which city is the hottest (最热的) in July?

A. Winfield. B. Chicago. C. Miami. D. San Francisco.

( )10. Which city has the best weather all the year round?

A. Winfield. B. Chicago. C. Miami. D. San Francisco.


No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22, 1998. It was started to protect the environment. By now, more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a No Car Day.

The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001. Other cities, including Taipai, Shanghai and Wuhan, also support (支持) the day.

In Beijing, more and more people are joining the campaign (运动). It asks drivers to leave their cars at home for one day each month and walk or ride a bike to work. It also calls on Beijing people not to use cars on June 5 (World Environment Day). The slogan for the day is, “If we drive for one less day, we can have one more nice day.”

So far, more than 200,000 drivers have shown their support. “We cant control the weather, but we can choose not to drive,” said Wu Zonghua, a car club chairman. Beijing is trying to have 238 blue sky days this year. In the first quarter of 2012, Beijing only had 52 blue sky days. This was 11 days less than the number for the same period in 2011. Much of the dust comes from the desert, but cars cause most of the air pollution. We must do more for No Car Day.

( )11. The first No Car Day is on _______.

A. February 2nd B. June 5th C. July 5th D. September 22nd

( )12. _______ was the first city to have No Car Day in China.

A. Beijing B. Chengdu C. Shanghai D. Wuhan

( )13. What does the underlined word “slogan” mean in Chinese?

A. 目的 B. 原因 C. 意义 D. 口号

( )14. How many blue sky days did Beijing have in the first quarter of 2011?

A. 63. B. 52. C. 41. D. 238.

( )15. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. China is the first country to start No Car Day.

B. No Car Day is World Environment Day.

C. No Car Day has been supported by over 1,000 cities around the world so far.

D. Much of the dust in the air comes from cars.


Spring is coming. The w 1 gets warm. Its still a little cold and w 2 these days. But we can find spring everywhere.

Look at the trees. The l 3 on the trees are green now. They are growing (生长) well.

Some flowers are c 4 out. They are so b 5 . Listen, the birds are singing. They are happy to come b 6 . Spring is a good time for outdoor(户外的) a 7 . Children are playing on the playground. Some are flying kites; others are taking p 8 ; still others are playing football. They wear sweaters and j 9 . Spring is a comfortable season. Its not too cold or too h 10 . I like it.

1. w 2. w 3. l 4. c 5. b

七年级下册英语复习资料 第5篇

2. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 3.want to do sth. 想要做某事

4. one of + 名词复数 ……之一 5. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事

6. forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事

7. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

8. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好


1. —Why do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?

—Because they’re kind of interesting. 因为它们有点儿有趣。

2. —Why does John like koalas? 约翰为什么喜欢树袋熊?—Because they’re very cute. 因为它们非常可爱。

3. —Why don’t you like tigers? 你为什么不喜欢老虎?—Because they’re really scary. 因为它们真的吓人。

4. —Where are lions from? 狮子来自哪里?—They’re from South Africa. 它们来自南非。

5. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. 大象能走很长时间并且从不迷路。

6. They can also remember places with food and water. 它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。

7. But elephants are in great danger. 但是,大象处于极大危险之中。

8. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.


9. Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before)


10.Isn’t she beautiful? 她难道不美丽吗?


The Animal I Like

There are many kinds of animals in the world. What animal do I like? Let’s know her.

Many people like her very much. I also like her. She is from China. She is very cute. She doesn’t eat grass and meat at all. She eats bamboo every day. She is so nice. She is black white. She has two big black ears and eyes. And she also has black legs and arms.

What animal is she? She is a panda. I like panda very much. Do you like her? What animal do you like?


1. watch TV看电视 2. read a newspaper 看报纸

3. talk on the phone 电话交谈 4. listen to a CD 听CD

5. use –a useful book 6. make soup 做汤

7. wash the dish 洗碟 8. at home 在家

9. go to movies 去看电影 10. in a newspaper 在报纸上

11. think about 考虑 12. in the United States 在美国

13. watch the boat races 看船比赛 14. the night before the festival节日前的晚上 15. any other night 任何别的晚上 16. his host family 他的寄宿家庭

17. read a story to sb 读故事给某人 18. on the phone 在电话上

19. miss doing 错过做某事 20. wish sb to do sth/wish to do希望某人做某事

七年级英语上册期末复习资料 第6篇


1. Good morning

2. Good afternoon

3. Good evening

4. in English

5. an orange

6. spell it

7. what color

8. a red cup

9. his blue ruler

10. her yellow key

11. my name

12. his name

13. her name

14. telephone number

15. first name

16. last name

17. my friend

18. in China

19. in my family

20. her father

21. have a good day

22. his parents

23. two photos of my family

24. in the first photo

25. in the next picture

26. these two girls

27. the name of my dog

28. excuse me

29. what about

30. thanks...for.

31. in the school library

32. ask...for

33. call...at.

34. school ID card

35. a computer game

36. on the sofa

37. under the chair

38. in your schoolbag

39. under the table

40. in my grandparents’ room

41. on your head

42. tape player

43. model plane

44. under the radio

45. ping-pong bat

46. be late

47. let sb do

48. That sounds good.

49. play volleyball

50. watch TV

51. play basketball

52. in the same school

53. play..with

54. do sports

55. after class

56. think about

57. next week

58. some fruit

59. get salad

60. ask...about

61. eating habits

62. the volleyball star

63. like...for breakfast/lunch/dinner

64. what fruit

65. one last question

66. be fat

67. want to do sth

68. healthy food

69. for breakfast/lunch/dinner

70. how much

71. a sweater for school

72. two dollars for one pair

73. a pair of /two pairs of

74. clothes store

75. at our great sale

76. at very good prices

77. skirts in purple

78. Happy birthday .

79. how old

80. in August

81. on May 1st

82. come to my birthday party

83. at three p.m

84. English test

85. school trip

86. School Day

87. book sale

88. English Day

89. art festival

90. Sports Day

91. soccer game

92. this term

93. my favorite subject

94. on Monday

95. the next day

96. for sure

97. from...to

98. have an art lesson

99. on Friday afternoon

100. your math class



Starters units1—3 X Kb1 .Co m

1. ---What’s this in English? ---It’s an orange. (其中 what’s = _______ ____; it’s = ____ ___)

2. ---What color is the key? ---It’s black and white.

---What color are the strawberries? ---They’re red. (其中they’re = _______ _______)

3. ① a或an与可数名词单数连用,泛指某类人或某物中的一个。

a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如an apple.

② the表示某个或某些特定的人或事物,也可以指上文提到过的人或事物。

如:This is a cat. The cat is white. Its an English book. The book is yellow and green.

注意:一个f ____f (类似的字母还有h, l, m, n, r, s, x) 一个u _____u

Unit 1

1.我姓格林。你姓布朗吗? My last name is Green. _____ _______ _______ _______ Brown?

2. first name 名字 = given name last name 姓氏 = family name an ID card 一张身份证

3. phone number 电话号码 = telephone number 4. name’s = name is I’m = I am

5. 我____ 你____ 他 _____ 她 ____ 他的 ____ 她的 ____ 你的_____ 我的___

Unit 2

1. isn’t = _____ _____ ; aren’t = _______ ______ 不是 2. play computer games玩电脑游戏

3. call sb.at + 电话号码 拨(某电话号码)找某人 4. excuse me 请原谅,打扰了

5. a set of keys 一串钥匙 6. How do you spell it?(it 为宾格) 你怎么拼读它呢?

7. Is this/ that your dictionary? 这/那是你的字典吗? 答:Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

8. Thank you very much. 答:You’re welcome. (不用谢)

Unit 3

1. these’re = ______ _____ those’re = _____ _____ that’s = _____ ____ 注意:this is _____缩写

2. thanks for +动词ing 为…感谢 Thanks for helping me.=Thanks for your help.感谢你的帮助。

3. a photo of your family = your family photo 你的全家福照片

4. 比较:Here is your letter. 这是你的信。 Here are the watches. 这是那些手表。

Unit 4

1. under the chair /on the floor在椅子下/在地板上 in the room 在房间里

2. take “带走”,从近处带到远处 如:Please take these books to Mary. 请把这些书带给玛丽。

bring “带来”,从远处带来 如:Please bring me some books.请给我带些书来。

3. need + 某人或某物. “需要…” 如:She needs these books. 她需要这些书。

4. 比较:---Where is (= ________) the baseball? ---Where are his dictionaries?

---It’s under the dresser. ---They’re in the backpack.

5. I know. 我知道。 否定句:I don’t know. 我不知道。 一般疑问句:Do you know? 你知道吗?

6. Can you bring some things to school ? 你能带一些东西来学校吗? 答:Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Unit 5

1. 球类运动前不用the,如:play volleyball/ basketball every day 每天打排球/ 篮球

2. play sports做运动,参加体育比赛 = do sports sports collection体育收藏 sports club 体育俱乐部

3. watch TV 看电视 watch them on TV 在电视上观看它们

4. Let + 代词的宾格 + 动词原形 “让某人做……”

如:Let’s ( = ______ _______) go. 让我们走吧。 Let me see. 让我看看。

5. have (第三人称单数形式) _____ do (三单) _____ they (宾格)______ us(主格)______

7. 比较good 和well :That sounds good. 那听起来不错。 He can play chess well. 他下棋下得好。

8. 比较:---Do they have a computer? ---Does he have a soccer ball?

---Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. ---Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Unit 6

1. have … for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐吃……

2. healthy food健康食品

4. good(adj. 好的)& well(adv. 好) The good runner eats well.这个优秀的运动员吃得好。

5. 名词所有格:① 一般加 ’s;以 s 结尾的(特别是名词复数),在 s 后加 ’ 如:

Sally’s address 莎莉的地址 the teachers’ room 老师们的房间 three hours’ class 三小时的课

② Mary and Lindas desk 玛丽和琳达的课桌 (两个人共有的课桌,desk用单数)

Marys and Lindas birthdays 玛丽的生日和琳达的生日 (各自的生日,birthday用复数)

③ …of + 名词 (无生命的物体) 如:the color of the sweater a photo of your family

Unit 7

1. How much is this sweater? = What’s the price of this sweater? 这件毛衣多少钱一件。

2. at a very good price 以优惠的价格 on sale 廉价出售;出售 great sale 大减价

3. T-shirts in black = black T-shirts 黑色的T恤衫

4. for + 钱的数量= at the price of + 钱的数量 以……(具体的)价格

We have black and blue hats for $15. 我们以15美元出售黑蓝色的帽子。

同义句:We sell black and blue hats at the price of $15.

5. Here you are. 给你。 6. Youre welcome. 不客气。

Unit 8

1. date of birth 出生日期 =birthday 2. how old 几岁,多大年纪

3. I’m twelve. = I am twelve years old. 我十二岁。

4. ① on + 具体某一天或具体某一天的早、中、晚 如:on Sunday on January 2nd 在1月2号

on the morning of October 1st 在十月一号的早晨 on Monday evening 在星期一晚上

② in + 时间段 如:in the morning / afternoon / evening在早晨/中午/晚上

in a year / month/ week在一年/月/周里 in April在四月里 in 在

③ at + 几点,例如: at 8:00 at noon/ night在正午/夜里

5. 特殊疑问词:what(什么),how(怎么样,如何),where(在哪里),when(何时),who(谁),what time (几点),how much(多少+不可数名词;多少钱),how many (多少+可数名词)

Unit 9

1. Her favorite subject is science. = She likes science best. 她最喜欢的学科是科学。

2. on Wednesday 在星期三 3. after class 课后 after school 放学后

4. play with 和… 玩耍 5. 对星期几提问:What day is it today? 对日期提问: What’s the date today?

6. The students go to school every day.

否定句:The students don’t go to school every day.

一般疑问句:Do the students go to school every day? 回答:Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

Mary does homework at 20:00.

否定句:Mary doesn’t do homework at 20:00.

一般疑问句:Does Mary do homework at 20:00? 回答:Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.



一 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. What’s _______(you) name?

2 .Nice to _______(meet) you.

3. ______(I) name is Gina.

4. 1 _______(he) name is Jim.

5._______(be) you Mary?

6. What ________(be) her name?

7. Hello! I ___________(be) Alan.

8.. Here are two ______ (picture).

9.. Is _____ (these) your eraser?

10.. _______ (that) are my brothers.

11.. ______ (Her) isn’t Susan. Her name is Mary.

12. Lin Hai and Guo Peng are my ______ (friend).

13. My name _________(be) Jenny. 51. He eats two _______ (egg) for breakfast.

14.. Barry ______(like) fruit salad.

15.. Here are some _______(tomato).

16.. They eat _____ (good) and they are healthy.

17.. He is a good _______ (run).

18..There are some ________(tomato)in the basket.

19..Do you like French ________(fry)?

20..She ________(have)ice cream for dessert.

21..________(health)food is important.

22.She ________(do not)play sports.

23..________ your mother ________(watch)TV every day?

24..The little girl likes ________(strawberry)a lot.

25.Lots of children(孩子) like ________(play)football.

26.Chicken ________(be)very delicious.

27.My daughter ________(run)evening morning.

28.He wants _____???___ (swim) in the pool.

29.He likes _________(run ) in the morning.

30. It’s very exciting (have) a Chinese friend.

31.School usually _______(start) at 8:30 am

32.Please _______( fill ) in the blanks.

33. Can he ________ (swim)?

34. Why do you want ________ (join) the club?

35. The clothes at the store ________ (be) cheap and nice.

36. Do you like ________ (swim) at the pool?

37. ________ (not talk) in class!

写出下列缩写词的完全形式 (10分)

38. I’m = what’s = her name’s =

isn’t = let’s =

B) 根据句意填写单词,完成句子。(每小题1分, 共5分)

39. The boy isn’t David. _______ is Jim.

40. My father’s sister is my ______.

41. ______ me, is Jim your brother?

42. Linda is my ______ and I’m her mother.

43. Tommy’s father and mother are his ______.

根据句意填入所缺的单词 (5’)

43. August is the ________ month of a year.

44. _________ is the second month of a year.

45. __________ is the first month of a year.

46. September is the _________ month of a year.

47. __________ is the eleventh month of a year.

按要求写出单词的相应形式 (5’)

1. three (序数词)___________ 2. ninth (基数词)_________

3. birthday (复数)___________ 4. Jan. (完整形式)_____ _____

5. October (缩写形式)_________ 6. eight (序数词) ___________

7. 10th (完整形式)___________ 8. second (缩写形式)_________

9. twenty (序数词)____________ 10. thirty-first (基数词)___________


1.Monday is the s_____ day of the week.

2.Sam is 12 years old. His b_____ is October 3rd.

3. 4.What s____ do you play at school ?

5.Teachers’ Day is on S______ 10th.

September is the n______ month of the year.


1. He eats two _______ (egg) for breakfast.

2. Barry ______(like) fruit salad.

3. Here are some _______(tomato).

4. They eat _____ (good) and they are healthy.

5. He is a good _______ (run).

B. 根据所给单词的首字母或汉意填空

1.My partner doesn’t like ________ (科学)

2.Jennifer’s ________ (最喜欢的) day is Friday, because he can play football.

3.I like art very much. It’s __________ (有趣的)

4.I am s______ you like some subjects.

5.My m_______ teacher is Mr. Liu.

6.I eat l_______ at twelve o’clock.

7.He likes English because it is f______.

8.We can play games on M_______ afternoon

9.I don’t like (星期三), but Selina does.

10.I want to have a trip (在附近) the city of Lanzhou


1. --Thank you very much! --Youre w______

2. Do you w a big bed or a small one for your son?

3. I get a school bag at a very good p______

4. There is a big s near our school. There are many school things in it.

5. You can b __ some food in a supermarket (超市).


1. --Where do you want to go? — here, please. I can tell (告诉) you.

2. The trousers are too . Do you have long ones?

3. She likes __ shoes, but I like white ones.

4. The blue sweater is very small. I want a one!

5. We __ all kinds of things. What would you like to buy?

IV. 写出下列各词的复数形式

1)key ________ 2)box_______ 3) library______ 4) month________

5)party______ 6)family_______ 7) boy______ 8) woman ______

9)man ________ 10) day _______ 11) watch _______ 12) photo ________

13) orange ________14)dictionary _______ 15) tomato _______ 16) dollar _________

17) class_______ 18) strawberry ______ 19)this______ 20) child _________

21)that_______ 22)it______ 23)I _______ 24)me_____ 25)is_________



( )⒈ “What’s your name, please?” “____”

A. My name’s Lucy. B. I’m nine. C. I’m Meimei.

( )⒉ “Hello! Good morning!” “____”

A. Morning. B. Good. C. How do you do?

( )⒊ “How are you, Peter?” “____”

A. Fine, thanks. B. Guess. C. How are you, Lin Tao?

( )⒋ “____, Li Lei. ” “Nice to meet you, too.”

A. How are you B. What’s your name C. Nice to meet you

( )⒌ “____” “I’m fine. And you?”

A. Can I have some water? B. How are you? C. How old are you?

( )⒍ ____ you Ann?

A. are B. Are C. Is

( )⒎ What’s ____ name?

A. you B. is C. your

( )⒏ Nice to ____ you.

A. Meet B. thank C. see

( )⒐ “Hello!” “____”

A. Thanks you. B. Hello! C. Oh!

( )11.What ______ this in English? It’s ______ .

A.is,map B.are,a map C.is,a map D.are,map

( )12.一Is this your eraser? — ___________ .

A.No.it isn’t.It’s my eraser. B.Yes,it’s.It’s my eraser.

C.Yes,it is.It’s my. D.Yes.It’s my eraser.

( )13.一Is that your backpack? 一No.it isn’t.It’s ______ backpack.

A.my B.her C.he D.me

( )14.一Is this your ruler? 一 ______ .It’s his ruler.

A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn’t C.Yes,it isn’t D.No.it is

( )15.It’s a pen.________ ?It’s a desk.

A.What is this B.This is what C.And what’s this D.What’s it

( )16.一_______ do you spell computer?


A.Can B.What C.How D.Who

( )17.一What’s this in English? — ______ a pen .

A.This’s B.This is C.Its D.It’s

( )18.一Is that an eraser? — ___________ .

A.Yes,it isn’t B.No.that isn’t C.Yes,that is D.No,it isn’t

( )19.一Is that a bus? — __________ .

A.It’s a bus B.Yes,that’s a bus C.No,it isn’t D.No,it’s a bus

( )20.My name is ______ .

A.Sun Hui Min B.Sun HuiMin C.Sun Hui min D.Sun Huimin

( )21. Please call Jenny ______ 341-6528.

A. to B. at C. in D. of

( )22. Jack, ______ this your key?

A. be B. am C. is D. are(

( )23. —What’s that? —______ is a pen.

A. This B. It C. He D. She

( )24. I ______ a watch. Is it your watch, David?

A. look B. spell C. lost D. found

( )25. Please call Jane. This is ______ phone number.

A. my B. your C. her D. his

( )26. This is ______ eraser and ______ eraser is Tom’s.

A. the; a B. the; an C. a; the D. an; the

( )27. It isn’t ______ notebook. It’s ______ notebook.

A. my; your B. my; you C. me; your D. me; you

( )28. —______ you spell your name? —K-E-L-S-E-Y.

A. How are B. How do C. What are D. What do

( )29. —Is that his ring? —______.

A. Yes, he is B. Yes, this is C. No, it isn’t D. No, that isn’t

( )30. —______, Bob. What’s this? —A map.

A. Excuse me B. Nice to meet you C. Thank you D. OK

( )31. —Where’s the cat (猫)? —It’s ______.

A. on the table B. under the table C. on the chair D. under the chair

( )32. —Is this ______ alarm clock? —Yes, _____ is my brother’s.

A. a; he B. a; it C. an; he D. an; it

( )33. Two books and a pencil case are in the ______ of the desk.

A. tape B. floor C. drawer D. chair

( )34. Can you bring my dictionary to school? I _______ it.

A. need B. know C. bring D. take

( ) 35. —Where are his notebooks? —______ are on the desk.

A. You B. They C. These D. Those

( )36. Jane, bring my math book ______ here, please.

A. to B. at C. in D. /

( )37. —______ is on the dresser? —A key.

A. What B. What color C. How D. Where

( )38. —Is the eraser in your backpack? —_________. I lost it this morning.

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, they are D. No, they’re not

( )39. —Mom, ________ my backpack on the sofa?—Sorry (对不起), I ______ know.

A. is; am not B. do; am not C. is; don’t D. do; don’t

( )40. —Please take the notebook to your sister. —______.

A. Fine, thanks B. Excuse me C. OK D. Good morning

( )41. We play ______ basketball every day.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )42. —Do you play baseball? —No, but I watch baseball games _____ TV.

A. on B. at C. in D. for

( )43. —Let’s watch TV. —Oh, no. It’s ______.

A. interesting B. boring C. relaxing D. good

( )44. —That’s a good song (歌曲). —Yes, it _____ nice.

A. spells B. calls C. sounds D. watches

( )45. His school has three _________: a soccer club, a basketball club and a tennis club.

A. sport B. sports club C. sports D. sports clubs

( )46. —Are ______ your cousins? —No. I don’t know ______.

A. they; they B. they; them C. them; they D. them; them

( )47. I ______ two pens, and my brother ______ three.

A. have; has B. has; have C. have; have D. has; has

( ) 48. —______! I have four volleyballs. —That’s great. But I only _____ volleyballgames.

A. Look; look B. Look; watch C. Watch; look D. Watch; watch

( )49. —Do you have a telephone? —______. And it’s red.

A. Yes, I am B. No, I’m not C. Yes, I do D. No, I don’t

( )50. —Let’s play soccer. —______. It’s interesting.

A. I don’t play soccer B. I don’t have a soccer ball

C. That sounds difficult D. That sounds good

( )51. This is _______ apple, and that is _______ pear.

A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an

( )52. ______ dessert, he eats ice cream.

A. In B. To C. Of D. For

( )53. —Jane, ______ your brother like oranges?—No, he only likes apples.

A. is B. are C. do D. does

( )54. To keep (保持) ______, John plays sports every day.

A. last B. healthy C. boring D. difficult

( )55. —Let’s have some ______. —OK. I like fruit.

A. bananas B. hamburgers C. eggs D. chicken

( )56. Can you ________ the strawberries to me, Mom?

A. have B. bring C. watch D. eat

( )57. They have ______ desks and chairs.

A. a lot B. a lots C. lot of D. lots of

( )58. —_______ do you like? —Ice cream.

A. What B. How C. Where D. What color

( )59. Bill ______ soccer, but he doesn’t ______ basketball.

A. like; like B. likes; like C. like; likes D. likes; likes

( )60. —Do your parents like chicken? —______. But I like it.

A. Yes, we do B. No, we don’t C. Yes, they do D. No, they don’t

( )61. They have clothes

A. at good price B. at a good price C. in good price D. in a good price

( )62. The red socks $4.

A. are B. is C. am D. can

( )63.— ?

—Its red and blue.

A. Wheres your shirt B. What color is your shirt

C. Whats color your shirt D. How old is your shirt

( )64. We have T-shirts blue, red, yellow and black only 25 yuan.

A. in; in B. on; by C. in; for D. on; on

( )65. girls, we have many skirts, are very nice.

A. To; They B. For; They C. To; It D. For; It

( )66. —How much the socks?

— __ twenty dollars.

A. is; Its B. are; Theyre C. are; Its D. is; Theyre

( )67. —Does the bookstore math books?

—Yes. Do you want to______ one?

A. sell; buy B. sell; sell C. buy; buy D. buy; sell

( )68. These shirts only 5 dollars. Do you want ?

A. are; it B. is; them C. are; them D. is; it

( )69. —Can I help you?

— . I want a red skirt.

A. Thank you B. Im sorry C. Youre welcome D. Yes, please

( )70. Twenty-eight and twelve

A. are fourty B. is forty C. is fourty D. are forty

( )71. --Do you like these yellow shoes?


A. I dont like them B. Ill take it C. Ill take them D. its 5 dollars

( )72. — Thank you very much.

— ____________.

A. Here you are B.You’re welcome C. Thank you too D. Not thanks

( )73.Please come ______ see ______ yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.

A.to;about B. at; for C.and;for D. to; at

( )74. He has__________ basketballs.

A. twenty three B. twenty-three C. three-twenty D. twenty-third

( )75. — What is the ____________ of your sweater?

— It’s $ 50.

A. color B. size C. price D. style

( )76.He is a ______ boy .

A 13—year---old B 13 year—old C 13—years old D 13 years old

( )77. October comes before _____ and after _____

A September November B November September

C December September D September August

( )78. The ____- month of the year is April.

A first B second C third D fourth

( )79. ______ of the students has a bike in our class.

A Every B Each C Some D All

( )80. When is Women’s Day ?It’s _____

A June 1st B March 8th C March 12th D September 10th

( )81.How many days are there in September ?

A 28 B 29 C 30 D 31

( )82. When is your birthday ?It’s May _____

A four B fourteen C fourth D forty

( )83. Thanks for _______ me.

A come B to come C coming D comes

( )84. My mother’s birthday is _______

A July 22st B July 22th C July 22nd D July 22

( )85.______ is your birthday ?

A When B Where C How many D When

( )86.Can his father play _____?

A the piano B a piano C pianos D piano

( )87.Do they have sweaters_______ a very good price?

A on B of C in D at

( )88._____________________?

It’s September 10th

A When does the game begin? B What day is today ? C When is Teacher’s Day ? D What time is it?

( )89. The blouse is very good . I’ll ______ it.

A bring B sell C take D want

( )90.The girl ______ green is Jim’s sister.

A on B in C of D 不填1.I like art because it’s __________.

A. difficult B. not good C. boring D. relaxing

( )91—What _______ do you like?

A. day B. subject C. fruit D. sport

----- I like math.

( )92. ----______ do you have P.E.?

A. When B. What C. How D. Why

----We have it on Friday.

( )93. ---______ is your P.E. teacher?

A. What B . Who C. Why D. When

---Mr Green.

( )94.---Why _____ he like English ?

A. do B. is C. does D are

- Because it’s interesting

( )95. –______is your English ?

--It’s very good .

A.What B. Who C. How D. When

( )96. I have P.E. ______history _____ Monday.

A. and ,on B. and ,at C. or, on D. or ,in

( )97. ______ comes after Friday.

A. Sunday B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Saturday

( )98. --What’s your favorite subject ?


A It’s a music B. It’s music C. A music D. They’re music

( )99. I like music .It’s ________

A.relaxed B. relaxing C. boring D. busy

( )100. Look! He is in a new sweater. How ___he is!

A. free B. difficult C. cool D. easy

( )101. I like science , _______ it’s difficult .

A. and B. or C. but D. because

( )102. We have history ____ Monday and Thursday .

A.on B. in C. at D. /

( )103. –do you have art ?

--- On Wednesday.

A. What B. When C. Where D. How

( )104. They play basketball ______ two hours every day.

A. on B. from C. in D. for

( )105. I’m tired(累的) ______happy .

A. and B. with C. or D. but

( )106.Math is difficult__________ boring for me.

A. and B. with C. or D. but

( )107.Jim likes to play football _____ his friends on Sundays.

A.with B. for C. of D. to

( )108.Mary’s favorite _______is Friday.

A. month B. day C. subject D. time

( )109. – ______ does he like science ? –Because it’s interesting.

A. What B. Why C. When D. Where

( )110.—When do you have your English lessons ?—On_______.

A. the morning B. the Friday morning

C. Friday morning D. the morning Friday

( )111. I’m_______ you are right .

A. sure B. good C. think D. know

( )112. I think science is really ________ .I don’t like it .

A. difficult B. interesting C. exciting D. funny

( )113. This is my book. __ are over there.

A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine

( )114. Whose pen is it? It’s __.

A. her B. hers C. she D. his

( )115. __ bag is new and __ is new, too.

A. Our, he B. Ours, his C. My, his D. My, her

( )116. This room is ours, and that one is __.

A. they B. them C. theirs D. their

( )117. Whose pencils are there? They’re __.

A. my B. me C. mine D. our

( )118. Is the new watch __? Yes, it’s __.

A. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my D. your, mine

( )119. Whose shoes are these? They are __.

A. me B. mine C. my D. I

( )120. She is a student , __ name is Han Mei.

A. its B. her C. hers D. his

( )121. It’s a dog. I don’t know __ name.

A. its’ B. its C. it D. it’s

( )122. This ruler isn’t mine. I think it is __.

A. he B. him C. his D. her

( )123.__ schoolbag is beautiful. But __ is more beautiful.

A. Jims, my B. Jim’s, mine

C. Jim’s, me D. Jims’, I

( )124. __ am a boy and __ is a girl.

A. My, she B. I, her C. I, she D. Mine, she

( )125.I like __ new dress.

A. She B. her C. hers D. his

( )126.I often help __ mother do __ housework(家务活)。

A. me, she B. mine, her C. my, her D. I, hers

( )127.Is that __ hat? No, it’s not __. It’s __.

A. your, my, Toms B. you, mine, Tom’s

C. yours, mine, Tom D. your, mine, Tom’s



1. My name is Jim Green (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ ____________?

2. Her name is Lucy Green (对划线部分提问)

___________ ____________ _______________?

3. I am Lucy.(同义句)

________ ________ ________ _________.

4.Is your name Gina?(作肯定回答)。

Yes,______ _______ .

5.That’s my ruler.(作否定句)

______ ______ my ruler.

6.Call John.His telephone number is 139-4045. (改为一个句子)

_______________________________ .

7.His English name is Mike.(对画线部分提问)

______ _______ English name?

8.It’s a hat.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ ?

9. This is my friend. (改为一般疑问句)

_____ _____ your friend?

10. —Is she your cousin? (作否定回答)

No, ______ ______.

11. Those are my brothers. (改为单数句)

______ ______ my _______.

12. Emma is her sister. (同义句改写)

Emma ______ she _____ ______.

13. This is a backpack. (把a换成two改写句子)

________ _______ two ______.


14. this, is, notebook, his_______________________________________?

15. my, pencil, isn’t, it, case _______________________________________.

16. a, is, it, jacket_______________________________________?

17. telephone, that, is, her, number _______________________________?

18. do, you, spell, watch, how _______________________________________?

19. My TV is on the desk .(划线提问)

________ _______ your TV?

20. They are on the sofa>(变为一般问句)

________ ______on the sofa ?

21 .The pictures are on the wall. (划线提问)

______ ______ the pictures?

22 .The chairs are under the table .(改为单数句) ???

?______ ?????__________ under the table

23.Frank’s tape is in the tape player. .(划线提问)

_______ ?????__________ Frank’s tape?

24.The notebook is under the model plane .(改为否定句)

The notebook _____ _____under the model plane.

25.The baseball is in the bag。(就划线部分提问)

____ _______in the bag ?

26.This is a key (改为复数句)

______ ______ ________

27.Those are English books .(改为单数句)

______ _____ ______ English ________.

28. video tapes ,the ,are, the , in , bookcase(连词组句)


29.I know your schoolbag is black.?(改为否定句)

I _______ ______ your schoolbag is black. ????.

30.Do they have a TV? (改为陈述句)


31. Do Ken and Rice have soccer balls? (作肯定回答)


32. I have a red watch. (把主语换成she改写句子)


33. Sonia has a bag. (改为否定句)


34. He plays computer games every day. (改为一般疑问句)


35. Does his sister like pears? (作肯定回答)


36. This is an orange. (改为复数形式)


37. I eat apples every day. (把I换成Sally改写句子)


38. He likes ice cream. (改为否定句)


39. Ed plays ball games every afternoon. (改为一般疑问句)


40. They are my teachers . (将下列各句改成否定句和一般疑问句)

否定:__________________________ 疑问:_______________________

41. She has a nice volleyball.(同上)

否定:__________________________ 疑问:_______________________

42. They have dinner at 5:30 every day. (同上)

否定:__________________________ 疑问:_______________________

43.Tony is Mrs Brown’s son.(改为同义句)

Mrs Brown ______ Tony’s _________.

44.dinner, chicken, for, Bill, likes, eggs, and, (. ) (连词成句)

45.His bike is eighty dollars.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______this bike?

46.How about these red and blue T-shirts?(改为同义句)

_____ ______ these red and blue T-shirts?

47.Mr. Cool’s store sells bags.(改为否定句)

Mr. Cool’s store ______ ______ bags.

48.How much is the sweater?(改为同义句)

______the______ ______ of the sweater?

49.1 want a green T-shirt.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ you want?

50. We have a basketball game. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ ______ a basketball game?

51. The school trip is October 30th. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ the school trip?

52. My uncle is thirty. (同上)

_______ ______ is your uncle?

53. Mary, are you thirteen years old? (作否定回答)

_______, _______ ________.

54. What’s your age? (同义句)

_______ ________ are you?

55. My science teacher is Mr. Wang.(对划线部分提问)

_________________ _____________ ______________ science teacher?

56. He likes the bag because he likes its color.( 对划线部分提问)

______________ ______________ he ______________ the bag?

57. She likes green best. (同义句)

___________________ _____________ _________________ is green.

58. I think that subject is boring.(同义句)

I __________________ think that subject is ___________________.

59.I have a ball.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

__________ _________ _________a ball? _______,_______ ________

60.My brother has a sports collection.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

_______ _______brother _______ a sports collection ?

________,________ ________.

61.We watch TV every day.(改否定句)

We ___________ __________ TV every day.

62.Her sister watches TV every day.(改否定句)

Her sister ___________ ________TV every day.

63.Do they have tennis rackets?(改为单数句)

________ _________ _________ tennis ______?

64.I have a ball.(用Tom 代替I 改写句子)

_________ __________a ball.
