


er结尾的单词四年级 第1篇

beholder h. 目睹者

banister n. (楼梯的)栏杆

archer n. (运动或战争中的)弓箭手,射手

altorfer n. 阿尔托夫人

babbler n. 爱唠叨的人

bearer n. 搬运者

bargemaster n. 驳船主

catcher n. 捕手,捕捉的人,捕捉的事物

bookkeeper n. 簿记员

alder n. 赤杨

cashier n. 出纳;出纳员,收支员

biographer n. 传记作者

campaigner n. 从军者,出征者,竞选者

beaker n. 大酒杯,有倒口的烧杯

carver n. 雕刻匠,雕工,切肉刀

airliner n. 定期班机,客机

breaker n. 断路器

barrister n. 法庭律师,律师

breeder n. 繁殖的动物

breakwater n. 防波堤

caller n. 访客,召集员,传唤员

amplifier n. 放大器

brooder n. 孵卵器,沉思的人,默想的人

avenger n. 复仇者

binder n. 缚者,用以绑缚之物,夹器

artificer n. 工匠,巧匠

atelier n. 工作室,画室

burgher n. 公民,市民

adviser n. 顾问,指导教授,劝告者

bier n. 棺材

caretaker n. 管理人,看管者,看守人

buccaneer n. 海盗

beaver n. 海狸

bomber n. 轰炸机;投弹手;

amber n. 琥珀色

buffer n. 缓冲,缓冲区

backwater n. 回水处,回水;死水

assembler n. 汇编程序

cartographer n. 绘制地图者

brazier n. 火盆,黄铜匠

boarder n. 寄膳者,寄膳宿者

adulterer n. 奸夫

builder n. 建立者

barterer n. 交易商

beater n. 搅拌器

blubber n. 鲸脂,哭泣

boulder n. 巨石

caliber n. 口径,才干,器量

canker n. 溃疡,弊害

broiler n. 老爱吵架的人; 唆使他人争吵者

bower n. 凉亭,树荫下凉快之处

brigadier n. 陆军准将,准将

camper n. 露营者

auger n. 螺丝钻,钻孔机

buyer n. 买主,买方

canter n. 慢跑,流浪汉

adventurer n. 冒险家,投机者

beautifier n. 美化者

baker n. 面包师

batter n. 内倾,击球手

adder n. 欧洲产的小毒蛇,北美产的.无毒小蛇,

auctioneer n. 拍卖人

bladder n. 膀胱

atomizer n. 喷雾器,香水喷瓶

brewer n. 啤酒制造者,阴谋家

butler n. 仆役长

bumper n. 汽车前后的保险杆

antechamber n. 前堂,前厅,接待室

broker n. 掮客,经纪人

brier n. 蔷薇属植物

admirer n. 钦佩者,仰慕者,求爱者

arbiter n. 权威人士,泰斗

boxer n. 拳师

cadaver n. 尸体

almoner n. 施赈人员

burgomaster n. 市长

adapter n. 适配器,转换器

blister n. 水泡

astronomer n. 天文学家

caster n. 投手,(家具的)轮脚,调味瓶

bulldozer n. 推土机

besieger n. 围攻者,围攻军

blotter n. 吸墨纸,记事簿

bloodsucker n. 吸血动物,水蛭,剥削他人者

buckler n. 小圆盾,防卫物,防卫

believer n. 信徒

anther n. 雄蕊的花粉囊,花药

bookmaker n. 靴匠;制靴厂

calender n. 研光机

beekeeper n. 养蜂人

breadwinner n. 养家活口的人

accuser n. 原告,控诉者,非难者

amphitheater n. 圆形剧场,斗技场,似圆形剧场的处所

carter n. 运货马车夫

astrologer n. 占星家

bolster n. 枕垫v. 支持,鼓励

er结尾的单词四年级 第2篇

amplifier n. 放大器;

ancester n. 祖先;

anger n.发怒;

angler n.钓鱼者,钓鱼人;

announcer n.宣告者;播音员;

another adj.再一(个..);

answer vt.回答;响应;适应;

antechamber n. 前堂,前厅,接待室;

anther n. 雄蕊的.花粉囊,花药;

antler n.鹿角的一枝;

accouter vt. 供以服装,供以军用品,装备;

accuser n. 原告,控诉者,非难者;

er结尾的单词四年级 第3篇


作为一种传统的教学法, 它在如今的小学英语课堂中也占有一席之地。它强调用实物、图片、动作等直观手段进行外语教学, 使外语与客观事物之间建立直接的联系, 既符合小学生语言学习的特点, 又能提高他们的兴趣, 活跃课堂气氛, 吸引学生积极参与课堂教学, 并且由于只使用外语为教学语言, 使学生获得更多的语言输入。模仿正确的语音、语调有利于培养良好的语感, 这对于低年级小学生尤为重要。直接法强调听说领先, 读写跟上的原则, 遵循了语言学习的规律。


小学英语教学并不是孤立的, 它需要多种元素来充实课堂, 以提高学生学习效率。除了直接法, 听说法在课堂教学上同样具有一定的地位。听说法主张听说领先。以听说为主, 读写为辅。在学生打下一定的听说基础以后, 再进行读写教学, 使读写促进听说。它提倡反复操练, 形成习惯。但是听说法否认了人的认识的能动作用和智力在外语学习中的作用。过分重视机械性训练, 忽视了综合运用语言能力的培养, 过分重视语言的结构形式, 忽视了语言的内容与意义, 学生的读写能力较弱。


全身反应法现已被广大师生所接受理解, 并且很好地运用到了课堂中去, 取得较好的效果。全身反应法有以下的基本特点:第一通过教师发指令, 学生以身体动作对老师发出的指令做出反应, 在大量理解性的听的输入基础上培养学生说的能力, 进而培养读写技能;第二, 先听后说, 而且不要求学生听后立刻说, 从而减轻学生压力。一旦学生的听力理解有发展, 口头语言会自然产生;第三, 强调语言的意义, 而不是形式;第四, 以句子为教学的基本单位。由于儿童学母语是整句学的, 所以全身反应法将句子作为教学的基本单位。通过身体动作和其他直观手段创设语言情境, 既有利于学生理解和掌握语言, 又能活跃课堂教学气氛, 激发学生学习语言的兴趣。并且它强调学生学习语言的情感因素, 认为学习第二语言要尽量降低学生学习的焦虑感, 这同新课程中关注学生学习语言的情感态度所是相一致的。英语新课程标准在一、二级的目标描述中有大量的听一听、做一做的要求, 所以全身反应法至今在小学英语教学中有着广泛的使用。


任务型语言教学并不是全新的教学理念, 其核心思想是要模拟人们在社会、学校生活中所从事的各种各样有目的的活动, 把语言教学与学习者在今后日常生活中的语言应用结合起来。在任务型语言教学活动中, 学生注意力集中在语言所表达的意义上, 努力用自己所掌握的语言结构和词汇来表达自己的意思, 交换信息。这时他们的思维过程与集中在语言形式上的机械性练习是不同的。任务型语言教学有大家公认的一些特点:第一, 所谓任务首先关心的不是语言的形式, 关心的是语言的意义, 也就是所表达的意义、意思;第二, 在一般生活中会做些什么事情, 任务型教学就会模拟这些生活中的真实情景;第三, 关注的是能把任务完成。也就是说, 学生说出一句话来, 内容能不能表达正确, 能不能表达出想要表达的东西, 能不能表达出来想要了解的情况, 这是我们最关心的;第四, 这个任务做得好坏是要看它有没有一个结果, 也就是说是否做成了一件事情。这些特点表明任务型教学所要关注的是学生有意义有目的的活动, 是要做成一件事情, 是为了做成一件事情而进行活动, 而不仅仅是机械进行语言操练, 这是任务型语言教学的基本理念。

盐不仅仅是四字母的单词 第4篇

Scientists know it as sodium chloride[氯化钠,食盐]. We know it as salt.

You may think, salt is just a simple cooking element we shake on our food for a little extra taste. But salt is much more than that.

Without salt our muscles would not move. Our nervous systems would not operate. Our hearts would not beat. Salt means life.

But do not think rubbing salt in a wound will help. Doing that would be painful and not heal the wound. To rub salt in a wound is an idiom that means to purposefully make a bad situation worse. Early humans got the salt they needed to stay alive from the animals they killed. But advances in agriculture led to a diet low in salt. So, humans needed to find others’ sources.

Those who lived near the ocean or other natural sources for salt were lucky. Those who did not had to trade for salt. In fact, people used salt as a method of payment in many parts of the ancient world. The word “salary” comes from the word “salt.”

Salt also played an important part in population movement and world exploration. Explorers understood that if they could keep food fresh, they could travel longer distances. So they used salt to preserve food and explored the world.

Salt meant movement.

Salt also changed the way nations fought. With preserved food on ships, nations could sail to distant lands…and then attack them.

Salt meant power.

Salt was so important that, according to food historians, it was traded pound-for-pound for gold. Today, people still use the expressions to be worth one’s salt or worth one’s weight in salt. The expressions describe a person who is useful, a person of value.

A person might also be called salt of the earth. That description means he or she is dependable and trustworthy. The phrase comes from the Christian Bible. Jesus called his loyal group of followers—or disciples—the salt of the earth.

But one of these disciples was not so loyal. The disciple Judas betrayed Jesus. In his famous painting “The Last Supper,” Leonardo da Vinci shows Judas spilling a bowl of salt. Spilled salt is a sign of bad luck and trouble. And trouble is exactly what Judas gave Jesus.

Even today, some people throw salt over one shoulder if they spill it. They believe throwing salt behind them scares any devil that has been following them—or at least blinds it for a second while they run away.


But these stories about bad luck should be taken with a grain of salt. In other words, listen to a story or an explanation with suspicion and distrust.

But you don’t have to take the information you find on VOA Learning

English with a grain of salt. We do our research.

And this research led to some interesting facts about salt in other cultures and religions.

In 2200 BC, the Chinese emperor Xia Yu created one of the first known taxes. He taxed salt. And Egyptians preserved dead bodies with salt, creating mummies.

The Catholic Church uses salt in many of its rituals. Buddhists use salt to prevent evil. In Japan, the Shinto religion uses salt to clean an area of evil. In the U.S. Southwest, the Pueblo people worship the Salt Mother.

And in 1933, the Dalai Lama was buried sitting up in a bed of salt. Today in India, salt is still a symbol of good luck.

rub salt in the/a wound从公元前一世纪,人们就相信伤口的医治必须先将受伤处翻开清洗,然后再涂上药物,才能完全治愈。而盐具有消毒杀菌的功能,经常被用于治疗外伤,于是就有了rub salt in the wound这个成语。随着时间的推移,这个成语不再用于治疗方面,而是和汉语俗语“在伤口上撒盐”的意思一样,比喻刻意给人增加痛苦。

be worth one’s salt/ worth one’s weight in salt意思是胜任;称职。

salt of the earth 意思是社会中坚;优秀分子;民族精英;高尚的人。

spill salt 在英语世界里,打翻盐瓶子是非常不吉利的象征,所以spill salt就有了超越字面义的文化内涵,进而引申为“不吉利”的意思。

be taken with a grain of salt/take sth. with a grain of salt 是对某事有所保留、持怀疑态度的意思。

or和er结尾的单词 第5篇

abettor n. 唆使者

abhor v. 憎恨,嫌恶

accelerator n. 加速者,加速器,油门

accreditor 开信用证申请人(即买方)

actor n.男演员;演剧的人

administrator n. 管理人,行政官

aggressor n. 侵略者,侵略国,攻击者

agitator n. 煽动者

arbitrator n. 公断人

arbor n. 藤架,树,心轴,凉亭

ardor n. 热心;热情,狂热;激情

b结尾的单词四个字母 第6篇



第三人称单数: clubs复数: clubs现在分词: clubbing过去式: clubbed过去分词: clubbed


The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.


He believes he has the skills to take the club forward.


Women were only admitted into the club last year.


She is a life member of the club.
