


Lesson 第1篇

英语Lesson 9 到Lesson 12单元测试试题


从以下三个选项中,找出与不同颜色部分意思最接近的选项,Lesson 9 -Lesson 12 单元测试。

1. Look! Over there, that’s Lily, a new student.

A. 越过那头B. 在那边C. 那边上方

2. They are in Row 2.

A. 第二排 B. 两排 C. 两排之间

3. Here you are.

A. 你在这B. 这里有你C. 给你

4. You must look after your watch.

A. 照看、保管B. 看看C. 往后看

答案:1.B 2. A 3. C 4. A



1. They are _____ classmates

A. we B. our C. me D. you

2. A: Hello, Li Lei, who are they?

B: _______ is Lily, and ______ is Lucy.

A. It, it B. This, it C. This, this D. It, this

3. I can’t find the broom. Can you _____ it?

A. see B. look at C. look D. see at

4. A: What _______ see in the picture?

B: I can see a bed.

A. I can B. you can C. can I D. can you

5. This is ______ skirt.

A. my B. mine C. me D. I

6. A: _______ that man?

B: He is Ann’s father.

A. Whose B. Who’s C. Which D. What’s

7. A map of China is _______ the wall.

A. behind B. at C. on D. in

8. Look at that hat! I think it’s _______

A. of Lucy B. her C. Lucy D. Lucy’s

9. A: What’s _______ ?

B: It’s ten o’clock.

A. this time B. a time C. time D. the time

10. Our bedroom ______ very big.

A. aren’t B. not is C. isn’t D. am not

11. I get up _________ every day.

A. at five to seven B. six o’clock C. at ten and eight D. nine half

答案:1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. C 11. A

三 阅读短文,判断正(A),误(B)。

My name is Gao Hui. I am twenty-three. I teach (教书) in No.8 Middle School. I am an English teacher. In my class, I have forty students, nineteen girls and twenty-one boys. We have 4 classes a week (一周). I love my students.

Lucy and Lily are new students. They are twin sisters. They look the same. They are American. They are eleven. Han Mei is their good friend. She often (经常) looks after them.

( ) 1. Lucy is English.

( ) 2. Lucy and Lily are American girls.

( ) 3. They are twins and they look the same.

( ) 4. Gao Hui is an English teacher.

( ) 5. The twin sisters often look after Han Mei.

答案:1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B


阅读短文,并从四个选项中,选择正确的答案,英语试题《Lesson 9 -Lesson 12 单元测试》。


My name is Jim Green. I 1 a student. I am in Class Two, Grade One 2 No. 8 Middle School. I have a sister. 3 name is Kate.

Look! This is 4 old picture of my family. You can 5 my father, my mother and my brother. We look very happy (高兴). Kate is 6 a blue coat. Here is a cat, and 7 a Chinese cat. 8 name is Miaomiao.

( ) 1. A. is B. are C. be D. am

( ) 2. A. in B. at C. on D. near

( ) 3. A. She B. He C. Her D. His

( ) 4. A. a B. / C. an D. the

( ) 5. A. see B. watch C. read D. look

( ) 6. A. behind B. at C. in D. on

( ) 7. A. it B. it’s C. It’s D. It

( ) 8. A. It B. Its C. Is D. It’s


We live in the “computer age (时代)”. People, like scientists, teachers, and even students use computers to do 1 work. But more than 30 years ago, 2 couldn’t do much. They were very big and expensive. Very 3 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 4 . Since they are useful, many people like to use them, even at home.

Computers 5 very important because they can work 6 than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can 7 people do a lot of work. Writers use computers to write. Teachers use them to teach and students use them to study. Computers can also remember what you put 8 them. Computers are very 9 . They are our good friends. Do you want to 10 a computer?

( ) 1. A all kinds of B. many C. much D. a lot

( ) 2. A. teachers B. students C. computers D. TV

( ) 3. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

( ) 4. A. cheaper B. cheap C. expensive D. more expensive

( ) 5. A. is becoming B. becomes C. become D. has become

( ) 6. A. quickly B. quick C. fast D. faster

( ) 7. A. help B. tell C. ask D. stop

( ) 8. A. on B. into C. up D. to

( ) 9. A. heavy B. careful C. beautiful D. helpful

( ) 10. A. lend B. pay C. have D. sell


A:1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. 8. B

B: 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C


1. Jim has a big f_mily.

2. The balls are u_der the desk.

3. A: What’s on the wall?

B: There are two m_ ps.

4. This is a picture of our cl_ssr_ _m.

5. A: Thanks very much.

B: You’re w_ _c_ me.

答案:1. family 2. under 3. maps 4. classroom 5. welcome

Lesson 第2篇

To master the dialogues of asking for and giving directions.

●Teaching Aids

Tape recorder , map and multi-media projector

●Teaching Focus

Asking for directions: Is there a bank near here?

Where’s the nearest hospital, please?

Giving directions: Go along this road.

Take the first turning on the right.

It’s about a hundred meters along on the left.

It’s about 6 kilometers away.

Expressing needs: He needs some help.

You take a number 16 bus.

Which number do I take?

You’d better (not) ask sb. for sth.

●Teaching procedures

I. Organizing the class

Greetings and duty report

II. Revision

Revise the ways of asking for and giving directions in a simple way.

III. Leading-in

The teacher asks several students the directions to some places near school, using different ways of asking for directions. Ask somebody to give directions.

Excuse me. Where’s the People’s Hospital?

Could you tell me the way to Beijing zoo, please?

Is there a Macdonald’s near here?

IV. Practice

1. Show ways of asking for and giving directions on a flashcard.

Asking for directions:

1) How do I get to …, please?

2) Where is … , please?

3) Where’s the nearest…, please?

4) Is there a …, near here?

5) Could you tell me the way to …, please?

6) Give me directions to … , please.

7) Please tell me how to get to …, please.

8) Could you tell me how I can get to …, please?

Giving directions:

1) Go/walk along/down this road.

2) Take the first turning on the right.

3) Turn right at the second crossing.

4) It’s outside/next to /in front of…

5) It’s about a hundred meters along on the left.

6) It’s about six kilometers away.

2. Group work: Work in groups to ask for and give directions.

3. Act out.

V. Listen and read

1. Listen and read through the dialogues.

2. Get students to practise the dialogues in the book.

3. Use a map to ask students to practise asking for and giving directions.

VI. Exercises in class

1. A: Excuse me. Which is the _____ to East Park, please?

B: Let me see. Er, walk _____ this road and _____ right. Go _____ until you _____ end. You’ll find the park in front of you.

2. A: Excuse me. Can you give me _____ to the post office, please?

B: Sure. Go _____ this street and ______ right. Then you’ll see a tall building. That’s the _____, and it’s between the zoo ____ the fruit shop. You can’t ____ it.

A: Is it _____ from here?

B: No, it’s quite near. It’s only _____ you about 10 minutes if you walk there.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: You’re welcome.

VII. Assignment

Make a dialogue asking for and giving directions.

Blackboard Design

Lesson 22

know the way take the …, turning

need some help a hundred metres along …away

ask… for help

★ 九年级英语上学期Lesson 5 教案

★ book是虾米作文

★ Lesson 92 教学设计方案

★ Lesson 90 教学设计方案

★ 高二unit8 Lesson 29

★ lesson的用法和例句

★ 初三上学期英语教案Lesson 17(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

★ 7上教案6

★ My favorite book小学英语作文

Lesson 第3篇

大家好, 今天我说课的内容是河北教育出版社出版的Learning English Student Book3 UNIT3 Lesson 18 CATS ANDDOGS, 主要学习cat, dog, goat, sheep, cow, pig, duck等新词以及了解以上各动物的叫声。本单元的教学内容都是围绕Animals展开的。


这套教材的设置, 主要是以学生为中心, 以主要人物的活动为主要线索, 以日常生活中最为常用的英语词汇、句型、交际会话为中心, 使教学内容逐步展开。不仅符合了中小学生的年龄、心理特征, 而且也具备很强的科学性。这一套教材汇集了大量的语言信息, 不仅贴近学生的生活实际, 而且还对西方一些国家的文化背景有所描述。本节教材是将LESSON 17的词汇和LESSON 18的词汇进行了整合, 通过新词感知句子.What is it?以及It′s a...What are they?They are...What can they do?为下节课的教学打下基础。


(一) 知识目标

使学生听、说、读、写的单词。cat, dog, goat, sheep, cow, pig, duck, chicken。初步感知What is it?It’s...What are they?They are...What can they do?They can...等句子, 学生能够听懂并理解其意思。

(二) 能力目标

能听懂2 let′s sing a song中的指令并作出相应的动作。能够听、说、读、认句型并在一定的情景中正确应用, 最终培养学生灵活应用所学的知识进行交流的能力。

(三) 情感目标

提高学生的观察能力, 认真模仿的良好习惯和主动竞争学习的意识, 培养学生合作交流的能力。树立学生学习英语的自信心, 提高学生的英语口语表达能力和交际能力, 激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 培养学生热爱动物, 热爱大自然的良好感情。


教学重点:本课的教学重点是新词cat, dog, goat, sheep, cow, pig, duck, chicken.

教学难点:依据以上对教学内容和教学目标的分析以及小学生的认识规律和英汉语言的差异, 培养学生合作学习的能力, 同时培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 树立自信心。难点是个别单词的复数形式。




在这一节课上, 针对小学生好奇、好胜、好动的特征, 主要采取了任务型教学方法, 以模仿为主, 以活动合作的方式为主线, 让学生在一种游戏的状态下, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与合作等方式来掌握课堂所学, 从而也改变了以往教师满堂灌的教学模式。


(一) Warm-up歌曲导入, 激发学生学习的兴趣

在warm-up的时候我首先让学生欣赏歌曲“old MacDonald had farm”这是一首经久不衰的英文歌曲, 同时配上在农场的一幅教学挂图。这样就很好地渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。

(二) free talk, 促进语言实际运用能力提高

如果学生在一个相对平等和自由的氛围中, 其思维是相对放松的, 敢想、敢说, 教师在这一个环节中要充分体现引导者的角色, 让学生在正确的引导下, 尽可能地表现自己。同时在这一节环节中我与学生进行了朋友式的回话。Hello!Boys and girls, it′s time for class.Are you ready?What is it?It′s a horse.Do you like riding a horse?Yes.Ok.Now let′s ride the horse and go to the farm.这样不仅复习了旧知识, 还渲染了学习英语的良好氛围。呈现本课新知识最终达到合作互动。

在呈现新词时, 我注意了小学生形象思维较好的特点, 通过对比、听音、看动作等不同的方式引出新词, 给学生以深刻的第一印象。游戏所带来的乐趣会使每一位参与者保持一种积极的心态。游戏是儿童学习的一种重要途径, 也是激发学生学习兴趣的最佳方法。因此, 在操练时, 我进行了“listen, point and repeat”听音, 指词, 跟读。“look and guess”看口形, 猜单词这样能让全班同学都参与的学习。

Let′s chant.Let′s chant是小学生非常喜欢的活动。此时我先将自己编好的Let′s chant展现在学生面前让他们做动作或者发出可爱的动物的叫声, 让学生在紧张的课堂中学会自我放松。Let’s chant.Where is my cat?Here am I.Where is my dog?Here am I.Where is my duck?Here am I.Where is chicken?Here am I.之后让学生自己编写一个自己喜爱的Let′s chant。让学生读出自己写的。互相评价看谁写得好, 给予奖励。最后在“Let′s sing a song”中愉快结束本课。


在这节课上, 不仅呈现出了新知识, 而且游戏的设计也紧紧地抓住了学生的兴趣点, 吸引了学生的注意, 达到了让学生在玩中学, 学中玩的目的。从而, 课堂的教学效率提高了。


Lesson 第4篇

The topic of this class is “buying tickets”, and in this lesson, the teacher uses some techniques we could learn and refer. In the classroom, the seats shape like a horseshoe, therefore it is convenient for the interaction between students and teachers. The students are active and take part in the activities during class positively.

During the class time, the teacher uses the board effectively. At the beginning of the class, they ask students where can people buy tickets, then she writes down their answers and add her opinions on the board. The teacher uses the board for note pad, which can show students the knowledge they have already known and they have not seen before. After the conversation about buying tickets finished, the teacher uses the OHP to check students’ answers as a quick way to get feedback, which saves much time to teach more knowledge points. For example, the teacher uses OHP to show questions, ask learners to answer and tick the right ones. When students have a discussion, she just walks around, takes notes and writes some key words on board.

Lesson 第5篇




Step 1 Leading-in

(学生活动)展示图片,让学生表达图片中的人正在干什么:What are they doing? 引入本课的学习。

Step 2 Ask and answer


Step 3 Read and act

(录像演示)播放Lesson 93对话的`情景演示,Answer What is Li Lei drawing?


Step 4 Presentation

图片展示,告诉学生Now it’s Wednesday. What did the students do on Monday?


A: What was Li Lei drawing when the teacher came in?

B: He was drawing an elephant.



Step 5 Practice


What was Han Mei drawing when the teacher came in?

What was she drawing on?


What was/were Lucy and Lily/the boy/… doing yesterday morning when it rained heavily?

Step 6 Presentation

通过展示Li Lei昨天某些时间段内进行的动作,教学过去进行时的用法。

A: What was Li Lei doing at half past nine yesterday morning?

B: He was reading.

让学生用其它的时间进行练习,并可用其他的人作替换练习,如:Han Mei

Step 7 Ask and answer

(学生活动)Get the students to ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Step 8 Practice


The man was selling the fruit.

The boys were playing basketball.

Answer these questions:

1. What was the man in the building doing?

2. What were the man by the lake doing?

3. What was the man in the park doing?

4. What were the girls doing? What were the boys doing?

Step 9 Practice


Step 10 Exercise

Fill in the blanks with proper tenses:

1. While I_________(peel) potatoes, I_________(cut) my thumb.

2.We just________(go) out when some friends________(call) to see us.

3. When he was a child he_________(live) in the country.

4. While Judy and I ________ (wash) up, she ________ (ask) me to be quiet as our neighbors________(sleep).


Step 11 Homework

1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Do exercises on page 117 in Lesson 95 WB.

3. Do exercises on page 115 in Lesson 93 WB.

Lesson 13 第6篇

lesson 13 class opening1. greeting.2. duty report.3. play “draw and guess”.4. watch and guess.the teacher does some actions (singing, talking, eating, drinking, crying ) and asks the students to guess what am i doing?quiet , play with, joinstep1: presentationshow a picture in which some children are playing games.teacher: what are the children doing now?students: they are playing games.teacher: who are they playing with?students: with their friends.teacher: do you want to join them?students: yes, i do.step2: practice1. drillteacher: can i join you?students: can i join you?teacher: do you want to join the game?students: do you want to join the game?2. books closed! ask some questions : what is danny doing? what is the baby doing? listen to the audiotape.3. check the answers.4. play the audiotape again as the students follow in their books.5. practice the dialogue.6. make up a similar dialogue.class closing1. finish off the activity book.2. practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. preview lesson 14.

Lesson 42 第7篇

Teaching aims:

1. Let the students get the main idea of this passage.

2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

3. Let the students understand the importance of planting trees.

Language Focus:

keep … from doing something, stop … from doing something, the more, the better.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

1. Check the students’ homework. Ask some students to tell how to plant a tree.

2. Let the students use “should” and “must” to make sentences.

III. Leading in

Ask the students to look at the pictures and tell the students that it’s about the Great Wall, There are many trees - forest just like a wall to protect something. Ask: Do you know why the Great Green Wall was built? Give the students a few minutes to discuss. Then collect their information. Then say : Your opinions are very good. Some are right, but they are not enough or exact. Shall we find the answer from the text?

Get the students to read it quickly, and see who can find the answer first.

IV. Reading

Open the wordbook, Look at Exercise I and ask the students to remember the questions in their mind. Then read the passage again, but more carefully. Do Exercise I individually first, then work in pairs, at last check the answers with the whole class.

V. Practice

Listen to the tape, pay attention to the stress and intonation. Listen again and read the passage after the tape sentence by sentence, then let the students practise reading by themselves. While they are reading, the teacher may ask some questions.

VI. Teaching Language Focus

Let the students grasp the following phrases and notes.

1. stop… from doing something

She stopped me from telling the secret to her parents.

We must stop him from doing such a thing.

2. among the young tree

“Among” is used for more than two; “Between” is used for two .

3. The more, the better

4. Point to, Point at

VIII. Workbook

Do Exercise 2 in class. “The answers are: 1. prevent 2. desert 3. towards 4. farmland 5. among 6. direct 7. flood

Do Exercise 3 in class. The answers are: built, across, long, wide, from, sand, towards, farmland.

IX. Consolidation

Get the students to ask and answer questions according to the text. Let them really to

understand the passage, then ask them to retell it.

X. Summary

Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks with the right form.

1. China has built a new Great Green Wall across the ___________ part of the country. ( north)

2. It’ a “Great Green Wall of trees”,__________( thousand) of trees.

3. The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from___________(blow) the south .

4. The more, the___________(better) .

5. We grow our own food, too. ___________to the Great Green Wall. ( thank)

XI. Homework

Lesson 第8篇


1. 教材的地位和作用

本课的中心话题是谈论衣服, 通过对该日常生活话题的谈论, 使学生掌握与之相关的单词、句型, 并能够在实际生活中运用。

本课共分三部分。第一部分是用表示衣服的单词dress/coat/hat来回答What is it?这个句子。第二部分是训练Is it big or small?这个选择疑问句。第三部分是Ms.Liu和Danny, Jenny的对话, 通过该对话让学生掌握本课的重点句型Whose____is this?和It′s too big/small for sb.

2. 教学目标

(1) 知识目标:学生要牢记所有新学单词、短语及句型;熟练掌握对话内容, 为实现自如讲英语奠定基础。

(2) 技能目标:能够灵活写出和衣服话题相关的短语, 如a big sweater/a new shirt;能够灵活使用本课所学句型;能听懂录音, 能听懂师生之间就本课内容而展开的一切形式的对话, 同时, 会和别人展开对话。

综上, 就是学生要在听、说、读、写诸方面都得到提高。

(3) 情感目标:学生要爱学英语、爱说英语、想说英语, 对英语学习投以极大的兴趣和热情。

(4) 学习策略目标:充分利用多媒体、图片、实物、录音机等教具, 力求让学生在具体、形象的情境中感知并牢记英语基础知识, 并使之积极主动地投入到语言实践中去。

(5) 文化意识目标:让学生了解日常用品的英文表达, 并将所学知识和日常生活联系起来, 从而体会学习英语的重要性、实用性。

3. 教学重点

(1) 掌握和熟练运用所学词汇和重点句型Whose____is this?It′too big/small for sb.

(2) 指导学生口头熟练表达就衣服这一话题而展开的对话内容。

4. 教学难点

(1) 句型Whose____is this?及其对应的复数句、同义句 (包括复数句的同义句) 和它们各自的回答方式。

(2) 学生在日常生活中真正开口讲英语。


对于本节课的课堂教学活动, 我遵循了“以学生为主体, 以老师为主导, 以训练为主线”的“三为主”的教育教学理念。按照本课的内容, 同时, 根据七年级学生的学习现状及其认知特点, 我以诱导的方法教授给学生语言知识, 并创设情境进行训练, 最终使之转变为他们的语言技能。这也恰恰是新课程标准的要求。


1. 教授学生新单词和新句型

在此过程中, “读”起着相当重要的作用。老师先领读数遍, 再让学生齐读两遍, 并且给同学们恰当的时间, 让他们当堂就记住本课的新单词和新句型。这是学生从事听、说、读、写的基础。

2. 听录音

听录音是英语学习的重要方法, 也是课堂教学的重要步骤。在听中可以感知, 可以模仿。

3. 指导学生展开情景对话

在完成课本三部分的教学内容后, 就要指导学生进行自主地对话。在对话时不受课文内容和顺序的限制, 师生完全可以根据当时的实际情景及思路进行创造性地交流。这种教法是实现语言知识向语言技能转变的必经之路。

4. 学生表演

叫几对学生在教室前面表演, 对他们进行鼓励, 随后对每组对话进行评价、指正。这是深化课堂教学的重要举措。

5. 采用了多媒体、挂图、实物等教具

在整个教学活动中, 我还采用了多媒体、挂图、实物等教具, 这些教具的使用对顺利开展教学活动起到了很好的辅助作用。



1. 科学储备大量语言知识

对于中国学生特别是刚处于积累基础知识的七年级学生来说, 只有掌握准确的语言知识, 熟知语法规则, 才能就某个话题熟练地展开对话、交流, 也才能切实提高同学们的听、说、读、写这些基本技能。否则的话, “巧妇难为无米之炊”, 再好的方法也就成了“空中楼阁”。当然, 同学们识记语言知识时也要注意方法。

2. 养成听的习惯

学生要经常听录音, 听老师讲英语, 听同学们讲英语, 这对学好英语大有裨益。

3. 积极操练, 重在口头

在课堂上, 学生要积极参与教师设计的每个教学活动, 要大胆开口, 创造性地说自己想说的话, 课后和其他同学及时地用英语进行交流。只有这样, 才能将书本知识变成自己的知识和自己的语言能力;也只有这样, 才能实现脱口说英语的目的。

4. 及时巩固, 反复记忆

凡教师在课堂上讲的语言重点、难点, 学生应及时整理, 再次认识并积极运用。对前面已学过的内容, 学生要有安排地经常复习。否则常常是学了新的, 忘了旧的。


1. 复 (习) 旧 (课) 导 (入) 新 (课) 阶段

教师和学生进行简单的问候, 如:

Ss:Good morning, teacher!

T:Good morning, class!

利用多媒体出示毛衣和衬衫的图片, 来顺势引出本节课。之后, 让同学们齐声朗读上节课所学的单词, 并纠正同学们读错的地方, 如:skirt中字母k的读音要浊化。因为上一课所学内容仍以“衣服”为话题, 故再用课件图片引出本课内容, 即Lesson 14:Dress and Hat

2. 熟悉语言阶段

(1) 出示课件中的图片, 教授学生新单词dress, hat, coat, big, small, whose, see, too.学生识记住单词之后, 对too的用法进行讲解。

(2) 句型教学

教授本课三个主要句型, 先以问答形式复习巩固前两个句型What is it?Is it big or small?再重点教授学生第三个句型:Whose__is this?

(3) 利用课文中的图片及实物、录音机完成本课第一、二部分的教学。

为了检验学生结合新旧知识的能力, 老师将下列短语用汉语说出:a big sweater a smal shirt a new dress an old hat让学生在练习本上写, 然后叫一名学生到黑板上写出来, 对其进行指正。

最后让学生听两遍第一、二部分的录音, 以训练他们的听力。

(4) 完成本课第三部分的教学。

a.叫两名学生分角色朗读对话, 让大家初步了解对话内容。

b.听录音, 让大家判断所叫学生朗读时的语音语调是否准确。



3. 情景交际阶段

老师按照上面教法、学法中的交际方式要求学生就本课所学句型进行自由对话, 老师巡回指导。

4. 巩固验收阶段

这一阶段仍然与前面教法、学法相对应, 叫学生分别表演, 其他同学听, 老师进行鼓励, 并对其对话进行指正。

5. 小结本课内容, 布置作业

6. 教学效果预测


