


某些颜色形容词的特殊含义 第1篇


1.Black 1)black coffee(未加奶的咖啡)

Which one do you like, black coffee or white coffee? 2)black tea(红茶)

Black tea is my favorite.3)black screen(暗色滤光镜)

In that case, you can use black screen.4)a black letter day(倒霉的日子)

Everybody may have a black letter day, I think.5)black mark(污点)

His lie might have left a black mark on his character.6)black box(黑匣子)

They failed to find the black box after the air-crash.7)black list(黑名单)

These two thieves are on the black list of the police.8)black market(黑市)

We seldom by goods on black market.9)black sheep(败家子,害群之马)

Nobody wants the fame of being a black sheep of his family.10)black ingratitude(忘恩负义)

His response showed no black ingratitude.11)blacksmith(铁匠)

Mary’s father is a blacksmith.12)blackout(突然停电)

The storm caused a sudden blackout and brought down telephone lines.13)black oil(润滑重油)

The price of black oil decreased by 30%.14)black bolt(粗制螺栓)

Black bolts are not suitable here.15)black money(黑钱,指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)Black money are stashed in foreign banks.16)black figure / in the black(盈利,顺差)

This company is well in the black.black figure nation(国际收支顺差国)

interest in the black(应收利息)2.Red 1)in the red(负债);out of the red(不亏空)

A careless boss may run his business in the red, whereas a responsible person can keep it out of the red.red figure / red ink(赤字,亏损)2)red-cap(服务搬运工)

A red-cap will help you with your luggage in a hotel.3)red meat(牛羊肉等红色肉类)

Many of us prefer red meat to white meat.4)red-handed(当场)

The murderer was caught red-handed.5)a red letter day(喜庆节日)

Children like to go outing on a red letter day.6)red light district(红灯区)

Mr.Huang was accused of his conduct in the red light district.7)red-pencil(修改)

The procurator red-penciled the law suit.8)red ball(快运车)

There will be red balls between Shanghai and Guangzhou.9)red cent(一分钱)

I won’t give a red cent for that car.10)red gold(红金,玫瑰金)

The necklace is made from 18K red gold.补充:pure / solid gold(纯金,足金,赤金)

goldsmith(金匠,金器珠宝商)11)red tip on stock market(股票市场的最新情报)

12)red sky(晚霞,彩霞)A red sky at night is indication of fine weather of the following day.A red sky in the morning is the shepherd’s warning.清早天发红,无雨也有风。13)red battle(血战)

A red battle happened in this village.14)red envelope(红包)We can’t go to the banquet without a red envelope.15)red wine(红葡萄酒)

注意:红糖(brown sugar)

红豆(love pea)


1)white lie(善意的谎言)

Some women are good at telling white lies.2)white-collar(白领的)

Not all the white-collar workers have blue blood.3)white elephant(累赘的人或物)

They are white elephants in our institute.4)white day(吉日)

He chose a white day to celebrate the wedding.5)white meat(鸡鱼肉等白色肉类)

White meat is quite cheap in that city.6)white coffee(加奶的咖啡)

I prefer white coffee to black coffee.7)whitesmith(锡匠)

Jack used to be a whitesmith.8)whitewash(粉刷)

This wall has just been whitewashed.9)white room(绝尘室)

There is no white room in the mill.10)white war(经济战争)

Japan has won the white war in the world.11)white wine(白葡萄酒)12)white goods(体积大、单价高的家用电器)

Haier is the world’s 4th largest white goods manufacturer and the most valuable brand in china.13)white money(银币)

14)white sale(大减价,尤其用于床品等白色织物)

We went to the white sale at the department store to buy some new sheets.15)white coal(水力)

We should make full use of white coal.16)the white way(白光大街,指城市中灯光灿烂的商业区)

I was attracted by the white way of this city.4.Blue 1)blue print(蓝图)

The meeting drew the blue print of the nation.2)blue water(海水,大海)

Flying over oceans, you can see blue water.3)blue film(黄色电影)

Blue films are also called pornographic films.4)blue-eyed boy(特别得宠的人,红人)

He is a blue-eyed boy in our firm.5)blue blood(贵族血统)

He was born in a blue blood family.6)a bolt out of the blue(晴天霹雳)

The news of the attack on Pearl Harbor came like a bolt out of the blue.7)blue-pencil(删改)

His essay has been blue-penciled by the editor.8)blue ribbon(第一流的)

Can you program a blue ribbon program? 9)in a blue mood(情绪低落)

Tom is just in a blue mood.10)once in a blue moon(千载难逢的机会)

Such a chance comes once in a blue moon.11)blue-collar(蓝领的)

Some people have no respect for the blue-collar work.12)blue-sky market(露天市场)

Blue-sky markets are popular with those housewives.13)blue-sky bargaining(漫天要价,狮子大开口,指谈判或交易中提出不实际或不合理的要求,使协议无法达成)

14)blue laws(蓝法,指禁止在星期日从事商业交易的美国法律)15)blue-sky law(蓝天法,美国各州为管理股票而制定的股票发行控制法)5.Green 1)green light(绿灯)

He often gives green light to his best friend in the work.2)green peace(绿色和平组织)

Whenever the environment is in danger, Green Peace will make a stand.3)green-eyed(嫉妒的)

Jealousy is the green-eyed monster.4)green grocer(水果商人)

Green grocers make little money.5)green hand(新手)

She is a green hand in computer operation.6)green wound(未愈合的伤口)

Because of his green wound, he stayed at home.7)green brick(砖坯)

Pay attention to the quality of green bricks.8)green house(暖房,温室)

Florists usually work in green houses.9)green room(演员休息室)

A retiring room which is a theater for actors and actresses is called a green room.10)green test(试运转)

Green test may mean idle operation.11)green meat(鲜肉)

green food(绿色食品)

12)green back(美元,因美元背面为绿色)

13)green power(大财团)

14)green stamp(美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名)

15)green card(绿卡)6.Grey 1)grey collar(服务行业的职工)

Laid-off workers can be turned into grey collar.2)grey man(老人)

These days, population of the grey men is rising.3)a grey day(不如意的日子)

A person on a grey day needs some consolation.4)grey brick(青砖)

The dormitory is designed to be made of grey bricks.5)grey market(半黑市)

6)grey area(灰区,指失业严重的地区)7.Yellow 1)yellow steak(胆怯)She has a yellow steak in her.2)yellow journal(黄色刊物)

The police are doing their best to get rid of yellow journals.3)yellow pages(黄页,分类电话簿,指用于查找某个城市或地区一般居民用户电话和地址的电话薄,或按企业性质和产品类别编排的工商电话薄)

4)yellow dog(卑鄙小人,忘恩负义的小人)

It will do good to be on guard against yellow dogs.5)yellow alert(空袭预备警报)

The yellow alert added to the confusion of the city.8.Pink

1)pink slip(解雇职工的通知单)

2)pink girl(单纯、甜美的女孩儿)

英语中常有这么一句话:Pink is always naïve.3)pink tea(午后茶会)

4)in the pink(身体健康)9.Brown 1)brown sugar(红糖)2)brown nose(拍马屁)3)brown rice(糙米)4)brownout(电压降低)

某些颜色形容词的特殊含义 第2篇



在人类语言中, 颜色词语表现出独特魅力。在各民族语言中同一颜色词有时表现出明显的语义差异, 是一种永久的文化现象。例如, 西方文化中的红色 ( red) 主要指鲜血 ( blood) 颜色, 而blood在西方人心目中是奔腾在人体内的“生命之液”。一旦鲜血流淌下来, 生命之花也就凋谢。所以red使西方人联想到“暴力”和“危险”产生了一种颜色禁忌。在中国红色则预示着喜庆, 中国人结婚习惯穿红色衣服。经商的商人们希望“开门红”。经营赚钱了, 大家都来分“红利”。员工的工作出色, 老板发给他“红包”。它又象征革命和进步, 如“红色政权”“红军”, 把政治上要求进步、业务上刻苦钻研的人称为“又红又专”等。这就要求我们把握和探究颜色词语的历史文化涵义, 包括许多俗成和特定的象征意义以及它所承载的文化信息, 从而有效地进行跨文化的言语交际, 不断促进和加强各国人民之间文化的交流与融合, 同时对提高我们的英语翻译水平也大有益处。


古代黑色为天玄, 是一种庄重而严肃的色调, 在中国文化里只有沉重的神秘之感, 由于受西方文化的影响它的象征意义变为复杂。一方面, 它象征严肃、正义, 如传统京剧中的黑色脸谱, 民间传说中的“黑脸”包公; 另一方面, 它它象征邪恶、反动, 如指阴险狠毒的人是“黑心肠”, 不可告人的丑恶内情是“黑幕”, 反动集团的成员是“黑帮”“黑手”, 把统治者为进行政治迫害而开列的持不同政见者的名单称为“黑名单”, 它又表示犯罪、违法, 如称干盗匪行径叫“走黑道”, 称杀人劫货、干不法勾当的客店叫做“黑店”, 违禁的货物交易叫“黑货”“黑市”, 用贪赃受贿等非法手段得来的钱叫“黑钱”等。

黑色 ( black) 是西方文化中的基本禁忌色, 体现了西方人精神上的摈弃和厌恶。它象征死亡、凶兆、灾难, 如 (1) to wear black for her father为她父亲戴孝, (2) Black Mass安灵弥撒, (3) a black letter day凶日, (4) black words不吉利的话;它象征邪恶、犯罪, 如 ( 1) a black deed极其恶劣的行为, ( 2) Black Man邪恶的恶魔, ( 3) blackmail敲诈、勒索, ( 4) black guard恶棍、流氓;它也象征耻辱、不光彩, 如 (1) black sheep败家子, 害群之马, (2) a blackmark污点, ( 3) a black eye丢脸、坏名声, 它还象征沮丧、愤怒, 如 ( 1) blackdog沮丧情绪, ( 2) He gave me a black look, 他怒气冲冲地看着我。 ( 3) Thefuture looks black前途暗淡。black Friday指耶稣在复活前受难的星期五, 是悲哀的日子。英语中的“black”的另一些短语如: “black - hearted” ( 黑心的) 是形容人心肠的阴险狠毒;“black market” ( 黑市) 是指暗中进行非法买卖的市场。a black comedy是所谓的黑色喜剧, 指以悲剧成分为主的悲喜剧。a black sheep指败家子, 害群之马。a black look指很反感、很不赞成的表情。a black mood一般指暂时的, 也可能是反复出现的沮丧心境。有趣的是在商业英语中, in the black有好的意思, 是指经营盈利。in black andwhite就和汉语中的白纸黑字的说法相似, 指以书面形式表示, 见诸文字。同时这个短语也可以指非黑即白的简单是非观, 一般用作贬义。black market非法交易市场; a black letter day不吉祥的日子, 倒霉的一天; black andblue青一块、紫一块; black spot交通事故多发地段, 事故、犯罪焦点; blacklist黑名单; Black Maria囚车、巡警车; black house指军营中的牢房; in somebody’s black books失去某人的宠爱; black ox不幸; black despair大失望;black man恶魔; black coffee不加牛奶或糖的咖啡、诈骗犯; black tea红茶。


蓝色 ( blue) 在中国文化中仅仅是单纯的表示颜色的词而已, 几乎没有什么象征意义。它在西方文化中的象征意义稍多一些。阿斯海姆在评析蓝色时说:“蓝色像水那样清凉”。是“阴性或消极的颜色”。它能象征高贵、高远、深沉、严厉, 如 (1) blue ribbon最高荣誉的标志; ( 2) blue blood名门望族; (3) blue laws严格的法规; (4) blue nose严守教规的卫道士; 它又象征忧郁、沮丧, 如 (1) a blue outlook悲观的人生观; (2) feel blue不高兴; (3) blue Monday不开心的星期一; ( 4) Things look blue事不称心; ( 5) a blue fit表示不满、震惊或气愤; (6) Mary failed to pass the examination, and she was ina blue mood. 玛丽考试不及格, 所以很忧郁。它也象征猥亵、下流, 如 ( 1) blue revolution“性解放”, ; ( 2) blue movie色情电影; ( 3) blue talk下流言论;它还有突然迅速的意思, 如 (1) have the blue晴天劈雳; (2) out of the blue突爆冷门; (3) blue streak一闪即逝的东西。此外, blue在英语中与其它词汇搭配还有另外的意义, 如: a blue moon千载难逢的机会; out of blue意想不到的;drink till all's blue一醉方休。


粉红色 ( pink) 是红色的一种变异, 可以将其视为红色的一种应合或复归。在中国文化中, 粉红色又叫桃花色。粉红色 ( 桃色) 可以象征女性, 如白居易《长恨歌》中有:“回眸一笑百媚生, 六宫粉黛无颜色”, 青年男子把心爱的女子称为“红颜知已”。以桃花与女人相比, 唐代诗人崔护写下“人面桃花相映红”的诗句, 究其根由, 是女子为修饰自己而施用粉红色胭脂, 脸色白中透红, 可与美丽的桃花相比之故。称男女之间不正当的性关系为“桃色事件”。在西方文化中, 粉红色象征精华, 极致, 如 ( 1) the pink of politeness十分彬彬有礼; 它又象征上流; ( 2) the pink of perfection十全十美的东西或人。如 (1) pink tea上流社交活动; (2) pink lady高格调鸡尾酒; (3) apink - collar worker高层次女秘书。


由于中西的历史变迁, 文化传统和风俗习惯, 思维方式和表达方式, 心理因素, 政治制度, 自然条件和生活条件各方面的不同之处, 颜色词所承载的信息和意义也不同, 体现了中西文化的差异。颜色词作为语言的一部分既是人类情绪和感受的体现, 又承载着深刻的文化信息。不同文化之间颜色象征意义又都是在社会的沉淀中约定俗成的, 是一种永久性的文化现象。它们能够使语言更生动、有趣、幽默、亲切, 所以我们应该予以足够的注意。


[1]苏新春.文化语言学教程[M].北京:外语教学研究出版社, 2006, 4.

[2]苑逸飞, 季明平.英语颜色词的社会文化意义分析.郑州大学学报, 1997, 3.

[3]杨柳.文化差异与翻译的求同存异[J].南京工程学院学报, 2005, 2 (5) .

[4]邓炎昌, 刘润清.语言与文化[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1989.

某些名词复数的特别含义 第3篇

1. air空气 airs做作的姿态,架子,装腔作势

2. arm手臂 arms武器;兵器

3. ash灰 ashes骨灰,遗骸

4. brain脑 brains(供食用的)动物脑髓;脑力,智力;聪明的人

5. custom风俗 customs海关

6. drawer抽屉 drawers衬裤

7. drink饮料 drinks(英国英语)酒宴,酒会

8. effect影响;结果 effects(个人)财产,所有物,财物

9. force力量 forces部队,军队

10. glass玻璃 glasses眼镜

11. good好处 goods货物;商品

12. green绿色;绿色的 greens(装饰用的)绿叶;蔬菜

13. ground地面 grounds理由

14. iron铁 irons脚镣;手铐

15. letter字母;信 letters文学;学问;证书

16. line线 lines台词

17. look脸色 looks面容;外表,外貌

18. manner方式 manners礼貌;规矩;风俗

19. pain痛苦 pains辛苦

20. paper纸;纸张 papers论文;文件;试卷;报纸

21. part部分;parts才华

22. rag破布 rags破衣服

23. sand沙 sands沙滩,沙洲,沙地;生涯,寿命

24. sky天空 skies领域

25. snow雪 snows雪堆

26. time时间 times时代;时势;境况;次数

27. water水 waters水域;海域

28. wood木材 woods森林,树林

29. word单词;话 words口角

30. work工作 works著作;工厂;工事


Let’s go out for some fresh air.咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。

I hate the way she puts on airs.我不喜欢她那装腔作势的样子。

They walked along arm in arm.他们臂挽着臂一路走着。

arms and ammunition武器与弹药 food and drink食物与饮料

Would you like to come for drinks on Sunday?星期天来参加酒宴好吗?

a sheet of glass一片玻璃 a glass bottle玻璃瓶

a pair of glasses一副眼镜 dark glasses墨镜

She was dressed all in green.她全身绿装。

green hills青葱翠绿的山丘

Eat up your greens.把你那份蔬菜都吃了吧。

“A”is the first letter of the alphabet. A是字母表的第一个字母。

a small letter小写字母 thank?鄄you letter感谢信

a man of letters文人

He felt a sharp pain in his chest.他感到胸一阵巨痛。

No pains,no gains.不劳则无获。 a piece(sheet)of paper一张纸

His desk was covered with books and papers.他的办公桌上全是书籍和文件。

a grain of sand一粒沙子 golden sands金色沙滩

the sands of a man’s life人的寿命,毕生的岁月

It’s time for lunch.午餐时间到了。

The times are different.时代不同了。

上一篇:一年级数学下册 整十数加、减整十数 4教案 苏教版下一篇:外贸公司英文面试