


我最喜欢的职业的英语作文 第1篇


如果你是一个初级(大三学生)或高级(大四学生),你可能经常问:“你想在将来做?”每当有人问我这个问题,我的答案是 总是相同的,“要成为一个老师。” 教学一直是我最喜欢的职业所有的时间。我的梦想是当老师在我的童年根深蒂固。好脾气,耐心和严格的小学教师在给我一个强烈的印象。当我长大了,我知道更多关于我的理想职业。教师是人类灵魂的工程师。这就是说,它们在形成和塑造(塑造)学生的智力和心理状态的作用。而指导教师是学生终身学习。各级政府把目前在信息社会中更多地强调教育的作用,多才多艺(多才多艺的)教师迫切需要的。要在新世纪的合格教师,我现在必须准备。萝西(玫瑰色的)梦想和坚定意志不能自动转化为(转化为)教学方法和工作技能。总之,我会努力做好我最喜欢的教学工作。

我最喜欢的职业的英语作文 第2篇



我最喜欢的水果——石榴 第3篇





我最喜欢的 第4篇

我最喜欢的老师英语作文 第5篇

I had a bad score in English when I first met her one years ago. It made me more worry and nervous. From then on, our English teacher started to spend her free time teaching me and I paid more attention to study. After several exams, the score of my English improved thanks to her.

As well as helping me with my English she always takes care of me. For example, once when I got a bad cold, It was her that look after me call my parents to pick me up and because of this I became lively again soon.

我最喜欢的老师英语作文 第6篇

written by fu renying(付仁英) from class 7 grade 8

do you know who my favorite teacher is? now i tell his name to you, ok?

our English teacher is my favorite , he is called ×××.he is a good teacher and he is very fun .he always encourages us to study well ,i remembered that he told us:“you should stand the test of time , overcome every difficulty and challenge to win .”he lets the students believe that “where there is a will ,there is a way(有志者事尽成) .”meaningwhile,he treats each pupil fairly. and he has taught us a lot of knowledge. so we

我最喜欢的季节英语作文 第7篇

My favorite season is spring。

When spring es。 Snakes wake up。 They find their tasty food。 White rabbits run on the grass。 Many fish are in the river。

Spring is beautiful and green。 In spring, the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the clouds are white。 I often wear a red sweater and blue jean。 I can fly kites on the green grass。 In March we can plant trees。 In spring, the weather is always sunny and warm, usually I go shopping。 Sometimes I go hiking and climb mountains。 I like spring。

我最喜欢的汉字——春 第8篇

“春”字, 舌头翘起, 唇齿相触, 轻轻发音, 轻盈的、平平的。

我喜欢“春”字, 不仅因为它的音韵美, 还因为它的形体美。它由“三、人、日”字组成, 不偏不倚, 既舒展又匀称。“三人一同看日出”是美好的体验, 而谜底是“春”字, 多么简单、好记!

“春”字的甲骨文字形也很美。它的字形很像一棵小草破土而出的样子, 左边表示阳光回归, 大地回暖, 草木吐绿。古人创造这个字时, 大概是想借用植物萌芽来表示温暖的、明媚的、生机勃勃的季节。

我喜欢“春”字, 更因为它的意义美。

一看到“春”字, 脑海中便有了这样的画面——万里无云、阳光和煦、春风拂面, 三三两两的孩子在阳光下奔跑、在草地上嬉戏、在河畔上放风筝, 他们的脸上洋溢着幸福欢乐的笑。我仿佛看到了桃花正在抹胭脂、蜜蜂在油菜花丛中辛勤劳作、一只小羊正在品尝嫩绿的小草……

一看到“春”字, 我仿佛听到了花苞开放的声音、听到了冰河开裂的咔嚓声、听到了鸟儿悦耳的叽喳声……

多么迷人的春景, 多么鲜活的季节, 多么美好的“春”字!一年之计在于春, “春”字给我温暖、美好和希望。我爱汉字——春。



我最喜欢的…… 第9篇

我最喜欢的月份英语作文 第10篇

y favourite food and I can swimming with my friend,swimming is my favourite sport.

I have holiday in July,I go hiking with my parents.I love July.

我最喜欢的节日英语作文 第11篇

Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.

My favorite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. We usually enjoy the moon on the night of that day. And we also eat fruits, peanuts and mooncakes. I like it because all my family members can sit together to have dinner and talk with each other.

On the night ,the moon is so beautiful that it makes me think of Change. It can make me feel the warmth of family.

我最喜欢的节日英语作文 第12篇

Let me tell you .My favourite festival is Mid-autumn Festival.It is a traditonal Chinese festival .It is on the 15th of August. On Mid-autumn Festival,people usually go back home and get together with their family.At that night,the moon looks likes a plant,it is very big,round and bright.

And our family have a big dinner together. After dinner, we go outside and sit together. Then we watch the moon and eat the mooncakes. There are some fruits,nuts and sweet things in the mooncakes.

我最喜欢的一位老师 第13篇

她是那样温柔, 不会严厉地批评我们, 更别说伸手打我们了。她布置的作业很少, 从来不让我们机械地抄写生字词, 而是鼓励我们阅读适合儿童认知水平的期刊《小学语文国学》。每天上课前, 徐老师都会领着我们诵读经典。在徐老师的启发下,我明白了在历史的长河中 ,唐诗是一颗璀璨 (cuǐcàn)的明珠,闪着耀眼的光芒;明白了“唐诗是一幅画,唐诗是一首歌, 唐诗是清泉流进我们的心窝。唐诗是苦,唐诗是乐, 唐诗是祖先在向我们诉说”。

徐老师经常对我们说这样一句话:“同学们, 让我们走进经典之中,与圣贤为伴,做谦谦少年! ”在徐老师的指引下, 我结识了“花中四君子”,并立志做个有志气的少年。从前,我很惧怕写作文,一到作文课我就头疼。徐老师鼓励我:“作文并不像你想象中的那样难, 只要你认真观察,勤于动笔,你的作文水平会慢慢提高的。”徐老师亲切的话 语给了我 无穷的力量,我不再自卑,拿起了手中的笔, 记录下生活中的点点滴滴。尽管徐老师只给我们班上了两次作文, 可我已经深深爱上了作文。每天放学回家都要写日记, 把读书的感受记录在日记本上。我由惧怕作文到喜欢作文, 这一切都是徐老师的功劳啊!

徐老师, 您是我最喜欢的一位老师, 我不会辜负您的期望,一定会好好学习,天天向上, 做一个懂得感恩父母、感恩老师的好学生!


我最喜欢的…… 第14篇

我最喜欢的动物英语作文 第15篇

The ant is a kind of like social insects, dont look at it, but it has a “strong man” title. An ant can lift 50 times more than their weight. 2 times people if can move up the weight of everything is wonderful. People who want to really dust and ants than strength.

Previously, I have heard, the ants are very united, I also saw, in the ant mouth, many ants against a live common caterpillar, thought, and the mere survival needs, hunting together, a lot of animals wolves hunt, hyenas are so common, no surprise. So many ants have thinking every day together, cant afford to infighting just strange!

Later, I saw an article, let I to small awestruck by ants. This article writes: a group of ants meet fire, they didnt panic, immediately transform into a group of formations, these can keep the queens, young ants race survival ant package in the middle, rapid rolling a ball of fire, break through in the direction of the river, outer ant ant regiment repeatedly heard burned after the burst of noise, but not to reduce the ant regiment. Obviously, this outer “ant kingdom hero” by the burning to death also dont loose fraction, courage all crack dont give up their jobs. And in a short while, ant group rushed into the river, as to the other side of the scroll, the river rose a thin layer of smoke... Any creature that has a survival instinct, small ants can in a survival situation, continue to race, choose to sacrifice myself, what a respectable!

Compared with the unity of ants, we should be ashamed of yourself. Sometimes because of the little things, and her classmates went red, shouldnt have. Originally in the world, noble and great really has nothing to do with size, strength, what really matters is strong in spirit, if we have ants so closely united, dedicated spirit, what we cant finish?





我最喜欢的季节英语作文 第16篇

My favorite season is winter. Although the winter is very cold, but it brings us endless joy. In winter, play snowballs and make a snowman, the game is full of happy people love. You type, I type, snowball hit the body cool zi zi. In campus, with laughter ground was snow, like a big carpet. Full of ice on the eaves, a ribs a ribs, like crystal, is beautiful! We are a large and a small footprint on the carpet, drew beautiful pictures, like step on step, squeak came out, it is snow in tell us: “to play with you I feel really happy, is you give us a quiet become lively rise.” By the way, there is a tree. It was covered with tree, and some branches were bending the waist, was “like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousands of critics, pear flower tree.” Really nice! The reason why I like winter, because it brings us infinite joy, is it, make some beautiful sentences and paragraphs out... ​



我最喜欢的电影英语作文 第17篇

If we were him,whether we can sacrificed our love and friendship and even our study . In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble.

Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people. For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen peoples wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries

If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will become more and more warmth. People can make getting along well with each other。




我最喜欢的植物——月季花 第18篇















我最喜欢的…… 第19篇

我最喜欢的电影英语作文 第20篇

specially Martha, she plays an influential role within her family. She tells her children that knowledge is priceless.

They invite Mr. Hyde to read them books in the evening. Although Mr. Hyde has left them a collection of his books without getting paid a couple months of rents, Martha does not get angry with him. Instead, she tells her children that the value of all of his books have greatly exceeded the total amount of his unpaid rents. Nevertheless, Martha and Lars always encourage and support their children to keep on pursing their educational goals.
