


科技英语试题a 第1篇


Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues.There are 5 recorded dialogues in it.After each dialogue, there is a recorded question.Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper.Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Example: You will hear:

You will read: A) New York City.

B) An evening party.

C) An air trip.

D) The man’s joB)

From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York.Therefore, C) An air trip is the correct answer.You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

[A] [B] [C] [D]

Now the test will begin.

1. A) The man can have a room with a shower.

B) The man can’t have a room at present.

C) The man should come tomorrow.

D) The man booked a double room.

2. A) At the post office.

B)At the bank

C) In the street.

D)In the office.

3. A) Go camping.

B)Go sightseeing.

C)Go shopping.

D)Go skating.

4. A) Frozen foods.

B)Sports goods.

C) Office equipment.

D)Household appliances.

5. A) Complaining about the mobile phone.

B) Asking about the price of the mobile phone.

C) Comparing the models of the mobile phone.

D) Inquiring about the functions of the mobile phone.

科技英语试题a 第2篇

学校 班级 姓名

一、单词记忆: 给下列单词写出汉语意思(共15颗

1.nice( )2.father( )3.sister( )4.great( )

5.fourteen ( )6.how many( )7.strawberry( )

8.some ( ) 9.taxi( ) 10.walkman( )


( )1. Where are you from? A. The same to you!

( ) 2. Who’s that man? B. She’s my sister.

( )3. How many buses can you see?C. Thank you!

( ) 4. What’s in the box? D. I’m from China.

( ) 5. Do you like juice? E. No, I don’t.

( ) 6. What about the girl? F. He’s my friend.

( ) 7. Can I have an fruits? G.. Sixteen.

( ) 8. How are you? H. A gift for you.

( ) 9. This is for you! I. Fine, thanks.

( )10. Happy Children’s Day! J. Yes,you can.

三、火眼金睛:读一读,选一选”(共8颗 。

Sarah:Good morning,John. This is my friend, Mike.

Mike:Nice to meet 第一文库网you, too.

Sarah:Where are you from?

Mike:I’m nine.

Sarah:Goodbye,Mike and John. Mike and John:Goodbye,Sarah.

A.Nice to meet you. B.How old are you?

C.Good morning,Sarah. D.I’m from Canada.

四、情景对话:读一读,选一选,判断正误“T””F”(共12颗 )。

. Where is my pink crayon? Mom, can you see it?

Mom:No,in your bag? Sarah: No.

Sarah:Yeah, thanks, Mom. Mike, here you are.


A. No problem. B.Look, it’s here, on the chair. C.Can I use your pink crayon?


1.Mike wants to use a yellow crayon.( )

2.The crayon is in the bag.( )

3.The crayon is on the chair.( )

科技英语试题a 第3篇



1. 英语和汉语相比较,汉语是一种动词显著的语言,而往往在英语句子中只用一个谓语动词。


(1) The sales service includes installation and training within one week of receiving the order. (2008.6.65)


(2) We are looking forward to your early reply. (2006.6.65)


(3) ...enables the tourist to travel free on the buses, trains... (2003.12.65)


(4) Scientists are eager to talk with other scientists working on similar problems. (2003.6.61)


2. 英语和汉语在词类运用上还有许多不同之处。


(1) There is no way we’ll get lost in the mountains, since the tour guide has figured out the return route. (2008.6.62)


(2) If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service we provide or feel you have been treaded unfairly, ... (2002.12.65)




(1) If you are taking care of an aging parent or know someone who is, this 30-page booklet may be of great help to you. (2007.6.61)


(2) You can buy a three-year old car for only 60%of the price for a new vehicle and still have 3 years of trouble-free driving. (2005.12.62)




1. 在翻译被动语态的句子时,很多情况下都可译成汉语的主动句,原文中的主语在译文里仍作主语。

(1) All twenty facilities will be linked by a satellite broadcasting. (2007.6.65)


(2) You must sign to accept the terms and conditions as the application will only be processed with the applicant’s signature. (2006.6.64)


2. 汉语的句子可以不带主语,因此,当无须说出主语时,可将英语的被动句译成汉语的无主句。


(1) Bidding documents can be obtained at the following address upon receipt of a non-refundable payment of RMB¥2郯799each set. (2007.6.64)


(2) The author suggests that human resources management should be taught as a required subject in school, along with science courses. (2005.6.64)


3. 一般说来,英语中用来说明客观情况的被动句可以转译成汉语中“…


(1) No one can use cell phone in any areas at the hospital where equipment might be affected by the interference from cell phone. (2003.12.61)




(1) With all its disadvantages, the new design they have submitted should still be considered as one of the best at present. (2008.6.63)


(2) ...but suits with kitchens are also available for families who would rather prepare their own meals. (2005.6.65)


(3) ...apply at British mission in the country where you are living... (2005.1.65)


(4) This book is divided sixteen units that deal with tropics of everyday conversation. (2001.6.63)



摘要:对学生而言, 提高翻译能力十分重要。本文从词类转换, 增词、减词, 被动语态的翻译及限定性定语从句的翻译四个方面讨论了如何答好英语应用能力A级翻译试题 (英译汉) 。



[1]张培基, 喻云根.英汉翻译教程.上海教育出版社.


期末综合测试题(A) 第4篇

1. 不等式组x≤


A. B.

C. D.

2. 已知正方形的面积为16-8x+x2(其中x>4),则该正方形的周长是()

A. 4-x B. x-4 C. 16-4x D. 4x-16

3. 如果-的值为负数,那么x应满足条件()

A. x<6 B. x≥6 C. x≤6D. x>6

4. 菱形ABCD中,若∠B=60°,则AC ∶ BD等于()

A. ∶1 B. 1∶C. (1+)∶1 D. (1+)∶2

5. 若某6个数的和为m,另外10个数的和为n,则这16个数的平均数是()

A. B.C. D. (+)

6. 某班上午要上语文、数学、体育、英语四节课,要求体育课不排在第二节,也不排在第四节,则不同的排课方案有()

A. 24种 B. 20种 C. 12种D. 10种


7. 已知关于x的不等式组5-2x≥-1,


8. 已知n2-n-1=0,则n3-n2-n+5=.

9. 若关于x的方程=有一个增根,则m=.

10. 若==≠0,则=.

11. 如果两个相似三角形最短边的长的比为4 ∶ 5,而且周长的和为36,那么这两个三角形的周长分别为.

12. 若3,4,5,a,b,c的平均数是15,则a+b+c=.

13. 如图1,AB∥CD,AD∥BC,图中相等的角(仅指小于平角的角)有对.

14. 平面内1条直线把平面分成2部分,2条直线至多把平面分成4部分,3条直线至多把平面分成7部分,4条直线至多把平面分成11部分,那么10条直线至多把平面分成部分.

15. 若+=,则-=.

16. 把长为10 cm的线段黄金分割,那么较长线段的长为cm.


17. 已知关于x的不等式≤的解集是x≥,求m的值.

18. 试判断多项式-2x4+12x3-18x2的取值范围.

19. 某单位将沿街的房屋出租.每间房的租金第二年比第一年多500元,所有房屋的总租金第一年为9.6万元,第二年为10.2万元.




20. 在△ABC中,D、E、F分别是AB、BC、CA的中点,连接DE、EF、FD.



21. 某车站春运期间为了改进服务,随机调查了100名旅客从开始在购票窗口排队到买到车票所用的时间t(以下简称为购票用时,单位:min).下面是这次调查后统计得到的频率分布直方图(图2)和不完整的频率、频数分布表,据此解答下列问题:





(4)若每增加一个购票窗口可以使旅客平均购票用时减少5 min,要使平均购票用时不超过10 min,那么请你估计至少需再增加几个窗口.

科技英语试题a 第5篇

1.(1)Journal entry—A chronological record of transactions, showing for each transaction the debits and credits to be entered in specific ledger accounts.(2)Going concern ——An assumption that a business entity will continue in operation indefinitely and thus will carry out its existing commitments.(3)Matching principle——The revenue earned druing an accounting period is offset with the expenses incurred in generating this revenue.(4)Working capital——Current assets minus current liabilities

(5)Revenue expenditure——Any expenditure that will benefit only the current accounting period.2.每空1分,其中两个debit合计1分



(1)Financial statements show the financial position of a business and the results of its operations, presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.These statements are intended for use by many different decision makers, for many different purposes.Tax returns show the computation of taxable income, legal concept by tax laws and regulations.In many cases, tax laws are similar to generally accepted accounting principles, but substantial differences do exist.(2)Auditors do not guarantee the accuracy of financial statements;they express only their expert opinion as to the fairness of the statements.However, CPA firms stake their reputations on the thoroughness of their audits and the dependability of their audit reports.4.每小题6分,每小题包括三小句,每小句2分。








(1)Debit: cash 636000Credit: Bonds payable 600000Premium on bonds payable 36000

(2)Debit: Interest Expenses 28302Premium on bonds payable 198Credit: Cash 28500

(3)Debit: Interest Expenses 14137Premium on bonds payable 113Credit: Interest payable 14250


Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income …………………………………………………………… $260000

Adjustment for non cash revenue and expenses:

Added(less): depreciation ………………………..$90000

Loss on sale of machinery ………..$2400

Patent amortization ……………...$14800

Amortization of premium on bond ….($4600)$102600

Working capital changes:

Accounts receivable increase ……..($2000)

Accounts payable increase …………$8400 $6400

Cash flows from operating activities ………………………………$369000


剑桥英语二级A 测试题 第6篇


姓名_________ 得分_______ 听力部分


duck ________

dog ________

mouse ________

monkey ________

hippo ________

tiger ________

cow ________

eating fruit ________

animal book ________

reading a newspaper ________

swimming pool________

eat the grass________

climb mountains________

swim in the sea________


1._________ are you going?(What, Who, Where)

2._________ the weather like today? It’s rainy.(What’s, Whose, Where’s)

3.Is that dog yours? Yes, it’s_________.(my, me, mine)

4.I often _________ TV on Saturday.(water, wash, watch)

5.I have Chinese, Maths and English on _____________.(Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday)

6.Tom is naughty.Betty is _________.(quite, quiet)

7.The giraffe is the _________ animal in the world.(tall, taller, tallest)

8.What ______he like doing?(do,does)

9._________ is the cinema?(Where ,which)

10.You ________ shout in class.(must, mustn’t)






1.This is the place where children can buy things.______________

2.Tigers, monkeys and lions live in this place.______________

3.It is long and yellow.Monkeys like to eat it.______________

4.It is very long and people go to work by(乘坐)this.______________

5.What’s the English for “Jia”?______________

6.We say nine minus seven is _______.______________

7.Which word is not short?_____________

8.Which word is not fat?______________

9.You can put(放)your money here.______________

10.We live in China.Maybe we are _______.______________


1.This is my bike.Thebike is _________.2.That is your pet.The pet is __________.3.This is his watch.The watch is_________.4.That is our room.The room is ________.5.This is their bags.The bags are ________.III.用给出的字母写出正确的单词(5x2’=10’)






()1.There ______ many animals.A.beB.amC.areD.is

()2.I like to play _____ piano.A.aB.theC.anD./

()3.Is your friend a boy or a girl?_____________________.A.Yes, she is.B.No, he isn’tC.Yes, he is.D.A boy.()4.He has got _____ book and _____ pencils.A.a;someB.a;oneC.the;aD.the;one

()5.Are you hungry now?.---_________

A.Yes, it is.B.I’m hungry.C.Yes, I am.()6.Is this book Amy’s? No, it’s not _____.A.sheB.AmyC.herD.hers

()7.My hair is short, but ______ is long.A.youB.yourC.yoursD.my

()8.I often sing songs in the _______.A.Art RoomB.TV RoomC.Wash RoomD.Music Room

()9.Can I open the door?______________.A.Yes, you do.B.Yes, you can.C.No, you don’t.D.No, you can.()10.How about______with us?

A.playing footballB.play footballC.to play footballD.plays football

V.重新排列句子 注意大小写与标点(10分)

1.I’d/ see / like / to / kangaroos /


2.the park/ oppsite / the market / ? / is


3.about/ how / swimming / going


4.are / you /doing / there/ what


5.doesn’t/ cleaning/she/the floor/ like



This is a ________place.The classes _____interesting______exciting.There ______ a lot of pupils______the class.They are _______ all ages.They _______each other.A teacher is playing _______some pupils._________ pupils are drawing, some are singing and __________.They are having a fun time.Ⅶ.完形填空,选择正确的词语(10x1’=10’)

My name1Lucy.I am a new student in Class Two,2,No.2 Middle School.My teacher is Miss Gao.She is3, but I am

4American.I have a sister,5name is Lily.We are twins.I can 6up, but my sisiter 7.At school I help my teacher put(放)her books, maps and pictures

on her8.I tell(告诉)my teacher, “Everyone is here.” But I’m9.Jim isn’t at school.I don’t10where he is.I think he is at home.()1.A.amB.isC.areD.be

()2.A.Grade OneB.Grade oneC.grade one D.grade One




()6.A.washB.to washC.washingD.washes



()9.A.OKB.all rightC.fineD.wrong(错的)




(2).用there be 造两句子,要求be单词不可以重复。

河南高考英语A卷试题参考答案 第7篇

来源: 山西教育招生考试


























科技英语试题a 第8篇

应用能力考试听力试题主要测试考生对所听对话、会话和简短短文的理解能力, 以日常生活和实用交际性内容为主, 如介绍、问候、道歉、指路、学习、爱好、健康、饮食等生活问题和安排住宿、购物、就诊、面试、公司及产品介绍等交际性活动。考试重点是要考生理解所听材料中的主题、人物关系、时间、地点及主要情节。应用能力考试A级听力测试由三部分组成: Section A简短对话, 共五组, 每句只读一遍, 然后就对话内容提出一个问题; Section B会话, 共两组, 读两遍, 每组会话提出两到三个问题; Section C简短短文, 就短文提出五个问题, 并进行简短回答。此题为填空题, 所填答案不超过三个词。以下逐一分析这三个部分的考试重点及应试策略:

Section A的对话主要是围绕日常生活情景设置, 所提问题基本围绕五个W, 即what, who, when, where, whichand how并主要针对对话中第二个人的话提问。重点考查内容如下:

1. 场所与方向


1) A. In a taxi B. In a restaurant C. In a theaterD. In the man's home

2) A. To the classroom B. To the airport C. To thebank D. To the bookstore


Where did this conversation take place?

Where is the man / woman?

Where is the man /woman going?

在对话中, 对话双方会直接或间接地提及某个地方, 学生必须根据对话提供的场景及相关线索找到问题的答案。常见的地点场景包括饭店、学校、医院、邮局、银行、商店、机场、教室等, 所以学生要熟悉与这些特定场所相关的情景词汇, 以提高反应和判断能力。这里列出一些常见的地点场景及其关键线索词:

Restaurant: menu, order, bar, beer, beef, bill, soda, tip, main course, reserve a table, hot, spicy. . .

School or classroom: paper, lesson, exam, assignment, teacher, student, test, graduate, junior, student committee. . .

Hospital: diagnose, injection, operation, tablet, temperature, fever, headache, medicine, recover. . .

Post office: mail, letter, envelope, stamp, parcel, postcard. . .

Bank: cash, credit card, deposit, withdraw, open an account, interest rate. . .

Department store: price, on sale, out of style, bargain, discount, sell out, size, color. . .

Airport: flight, airlines, take off, see off, arrival, departure, terminal. . .

Hotel: book, reservation, check in /out, reception desk, single /double room. . .

Library: book, journal, librarian, catalog, borrow, renew, issue. . .

2. 数字与计算:


1) A. $ 4. 5 B. $ 5. 00 C. $ 9. 00 D. $ 10. 00

2) A. 7: 00 B. 7: 30 C. 8: 00 D. 8: 30

3) A. 15 kilos B. 20 kilos C. 25 kilos D. 30 kilos

数字与计算题涉及时间、价格、年龄、距离、重量、人数等。问题提问形式多以“What time/when, how many, howmuch, how far. . . ”等引导。此类对话一般不会直接给出答案, 而是提供至少两个数字让听者进行逻辑计算, 所以学生不可听到相关数字就盲目作答。这里建议学生对所听的数字做记录, 并听清问题再进行相关计算。与数字计算相关的词汇有twice, one third, half, double, over, moreor less than, delay, before, after等。

3. 职业及人物关系


1) A. A teacher B. A secretary C. A manager D.An engineer

2) A. Husband and wife B. Teacher and student

C. Boss and secretary D. Doctor and patient


Who is the man / woman?

What's the man / woman?

What's the relationship between the two speakers?

遇到此类题型时, 学生需要注意捕捉对话中体现说话人身份及职业的提示性词汇。常见与职业及人物关系相关的关键线索词如下:

Teacher and student: assignment, lecture, term paper, exam, hand in, deadline, test. . .

Husband and wife: darling, honeymoon, kids, housework, cleaning. . .

Doctor and patient: what's wrong? sore throat, uncomfortable, headache, painful, high temperature, cough, cold. . .

Boss and secretary: type, file, paper, make a phonecall, working schedule, meeting, make an appointment. . .

Shop assistant and customer: Can I help? try on, price, style, discount, fashionable, jackets, jeans, shoes. . .

Interviewer and interviewee: education, diploma, degree, training, experience, communication, skill. . .

4. 逻辑推理

此类题型测试学生的综合能力, 四个答案选项相关性不强, 考生必须根据会话的具体内容及会话双方的身份、语气、语调进行分析比较, 做出合理判断。


What do we learn from the conversation?

What does the man / woman mean?

What does the conversation imply?

以上为Section A部分的四类基本题型和重点测试内容, 其中前三项考点难度不大, 考生只要平时注意基本词汇的积累并多加练习, 较易得分。至于逻辑推理题, 考生需学会运用自己的逻辑常识进行推断, 因此在听力训练中, 教师要重视提高学生概括能力和理解重要细节能力的训练。

除此之外, 考生也要重视这几年真题中出现的其他题型并进行相应的知识积累和针对性训练。如表达方式替换题, 此类题型考查考生理解对话含义, 用不同的表达方式表示相同含义的能力, 要求考生从答案选项中找出可替换对话中具有相同含义的词语、词组和句子。同时, 听力测试中也常出现包括虚拟语气、否定结构、让步和转折结构的句子, 要求考生注意对话中人物的语气、语调, 应用相应的语法知识了解说话人的真正意图。

Section B所设置的问题题型大致与Section A相同, 分为概述题和细节题。但Section B的会话内容对某一场景对话进行了扩展, 信息量增大。考生首先要通读答案选项, 选项问题的设置一般是按会话信息出现的先后顺序安排的, 考生可根据选项信息预测会话的主题并在听力过程中围绕问题设置抓住细节。

Section C为短文填空。与前两项听力内容相比, 短文的篇幅较长, 内容较多, 需要记忆的信息量更大, 其相应难度也较大, 学生必须具有宏观把握全文的主旨和大意的能力及善于抓住主要信息并对信息进行整合、推理, 做出正确判断。短文后的问题主要是就短文的主题和细节提问, 短文的五个问题的部分答案已给出, 让考生根据所听内容将问题答案补全, 所填答案不超过三个词。因此考生首先要根据这些提示问题, 判断所问问题, 推测短文主题。一般来说, 短文开头的一两句为其主旨句, 所以考生在听短文过程中, 要特别留意短文开头部分, 并根据答案信息对相关细节做记录。

同时, 考生在整个听力测试中要把握以下解题技巧:

1. 通读选项

考生要充分利用正式试题放音前的时间, 通读答案选项, 做出问题预测。这样考生就可以做到心中有数, 使自己处于主动地位。带着问题有侧重点地去听试题, 既可节省精力, 提高注意力, 又可提高答题的准确性。

2. 利用语境, 合理预测

在做对话和会话试题时, 考生要学会根据对话双方的语音、语调及相关对话环境, 洞察对话双方的意图, 做出合理预测。

3. 边听边记

考生在对答案做预测时, 可在相关词下画线、打点或用其他标注, 以便在做题时有效提示自己。建议考生应将预测的问题类型既五个W, 标注在每个考题前。同时, 对于涉及到问题的细节如时间、地点、数字及其他相关信息一定要用笔做记录以便帮助考生准确记忆和作答。

4. 集中精神, 放松心态

在听力测试时, 考生的情绪好坏, 思想是否集中将直接影响听力的成绩。因此, 在听力测试前, 考生就要做好各种准备, 放松心态, 紧张会使考生难以集中注意力, 从而影响听力答题。在答题过程中, 遇到不会做的题或暂时无法肯定问题答案时, 不要停滞下来, 可做简单标记, 继续下面的听力内容, 回过头再做分析处理。

本文通过对应用能力考试中听力理解试题的分析, 指出考试重点难点及提出应试技巧, 旨在帮助考生提高听力成绩。在提高听力水平的实践过程中, 考生要在专项训练基础上, 不断熟练听力技巧, 提高心理素质并注重培养自己的语言能力, 丰富文化知识以及锻炼思维能力的敏捷性。


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