


非谓语动词专项练习 第1篇


1._____ from the top of the TV tower, and we can get a beautiful sight of most of the city.A.To see B.Seen C.Seeing D.See 2.All things _____, the planned trip will have to be called off.A.be considered B.considering C.having considered D.considered 3.______ the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _____ out of her life.A.Saw;frightened B.Seen;frightened C.To see;frightening D.Seeing;frightened 4.Generally speaking, ______ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.A.When taking B.when taken C.when to take D.when to be taken 5.The research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it.A.begins B.begun C.beginning D.having begun 6._____ in 1613, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United Stated.A.being founded B.Founded C.It was founded D.Founding 7.If you go to Xi’an, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly _____.A.supposed B.supposing C.to suppose D.suppose 8._____ more attention, the tree could have grown better.A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given 9.In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours _____ my study.A.locking B.to lock C.locked D.being locked 10._____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A.When compared B.Compare C.While comparing D.Comparing 11.Mrs.Bush stood ______ for a moment when an old soldier suddenly appeared before her.A.surprised B.surprising C.being surprised D.to be surprised 12.____ alone in the dark room, the little boy was so frightened as to cry.A.Leaving B.Left C.To be left D.Having left 13._____ to complete the job on time, they set out to work immediately.A.Being determined B.On having determined C.Determined D.To be determined 14.______ in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end.A.Being settled B.Having settled C.Settled D.Settling 15.If law-breaker ____, the society will be in disorder.A.made unpunished B.came unpunished C.not punished D.went unpunished 16.He must be angry, for we heard the glass ____ on the floor.A, being broken B.break C.to be break D.broken

17.You can fly to the UK this morning _____ you don’t mind changing planes in A.because B.provided C.unless D.so far as 18._____ in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.A.To look B.Looking at C.Looked at D.To be looked at 19._____ in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarship totaling 21,000 dollars.A.To be judged the best B.Judged the best C.Having judged the best D.Judging the best 20.A cool rain was falling, _____ with snow.A.mixed B.mixing C.to mix D.having mixed 21.Most of the photographers _____ to the conference were from north Europe.A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.having invited 22.The assistant worked late into the night, _____ a long speech for the president.A.to have repaired B.repairing C.repaired D.having repaired 23.“Can’t you read?” Mary said _____ to the notice.A.angrily pointing B.and point angrily C.angrily pointed D.and angrily pointing 24.The missing singer was last seen _____ the voice close to the bridge.A.exercising B.to be exercising C.exercise D.to exercise 25.The directors discussed the project that they would like to see ____ the next year.A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out 26.The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added 27.The speaker raised his voice but couldn’t make himself _____.A.hear B.to hear C.hearing D.heard 28.A cook will be fired immediately if he is found _____ in the kitchen.A.smoke B.smoking C.to smoke D.smoked

Answers 1~~5 DDDBB 6~~10 BAACA 11~~15 ABCCD 16~~20 ABCBA 21~~25ABAAC 26~~28CDB

非谓语动词专项练习 第2篇




动词不定式是动词的一种非限定形式,一般由“to + 动词原形”构成。它在句中起名词、形容词或副词的作用,同时也保留着动词的一些特征,可以带宾语或状语。例如:

At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.在2004年雅典奥运会上,刘翔在110米跨栏比赛中成为第一个获得金牌的亚洲人,使全亚洲人兴奋不已。(不定式起形容词作用,同时带有宾语和状语)



It is difficult to imagine a more inhospitable place.很难想像出一个比这更不适合居住的地方。

(it作形式主语,to imagine a more inhospitable place为真正的主语)


The aim of the treaty is to prevent the commercial and military use of the continent.这个公约的目的是防止商业和军事上使用这个洲。


He was very happy to meet two foreigners and wanted to learn all about Europe.他很高兴遇到两个外国人,于是想全面了解欧洲。

注意:两个不定式并列时,第二个不定式to省略。例如: People like to meet in the evening and watch the moon.人们喜欢在夜晚聚在一起赏月。(watch the moon 与to meet in the evening为两个并列的不定式,故watch前省略了to。这两个不定式均作like的宾语。)

能够接不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有:afford, agree, aim, ask, bear, begin, bother, care, choose, continue, dare, decide, demand, desire, determine, expect, fail, forget, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean, need, offer, plan, pretend, refuse, remember, try, wait, want, wish等。



I don’t want ________ like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair.A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded(2005 天津)简析:考查不定式作宾语。want后接不定式,而且sound是连系动词,不用被动语态。所以A是正确答案。sound like听起来像是。


We saw her enter a restaurant.我们看见她走进一家餐馆。

I want you to come to my birthday party.我要你来参加我的生日聚会。

注意:某些动词(大都是感官动词)接动词不定式作宾语补足语时,通常不带to。下面的口诀可以帮助大家记住这些动词:“四看(see, watch, notice, observe)三使役(let, have, make)二听(hear, listen to)一感觉(feel)。”

能够接带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有很多,常见的有: advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, command, direct, enable, encourage, expect, forbid, force, instruct, invite, oblige, order, permit, persuade, press, recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, train, urge, want, warn等。


Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you do not know?你想结交更多的朋友却感到与陌生人交流信心不足吗?

注意:某些不及物动词作定语时需要加上一个介词,即构成“不定式+介词”结构,这个介词不可省略。例如:Give me a pen to write with.给我一支笔写字。另外,还有一种“介词 + which + 不定式”的结构也可以作定语。例如:The young couple needs a lot of money with which to buy a new appartment.这对年轻夫妇需要一大笔钱来买房子。



This company was the first ___ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.A.producingB.to produceC.having producedD.produced

(2005 上海春)

简析:考查不定式作定语。在first, last等词后,要用不定式作定语。故B正确。


I am very happy to meet you.我很高兴见到您。


①有的语法学家将形容词后的不定式归到宾语。这类形容词有: afraid, anxious, careful, content, determined, foolish, prepared, ready, slow, willing等。

②在强调目的状语时,不定式前可加上in order或so as,即通常我们所说的“in order to/so as to”词组。有时为了突出强调目的,还可将这个词组置于句首,但so as to不用于句首。

③在so...as to, enough to, only to, too...to等结构中,不定式表示结果。例如:

Will you be so kind as to open the window?


He arrived at the airport only to find the plane had already taken off.他到达机场(结果)却发现飞机已经起飞了。



__ the employees’ working efficiency, the supervisor will allow them to have a coffee break.A.ImprovingB.To improveC.Having improved D.Improved

(2006 上海春)



不定式的否定结构由“not + 不定式”构成,简言之,to前加not。例如:

She finally decided not to marry him.她最终决定不嫁给他。


疑问词who, what, which, when, where和how后加上不定式可构成一种特殊的结构,它的作用相当于一个名词性从句。同样一句话,英语里可用从句和不定式结构来表达,意思没有区别。试比较:


I don’t know what I should do.(宾语从句,较正式)

I have no idea(of)what I should do.(同位语从句,较正式)

I don’t know what to do.(疑问词+不定式结构作宾语,简洁,较口语化)

I have no idea(of)what to do.(疑问词+不定式结构作同位语,简洁,较口语化)

注意:在 Why(not)do sth.? 这个句式里,不定式不带to,例如:Why not try again? 为



有时候不定式前有自己的逻辑主语,用for来引出,结构为: for + 名词(代词宾格)+ 不定式。例如:

It is necessary for us to master at least one foreign language.我们至少掌握一门外语是很有必要的。

注意:有些形容词后接这种结构时,不用介词for,而用of。例如: It’s very kind of you to do so.你这样做真是太客气了。这类形容词还有:silly, bad, nice, honest, stupid, clever, wise, wrong等。



I am very happy to have met your mother.见到了你的母亲我非常高兴。

Her English seems to be improving.她的英语似乎在长进。



The flu is believed ________ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A.causingB.being caused C.to be caused D.to have caused

(2004 上海)

简析:考查不定式的被动式。这是个被动语态句型:sb./ sth.is believed to do / be done / doing / have done / have been done,根据句意,应该用被动式,故选C。



动名词是由“动词原形 + ing”构成,与现在分词的构成完全相同。顾名思义,动名词既具有动词的特征,又具有名词的特征。所谓的动词特征是说动名词可以有自己的宾语和状语,名词特征是指动名词可以像名词一样充当主语、表语、宾语和定语。例如:

Would you mind my closing the window? 你介意我关上窗户吗?



Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.泼出去的水收不回。

注意:在It is no use...;It is no good...;It is great fun...等这些句子结构中,其后习惯接动名词。


His job is fixing computers.他的工作是修电脑。


Have you finished writing the article? 你写完那篇文章了吗?

She suggested going there by air, as plane tickets are very cheap.由于机票很便宜,她建议乘飞机去那里。

有些动词后只能接动名词作宾语,这类动词常见的有:admit, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, finish, imagine, include, keep, mind, miss, practise, resist, risk, suggest等;短语动词有give up, insist on等。为了帮助大家记忆,现将最常用的10个动词的首字母缩略在一起:MEPSKARFI(梅不是咖啡)(M-mind, E-enjoy, P-practise, S-stop, suggest, K-keep, A-avoid, R-risk, F-finish, I-insist on)。



The parents suggested ________ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.A.sleepB.to sleepC.sleeping D.having slept(2006 上海春)简析:考查动名词作宾语。suggest后有三种情况:





When asked by the police, he said that he remembered ______ at the party, but not _______.A.to arrive;leavingB.to arrive;to leave

C.arriving;leavingD.arriving;to leave(2005 北京)简析:考查动名词作宾语。remember后接动名词作宾语表示“记得已经做过的事”。remember to do sth.表示“记住去做某事”,即表示没有做的事。根据句意,前后都应填动名词,指已经发生过的事情,故C正确。


I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping me.我给他和他的妻子写了一封感谢信,因为他们帮助了我。



Accustomed to ________ the steep moun?鄄tains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.A.climbingB.climbC.having climbedD.have climbed(2005 上海春)简析:考查动名词作介词宾语。be accustomed to是个词组,表示“习惯于(某事)”,to是介词,后接动名词作宾语。故A正确。


The Iron Curtain was the statesman Winston Churchill’s term for the dividing line between eastern and western Europe.铁幕是政治家温斯顿·丘吉尔使用的术语,指东欧与西欧的分界线。


动名词的否定结构是由“not + 动名词”构成。例如:

I am sorry for not handing in my homework on time.我很抱歉没有按时交作业。





Mary’s coming late made the teacher very angry.玛丽的迟到让老师很生气。



I really can’t understand ________ her like that.A.you treatB.you to treatC.why treat D.you treating(2005 安徽)简析:考查动名词复合结构。understand后接动名词或动名词的复合结构作宾语。动名

词的复合结构作宾语时,其动名词的逻辑主语可以用物主代词,也可以用人称代词宾格。此句中可用your treating 或you treating,故选D。



1)相同之处。下列句子的表达既可用动名词,也可用不定式,意义上无区别。眼见为实。Seeing is believing.To see is to believe.他爱玩电脑游戏。He likes playing computer games.He likes to play computer games.我的工作是教你英语。My job is teaching you English.My job is to teach you English.2)不同之处。下列情况用动名词与用不定式会有不同的效果和意义。

A)动名词的逻辑主语可能泛指人们,而不定式的逻辑主语则是句子本身的主语。试比较:I hate smoking.我讨厌吸烟。(相当于说:I hate people smoking.)

I hate to smoke.我不爱吸烟。(相当于说:I don’t smoke as I dislike it.)

B)动名词表示一般的或抽象的多次性动作,而不定式则表示具体的一次性动作。试比较:I like seeing English films.我喜欢看英文电影。

Would you like to see the English film tonight? 今晚你想看英文电影吗?


D)有不少动词后面既可接动名词作宾语,也可接不定式作宾语。这类动词常见的有:attempt, begin, continue, fear, forget, hate, help, intend, learn, like, love, mean, need, neglect, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, try, want等。有些动词后接动名词与不定式,意思会有所不同。试比较:

I regret telling you the truth.我后悔对你讲了真相。(动名词表示过去已发生的事情)I regret to tell you that I cannot come.我很遗憾地告诉你我不能来。(不定式表示现在)E)有些动词后面接动名词主动式表示被动意义,而接不定式则要用被动式。试比较: The car needs repairing.汽车需要修理。(repairing为主动式表示被动含义)

浅谈非谓语动词 第3篇


一,它不能当谓语,因此在同一句子中一定还会另有谓语动词。如“I running in the morning every day.”“He named Lip-ing.”就是没有谓语动词的错误句子。


1.“为了健康,他天天喝牛奶。”“为了健康”是目的,是次要动作,“喝牛奶”才是唯一的谓语动词。译为:To be more healthy, he drinks milk every day.

2.“喝牛奶对他有好处,他爱喝牛奶。”这两处的“喝牛奶”明显地不是具体的“喝”,而是概括抽象的一件事。“喝牛奶”在此处就近似地相当于名词“牛奶”,应用“Drinking milk”动名词来表示。

3.“我喝牛奶肚子痛。”“喝牛奶”在此处虽然是具体动作,但它和“肚子痛”有内在逻辑关系,它表示的是原因,是从属地位,“肚子痛”才是主要的谓语动词。可以用“Having drunk some milk, I have some trouble with my stomach.”来表示,也可以用从句“Since I have drunk some milk, I have some trouble with my stomach.”。

4.“喝牛奶,人健康”,“喝牛奶”与“健康”有逻辑联系,它显然是条件,可以用“Drinking milk every day, one will get more healthy.”来表示。

5.“我喝牛奶呛着了。”“喝牛奶”和“呛着”也有逻辑联系,它表示时间,可以用“Drinking milk, I choked.”来表示。

6.“他坐在那里喝牛奶。”“坐”是稳定的长背景动作,应作谓语动词,而“喝牛奶”却是变动不稳定的伴随动作,是补充说明,可用非谓语动词:“He sat there, drinking some milk.”



7.“The girl standing there was crying.”“standing”就是“the girl”的定语。

8.“I found him running in the street.”“running”就是“found”的宾补。


9.The book is tiring, while the film is exciting.

10.The excited audiences were moved at the exciting play.

11.Her job is raising pigs, she finds that living is working.


1.除了独立主格结构外,非谓语动词都没有形式主语出现在它的前面,如出现了多余的主语那反而是错的句子。但主语不出现不等于没有主谓关系。非谓语动词肯定与主句的主语存在着隐含的逻辑主谓关系,如找不出这种关系那一般都是错误的句子。如“从山上看下去,我们的城市很美丽。”主句的主语“城市”不会“看”,不存在逻辑主谓关系,只存在动宾关系。因此不能用“Seeing”,而只能用“Seen from the mountain,...”被动的形式来表示,或用独立主格:“Anybody seeing it from the mountain, the city looks very beautiful.”又比如“听到这个消息,她的眼泪流出来了。”“眼泪”不会“听”,不存在逻辑主谓关系,因此不能像中文一样直译:“Hearing the news, her tears came a-long her check.”应该说:Hearing the news, she had tears coming along her check.

2.非谓语动词不需要because, as, if, when, while等连词,但它已经含有连词的意思。如“Because not having prepared my lesson, I can’t answer the question.”就是错的,应删去Because。

反之,如不用非谓语而用从句,那表示原因、条件、时间、伴随、目的的从句前又必须有连词。而中文却是可以省连词的,如上文的“喝牛奶肚子痛”“喝牛奶,人健康。”“喝牛奶呛着了”都可以加用连词也可以不用连词。因此中国学生往往把表示原因、条件、时间、伴随的从句不用连词,不用句号,却要与主句并列在一起,出现“少连词混淆主次”的错误,如:“I am poor, I can’t buy the house.”“I am poor”显然与后面的句子有逻辑因果关系,应加连词Since或变成“Being poor, I can’t buy the the house.”。

有时中国学生又会犯两个分句都用连词的错误,如:“因为我病了,所以今天我不能上学”译成:“Because I am ill, so I can’t go to school today.”在英语中有连词的句子都是次要、从属地位的从句,如两个分句像中文一样都用连词,那就没有表示句子主要意思的主句了。这便是“多连词导致无主句”错误。同理,如非谓语动词短语后的句子用连词,也等于犯了“无主句”的错误。


1.及物的非谓语动词后要带宾语,是双宾动词还要带两个宾语,像上面的句子如用“Anybody seeing from the mountain,...”就是错误的句子,因为及物非谓语动词seeing没有带宾语。


3.过去分词后不能出现宾语,因主句的主语就是它的逻辑宾语。像“Heated the water, it will turn into stream.”就是错的,“the water”应删去。

当然,带双宾的非谓语动词后还需带一个宾语,如:“Told the students many times, the importance is paid attention to.”



[1]徐广联.大学英语语法.华东理工大学出版社, 2005.

非谓语动词专项训练 第4篇

A. to getB. of getting

C. of to getD. getting

2. The issue is believed____________at the meeting two weeks ago.

A. to discuss

B. to be discussed

C. to have discussed

D. to have been discussed

3. It is necessary to be prepared for a job interview.____________will certainly do you good.

A. Well dressed

B. Well dressing

C. Being well dressed

D. Well dressing up

4.(2010北京卷)I’m calling to enquire about the position____________in yesterday’s China Daily.

A. advertised

B. to be advertised

C. advertising

D. having advertised

5. —What your parents said is in fact for your sake.

—Oh, yes. How often I have regretted

____________their advice!

A. not takingB. not to take

C. takingD. to take

6. Don’t leave the water while you brush your teeth.

A. runB. running

C. to runD. being run

7. (2010上海卷)Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues

____________with her stories.

A. amusedB. amusing

C. to amuseD. to be amused

8. Last summer, I went back to my hometown to visit my grandmother, only

____________great changes had taken in my hometown.

A. findingB. find

C. foundD. to find

9.____________in the snow, our car couldn’t move any further.

A. Having caught

B. Having been caught

C. Being caught

D. Caught

10. Finished in a hurry,____________.

A. I have made many mistakes in the composition

B. there are many mistakes in the composition

C. the composition is full of mistakes

D. many mistakes are in the composition

11. A middle-aged man came____________to the bus stop only____________the bus had gone.

A. running; to find

B. to run; finding

C. and run; found

D. running; finding

12. Her father denies everything to her, though he is a millionaire,____________her live on her own labor.

A. makingB. not making

C. to makeD. not to make

13. The preferential policy offered to college graduates is a great inspiration to them____________the government cares much about their employment and development.

A. to showB. showing

C. to be shownD. having showing

14. A terrible bus accident happened on April 22, 2012 somewhere near Changshu, Jiangsu Province,____________14 passengers killed and 21 injured.


A. leftB. leaving

C. to leaveD. having left

15. Originally____________Lei Zhengxing, Lei Feng was born on December 18th, 1940, in a farming family.

A. callingB. called

C. being calledD. to call

16.____________from what he said, he was a teacher.

A. To judge

B. Judged

C. Having been judged

D. Judging

17.____________ good and sweet, this kind of apple was soon sold out in the market.

A. Tasted

B. Tasting

C. Having been tasted

D. Being tasted

18. The grandfather, much to the surprise of the doctors, won’t want his granddaughter

____________this week.

A. to operate onB. operates

C. to be operated onD. operating

19. The worker had a finger____________by the machine he was operating.

A. cut up B. cut back on

C. cut down D. cut off

20. The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition; she seemed____________it petty well.

A. to prepare

B. preparing

C. having prepared

D. to have prepared

21. My parents have always make me____________about myself, even when I was twelve.

A. feeling well

B. feeling good

C. feel well

D. feel good

22. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears____________everything.

A. to tell

B. to be told

C. to be telling

D. to have been told

23.____________ everything troubles himself a lot.

A. His easy forgetting

B. He easily forgets

C. He easily forgetting

D. His easily forgetting

24. (2011湖南卷)The ability____________

an idea is as important as the idea itself.

A. expressingB. expressed

C. to expressD. to be expressed

25.____________with a gradual rise of seawater, some nations in the Pacific are considering moving in the near future.

A. FacingB. To face

C. FacedD. Face

26. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace,____________with his old one.

A. comparingB. compares

C. to compareD. compared

27. To greatly raise people’s living conditions,____________.

A. all kinds of measures have taken

B. they have taken all kinds of measures

C. it is said that they have taken all kinds of measures

D. I think they have taken all kinds of measures

28. —Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

—Sorry, with so much work____________my mind, I almost break down.

A. filledB. to fill

C. fillingD. being filled


29. Tom kept quiet about the accident

____________lose his job.

A. so not as toB. so as not to

C. so as to notD. not so as to

30. Will you mind____________him how____________the next step?

A. my telling; to take

B. my showing; to taking

C. me to tell; take

D. me to tell; to taking


1. A。考查动词不定式作目的状语。本题的难点在于如何突破定势思维。Instead 后面常跟of,但是本题中仅仅将instead用作副词。

2. D。考查动词不定式作主语补足语。结合时态考查,two weeks ago说明动作已经发生,用不定式的完成式,同时issue与discuss之间为被动关系,故用被动形式。

3. C。考查动名词短语作主语。本题中考查的是动名词的被动结构作主语。

4. A。考查过去分词短语作定语。advertise是及物动词,先行词position和它是动宾关系。

5. A。考查动词不定式和动名词作宾语的区别。没有采纳父母的意见是过去的事情,表示“不采纳”事情已做,用动名词作宾语。

6. B。考查现在分词作宾语补足语。现在分词作宾语补足语表示动作一直处于某种状态。

7. A。考查过去分词作宾补。过去分词作宾补表示分词的动作和宾语之间是动宾关系。

8. D。考查动词不定式和only连用作结果状语,表示意料之外的结果。

9. B。考查过去分词短语作原因状语。主语our car 和catch之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作状语。

10. C。考查分词作状语时,分词的逻辑主语应该和主句的主语保持一致。

11. A。考查现在分词作方式状语和动词不定式作结果状语。

12. C。考查动词不定式作状语,但是本题中作状语的动词不定式与谓语动词被让步状语从句隔开,需要大家从整体考虑才可选出正确的答案。

13. B。考查现在分词短语作伴随状语。

14. B。考查现在分词作结果状语,这里指车祸发生之后导致的意料之中的后果。

15. B。考查过去分词作定语。句中call 是及物动词,构成call sb. sth. 结构。

16. D。考查悬垂分词,即这些分词在句中作状语时不受主句主语的影响,这类分词有considering, judging from, generally speaking等。

17. B。考查现在分词作原因状语。本题的难点在于正确判断taste的词性,即是及物动词还是不及物动词。句中空格后面是两个形容词,由此可以推断空白处的动词应该是不及物动词,此处不用被动结构,所以正确答案是Tasting.

18. C。考查动词不定式作宾补。want sb. to do, 同时考虑句中的宾语granddaughter 和动词不定式中的operate on动作之间是动宾关系,所以正确答案是C。

19. D。考查过去分词作宾补,其基本结构是have sth. done.

20. D。考查不定式完成式作表语。表示不定式的动作prepare 在showed动作之前已经完成。

21. D。考查省略to的动词不定式在句中作宾补,同时考查系动词之后应该跟形容词作表语。

22. D。考查不定式完成式的被动形式作表语。此题需要综合考虑不定式的时态和语态,是典型的考查方式。

23. A。考查动名词的所有格形式作主语。句中forgetting是动名词,只能用形容词easy来修饰。如果用easily来修饰,那forgetting 就变成现在分词,而现在分词是不能充当句子主语的。

24. C。考查动词不定式跟在抽象名词ability, purpose, plan等后面作定语,说明先行词的内容。

25. C。考查分词作状语。当be+过去分词+其他短语结构在句中作状语时,只需将be动词省略,其他保持不变。如be interested in, be surprised at, be satisfied with, be faced with等。

26. D。考查过去分词作状语。句中主语new house和compare是动宾关系。

27. B。考查动词不定式作状语时,其逻辑主语也须与主句主语保持一致。

28. C。考查with介宾结构。句中宾语work和fill是主谓关系,所以用现在分词作宾补。

29. B。考查动词不定式的否定形式作目的状语。非谓语动词的否定形式都是在非谓语形式前加not.

30. A。考查动名词的所有格形式作宾语和特殊疑问词+不定式结构在句中作宾语。

高中非谓语动词练习题 第5篇


1. He lookedaround and caught a man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put B.to be putting

C. to put D.putting

2. When you’re learning to drive, _______a good teacher makes a big difference.

A. have B.having

C. and have D.and having

3. I felt it agreat honour ______ to speak to you.

A. to ask B.asking

C. to be asked D.having asked

4. I would love _______ to the party lastnight but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go B.to have gone

C. going D.having gone

5. Before you decide to leave your job,_______ the effect it will have on your family.

A. consider B.considering

C. toconsider D.considered

6. Robert is said _______ abroad, but Idon’t know what country he studied in.

A. to havestudied B.to study

C. to bestudying D.to have been studying

7. It is said that inAustraliathereis more land than the government knows _______.

A. it whatto do with B.what to do it with

C. what todo with it D.to do what with it

8. Anyone _______ bags, boxes, orwhatever, was stopped by the police.

A. seencarry B.seen carrying

C. saw tocarry D.saw carrying

9. Mr Reed made up his mind to devote allhe had to _______ some schools for poor children.

A. set up B.setting up

C. have setup D.having set up

10. The discovery of new evidence led to_______.

A. the thiefhaving caught B.catch the thief

C. the thiefbeing caught D.the thief to be caught

11. She looks forward every spring to_______ the flower-lined garden.

A. visit B.paying a visit

C. walk in D.walking in

12. To test eggs, _______ them in a bowlof water: if they float they’re bad, if they sink they’re good.

A. put B.putting

C. to put D.to be putting

13. “Where is David?” “He is upstairs______ ready to go out.”

A. to get B.getting

C. to begetting D.having got

14. “Mum, why do you always make me eat anegg every day?” “________ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.”

A. Get B.Getting

C. To get D.to be getting

15. He was reading his book, completely_______ to the world.

A. lost B.losing

C. to lose D.to have lost

16. We looked everywhere for the keys, butthey are nowhere _______.

A. to find B.to have found

C. to befound D.being found

17. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle inthe street, but his mother told him _______.

A. not to B.not to do

C. not do it D.do not do

18. A cook will be immediately fired if heis found _______ in the kitchen.

A. smoke B.smoking

C. to smoke D.smoked

19. Finding her car stolen, _______.

A. apoliceman was asked to help

B. the areawas searching thoroughly

C. it waslooked for everywhere

D. shehurried to a policeman for help

20. “How do you deal with the disagreementbetween the company and the customers?” “The key ______ the problem is to meetthe demand ______ by the customers.”

A. tosolving, making B.to solving, made

C. to solve,making D.to solve, made

21. “What do you think made Mary soupset?” “_______ her new bike.”

A. As shelost B.Lost

C. Losing D.Because of losing

22. The research is so designed that once_______ nothing can be done to change it.

A. begins B.having begun

C. beginning D.begun

23. Though ________ money, his parentsmanaged to send him to university.

A. lacked B.lacking of

C. lacking D.lacked in

24. Tony was very unhappy for _______ tothe party.

A. havingnot been invited B.not having invited

C. havingnot invited D.not having been invited

25. Though I have often heard this song_______. I have never heard you _______ it.

A. beingsung, sang B.sang, singing

C. sung,sing D.to be sung, to sing

26. He is a man of few words, and seldomspeaks until _______ to.

A. spoken B.speaking

C. speak D.be spoken

28. When I handed the report to John, hesaid that George was the person _______.

A. to send B.for sending it

C. to sendit to D.for sending it to

29. _______ on time, this medicine will bequite effective.

A. Taking B.Being taken

C. Taken D.Having taken

30. The film star walked to his car,______ a crowd of journalists.

A. followedby B.following by

C. to follow D.to be followed by

31. After describing the plannedimprovements, she went on _______ how much they would cost.

A. toexplain B.explaining

C. to beexplaining D.having explained

32. Please excuse me _______ your letterby mistake.

A. to open B.to have opened

C. foropening D.in opening

33. Please remember _______ the plantswhile I’m away.

A. watering B.to be watering

C. to water D.being watering

34. Certainly I posted your letter — Iremember ______ it.

A. posting B.to post

C. to beposting D.have posted

35. Stop _______ me to hurry up. I canonly go so fast.

A. to tell B.telling

C. to havetold D.having told

36. Remember _______ off the light when_______ to bed.

A. turning,going B.to turn, to go

C. turning,to go D.to turn, going

37. _______ time, he’ll make a first-classtennis player.

A. Havinggiven B.To give

C. Giving D.Given

38. _______ in 1636, Harvard is one of themost famous universities in theUnited States.

A. Beingfounded B.It was founded

C. Founded D.Founding

39. The lady said she would buy a gift forher daughter with the ________.

A. 20dollars remained B.20 dollars to remain

C. remained20 dollars D.remaining 20 dollars

40. The picture _______ on the wall ispainted by my nephew.

A. havinghung B.hanging

C. hangs D.being hung

41. With a lot of difficult problems________, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

A. settled B.setting

C. to settle D.being settled

42. Having a trip abroad is certainly goodfor the old couple, but it remains _______ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see B.to be seen

C. seeing D.seen

43. Tony was very unhappy for _______ tothe party.

A. havingnot been invited B.not having invited

C. havingnot invited D.not having been invited

44. “Good morning. Can I help you?” “I’dlike to have this package _______.”

A. beweighed B.to be weighed

C. to weigh D.weighed

45. What have we said _______ her sohappy?

A. makes B.to make

C. made D.has made

46. What worried the child most was ______to visit his mother in the hospital.

A. his notallowing B.his not being allowed

C his beingnot allowed D.having not being allowed

47. “Whichsweater is yours?” “The one_______ No. 9.”

A. that marked B.was marked with

C. which marked D.marked with

48.If the car won’t start, _____ it.

A. try push B.try pushing

C. to trypushing D.to try to push

49. They stayed up until midnight _____the old year out and the new year in.

A. and saw B.to see

C. seeing D.for seeing


1.选D。catch sb doing sth 意为“碰上某人在做某事”或“逮住某做某事”。

2.选B。这是一个含when 引导时间状语从句的主从复合句,having a good teacher 在主句中用作主语。

3.选C。句中的 it 为形式主语,不定式 to be asked to speak to you 为真正主语,因“我”与ask为被动关系,故用被动式。

4.选 B。like 和 love后接不定式或动名词均可,但 would love / like 后只能接不定式,据此可排除选项 C、D。表示过去未曾实现的愿望,其后要接不定式完成式,即选 B。

5.选A,before 引导的是时间状语从句,填空句为主句,而此主句为一祈使句,故动词用原形。其中 it will have … 为修饰名词 the effect 的宾语从句。

6.选 A。根据句中的 studied 可知,他曾到国外留过学,也就是说“留学”这个动作已结束并发生在谓语动作(is said)之前,故用完成式,即选 A。

7.选 C。do with 与 what 连用可以表示“处置”、“放置”、“利用”等。如:

What shall Ido with it? 怎样处置它好呢?

What haveyou done with my umbrella? 你把我的雨伞放到哪 里去了?

I don’t knowwhat to do with this strange object. 我不知道这怪东西有什么用。

8.选B。anyone seen carrying bags…为 anyone who was seen carrying bags 之略,其中过去分词短语 seen carrying bags … 用作定语修饰代词 anyone。另外,句中的 who was seen carrying bags 为 see sb doing sth 这一结构的被动式。

9.选 B。devote…to… 的意思是“把……贡献给……”或“致力于……”,其中 to 是介词,不是不定式符号,若后动词要用动名词。句中的 he had 为定语从句,用以修饰 all,注意不将 had to 视为同一个语义结构。

10.选 C。lead to 意为“导致”,其中的to 是介词,不是不定式符号,若后接动词要用动名词。由于逻辑主语 the thief与catch为被动关系,故答案选 C。

11.选 D。look forward to 意为“期盼”,其中 to 是介词,后接动词要用动名词。注意不能选 B,因为 pay a visit 不能带 the flower-lined garden 作宾语,假若在 paying a visit 后加上介词to,则可选 B。

12.选A。句首的 to test eggs 为目的状语,填空句为祈使句谓语,故要用动词原形。


14.选C。to get enough protein and nutrition 表目的。

15.选A。(be) lost to sth 为习语,意为“不再受某事物的影响”、“将某事物置之度外”。

16.选C。因keys 与 find 是被动关系。

17.选 A。不定式的否定式总是将否定词 not 置于不定式符号 to 之前,而不能置于其后,同时结合 tell sb (not) to do sth 这一结构可排除选项C、D。当不定式的动词是前面已出现过的相同的动词时,为避免重复,通常省略该不定式而只保留不定式符号 to。

18.选 B。find 后可接现在分词(表示动作在进行)或过去分词(表被动关系)作宾语补足语,但是不接不定式。另外,由于he 与 smoke 是主动关系,故选 B。

19.选 D。非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子主语。比较四个选项,finding her car stolen 的逻辑主语显然是she,而不是a policeman, the area, it 等,故选 D。

20.选 B。the key to… 意为“……的关键”,其中的 to 是介词,不是不定式符号,若后接动词要用动名词。另一方面,名词demand 与 make 是被动关系(make demands 提出要求),同时根据句中的 by the customers,可确定答案选 B。

21.选C。答句是针对疑问词 what 的回答,而问句中的疑问词 what 在句中用作主语,所以答句也应是一个能用作主语的东西,比较四个选项,只有C合适。其完整回答形式为 Losing her new bike made Mary so upset. 比较,下面一题要填不定式,因为四个选项中只有 To choose a new chairman 能回答疑问词 why:

“Why was aspecial meeting called?” “______ a new chairman.”

A. Choose B.Choosing

C. To choose D.Chosen

22.选 D。由于 the research 与begin 是被动关系,故用过去分词 begun。Once begun 可视为 once it is begun之省略。

23.选 C。由于 his parents 与lack money(缺钱)是主动关系,故用现在分词,又因为 lack 是及物动词,故后接宾语无需用介词,故选 C。

24.选 D。非谓语动词的否定式要将否定词 not 放在整个非谓语动词之前,据此可排除 A、C。另外,由于 Tony 与invite 是被动关系,故选 D。

25. C。第一空填 sung,因为 song 与 sing 是被动关系;第二空填sing,因为 you 与 sing 是主动关系。

27.选 A。until spoken to 可视为 until he is spoken to 之略。

28.选C,不定式短语to send it to 用作这语,修饰其前的名词 the person。注意句尾的介词 to 不能省略,因为被修饰的名词 the person 为介词 to 的逻辑宾语。

29.选 C。this medicine 与动词take 为被动关系,故用过去分词。


31.选A。go on doing sth = 继续做同一事情,go on to do sth = 做完某事后续继做某事。

32.选C。excuse sb for doing sth 意为“原谅某人做了某事”。

33.选C。remember doing sth = 记住曾经做过的事,remember to do sth = 记住要做的事。

34.选A。remember doing sth = 记住曾经做过的.事,remember to do sth = 记住要做的事。

35.选B。根据下文的 I can only go so fast 知前文应是叫对方不要老催自己快走。比较:stop doing sth = 停止做某事,stop to do sth = 停下正在做的事去干另一事。

36.选D。一是分清以下两个结构:remember to do sth=记住做某事,remember doing sth=记住曾做过某事;二是注意 when going to bed 相当于 when you go to bed。

37.选 D。由于动词 give 与其逻辑主语 he 是动宾关系,故用过去分词,即选 D。其中 Given time 可视为 If he is given time 之略。

38. C。由于 Harvard(哈佛大学)与 found(建立)是被动关系,且因句中有in 1636,故选C。注意不能选 B,否则前后两句之间缺少必要的连词。

39.选D,由于 remain 为不及物动词,所以包含过去分词 remained的A和C不宜选(因为两者均含有被动意味);选项B也不宜选,不定式to remain 用作修饰 20 dollars 的后置定语,由于彼此之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,故不妥(因为 remain不及物)。现在分词remaining 的意思是“剩下的”。

40.选 B。动词 hang 表示“悬挂”时,可用作及物或不及物动词,此处填hanging 或 hung 均可,但不能填being hung,因为它表示动作正在进行,而此处表示的是一种悬挂的状态。

41.选 C。“with+名词+不定式”的意思是“有……要……”。又如:

I can’t goout with all these clothes to wash. 要洗这些衣服,我无法出去了。

With suchgood cardres to carry out the Party’s policy we feel safe. 有这样的好干部执行党的政策,我们感到放心。

42.选 B。remain 作“尚需”解,是连系动词,其后要接不定式作表语。由于see与it(形式主语,指whether they will enjoy it)是动宾关系,因此用不定式的被动式。

43.选 D。否定词 not 应放在动名词之前,故排除A、C;又因为 Tony 与 invite 是被动关系,故选D。

44.选 D。“have+名词或代词+过去分词”结构在此表示“请某人做某事”。

45.选 B。to make her so happy 是结果状语。注意词序Whathave we…,不是What we have…。比较下面一题(答案选D):

What we havesaid ________ her so happy.

A. makes B.to make

C. made D.has made

46.选 B。否定词 not 应放在-ing 形式之前,逻辑主语his 之后,由此可排除 C 和 D;又因为 the child 与allow 是被动关系,故选 B。

47.选D。marked with 可视为 which is marked with No. 9 之略。

48.选B。注意句首为if 引导的条件状语从句,填空句为祈使句,故第一个动词应是try,不应是 to try;另外,try doing sth 的意思是“做某事试试看有何效果”。

英语非谓语动词讲解及练习 第6篇

doing , done , to do , doing 。当然它们有各自不同的变化形式,如:

现在分词 doing : 有being done(被动式) ; having done (完成式); having been do

ne (完成被动式)

不定式 to do : 有to be done (被动式); to have done (完成式); to be doing(进行式)

动名词 doing : 有having done(完成式); being done(被动式) ;

非谓语动词的特点: 三种非谓语动词都具有动词的特征,虽然它们没有人称和数的变化,但是它们都能带自己的状语或有时跟宾语。它们都有各自的特征:分词具有形容词和副词的特征;动名词具有名词的特征;不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征。具体来讲:分词在句子中可以做定语、表语、状语或补足语等;动名词在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语等;不定式在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、补足语或状语。


一. 动词不定式


1.To learn a foreign language is difficult .

2. His wish is to be a driver .

3.Tom wanted to have a cup of beer .

4.The teacher told us to do morning exercises .

5.I have nothing to say .

6.They went to see their aunt .

7.It’s easy to see their aunt.

8.I don’t know what to do next .

9.I heard them make a noise .

说明:1.动词不定式作主语, 2.动词不定式作表语,3.动词不定式作宾语,4.动词不定式作宾语补足语,5.动词不定式作定语,6.动词不定式作目的状语,7.动词不定式作真正主语,it 代替动词不定式,作形式主语。8.带有连接代词的动词不定式作宾语,9.不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。


1. “to” 是不定式符号还是介词,下列短语中的to 都是介词。

agree to object to close to , come to , lead to , refer to ,

equal to , familiar to , point to , thank to , devote to , next to , belong to , be used to , look forward to

2. 带to 还是不带to

I have no choice but to give in

I cannot do anything but give in

I saw him enter the classroom .

( 但是: He was seen to enter the classroom .)

3. 动词不定式逻辑主语是由for 作为标记的。但是有时用of .

It’s necessary for you to study hard .

It’s foolish of him to do it .

与of 连用的形容词有:

good, kind , nice , wise ,clever , foolish , right , wrong , careful , careless , polite , possible


want , hope , wish , like , begin , try , need , forget , agree , know , promise , teach , refuse , help , arrange , dare , decide , determine , fail , manage , offer , prepare , continue , ask , mean , choose , expect etc.

需要宾语补足语的动词不能用动词不定式直接做介词的宾语,而要用it做形式宾语。例如:通常不说We think to obey the laws is important . 而说We think it important to obey the laws .

5.不定式的省略。下列短语中,如果意义明确,常常省略到to 。

want to , wish to ,hope to , like to , hate to , plan to , try to , love to , have to , o

ught to , need to , used to , be able to



He has a lot of meeting to attend .

Please lend me something to write with .

He is looking for a room to live

He is looking for a room to live in .

He has no money and no place

to live ( in ) .

I think the best way to travel ( by ) is on foot .

There is no time to think ( about ) .


She is always the last ( person) to speak at the meeting .

----I’m going to the post office , for I have a letter to post . ( 逻辑主语是I )

-------Thank you. But I have no letters to be posted now ( 逻辑主语不是I )


1) 原因

He is lucky to get here on time .


happy , glad , delighted , pleased , sorry , eager , anxious . lucky , fortunate , proud , angry surprised , frightened , disappointed , ready , clever , foolish , worthy

2) 目的

He came to help me with my maths .

3) 结果

I hurried to get there only to find him out .

The book is too hard for the boy to read .

He is old enough to go to school .

8 . 不定式作补足语

I saw him play in the street just now .

能跟不带to 的不定式作补足语的动词有:

see , feel , hear , listen to , look at , watch , let , have make, observe, notice

注: 当这些词为被动式时,不定式要带to , 如:

He was seen to play in the street just now.


Learning English is very difficult .


His job is driving a bus .


I enjoy dancing .


I have got used to living in the country .


Take some sleeping tablets , and you will soon fall asleep .



1.There’s no telling what will happen .

=It’s impossible to tell what will happen .

= No one can tell what will happen .

2.It’s no use talking with him .

It’s no good speaking to them like that .

3.There’s some difficulty ( in ) doing …

在此句型中,difficulty 可以由以下单词替换:

trouble , problem , fun , pleasure , a good time , a hard time



forget to do … 忘记要做某事

forget doing… 忘记做了某事

remember to do…记住要做某事

remember doing …记着做了某事

mean to do … 有意要做某事

mean doing … 意味着做了某事

regret to do … 对要做的事表示后悔

regret doing … 对做过去的事后悔

can’t help to do…不能帮助做某事

can’t help doing … 情不自禁做某事

try to do … 尽力去做某事

try doing 试着做某事

learn to do … 学着去做某事

learn doing … 学会做某事

stop to do … 停下来去做(另一件事)

stop doing … 停止做某事

go on to do … 接着做(另外一件事)

go on doing … 继续做某事

used to do … 过去做某事

be used to doing …习惯做某事


动名词作定语表达 n+ for doing 的含义

现在分词作定语表达 n+which(who) be doing的含义

如:a sleeping car = a car for sleeping

a running horse = a horse which is running

前者是动名词 , 后者是现在分词

又如: drinking water , walking stick running water , sleeping boy

3. 动名词的逻辑主语:


例如:His coming made us very happy .


5. 动名词主动形式表被动的情况:

need doing , want doing , require doing

例如: This room needs painting . 这个房间需要粉刷。


admit , avoid , advise , consider , delay , deny , enjoy , escape , excuse , fancy , finish , complete , forbid , imagine , mind , miss , permit . practise , require , suggest , risk , keep, take to , look forward to , get down to , feel like , can’t help , can’t stand , be used to ,insist on , succeed in , set about, give up , include ,

三. 分词

1 The story is interesting . I’m interested in it .


2 . This is a moving film .


3. The secretary worked late into the night , preparing a long speech for the president .


4. Given more time , I’ll do it well .


When he passed the back of the street , he saw the thief stealing some money from the bank .




Do you know the woman talking to Tom ?

= Do you know the woman who is talking to Tom ?

The soldier wounded in the war has become a doctor.

= The soldier who was wounded in the war has become a doctor.

China is a developing country and America is a developed country.


The news sounds encouraging .

They got very excited .


The news is interesting .

He is interested in the news .

doing 作表语,主语与表语是主谓关系 ;done 作表语,主语与表语是动宾关系。


The blackboard was broken by Xiao Ming .(强调动作)

The blackboard is broken . You’d better have it repaired.(强调状态)


amused , injured , covered , known , dressed , lost , broken , gone , delighted, excited , pleased , satisfied , married , worried , surprised , interested , burnt , shut , crowded , wounded , drank , done

3.现在分词、动名词 现在进行时的区别

The situation in our country is encouraging . (表语)

The situation in our country is encouraging the people . ( 现在进行时)

My job is looking after the little baby . (动名词)

能回答how-question 的是现在分词,能回答what-question 的动名词,即不能回答how-question 也不能回答what-question 的是现在进行时。

例如: How is the situation in our country ? It is encouraging .

What is your job ? My job is looking after the little baby .


have something to do 有某事要做

have something done 使某事被做

have somebody do something 使某人做某事

have something doing 让某事一直做着

5. 需要跟反身代词作宾语的动词:

seat , prepare , hide , dress

如:I seated myself on the chair .

I was seated on the chair .



Having finished the homework , I went home . ( 时间)

Being a Party member , I should work hard . (原因)

Given more time ,I can do my work better . ( 条件 )

He ran out of the classroom ,shouting at the boy. ( 伴随)

To get more knowledge , we must work harder and harder . ( 目的 )

He is old enough to join the army . ( 结果)


a running horse 现在分词 = a horse that is running

a fallen leaf 过去分词 = a leaf that has already fallen

a walking stick 动名词 = a stick for walking

something to do 不定式 = something that I should do


I have a problem to be discussed at the meeting . ( 将来)

The building being built on the river is the Science Museum . (正在进行)

The building completed three years ago is now in bad conditions . ( 过去)



Seeing from the hill , the city looks beautiful .( 错误 )

Seen from the hill , the city looks beautiful . ( 正确)

Seeing 与the city 不是主谓关系;seen 与city 是动宾关系


I .单项选择

1.Most of the people _____ to the party were famous scientists.

A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting

2. ______ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it .

A. Having being told B. Though had been told C. He was told

D. Having told

3. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _____ on a big rock by the side of the path .

A.to have rested B. testing C. to rest D. rest

4. The next morning she found the man ______ in bed , dead .

A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying

5. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier , _______ it more difficult .

A. to make B. not to make C. not making D. to not make

6 . The Olympic Games , _____ in 776 B.C., did not include women plays until 1912 .

A.first playing B.to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing

7 . ---You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting .

---- Well , now I regret ____________that .

A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done

8 . The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with talks , _______ that he had enjoyed his stay here .

A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added

9 . _______ a reply , he decided to write again .

A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received

10.The speaker raised his voice, but he still couldn’t make himself ________ .

A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard

Robert is said ___ abroad , but I don’t know what country be studied in .

to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying

II . 用动词的正确形式填空

1. Little Tom should love ________ ( take ) to the theatre this evening .

2. Paul doesn’t have to be made _______ ( learn ) . He always works hard .

3. The computer centre , ______ ( open )last year , is very popular among the students in this school .

4. Go on _____( do ) the other exercise after you have finished this one .

5. How about two of us ______ ( take ) a walk down the garden .



1.A 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D


1.to be taken ; 2.to learn ; 3.opened ;4.to do ; 5.taking
