


有关幸运的英文演讲稿 第1篇

Today, is my most lucky day. Just to the school, there is a feeling of excitement to squeeze into the chest. But there is a kind of worry, afraid the badly. I bring the transcript! When you come into our school, the students or the original sample, dozen dozen, the alarm, crazy. I quietly sat on a seat, waiting for their results. After a while, the teacher came. My heart will jump out. At the result, I was not satisfied with my performance. Because I score is only 286, certainly not. Clipping voting began, I sadly around, clip is too bad, I dont good-looking! I look around and find people more place to see others cut and paste. GeHongYan clip good good-looking! She wrote a lot of feelings in a notebook, is a beautiful statement! Is a talented woman! Vote, I vote for her, she must be a champion! Unexpectedly, I... Turns out to be... At that moment, I was so excited. Ive got a lovely testimonials, also get the lovely prize, but...

I didnt get the first exam score...

In the next semester, I hope I can do better.

有关幸运的英文演讲稿 第2篇

a century ago, people celebrated the invention of such rapid equipment for transportation, which could take us to wherever we want. Yet now, particularly in urban areas, the automobile is more of a trouble as its abundance results in frequent traffic jams. Drivers in the second picture even fall asleep when trapped in this “disaster”.

Traffic jams have long been a problem that preoccupies many metropolitan cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Beijing. The harm and loss they cost are incalculable. First and foremost, they waste a huge amount of people’s time passed waiting idly in their cars. Secondly, cars in traffic jams produce more exhaust that exacerbates air pollution. Most importantly, a severe traffic jam might results in the dysfunction of a whole city, which can affect residents’ life as well as businesses and industries. In my opinion, it is an urgent task to reduce the frequency of traffic jams. The first step should be to change people’s lifestyles fundamentally so that the car is no longer part and parcel of their everyday life. Governments also need to apply attractive measures to draw citizens to adopt means of public transportation, for instance, to reduce prices and improve relevant facilities. In short, the cease of traffic jams will largely ameliorate life quality in cities.

有关幸运的英文演讲稿 第3篇

1 直译意译并举,关键在于理解

例1书名:Information Sources in Medical Sciences[1]

副标题:life in the 21st Century A Vision for all




例2 Glossary of terms used in the“Health for All”[2]


例3书名:on being in charge——AGuide to management in primary Health Care[3]



2 有关名词的汉译

例1 Legislative Action to Combat the World Tobacco Epidemic[4]


例2书名:Nutrition Learning Packages[5]




packaging with plastics塑料包装

例3 Safety measures for use in outbreak of Communicable disease


3 有关Exposure的译法

exposure一词常见于预防医学书刊中,有pollen exposure,inhalation exposure,chemical exposure,pollution exposure,radiation exposure,exposure to harmful contaminant等等。在世界卫生组织(WHO)出版的Environmental Health Criteria 214(Human Exposure Assessment)一书中,有一段解释如下:

Exposure is defined as contact over time and space between a person and one or more biologic,chemical or physical agents.



例1 People are exposed to a variety of potential harmful agents in the air they breathe,the liquid they drink,the food they eat,the surfaces they touch and the products they use.An important aspect of public health protection is the prevention or reduction of exposures to environmenta agents that contribute,either directly or indirectly,to increased rates of premature death,disease,discomfort or disability.However…


例2 Exposure assessment is to identify and define the exposures that occur,or are anticipated to occur,in human population.


例3 Health Effects of Pollen Exposure[6]


例4 Chronic arsenic exposure from drinking water(groundwater)was associated with increased incidence of skin lesions,even at low levels of arsenic exposure(<100mug/L).[7]


例5 High exposures to dioxin in the workplace pose an cancer risk.The new study finds that people who sustained high exposures over the years were 1.6 times as likely to die of cancer as coworkers with low exposures.


4 结语



[1]Information Sources in Medical Sciences.Geneva:World Health Organization,1984

[2]Glossary of terms used in the“Health for All”.Geneva:World Health Organization.1984

[3]Rosemary McMahon,Elizabeth Barton,Maurice Piot.On being in charge—A guide to management inprimary health care.2nd ed.Geneva:World HealthOrganization.1992

[4]Ruth Roemer,Legislative Action to Combatthe World Tobacco Epidemic.2nd ed.Geneva:WorldHealthOrganization.1993

[5]Nutrition Learning Packages.Geneva:World Health Organization,1989

[6]Health Effects of Pollen Exposure.Geneva:World Health Organization,1986

有关防晒的英文表达 第4篇

1. Can you pass me the sun block? 能不能把防晒油递给我?

在防晒护肤品的瓶子上都有一个SPF的标识,它是Sun Protection Factor 的缩写,意思就是防晒指数。SPF值越高,防晒时间越长。防晒SPF值×15=防晒的时间(分钟);如果你要旅游,可以使用SPF20左右的防晒品。在高原烈日下活动或去海滩游泳,则至少要用SPF30的防晒品。记得防晒霜要在出门前30分钟涂哦!此外,一顶帽子或是一把遮阳伞(sunshade)也可以帮你挡住热辣的阳光。

2. You might get sunburned if you stay in strong sunlight for a long time. 如果在强烈的阳光下呆得太久,你可能会被晒伤的。

“晒伤”就是sunburn,这个词既可作动词也可以作名词用。万一晒伤也没关系,这里有几个小诀窍,可以帮你改善一下皮肤。You can use certain kinds of vegetables and fruits. 用黄瓜的切片或者去皮的芦荟涂一涂晒伤的皮肤。黄瓜片可以让你感到清凉,芦荟还能起到消炎的作用。如果皮肤晒得脱皮,千万不要用手撕,可以用毛巾包着冰块冷敷一下,你会感觉好多了。

3. You have a nice suntan. 你晒的很棒。

与节日有关的英文演讲稿 第5篇

The Double Ninth Festival

The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Chong Yang Festival, a traditional festival in China. The celebrating activities are various and romantic, including climbing mountains, appreciating chrysanthemums, wearing dogwoods, eating the Chong Yang cake and so on. “Nine” has the same pronunciation as the Chinese character “jiu” which stands for ”a long time”, and is the biggest single figure. Therefore it indicts longevity. There have been a lot of poems and works celebrating the Chong Yang Festival and praising chrysanthemums since ancient times. People also believe that climbing mountains can expel bad luck, and indicates “climbing to a higher position” and “longevity”. China designates the ninth day of the ninth month as Senior‘s Day, which combines tradition with modern times subtly to turn it into a festival for respecting , caring about, loving, and helping the elderly people.

有关幸运的英文演讲稿 第6篇

A word that has changed the world Do you remember the famous speech delivered by Martin Luther King? I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” His dream is to abolish the racial discrimination, and finally, thanks to his dream, the situation has been greatly improved, we can see it from American president Obama.So, if there is a word that has actually changed the world, I think the word “dream” will be the one.I bet everyone is familiar with the word “American dream”.Do you remember the movie Forrest Gump? “Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get”.I believe many of you have been inspired by this story.Thanks to his dream, we begin to see our lives in a different way, and because of “Amercan dream”, our cultural, economical, and social life have changed.And think about how the word “dream” has changed our daily life.November 11th is a special day, humm? I’m not talking about the Bachelor Day, I mean the Online Shopping Day.Jack Ma’s dream is realise common people’s dream of starting business and making money, and thanks to his dream, we can enjoy the convenience of buying things at home without caring about the regional limitation.How about the smart phone? How about the i-phone? People are obsessed with them.Steve Jobs’ dream is to transform phones into computers, and thanks to his dream, our communication way has changed, our information-acquired way has changed, and even our learning strategy has changed.According to examples aboue, we can see the amazing power of dream.Thanks to dream, we can be brave like Martin Luther King, and thanks to dream, we can be ambitious as Jack Ma, and thanks to dream, we can be innovative as Steve jobs.And thanks to their dreams, the world has been changed.Finally, let me end my speech with a famous actor’s word: A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.Thank you!

有关端午节的英文演讲2022 第7篇

Our hometown is wrapped in zongzi like this: first, fold two leavestogether, then put a layer of mixed glutinous rice on it, then put a layer ofmung bean kernels, then put a layer of pickled fatty pork, finally put a layerof mung bean kernels and glutinous rice on each, roll up the leaves and tie therope. A big zongzi will be wrapped!

Dragon boat races will also be held in our hometown. A drum came, “ dragonboat is coming! ” I said excitedly to my mother. People cheered, “ come on, comeon. ” this scene is really busy!

有关幸运的英文演讲稿 第8篇

Korea's housing market turned bullish after the government announced a set of measures in early April to prop up the nation's faltering real estate market.

For the fi rst time this year, home transactions in Korea ROSE last month from a year earlier.The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said Friday that provisional fi gures show that nearly70-thousand houses saw new owners last month, up more than8-and-a-half percent from April last year.The most notable increase came in the area of Seoul where home transactions jumped almost20 percent to around 30-thousand.

The property cycle follows a predictable pattern as sure as nigh follows day.This pattern reveals three distinct phases being Boom followed by Slump followed by Recovery before the next Boom commences etc The property cycle (unimpeded) will always follows this pattern so a Boom cannot precede another Boom without fi rst experiencing a Slump followed by a Recovery before the next Boom can arrive.


This paper is about the analysis of the relationship between Korea house purchase price index and four main variables mentioned above Therefore two were run in order to understand which model is the best fi t model to analyze their relationships over the period January 2000–January 2013.which consist of 157 observations for each variable.

Model 1


As can be seen from table 2, this model explains a large proportion of the variance, in fact is equal to 0.84.But not all the variables of the model are statistically significant since the p-values of housing bonds and month rent are greater than the level of significance considered (5%) .So we reject the null hypothesis We can see that 1%increase in yields of national housing bonds will change+0.0036%housing purchase price index.Similarly1%growth in monthly rent for housing will change by+0.0026%hppi, which is not so obvious effect.Moreover, an increase of 1 unit in average narrow money will affect positively hppi by+9.23E-07%

Model 2


As can be seen from table 3, this model explains a very high proportion of the variance which is 0.90.Moreover, all the variables of the model are highly signifi cant since all the p-values are smaller than the level of signifi cance considered (5%) .We can see that 1%increase in yields of national housing bonds will change+44.0%housing purchase price index.Similarly, 1%growth in monthly rent for housing will change by+349.1%hppi, which is not so obvious effect.Moreover, an increase of 1 unit in average narrow money will affect positively hppi by+110.1%.

3. Conclusion

The house purchase index is based on transactions involving conventional and conforming mortgagesonly on singlefamily properties that have been purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.It is a weighted, repeat-sales index, which means that it measures average price changes in repeat sales or fi nancings on the same properties.

Yields of national housing bonds, Monthly rent for housing and Average narrow money are good regressors of the house purchase price index.

After ran two models using the multiple regression model.Taking a log of every regressor and the dependent variable, an equation comes out the best fi t model of this problem.Using model 2, we can estimate the property cycles considering a bias within.Thus, using the model mentioned above, we can get a deeper understanding about the how the economical variables influence the property market and how the property cycles can be predicted in a econometrical way.

摘要:本文研究了经济环境的波动如何影响韩国不动产周期变化。首先, 本文界定了什么是不动产周期。研究了一些对不动产市场影响最大的经济变量。运用了多元线性回归模型和时间序列模型。本文收集了2000年一月至2013年一月的数据。运用计量分析方法, 本文达成了一个结论, 即上述经济变量与不动产周期之间有着显著的关系。



[1]“Introduction to Econometrics”James H.Stock Mark W.Watson

[2]“Introductory Econometrics”J.Wooldridge

幸运的副词英文单词 第9篇

Luckily, nothing valuable was stolen.


Luckily for us, the train was late.


The accident could have been much worse; luckily no harm was done.


Luckily I was feeling in a good mood.

越努力越幸运的英文名言 第10篇


2、If you have great talents, industry will improve it.; if you can be flat, industry will supply their deficiency.


3、The establishment of the socialist system to we opened a reach the ideal state of roads, and the ideal into reality needs to rely on our hard work.


4、Lazy hands to be poor; diligent, get rich


5、Genius is hard work, someone once said. If this is not entirely correct, at least it is to a great extent right.


6、A diligent person, although because of his hard work and damage to his spiritual insight or fresh and creative, but he still will be praised.


7、Any sudden inspiration in fact can not replace the long-term Kung fu. -- Luo Dan

任何倏忽的灵感事实上不能代替长期的功夫。 ——罗 丹

8、It conquers all. --Virgil

勤劳征服一切。 ——弗吉尔

9、The used key is the most bright.


10、The ant is the most industrious animal, but it most be scanty of words. -- Franklin

没有任何动物比蚂蚁更勤奋,然而它却最沉默寡言。 ——富兰克林

11、Laziness is a person will be buried alive. -- Taylor

懒惰等于将一个人活埋。 ——泰 勒

12、Efficiency comes from diligence. In shortage in the play ground transportation into Si, was destroyed by the idler. ——- Han Yu

业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思而毁于惰。 ——-韩愈

13、Don’t stop, because others will over you; don’t look back, so as not to fall down.


14、Lazy is a mother, she has a son: robbery, and a daughter: hunger. —— Hugo


15、No opportunity for the lazy, but diligence can make the most common variable opportunity opportunity. ——Martin Luther


16、Idle such as vinegar, can soften the spirit of the calcareous; diligent like alcohol, can burn the flame of wisdom.

幸运草的英文是什么 第11篇


Lucky Clover就是指那种很少见的四叶幸运草

六年级有关幸运的作文600字 第12篇






六年级有关幸运的作文600字 第13篇







有关越努力越幸运高二作文 第14篇























































