


描写奥运的英语演讲稿 第1篇


good morning, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen;

its a great honor to stand here. my topic is: the color of where we live.

i once read a poem, which greatly shocked me. let me share it with you: “chimneys have grown into forests; armored concrete blocks our view; there is no longer green within sight. where is the clear sky? where is the blue sea? where is the fresh air?”

i remember, when i was a child, there was a yard behind my house. i used to sit with my grandma under a big tree. in the tree, birds were chirping and dancing happily and freely. with grandma’s soft cradlesongs and birds’ singing, i would quickly fall into a sleep of sweet dreams. at that time the sky was so blue and clear. at night, twinkling stars dotted the sky. the verdant leaves and their fragrance impressed me so much that i still have a clear picture of them in my mind even today.

but now i can hardly hear a bird sing, the fragrance can only be found in the depths of my memory, and stars have hidden themselves behind gray buildings and even the sky is gray. i dont know when things began to change. but what i do know is that pollution and waste disposal have presented serious challenges to our society. environmental pollution is just like pandoras bo, and we are the victims.

we must do something to change this terrible condition. hosting the beijing olympics gives us a great opportunity to show the world it can be done. “green olympics”, one of the three basic themes of beijing olympic games, is our promise to the world that we will work towards cleaning up our environment.

therefore every one of us should take some practical actions. you might say, “but i am just an ordinary citizen. what can i do? i have no responsibility.” but in my opinion, we can start with small things like our daily routine, such as not to litter, avoid using disposable food containers, cups and chopsticks, save every drop of water and so on. we must always remember that it is necessary for everyone to participate in order to save our planet.

remember green is the color of life, green is the color of nature, and green is the color of the world. green will be a symbol of beijing in the near future! let us work together and keep green alive forever!

thank you.

描写奥运的英语演讲稿 第2篇


人文就是:体现人的价值。人文包含了三个方面: 和平是和谐的前提,和谐是和平的基础。以和平达到和谐,以和谐保持和平,和谐在奥运中的体现就是友谊、团结、公平竞争。

描写奥运的英语演讲稿 第3篇

现代奥运会无论从规模还是水平上都已成为一场世界性的体育盛事, 每个国家都力争成为举办国, 从而展示本国的国家形象, 宣传本国文化。因此, 成功的奥运宣传不仅有助于候选国赢得奥运举办权, 也有助于该国将其国家形象推广到全世界。2005年7月26日, 伦敦成功赢得了2012年奥运会的主办权。而在四年前, 当萨马兰奇宣布北京成为2008年奥运会主办国时, 全中国都沸腾了。值得探讨的是, 在不同文化背景下, 中国和英国人民是如何成功宣传本国体育精神并赢得奥运主办权的。用修辞理论对两国奥运宣传语篇进行对比分析, 有助于促进跨文化宣传活动的顺利进行。

二 同一修辞概述

1. 同一的概念和性质

作为肯尼斯·伯克修辞理论的核心理论, 同一在三个方面起着重要作用, 即, 同情认同、对立认同和误同认同。在对这三个概念做出解析之前, 我们需要先了解一下同一的概念。

“同一”来源于“实质”这一概念, 自我是由各种实质或特性所构成的, 包括物质、职业、行为、朋友、信念和价值观等。当我们与他人共同享有某些特质时, 我们就取得了与他人的同一。

从传统意义上讲, 修辞的核心概念并非“同一”, 而是“劝说”。“同一”和“劝说”分别是新修辞和古典修辞的中心概念。肯尼斯·伯克在《动机语法》 (A Grammar of Motives) 中提到:“你只有跟另外一个人说同样的话, 做同样的手势, 具有同样的声调和语序, 使用同样的意念、态度和观点, 只有把你的方式与他的‘同一’起来, 你才会使他接受劝说。”在古代, 修辞活动主要就是演讲, 通过演讲达到劝说目的, 而在现代的大众传媒活动中, 修辞过程则完全改变了, 人与人之间、组织与组织之间的一切交流活动通常都被认为是修辞活动, 现代修辞更注重通过语境“同一”来达到劝说的目的。

“同一”与“劝说”的区别在于, 比较而言, 亚里士多德的修辞学主要是对说服方式进行研究。“亚里士多德修辞学主要具有规劝工具的意义, 而伯克的新修辞学包括他的认同说在内, 侧重点在哲学的思考上……亚里士多德也是对思想进行思考, 他对修辞这一思想的思考偏于他的作为规劝工具的实用性的方面, 而伯克的思考却偏于这一思想在人的生存方面所具有的哲理性意义上。”“规劝主要是工具上的意义, 而认同则具有本体的哲学思考意义。”伯克对修辞学研究的注意力不在于劝说, 他的新修辞学不再将修辞当作一种方法和工具, 而将它当作无所不在的符号, 人类的一切有意义的话语的形式都是修辞性的。

2. 同一的三种方式

伯克认为, 同一在三个基本方面发挥着作用, 即, 同情认同 (identification by sympathy) , 对立认同 (identification by antithesis) , 以及误同认同 (identification by inaccuracy) 。

同情认同注重人与人之间共同情感的相互作用, 这种认同可以通过寻求共鸣来达到。比如, 如果一位总统候选人的听众是一群农民的话, 他灰膏诉他们说自己也是在农场长大的, 以期找到两者的共同之处, 从而取得农民们的认同与支持。这种认同方式在很大程度上接近于亚里士多德的情感诉求 (pathos) , 不过相较于后者而言, 同情认同的涵盖面和意义则更加广泛。同情认同在处理人际关系方面有积极的意义, 比如学校教育、监狱犯人改造、社会团体活动等都可通过同情认同的运用来取得更好的效果。

同一还可以通过对立认同来实现, 在这种认同方式中, 两个对立的实体是基于两者共同的敌人从而达到同一的。这个共同的敌人既可以是人, 也可以是物, 甚至可以是人类所共同生存的环境。例如, 保险公司和消费者本是利益双方的两个对立面, 可是当考虑到生活中可能发生的某些意外事故时, 消费者便会认同保险公司的广告。

此外, 同一还可以通过误同的方式来达到, 它最常表现在人们对自己所处环境的误同上。拿Clorox公司的洗衣粉广告来说, 为了赢得潜在读者的认同, 该公司打出的广告是:“妈妈不烦恼, 妈妈有魔法。”这则广告的读者绝大多数都是家庭主妇, 在看了这则广告之后她们会误认为能让衣服神奇般变干净的不是广告中的产品, 而是她们自己。与同情认同和对立认同在结尾时对读者做出的劝诱不同, 误同对读者的影响是潜移默化的。

伯克的这一修辞观点对人的思维有现实上的指导意义和理论上的研究意义, 它提醒人们要审察自己的认知并调整认知的误区。

三 奥运宣传语篇的同一修辞分析

作为一场世界性的体育盛事, 每一届奥运会的申办和举办都会吸引全球的目光和关注。接下来让我们看一下, 作为一种修辞活动, 奥运宣传语篇是如何运用同一理论获取认同的。

如, 作为北京申奥代表团的一员, 杨澜在发言的开头说道:“中国拥有自己的体育传统。大约在公元11世纪宋朝的时候, 人们开始玩一种叫做‘蹴鞠’的游戏。这个游戏被认为是古代足球的起源。”杨澜在发言时首先提到了中国悠久的体育传统, 这种表达挖掘了中国和奥运会之间的共同联系, 有助于与国际奥委会成员达到共鸣并取得他们的认可。在这个例子中, 作为全中国人民的代表, 演讲人试图与她的听众达到情感上的同一。

同样, 在伦敦的申奥演讲上, 安妮公主也做了相似的陈述:“We are proud of our country’s long and unbroken partnership with the Olympic Movement.A partnership which dates back to the founding Congress of 1894 of which my great-grandfather, King George V, was an Honorary Member.”在安妮公主的陈述中, 她也采用了相似的情感诉求策略。在发言的开始, 她提到了英国与奥运会的历史渊源, 试图引起国际奥委会成员的共鸣, 在感情上被他们所接受, 拉近英国和国际奥委会之间的心理距离。

我们再来看一组关于对立认同的例子。奥运会在每个运动员的心里都占据了极其重要的位置, 在奥运会比赛中的胜出意味着名利双收。因此, 为了取得更好的成绩, 某些选手甚至会染指兴奋剂, 这种行为极大地玷污了奥运会的纯洁性。针对这种违规行为, 作为中国奥申委主席, 袁伟民在他的演讲中提出:“我们继续坚决执行国际奥委会反兴奋剂各种决议, 以捍卫奥林匹克的纯洁性!”

通过保证反对一个共同的“敌人”——兴奋剂, 中国取得了国际奥委会的认可。同样, 伦敦奥申委主席塞巴斯蒂安·科尔在他的讲话中也提到:“Today’s challenge is tough.It’s more complex.We can no longer take it for granted that young people will choose sport.Some may lack the facilities.Or the coaches and role models to teach them.Others, in an age of 24-hour entertainment and instant fame, may simply lack the desire”, and that:“We are determined that a London Games will address that challenge.”

科尔提出了体育界一个不容乐观的现状——缺少体育设施, 缺乏体育积极性, 国际奥委会也同样为此忧心。他还进一步指出“a London Games will address that challenge”, 从而赢得了国际奥委会成员的认同。在这两个例子中, 中国和英国都提出了需要本国和国际奥委会共同应对的议题和挑战, 这样一来, 同一效果的达到便可水到渠成。

误同认同可以帮助演讲人将两个原本毫无联系的双方凝聚起来。这种认同可以通过一种润物细无声的方式达到最强有力的效果。伯克曾提出, 误同可以通过复数人称代词“我们”的使用来达到。如, 北京市市长刘淇在其陈述中说道:“女士们、先生们, 我非常有信心, 北京将在2008年举办一届出色的奥运会, 并为中国及世界体育留下一份独特的遗产。让我们共享这份独特的遗产。”

“让我们”、“共享”这几个词不知不觉间在演讲人及其听众之间建立起了一种相似性或共同性, 并传达出一个信息——即便奥运会是在中国, 在北京举行, 这份奥运会的遗产却是属于全世界人民共同享有的。

人称代词“你们 (you) ”也可以达到同样的效果。比如, 伦敦在申办2012年奥运会时, 伦敦市长肯·利文斯顿说道:“It (London) is a city which is a magnet for young people from all over the world”, “if you want to mobilize the youth of the world, start in London.”

这些话给他的听众传达了这样一个信息:选择伦敦, 你就能动员起全世界的年轻人参与到奥林匹克运动中来。还告诉人们, 伦敦是每个年轻人的天堂, 只要是年轻人, 不管你是什么肤色, 也不管你来自哪个国家, 都会被伦敦的魅力所吸引。这是一个强有力的召唤。通过对年轻人的组织和动员, 同一的目的也就达到了。

四 结束语

伯克的同一理论是其新修辞学思想的重要内容之一。将该理论引入到具体的语篇分析 (如宣传语篇) 之中可以为语篇分析提供新的视角和新的方法, 有助于理解在各种宣传活动中修辞动机是如何被展示出来的, 进而从更深一层意义上认识人类本身。同时, 该理论还可以被运用到其他类型的活动中, 比如, 广告宣传, 网页宣传, 从而促进宣传事业的发展。


[1]Burke, Kenneth, A..A Grammar of Motives[M].California:University of California Press, 1969

[2]Conley, Thomas.Rhetoric in the European Tradition[M].Chicago:University of Chicago, 1991

[3]柴改英.英语广告语篇的同一修辞研究[D].上海外国语大学, 2004

[4]鞠玉梅.英语语篇分析的伯克新修辞模式[M].长沙:湖南人民出版社, 2005

奥运英语演讲稿 第4篇

ladies and gentlemen:

good morning!

today, my speech is “i am the part of the green olympics”.”green olympics” is one of the three themes of beijing 2014 olympic games.therefore the beijing government had made a great effort in order to protect the environment, build more “green project”, keep the ecological balance, push the recycling economy, and protect the water resource.but if only the government take the action to realize the green olympics in 2014, its not enough.as a beijing high school student, we should play an active

role in the actions aimed at the realization of green olympics.so we should start it from ourselves, our family, our friends and other people around us.in 2014, in the moscow world trade center, when the former chairman of the international olympic committee, samaranch had said: “beijing, china!” as a beijing citizen, as a chinese, i had a great joy for my city, for my home country from the bottom of my heart!but after the excitement that beijing had been succeed in the race to host the olympic game in 2014.i started to worry about the dusty air, the sandstorm, the polluted rivers and lakes;the streets without any green and whether we could successfully host the olympic games in 2014.four years later, today, we can see 229 day blue sky in one year, we can hardly catch a glimpse of the sandstorm, groups of wild duck comes back to

shishahai lake in the spring, and all the streets are dressed in green.all these make me deeply believe that beijing will surely succeed in 2014!and all these achievements are not only the result that made by the beijing government, but also by the 14 millions beijing citizens.as one of the 14 millions normal citizens, i am also adding my contribution to our green olympic!

i used to have a habit, which is to take two longtime showers every day.it was a big waste of water.one day, i saw a piece of news in beijing daily that about the lack of the beijing water resource.its said every year beijing use up about 3.7 billions cubic meter of water.but miyun reservoir only contains 0.77 billions cubic meter of water, and guanting reservoir only contains 0.19 billion cubic meter of water.this shows we are really short of water now!after reading this news, i start

to change my habit, and only take one quick shower each day.i have calculated that if everyone economizes one cubic meter of water during they are taking the shower in a month;the beijing citizens will economize 14 million cubic meter of water in only one month!in 2014, as the beijing irrigation apartment reported that since 2014 beijing has succeeded in the application of hosting the olympic game in 2014.beijing government had started 26 programs in order to economize the water resource.after 3 years doing this, these programs have saved 0.437 billions cubic meter of water.its as big as a four-sized huairou reservoir!and now, in my daily life, in my family, we always think about protecting the environment and saving the resource whenever we doing what.the batteries, the aged newspapers, the empty glass bottles and all the recyclable garbage, we will classify them then put them in

different trash cans;we make the most use of the nature light and shut off the electrical light conveniently;and when we shopping, we will bring a nylon bag with us instead of plastic bags;during the feast, i do not send any card in order to protect the forest resource;after washing the clothes, we wont dump the used water but use it to flash the toilet… all in all, we should start from every little thing around us to truly realize the “green olympic”.下面来看下由xiexiebang带来的奥运英语演讲稿

ladies and gentlemen: good morning!today, the title of my speech is improving beijing’s environment for the olympics.have you ever seen animals cry? do you know what makes them cry? it’s the polluted world, a dirty world, caused by our irresponsible behaviors, that makes those lovely animals cry.many of us are smart enough to know how terrible it is to

have a world without animals and plants.but some people still persist in making the same errors and harming the environment.what’s worse is that people are eating wild animals.those people don’t know, and more importantly, they don’t want to know.this kind of behavior has caused some specific problems.for example, medical experts have suggested that eating wild animals helped spread the terrible disease sars.now, our world is no longer clean and beautiful.why? because air, water, and noise pollution has become more and more serious.noise pollution makes us talk more loudly and become angry more easily.water pollution makes our rivers and lakes very dirty.air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution.both air pollution and water pollution are not only dangerous to our health, but also dangerous to animals and plants.we’re destroying our only world.a

large number of trees have been cut down, so a lot of lands have been turned into deserts.pollution can be seen everywhere!unquestionably it is essential that we clean up our environment.sadly, we’ve not always appreciated the importance of protecting the environment.on the streets, you can see cars producing smog.in the bathrooms, you can see students leaving the water tap on after using them.not only the young people, but also the elderly ones throw things everywhere without thinking its wrong, even in a beautiful park.these things are taking place every day, even in modern cities like beijing.we can’t do that any more.we must learn how to protect the environment.if everyone is aware of protecting it instead of destroying it, the world can become cleaner, more beautiful, and more peaceful.the theme of beijing 2014 olympic games is “new peking, new olympic”.it’s the target owned by every

chinese.we should try our best to improve beijing’s environment for olympics.一. role play: read this following paragraph by yourself:


chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of olympic ideal, support the efforts of olympic games to promote world peace.the chinese government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2014 olympic games in beijing,;with advocating olympic ideal, and shooting at the pageant

sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world.olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient china.the government and people of china have always admired the purposes and principles of the olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the

olympics in promoting world peace.the chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2014 olympics in beijing.it is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in china, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所做的努力。中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2014年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2014年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬。

二 focus on some important words.=================北京着手申办2014年北京奥运会开始,2014年北京奥运会这个话题就一直备受关注。目前关注的焦点已从申办之初许下的诺言转移到如何真正履行诺言。在我看来,要跨越诺言与现实之间的鸿沟,北京还有很长一段路要走。

the 2014 olympic game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out beijing ever since beijing bid for it years ago.yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after beijing’s successful bid.in my opinion, to bridge the gap between a promise and reality, beijing still has a long way to go.here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap.首先,在所有亟待解决的问题中,跨越英语口语这一难关至关重要。学会一门语言的关键在于坚持不懈。我们到能不能做到让大多数国人在2014年到来


first, the speaking of english is far most important than all other difficulties.learning a language takes a long time and a lot of heart ship, it’s not easy.so can we get most of chinese to speak english before 2014? it needs us to try and practice very hard.其次,交通拥挤一直是困扰北京的老大难问题。一辆接一辆车连在一起构成的汽车长龙加之它们不断排放到空气中的黑烟这种情景早就给我们留下了深刻的印象。我相信没有一个国人愿意把北京的这一面暴露给来自世界各地的参赛队员和新闻记者,因为它会严重损坏北京的形象和声誉。所以,我们必须致力于建设绿色奥运这一目标。

second, traffic jams have been an age-old headache in beijing, the scenes of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch while discharging dark

fumesinto the air had given all of us a really bad impression, and i know that none of us wish to show off that side of beijing to athletes and journalists over the world, it would blemish the city’s image and leave a bad reputation.so we have to work real hard on green olympics.还有,为了各项工作的顺利实施,一个高瞻远瞩的整体城市规划必不可少。如果时间允许,重新设计和调整北京的建筑风格会为构建北京的城市特色创造环境。把东方的精致和西方的宏伟结合在一起一定会在众多建筑风格中独树一帜。要做到以上几点,北京应该听取得来自一流建筑师的建议并作出整体规划。

thirdly, to add enchantment to convenience, an over-all city planning is indispensable.if time permits, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for

fostering the characteristics, blending oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower a lot among surrounding architectures.to achieve such effects, beijing shall solicit opinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan.尽管如此,要实现全世界对北京的期盼,北京还有许许多多工作要做。但我们有信心在2014年到来之前把北京建设成为一个全新的城市。巨大的变化每天都在这个城市发生,相信在不远的将来,北京将会成为全世界关注的焦点。世界相信北京,这也是北京申奥成功的原因。我们一定会抓住这次机遇并为之全力以赴。今天,我们还没有做好准备,但在2014年到来之前我们一定会准备好!

even though, beijing still has a lot to do to reach the level that the world expects, but we have the confidence to make beijing a brand new city by the year

2014.huge changes are taking places, and not far in the future, beijing will be the focus of all worlds’ attention.the world trusts beijing and that’s why beijing won the bid.we will grasp this opportunity and do our best.we are not yet ready but we will be by the year 2014.让我们一起祝福北京祝福2014年北京奥运会吧!谢谢!

let’s all wish the best for the 2014 olympic games in beijing.thanks.my dream for the beijing olympics.six years ago,mr.samaranch annouced that the beijing had won the bid for the 29th olympic games.then my only dream was to learn english well to enjoy watching the great beijing olympic events.sine then i have been working very hard at english.with the year 2014 coming however , i’m dreaming of becoming an excellent volunteer at the beijing olympic games,an emissary who is able to help to

build a bridge of friendship between china and other nations.this bridge will tell the world about both acient chinese culture and passional chinese for the beijing olympics.furthermore, i’d like to introduce something special in my hometown to the whole world such as xunwei ham , pu’er tea , the stone forest and the beautiful spring city--kunming.one world , one dream , let’s be one heart and one mind to meet in beijing next year!我的北京奥运会梦想



good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

bidding for the olympic games, in a way, an image-creating undertaking.the first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unipue image.what image does beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the ~ olympics?

it is known to all that the beijing municipal government has already set the theme for the future games: new beijing, great olympics.for me, the ~ olympics will be a great green olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red.first, yellow is a meaningful color.the yellow river is china’s mother river and the descendants of the yellow emperor.this color has a special origin and great significance for the chinese people.beijing is the capital of new china and previously the capital for nine dynasties in chinese history.so, yellow will naturally add splendor to the ~ games.secondly, the ~ olympics will be a red pageant.red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country.we adore red.on big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in red.it is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity.red is one of the most suitable colors to describe the future of beijing.beijing , together with the whole country, is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernization.should the ~ olympics be held in beijing, the

whole city will be a sea of red : the red torch,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people.above all, the ~ olympics will be a green olympics.adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can’t deny the fact that beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be.striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of beijing.big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the city.according to a project entitled the green olympic action plan, between 1998 and ~, beijing, we have invested 100 billion rmb in preserving and protecting the environment.some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the fourth ring road.by then, the city’s green area will make up 40% of its total.the city

will also dredge its reservoirs used as a water supply to beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper.certainly, all of this is no easy task.but i am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these green goals.for now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens.each

citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes.as the saying goes, united, we stand, and a green beijing will be achieved.when our aspiration becomes a reality, it will be a unique olympics.new beijing, great olympics;will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and green.let us welcome it and look forward to it!thank you!

i am the part of the green olympics

ladies and gentlemen:

good morning!

today, my speech is “i am the part of the green olympics”.”green olympics” is one of the three themes of beijing 2014 olympic games.therefore the beijing government had made a great effort in order to protect the environment, build more “green project”, keep the ecological balance, push the recycling economy, and protect the water resource.but if only the government take the action to realize the green olympics in 2014, its not enough.as a beijing high school student, we should play an active role in the actions aimed at the realization of green olympics.so we should start it from ourselves, our family, our friends and other people around us.in 2014, in the moscow world trade center, when the former chairman of the

international olympic committee, samaranch had said: “beijing, china!” as a beijing citizen, as a chinese, i had a great joy for my city, for my home country from the bottom of my heart!but after the excitement that beijing had been succeed in the race to host the olympic game in 2014.i started to worry about the dusty air, the sandstorm, the polluted rivers and lakes;the streets without any green and whether we could successfully host the olympic games in 2014.four years later, today, we can see 229 day blue sky in one year, we can hardly catch a glimpse of the sandstorm, groups of wild duck comes back to shishahai lake in the spring, and all the streets are dressed in green.all these make me deeply believe that beijing will surely succeed in 2014!and all these achievements are not only the result that made by the beijing government, but also

by the 14 millions beijing citizens.as one of the 14 millions normal citizens, i am also adding my contribution to our green olympic!

i used to have a habit, which is to take two longtime showers every day.it was a big waste of water.one day, i saw a piece of news in beijing daily that about the lack of the beijing water resource.its said every year beijing use up about 3.7 billions cubic meter of water.but miyun reservoir only contains 0.77 billions cubic meter of water, and guanting reservoir only contains 0.19 billion cubic meter of water.this shows we are really short of water now!after reading this news, i start to change my habit, and only take one quick shower each day.i have calculated that if everyone economizes one cubic meter of water during they are taking the shower in a month;the beijing citizens will economize 14 million cubic meter of water

in only one month!in 2014, as the beijing irrigation apartment reported that since 2014 beijing has succeeded in the application of hosting the olympic game in 2014.beijing government had started 26 programs in order to economize the water resource.after 3 years doing this, these programs have saved 0.437 billions cubic meter of water.its as big as a four-sized huairou reservoir!and now, in my daily life, in my family, we always think about protecting the environment and saving the resource whenever we doing what.the batteries, the aged newspapers, the empty glass bottles and all the recyclable garbage, we will classify them then put them in different trash cans;we make the most use of the nature light and shut off the electrical light conveniently;and when we shopping, we will bring a nylon bag with us instead of plastic bags;during the feast, i do not send any card in order to protect

the forest resource;after washing the clothes, we wont dump the used water but use it to flash the toilet… all in all, we should start from every little thing around us to truly realize the “green olympic”.演讲的题目是”绿色奥运我参与”。







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英语奥运演讲稿 第5篇

What I can do for the 2008 Olympic Games

Auguest 8th , a day the whole world are expecting, is just at hand.The whole country are busy preparing for a most grand and successful Olympic.Young as I am, I can’t go to Beijing to help as a volunteer, nor do my family plan to go there to cheer for the players.But I do want to help with it.I just think: what can I do to help as a primary student here in Xiangtan? Though Xiangtan is not the city where the games are held, the door is open for every visitors.I think I can do many things to contribute my efforts.First of all, I will try my best to practise English.Then when there is any forign guset visiting our city, I can be a guide at any time.Secondly, I will observe the traffic rules and ask all the people around me to do the same.I want the guests to see a beautiful city where traffic goes orderly and safely.At last, I will keep my habit of picking up litter wherever I see them.And I will remind people around me to put waste in the rubbish cans.I want the guests to see a clean and beautiful city.Well, my friends, may we can go to Beijing to be a volunteer, but we can make the 2008 Beijing Olympic games perfect with our efforts!
