


英语邀请信的写作格式及 第1篇

2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 Inviting friends to supper with the strangers

Dear [Susan]:

I know you are interested in [oil painting], so I’m sure you’ll be interested in [Mr. and Mrs. Lin dun]! They are coming here to supper [next Sunday night, October the twelfth], and we’d like you and [Walter] to come, too.

[Mr. and Mrs. Lin Dun] are that very charming couple we met in [London] last summer. They have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on [oil painting]. I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company.

We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming



英语邀请信的写作格式及 第2篇



sunday may 21,xx sunny

going on a picnic

today was sunday.the weather was fine and warm.the sky was very clear and blue.my classmates and i were very happy,because we went out for a picnic at nanshan hill.we went to nanshan hill by bike with fruits,eggs,meat,vegetables,knives and some other things.about one and a half hours later,we came to a nice place at the foot of the hill.there were many beautiful flowers and green trees.birds sang their sweet songs.how pleased we were!then we were busy with the picnic.some of us were getting water,some were cutting the meat and vegetables and cook,others were sitting on the grass and waiting for nice lunch.at about 13 o”clock,our lunch was ready.we all sat around on the green grass,singing,talking,eating and drinking.at about 16:00 we began packing for our return.what a nice time we were having!

英语邀请信的写作格式及 第3篇

在中国学生眼里, 提纲并不是新鲜的事物, 但现实是, 不少高中生在写作文时没有列提纲的习惯, 有的学生不懂得列提纲的重要性, 担心浪费时间, 会列却不列, 更多的学生是不会列行之有效的提纲。提纲是对文章布局, 材料铺排的大致设想 (张子涵2007) 。好的写作提纲可以反映文章的主要内容和结构层次, 使作者的构思视觉化。写作前, 列出提纲, 便于推敲和修改文章;写作时, 参照提纲, 使行文思路不会脱离预想的方案。

为了指导学生写好英语作文提纲, 笔者采用一目了然、便于掌握且能适用于多种文体的表格式提纲法 (见表1) 。

这个表格是对学生进行审题、分段、选材、有序组织的综合训练, 下面就如何指导学生使用这个表格进行探究。

一、划分自然段, 明确段落主旨

段落的划分是写作的第一环节。高中英语写作一般划分为2~4段, 十几句话为一个基本容量框架。有的学生在写作过程中不划分段落, 还有的学生划分成很多小段, 这种习惯破坏了文章的整体性。然而, 列提纲能有效克服这一现象。英语文章一般是先提出观点后进行论证, 大多数情况下一个段落有一个主旨, 主旨常体现在段落的主题句中。主题句往往开门见山, 点明主旨。这种方式既可以防止作者写作时跑题, 也有利于读者明了作者的思路。

二、按照逻辑顺序, 铺排扩展句

明确段落的主旨后, 往往要铺排扩展句, 用以说明或支持主旨。扩展句是段落主题句的延伸和发展, 可以是进一步的详细解释和论证, 也可以是具体的举例说明。观点事例的阐述有以下两个基本特征:一是一致性, 要围绕段落的主题句扩展, 深入创新;二是连贯性, 要按照逻辑顺序罗列:一般的叙事段落可以按照事情的起因、经过和结果的时间顺序组织安排;一般的说明描写可以按照地点和景物变换的空间顺序组织安排;一般的说理议论可以按照重要程度安排, 先次要后主要。还有很多表达逻辑顺序的连接词可以使行文紧凑连贯, 如however, on the contrary (转折) , therefore, consequently (结果) , in addition, furthermore (递进) , to sum up, in conclusion (总结) 。

三、选词要得体, 兼顾词组句型

选词是英语写作的主要环节, 教师应指导学生学会使用高级词汇替代常见词汇。比如, 用strengthen替代improve;用by no means替代never等。副词在写作中有着画龙点睛的作用。学生经常使用的副词无非是very, often等, 很少花时间推敲副词。如果学生能有意识地使用一些达意的副词, 就能使作文增色不少。比如, 表示程度的副词very可以用extremely/rather替代;表示频度的副词often可以用frequently替代等。写作中的句型也要力争多样, 长短句并用, 主被动结合。如定语从句、名词性从句、非谓语、特殊句式等, 让作文层次分明, 错落有致。

以上三步要领是学生写好作文的基础, 那么, 如何在实践中运用呢?写好作文首先要会欣赏好作文, 以官方发布的2014年江苏英语高考作文范文第二段为例, 我们很容易用表格式提纲领悟到范文的缜密结构和精妙用词 (见表2) 。

运用表格式提纲赏析优秀作文, 既可以指导学生深入钻研文章, 又能启发学生在写作时编写提纲的样板, 一举两得。

表格式提纲在写作时更能发挥妙用。笔者让学生在课堂上写2015年江苏英语高考作文, 一个班直接写作文, 不列提纲, 另一个班尝试用表格式提纲写作。不列提纲的这个班级中有学生在第二段写出:“It is of great importance to obey traffic rules.”这句话看似正确, 其实不然。这样的句子不仅与第二段主题分析导致交通问题的主要原因不符, 而且会导致第三段无话可说, 理应放在第三段, 这样的句子并非个例。在列提纲的班级, 学生小组讨论后所列的提纲均层次清晰, 语言到位。这是给学生的提纲示范 (见表3) :

此提纲清楚地反映了文章的雏形, 学生根据提纲写作, 作文便可一气呵成:

The traffic issue is becoming a hot topic nowadays which not only affects our daily life but may also threaten our lives.The three messages mentioned above vividly account for it.

Several causes contribute to the terrible traffic problem.On one hand, with the number of vehicles increasing rapidly, the road condition can not meet the needs of the public.On the other hand, some self-centered drivers, cyclists and pedestrians who don’t obey traffic rules worsen the heavy road traffic, even giving rise to avoidable road accidents.

The issue does make me think a lot.Rules and regulations, traffic rules included, help us to maintain the public order, without which people could not enjoy a harmonious life or the society would be in a mess.What’s more, only when put into practice can rules work and benefit the public.By no means should we violate the rules whoever we are.

提纲也有详略粗细之分。时间充裕, 提纲就可以列得细致些并加以修改完善;如果时间仓促, 提纲不妨粗一些, 写出大体的层次框架, 就可以开笔行文了 (邓伟孝2007) 。即使在紧张的考场上, 也不要乱了手脚, 按照表格式提纲全盘筹划, 以确保结构完整统一, 层次井井有条。

提纲能帮助学生理清思路, 避免卷面不洁。虽然动手行文晚了些, 但磨刀不误砍柴工, 有了提纲, 就能收到事半功倍的效果。表格式提纲适用于多种写作形式———要点类、图表类、漫画类、读写作文, 甚至是浙江省新的写作题型——读后续写。教师要让学生形成“无提纲不成文, 列好了提纲就等于完成了作文的一半”的理念 (徐建欣2013) 。总之, 有效地运用表格式提纲, 从主题、段落、观点、选词、句型等诸多方面进行宏观控制是写好作文的关键。


邓伟孝.2007.列提纲写作文教学设计[J].现代语文, (7) :109-110.

雷鸣.2009.提纲对英语写作的宏观作用[J].大众文艺 (理论) , (12) :186.

徐建欣.2013.浅谈如何写好英语作文[J].科技资讯, (7) :204.

英语写作的素质及培养 第4篇

关键词:英语写作; 技能训练

中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-3315(2012)10-066-001












英语中考中的书面表达既不是汉译英,也非汉语里的作文,不可任意发挥,要将所规定的材料内容整理后,展开思维,目的在于考查学生运用所学英语知识准确地表达意思的能力;学生在写作过程中,必须遵循以下内容:(1)先审后写,明确要求。审题不当,往往是学生失分的重要因素,首先必须弄清重点和格式,根据题目所提供的信息,抓住关键词,反复琢磨,切实吃透出题意图。(2)遣词造句,布局谋篇:答题是整个写作过程中的关键一步,是审题准确,谋篇合理和语言综合运用能力的集中体现,做到用词准确,造句规范,文字连贯,中心清楚,即学生要用最能表达中心意思和文章要点、同时又是自己最有把握的词汇、短语、句型来行文,确保语言的准确性,还要注意语言的灵活性和流畅性,采用富有变化的词汇、句型和一些过渡性连词,如 and, then, at last, hough, but, so增强文章的可读性,(3)反复检验,查缺补漏,写好文章后要仔细检查,查内容、查语法、查格式、查字母、查标点,不能忽视点滴小错,好的文章语义整体统一,篇章结构完整,词汇、语法、内容完美结合。







(4)书信(Letter)英文书信与汉语书信文化差异较为明显,无论是从信封上还是正文上,与汉语书信多有不同,寄信人地址和写信日期写在信封的右上角,地址由小到大,然后再写发信日期,顺序是月日年,或日月年,如 Zhang Lou Middle school Cheng Wu Shandong china December20/ th2005.

英语各类型作文的写作格式及 第5篇

问题解决型模板一 问题解决型模板二 问题解决型模板三
①With the ___ of ___, _____. ① There has been a discussion ① Nowadays, there is a growing
② So it is of great importance for recently about ________. concern on ________.
us to ____. ② It is true to the present situation ② It is certain that _____.
③ On one hand, _____. that ______. ③ However, ________
④ On the other hand, _______. ③ But _______.  
⑤ However, we have figured out ④ As is known to all, there are many ④ It will cause many serious results if ________.
many ways to _______. ways __________. ⑤ Firstly, _______.
⑥ Firstly, _____. ⑤ First of all, ________. ⑥ Secondly, ________
⑦ So long as _________. ⑥ Furthermore, ________. ⑦ Finally, _________.
⑧ Secondly, ________ ⑦ Last but not least, _________  
⑨ Thirdly, _____.    
⑩ In fact, ________. ⑧ So it is high time for us to _____. ⑧ In spite of all these, there are still many ways _________.
11. That is because ______. ⑨ That is because _______. ⑨ First of all, _______.
12. In a word, ________. ⑩ Secondly, _____. ⑩ In addition, _________.
  11. Thirdly, _________. 11. Thirdly, _______.
  12. In conclusion, _________ 12. Only in this way, _________.
第一段:Nowadays,we have to face a problem that…(问题)    
/Nowadays,more and more people are concerned about the problem…(问题)    
/It is important for us to…(问题).    
For instance_____________________(例一)    
第二段:People have figured out many ways to solve the problem.    
/Confronted with…(问题)we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.    
第三段:1)Personally,I believe that_______________(我的方法)    
/To me,I am taking two ways to solve the problem of…(问题)    
One of them is ________________________(我的方法)    
The other way is_______________________(方法二)    
By now ways have been working perfectly and efficient1y…(结果)    
2) In conclusion/In a word/To sum up/In summary/Obviously/It’s clear that…/It’s no doubt that….


英语邀请信的写作格式及 第6篇

我们的新朋友:请点击左上方的:海纳百川教育 或加微信号:hnbcjy 我们的老朋友:请点击右上角的…:分享到朋友圈 或 发送给朋友

欢迎大家关注:海纳百川教育 ,添加我们的关注,每天您将免费收到我们的育儿经验或学习材料,并且可以得知我们的最新活动动态和课程优惠政策,拍下二维码,您还可以在线预约课程和在线报名,愿我们陪伴您与孩子共同成长!

1.Introduction 按西方国家的习俗,亲友之间在重大节日要写祝贺信或赠礼物,如圣诞节、新年、婚礼、生日等等。当亲友晋升、考试成功、毕业、乔迁新居、获得工作、新业开张以及获奖等等,也要写祝贺信。


2.Commonly used Sentences常用句型

1.With very best wishes for a happy New year!2.May you come into a good fortune!3.Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year.4.Best wishes for a happy birthday and a year of good luck, good health and happiness.5.Please accept my gift for your birthday, not for its own value, but for the sake of the thoughts it represents.请接受我给你的生日礼物,礼物不在于他本身的价值,而在于它表达了我对你的思念。

6.Best wishes and hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.7.May you two always be in love!May happiness increase with age.愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与岁俱增!8.I hope your new dwelling will bring you and your family loads of fortune and good heath.谨祝你的新居将为你全家带来鸿运和安康!

9.Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination.10.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations on your new job.11.I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving on your promotion.在对你晋升的众多的祝贺中再增加我一份,以表贺意。

12.I am looking forward to your further promotion.13.How happy you must be to have a beautiful new baby girl.14.I wish you many happy returns of the anniversary.May you have long and joyful life.祝你俩享有许多的结婚纪念日。愿你俩白头偕老,生活愉快!15.I am sending along some flowers and fruit with my love and my sincere wish for your speedy recovery.16.How wonderful it is to hear about your baby!May the precious new life you have brought into the world bring you a world of new joys.得知你的小宝宝出生,非常高兴。祝你带给这个世界的新生命给你带来无限的幸福。17.Congratulations on your recent promotion.I know that you will make good in your new job because you thrive on responsibility.祝你荣获提升,你的责任感将为你带来很多的成功!

3.Specimen 样例

Season’s Greetings 祝贺节日 Dear Mr.Hoff, There are many things I’d like to speak of friendship, peace and love.I’d to tell you how much I appreciate knowing you.Perhaps the most meaningful way to say all the things is just to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you and yours.Sincerely yours, David Congratulations on Birthday Dear Franz, Congratulations!From now on, you will be a man.You have reached your 18th birthday!I made this small gift by myself.Please accept it, not for its own value, but for the sake of the thoughts it represents.I feel very sorry that I can’t attend your birthday party.Please believe I am praying for you.May you live a long and joyful life, a life full of all the blessings that this would can bestow.Yours Sincerely, Dunkin Congratulations on Engagement Dear Jeanette, I feel quite pleased when hearing that you and James became engaged yesterday, Congratulations!Your engagement is such happy news.It’s a pleasure to express warm and special wishes for your future happiness.May all your hope and plans turn out the way you want them to.And as you go through life together, may all your dreams come true.yours sincerely, Levins

Wedding Congratulations Dear Jackson, Your wedding card brings to me the happy news of your marriage.I congratulate you and trust that your marriage will be a source of blessing and happiness to you both.Please accept this little present with my congratulations upon your happy wedding.Yours Sincerely, Newby

Congratulations for Changing Residence Dear Li Fang, Congratulate you on your moving into your new residence.You’ve finally got such a nice new house that you’ve always been hoping for.I hope your new dwelling will bring you and your family loads of fortune and good health.Wish you plenty of prosperity and good luck in your new house.Yours truly, Ma Ying Congratulations on Passing University Examination Dear Li Ping, We are very happy to learn that you have successfully passed the college entrance examination this year and have been admitted into Hunan University with honor.Allow us to offer our most sincere congratulations on this happy occasion.Wish you greater achievement in your college education.Yours Sincerely, Wang Liang

邀 请 信

1.Introduction 邀请信在日常生活和外事活动中使用广泛,一般分为两种:一种为正式邀请(invitation card);因为其结构非一般信函,在此不作讲述。本章只讲非正式请帖,即邀请信(letters of invitation)。

邀请信形式上不如请帖那样正规,但也很考究。书写时应注意一下两点:(1)邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能让收信人有任何的疑虑。例如 “ I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner next Monday” 这句话中指的是哪个星期并不明确,所以要加上具体日期,“I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner next Monday, May the fifth at 6 o’clock.P.m., at the Locus Hotel”。


2.Commonly Used Sentences 1)I’d like you to come to our dinner this evening.2)Request the pleasure of … 恭请…

3)The favor of a reply is requested.敬赐复函。

4)May I have the honor of your company at dinner? 敬备菲酌,恭请光临。5)Thank you for inviting us to dinner.6)We are delighted to accept your invitation.7)I wish I could be there, but I expect to be away on vacation at that time.8)Please reply to Thirty-five Park Avenue.9)We’ll be awaiting your arrival on the twelfth.10)I hope you are not too busy to come期望你在百忙中光临。11)I’m looking forward to seeing you.12)We thought it would be pleasant to have some of our friends to celebrate it.13)The reception will be held in …, on…招待会定于……在……举行。14)We sincerely hope you can attend.15)We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion.为此我们决定举行一次晚会。

16)Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.如能来的话,早日告我,何时为宜。17)Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.是否参加,请早日告之。


1.Invitation to a Formal Dinner(宴会)1)A letter of invitation Dear Mrs.Benton, John and I would be very happy if you and Mr.Benton could come to dinner with us on Monday, May the second at six o’clock.We do hope you can Join us.Sincerely yours Ellen Smith

2)A letter of Accepting an Invitation Dear Mrs.Smith, Thank you for inviting us to dinner on Monday, May the second.We are delighted to accept your invitation.Sincerely yours, Lucie Benton

3)A letter of Declining an Invitation Dear Mrs.Smith, Thank you for inviting us to dinner on Monday, May the second.I wish I could be there, but I regret to inform you that owing to being away on vacation, we shall not be able to come.Sincerely yours, Lucie Benton

2.Invitation to a Wedding Dear Aunt Kate, David and I are to be married at the Community Church(区教堂)on Thursday, June the twelfth, at noon.We want you come to the ceremony, and also to the wedding breakfast(喜宴)afterward at home.We’ll be awaiting your arrival, Aunt Kate, on the twelfth!With love Helen

3.Invitation to a Dance Dear Martha, Next Friday October the first is our national Day, and we thought it would be pleasant to have some of our friends here to celebrate it.Will you and Tom come? We’ll have dancing from seven until twelve.We are all looking forward to seeing you.Students of International business School 4.Invitation to a Reception(招待会)Dear Mr.Hobson, It would give us great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation(中国代表团).The reception will be held in the City Hall, on Tuesday, October the fourth.Cocktails(鸡尾酒会)will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.We sincerely hope you can attend.Let us know as soon as possible if you can come.Sincerely Li He

5.Invitation to an Export Commodities fair(出口商品交易会)Dear Sirs, This is to advise that we are going to hold an Export Commodities fair in Shanghai from May 1st to May 15th,1999.A great variety of samples(品种繁多的样品), newly designed by our manufacturers, will be on exhibition.We take pleasure in inviting you to the Fair.Please cable(电告)the date of your arrival, enabling us to make the necessary preparations.Yours faithfully

6.Invitation to an Anniversary Celebration of the founding of a School(校庆)Dear prof.Smith, On Monday, September the tenth all the faculty members of Hu Nan University will celebrate the Seventieth Anniversary of the School Founding.We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion.The place is Teachers’ Reception Hall(教师会客厅), and the time is Friday evening, September the tenth, at six o’clock.Come and bring your wife or other guest.We look forward to seeing you.In order to make proper reservations, will you send your acceptance to the attention of Professor Chen no later than a week before that day.(为了便于安排,务请您与宴会举行一周以前将您的接受邀请的回执寄到陈教授处。)

Cordially,(您真诚的)Wang Hua

7.Invitation to Giving Lectures(邀请来校讲学)1)A letter of invitation Dear Prof.Green, I was told by our mutual friend Mr.Wilson that you would visit China next month this year.May I take the opportunity to invite you to come to our college to give the students of our English Department some lectures on “Modern American Literature”? Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.With warm personal regards, I am,(我个人谨向您致以热烈的问候。)Your sincerely, Yan Hai

2)A letter of Accepting an Invitation Dear Prof.Yang, I accept with pleasure your kind invitation to come to your college and give some lectures on “Modern American Literature” to the students of your English Department.I shall arrive at Changsha on 12th October, and will stay at your college for two weeks, giving lectures 3 times a week.I’m looking forward to meeting you and your students.Best wishes.Yours sincerely, Green

8.Invitation to Attending the Academic conference(学术会议)1)A letter of invitation Dear Professor Parley, It would give us great pleasure to have your presence at a meeting of English language teaching scheduled for September the sixth,1998 at the English Department of Beijing University.Your thinking on the subject would contribute greatly to the success of the conference.Do let us know if you can make it.Cordially,(您诚挚的)Xia Kai 2)A letter of Accepting an Invitation Dear Professor Xia, Thank you very much for your invitation to join the meeting of English language teaching at Department of Beijing University on September the sixth, 1998.I will be happy to be there at two o’clock that afternoon to take part in the meeting, and look forward to it with pleasure.Cordially, William Parley

新朋友们:请点击左上方的:海纳百川教育 或加微信号:hnbcjy 老朋友们:请点击右上角的…:分享到朋友圈 或 发送给朋友 海纳百川教育愿意陪您一起成长!




英语书信格式及写作 第7篇



-开头“Dear”, “To”, “To whom it concerns” = 一般给政府/比你级别高得写“等等 写完名字点逗号

-另起一行[object Object] 空两个格 写正文

-落款 = ”sincerely yours“ = 给级别高的,很正式的;”yours truly“ = 朋友; ”love" = 亲人 等等 别忘了点逗号

-偏右下角 签名 如果写的是正式文的话 在签名下面 写上print体形式你的名字


May 8, 2006

To whom it concerns,----------------.Sincerely yours,(签名)

(如果正式的话 在这儿署名 例:Cindy Johnson)



Mr.Henry.SimpsonHillside Lane

Clinton.Ohio 020567





Mr.Henry S.SimpsonHillside Lane




信封上的邮政区号(zip code),在美国州名之后以五位数阿拉伯数字表示,前三位数代表州或都市,后两位数表示邮区,至于邮政区号10027的念法是one double o two seven。

住址中常用字:有简写的多用简写: 楼 F(e.g.2F)巷 Lane(e.g.Lane 194)段 Section;Sec.(e.g.Sec.Ⅱ)弄 Alley(e.g.Alley 6)路 Road;Rd.(e.g.Chunghua Rd.)街 Street;St.(e.g.Yangkwang St.)Clinton,Ohio 020567



(3)信封正面左下角可写Personal,Please Forward,Registered,Express,Airmail,General Delivery等。



第一种、介绍信 Letters of Introduction


Dear Mr./ Ms.,This is to introduce Mr.Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully,xxx


Dear Mr./ Ms,We are pleased to introduce Mr.Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department.Mr.Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.Yours faithfully

第二种、约定 Appointments


Dear Mr./Ms,Mr.John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at 2.00 p.m.about the opening of a sample room there.Please let us know if the time is convenient for you.If not, what time you would suggest.Yours faithfully,实例之二:

Dear Mr/Ms,I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday,(October 5-9).I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor.Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?

I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me.If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another.Yours faithfully


综述的写作格式 第8篇

综述的写作格式一般包括四部分, 即前言、正文、小结、参考文献。前言, 要用简明扼要的文字说明写作的目的、必要性、有关概念的定义、综述的范围、阐述有关问题的现状和动态以及目前对主要问题争论的焦点等。正文, 是综述的重点, 主要包括论据和论证两个部分, 正文部分根据内容的多少可分为若干个小标题分别论述。小结, 是在综述正文部分作扼要的总结, 作者应对各种观点进行综合评价, 提出自己的看法, 指出存在的问题及今后发展的方向和展望。

英语写作的四大障碍及应对策略 第9篇




例1 他过去一天工作15个小时。

He worked 15 hours a day.



例2 Nowadays youths use their parents give them the money.

分析:母语为汉语的英语老师能读懂这句话,意思是“现在的青年用他们父母给他们的钱”,但英语本族语人会觉得这句话令人匪夷所思,因为其违背了英语句法的两条规则:① nowadays是副词,不能像形容词一样修饰名词youths;② their parents give them在英语中属于定语从句,必须置于被修饰词money的后面而不是前面。熟知这两条基本规则后,这句话就应该改为:“Today’s youths use the money their parents give them.”


例3 ①The class has been reorganized. (class被视为整体,表示“班级”,动词用单数)

②The whole class are in favor of going for an outing. (class表示“全班人”,动词用复数)










例4 The writer sat at his desk, his fingers frozen, his lips a grim, straight line, his eyes staring at the white sheet of paper before him. (这句话很复杂,但仍为简单句,句中突出显示的内容为后置伴随修饰语。)

例5 He has broken his leg, so he can’t walk. (这句话为由so连接的并列句;如果没有这个so,该句就犯了“逗号隔离”的错误。)

例6 She talks to her husband in such a way as if he were a dog. (这句话为主从复合句,as if引导的句子为方式状语从句。)








通过上述对比,我们不难理解,不同的文化底蕴产生不同的典故和成(习)语,而不同的典故和成(习)语创造不同的感官意象。因此,我们不能把汉语的意象生拉硬扯地套用到英语句子中,因为英语本族语者根本不了解这些词语的文化内涵及其所指意义。拿成语“班门弄斧”来说,英语本族语者一般不知道鲁班是谁,自然不明白“班门弄斧”的含义就是“在专家面前炫耀自己的知识”,所以若将该成语表达为to wield an axe before Master Lu Ban,他们肯定会一头雾水;但如果表达成to teach one’s grandma to suck eggs这个家喻户晓的习语,那么一切问题就都迎刃而解了。另外,该成语还可表达为to play off one’s knowledge before Confucius,由于孔子已成为世界闻名的学识渊博的中国古代贤人,因此该表达可以为英语本族语者所接受。

其实,用英语写作很多时候是把我们的思想翻译成另外一种文字。在翻译含有浓厚的中国文化色彩的典故和成语时,我们应该尽量选用符合英语习惯的意象。如果没有或是我们不知道相应的英语意象,就可以索性选择放弃意象,直接表达意思。比如说“对牛弹琴”这一概念,即使我们不知道英美人所熟知的几乎对等的表达法to cast pearls before a swine,也不要译为to play the lute to a cow,而要说成to address the wrong person或to waste words on sb.。


学习者在写英语作文时,应该用英语来思考,并按英语的思维方式组织文章结构。美国学者Robert B. Kaplan早在三十多年前就指出,英语说明文或论说文遵循直线式思维习惯,即一般在文章的开始就提出主题思想,正文分数段从几个方面来论证或支持主题思想,最后自然结尾。下面我们以“人肉搜索(flesh search)”这一话题为例来列一个写作提纲作为示范。

首段阐述主题思想:From my perspective, the human flesh search is not justified because it develops in netizens (网民) the bad habit of irresponsibility, infringes upon people’s privacy, and brings mental and physical distress to both the villain and his innocent relatives and friends.

支持段1主题句:The human flesh search develops in netizens the bad habit of irresponsibility.

支持段2主题句:The human flesh search infringes upon people’s privacy.

支持段3主题句:The human flesh search brings mental and physical distress to both the villain and his innocent relatives and friends.




My Opinion of the Human Flesh Search
