


托福写作满分作文 第1篇

72 You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students. Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would you rather choose your own roommate? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

I’d rather have the university assign a roommate to share a room with me. As far as I’m concerned, this is part of the university experience. Students should meet new people and be open to new experiences. I like leaving this up to chance.

Actually, even though the university will choose, it’s not totally a matter of chance. We all filled out information sheets. The school knows what we’re majoring in, what our interests are, and our study habits and our goals. I think they’re probably very good at matching roommates using this information. They’ve had a lot of practice. Besides, if a mistake is made, I can change my room assignment next semester.

If I did want to choose my own roommate, I’d first pick some candidates from the list supplied by the university. Then I’d write to them and they’d write back. Through our letters, we’d find out if we shared common interests, such as sports or movies. More importantly, we’d find out if we like doing the same things in our free time. Because my investigation, I’d probably get someone compatible with me. It’s a lot of work to go through, though. Besides, the process of finding similar interests isn’t all that different from what the university does.

Trying to predict whom I’m going to get along with is not a science. I might choose someone who sounds just like me and still find that the two of us just don’t get along as roommates. Besides, I think it would be boring to room with somebody who’s just the same as me. I’d rather be with someone who has different interests and likes to do different things. Maybe I’d even get a roommate from another culture. After all, one of the reasons I’m going to the university is to be exposed to a lot of new experiences. So, I’d rather have the university choose my roommate for me.

73 Some people think that governments should spend as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and think that this money should be spent on more basic needs. Which one of these opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

I realize that it’s important to stay up to date with our technology. So much, like our space and defense programs, depends on it. I’ve also read that we shouldn’t let other governments get ahead of ours in the race for better technology. This could eventually put us at a disadvantage and our whole economy could suffer. Despite all this, I think our government should spend our tax dollars on more basic items before it gets into the business of developing computer technology.

We have so many problems in our society, and it seems every solution needs money. For instance, we talk about getting people off welfare. To do that we need money to give them jobs until they can support themselves. That means support training, day care for their children, and probably a monthly rent subsidy. All of those things can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. However, if we could solve a major problem like, wouldn’t it improve our society even more than new technology?

Another problem is that our transportation system is falling apart. Bridges have cracks in them. Highways buckle. Accidents happen because of these problems. We shouldn’t put money into improving a computer chip when we have basic needs like these.

Besides, Why should the government be in the business of developing technology? Aren’t there several very successful corporations doing just that? Yes, it’s probably less the expensive in the long run for the government to develop the technology. Nevertheless, in the short run, there are basic needs in our society that aren’t being met. I think that’s where the money should go.

托福写作满分作文 第2篇

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” These are wisewords. One should never give up. There is always anotheropportunity, another goal, or another option.

Once I ran for president of my class. Unfortunately, I lost. I lost because I did not promote myselfenough. I looked at my mistakes and decided how to correct them. The following year, I ran forpresident again. This time I gave speeches, called voters on the phone, and banded out brochures. This time I won. Never give up. There is always another opportunity.

Once I wanted to study medicine. Unfortunately, I didn’t like science. I failed all my science coursesat school. Then I realized that what I liked about medicine was helping people. I changed my goalfrom healing people to helping people. Now, I’m studying psychology. There is always anothergoal.

Once I wanted to talk with my friend. Unfortunately, his computer was down and I couldn’t e-mailhim. His phone line was busy so I couldn’t call him. Mail would take too long so I couldn’t write him. Since I really wanted to talk with him. I got on the bus and went across town to visit him. There isalways another option.

If you give up, you might as well die. My advice is to always look for another opportunity, anothergoal, or another option. There is always something else. Don’t give up.

42 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help oftechnology, student nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Technology has greatly improved the way we get information. Students can now get moreinformation, get it more quickly, and get it more conveniently.

The Internet and the World Wide Web has opened every major library and database to studentsaround the world. Information comes not only in print form, but also in multimedia. You can getaudio and video data. You can get information about event in the past as well as events thatunfold as you watch your computer monitor.

Information comes at the speed of the Internet, which is to say in nanoseconds. You can type in afew key words in your search engine, and the engine will search the entire www to find informationon your topic. You don’t have to spend hours pouring over card catalogs in the library and lookingat the shelves. This research is done for you instantly on the Web.

It is certainly more convenient to sit at home and do research on your computer. Your computeris open 24 hours a day, unlike a library or office, which has limited hours and limited resources. Youcan do research in your pajamas while you eat breakfast. What could be more convenient?

托福写作测试的有效性 第3篇

近年来, 托福考试被越来越多的人视为检验英语水平能力的权威考试, 许多英语测试专家对托福考试进行了广泛的研究。然而, 随着2006年新托福考试的出现, 以前的研究也反映出了一些不足, 尤其是从语言测试角度进行的研究略显宽泛和笼统。本文主要是从语言测试的一个角度, 即测试的有效性, 对托福写作考试进行研究, 并对新托福写作的变化及其测试有效性进行分析。

2. 测试有效性概述

Bachman和Palmer认为在设计试卷时最重要的考虑就是其有效性, 它是一份试卷最重要的属性。Bachman和Palmer定义测试有效性包含六个方面的内容:测试信度、效度、真实性、互动性、反拨效应和可行性。虽然这六个方面都很重要, 但托福考试设计者认识到想要在一份试卷中同时实现六者的最大化是不可能的。因此本文着重分析托福在信度、效度、真实性、反拨效应四个方面的属性。

3. 托福写作有效性

3.1 写作测试有效性

3.1.1 写作测试信度

Bachman (1996) 把信度定义为“测试的一致性” (consistency of measurement) , 简言之, 就是测试结果的可信度、可靠度。

写作测试的信度由多种因素影响, 其中试题信度至关重要。写作试题包含很多变量:写作主题、文体、刺激材料、修辞及措辞。其中能够保证试题内容效度的因素也会提高试题的信度。托福写作测试委员会设计了细致的题目, 每一道题目都是在专家考虑学术英语写作影响因素的基础上精心设计的。Tedick (1990) 发现, 学生在完成有关自己课程题目的写作时情况要好于完成比较宽泛的题目。也就是说, 应试者更善于处理相对比较熟悉的题目。因此, 试题设计者设计了类似北美高校英语教学环境下的题目, 将其全部编入试题库, 保证了试题内容及文体的确定性, 提高了测试的一致性, 也就是测试信度。

3.1.2 写作测试效度

所谓效度是指“成功地实现测试目的的程度” (Clark, 1979) 。语言测试的效度是指测试是否考查了测试者想要测试的语言方面的内容, 考生所考出的成绩是否合理地说明了该考生的语言能力。

内容效度是测试效度的一个重要指标。它是指试卷的试题内容是否代表了考试内容规范所规定的内容, 主要指试题与所要考查的语言知识、技能或语言能力的相关性、代表性, 以及考生的合适性。TWE测试旨在测试非英语国家学生在给定题目下的英语书面表达能力。题目设计对所有参加托福考试的人秉持公平、合适、可接受的原则。每篇文章都从英语词汇、句法及信息的组织发展角度考量, 参照完整的TWE评分标准打分。

3.1.3 写作测试真实性

根据Bachman (1991) 对真实性给出的定义:语言测试中的真实性是指受试者在测试中使用目的语完成测试任务与其在现实生活中使用语言进行交际活动的相似程度, 也就是语言测试与语言交际的统一程度。然而, TWE在三个方面表现出不足的真实性。首先, 非应试环境下的学术写作通常是基于学生阅读、听课或课堂讨论等形式的源材料作为输入的写作, 学生可以对写作主题及背景知识有一个完整的了解。其次, 除了考试中, 多数学术写作不会限定学生的写作时间。再次, 写作考试的评卷人与考试者互不认识, 而学术写作的阅读者通常就是学生的导师。TWE要求应试者在限定时间内就相对不熟悉的话题进行写作, 其真实性有待进一步研究。

3.1.4 写作测试反拨效应

反拨效应指测试对社会、教育制度以及对处于这个制度内的个人的影响, 前者为宏观层次的影响, 后者为微观层次的影响。

Messick (1996) 认为, 具有积极反驳效应的测试应该包含真实语言交际环境中需要运用的听说读写技能的试题。因此, 旧版托福与TWE的反拨效应通常被认为是消极的。然而, 托福题库的发行被视为具有积极的反拨效应。它使得潜在应试者有机会练习托福考试题型, 可以学习大量的文章, 提高个人的英语水平。

3.2 新托福写作特点

3.2.1 非单一写作任务

在新托福写作中, 考生被要求完成两项写作任务, 这样做的好处是提高了考试的真实性。在高校学习环境中, 导师布置的写作任务可能是多种多样的, 例如研究论文、课程论文、分析报告等。所以, 对于那些想要在英语国家学习的应试者而言, 掌握多种写作任务的写作技巧是十分有益的。

3.2.2 刺激材料的使用

新托福写作考试中使用了阅读和听力材料作为写作的刺激材料, 要求应试者在理解原材料的基础上完成写作任务, 因此他们必须运用总结、提取、综合、分析等技能对源材料进行加工。这些技能的使用提高了考试的真实性, 因为大学导师可能要求学生阅读某些书目或研究报告后完成文章, 也可能在听完讲座后进行写作。

3.2.3 笔记技巧的运用

笔记技巧的运用被视为新托福考试一项重要的改进。考生在听录音的过程中可以通过做笔记来帮助答题, 这使得考生可以以一种更自然的状态答题, 减少了失常发挥的可能性, 提高了考试效度。而且, 正如学校学习环境中经常使用笔记方法一样, 考试中运用笔记也大大提高了考试的卷面效度。

4. 结语

托福写作测试是测试英语学习者英语写作能力的考试。从Bachman和Palmer的语言测试理论分析, 它是一项具有高信度效度及积极反拨效应的考试。然而, 它仍然具有某些缺点。新托福写作融合了多种技能的应用, 使用了刺激材料并锻炼了考生的笔记技能, 因而具有了更高的信度效度, 是一项更加科学的考试。但是任何考试都不可能是完美的, 这就要求语言研究者对托福考试进行更深层次的研究。


[1]Alister Cumming, Robert Kanter, Donald Powers, Terry San-tosand Carol Taylor.TOEFL 2000 Writing Frame work:a Working Pa-per[M].Educational Testing Service, 2000.

[2]Bachman.Fundamental Considerations in Language Test-ing[M].Oxford UP, 1990.

[3]Bachman and Palmer.Language Testing in Practice[M].Oxford UP, 1996.

[4]Robert Wood.Assessment and Testing:a Survey of Re-search[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.

[5]Weigle, Sara.Cushing, Assessing Writing[M].Cambridge:CUP, 2002.

[6]Alister Cumming, Robert Kantor, Kyoko Baba, Usman Er-dosy, Keanre Eouanzoui and Mark James.Differences in written dis-course in independent and integrated prototype tasks for next gener-ation TOEFL, Assessing Writing[J].Volume10, Issue1, 2005:5-43.

[7]Alla Zareva.What is new in the new TOEFL-iBT2006test format?Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching[J].2005, Vol.2, No.2:45-57.

[8]戴云.新托福写作攻略[J].新东方英语, 2006, Z1.

[9]李鼎.新托福写作规律分析及应对策略[J].新东方英语, 2007, Z1.

[10]李笑来.备战新托福作文[J].新东方英语, 2005, Z1.

[11]江奇.新托福写作揭秘[J].新东方英语, 2006, (6) .

新托福写作攻略 第4篇


































































要迎接新托福写作的挑战,并且获得成功, 考生必须首先掌握以下几方面知识:



































托福写作满分作文学习 第5篇

Conflict resolution is very important. The technique is the samewhether it’s between people, between groups, or betweennations. You need to find a common ground; you need to learnwhat both sides want; and you need to plan steps to resolve the conflict.

Finding a common ground is the first important step in any conflict resolution. For example, if twocountries are fighting, a mediator could do what is the single thing that both counties areconcerned about. One answer might be their children’s future. Agreeing on the future of theirchildren is an important first step.

The next step would be to try to determine what both sides want for their children. For example, Country X says, “Security from Country Y.” Country Y says, “Security from Country X.” Obviously, they feel threatened by one another.

The third step is to plan steps to resolve the conflict. A mediator might ask what would make eachside more secure: Stronger borders? Increased trade? Smaller military forces? Once the steps areestablished, the peace process has begun.

I don’t mean to imply that this is easy. Resolving long-term disputes is not simple. But the processcan be broken down into three steps (common ground, needs, steps to resolution) and thenrepeated and repeated until there is peace.

48 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Self-confidence is the mostimportant factor for success in school or at work. Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your opinion.

Self-confidence is one very important factor for success, but there are two other equally importantfactors: knowledge and sensitivity. All three are required for success in any area.

One needs to feel one can accomplish a task. If one thinks he or she is incapable of doingsomething, he or she will not succeed. For example, if you think you are going to do poorly on anexam, you will probably do poorly. It is important to tell yourself that you can do well. If you haveconfidence in yourself, you will probably do well.

Even if you have a great deal of self-confidence, you won’t be able to well on the exam withoutknowledge. You have to understand your subject very well. With knowledge and self-confidenceyou have a better chance of success.

In areas other than exams, you will need to be sensitive to your surroundings in order to succeed. You will need to know whether to boast about yourself or be modest; you will need to knowwhether you should take the lead or let others. This is a difficult skill to learn, but an important onefor success.

托福写作满分作文学习整合 第6篇

The principal of a school is one of our first encounters with afigure of authority. Consequently, he or she must be a goodexample of a leader. The principal must be firm, fair and foresighted which are important qualities ofa principal.

When a principal announces a rule, you must understand that he or she means it. If a rule requiresall students to be in their seats when the bell rings, the rule must be enforced. If students are outof their seats, they should be punished. If a rule requires that students not wear bats in school, therule must be enforced. If students wear bats, the bats must be taken away from them. A principalmust be firm.

When a principal enforces a rule, you must understand that he or she will treat everyone equally. IfI get caught eating at my desk, I must receive the same punishment that my classmate got whenshe got caught eating at her desk. If a sophomore is late for school, he or she must receive thesame punishment that a senior would. A principal must be fair.

When a principal establishes a rule, you must understand that he or she has a good reason for it. Ifa rule requires that students must participate in extracurricular sports, you should understand thatthe principal knows that a strong body as well as a strong mind will help us in the future. If a rulerequires that students must do two hours of volunteer work in the community each week, youshould understand that the principal knows that close involvement in the community builds strongcharacter. A principal must be foresighted.

A principal’s job is not as easy one. I only hope that in the future, I can model my own leadershipabilities on the ones I observed in school. I hope I can be as firm, fair, and foresighted as myprincipal.

38 Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it haschanged people’s lives.




Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

An airplane is a form of transportation that has changed people’s lives. Thanks to the plane, ourlives are now faster, more exciting, and more convenient that before.

You cannot deny that a plane is fast. For example, the Concorde flies at supersonic speed. Abusinessman can leave Paris at 11 a.m. in the morning and arrive in New York at 8 a.m. the samemorning in time for a day’s work. Many business people in Europe will fly to London for a noonmorning in time for a day’s work. Many business people in Europe will fly to London for a noonmeeting and then return home to Rome or Madrid for dinner.

It is always exciting to take a plane trip. When you take a trip by plane, you know that you mightcross many time zones, many oceans, and many countries. When you get off the plane, youcould be in a place that speaks a different language. A plane is like a magician’s trick. You get in abox and you come out somewhere totally different.

Nothing can beat the convenience of a plane. In the old days, it might take you days to do whatthe plane can do it an hour. Boats, for example, only leave on certain days of the week and take along time to get to their destination. Planes give you the option to leave several times a day andget you to your destination quickly.
